diff --git a/LiteNetLib/NetManager.cs b/LiteNetLib/NetManager.cs
index 873fed7b..9a452619 100644
--- a/LiteNetLib/NetManager.cs
+++ b/LiteNetLib/NetManager.cs
@@ -505,7 +505,8 @@ internal int SendRaw(byte[] message, int start, int length, IPEndPoint remoteEnd
case SocketError.HostUnreachable:
case SocketError.NetworkUnreachable:
- if (DisconnectOnUnreachable && TryGetPeer(remoteEndPoint, out var fromPeer))
+ NetPeer fromPeer;
+ if (DisconnectOnUnreachable && TryGetPeer(remoteEndPoint, out fromPeer))
diff --git a/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.dll b/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.dll
index 5190cb7c..17ca8ee9 100644
Binary files a/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.dll and b/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.dll differ
diff --git a/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.xml b/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.xml
index e4671515..9a53889d 100644
--- a/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.xml
+++ b/LiteNetLibSampleUnity/Assets/LiteNetLib.xml
@@ -295,6 +295,11 @@
First peer. Useful for Client mode
+ Disconnect peers if HostUnreachable or NetworkUnreachable spawned (old behaviour 0.9.x was true)
QoS channel count per message type (value must be between 1 and 64 channels)
@@ -577,4 +582,795 @@
Force closes connection and stop all threads.
+ Force closes connection and stop all threads.
+ Send disconnect messages
+ Return peers count with connection state
+ peer connection state (you can use as bit flags)
+ peers count
+ Get copy of peers (without allocations)
+ List that will contain result
+ State of peers
+ Disconnect all peers without any additional data
+ Disconnect all peers with shutdown message
+ Data to send (must be less or equal MTU)
+ Data start
+ Data count
+ Immediately disconnect peer from server without additional data
+ peer to disconnect
+ Disconnect peer from server
+ peer to disconnect
+ Disconnect peer from server and send additional data (Size must be less or equal MTU - 8)
+ peer to disconnect
+ additional data
+ Disconnect peer from server and send additional data (Size must be less or equal MTU - 8)
+ peer to disconnect
+ additional data
+ Disconnect peer from server and send additional data (Size must be less or equal MTU - 8)
+ peer to disconnect
+ additional data
+ data start
+ data length
+ Create the requests for NTP server
+ NTP Server address.
+ Create the requests for NTP server
+ NTP Server address.
+ port
+ Create the requests for NTP server (default port)
+ NTP Server address.
+ Peer connection state
+ Network peer. Main purpose is sending messages to specific peer.
+ Peer ip address and port
+ Peer parent NetManager
+ Current connection state
+ Connection time for internal purposes
+ Peer id can be used as key in your dictionary of peers
+ Current ping in milliseconds
+ Current MTU - Maximum Transfer Unit ( maximum udp packet size without fragmentation )
+ Delta with remote time in ticks (not accurate)
+ positive - remote time > our time
+ Remote UTC time (not accurate)
+ Time since last packet received (including internal library packets)
+ Application defined object containing data about the connection
+ Statistics of peer connection
+ Returns packets count in queue for reliable channel
+ number of channel 0-63
+ type of channel ReliableOrdered or ReliableUnordered
+ packets count in channel queue
+ Gets maximum size of packet that will be not fragmented.
+ Type of packet that you want send
+ size in bytes
+ Send data to peer with delivery event called
+ Data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent
+ If you trying to send unreliable packet type
+ Send data to peer with delivery event called
+ Data
+ Start of data
+ Length of data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent
+ If you trying to send unreliable packet type
+ Send data to peer with delivery event called
+ Data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ User data that will be received in DeliveryEvent
+ If you trying to send unreliable packet type
+ Send data to peer (channel - 0)
+ Data
+ Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Send data to peer (channel - 0)
+ DataWriter with data
+ Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Send data to peer (channel - 0)
+ Data
+ Start of data
+ Length of data
+ Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Send data to peer
+ Data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Send data to peer
+ DataWriter with data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Send options (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Send data to peer
+ Data
+ Start of data
+ Length of data
+ Number of channel (from 0 to channelsCount - 1)
+ Delivery method (reliable, unreliable, etc.)
