– See /home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/src/TeleHash/Utils.hs.2014-04-03T13:03:21+0200 renaming HashContainer to HashCrypto at (97,11)
(1137,7) rename mpath to path send mpath msg mto = do [Just /home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/htelehash.cabal]) Refactoring failed: “attempting to use module `main:TeleHash.Crypto1a’ (/home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/src/TeleHash/Crypto1a.hs) which is not loaded
alanz@alanz-laptop:~/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash$ ghc-hare -v rename ./src/TeleHash/Switch.hs path 1137 7 initGhcSession:targets=([“TeleHash.Switch”,”TeleHash.Utils”,”TeleHash.Crypto1a”,”TeleHash.Packet”],[”home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash./ping.hs”],[],[]) initGhcSession:(libTgts,exeTgts)=([“TeleHash.Switch”,”TeleHash.Utils”,”TeleHash.Crypto1a”,”TeleHash.Packet”],[”home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash./ping.hs”]) Renaming.comp: (fileName,newName,(row,col))=(“./src/TeleHash/Switch.hs”,”path”,(1137,7)) activateModule:([“/home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/ping.hs”],TeleHash.Switch) ensureTargetLoaded: loading:[“/home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/ping.hs”] (error “attempting to use module `main:TeleHash.Crypto1a’ (/home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/src/TeleHash/Crypto1a.hs) which is not loaded\n”[Just “/home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/htelehash/htelehash.cabal”])
root cause is program cannot load due to syntax errors. Provide decent error reporting
e.g.for lifting ‘uses’ in MoveDef.hs line 1374 now complains about requiring an existential type.
- Consider offering a version that does the lift but comments out the proposed signature
State that refactoring may only affect current flags code, not others.
add more granularity on logging control, e.g wether to show tokens while working, whether to dump initial AST
[2013-09-09 Mon]
see http://parenz.wordpress.com/2013/07/23/on-custom-error-handlers-for-ghc-api/
<chrisdone> 1) extraction: from f x y = … → (\x y -> …) or <chrisdone> 2) expansion: from g = f a b → f = (\x y -> ) a b <chrisdone> er <chrisdone> 2) expansion: from g = f a b → g = (\x y -> ) a b
[2013-07-11 Thu] file:.//src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::– TODO: check that the components are in range [2013-07-11 Thu] file:.//src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::then – TODO: This should be in splitSubToks [2013-07-11 Thu] file:.//src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::egs = (0,0) – TODO: calculate this [2013-07-11 Thu] file:./src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::– TODO: ignoring comment boundaries to start [2013-07-11 Thu] file:.//src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::– TODO: use actual first and last toks, may be comments [2013-07-11 Thu] file:./src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::– TODO: what about deletion within a line? [2013-07-11 Thu] file:./src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TokenUtils.hs::– TODO: This looks like a no-op?[2013-07-20 Sat] file:~/mysrc/github/alanz/HaRe/elisp/hare.el::TODO: move this test into hare-refactor-command
[2013-07-23 Tue] file:~/mysrc/github/alanz/HaRe/src/Language/Haskell/Refact/SwapArgs.hs::module Language.Haskell.Refact.SwapArgs (swapArgs) where
Consider using a generic zipper, and UpUntil to find the nearest enclosing SrcSpan
Seems the problem is that the existing spans may have been modified. So, drill down into the token tree to the closest enclosing span, and use the toks from that.
No. Problem is that we are trying to work with a type declaration, it is in a different place in the RenamedSourcs, so getSrcSpan returns wrong point. [2013-07-23 Tue] file:~/mysrc/github/alanz/HaRe/src/Language/Haskell/Refact/Utils/TypeUtils.hs::logm $ “renamePN:***ERROR**:do not use getSrcSpan”
[2013-07-31 Wed] file:~/mysrc/github/erudify/colog/colog.cabal::cmdtheline >= 0.2 && < 0.2.2,