diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/client/views/channelSettings.js b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/client/views/channelSettings.js
index 4e3375d3c57b..922a44c9d75c 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/client/views/channelSettings.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/client/views/channelSettings.js
@@ -248,6 +248,33 @@ Template.channelSettingsEditing.onCreated(function() {
+ sysMes: {
+ type: 'boolean',
+ label: 'System_messages',
+ isToggle: true,
+ processing: new ReactiveVar(false),
+ canView() {
+ return RocketChat.roomTypes.roomTypes[room.t].allowRoomSettingChange(
+ room,
+ RoomSettingsEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGES
+ );
+ },
+ getValue() {
+ return room.sysMes !== false;
+ },
+ canEdit() {
+ return RocketChat.authz.hasAllPermission('edit-room', room._id);
+ },
+ save(value) {
+ return call('saveRoomSettings', room._id, 'systemMessages', value).then(
+ () => {
+ toastr.success(
+ TAPi18n.__('System_messages_setting_changed_successfully')
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ },
archived: {
type: 'boolean',
label: 'Room_archivation_state_true',
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/package.js b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/package.js
index 3f35a159bb40..68a96d705921 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/package.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/package.js
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
+ 'server/functions/saveRoomCustomFields.js',
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/functions/saveRoomCustomFields.js b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/functions/saveRoomCustomFields.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f7a8f61024d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/functions/saveRoomCustomFields.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+RocketChat.saveRoomCustomFields = function(rid, roomCustomFields) {
+ if (!Match.test(rid, String)) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-room', 'Invalid room', {
+ 'function': 'RocketChat.saveRoomCustomFields'
+ });
+ }
+ if (!Match.test(roomCustomFields, Object)) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-roomCustomFields-type', 'Invalid roomCustomFields type', {
+ 'function': 'RocketChat.saveRoomCustomFields'
+ });
+ }
+ const ret = RocketChat.models.Rooms.setCustomFieldsById(rid, roomCustomFields);
+ // Update customFields of any user's Subscription related with this rid
+ RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.updateCustomFieldsByRoomId(rid, roomCustomFields);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/methods/saveRoomSettings.js b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/methods/saveRoomSettings.js
index dab07dd47f52..f872f188c24d 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/methods/saveRoomSettings.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-channel-settings/server/methods/saveRoomSettings.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const fields = ['roomName', 'roomTopic', 'roomAnnouncement', 'roomDescription', 'roomType', 'readOnly', 'reactWhenReadOnly', 'systemMessages', 'default', 'joinCode', 'tokenpass', 'streamingOptions'];
+const fields = ['roomName', 'roomTopic', 'roomAnnouncement', 'roomCustomFields', 'roomDescription', 'roomType', 'readOnly', 'reactWhenReadOnly', 'systemMessages', 'default', 'joinCode', 'tokenpass', 'streamingOptions'];
saveRoomSettings(rid, settings, value) {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ Meteor.methods({
RocketChat.saveRoomAnnouncement(rid, value, user);
+ case 'roomCustomFields':
+ if (value !== room.customFields) {
+ RocketChat.saveRoomCustomFields(rid, value);
+ }
+ break;
case 'roomDescription':
if (value !== room.description) {
RocketChat.saveRoomDescription(rid, value, user);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-emoji-emojione/server/callbacks.js b/packages/rocketchat-emoji-emojione/server/callbacks.js
index 160d902d90ff..e368dc412386 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-emoji-emojione/server/callbacks.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-emoji-emojione/server/callbacks.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* globals emojione */
Meteor.startup(function() {
- RocketChat.callbacks.add('beforeNotifyUser', (message) => {
+ RocketChat.callbacks.add('beforeSendMessageNotifications', (message) => {
return emojione.shortnameToUnicode(message);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-file-upload/server/lib/FileUpload.js b/packages/rocketchat-file-upload/server/lib/FileUpload.js
index 3194dc8999a8..70d809a77c85 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-file-upload/server/lib/FileUpload.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-file-upload/server/lib/FileUpload.js
@@ -203,17 +203,13 @@ Object.assign(FileUpload, {
let { rc_uid, rc_token } = query;
if (!rc_uid && headers.cookie) {
- rc_uid = cookie.get('rc_uid', headers.cookie) ;
+ rc_uid = cookie.get('rc_uid', headers.cookie);
rc_token = cookie.get('rc_token', headers.cookie);
- if (!rc_uid || !rc_token || !RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByIdAndLoginToken(rc_uid, rc_token)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ const isAuthorizedByCookies = rc_uid && rc_token && RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByIdAndLoginToken(rc_uid, rc_token);
+ const isAuthorizedByHeaders = headers['x-user-id'] && headers['x-auth-token'] && RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByIdAndLoginToken(headers['x-user-id'], headers['x-auth-token']);
+ return isAuthorizedByCookies || isAuthorizedByHeaders;
addExtensionTo(file) {
if (mime.lookup(file.name) === file.type) {
return file;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/af.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/af.i18n.json
index 02065328269e..7b3b7c9b7132 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/af.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/af.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Wagwoord Herstel",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Verstekrolle vir verifikasiedienste",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Verstek rolle (komma geskei) gebruikers sal gegee word wanneer jy registreer deur verifikasie dienste",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Custom",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrasie met verifikasiedienste",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identiteitspad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registrasievorm",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identiteits Token Sent Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "gestremde",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Pad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Registrasievorm Link Vervangingsteks",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Gee pad toe",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "openbare",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "omvang",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Geheime URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registrasievorm Geheime URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Jy moet 'n ewekansige string verskaf wat by jou registrasie-URL gevoeg sal word. Voorbeeld: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Tik in",
"Error": "fout",
"Error_404": "Fout: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fout: Rocket.Chat vereis oplog tailing wanneer dit in verskeie gevalle uitgevoer word",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Maak asseblief seker dat jou MongoDB op ReplicaSet af is en MONGO_OPLOG_URL omgewingsveranderlike korrek is gedefinieer op die aansoek bediener",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ is nie toegelaat nie",
"error-application-not-found": "Aansoek nie gevind nie",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Daar is 'n geargiveerde kanaal met die naam '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logout Uit Ander Logged In Locations",
"mail-messages": "Pos boodskappe",
"mail-messages_description": "Toestemming om die posboodskap opsie te gebruik",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registrasievorm",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Jy het een of meer ongeldige e-posse verskaf:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "U moet een of meer gebruikers kies of een of meer e-posadresse verskaf, geskei deur kommas.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Jy het geen boodskappe gekies nie",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ar.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ar.i18n.json
index e7c80ce71f96..cb04b1cb7acc 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ar.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ar.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "إعادة تعيين كلمة السر",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "الأدوار الافتراضية لخدمات المصادقة",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "سيتم تعيين الأدوار الافتراضية للمستخدمين عند التسجيل عبر خدمات المصادقة (افصل بينها بفاصلة)",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "عرف",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "تسجيل مع خدمات المصادقة",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "مسار الهوية",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "استمارة التسجيل",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "رمز الهوية المرسلة عبر",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "معطل",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "مسار رمزي",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "نص نموذج التسجيل رابط بديل",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "يأذن مسار",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "عام",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "نطاق",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "رابط سري",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "رابط استمارة التسجيل السري",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "يجب توفير سلسلة العشوائية التي ستضاف إلى URL تسجيلك. على سبيل المثال: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "زر الإدخال",
"Error": "خطأ",
"Error_404": "خطأ 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "خطأ: Rocket.Chat يتطلب أوبلوغ تايلينغ عند تشغيل في حالات متعددة",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "الرجاء التأكد من مونغودب الخاص بك على وضع ريبليكاسيت ومتغير البيئة MONGO_OPLOG_URL معرف بشكل صحيح على ملقم التطبيق",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ غير مسموح",
"error-application-not-found": "التطبيق غير موجود",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "هناك قناة المحفوظة مع اسم '__room_name__ \"",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "تسجيل الخروج من الأجهزة الأخرى",
"mail-messages": "رسلائل البريد",
"mail-messages_description": "إذن لاستخدام خيار رسائل البريد",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "استمارة التسجيل",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "لقد قدمت رسائل البريد الإلكتروني واحدة أو أكثر غير صالحة:٪ ق",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "يجب عليك اختيار واحد أو أكثر من المستخدمين أو تقديم واحدة أو أكثر من عناوين البريد الإلكتروني، مفصولة بفواصل.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "لم تقم بتحديد أي رسالة. هل تريد أن تحدد جميع الرسائل الظاهرة؟",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/az.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/az.i18n.json
index 15ad1479176c..3a413e151e75 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/az.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/az.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Parolun sıfırlanması",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Kimlik Doğrulama Xidmətləri üçün Standart Roles",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Doğrulama xidmətləri vasitəsilə qeydiyyatdan keçərkən standart rollar (vergüllə ayrılmış) istifadəçilər veriləcək",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Xüsusi",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Doğrulama Xidmətləri ilə qeydiyyatdan keçin",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Kimlik Yolu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Uçot vərəqəsi",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Kimlik Token göndərildi",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Əlil",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token yolu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Qeydiyyat formu Link dəyişdirmə mətni",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Yola icazə verin",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "İctimai",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Sahə",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Gizli URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Qeydiyyatın Forması Gizli URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Qeydiyyatınızın URL'sinə əlavə olunacaq təsadüfi bir simli təqdim etməlisiniz. Məsələn: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Daxil ol",
"Error": "Səhv",
"Error_404": "Hata: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Hata: Rocket.Chat, birdən çox halında çalışırken oplog kuyruklamasını tələb edir",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "MongoDB-nin ReplicaSet rejimində olduğundan və MONGO_OPLOG_URL ətraf mühitə dəyişənlərin tətbiq serverində düzgün olduğundan əmin olun",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ icazə verilmir",
"error-application-not-found": "Ərizə tapılmadı",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "'__room_name__' adı ilə arxivləşdirilmiş bir kanal var",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Digər Daxil olan yerlərdən çıxın",
"mail-messages": "Mail Mesajları",
"mail-messages_description": "E-poçt mesajlarından istifadə etmək üçün icazə",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Uçot vərəqəsi",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Bir və ya daha çox etibarsız e-poçt göndərdiniz:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Bir və ya daha çox istifadəçi seçməlisiniz və ya virgülle ayrılmış bir və ya daha çox e-poçt ünvanını təqdim etməlisiniz.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Siz heç bir mesaj seçmədiniz",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/be-BY.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/be-BY.i18n.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..18135bb5d837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/be-BY.i18n.json
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ "#channel": "#канал",
+ "0_Errors_Only": "0 - Толькі памылкі",
+ "1_Errors_and_Information": "1 - Памылкі і інфармацыя",
+ "2_Erros_Information_and_Debug": "2 - Памылкі, інфармацыя і адладка",
+ "403": "Забаронена",
+ "500": "Унутраная памылка сервера",
+ "@username": "@лагін",
+ "@username_message": "@лагін ",
+ "__username__is_no_longer__role__defined_by__user_by_": "__username__ более не __role__ па рашэнні __user_by__",
+ "__username__was_set__role__by__user_by_": "__username__ быў усталяваны __role__ па рашэнні __user_by__",
+ "Accept": "Прыняць",
+ "Accept_incoming_livechat_requests_even_if_there_are_no_online_agents": "Прымаць уваходныя запыты Livechat, нават калі няма онлайн агентаў",
+ "Accept_with_no_online_agents": "Прымаць з неподключеннымі супрацоўнікамі",
+ "access-mailer": "Доступ да старонцы мейлера",
+ "access-mailer_description": "Дазвол на масавую рассылку электроннай пошты для ўсіх карыстальнікаў.",
+ "access-permissions": "Доступ да старонцы дазволаў",
+ "access-permissions_description": "Змена правоў доступу для розных роляў.",
+ "Access_not_authorized": "Доступ не аўтарызаваны",
+ "Access_Token_URL": "URL токена доступу",
+ "Accessing_permissions": "Доступ дазволаў",
+ "Account_SID": "SID ўліковага запісу",
+ "Accounts": "Рахункі",
+ "Accounts_AllowAnonymousRead": "Дазволіць ананімны доступ карыстальнікам",
+ "Accounts_AllowAnonymousWrite": "Дазволіць пісаць ананімным карыстальнікам",
+ "Accounts_AllowDeleteOwnAccount": "Дазволіць карыстальнікам удаляць ўласную ўліковую запіс",
+ "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList": "Дазволены спіс даменаў",
+ "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList_Description": "Падзеленых коскамі спіс дазволеных даменаў",
+ "Accounts_AllowEmailChange": "Дазволiць змяненне адрасу электроннай пошты",
+ "Accounts_AllowPasswordChange": "Дазволіць змену пароля ",
+ "Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange": "Дазволіць карыстальніку змяняць аватар",
+ "Accounts_AllowRealNameChange": "Дазволіць змяніць імя",
+ "Accounts_AllowUsernameChange": "Дазволіць Імя карыстальніка змяніць",
+ "Accounts_AllowUserProfileChange": "Дазволіць змяненне профілю карыстальніку",
+ "Accounts_AvatarResize": "Змена памеру аватара",
+ "Accounts_AvatarSize": "Памер аватара",
+ "Accounts_BlockedDomainsList": "Заблакаваны спіс даменаў",
+ "Accounts_BlockedDomainsList_Description": "Падзелены коскамі спіс заблакаваных даменаў",
+ "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList": "Спіс заблакаваных карыстальнікаў",
+ "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList_Description": "Спіс заблакаваных імёнаў карыстальнікаў (без уліку рэгістра), падзеленых коскамі",
+ "Accounts_CustomFieldsToShowInUserInfo": "Кастомныя поля, якія адлюстроўваюцца ў інфармацыі аб карыстальніку",
+ "Accounts_DefaultUsernamePrefixSuggestion": "Прэфікс імя карыстальніка па змаўчанні",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences": "Налады карыстальніка па змаўчанні",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications": "Сігнал па змаўчанні для дэсктопных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications": "Стандартныя абвесткі для дэсктопных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_mobileNotifications": "Сігнал па змаўчанні для мабільных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_not_available": "Не атрымалася атрымаць прыстасаваныя налады карыстальніка, так як яны яшчэ не былі ўсталяваны карыстальнікам",
+ "Accounts_denyUnverifiedEmail": "Забараніць непацверджаныя адрасы электроннай пошты",
+ "Accounts_EmailVerification": "Пацвярджэнне адрасу электроннай пошты",
+ "Accounts_EmailVerification_Description": "Пераканайцеся, што ў вас верныя налады SMTP для выкарыстання гэтай функцыі",
+ "Accounts_Email_Approved": "[name]
Ваш уліковы запіс быў адобраны.