+ If size exceeds maximum limit:
+ MTU - headerSize bytes for Unreliable
+ Fragment count exceeded ushort.MaxValue
+ Address type that you want to receive from NetUtils.GetLocalIp method
+ Some specific network utilities
+ Get all local ip addresses
+ type of address (IPv4, IPv6 or both)
+ List with all local ip addresses
+ Get all local ip addresses (non alloc version)
+ result list
+ type of address (IPv4, IPv6 or both)
+ Get first detected local ip address
+ type of address (IPv4, IPv6 or both)
+ IP address if available. Else - string.Empty
+ Compute CRC32C for data
+ input data
+ offset
+ length
+ CRC32C checksum
+ Creates NetDataWriter from existing ByteArray
+ Source byte array
+ Copy array to new location or use existing
+ Creates NetDataWriter from existing ByteArray (always copied data)
+ Source byte array
+ Offset of array
+ Length of array
+ Sets position of NetDataWriter to rewrite previous values
+ new byte position
+ previous position of data writer
+ Register nested property type
+ INetSerializable structure
+ Register nested property type
+ Register nested property type
+ INetSerializable class
+ Reads all available data from NetDataReader and calls OnReceive delegates
+ NetDataReader with packets data
+ Reads all available data from NetDataReader and calls OnReceive delegates
+ NetDataReader with packets data
+ Argument that passed to OnReceivedEvent
+ Malformed packet
+ Reads one packet from NetDataReader and calls OnReceive delegate
+ NetDataReader with packet
+ Malformed packet
+ Reads one packet from NetDataReader and calls OnReceive delegate
+ NetDataReader with packet
+ Argument that passed to OnReceivedEvent
+ Malformed packet
+ Register and subscribe to packet receive event
+ event that will be called when packet deserialized with ReadPacket method
+ Method that constructs packet instead of slow Activator.CreateInstance
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Register and subscribe to packet receive event (with userData)
+ event that will be called when packet deserialized with ReadPacket method
+ Method that constructs packet instead of slow Activator.CreateInstance
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Register and subscribe to packet receive event
+ This method will overwrite last received packet class on receive (less garbage)
+ event that will be called when packet deserialized with ReadPacket method
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Register and subscribe to packet receive event
+ This method will overwrite last received packet class on receive (less garbage)
+ event that will be called when packet deserialized with ReadPacket method
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Remove any subscriptions by type
+ Packet type
+ true if remove is success
+ Register custom property type
+ INetSerializable structure
+ Register custom property type
+ INetSerializable class
+ Register custom property type
+ Any packet
+ custom type writer
+ custom type reader
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Reads packet with known type
+ NetDataReader with packet
+ Returns packet if packet in reader is matched type
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Reads packet with known type (non alloc variant)
+ NetDataReader with packet
+ Deserialization target
+ Returns true if packet in reader is matched type
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Serialize object to NetDataWriter (fast)
+ Serialization target NetDataWriter
+ Object to serialize
+ 's fields are not supported, or it has no fields
+ Serialize object to byte array
+ Object to serialize
+ byte array with serialized data
+ Represents RFC4330 SNTP packet used for communication to and from a network time server.
+ Most applications should just use the property.
+ The same data structure represents both request and reply packets.
+ Request and reply differ in which properties are set and to what values.
+ The only real property is .
+ All other properties read from and write to the underlying byte array
+ with the exception of ,
+ which is not part of the packet on network and it is instead set locally after receiving the packet.
+ Copied from GuerrillaNtp project
+ with permission from Robert Vazan (@robertvazan) under MIT license, see https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib/pull/236
+ Gets RFC4330-encoded SNTP packet.
+ Byte array containing RFC4330-encoded SNTP packet. It is at least 48 bytes long.
+ This is the only real property. All other properties except
+ read from or write to this byte array.
+ Gets the leap second indicator.
+ Leap second warning, if any. Special value
+ indicates unsynchronized server clock.
+ Default is .
+ Only servers fill in this property. Clients can consult this property for possible leap second warning.
+ Gets or sets protocol version number.
