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File metadata and controls

245 lines (183 loc) · 8.54 KB

Setting up a Dev Environment

To work in the framework itself you will need Python >= 3.8. Linting, testing, and docs automation is performed using tox, which you should install. For improved performance on the tests, ensure that you have PyYAML installed with the correct extensions:

apt-get install libyaml-dev
pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir pyyaml


The following are likely to be useful during development:

# Run linting and unit tests

# Run tests, specifying whole suite or specific files
tox -e unit
tox -e unit test/

# Format the code using isort and autopep8
tox -e fmt

# Generate a local copy of the Sphinx docs in docs/_build
tox -e docs

# run only tests matching a certain pattern
tox -e unit -- -k <pattern>

For more in depth debugging, you can enter any of tox's created virtualenvs provided they have been run at least once and do fun things - e.g. run pytest directly:

# Enter the linting virtualenv
source .tox/lint/bin/activate


# Enter the unit testing virtualenv and run tests
source .tox/unit/bin/activate

Pebble Tests

The framework has some tests that interact with a real/live Pebble server. To run these tests, you must have pebble installed and available in your path. If you have the Go toolchain installed, you can run go install This will install pebble to $GOBIN if it is set or $HOME/go/bin otherwise. Add $GOBIN to your path (e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN or export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin in your .bashrc) and you are ready to run the real Pebble tests:

tox -e pebble

To do this even more manually, you could start the Pebble server yourself:

export PEBBLE=$HOME/pebble
pebble run --create-dirs --http=:4000 &>pebble.log &

# Then
tox -e unit -- test/
# or
source .tox/unit/bin/activate
pytest -v test/

Using an ops branch in a charm

When making changes to ops, you'll commonly want to try those changes out in a charm.

From a Git branch

If your changes are in a Git branch, you can simply replace your ops version in requirements.txt (or pyproject.toml) with a reference to the branch, like:

#ops ~= 2.9

git is not normally available when charmcraft is packing the charm, so you'll need to also tell charmcraft that it's required for the build, by adding something like this to your charmcraft.yaml:

      - git

From local code

If your changes are only on your local device, you can inject your local ops into the charm after it has packed, and before you deploy it, by unzipping the .charm file and replacing the ops folder in the virtualenv. This small script will handle that for you:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]
	echo "Inject local copy of Python Operator Framework source into charm"
    echo "usage: file.charm /path/to/ops/dir" >&2
    exit 1

if [ ! -f "$2/" ]; then
    echo "$2/ not found; arg 2 should be path to 'ops' directory"
    exit 1

set -ex

mkdir inject-ops-tmp
unzip -q $1 -d inject-ops-tmp
rm -rf inject-ops-tmp/venv/ops
cp -r $2 inject-ops-tmp/venv/ops
cd inject-ops-tmp
zip -q -r ../inject-ops-new.charm .
cd ..
rm -rf inject-ops-tmp
rm $1
mv inject-ops-new.charm $1

Using a Juju branch

If your ops change relies on a change in a Juju branch, you'll need to deploy your charm to a controller using that version of Juju. For example, with microk8s:

  1. Build Juju and its dependencies
  2. Run make microk8s-operator-update
  3. Run GOBIN=/path/to/your/juju/_build/linux_amd64/bin:$GOBIN /path/to/your/juju bootstrap
  4. Add a model and deploy your charm as normal


In general, new functionality should always be accompanied by user-focused documentation that is posted to The content for this site is written and hosted on New documentation should get a new topic/post on this Discourse forum and then should be linked into the main docs navigation page(s) as appropriate. The ops library's SDK page content is pulled from the corresponding Discourse topic. Each page on has a link at the bottom that takes you to the corresponding Discourse page where docs can be commented on and edited (if you have earned those privileges).

The ops library's API reference is automatically built and published to Please be complete with docstrings and keep them informative for users.

Currently we don't publish separate versions of documentation for separate releases. Instead, new features should be sign-posted (for example, as done for File and directory existence in 1.4) with Markdown like this:

[note status="version"]1.4[/note]

next to the relevant content (e.g. headings, etc.).

Noteworthy changes should also get a new entry in

As noted above, you can generate a local copy of the API reference docs with tox:

tox -e docs
open docs/_build/html/index.html


The Python dependencies of ops are kept as minimal as possible, to avoid bloat and to minimise conflict with the charm's dependencies. The dependencies are listed in pyproject.toml in the project.dependencies section.

Dev Tools

Formatting and Checking

Test environments are managed with tox and executed with pytest, with coverage measured by coverage. Static type checking is done using pyright, and extends the Python 3.8 type hinting support through the typing_extensions package.

Formatting uses isort and autopep8, with linting also using flake8, including the docstrings, builtins and pep8-naming extensions.

All tool configuration is kept in project.toml. The list of dependencies can be found in the relevant tox.ini environment deps field.


The build backend is setuptools, and the build frontend is build.

Publishing a Release

To make a release of the ops library, do the following:

  1. Open a PR to change [][ops/]'s version to the appropriate string, and get that merged to main.
  2. Visit the releases page on GitHub.
  3. Click "Draft a new release"
  4. The "Release Title" is simply the full version number, in the form .. and a brief summary of the main changes in the release E.g. 2.3.12 Bug fixes for the Juju foobar feature when using Python 3.12
  5. Drop notes and a changelog in the description.
  6. When you are ready, click "Publish". (If you are not ready, click "Save as Draft".) Wait for the new version to be published successfully to the PyPI project.
  7. Open a PR to change [][ops/]'s version to the expected next version, with "+dev" appended (for example, if 3.14.1 is the next expected version, use '3.14.1.dev0').

This will trigger an automatic build for the Python package and publish it to PyPI (authorization is handled via a Trusted Publisher relationship).

See .github/workflows/publish.yml for details. (Note that the versions in publish.yml refer to versions of the GitHub actions, not the versions of the ops library.)

You can troubleshoot errors on the Actions Tab.

Announce the release on Discourse and Matrix