+ "Accounts_Email_Activated": "[name]
Ваш уліковы запіс быў актывізаваны.
+ "Accounts_Email_Deactivated": "[name]
Ваш уліковы запіс быў дэактываваны.
+ "Accounts_Email_Approved_Subject": "Уліковы запіс зацверджаны",
+ "Accounts_Email_Activated_Subject": "Уліковы запіс актываваны",
+ "Accounts_Email_Deactivated_Subject": "Уліковы запіс заблакаваны",
+ "Accounts_Enrollment_Email": "Электроннае паведамленне пры рэгістрацыі",
+ "Accounts_Enrollment_Email_Subject_Default": "Сардэчна запрашаем на [site_name]",
+ "Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "Новы карыстальнік быў зарэгістраваны. Патрабуецца адабрэнне.",
+ "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Забыць сесію карыстальніка пры закрыцці вокна",
+ "Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "Метад API",
+ "Accounts_Iframe_api_url": "API URL",
+ "Accounts_iframe_enabled": "Уключана",
+ "Accounts_iframe_url": "Iframe URL",
+ "Accounts_LoginExpiration": "Заканчэнне тэрміну аўтарызацыі ў днях",
+ "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers": "Пацвярджаць новых карыстальнікаў ўручную",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path": "Шлях да аўтарызацыі",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color": "Колер кнопкі",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color": "Колер тэкста кнопкі",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text": "Тэкст кнопкі",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable": "Ўключыць",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id": "Ідэнтыфікатар",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path": "Identity Path",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Login_Style": "Выгляд лагіна",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Merge_Users": "Аб'яднаць карыстальнікаў",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Scope": "Вобласць",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "Ключ",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Token Path",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Token Sent Via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identity Token Sent Via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Поле імя карыстальніка",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Ўключыць уваход праз Drupal",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Drupal oAuth2 Redirect URI",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "Drupal oAuth2 Client ID",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Сакрэтны ключ кліента Drupal oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "\n Facebook Login",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Google Login",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Sent Via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Шлях да аўтарызацыі",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Вобласць",
+ "Activate": "Актываваць",
+ "Activity": "Дзейнасць",
+ "Add": "Дадаць",
+ "add-user": "Дадаць карыстальніка",
+ "Add_User": "Дадаць карыстальніка",
+ "Additional_Feedback": "Дадатковая сувязь",
+ "All": "Усе",
+ "All_channels": "Усе каналы",
+ "All_messages": "Усе паведамленні",
+ "All_users": "Усе карыстальнікі",
+ "Alphabetical": "Па алфавіце",
+ "Analytics_features_enabled": "Функцыі",
+ "and": "і",
+ "Announcement": "Аб'ява",
+ "App_status_auto_enabled": "Уключана",
+ "App_status_manually_enabled": "Уключана",
+ "Appearance": "знешні выгляд",
+ "Apply": "Прымяніць",
+ "Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Прымяніць і абнавіць ўсіх кліентаў",
+ "Archive": "Архіў",
+ "archive-room": "Архіў Room",
+ "Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Сігнал па змаўчанні для дэсктопных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "Cancel": "Адмяніць",
+ "Cancel_message_input": "Адмяніць",
+ "CAS_enabled": "Уключана",
+ "Chatpal_All_Results": "Усе",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Стандартныя абвесткі для дэсктопных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "Enable": "Ўключыць",
+ "Enabled": "Уключана",
+ "Features_Enabled": "Доступныя функцыі",
+ "How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "Як дружалюбны быў чат агент?",
+ "How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "Наколькі кампетэнтны быў супрацоўнік чата?",
+ "How_responsive_was_the_chat_agent": "Наколькі спагадны быў супрацоўнік чата?",
+ "How_satisfied_were_you_with_this_chat": "Наколькі вы былі задаволены гэтым чатам?",
+ "Installation": "Ўстаноўка",
+ "LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Вобласць",
+ "LDAP_Authentication": "Ўключыць",
+ "LDAP_Enable": "Ўключыць",
+ "Mobile_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Сігнал па змаўчанні для мабільных апавяшчэнняў",
+ "New_messages": "Новыя паведамленні",
+ "Please_answer_survey": "Калі ласка, знайдзіце час, каб адказаць на экспрэс-апытанне аб гэтым чаце",
+ "Please_fill_name_and_email": "Запоўніце, калі ласка, імя і адрас электроннай пошты",
+ "Push_enable": "Ўключыць",
+ "Scope": "Вобласць",
+ "Select_a_department": "Выберыце аддзел",
+ "Send": "Паслаць",
+ "Skip": "Прапусціць",
+ "Start_Chat": "Пачаць чат",
+ "Survey": "Апытанне",
+ "Survey_instructions": "Ацаніце кожнае пытанне па вашай задаволенасці, 1 азначае, што вы цалкам незадаволеныя і 5 азначае, што вы цалкам задаволеныя.",
+ "Thank_you_for_your_feedback": "Дзякуй за ваш водгук",
+ "Type_your_email": "Увядзіце адрас электроннай пошты",
+ "Type_your_message": "Увядзіце ваша паведамленне",
+ "Type_your_name": "Увядзіце сваё імя",
+ "We_are_offline_Sorry_for_the_inconvenience": "Мы не ў сеткі. Прабачце за дастаўленыя нязручнасці.",
+ "Yes": "Да",
+ "You": "Вы",
+ "Country_Canada": "Канада",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Каба-Вэрдэ",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Цэнтральна-Афрыканская Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Chad": "Чад",
+ "Country_Chile": "чылі",
+ "Country_China": "Кітай",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Нэпал",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Калумбія",
+ "Country_Congo": "Конга",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Конга, Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Коста-Рыка",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Джыбуці",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Дамініка",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Дамініканская Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Эквадор",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Егіпет",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "Сальвадор",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Гвінея",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Эрытрэя",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Эстонія",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Эфіопія",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Фарэрскія острава",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Фіджы",
+ "Country_Finland": "Фінляндыя",
+ "Country_France": "Францыя",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "Французская Гвіяна",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "Французская Палінезія",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "Французскія Паўднёвыя Тэрыторыі",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Габон",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Гамбія",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Грузія",
+ "Country_Germany": "Германія",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Гана",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Гібралтар",
+ "Country_Greece": "Грэцыя",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Грэнландыя",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Грэнада",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Гвадэлупа",
+ "Country_Guam": "Гуам",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Гватэмала",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Гвінея",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Гвінея-Бісау",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Гаяна",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Гаіці",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Апостальская Сталіца (Ватыкан)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Гандурас",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Ганконг",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Венгрыя",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Ісландыя",
+ "Country_India": "Індыя",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Інданезія",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Іран, Ісламская Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Ірак",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Ірландыя",
+ "Country_Israel": "Ізраіль",
+ "Country_Italy": "Італія",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Ямайка",
+ "Country_Japan": "Японія",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Іарданія",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Казахстан",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Кенія",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Кірыбаці",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Карэя, Карэйская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Карэя, Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Кувейт",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Кіргізія",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Латвія",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Ліван",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Лесота",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Ліберыя",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Лівійская Араб Джамахірыя",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Ліхтэнштэйн",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Літва",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Люксембург",
+ "Country_Macao": "Macao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Былая югаслаўская Рэспубліка Македонія,",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Мадагаскар",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Малаві",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Малайзія",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Мальдывы",
+ "Country_Mali": "Малі",
+ "Country_Malta": "Мальта",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Маршалавы острава",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Марцініка",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Маўрытанія",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Маўрыкій",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Маёта",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Мексіка",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Малдова",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Манголія",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Монсеррат",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Марока",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Мазамбік",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "М'янма",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Намібія",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Науру",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Непал",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Нідэрланды",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "Новая Каледонія",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "Новая Зеландыя",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Нікарагуа",
+ "Country_Niger": "Нігер",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Нігерыя",
+ "Country_Norway": "Нарвегія",
+ "Country_Oman": "Аман",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Пакістан",
+ "Country_Palau": "Палау",
+ "Country_Panama": "Панама",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Папуа-Новая Гвінея",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Парагвай",
+ "Country_Peru": "Перу",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Філіпіны",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Піткэрн",
+ "Country_Poland": "Польшча",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Партугалія",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Пуэрта-Рыка",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Катар",
+ "Country_Romania": "Румынія",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Расійская Федэрацыя",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Руанда",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "Святой Алёны",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Сэнт-Кітс і Нэвіс",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "Сэнт-Люсія",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Сен-П'ер і Міквэлон",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Сэнт-Вінсэнт і Грэнадыны",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Самоа",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "Сан - Марына",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Саўдаўская Аравія",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Сенегал",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Сербія і Чарнагорыя",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Сейшэльскія вострава",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Сьера-Леонэ",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Сінгапур",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Славакія",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Славенія",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Самалі",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "Паўднёвая Афрыка",
+ "Country_Spain": "Іспанія",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Шры Ланка",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Судан",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Сурынам",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Свазіленд",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Швецыя",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Швейцарыя",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Сірыйская Арабская Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Тайвань, правінцыя Кітая",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Таджыкістан",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Танзанія, Аб'яднаная Рэспубліка",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Тайланд",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Усходні Тымор",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Такелаў",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Трынідад і Табага",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Туніс",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Турція",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Туркменістан",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Тувалу",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Уганда",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Украіна",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "Абяднаныя Арабскія Эміраты",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "Злучанае Каралеўства",
+ "Country_United_States": "Злучаныя Штаты",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Уругвай",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Узбекістан",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Вануату",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Венесуэла",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "В'етнам",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "Віргінскія астравы, ЗША",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Уоліс і Футуна",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Заходняя Сахара",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Емен",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Замбія",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Зімбабвэ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/bg.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/bg.i18n.json
index dbd712236386..487b0cc3b2a1 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/bg.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/bg.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Нулиране на паролата",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Роли по подразбиране за услугите за удостоверяване",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Ролите по подразбиране (разделени със запетая) ще се дават при регистриране чрез услуги за удостоверяване",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Персонализиран",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Регистрация с услуги за удостоверяване",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Път на идентичността",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Формуляр за регистрация",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Идентификационен токен, изпратен чрез",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "хора с увреждания",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Пътека за означения",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Линк за замяна на формуляра за регистрация",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Упълномощаване на пътя",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Обществен",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Обхват",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Таен URL адрес",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Регистрационен формуляр Таен URL адрес",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Трябва да предоставите произволен низ, който ще бъде добавен към вашия регистрационен URL адрес. Пример: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Влезте в",