+ SNTP protocol version. Default is 4, which is the latest version at the time of this writing.
+ In request packets, clients should leave this property at default value 4.
+ Servers usually reply with the same protocol version.
+ Gets or sets SNTP packet mode, i.e. whether this is client or server packet.
+ SNTP packet mode. Default is in newly created packets.
+ Server reply should have this property set to .
+ Gets server's distance from the reference clock.
+ Distance from the reference clock. This property is set only in server reply packets.
+ Servers connected directly to reference clock hardware set this property to 1.
+ Statum number is incremented by 1 on every hop down the NTP server hierarchy.
+ Special value 0 indicates that this packet is a Kiss-o'-Death message
+ with kiss code stored in .
+ Gets server's preferred polling interval.
+ Polling interval in log2 seconds, e.g. 4 stands for 16s and 17 means 131,072s.
+ Gets the precision of server clock.
+ Clock precision in log2 seconds, e.g. -20 for microsecond precision.
+ Gets the total round-trip delay from the server to the reference clock.
+ Round-trip delay to the reference clock. Normally a positive value smaller than one second.
+ Gets the estimated error in time reported by the server.
+ Estimated error in time reported by the server. Normally a positive value smaller than one second.
+ Gets the ID of the time source used by the server or Kiss-o'-Death code sent by the server.
+ ID of server's time source or Kiss-o'-Death code.
+ Purpose of this property depends on value of property.
+ Stratum 1 servers write here one of several special values that describe the kind of hardware clock they use.
+ Stratum 2 and lower servers set this property to IPv4 address of their upstream server.
+ If upstream server has IPv6 address, the address is hashed, because it doesn't fit in this property.
+ When server sets to special value 0,
+ this property contains so called kiss code that instructs the client to stop querying the server.
+ Gets or sets the time when the server clock was last set or corrected.
+ Time when the server clock was last set or corrected or null when not specified.
+ This Property is usually set only by servers. It usually lags server's current time by several minutes,
+ so don't use this property for time synchronization.
+ Gets or sets the time when the client sent its request.
+ This property is null in request packets.
+ In reply packets, it is the time when the client sent its request.
+ Servers copy this value from
+ that they find in received request packet.
+ Gets or sets the time when the request was received by the server.
+ This property is null in request packets.
+ In reply packets, it is the time when the server received client request.
+ Gets or sets the time when the packet was sent.
+ Time when the packet was sent. It should never be null.
+ Default value is .
+ This property must be set by both clients and servers.
+ Gets or sets the time of reception of response SNTP packet on the client.
+ Time of reception of response SNTP packet on the client. It is null in request packets.
+ This property is not part of the protocol and has to be set when reply packet is received.
+ Gets the round-trip time to the server.
+ Time the request spent traveling to the server plus the time the reply spent traveling back.
+ This is calculated from timestamps in the packet as (t1 - t0) + (t3 - t2)
+ where t0 is ,
+ t1 is ,
+ t2 is ,
+ and t3 is .
+ This property throws an exception in request packets.
+ Gets the offset that should be added to local time to synchronize it with server time.
+ Time difference between server and client. It should be added to local time to get server time.
+ It is calculated from timestamps in the packet as 0.5 * ((t1 - t0) - (t3 - t2))
+ where t0 is ,
+ t1 is ,
+ t2 is ,
+ and t3 is .
+ This property throws an exception in request packets.
+ Initializes default request packet.
+ Properties and
+ are set appropriately for request packet. Property
+ is set to .
+ Initializes packet from received data.
+ Initializes packet from data received from a server.
+ Data received from the server.
+ Utc time of reception of response SNTP packet on the client.
+ Represents leap second warning from the server that instructs the client to add or remove leap second.
+ No leap second warning. No action required.
+ Warns the client that the last minute of the current day has 61 seconds.
+ Warns the client that the last minute of the current day has 59 seconds.
+ Special value indicating that the server clock is unsynchronized and the returned time is unreliable.
+ Describes SNTP packet mode, i.e. client or server.
+ Identifies client-to-server SNTP packet.
+ Identifies server-to-client SNTP packet.