- HTML validation
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-validate
- Doesn't support autofix: https://gitlab.com/html-validate/html-validate/-/issues/116
- 86k weekly downloads
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/markuplint
- Like that it isn't an ESLint package
- As of v4.9.1 doesn't throw enough errors; fails silently
- Missing attr ordering
- 29k weekly downloads
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@html-eslint/eslint-plugin
- Why is this an ESLint package? HTML is not Javascript
- Missing attr newline: yeonjuan/html-eslint#191
- 37k weekly downloads
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-validate
- Using
- Easier to debug in HTML
- Don't need to place event listeners
- Will error if page doesn't have JS
- Verbose
- Not best practice
- If we want to replace the attribute with in-memory listeners, the only way is to querySelectorAll all of the attributes
- Using JS expressions instead of HTML tags
- Can set private properties inline
- Has typing out of the box
- Don't have to manually import
- Will always call constructor and/or chained functions
- Extra step: have to translate to comment
- Router outlet
- Page extends RouterOutlet
- Rebuilds page on every route
- Argument to Resolver
- Resolver is just to map routes to views; shouldn't actually do anything
- Renderer
- Importing would import/cache everthing else?
- Page extends RouterOutlet
- Rerendering
- toString
- returns comment with ID
- On first render
- If comment with ID
- Replace comment with cached component
- If comment with ID
- On rerender
- If element with ID
- If Component
- Replace attributes
- cachedComponent.render()
- If not component
- Replace attributes
- Replace children with updatedComponent.childNodes
- If Component
- If element with ID
- On first render
- renders and returns outerHTML
- Requires rendering the template twice, which would instantiate double the components
- returns outerHTML
- On new component, has no content
- On existing component, has outdated content
- Then render template
- returns comment with ID
- toString
- Layout
- Set arbitrary flags on page that determine which outer components get turned on/off?
- Gets messy if outer is complicated
- Layout component instances
pageInstace.layout = (new LayoutInstance() || existingLayoutInstance)
layout.template = () => this.page
- Set arbitrary flags on page that determine which outer components get turned on/off?
- Rerendering
- Replace what?
- Replace element
- /default/
- Descending to contents doesn't make sense
- Replace element attributes + replace contents
- outerHTML
- Replace element attributes + evaluate contents
- attributes
- Replace element attributes
- attributes-skip
- Replace contents
- innerHTML
- Descending to contents doesn't make sense
- Replace nothing + evaluate contents
- static
- Replace nothing
- static-skip
- ...replace element + keep contents?
- Is that useful?
- Replace element
- Replace what?
- Components need a UID so that SSG pages have a way of differentiating between instances
- ...unless every instance is a new one?
- Lit
- Have to extend HTMLElement
- HTML tagged templates are a little annoying
- Have to use shadow DOM for lit-ssr
- Have to render first before can rerender
- Svelte
- Magic syntax, e.g.
state prefixes - Don't care for route structure
- Magic syntax, e.g.
- Preact
- Clunky state management
- lwc
- Limited Typescript support
- Marko
- Weird custom syntax
- Riot.js
- Old and not actively maintained?