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Swift Package Manager SmartSpectra SDK Integration Guide

This provides instructions for integrating and utilizing the Presage SmartSpectra SDK for Swift Package Manager (SPM) publicly hosted at SmartSpectra-iOS SDK to measure physiology metrics from a 30 second measurement using the mobile device's camera.

The app contained in this repo is an example of using the SmartSpectra SDK and should run out of the box after adding SmartSpectra-iOS SDK and adding an API key.

Table of Contents


  • iOS 15.0 or later
  • Xcode 15.0 or later
  • Not usable with emulators or the Xcode simulator


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager (SPM) is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It automates the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

To add SmartSpectra iOS SDK as a dependency to your Xcode project using SPM, follow either of these two sets of steps within Xcode:

  • Method 1: Go to File -> "Add Package Dependencies..." In the "Search or Enter Package URL" field, enter the URL "" For the "Dependency Rule," select "Branch" and then "main." For "Add to Target," select your project.

  • Method 2: Open your project in Xcode. Select your project in the Project Navigator, then click on the project in the Project/Targets Pane. Go to the Package Dependencies Tab, then click the "+" button     - Note: Some Version of Xcode Navigate to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency Paste the repository URL for SmartSpectra iOS SDK in the search bar and press Enter. URL is Select Add Package

Note: Select feat/60_second_sdk for the branch if wanting 60 second measurements.


You'll need an API key to use the SmartSpectra iOS SDK. You can register for an account and obtain an API key at In this example usage repo look for the SmartSpectraButtonView(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE") line of ContentView.swift for location to add your key.


Example Code

Please refer to ContentView.swift for example usage and plotting of a pulse pleth waveform and breathing waveform.

  • Note: to use this example repo make sure to under "Signing and Capabilities" of Targets "Test SmartSpectra" to set:
    • Team: Your desired developer profile
    • Bundle Identifier: Your desired bundle identifier such as: com.johnsmith.smartspectratest
    • If you are not a registered developer for the App Store follow the prompt to navigate to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management, then select your developer App certificate to trust it on your iOS device.

Integrate the SmartSpectra Button View, add api key, and configure sdk parameters

You need to integrate the SmartSpectraButtonView into your app which is a button that allows the user to conduct a measurement and compute physiology metrics. Here's a simple example using SwiftUI:

Note you need to ender your API key string at "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE". Optionally, you can also configure spot duration, whether to show frame per second (fps) during screening the measurement in the user's device.

import SwiftUI
import SmartSpectraIosSDK

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
      SmartSpectraButtonView(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
         .task {
            // Configure sdk parameters
            // valid range for spot duration is between 20.0 and 120.0

Displaying Strict Breathing Rate and Pulse Rate Values

You can display the strict breathing rate and pulse rate which is the average of only the high confidence breathing rate and pulse rate values over the 30 second measurement by adding the following to your view:


Displaying face mesh points

You can display the face mesh points by following the example in ContentView.swift

if !sdk.meshPoints.isEmpty {
   // Visual representation of mesh points
   GeometryReader { geometry in
         ZStack {
            ForEach(Array(sdk.meshPoints.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { index, point in
                     .frame(width: 3, height: 3)
                     .position(x: CGFloat(point.x) * geometry.size.width / 1280.0,
                           y: CGFloat(point.y) * geometry.size.height / 1280.0)
   .frame(width: 400, height: 400) // Adjust the height as needed

Since the mesh points are published you can also use combine to subscribe to the mesh points to add a custom callback to further process the mesh points.

Extracting Metrics Data

To extract metrics data from the SDK import the following into your content view:

@ObservedObject var sdk = SmartSpectraIosSDK.shared

SmartSpectraIosSDK.shared has 13 observable objects:

Result Key Value Type Description
sdk.strictPulseRate (Double) The strict pulse rate (high confidence average over spot duration)
sdk.strictBreathingRate (Double) The strict breathing rate (high confidence average over spot duration)
sdk.pulseValues [(time: Double, value: Double)] Pulse rates
sdk.pulseConfidence [(time: Double, value: Double)] Pulse rate confidences
sdk.pulsePleth [(time: Double, value: Double)] Pulse waveform or pleth
sdk.hrv [(time: Double, value: Double)] Pulse rate variability (RMSSD) (Requires 60+ second Spot Duration)
sdk.breathingValues [(time: Double, value: Double)] Breathing rates
sdk.breathingPleth [(time: Double, value: Double)] Breathing movement waveform or pleth
sdk.breathingAmplitude [(time: Double, value: Double)] Breathing rate confidences
sdk.apnea [(time: Double, value: Bool)] Apnea detection
sdk.breathingBaseline [(time: Double, value: Double)] Breathing baseline
sdk.phasic [(time: Double, value: Double)] Phasic (ie changes in relative blood pressure)
sdk.rrl [(time: Double, value: Double)] Respiratory line length [(time: Double, value: Double)] The inhale exhale ratio
sdk.uploadDate (String) upload date time
sdk.version (String) the version of API used
sdk.userID (String) the user ID

Device Orientation

We do not recommend landscape support. We recommend removing the "Landscape Left," "Landscape Right," and "Portrait Upside Down" modes from your supported interface orientations.


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