"Error": "Грешка",
"Error_404": "Грешка: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Грешка: Rocket.Chat изисква oplog tailing, когато се изпълнява в няколко случая",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Моля, уверете се, че вашият MongoDB е в режим ReplicaSet и че променливата на средата MONGO_OPLOG_URL е дефинирана правилно на сървъра на приложения",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ не е разрешено",
"error-application-not-found": "Приложението не е намерено",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Има архивиран канал с име \"__ room_name__\"",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Изход от други регистрирани местоположения",
"mail-messages": "Съобщения по пощата",
"mail-messages_description": "Разрешение за използване на опцията за електронна поща",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Формуляр за регистрация",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Предоставили сте един или повече невалидни имейли:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Трябва да изберете един или повече потребители или да предоставите един или повече имейл адреси, разделени със запетаи.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Не сте избрали никакви съобщения",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ca.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ca.i18n.json
index 435ba088a113..d4345a77029d 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ca.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ca.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Restablir contrasenya",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Rols per defecte per als serveis d'autenticació",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Rols per defecte (separats per comes) que s'assignaran als usuaris quan es registrin a través dels serveis d'autenticació",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personalitzat",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registre mitjançant serveis d'autenticació",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Ruta de la identitat",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formulari de registre",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identificador de tovallers enviats via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Deshabilitat",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Ruta del token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Text de substitució de l'enllaç del formulari de registre",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Ruta d'autorització",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Públic",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Scope",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL secret",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL secret del fomulari de registre",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Cal proporcionar una cadena de text aleatori que s'afegirà a l'URL de registre. Exemple: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -252,14 +258,14 @@
"API_Wordpress_URL": "URL de WordPress",
"Apiai_Key": "Clau Api.ai ",
"Apiai_Language": "Idioma Api.ai",
- "App_status_unknown": "desconegut",
+ "App_status_unknown": "Desconegut",
"App_status_constructed": "Construït",
- "App_status_initialized": "S'ha inicialitzat",
+ "App_status_initialized": "Inicialitzat",
"App_status_auto_enabled": "Actiu",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Actiu",
"App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Desactivat: error del compilador",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "S'ha desactivat: error incapaç",
- "App_status_manually_disabled": "Deshabilitat: manualment",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Desactivat: error no capturat",
+ "App_status_manually_disabled": "Desactivat: manualment",
"App_status_disabled": "Inactiu",
"App_author_homepage": "pàgina d'inici de l'autor",
"App_support_url": "URL de suport",
@@ -267,7 +273,7 @@
"Application_added": "Aplicació afegida",
"Application_Name": "Nom de l'aplicació",
"Application_updated": "Aplicació actualitzada",
- "Apply": "aplicar",
+ "Apply": "Aplicar",
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Aplicar i refrescar tots els clients",
"Archive": "Arxiu",
"archive-room": "Arxivar sala",
@@ -341,6 +347,7 @@
"Body": "Cos",
"bold": "negreta",
"bot_request": "Sol·licitud Bot",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "Camps d'usuari",
"BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "CSV de camps d'usuari que poden ser accedits pels mètodes helper dels bots.",
"Branch": "Branca",
@@ -395,10 +402,10 @@
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Llista de encapçalats HTTP, un encapçalament per línia. Format: nom: valor",
"Chatpal_API_Key": "Clau API",
"Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Encara no tens una clau de l'API? Obteniu-ne un!",
- "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Sense resultat",
+ "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Sense resultats",
"Chatpal_one_search_result": "S'ha trobat 1 resultat",
- "Chatpal_search_results": "S'han trobat resultats de% s",
- "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Pàgina% s de% s",
+ "Chatpal_search_results": "S'han trobat %s resultats",
+ "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Pàgina %s de %s",
"Chatpal_go_to_message": "Vés",
"Chatpal_Welcome": "Gaudeix de la teva cerca!",
"Chatpal_go_to_user": "Enviar missatge directe",
@@ -407,7 +414,7 @@
"Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Seleccioneu si voleu utilitzar Chatpal com a servei o com a instal·lació al lloc",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Suggeriments habilitats",
"Chatpal_Base_URL": "Base Url",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Trobeu una descripció sobre com executar una instància local a github. L'URL ha de ser absolut i assenyalar el nucli chatpal, p. Ex. http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Més informació sobre com executar una instància local a github. L'URL ha de ser absolut i apuntar al nucli de chatpal. Exemple: http://localhost:8983/solr/chatpal",
"Chatpal_Main_Language": "Idioma principal",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "L'idioma que més s'utilitza a les converses",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Tipus de resultat per defecte",
@@ -430,6 +437,7 @@
"Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "La clau de l'API s'ha creat correctament",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Cerca",
"CDN_PREFIX": "Prefix CDN",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Més informació sobre Chatpal a http://chatpal.io!",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Certificats i claus",
"Change_Room_Type": "Canvi de tipus de sala",
"Changing_email": "Canvi de correu-e",
@@ -696,8 +704,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Entra a",
"Error": "Error",
"Error_404": "Error: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Error: El Rocket.Chat requereix oplog tailing quan corre en múltiples instàncies",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Si us plau, assegureu-vos que MongoDB és en mode ReplicaSet i la variable d'entorn MONGO_OPLOG_URL està definida correctament al servidor d'aplicacions",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ no permès",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplicació no trobada",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ja hi ha un canal arxivat amb el nom '__room_name__'",
@@ -905,7 +911,7 @@
"Hide_counter": "Amaga comptador",
"Hide_flextab": "Amaga la barra lateral dreta amb un clic",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Segur que voleu ocultar el grup \"%s\"?",
- "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Esteu segur que voleu ocultar el xat en viu amb \"% s\"?",
+ "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Esteu segurs de voler amagar el xat en viu amb \"%s\"?",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Segur que voleu ocultar la discussió amb \"%s\"?",
"Hide_roles": "Amaga rols",
"Hide_room": "Oculta sala",
@@ -1028,9 +1034,8 @@
"InternalHubot_ScriptsToLoad": "Seqüències d'ordres (scripts) per carregar",
"InternalHubot_ScriptsToLoad_Description": "Si us plau, introduiu una llista separada per comes de scripts per carregar des de la carpeta personalitzada",
"InternalHubot_Username_Description": "Ha de ser un nom d'usuari vàlid d'un bot registrat al servidor.",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForChannels": "Activa els canals públics",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForDirectMessages": "Activa els missatges directes",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForPrivateGroups": "Activa els canals privats",
+ "InternalHubot_EnableForChannels": "Activa per als canals públics",
+ "InternalHubot_EnableForDirectMessages": "Activa per als missatges directes",
"Invalid_confirm_pass": "La confirmació de la contrasenya no coincideix amb la contrasenya",
"Invalid_email": "L'adreça de correu-e és invàlida",
"Invalid_Export_File": "L'arxiu pujat no és un fitxer d'exportació %s vàlid.",
@@ -1077,7 +1082,7 @@
"Issue_Links": "Comença els enllaços del seguiment",
"IssueLinks_Incompatible": "Advertència: no activeu aquesta opció i la \"Vista preliminar de color Hex\" al mateix temps.",
"IssueLinks_LinkTemplate": "Plantilla per a enllaços d'emissió",
- "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Plantilla per enllaços d'emissió; % s se substituirà pel número d'emissió.",
+ "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Plantilla per enllaços d'emissió; %s se substituirà pel número d'emissió.",
"It_works": "Funciona",
"Idle_Time_Limit": "Límit de temps inactiu",
"Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Període de temps fins que l'estat canvia de distància. El valor ha de ser en segons.",
@@ -1272,6 +1277,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Tanca les sessions obertes en altres llocs",
"mail-messages": "Missatges via correu-e",
"mail-messages_description": "Permís per utilitzar l'opció d'enviament de missatges via correu-e",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formulari de registre",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "S'ha proporcionat almenys una adreça de correu-e invàlida: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Ha de seleccionar almenys un usuari o proporcionar almenys una adreça de correu electrònic, separades per comes.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "No s'ha seleccionat cap missatge",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/cs.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/cs.i18n.json
index 0d67c22e3f69..a8afdae15b46 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/cs.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/cs.i18n.json
@@ -131,13 +131,21 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "ID WordPress",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Obnovit heslo",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Výchozí role pro autentikační služby",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wp_oauth_server": "WP OAuth Server Plugin",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Čárkou oddělené role, které budou přiděleny uživateli při registraci skrz autentikační služby",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Vlastní",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrace pomocí zabezpečené služby",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Cesta k identitě",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registrační formulář",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Poslat identifikační token přes",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Zakázáno",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Cesta k tokenu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Náhradní text za odkaz na registraci",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Cesta k autorizaci",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Veřejný",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Rozsah",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Tajná URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Tajná URL pro registracI",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Vložte náhodný retězec, který bude přidán do vaší registrační URL. Příklad: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[tajny_kod]",
@@ -146,7 +154,7 @@
"Accounts_SearchFields": "Pole zohledněná ve vyhledávání",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Nastavit výchozí avatar",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Pokusí se určit výchozí avatar na základě OAuth účtu nebo gravataru",
- "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Zobrazit formulářové přihlášení",
+ "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Zobrazit výchozí formulář přihlášení",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Maximální Delta",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Maximální hodnota Delta určuje, kolik tokenů je v daném okamžiku platných. Tokeny jsou generovány každých 30 sekund a platí (30 * Maximální Delta) sekund. Příklad: Pokud je maximální Delta nastavena na 10, může být každý token použit až do 300 sekund před nebo po jeho časovém razítku. Tato funkce se může hodit, pokud nejsou hodiny klienta správně synchronizovány se serverem.",
"Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Použít výchozí seznam blokovaných domén",
@@ -181,10 +189,14 @@
"Adding_user": "Přidání uživatelů",
"Additional_emails": "Další e-maily",
"Additional_Feedback": "Dodatečný Feedback",
+ "additional_integrations_Zapier": " Chcete integrovat software či aplikaci s Rocket.Chat ale nevíte jak na to? Doporučujeme použít Zapier, který plně podporujeme. Pro více informací si přečtěte naši dokumentaci https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/integrations/zapier/using-zaps/",
+ "additional_integrations_Bots": "Hledáte způsob jak implementovat vlastního bota? Nehledejte dál a podívejte se na náš Hubot adaptér https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat",
"Administration": "Administrace",
"Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Obrázky nevhodné pro mladistvé nejsou povoleny",
+ "Admin_Info": "Admin informace",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "Po ověření OAuth2, budou uživatelé přesměrováni na tuto adresu URL",
"Agent": "Operátor",
+ "Advocacy": "Advokacie",
"Agent_added": "Operátor přidán",
"Agent_removed": "Operátor odstraněn",
"Alerts": "Upozornění",
@@ -252,25 +264,26 @@
"API_Wordpress_URL": "WordPress URL",
"Apiai_Key": "Api.ai Klíč",
"Apiai_Language": "Api.ai Jazyk",
- "App_status_unknown": "Neznámo",
- "App_status_constructed": "Postaveno",
+ "App_status_unknown": "Neznámý",
+ "App_status_constructed": "Vytvořeno",
"App_status_initialized": "Inicializováno",
"App_status_auto_enabled": "Povoleno",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Povoleno",
- "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Zakázáno: chyba kompilátoru",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Zakázáno: Uncaught Error",
+ "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Zakázáno: chyba kompilace",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Zakázáno: Nezachycená výjimka",
"App_status_manually_disabled": "Zakázáno: Ručně",
"App_status_disabled": "Zakázáno",
- "App_author_homepage": "autorská domovská stránka",
- "App_support_url": "podpora url",
+ "App_author_homepage": "Domovská stránka autora",
+ "App_support_url": "URL podpory",
"Appearance": "Vzhled",
"Application_added": "Aplikace přidána",
"Application_Name": "Název aplikace",
"Application_updated": "Aplikace aktualizována",
- "Apply": "Aplikovat",
+ "Apply": "Použít",
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Použít a aktualizovat všechny klienty",
"Archive": "Archiv",
"archive-room": "Archivovat místnost",
+ "App_status_invalid_settings_disabled": "Zakázáno: chybí konfigurace",
"archive-room_description": "Právo archivovat místnost",
"are_also_typing": "také píší",
"are_typing": "píše",
@@ -341,11 +354,13 @@
"Body": "Obsah",
"bold": "tučný",
"bot_request": "Request bota",
+ "Blockchain": "Blockchain",
+ "Bots": "Boti",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "Uživatelská pole",
"BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "CSV uživatelských polí, která budou přístupná botům",
"Branch": "Větev",
- "Broadcast_channel": "Vysílaný kanál",
- "Broadcast_channel_Description": "Pouze autorizovaní uživatelé mohou psát nové zprávy, ale ostatní uživatelé budou moci odpovědět",
+ "Broadcast_channel": "Vysílací Místnost",
+ "Broadcast_channel_Description": "Pouze autorizovaní uživatelé mohou psát nové zprávy, ostatní uživatelé můžou odpovídat.",
"Broadcast_Connected_Instances": "Připojené instance",
"Bugsnag_api_key": "Bugsnag API klíč",
"Build_Environment": "Vytvořit prostředí",
@@ -391,36 +406,36 @@
"Chatpal_Search_Results": "Výsledky vyhledávání",
"Chatpal_All_Results": "Všechno",
"Chatpal_Messages_Only": "Zprávy",
- "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Http Headers",
- "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Seznam záhlaví HTTP, jeden záhlaví na jeden řádek. Formát: jméno: hodnota",
- "Chatpal_API_Key": "klíč API",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Zatím nemáte klíček API ? Získejte jeden!",
- "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Žádný výsledek",
- "Chatpal_one_search_result": "Nalezeno 1 výsledek",
- "Chatpal_search_results": "Nalezeny výsledky% s",
