This repository contains an open-source resting state task implemented in jsPsych that can be run from the browser:
No installation required! You can run it directly out-of-the box using the following link.
If you want to run it locally (e.g., to customize it):
- download the whole repository
- Unzip it
- Open
in a web browser (e.g., in Chrome).
You can also edit the html file (e.g., using notepad), as well as the RestingState.js file to easily customize things like the duration, etc.
- Eyes-closed
- Minimize eyes-related artifacts for EEG
- Increase participant's comfort
- 8 min
- Long-enough to reliably capture multimodal features
- Can skip for testing purposes it by pressing
- Customizable duration
- Standardized post resting-state assessment
- Using the ARSQ (Diaz et al., 2014)
- 21 questions, 7 dimensions (+ 2 manipulation check items)
- Customizable trigger for photosensor (to mark events in EEG / bio devices)
- An R function to preprocess and tidy-up the data
- Load the function directly from the internet:
- Run it on the JSON file saved at the end of the task
- Enjoy clean data
- Webcam recording
- Activate webcam recording by setting
record_webcam = true
- Activate webcam recording by setting
- Community-driven state of the art
- If you have any remarks, opinions or thoughts about possible improvements, please contribute by opening an issue and letting us know what you think!
- Makowski, D., & Te, A. S. (2022). A Replicable Resting State Task [Computer software].
- TODO: Review arguments in favour / against.
- TODO: Arguments for given duration
- TODO: Study about HRV + EEG Complexity + EEG Frequency indices stability
Different questionnaires were used to assess subjective experiences and inner thoughts during resting state to potentially explore how it relates to brain and bodily activity.
- Amsterdam Resting State Questionnaire 2.0 (ARSQ)
- Short version with 3 items per scale (total items = 21)
- We didn't keep the "new" factors to keep it short (it seems like they capture relatively less important and stable aspects of RS). However, if need be, these dimensions can be added by simply uncommenting them in the file.
Pipinis et al. (2016) showed associations between microstate B and Comfort, and microstate C and Somatic Awareness (SA).