My dotfiles for macOS managed with Yet Another Dotfiles Manager (YADM). My zsh plugins are managed with [Zplug] (
I use iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh Agnoster Theme + Tango Dark color scheme + Meslo Powerline font (OS X / macOS)
Meslo Powerline Font. Click "view raw" to download the font. Open the downloaded font and press "Install Font".
Set this font in iTerm2 (12px) (iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Change Font).
Restart iTerm2 for all changes to take effect.
Install git, zsh, zplug and yadm using brew:
$ brew install git zsh zplug yadm
Clone repository
$ yadm clone
Install git, zsh using a package manager of your choice.
Install yadm:
curl -fLo /usr/local/bin/yadm && chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/yadm
Install zplug:
curl -sL | zsh
Clone repository
$ yadm clone
Install Babun
Run install script
Install git, zsh using a package manager of your choice.
Then run the script to install yadm, zplug and clone the repository:
curl -fsL | zsh
Test that zsh starts properly and installs the plugins:
Then change your shell to zsh:
chsh -s /bin/zsh $USER