- "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Stránka% s z% s",
+ "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "HTTP Hlavičky",
+ "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Seznam HTTP hlaviček, každá na vlastní řádek. Formát: jméno:hodnota",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key": "Klíč API",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Zatím nemáte žádný API klíč. Vytvořit!",
+ "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Žádné výsledky",
+ "Chatpal_one_search_result": "Nalezen 1 výsledek",
+ "Chatpal_search_results": "Nalezeno %s výsledků",
+ "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Stránka %s z %s",
"Chatpal_go_to_message": "Přejít",
"Chatpal_Welcome": "Užijte si vyhledávání!",
"Chatpal_go_to_user": "Odeslat přímou zprávu",
"Chatpal_go_to_room": "Přejít",
- "Chatpal_Backend": "Typ zálohování",
- "Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Vyberte, zda chcete používat službu Chatpal jako službu nebo jako instalaci na místě",
+ "Chatpal_Backend": "Typ backendu",
+ "Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Vyberte, zda chcete používat službu Chatpal jako službu nebo jako instalaci na svém serveru",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Návrhy jsou povoleny",
"Chatpal_Base_URL": "Základní adresa URL",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Najděte nějaký popis, jak spustit místní instanci na adrese github. Adresa URL musí být absolutní a odkazovat na jádro chatovacího jádra, např. http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Návod jak spustit lokální instanci naleznete na githubu. Adresa URL musí být absolutní a odkazovat na zdroj chatpal, např. http://localhost:8983/solr/chatpal.",
"Chatpal_Main_Language": "Hlavní jazyk",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "Jazyk, který se nejčastěji používá v konverzacích",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Výchozí typ výsledku",
- "Chatpal_Default_Result_Type_Description": "Definuje, který typ výsledku se zobrazí výsledkem. Vše znamená, že je k dispozici přehled pro všechny typy.",
- "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Stránka administrátora Chatpal",
+ "Chatpal_Default_Result_Type_Description": "Definuje, který typ výsledku se zobrazí. Vše znamená, že je k dispozici přehled všech typů.",
+ "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Stránka administrace Chatpal",
"Chatpal_Email_Address": "Emailová adresa",
"Chatpal_Terms_and_Conditions": "Pravidla a podmínky",
"Chatpal_TAC_read": "Přečetl jsem si smluvní podmínky",
"Chatpal_create_key": "Vytvořit klíč",
- "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Velikost šarže indexu",
+ "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Velikost dávky indexu",
"Chatpal_Timeout_Size": "Časový limit indexu",
- "Chatpal_Window_Size": "Velikost okna indexu",
- "Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Velikost šarže indexových dokumentů (při bootstrapování)",
+ "Chatpal_Window_Size": "Velikost časového okna indexu",
+ "Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Velikost dávky indexových dokumentů (při bootstrapování)",
"Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Čas mezi dvěma indexovými okny v ms (při bootstrapování)",
"Chatpal_Window_Size_Description": "Velikost indexových oken v hodinách (při bootstrapování)",
"Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Podmínky a podmínky musí být zkontrolovány",
@@ -430,6 +445,7 @@
"Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "Klíč API byl úspěšně vytvořen",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Vyhledávání",
"CDN_PREFIX": "CDN Prefix",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Pro více informací o Chatpal navštivte http://chatpal.io",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Certifikáty a klíče",
"Change_Room_Type": "Změna typu místnosti",
"Changing_email": "Změna e-mailu",
@@ -489,15 +505,19 @@
"Common_Access": "Běžný přístup",
"Compact": "Kompaktní",
"Computer": "Počítač",
+ "Continue": "Pokračovat",
"Confirm_password": "Potvrďte heslo",
"Content": "Obsah",
"Conversation": "Konverzace",
"Conversation_closed": "Konverzace uzavřena: __comment__.",
- "Conversation_finished_message": "Zpráva konverzace skončila",
+ "Community": "Komunita",
+ "Conversation_finished_message": "Konverzace ukončena",
"Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Převod ASCII na Emoji",
"Copied": "Zkopírováno",
"Copy": "Kopírovat",
+ "Consulting": "Konzultace",
"Copy_to_clipboard": "Zkopírovat do schránky",
+ "Consumer_Goods": "Spotřební zboží",
"Count": "Počet",
"Cozy": "Útulný",
@@ -509,6 +529,7 @@
"create-p": "Vytvářet soukromé místnosti",
"create-p_description": "Právo vytvářet soukromé místnosti",
"create-user": "Vytvořit uživatele",
+ "Country": "Země",
"create-user_description": "Právo vytvořit uživatele",
"Create_A_New_Channel": "Vytvořit novou místnost",
"Create_new": "Vytvořit nový",
@@ -614,8 +635,8 @@
"Disable_Notifications": "Zakázat notifikace",
"Disable_two-factor_authentication": "Zakázat dvoufázové ověření",
"Disabled": "Zakázáno",
- "Disallow_reacting": "Zakázat reakci",
- "Disallow_reacting_Description": "Nepovolí reakci",
+ "Disallow_reacting": "Zakázat reakce",
+ "Disallow_reacting_Description": "Zakáže reakce",
"Display_unread_counter": "Zobrazit počet nepřečtených zpráv",
"Display_offline_form": "Zobrazit offline formulář",
"Displays_action_text": "Zobrazuje text akce",
@@ -627,7 +648,7 @@
"Domain_removed": "Doména odebrána",
"Domains": "Domény",
"Domains_allowed_to_embed_the_livechat_widget": "Čárkou oddělený seznam domén, kde se smí zobrazovat livechat. Pro povolení všech domén nechte prázdné",
- "Download_My_Data": "Stáhněte si Moje data",
+ "Download_My_Data": "Stáhnout Má data",
"Download_Snippet": "Stáhnout",
"Drop_to_upload_file": "Pusťe soubor do okna pro jeho nahrání",
"Dry_run": "Zkouška",
@@ -667,6 +688,7 @@
"Email_Header_Description": "Můžete použít následující zástupné kódy:
[Site_Name] a [Site_URL] pro název aplikace resp. URL
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Offline Upozornění e-mailem",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Každá zmínka / Přímá zpráva",
+ "Education": "Vzdělávání",
"Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Zakázáno",
"Email_or_username": "E-mail nebo uživatelské jméno",
"Email_Placeholder": "Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu...",
@@ -695,9 +717,7 @@
"Enter_Normal": "Normální mód (odeslání po stisku klávesy enter)",
"Enter_to": "Enter",
"Error": "Chyba",
- "Error_404": "Chyba: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Chyba: Rocket.Chat vyžaduje tail oplogu pokud běží na více instancích.",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Prověřte, že je MongoDB v ReplicaSet módu a proměnná prostředí MONGO_OPLOG_URL je na aplikačním serveru nastavena správně",
+ "Error_404": "Chyba: 404 nenalezeno",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ není povolena",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplikace nenalezena",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Existuje archivovaná místnost s názvem '__room_name__'",
@@ -707,7 +727,9 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Nepodařilo se změnit e-mail",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Nelze změnit jméno",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Nelze změnit uživatelské jméno",
+ "Entertainment": "Zábava",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Nelze odstranit chráněné role",
+ "Enterprise": "Korporace",
"error-department-not-found": "Oddělení nebylo nalezeno",
"error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Sdílení souborů není v přímé konverzaci povoleno",
"error-duplicate-channel-name": "Místnost s názvem ' %s' již existuje",
@@ -779,13 +801,21 @@
"every_30_minutes": "Jednou za 30 minut",
"every_hour": "Jednou za hodinu",
"every_six_hours": "Jednou za 6 hodin",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met": "Heslo nesplňuje požadavky serveru",
"Everyone_can_access_this_channel": "Tato místnost je přístupná všem",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-minLength": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady minimální délky (příliš krátké heslo)",
"Example_s": "Příklad: %s",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-maxLength": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady maximální délky (příliš dlouhé heslo)",
"Exclude_Botnames": "Vyloučit boty",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-repeatingCharacters": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady zakázaných opakujících se znaků (máte příliš mnoho stejných znaků vedle sebe)",
"Exclude_Botnames_Description": "Nepřevádět v potaz zprávy botu, jejichž jména odpovídají výše uvedenému regulárnímu výrazu. Pokud je pole prázdné, budou převedeny zprávy všech botů",
- "Export_My_Data": "Exportovat mé údaje",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneLowercase": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady alespoň jednoho malého znaku",
+ "Export_My_Data": "Exportovat má data",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneUppercase": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady alespoň jednoho velkého znaku",
"External_Service": "Externí služba",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneNumber": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady alespoň jednoho čísla",
"External_Queue_Service_URL": "URL Externí služby front",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneSpecial": "Heslo nesplňuje zásady alespoň jednoho speciálního znaku",
"Facebook_Page": "Facebook stránka",
"False": "Ne",
"Favorite_Rooms": "Aktivovat oblíbené místnosti",
@@ -851,6 +881,7 @@
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "I pokud je dostupný OpLog se nebude používat pro synchronizaci cache",
"Force_SSL": "Vynutit SSL",
"Force_SSL_Description": "* Pozor! * volba _Vynutit SSL_ by nikdy neměla být používána s reverzní proxy. Máte-li reverzní proxy, řešte přesměrování tam. Tato možnost je pouze pro služby jako Heroku které toto neumožňují",
+ "Financial_Services": "Finanční služby",
"Forgot_password": "Zapomněli jste heslo?",
"Forgot_Password_Description": "Můžete použít následující zástupné symboly:
[Forgot_Password_Url] pro adresu stránky na obnovu hesla
[name] pro celé jméno, [fname] pro křestní jméno a [lname] pro příjmení uživatele.
[email] pro email uživatelé.
[Site_Name] pro název a [Site_URL] pro a URL stránky.
"Forgot_Password_Email": "Klikněte na tento odkaz pro obnovení vašeho hesla.",
@@ -879,6 +910,7 @@
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Blokování nevhodných obrázků nebude fungovat po dosažení měsíční kvóty",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Počet hovorů v aktuálním měsíci",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Povolit Google Vision",
+ "Gaming": "Hry",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Maximum hovorů v měsíci",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Zadejte 0 pro neomezený počet",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Účet Google Vision",
@@ -906,7 +938,9 @@
"Hide_flextab": "Schovat postranní panel po kliknutí",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Jste si jisti, že chcete skrýt skupiny \"%s\"?",
"Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Opravdu chcete skrýt LiveChat s \"%s\"?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Přejít do vašeho prostoru",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Jste si jisti, že chcete skrýt diskusi s \"%s\"?",
+ "Government": "Vládní organizace",
"Hide_roles": "Schovat role",
"Hide_room": "Skrýt místnost",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Jste si jisti, že chcete skrýt místnost \"%s\"?",
@@ -915,9 +949,12 @@
"Highlights": "Klíčová slova",
"Highlights_How_To": "Chcete-li být upozorněni, když někdo zmíní slovo nebo frázi, přidejte jej sem. Můžete oddělit slova nebo fráze čárkami. Velikost písmen nehraje roli",
"Highlights_List": "Klíčová slova",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Péče o zdraví/farmaceutika",
"History": "Historie",
"Host": "Server",
+ "Help_Center": "Centrum nápovědy",
"hours": "hodiny",
+ "Group_mentions_disabled_x_members": "Zmínky skupiny `@all` a `@here` byly zakázány pro místnosti s více než __total__ uživateli",
"Hours": "Hodiny",
"How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "Byl operátor příjemný?",
"How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "Věděl operátor jak vám pomoci?",
@@ -990,6 +1027,7 @@
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Příchozí WebHook Integrace",
"Integration_New": "Nová integrace",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Odchozí WebHook Integrace",
+ "Industry": "Obor",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "Historie odchozího webhooku",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Data předána integraci",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Data předána na URL",
@@ -1003,6 +1041,7 @@
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Poslední spuštěný krok",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "Tento odchozí webhook ještě nemá žádnou zaznamenanou historii",
"Integration_Retry_Count": "Počet pokusů po neúspěšném volání",
+ "Insurance": "Pojištění",
"Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Kolikrát by se integrace měla znova pokusit volat URL pokud byl první pokus neúspěšný?",
"Integration_Retry_Delay": "Čas prodlení opakování",
"Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Jaký algoritmus prodlení by se měl použít?10^x, 2^x nebo x*2",
@@ -1080,7 +1119,7 @@
"IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Šablona pro odkazy na issue; %s bude nahrazeno číslem issue.",
"It_works": "Funguje to",
"Idle_Time_Limit": "Limit času nepřítomnosti",
- "Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Období, dokud se stav nezmění. Hodnota musí být v sekundách.",
+ "Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Doba po které se stav změní na nepřítomen. Hodnota musí být v sekundách.",
"italics": "kurzíva",
"Jitsi_Chrome_Extension": "ID Chrome rozšíření",
"Jitsi_Enable_Channels": "Povolit v místnostech",
@@ -1105,6 +1144,7 @@
"Katex_Enabled_Description": "Umožnit použití Katex pro zápis matematiky ve zprávách",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Povolit Parenthesis syntaxi",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Povolit použití \\[katex block\\] a \\(inline katex\\) syntaxi",
+ "Job_Title": "Název pozice",
"Keep_default_user_settings": "Zachovat výchozí nastavení",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Edit_Previous_Message": "Upravit předchozí zprávu",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_1": "Ctrl+p",
@@ -1123,7 +1163,7 @@
"Label": "Štítek",
"Language": "Jazyk",
"Language_Version": "Anglická verze",
- "Language_Not_set": "Žádné specifické",
+ "Language_Not_set": "Nespecifikováno",
"Last_login": "Poslední přihlášení",
"Last_Message_At": "Poslední zpráva v",
"Last_seen": "Naposledy viděn/a",
@@ -1149,6 +1189,7 @@
"LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "Pokud je vyplněno, pouze uživatelé, kteří odpovídají tomuto filtru se budou moci přihlásit. Pokud není zadán žádný filtr, všichni uživatelé v rozsahu základní domény se budou moci přihlásit. Např Active Directory `memberOf=cn=ROCKET_CHAT,ou=General Groups`. Nebo pro OpenLDAP (rozšiřitelné vyhledávání) `ou:dn:=ROCKET_CHAT`.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Rozsah",
"LDAP_Authentication": "Povolit",
+ "Launched_successfully": "Spuštěno v pořádku",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "Heslo",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "Uživatelské DN",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "Uživatel LDAP, přes kterého se provádí vyhledávání a ověřují ostatní uživatelé při přihlášení. Obvykle je to účet služby vytvořené speciálně pro integraci do třetích stran. Použijte plně kvalifikovaný název, jako například `cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=Example,dc=com`.",
@@ -1271,6 +1312,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Odhlášení ze všech ostatních míst",
"mail-messages": "Odeslat zprávy",
"mail-messages_description": "Právo odesílat zprávy",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registrační formulář",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Vložili jste jeden nebo více neplatných e-mailů: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Musíte vybrat jednoho nebo více uživatelů nebo vložit jednu nebo více e-mailových adres oddělených čárkami.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Nejsou vybrány žádné zprávy. Chcete vybrat všechny viditelné zprávy?",
@@ -1290,6 +1332,7 @@
"manage-integrations_description": "Právo měnit integrace",
"manage-oauth-apps": "Spravovat Oauth aplikace",
"manage-oauth-apps_description": "Právo měnit Oauth aplikace",
+ "Logistics": "Logistika",
"manage-own-integrations": "Spravovat vlastní integrace",
"manage-own-integrations_description": "Právo pro uživatele vytvářet a editovat vlastní integrace a webhooky",
"manage-sounds": "Spravovat zvuky",
@@ -1324,6 +1367,7 @@
"mention-here_description": "Právo použít zmínku @here",
"Mentions": "Zmínky",
"Mentions_default": "Zmínky (výchozí)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Výroba",
"Mentions_only": "Pouze zmínky",
"Message": "Zpráva",
"Message_AllowBadWordsFilter": "Povolit filtrování sprostých slov",
@@ -1341,6 +1385,7 @@
"Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Povolit nerozpoznané lomítkové příkazy",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Vždy hledat pomocí regulárních výrazů",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Doporučujeme nastavit `Ano` pokud Váš jazyk není podporován v textového vyhledávání MongoDB .",
+ "Media": "Média",
"Message_Attachments": "Přílohy zprávy",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Sjednotit tlačítka přílohy",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Zobrazi tlačítka přílohy jako rozklikávací menu, zabere méně místa na obrazovce",
@@ -1419,7 +1464,7 @@
"multi": "multi",
"multi_line": "více řádků",
"Mute_all_notifications": "Vypnout všechna upozornění",
- "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Ztlumit @all a @vše zmínka",
+ "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Ztlumit @all a @here zmínky",
"mute-user": "Ztišit uživatele",
"mute-user_description": "Právo ztišit jiné uživatele v aktuální místnosti",
"Mute_Focused_Conversations": "Vypnout upozornění na aktuální konverzaci",
@@ -1498,6 +1543,7 @@
"OAuth_Applications": "OAuth Aplikace",
"Objects": "Objekty",
"Off": "Vypnuto",
+ "Nonprofit": "Neziskové organizace",
"Off_the_record_conversation": "Konverzace mimo záznam",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "Konverzace mimo záznam není k dispozici pro Váš prohlížeč nebo zařízení.",
"Office_Hours": "Otevírací doba",
@@ -1561,9 +1607,13 @@
"Permalink": "Trvalý odkaz",
"Permissions": "Oprávnění",
"pin-message": "Připnout zprávu",
+ "Organization_Email": "Email organizace",
"pin-message_description": "Právo připnout zprávu",
+ "Organization_Info": "Informace o organizaci",
"Pin_Message": "Připnout zprávu",
+ "Organization_Name": "Jméno organizace",
"Pinned_a_message": "Připnuta zpráva:",
+ "Organization_Type": "Typ organizace",
"Pinned_Messages": "Připnuté zprávy",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Dalši Piwik stránky",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Zde vložte další Piwik stránky a jejich ID v následujícím formátu:\n [ { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://moje.piwik.domena2/\", \"siteId\" : 2 }, { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://moje.piwik.domena3/\", \"siteId\" : 3 } ]",
@@ -1575,6 +1625,7 @@
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Přidat doménu do názvu stránky pro trackování",
"PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "ID webu k identifikaci těchto stránek (Např: 17)",
"PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "Url Piwik vaší instance, nezapomeňte zahrnout koncové lomítko. Příklad: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
+ "Other": "Jiné",
"Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Zástupný text pro pole e-mailu nebo uživatelského jména v přihlášení",
"Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Zástupný text pro pole hesla v přihlášení",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Prosím, přidejte komentář",
@@ -1605,24 +1656,43 @@
"Post_to_s_as_s": "Příspěvek do %s jako %s",
"Preferences": "Nastavení",
"Preferences_saved": "Nastavení uloženo",
+ "Password_Policy": "Zásady hesla",
"preview-c-room": "Náhled veřejné místnosti",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled": "Povolit zásady hesla",
"preview-c-room_description": "Právo zobrazit obsah veřejné místnosti před připojení do ní",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled_Description": "Pokud je povoleno, uživatelská hesla musí splňovat pravidla níže. Poznámka: toto se nevztahuje na již existující hesla",
"Privacy": "Soukromí",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength": "Minimální délka",
"Private": "Privátní",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength_Description": "Heslo má nejméně X znaků. `-1` pro vypnutí této volby.",
"Private_Channel": "Privátní místnost",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength": "Maximální délka",
"Private_Group": "Soukromá skupina",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength_Description": "Heslo má maximálně X znaků. `-1` pro vypnutí této volby.",
"Private_Groups": "Soukromé skupiny",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters": "Zakázat opakující se znaky",
"Private_Groups_list": "Seznam Soukromých skupin",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters_Description": "Heslo nesmí obsahovat dva stejné znaky po sobě.",
"Profile": "Profil",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount": "Maximální počet opakujících se znaků",
"Profile_details": "Detail profilu",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount_Description": "Kolikrát se smí znak opakovat.",
"Profile_picture": "Profilový obrázek",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase": "Alespoň jedno malé písmeno",
"Profile_saved_successfully": "Profil byl úspěšně uložen",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase_Description": "Heslo obsahuje alespoň jedno malé písmeno",
"Public": "Veřejné",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase": "Alespoň jedno velké písmeno",
"Public_Channel": "Veřejná místnost",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase_Description": "Heslo obsahuje alespoň jedno velké písmeno",
"Push": "Notifikace",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber": "Alespoň jedna číslice",
"Push_apn_cert": "APN Certifikát",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber_Description": "Heslo obsahuje alespoň jednu číslici",
"Push_apn_dev_cert": "APN DEV certifikát",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter": "Alespoň jeden symbol",
"Push_apn_dev_key": "APN DEV klíč",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter_Description": "Heslo obsahuje alespoň jeden symbol",
"Push_apn_dev_passphrase": "APN DEV heslo",
"Push_apn_key": "APN Klíč",
"Push_apn_passphrase": "APN heslo",
@@ -1645,6 +1715,7 @@
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
"React_when_read_only": "Povolit reakce",
"React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Povolit reakce po úspěšné změně povolení ke čtení",
+ "Private_Team": "Soukromý tým",
"Reacted_with": "zanechal/a reakci",
"Reactions": "Reakce",
"Read_by": "Přečteno",
@@ -1652,10 +1723,12 @@
"Read_only_changed_successfully": "Pouze pro čtení změněno",
"Read_only_channel": "Místnost pouze pro čtení",
"Read_only_group": "Skupina pouze pro čtení",
+ "Public_Community": "Veřejná komunita",
"Reason_To_Join": "Důvod připojení",
+ "Public_Relations": "Vztahy s veřejností",
"RealName_Change_Disabled": "Váš administrátor zakázal změnu jmen",
"Receive_alerts": "Dostávat upozornění",
- "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Přijměte @all a @známky",
+ "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Obdržet všechny @all a @here zmínky",
"Record": "Záznam",
"Redirect_URI": "URI Přesměrování",
"Refresh_keys": "Obnovit klíče",
@@ -1689,6 +1762,7 @@
"Report_sent": "Nahlášení odesláno",
"Report_this_message_question_mark": "Nahlásit tuto zprávu?",
"Require_all_tokens": "Vyžadovat všechny tokeny",
+ "Real_Estate": "Nemovitosti",
"Require_any_token": "Vyžadovat jakýkoliv token",
"Reporting": "Reporting",
"Require_password_change": "Vyžadovat změnu hesla",
@@ -1699,12 +1773,14 @@
"Restart": "Restartovat",
"Restart_the_server": "Restartovat server",
"Retry_Count": "Počet opakování",
+ "Register_Server": "Registrovat server",
"Apps": "Aplikace",
"App_Information": "Informace o aplikaci",
"App_Installation": "Instalace aplikace",
"Apps_Settings": "Nastavení aplikace",
"Role": "Role",
"Role_Editing": "Editace Role",
+ "Religious": "Náboženství",
"Role_removed": "Role odstraněna",
"Room": "Místnost",
"Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Oznámení místnosti změněno",
@@ -1736,6 +1812,7 @@
"Room_unarchived": "Místnost odarchivována",
"Room_uploaded_file_list": "Seznam souborů",
"Room_uploaded_file_list_empty": "Žádné soubory k dispozici.",
+ "Retail": "Obchod",
"Rooms": "Místnosti",
"run-import": "Pustit import",
"run-import_description": "Právo spustit importovací proces",
@@ -1779,8 +1856,8 @@
"Search_Private_Groups": "Vyhledávání soukromých skupin",
"Search_Provider": "Poskytovatel vyhledávání",
"Search_Page_Size": "Velikost stránky",
- "Search_current_provider_not_active": "Poskytovatel aktuálního vyhledávání není aktivní",
- "Search_message_search_failed": "Žádost vyhledávání selhala",
+ "Search_current_provider_not_active": "Aktuální poskytovatel vyhledávání není aktivní",
+ "Search_message_search_failed": "Požadavek na vyhledávání selhal",
"seconds": "sekundy",
"Secret_token": "Tajný token",
"Security": "Zabezpečení",
@@ -1809,7 +1886,9 @@
"Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Kam odesílat zachycené leady",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Odeslat požadavek na offline zprávy",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Odeslat žádost o zprávy návštěvníka",
+ "Setup_Wizard": "Průvodce instalací",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Odeslat žádost na zprávy operátora",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "Provedeme vás nastavením prvního administrátora, údajů o Vaší organizaci, registrací pro notifikace a dalším nastavením.",
"Send_Test": "Odeslat test",
"Send_welcome_email": "Odeslat uvítací e-mail",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Pošlete JSON payload na tuto adresu URL.",
@@ -1856,7 +1935,9 @@
"Site_Name": "Jméno stránky",
"Site_Url": "URL stránky",
"Site_Url_Description": "Například: https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Informace o serveru",
"Skip": "Přeskočit",
+ "Server_Type": "Typ serveru",
"SlackBridge_error": "SlackBridge narazil na chybu při importu zpráv ve %s: %s",
"SlackBridge_finish": "Slackbridge dokončil import zpráv ve %s. Prosím obnovte stránku pro zobrazení všech zpráv.",
"SlackBridge_Out_All": "Slackbridge Odesílat Vše",
@@ -1891,14 +1972,17 @@
"SMTP_Test_Button": "Test nastavení SMTP",
"SMTP_Username": "Uživatelské jméno SMTP",
"snippet-message": "Šablona zprávy",
+ "Show_email_field": "Zobrazit pole email",
"snippet-message_description": "Právo vytvořit šablonu zprávy",
"Snippet_name": "Název Snippetu",
+ "Show_name_field": "Zobrazit pole jméno",
"Snippet_Added": "Vytvořeno v %s",
"Snippet_Messages": "Předvolené zprávy",
"Snippeted_a_message": "Vytvořena předvolená zpráva __snippetLink__",
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Je nám líto, požadovaná stránka neexistuje nebo byla smazána!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Řadit podle aktivity",
"Sound": "Zvuk",
+ "Size": "Velikost",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Soubor zvuku (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
"Star_Message": "Ohvězdičkovat zprávu",
@@ -1940,6 +2024,7 @@
"Store_Last_Message": "Uložit poslední zprávu",
"Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Uložit poslední zprávu z každé místnosti",
"Stream_Cast": "Stream cast",
+ "Social_Network": "Sociální síť",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Adresa Stream Castu",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP nebo Server vaší Rocket.Chat hlavního Stream Castu. Např. `` or `localhost:4000`",
"strike": "přeškrtnuté",
@@ -1981,6 +2066,7 @@
"theme-color-custom-scrollbar-color": "Vlastní barva posuvníku",
"theme-color-error-color": "Barva chybové akce",
"theme-color-info-font-color": "Barva písma Informace",
+ "Step": "Krok",
"theme-color-link-font-color": "Barva písma odkazů",
"theme-color-pending-color": "Barva čekající akce",
"theme-color-primary-action-color": "Primární barva akce",
@@ -2006,9 +2092,12 @@
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Chyba",
"theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Chyba světlá",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Upozornění",
+ "Telecom": "Telekomunikace",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Upozornění světlá",
"theme-color-rc-color-success": "Provedeno",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Poskytovatel technologií",
"theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Provedeno světlá",
+ "Technology_Services": "Technologické služby",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Tlačítko primární",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Tlačítko primární světlá",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Primární",
@@ -2090,7 +2179,7 @@
"unarchive-room_description": "Právo odarchivovat místnost",
"Unblock_User": "Odblokovat uživatele",
"Uninstall": "Odinstalovat",
- "Unignore": "Vynechat",
+ "Unignore": "Odignorovat",
"Unmute_someone_in_room": "Zrušit ztlumení někoho v místnosti",
"Unmute_user": "Zrušit ztlumení uživatele",
"Unnamed": "Nepojmenovaný",
@@ -2103,6 +2192,7 @@
"Unread_Rooms": "Nepřečtené místnosti",
"Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Mód Nepřečtených místností",
"Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Ikona v oznamovací oblasti upozorňuje na nepřečtené zprávy",
+ "Tourism": "Turistika",
"Unstar_Message": "Odebrat hvězdičku",
"Updated_at": "Poslední aktualizace",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Aktualizujte svůj Rocket.Chat",
@@ -2124,11 +2214,14 @@
"Use_uploaded_avatar": "Použít nahraný avatar",
"Use_url_for_avatar": "Použijte avatar z URL",
"Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Použít nastavení uživatele nebo obecné nastavení",
+ "Type_your_job_title": "Zadejte svou pozici",
"User": "Uživatel",
"user-generate-access-token": "Přístupový token uživatelů",
"user-generate-access-token_description": "Právo vytvářet uživatelský přístupový token",
"User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "Uživatel __username__ je nyní vedoucím místnosti __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_password": "Zadejte své heslo",
"User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "Uživatel __username__ je nyní moderátorem __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_username": "Zadejte své uživatelské jméno",
"User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "Uživatel __username__ je nyní vlastníkem __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "Uživatel __username__ byl odebrán z vedoucích místnosti __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "Uživatel __username__ odebrán z moderátorů __room_name__",
@@ -2177,17 +2270,17 @@
"User_uploaded_image": "Nahrát obrázek",
"User_Presence": "Přítomný uživatel",
"UserDataDownload": "Stáhnout uživatelská data",
- "UserData_EnableDownload": "Aktivovat stahování dat uživatelem",
- "UserData_FileSystemPath": "Cesta systému (exportované soubory)",
+ "UserData_EnableDownload": "Povolit stahování dat uživatelem",
+ "UserData_FileSystemPath": "Systémová cesta (exportované soubory)",
"UserData_FileSystemZipPath": "Systémová cesta (komprimovaný soubor)",
"UserData_ProcessingFrequency": "Frekvence zpracování (minuty)",
- "UserData_MessageLimitPerRequest": "Limit zprávy na žádost",
+ "UserData_MessageLimitPerRequest": "Limit zpráv na žádost",
"UserDataDownload_EmailSubject": "Datový soubor je připraven k stažení",
- "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Váš datový soubor je nyní připraven ke stažení. Klikněte na zdea stáhněte si ji.",
- "UserDataDownload_Requested": "Stáhnout soubor požadovaný",
- "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Váš datový soubor bude generován. Odkaz na stažení bude po odeslání zaslán na vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
- "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Váš datový soubor je již generován. Odkaz na stažení bude po odeslání zaslán na vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
- "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Váš datový soubor byl již vytvořen. Podívejte se na svůj e-mailový účet pro odkaz ke stažení.",
+ "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Váš datový soubor je nyní připraven ke stažení. Klikněte zdea stáhněte si ji.",
+ "UserDataDownload_Requested": "Stáhnutí souboru vyžádáno",
+ "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Váš datový soubor je právě generován. Odkaz na stažení bude zaslán na vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
+ "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Váš datový soubor je již generován. Odkaz na stažení bude zaslán na vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
+ "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Váš datový soubor byl již vytvořen. Ve svém e-mailu naleznete odkaz ke stažení.",
"Username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"Username_and_message_must_not_be_empty": "Uživatelské jméno a zpráva nesmí být prázdné.",
"Username_cant_be_empty": "Uživatelské jméno nemůže být prázdné",
@@ -2310,7 +2403,7 @@
"You_are_logged_in_as": "Jste přihlášeni jako",
"You_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page": "Nemáte oprávnění k zobrazení této stránky.",
"You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too": "Můžete změnit avatar pro zprávy z této integrace.",
- "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Můžete vyhledávat pomocí regulárních výrazů např.",
+ "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Můžete vyhledávat pomocí regulárních výrazů např. /^text$/i",
"You_can_use_an_emoji_as_avatar": "Můžete také použít emotikonu jako avatar.",
"You_can_use_webhooks_to_easily_integrate_livechat_with_your_CRM": "Webhooky můžete použít pro jednoduchou integraci s Vaším CRM",
"You_cant_leave_a_livechat_room_Please_use_the_close_button": "LiveChat místnost nelze opustit. Použijte prosím tlačítko zavřít.",
@@ -2339,5 +2432,247 @@
"your_message": "vaše zpráva",
"your_message_optional": "vaše zpráva (nepovinná)",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Vaše heslo je špatně!",
- "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Vaše notifikace byla odeslána do %s zařízení"
