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Releases: RickStrahl/WestwindToolkit

Version 2.64

20 May 22:02
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  • JsonVariables prevent XSS by encoding < and > in JSON
    The JsonVariables utility that allows embedding of server side data into client script has been updated to generate < and > tags as encoded strings to prevent XSS attacks when rendering.
  • CallbackHandler improved JSON.NET Suppport
    Switched to hard linked JSON.NET support in CallbackHandler instead of the previous dynamic loading to avoid the assembly reference to JSON.NET. This fixes odd version incompatibilities that have been reported as well as improving JSON performance slightly.
  • Add Async Support for HttpClient
    Added support for Async methods to the HttpClient Class for DownloadBytesAsync() and DownloadStringAsync(). Also optimized throughput and fixed explicit disposal of one of the internal streams that previously slowed down high volume requests.
  • ImageUtils.NormalizeJpgImageRotation
    Method that looks at Exif Orientation data in a jpeg file and rotates the image to match the orientation before removing the Exif data. Useful when capturing images from mobile device which often are natively rotated and contain.
  • ImageUtils.StripJgpExifData
    Removes Exif data from Jpg images. Helps reduce size of images and normalizes images and keeps them from auto-rotating.
  • CallbackExceptionHandlerAttribute for MVC Controllers
    Added CallbackExceptionHandlerAttribute to make it easy to throw
    CallbackException objects and have those exception objects handled
    and returned as JSON errors with appropriate HTTP status codes. Simplifies
    explicit application error responses to clients. Handler also captures
    other exceptions but as generic 500 errors using consistent format.
  • CallbackResponseMessage and CallbackErrorResponseMessage Classes for JSON Results
    Added explicit CallbackErrorResponseMessage and CallbackResponseMessage
    classes responsible for returning properly JSON formatted message to clients.
    Used to return error results from JSON callbacks in a consistent manner with
    a isError flag used to determine error status. Works in conjunction with
    CallbackException() in CallbackHandler implementation and in MVC BaseController.
  • AppConfiguration ConfigurationFileConfigurationProvider Property Only Serialization

    Changed behavior of the Config file configuration provider to only serialize/deserialize properties. Originally both properties and fields were serialized, but in light of all the other serializers only working with properties removed the field serialization feature. This also makes it easier to create non-serialized fields that might still have to be externally visible to other classes which caused a number of reported issues in the past.

Version 2.62

01 Apr 09:53
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  • New AlbumViewerAngular Sample Application

    Added a new sample application that uses Angular JS and demonstrates using the various West Wind tools in an SPA style ASP.MVC application using Westwind.Data and Sql Server.
  • UrlEncodingParser.DecodePlusSignsAsSpaces

    Add option to support parsing + signs as spaces in UrlEncoded content. By default spaces are expected to be encoded with %20, but some older applications still use + as the space encoding character. Off by default and should be set using the constructor.
  • Add JpegCompression Option to ImageUtils.ResizeImage and RotateImage

    You can now specify the jpeg quality by providing a jpeg compression level between 0 and 100. This allows control over the compression level unlike previously which used the relatively low default compression level used when no custom encoder is used. This allows for creating higher quality jpeg images.
  • CallbackHandler JSON.NET Improvements

    Added default support for enum as string handling to CallbackHandler so that enums serialize/deserialize from string values rather than ordinals. Implemented JSON.NET instance caching rather than dynamic loading to improve performance of JSON.NET serialization.
  • CallbackException StatusCode

    Added a status code property to the CallbackException instance in order to allow anything that uses CallbackException like CallbackHander to decide what status code to return on exceptions.
  • JsonSerializationUtils.FormatJsonString() to prettify Json

    Added method to format an input JSON string to a nicely formatted JSON string.
  • ww.angular.js Helper for a few AngularJs Tasks

    Capture and parse $http service errors consistently. Turn regular $q promises into
    $http service compatible promises. Resolve/Reject $q promise helpers.

Version 2.59

22 Jan 11:36
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  • ww.jquery.js updated jquery-watch plug-in
  • HttpClient.HttpTimings to see request timing for first byte and total time to retrieve.
  • Westwind.Utilities .NET 4.0 and 4.5 targets added to NuGet
  • JSON String query/operational functions for MongoDb wrapper
  • MongoDbDataAccess component that provides low level wrappers for MongoDb driver

Version 2.58

18 Nov 09:17
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  • New HttpUtils class
  • AppConfiguration support for Nested Property Encryption
  • .NET 4.0 and 4.5 targets for NuGet package

Version 2.56

13 Oct 10:06
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UrlEncodingParser for QueryString and Form Data Parsing
String.extract() functionality for ww.jquery.js

Version 2.55

18 Jun 08:51
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Add RequiredSslAttribute