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Merge pull request #438 from RConsortium/new-constructor-defaults
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Updates to default constructor
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t-kalinowski authored Sep 12, 2024
2 parents a4e8835 + 9cfbd6e commit f1cb93c
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Showing 20 changed files with 339 additions and 120 deletions.
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# S7 (development version)

* The default object constructor returned by `new_class()` has been updated.
It now accepts missing and lazy (promise) property defaults. Additionally,
all custom property setters are now consistently invoked by the default
constructor. If you're using S7 in an R package, you'll need to re-document
to ensure that your docs match the updated usage (#438).

* Fixed an issue where a custom property `getter()` would infinitely recurse
when accessing itself (reported in #403, fixed in #406).

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/aaa.R
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`%||%` <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x

new_function <- function(args = NULL,
body = NULL,
env = asNamespace("S7")) {
as.function.default(c(args, body) %||% list(NULL), env)
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions R/base.R
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@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
new_base_class <- function(name, constructor_name = name) {

constructor <- function(.data = class_missing) {
if (is_class_missing(.data)) {
.data <- base_default(name)
constructor <- new_function(
args = list(.data = base_default(name)),
body = quote(.data),
env = baseenv()

validator <- function(object) {
if (base_class(object) != name) {
sprintf("Underlying data must be <%s> not <%s>", name, base_class(object))
sprintf("Underlying data must be <%s> not <%s>",
name, base_class(object))

Expand All @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ base_default <- function(type) {
list = list(),
expression = expression(),

`function` = function() {},
environment = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
`function` = quote(function() {}),
environment = quote(new.env(parent = emptyenv()))

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78 changes: 66 additions & 12 deletions R/class-spec.R
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Expand Up @@ -80,21 +80,75 @@ class_friendly <- function(x) {

class_constructor <- function(.x, ...) {
class_construct <- function(.x, ...) {
eval(class_construct_expr(.x, ...))

class_construct_expr <- function(.x, ...) {
f <- class_constructor(.x)
# If the constructor is a closure wrapping a simple expression, try
# to extract the expression
# (mostly for nicer printing and introspection.)

## early return if not safe to unwrap
# can't unwrap if we're passing on ...
if(...length()) {
return(, ...)))

# can't unwrap if the closure is potentially important
# (this can probably be relaxed to allow additional environments)
fe <- environment(f)
if(!identical(fe, baseenv())) {
return(, ...)))

# special case for `class_missing`
if (identical(body(f) -> fb, quote(expr =))) {
return(quote(expr =))

# `new_object()` must be called from the class constructor, can't
# be safely unwrapped
if("new_object" %in% all.names(fb)) {
return(, ...)))

# maybe unwrap body if it is a single expression wrapped in `{`
if (length(fb) == 2L && identical(fb[[1L]], quote(`{`)))
fb <- fb[[2L]]

# If all the all the work happens in the promise to the `.data` arg,
# return the `.data` expression.
ff <- formals(f)
if ((identical(fb, quote(.data))) &&
identical(names(ff), ".data")) {

# if all the work happens in the function body, return the body.
if (is.null(ff)) {

#else, return a call to the constructor, ...))

class_constructor <- function(.x) {
NULL = function() NULL,
any = function() NULL,
S4 = function(...) methods::new(.x, ...),
S7 = .x,
S7_base = .x$constructor,
S7_union = class_constructor(.x$classes[[1]]),
S7_S3 = .x$constructor,
stop(sprintf("Can't construct %s", class_friendly(.x)), call. = FALSE)
NULL = function() NULL,
missing = new_function(, quote(expr =), baseenv()),
any = function() NULL,
S4 = function(...) methods::new(.x, ...),
S7 = .x,
S7_base = .x$constructor,
S7_union = class_constructor(.x$classes[[1]]),
S7_S3 = .x$constructor,
stop(sprintf("Can't construct %s", class_friendly(.x)), call. = FALSE)
class_construct <- function(.x, ...) {

class_validate <- function(class, object) {
validator <- switch(class_type(class),
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14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions R/class.R
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Expand Up @@ -260,17 +260,9 @@ new_object <- function(.parent, ...) {
attr(object, "S7_class") <- class
class(object) <- class_dispatch(class)

supplied_props <- nms[!vlapply(args, is_class_missing)]
for (prop in supplied_props) {
prop(object, prop, check = FALSE) <- args[[prop]]

# We have to fill in missing values after setting the initial properties,
# because custom setters might set property values
missing_props <- setdiff(nms, union(supplied_props, names(attributes(object))))
for (prop in missing_props) {
prop(object, prop, check = FALSE) <- prop_default(class@properties[[prop]])
# Set properties. This will potentially invoke custom property setters
for (name in names(args))
prop(object, name, check = FALSE) <- args[[name]]

# Don't need to validate if parent class already validated,
# i.e. it's a non-abstract S7 class
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42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions R/constructor.R
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@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
new_constructor <- function(parent, properties) {
properties <- as_properties(properties)
arg_info <- constructor_args(parent, properties)
self_args <- as_names(arg_info$self, named = TRUE)
self_args <- as_names(names(arg_info$self), named = TRUE)

if (identical(parent, S7_object) || (is_class(parent) && parent@abstract)) {
args = missing_args(arg_info$self),
args = arg_info$self,
body = new_call("new_object", c(list(quote(S7_object())), self_args)),
env = asNamespace("S7")
Expand All @@ -13,16 +14,16 @@ new_constructor <- function(parent, properties) {
if (is_class(parent)) {
parent_name <- parent@name
parent_fun <- parent
args <- missing_args(union(arg_info$parent, arg_info$self))
args <- modify_list(arg_info$parent, arg_info$self)
} else if (is_base_class(parent)) {
parent_name <- parent$constructor_name
parent_fun <- parent$constructor
args <- missing_args(union(arg_info$parent, arg_info$self))
args <- modify_list(arg_info$parent, arg_info$self)
} else if (is_S3_class(parent)) {
parent_name <- paste0("new_", parent$class[[1]])
parent_fun <- parent$constructor
args <- formals(parent$constructor)
args[arg_info$self] <- missing_args(arg_info$self)
args[names(arg_info$self)] <- arg_info$self
} else {
# user facing error in S7_class()
stop("Unsupported `parent` type", call. = FALSE)
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ new_constructor <- function(parent, properties) {
args[names(args) == "..."] <- list(quote(expr = ))

parent_args <- as_names(arg_info$parent, named = TRUE)
parent_args <- as_names(names(arg_info$parent), named = TRUE)
names(parent_args)[names(parent_args) == "..."] <- ""
parent_call <- new_call(parent_name, parent_args)
body <- new_call("new_object", c(parent_call, self_args))

Expand All @@ -44,34 +46,32 @@ new_constructor <- function(parent, properties) {

constructor_args <- function(parent, properties = list()) {
parent_args <- names2(formals(class_constructor(parent)))
parent_args <- formals(class_constructor(parent))

self_args <- names2(properties)
self_arg_nms <- names2(properties)
# Remove dynamic arguments
self_args <- self_args[vlapply(properties, function(x) is.null(x$getter))]
self_arg_nms <- self_arg_nms[vlapply(properties, function(x) is.null(x$getter))]

if (is_class(parent) && !parent@abstract) {
# Remove any parent properties; can't use parent_args() since the constructor
# might automatically set some properties.
self_args <- setdiff(self_args, names2(parent@properties))
self_arg_nms <- setdiff(self_arg_nms, names2(parent@properties))

parent = parent_args,
self = self_args
self_args <- as.pairlist(lapply(
setNames(, self_arg_nms),
function(name) prop_default(properties[[name]]))

list(parent = parent_args,
self = self_args)

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

new_function <- function(args, body, env) {
f <- function() {}
formals(f) <- args
body(f) <- body
environment(f) <- env
attr(f, "srcref") <- NULL
is_property_dynamic <- function(x) is.function(x$getter)

missing_args <- function(names) {
lapply(setNames(, names), function(i) quote(class_missing))
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43 changes: 37 additions & 6 deletions R/property.R
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#' By specifying a `getter` and/or `setter`, you can make the property
#' "dynamic" so that it's computed when accessed or has some non-standard
#' behaviour when modified.
#' behaviour when modified. Dynamic properties are not included as an argument
#' to the default class constructor.
#' @param class Class that the property must be an instance of.
#' See [as_class()] for details.
Expand All @@ -31,8 +32,10 @@
#' The validator will be called after the `class` has been verified, so
#' your code can assume that `value` has known type.
#' @param default When an object is created and the property is not supplied,
#' what should it default to? If `NULL`, defaults to the "empty" instance
#' of `class`.
#' what should it default to? If `NULL`, it defaults to the "empty" instance
#' of `class`. This can also be a quoted call, which then becomes a standard
#' function promise in the default constructor, evaluated at the time the
#' object is constructed.
#' @param name Property name, primarily used for error messages. Generally
#' don't need to set this here, as it's more convenient to supply as a
#' the element name when defining a list of properties. If both `name`
Expand All @@ -59,9 +62,14 @@
#' my_clock <- clock()
#' my_clock@now; Sys.sleep(1)
#' my_clock@now
#' # This property is read only
#' # This property is read only, because there is a 'getter' but not a 'setter'
#' try(my_clock@now <- 10)
#' # Because the property is dynamic, it is not included as an
#' # argument to the default constructor
#' try(clock(now = 10))
#' args(clock)
#' # These can be useful if you want to deprecate a property
#' person <- new_class("person", properties = list(
#' first_name = class_character,
Expand All @@ -81,14 +89,37 @@
#' hadley@firstName
#' hadley@firstName <- "John"
#' hadley@first_name
#' # Properties can have default values that are quoted calls.
#' # These become standard function promises in the default constructor,
#' # evaluated at the time the object is constructed.
#' stopwatch <- new_class("stopwatch", properties = list(
#' starttime = new_property(class = class_POSIXct, default = quote(Sys.time())),
#' totaltime = new_property(getter = function(self)
#' difftime(Sys.time(), self@starttime, units = "secs"))
#' ))
#' args(stopwatch)
#' round(stopwatch()@totaltime)
#' round(stopwatch(Sys.time() - 1)@totaltime)
#' # Properties can also have a 'missing' default value, making them
#' # required arguments to the default constructor.
#' # You can generate a missing arg with `quote(expr =)` or `rlang::missing_arg()`
#' Person <- new_class("Person", properties = list(
#' name = new_property(class_character, default = quote(expr = ))
#' ))
#' try(Person())
#' Person("Alice")
new_property <- function(class = class_any,
getter = NULL,
setter = NULL,
validator = NULL,
default = NULL,
name = NULL) {
class <- as_class(class)
if (!is.null(default) && !class_inherits(default, class)) {
if (!is.null(default) &&
!( || is.symbol(default)) && # allow promises
!class_inherits(default, class)) {
msg <- sprintf("`default` must be an instance of %s, not a %s", class_desc(class), obj_desc(default))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +162,7 @@ str.S7_property <- function(object, ..., nest.lev = 0) {

prop_default <- function(prop) {
prop$default %||% class_construct(prop$class)
prop$default %||% class_construct_expr(prop$class)

#' Get/set a property
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/special.R
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#' @examples
#' foo <- new_generic("foo", "x")
#' method(foo, class_numeric) <- function(x) "number"
#' method(foo, class_missing) <- function(x) "missing"
#' method(foo, class_any) <- function(x) "fallback"
#' foo(1)
#' foo()
#' foo("")
class_missing <- structure(list(), class = "S7_missing")

is_class_missing <- function(x) inherits(x, "S7_missing")
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