+ "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Vaše notifikace byla odeslána do %s zařízení",
+ "Your_server_link": "Odkaz na Váš server",
+ "Your_workspace_is_ready": "Váš prostředí je připraveno k použití 🎉",
+ "Worldwide": "Celý svět",
+ "Country_Afghanistan": "Afgánistán",
+ "Country_Albania": "Albánie",
+ "Country_Algeria": "Alžír",
+ "Country_American_Samoa": "Americká Samoa",
+ "Country_Andorra": "Andorra",
+ "Country_Angola": "Angola",
+ "Country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
+ "Country_Antarctica": "Antarktida",
+ "Country_Antigua_and_Barbuda": "Antigua a Barbuda",
+ "Country_Argentina": "Argentina",
+ "Country_Armenia": "Arménie",
+ "Country_Aruba": "Aruba",
+ "Country_Australia": "Austrálie",
+ "Country_Austria": "Rakousko",
+ "Country_Azerbaijan": "Ázerbajdžán",
+ "Country_Bahamas": "Bahamské ostrovy",
+ "Country_Bahrain": "Bahrajn",
+ "Country_Bangladesh": "Bangladéš",
+ "Country_Barbados": "Barbados",
+ "Country_Belarus": "Bělorusko",
+ "Country_Belgium": "Belgie",
+ "Country_Belize": "Belize",
+ "Country_Benin": "Benin",
+ "Country_Bermuda": "Bermudy",
+ "Country_Bhutan": "Bhútán",
+ "Country_Bolivia": "Bolívie",
+ "Country_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina": "Bosna a Hercegovina",
+ "Country_Botswana": "Botswana",
+ "Country_Bouvet_Island": "Bouvetův ostrov",
+ "Country_Brazil": "Brazílie",
+ "Country_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory": "Britské indickooceánské území",
+ "Country_Brunei_Darussalam": "Brunej",
+ "Country_Bulgaria": "Bulharsko",
+ "Country_Burkina_Faso": "Burkina Faso",
+ "Country_Burundi": "Burundi",
+ "Country_Cambodia": "Kambodža",
+ "Country_Cameroon": "Kamerun",
+ "Country_Canada": "Kanada",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Kapverdy",
+ "Country_Cayman_Islands": "Kajmanské ostrovy",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Středoafrická republika",
+ "Country_Chad": "Čad",
+ "Country_Chile": "Chile",
+ "Country_China": "Čína",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Vánoční ostrov",
+ "Country_Cocos_Keeling_Islands": "Kokosové ostrovy (Keeling)",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Kolumbie",
+ "Country_Comoros": "Komory",
+ "Country_Congo": "Kongo",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Konžská demokratická republika",
+ "Country_Cook_Islands": "Cookovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Kostarika",
+ "Country_Cote_Divoire": "Pobřeží slonoviny",
+ "Country_Croatia": "Chorvatsko",
+ "Country_Cuba": "Kuba",
+ "Country_Cyprus": "Kypr",
+ "Country_Czech_Republic": "Česká republika",
+ "Country_Denmark": "Dánsko",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Džibutsko",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Dominika",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Dominikánská republika",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Ekvádor",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Egypt",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "El Salvador",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Rovníková Guinea",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Estonsko",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Etiopie",
+ "Country_Falkland_Islands_Malvinas": "Falklandy (Malvíny)",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Faerské ostrovy",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Fidži",
+ "Country_Finland": "Finsko",
+ "Country_France": "Francie",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "Francouzská Guyana",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "Francouzská Polynésie",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "Francouzská jižní a antarktická území",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Gabon",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Gambie",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Gruzie",
+ "Country_Germany": "Německo",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Ghana",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
+ "Country_Greece": "Řecko",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Grónsko",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Grenada",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
+ "Country_Guam": "Guam",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Guinea",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Guyana",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Haiti",
+ "Country_Heard_Island_and_Mcdonald_Islands": "Heardův ostrov a McDonaldovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Svatý stolec (Vatikánský městský stát)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Honduras",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Hongkong",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Maďarsko",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Island",
+ "Country_India": "Indie",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Indonésie",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Íránská islámská republika",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Irák",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Irsko",
+ "Country_Israel": "Izrael",
+ "Country_Italy": "Itálie",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Jamajka",
+ "Country_Japan": "Japonsko",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Jordán",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Kazachstán",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Keňa",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Severní Korea",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Jižní Korea",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Kuvajt",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstán",
+ "Country_Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic": "Laoská lidově demokratická republika",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Lotyšsko",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Libanon",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Libérie",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Lybie",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Lichtenštejnsko",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Litva",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Lucembursko",
+ "Country_Macao": "Macao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Makedonie, Bývalá jugoslávská republika",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Madagaskar",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Malawi",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Malajsie",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Maledivy",
+ "Country_Mali": "Mali",
+ "Country_Malta": "Malta",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Marshallovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Martinik",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Mauritánie",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Mauricius",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Mexiko",
+ "Country_Micronesia_Federated_States_of": "Mikronésie, Federativní státy",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Moldavská republika",
+ "Country_Monaco": "Monaco",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Mongolsko",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Maroko",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Mosambik",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Namibie",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Nauru",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Nepál",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Nizozemsko",
+ "Country_Netherlands_Antilles": "Nizozemské Antily",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "Nová Kaledonie",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "Nový Zéland",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Nikaragua",
+ "Country_Niger": "Niger",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Nigérie",
+ "Country_Niue": "Niue",
+ "Country_Norfolk_Island": "Norfolk",
+ "Country_Northern_Mariana_Islands": "Severní Mariany",
+ "Country_Norway": "Norsko",
+ "Country_Oman": "Omán",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Pákistán",
+ "Country_Palau": "Palau",
+ "Country_Palestinian_Territory_Occupied": "Obsazené Palestinské území",
+ "Country_Panama": "Panama",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Papua-Nová Guinea",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
+ "Country_Peru": "Peru",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Filipíny",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairnovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Poland": "Polsko",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Portugalsko",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Portoriko",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Katar",
+ "Country_Reunion": "Réunion",
+ "Country_Romania": "Rumunsko",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Ruská Federace",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "svatá Helena",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Svatý Kryštof a Nevis",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "svatá Lucie",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Saint-Pierre a Miquelon",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Samoa",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "San Marino",
+ "Country_Sao_Tome_and_Principe": "Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Saudská Arábie",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Senegal",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Srbsko a Černá Hora",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Seychely",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Sierra Leone",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Singapur",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Slovensko",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Slovinsko",
+ "Country_Solomon_Islands": "Šalamounovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Somálsko",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "Jižní Afrika",
+ "Country_South_Georgia_and_The_South_Sandwich_Islands": "Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy",
+ "Country_Spain": "Španělsko",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Srí Lanka",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Súdán",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Surinam",
+ "Country_Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen": "Špicberky a Jan Mayen",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Svazijsko",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Švédsko",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Švýcarsko",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Syrská Arabská republika",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Tchaj-wan, provincie Číny",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Tádžikistán",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Sjednocená tanzanská republika",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Thajsko",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Východní Timor",
+ "Country_Togo": "Togo",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
+ "Country_Tonga": "Tonga",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Trinidad a Tobago",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Tunisko",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Turecko",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistán",
+ "Country_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands": "Turks a Caicos",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Uganda",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Ukrajina",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "Spojené arabské emiráty",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "Spojené království",
+ "Country_United_States": "Spojené Státy americké",
+ "Country_United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands": "Menší odlehlé ostrovy Spojených států amerických",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistán",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Venezuela",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "Vietnam",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_British": "Britské Panenské ostrovy",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "Britské Panenské ostrovy",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Wallis a Futuna",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Západní Sahara",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Jemen",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Zambie",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/da.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/da.i18n.json
index 451551db9b07..aa1de85ffd79 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/da.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/da.i18n.json
@@ -24,92 +24,92 @@
"Accounts_AllowAnonymousRead": "Tillad anonym læsning",
"Accounts_AllowAnonymousWrite": "Tillad anonym skrivning",
"Accounts_AllowDeleteOwnAccount": "Lad brugere slette deres egen konto",
- "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList": "Tilladt domæne liste",
+ "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList": "Liste over tilladte domæner",
"Accounts_AllowedDomainsList_Description": "Kommasepareret liste over tilladte domæner",
"Accounts_AllowEmailChange": "Tillad ændring af e-mail",
"Accounts_AllowPasswordChange": "Tillad adgangskodeændring",
- "Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange": "Tillad brugernes Avatar Skift",
- "Accounts_AllowRealNameChange": "Tillad navnændring",
- "Accounts_AllowUsernameChange": "Tillad brugernavnskift",
+ "Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange": "Tillad, at brugerne skifter avatar",
+ "Accounts_AllowRealNameChange": "Tillad navneændring",
+ "Accounts_AllowUsernameChange": "Tillad brugernavneændring",
"Accounts_AllowUserProfileChange": "Tillad ændring af brugerprofil",
"Accounts_AvatarResize": "Ændre størrelsen på avatarer",
- "Accounts_AvatarSize": "Avatar Størrelse",
+ "Accounts_AvatarSize": "Avatar-størrelse",
"Accounts_BlockedDomainsList": "Liste over blokerede domæner",
"Accounts_BlockedDomainsList_Description": "Kommasepareret liste over blokerede domæner",
- "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList": "Blokeret brugernavnsliste",
- "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList_Description": "Kommasepareret liste over blokerede brugernavne (case-sensitive)",
- "Accounts_CustomFields_Description": "Skal være et gyldigt JSON, hvor nøgler er feltnavne, der indeholder en ordbog med feltindstillinger. Eksempel: {\n\"rolle\": {\n\"type\": \"vælg\",\n\"defaultValue\": \"student\",\n\"muligheder\": [\"lærer\", \"studerende\"],\n\"kræves\": sandt,\n\"modifyRecordField\": {\n\"array\": sandt,\n\"felt\": \"roller\"\n}\n},\n\"twitter\": {\n\"type\": \"tekst\",\n\"kræves\": sandt,\n\"minLength\": 2,\n\"maxlængde\": 10\n}\n}",
+ "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList": "Liste over blokerede brugernavne",
+ "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList_Description": "Kommasepareret liste over blokerede brugernavne (der er ikke forskel på store og små bogstaver)",
+ "Accounts_CustomFields_Description": "Skal være gyldigt JSON, hvor nøgler er feltnavne, der indeholder en ordbog med feltindstillinger. Eksempel: {\n\"role\": {\n\"type\": \"select\",\n\"defaultValue\": \"student\",\n\"options\": [\"lærer\", \"studerende\"],\n\"required\": true,\n\"modifyRecordField\": {\n\"array\": true,\n\"felt\": \"roller\"\n}\n},\n\"twitter\": {\n\"type\": \"text\",\n\"required\": sandt,\n\"minLength\": 2,\n\"maxLength\": 10\n}\n}",
"Accounts_CustomFieldsToShowInUserInfo": "Brugerdefinerede felter, der skal vises i brugerinfo",
- "Accounts_DefaultUsernamePrefixSuggestion": "Standard brugernavn Prefix Forslag",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences": "Standard brugerindstillinger",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications": "Lydvarsler Standardvarsel",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications": "Standardmeddelelse til skrivebordsmeddelelser",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_mobileNotifications": "Standardvarsling for mobilmeddelelser",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_not_available": "Kunne ikke hente brugerindstillinger, fordi de endnu ikke er konfigureret af brugeren",
+ "Accounts_DefaultUsernamePrefixSuggestion": "Forslag til standard-præfiks til brugernavne",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences": "Standard-brugerindstillinger",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications": "Standardlyd for lydnotifikationer",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications": "Standardbesked for skrivebordsnotifikationer",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_mobileNotifications": "Standardbesked for mobilnotifikationer",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_not_available": "Kunne ikke hente brugerindstillingerne, fordi de endnu ikke er konfigureret af brugeren",
"Accounts_denyUnverifiedEmail": "Afvis ubekræftet e-mail",
- "Accounts_EmailVerification": "Email Verifikation",
+ "Accounts_EmailVerification": "E-mail-bekræftelse",
"Accounts_EmailVerification_Description": "Sørg for, at du har korrekte SMTP-indstillinger for at bruge denne funktion",
- "Accounts_Email_Approved": "[navn]
Kontroller venligst \"Administration ->Brugere\" for at aktivere eller slette den.
- "Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "En ny bruger er registreret og har brug for godkendelse",
- "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Glem brugersession i vinduet Luk",
- "Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "Api Metode",
- "Accounts_Iframe_api_url": "API-URL",
+ "Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Default": "
Brugeren [navn] ([email])er blevet registreret.
Vær venlig at aktivere eller slette denne bruger under \"Administration -> Brugere\".
Vær venlig at aktivere eller slette denne bruger under \"Administration -> Brugere\".
+ "Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "En ny bruger har registreret sig og har brug for godkendelse",
+ "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Glem brugersessionen, når vinduet lukkes",
+ "Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "API-metode",
+ "Accounts_Iframe_api_url": "API-url",
"Accounts_iframe_enabled": "Aktiveret",
- "Accounts_iframe_url": "Iframe-URL",
- "Accounts_LoginExpiration": "Login Expiration in Days",
- "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers": "Godkendelse af nye brugere manuelt",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path": "Godkendelse af sti",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color": "Knap Farve",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color": "Knappen Tekstfarve",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text": "Knappen Tekst",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable": "Muliggøre",
+ "Accounts_iframe_url": "Iframe-url",
+ "Accounts_LoginExpiration": "Login udløber efter så mange dage",
+ "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers": "Nye brugere skal godkendes manuelt",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path": "Autorisationssti",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color": "Farve på knap",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color": "Tekstfarve på knap",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text": "Tekst på knap",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable": "Aktivér",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id": "Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path": "Identitetsvej",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Login_Style": "Login Style",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Merge_Users": "Flette brugere",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path": "Identitetssti",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Login_Style": "Loginstil",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Merge_Users": "Sammenflet brugere",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Scope": "Anvendelsesområde",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "Hemmelighed",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Tokenbane",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Token Sendt Via",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identitets Token Sendt Via",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Brugernavn felt",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Drupal login aktiveret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Drupal oAuth2 Omdirigere URI",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "Drupal oAuth2 Client ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Drupal oAuth2 Client Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "Facebook Login",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Facebook-tilbagekaldswebadresse",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "Facebook App ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "Facebook Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github": "OAuth Aktiveret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Github Tilbagekaldelses URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise": "OAuth Aktiveret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "GitHub Enterprise Tilbagekaldsadresse",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Tokensti",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Token sendt via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identitets-token sendt via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Brugernavnefelt",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Drupal-login aktiveret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Omdirigerings-uri for Drupals oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "Klient-id for Drupals oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Klienthemmelighed for Drupals oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "Facebook-login",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Facebooks tilbagekalds-url",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "Facebooks app-id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "Facebook-hemmelighed",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github": "OAuth aktiveret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Tilbagekalds-url for Github",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise": "OAuth aktiveret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "Tilbagekalds-url for GitHub Enterprise",
"Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_id": "Klient-id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Client Secret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Klienthemmelighed",
"Accounts_OAuth_Github_id": "Klient-id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Client Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab": "OAuth Aktiveret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "GitLab-tilbagekaldelses-URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id": "GitLab Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Client Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Google Login",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Google tilbagekaldswebadresse",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Klienthemmelighed",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab": "OAuth aktiveret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "Tilbagekalds-url for GitLab",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id": "GitLab-id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Klienthemmelighed",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Google-login",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Tilbagekalds-url for Google",
"Accounts_OAuth_Google_id": "Google-id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret": "Google Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin": "LinkedIn Login",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_callback_url": "Linkedin Tilbagekaldelses URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret": "Google-hemmelighed",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin": "LinkedIn-login",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_callback_url": "TilbaegLinkedin Tilbagekaldelses URL",
"Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id": "LinkedIn Id",
"Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret": "LinkedIn Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Meteor": "Meteor Login",
@@ -128,16 +128,22 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret": "Twitter Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "WordPress Login",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "WordPress-tilbagekaldelses-URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "WordPress Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "WordPress-id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress-hemmelighed",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Nulstil kodeord",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standardroller til godkendelsestjenester",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardroller (kommaseparerede) brugere vil blive givet, når de registreres via autentificeringstjenester",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardroller (kommaseparerede), som brugere får, når de registrerer sig via autentificeringstjenester",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Brugerdefinerede",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrering med godkendelsestjenester",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identitetssti",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Tilmeldingsblanket",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identitets-token sendt via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Handicappet",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Tokensti",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Registreringsformular Link Replacement Text",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Autorisationssti",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Offentlig",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Anvendelsesområde",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Hemmelig URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registreringsformular Hemmelig URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Du skal angive en tilfældig streng, som vil blive tilføjet til din registreringswebadresse. Eksempel: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Indtast til",
"Error": "Fejl",
"Error_404": "Fejl: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fejl: Rocket.Chat kræver oplog tailing, når du kører i flere tilfælde",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Sørg for, at din MongoDB er i ReplicaSet-tilstand og MONGO_OPLOG_URL miljøvariabel er defineret korrekt på applikationsserveren",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ er ikke tilladt",
"error-application-not-found": "Programmet blev ikke fundet",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Der er en arkiveret kanal med navnet '__room_name__'",
@@ -972,7 +976,7 @@
"Incoming_Livechats": "Indkommende Livechats",
"Incoming_WebHook": "Indkommende WebHook",
"initials_avatar": "Initials Avatar",
- "inline_code": "inline kode",
+ "inline_code": "inline-kode",
"Install_Extension": "Installer forlængelse",
"Install_FxOs": "Installer Rocket.Chat på din Firefox",
"Install_FxOs_done": "Store! Du kan nu bruge Rocket.Chat via ikonet på din startskærm. Hav det sjovt med Rocket.Chat!",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logout fra andre logget på steder",
"mail-messages": "Mail Beskeder",
"mail-messages_description": "Tilladelse til at bruge indstillingerne for mailbeskeder",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Tilmeldingsblanket",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Du har angivet en eller flere ugyldige e-mails:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Du skal vælge en eller flere brugere eller give en eller flere e-mailadresser, adskilt af kommaer.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Du har ikke valgt nogen meddelelser",
@@ -1419,7 +1424,7 @@
"Move_end_message": "`% s` - Flyt til slutningen af meddelelsen",
"Msgs": "besk",
"multi": "multi",
- "multi_line": "multi line",
+ "multi_line": "flere linjer",
"Mute_all_notifications": "Sluk alle meddelelser",
"Mute_Group_Mentions": "Mute @all og @here nævner",
"mute-user": "Sluk bruger",
@@ -1647,7 +1652,7 @@
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
"React_when_read_only": "Tillad reaktion",
"React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Tillad, at reagere, når kun læsning er ændret",
- "Reacted_with": "Reageret med",
+ "Reacted_with": "Reagerede med",
"Reactions": "Reaktioner",
"Read_by": "Læs af",
"Read_only": "Læs kun",
@@ -1762,7 +1767,7 @@
"SAML_Custom_Public_Cert": "Offentligt certificeret indhold",
"Sandstorm_Powerbox_Share": "Del en Sandstorm korn",
"Saturday": "lørdag",
- "Save": "Spare",
+ "Save": "Gem",
"save-others-livechat-room-info": "Gem andre Livechat Room Info",
"save-others-livechat-room-info_description": "Tilladelse til at gemme information fra andre livechat kanaler",
"Save_changes": "Gem ændringer",
@@ -1945,7 +1950,7 @@
"Stream_Cast": "Stream Cast",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Stream Cast-adresse",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP eller vært på din Rocket.Chat Central Stream Cast. F.eks. ` 3000` eller` localhost: 4000`",
- "strike": "strejke",
+ "strike": "gennemstreget",
"Subject": "Emne",
"Submit": "Indsend",
"Success": "Succes",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de-AT.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de-AT.i18n.json
index cf2f05c7d110..1e98cf775122 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de-AT.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de-AT.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standardrollen für Authentifizierungsdienste",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardrollen (durch Kommas getrennte Benutzer) werden bei der Registrierung über Authentifizierungsdienste angegeben",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Anmeldung mit Authentifizierungsdiensten",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identitätspfad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Anmeldeformular",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token gesendet via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Deaktiviert",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Pfad des Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Ersatztext für den Registrierungslink",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Autorisierungspfad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Öffentlich",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Umfang",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Geheime URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Geheime URL für die Registrierungsseite",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Sie müssen eine zufällige Zeichenfolge, die der Registrierungs-URL hinzugefügt wird, verwenden. Beispiel: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter-Taste: ",
"Error": "Fehler",
"Error_404": "Fehler 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fehler: Rocket.Chat erfordert einen oplog-Tailing, wenn er in mehreren Instanzen ausgeführt wird",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich Ihre MongoDB im ReplicaSet-Modus befindet und die Umgebungsvariable MONGO_OPLOG_URL auf dem Anwendungsserver korrekt definiert ist",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ ist nicht erlaubt",
"error-application-not-found": "Anwendung nicht gefunden",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Es gibt einen archivierten Raum mit dem Namen '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Von anderen Geräten abmelden",
"mail-messages": "E-Mail-Nachrichten",
"mail-messages_description": "Berechtigung zur Verwendung der E-Mail-Nachrichtenoption",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Anmeldeformular",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Sie haben eine oder mehrere ungültige E-Mail-Adressen angegeben: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Sie müssen einen/mehrere Benutzer auswählen oder einen/mehrere E-Mail-Adressen durch Kommata getrennt angeben.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Sie haben keine Nachrichten ausgewählt.",
@@ -1611,8 +1616,8 @@
"preview-c-room_description": "Erlaubnis, den Inhalt eines öffentlichen Kanals vor dem Beitritt zu sehen",
"Privacy": "Datenschutz",
"Private": "Privat",
- "Private_Channel": "Privater Kanal",
- "Private_Group": "Private Chatgruppe",
+ "Private_Channel": "Geschlossene Chatgruppe",
+ "Private_Group": "Geschlossene Chatgruppe",
"Private_Groups": "Private Chatgruppen",
"Private_Groups_list": "Liste aller privaten Chats",
"Profile": "Profil",
@@ -2166,7 +2171,7 @@
"User_mentions_only": "Benutzer erwähnt nur",
"User_muted": "Benutzer stummgeschaltet",
"User_muted_by": "Dem Benutzer __user_muted__ wurde das Chatten von __user_by__ verboten.",
- "User_not_found": "Der Benutzer konnte nicht gefunden werden.",
+ "User_not_found": "Der/die Benutzer/in konnte nicht gefunden werden.",
"User_not_found_or_incorrect_password": "Entweder konnte der Benutzer nicht gefunden werden oder Sie haben ein falsches Passwort angegeben.",
"User_or_channel_name": "Benutzer- oder Kanalname",
"User_removed": "Der Benutzer wurde gelöscht.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de.i18n.json
index cd75b051b442..1134badce4d9 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/de.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standardrolle bei Nutzung von Authentifizierungsdiensten",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardrollen, die Benutzern zugewiesen werden, wenn diese sich über Authentifizierungsdienste registrieren",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Anmeldung mit Authentifizierungsdiensten",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identitätspfad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Anmeldeformular",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token gesendet via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Deaktiviert",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Pfad des Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Ersatztext für den Registrierungslink",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Autorisierungspfad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Öffentlich",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Scope",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Geheime URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Geheime URL für die Registrierungsseite",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Gib eine zufällige Zeichenfolge, die der Registrierungs-URL hinzugefügt wird, an. Zum Beispiel: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -146,9 +152,9 @@
"Accounts_SearchFields": "Felder, die in der Suche berücksichtigt werden sollen",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Standard-Avatar setzen",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Versuche Standard-Avatar über OAuth oder Gravatar zu bestimmen",
- "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Anmeldeformular zeigen",
+ "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Standard Anmeldeformular zeigen",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Maximales Delta",
- "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Das maximale Delta bestimmt, wie viele Token zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gültig sind. Token werden alle 30 Sekunden generiert und gelten für (30 * Maximum Delta) Sekunden. Beispiel: Wenn ein maximales Delta auf 10 gesetzt ist, kann jedes Token bis zu 300 Sekunden vor oder nach dem Zeitstempel verwendet werden. Dies ist nützlich, wenn die Uhr des Clients nicht richtig mit dem Server synchronisiert ist.",
+ "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Das maximale Delta bestimmt, wie viele Token zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gültig sind. Token werden alle 30 Sekunden generiert und gelten für (30 * Maximum Delta) Sekunden. Beispiel: Wenn ein maximales Delta auf 10 gesetzt ist, kann jedes Token bis zu 300 Sekunden vor oder nach dem Zeitstempel verwendet werden. Dies ist nützlich, wenn die Uhr des Clients nicht richtig mit dem Server synchronisiert ist.",
"Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Standardliste für blockierte Domains verwenden",
"Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck": "DNS-Domain-Check verwenden",
"Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Willkommen zu
Besuche [Site_URL] und probiere noch heute die beste Open-Source-Chat-Lösung aus.
Du kannst Dich mit den folgenden Daten anmelden: E-Mail-Adresse: [email] Passwort: [password]Es kann sein, dass Du Dein Passwort nach der ersten Anmeldung ändern musst.",
@@ -201,7 +207,7 @@
"All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages": "Alle Benutzer in diesem Kanal dürfen Nachrichten schreiben",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs": "Ungültige und selbstsignierte SSL-Zertifikate erlauben",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Ungültige und selbstsignierte SSL-Zertifikate für die Link-Validierung und die Vorschau zulassen.",
- "Alphabetical": "Alphabetisch",
+ "Alphabetical": "alphabetisch",
"Allow_switching_departments": "Erlaube Besuchern, Abteilungen zu wechseln",
"Always_open_in_new_window": "Immer in neuem Fenster öffnen",
"Analytics_features_enabled": "Aktivierte Funktionen",
@@ -245,7 +251,7 @@
"API_Shield_Types_Description": "Shields-Typen. Konfiguration mit einer Komma-separierten-Liste. Optionen: `online`, `channel` oder `*` für \"Alles\"",
"API_Token": "API-Token",
"API_Tokenpass_URL": "Url des Tokenpass Servers",
- "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Beispiel: https://domain.com (ohne abschließenden /)",
+ "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Beispiel: http://domain.com (ohne Schrägstrich am Ende)",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Maximales Limit",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Max. Anzahl an Einträgen, die das REST API zurückliefen soll (sofern nicht weiter eingeschränkt)",
"API_User_Limit": "Limit für das Hinzufügen aller Benutzer zu einem Kanal",
@@ -424,12 +430,11 @@
"Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Zeit zwischen 2 Indexfenster in ms (beim Bootstrapping)",
"Chatpal_Window_Size_Description": "Größe der Indexfenster in h (beim Bootstrapping)",
"Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Die Geschäftsbedingungen müssen akzeptiert werden",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "ine E-Mail Adresse muss angegeben werden",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_valid": "ine E-Mail Adresse mussvalide sein",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "E-Mail Adresse muss angegeben werden",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_valid": "E-Mail Adresse muss valide sein",
"Chatpal_ERROR_username_already_exists": "Benutzername existiert bereits",
"Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API-Key erfolgreich erstellt",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Suche",
- "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Finden Sie mehr über Chatpal heraus, unter http://chatpal.io!",
"CDN_PREFIX": "CDN-Präfix",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Zertifikate und Schlüssel",
"Change_Room_Type": "Ändere den Typ des Raums",
@@ -442,12 +447,12 @@
"Channel_Archived": "Kanal mit dem Namen '#%s' wurde erfolgreich archiviert",
"Channel_created": "Kanal `#%s` wurde angelegt.",
"Channel_doesnt_exist": "Der Kanal `#%s` existiert nicht.",
- "Channel_name": "Kanalname",
+ "Channel_name": "Kanal Name",
"Channel_Name_Placeholder": "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für den Kanal ein",
"Channel_to_listen_on": "Kanal, auf dem gehört werden soll",
"Channel_Unarchived": "Kanal mit dem Namen '#%s' ist nicht länger archiviert",
"Channels": "Kanäle",
- "Channels_are_where_your_team_communicate": "In Kanälen kommuniziert Ihr Team.",
+ "Channels_are_where_your_team_communicate": "Channels are where your team communicate",
"Channels_list": "Liste der öffentlichen Kanäle",
"Chat_button": "Chat-Button",
"Chat_closed": "Chat geschlossen",
@@ -616,11 +621,11 @@
"Disable_two-factor_authentication": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung deaktivieren",
"Disabled": "deaktiviert",
"Disallow_reacting": "Reaktion nicht zulassen",
- "Disallow_reacting_Description": "Nicht reagieren",
+ "Disallow_reacting_Description": "lässt Reaktion nicht zu",
"Display_unread_counter": "Anzahl der ungelesenen Nachrichten anzeigen",
"Display_offline_form": "Formular für Offline-Kontakt anzeigen",
"Displays_action_text": "Zeigt den Aktionstext",
- "Do_not_display_unread_counter": "Keinen Zähler für diesen Kanal anzeigen",
+ "Do_not_display_unread_counter": "Keinerlei Zähler für diesen Kanal anzeigen",
"Do_you_want_to_accept": "Willst du akzeptieren?",
"Do_you_want_to_change_to_s_question": "Möchtest Du dies zu %s ändern?",
"Domain": "Domain",
@@ -628,21 +633,21 @@
"Domain_removed": "Domäne entfernt",
"Domains": "Domains",
"Domains_allowed_to_embed_the_livechat_widget": "Komma-separierte Liste der Domänen, in denen das Livechat-Widget eingebettet werden darf. Leer lassen, um keine Einschränkung vorzunehmen.",
- "Download_My_Data": "Laden Sie Meine Daten herunter",
+ "Download_My_Data": "Lade Meine Daten herunter",
"Download_Snippet": "Download",
"Drop_to_upload_file": "Ablegen, um Datei hochzuladen",
"Dry_run": "Probelauf",
"Dry_run_description": "Es wird nur eine E-Mail an die Adresse aus dem Feld \"Absender\" geschickt. Die E-Mail-Adresse muss zu einem gültigen Benutzer gehören.",
"Duplicate_archived_channel_name": "Ein archivierter Kanal mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits.",
- "Duplicate_archived_private_group_name": "Ein archivierter privater Kanal mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits.",
+ "Duplicate_archived_private_group_name": "Eine archivierter private Gruppe mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits.",
"Duplicate_channel_name": "Ein Kanal mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits",
- "Duplicate_private_group_name": "Ein privater Kanal mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits.",
+ "Duplicate_private_group_name": "Eine private Gruppe mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits.",
"Duration": "Dauer",
"Edit": "Bearbeiten",
"edit-message": "Nachricht bearbeiten",
"edit-message_description": "Berechtigung, eine Nachricht in einem Raum zu bearbeiten",
"edit-other-user-active-status": "Online-Status anderer Benutzer ändern",
- "edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Berechtigung, den Online-Status anderer Benutzer zu ändern",
+ "edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Berechtigung andere Benutzerkonten zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren",
"edit-other-user-info": "Benutzer-Informationen Anderer ändern",
"edit-other-user-info_description": "Berechtigung, Benutzer-Informationen (Namen, Benutzernamen, E-Mail-Adresse) anderer Personen zu ändern",
"edit-other-user-password": "Passwort anderer Benutzer ändern",
@@ -662,7 +667,7 @@
"Email_address_to_send_offline_messages": "E-Mail-Adresse zum Senden von Offline-Nachrichten",
"Email_already_exists": "Die E-Mail-Adresse existiert bereits.",
"Email_body": "E-Mail Textkörper",
- "Email_Change_Disabled": "Der Rocket.Chat-Administrator hat das Ändern der E-Mail-Adresse deaktiviert.",
+ "Email_Change_Disabled": "Der Administrator hat das Ändern der E-Mail-Adresse deaktiviert.",
"Email_Footer_Description": "Sie können die folgenden Platzhalter verwenden:
[Site_Name] und [Site_URL] für den Anwendungsname und die URL.
"Email_from": "Absender",
"Email_Header_Description": "Sie können die folgenden Platzhalter verwenden:
[Site_Name] und [Site_URL] für den Anwendungsname und die URL.
@@ -682,7 +687,7 @@
"Enable_Svg_Favicon": "SVG Favicon",
"Enable_two-factor_authentication": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren",
"Enabled": "Aktiviert",
- "Enable_Auto_Away": "Verfügbarkeit automatisch umstellen",
+ "Enable_Auto_Away": "\"Abwesend\" automatisch aktivieren",
"Encrypted_message": "Verschlüsselte Nachricht",
"End_OTR": "OTR beenden",
"Enter_a_regex": "Regulären Ausdruck eingeben",
@@ -696,9 +701,7 @@
"Enter_Normal": "Normaler Modus (mit Eingabetaste senden)",
"Enter_to": "Eingabetaste: ",
"Error": "Fehler",
- "Error_404": "Fehler 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fehler: Rocket.Chat erfordert Oplog-Tailing, wenn es auf mehreren Instanzen läuft",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die MongoDB als Replicaset konfiguriert ist und die Umgebungsvariable MONGO_OPLOG_URL korrekt auf Ihren Anwendungsservern gesetzt wurde.",
+ "Error_404": "Fehler: 404(nicht gefunden)",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ ist nicht erlaubt",
"error-application-not-found": "Anwendung nicht gefunden",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Es gibt bereits einen archivierten Kanal mit dem Namen '__room_name__'",
@@ -760,20 +763,20 @@
"error-not-allowed": "Nicht erlaubt",
"error-not-authorized": "Nicht berechtigt",
"error-push-disabled": "Push-Benachrichtigungen sind deaktiviert",
- "error-remove-last-owner": "Das ist der letzte Besitzer. Bitte bestimmen Sie einen neuen Besitzer, bevor Sie diesen entfernen.",
+ "error-remove-last-owner": "Dies ist der letzte Besitzer. Bitte einen neuen Besitzer bestimmen, bevor Sie diesen entfernen.",
"error-role-in-use": "Die Rolle kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie gerade verwendet wird.",
"error-role-name-required": "Ein Rollenname muss angegeben werden",
"error-the-field-is-required": "Das Feld __field__ ist erforderlich.",
"error-too-many-requests": "Fehler, zu viele Anfragen. Bitte fahren Sie langsamer fort. Sie müssen __seconds__ Sekunden warten, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen können.",
"error-user-is-not-activated": "Der Benutzer ist nicht aktiviert.",
- "error-user-has-no-roles": "Der Benutzer ist keinen Rollen zugewiesen.",
+ "error-user-has-no-roles": "Dem Benutzer sind keine Rollen zugewiesen.",
"error-user-limit-exceeded": "Die Anzahl der Benutzer, die Sie hinzufügen wollen, übersteigt das vom Administrator gesetzte Limit.",
"error-user-not-in-room": "Der Benutzer ist nicht in diesem Raum.",
"error-user-registration-disabled": "Benutzerregistrierung ist deaktiviert",
"error-user-registration-secret": "Benutzerregistrierung ist nur über geheime URL erlaubt",
"error-you-are-last-owner": "Du bist der letzte Besitzer. Bitte bestimme einen neuen Besitzer, bevor Du den Raum verlässt.",
"Error_changing_password": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passwortes",
- "Error_loading_pages": "Fehler beim laden der Seite",
+ "Error_loading_pages": "Fehler beim laden der Seiten",
"Esc_to": "Esc: ",
"Event_Trigger": "Event Trigger",
"Event_Trigger_Description": "Bitte wählen Sie aus, welche Eventarten diesen ausgehenden Webhook auslösen",
@@ -903,18 +906,18 @@
"Hex_Color_Preview": "Farbvorschau (Hex)",
"Hidden": "Versteckt",
"Hide_Avatars": "Avatare verstecken",
- "Hide_counter": "Zähler verstecken",
- "Hide_flextab": "Rechte Seitenleiste über Klick verstecken",
- "Hide_Group_Warning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Gruppe \"%s\" verstecken wollen?",
+ "Hide_counter": "Zähler ausblenden",
+ "Hide_flextab": "Rechte Seitenleiste mit Klick ausblenden",
+ "Hide_Group_Warning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Gruppe \"%s\" ausblenden wollen?",
"Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie den Livechat mit \"%s\" ausblenden wollen?",
- "Hide_Private_Warning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Gespräch mit \"%s\" verstecken wollen?",
- "Hide_roles": "Rollen nicht anzeigen",
+ "Hide_Private_Warning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Gespräch mit \"%s\" ausblenden wollen?",
+ "Hide_roles": "Rollen ausblenden",
"Hide_room": "Raum verstecken",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Raum \"%s\" verstecken wollen?",
"Hide_Unread_Room_Status": "Ungelesen-Status des Raums nicht anzeigen",
"Hide_usernames": "Benutzernamen ausblenden",
"Highlights": "Hervorhebungen",
- "Highlights_How_To": "Um benachrichtigt zu werden, wenn ein Wort oder Ausdruck erwähnt wird, fügen Sie ihn hier hinzu. Sie können Wörter und Ausdrücke mit Kommata trennen. