HIP can be installed on AMD (ROCm with HIP-Clang) and NVIDIA (CUDA with NVCC) platforms.
The version definition for the HIP runtime is different from CUDA. On AMD platforms, the :cpp:func:`hipRuntimeGetVersion` function returns the HIP runtime version. On NVIDIA platforms, this function returns the CUDA runtime version.
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: AMD :sync: amd Refer to the Prerequisites section in the ROCm install guides: * :doc:`rocm-install-on-linux:reference/system-requirements` * :doc:`rocm-install-on-windows:reference/system-requirements` .. tab-item:: NVIDIA :sync: nvidia With NVIDIA GPUs, HIP requires unified memory. All CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability 5.0 or later should be supported. For more information, see `NVIDIA's list of CUDA enabled GPUs <https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus>`_.
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: AMD :sync: amd HIP is automatically installed during the ROCm installation. If you haven't yet installed ROCm, you can find installation instructions here: * :doc:`rocm-install-on-linux:index` * :doc:`rocm-install-on-windows:index` By default, HIP is installed into ``/opt/rocm``. .. note:: There is no autodetection for the HIP installation. If you choose to install it somewhere other than the default location, you must set the ``HIP_PATH`` environment variable as explained in `Build HIP from source <./build.html>`_. .. tab-item:: NVIDIA :sync: nvidia #. Install the NVIDIA toolkit. The latest release can be found here: `CUDA Toolkit <https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads>`_. #. Setup the radeon repo. .. code-block::shell # Replace url with appropriate link in the table below wget https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.2/distro/version_name/amdgpu-install_6.2.60200-1_all.deb sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_6.2.60200-1_all.deb sudo apt update .. list-table:: amdgpu-install links :widths: 25 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Ubuntu version - URL * - 24.04 - https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.2.4/ubuntu/noble/amdgpu-install_6.2.60204-1_all.deb * - 22.04 - https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.2.4/ubuntu/jammy/amdgpu-install_6.2.60204-1_all.deb #. Install the ``hip-runtime-nvidia`` and ``hip-dev`` packages. This installs the CUDA SDK and HIP porting layer. .. code-block:: shell apt-get install hip-runtime-nvidia hip-dev The default paths are: * CUDA SDK: ``/usr/local/cuda`` * HIP: ``/opt/rocm`` #. Set the HIP_PLATFORM to nvidia. .. code-block:: shell export HIP_PLATFORM="nvidia"
Run hipconfig
in your installation path.
/opt/rocm/bin/hipconfig --full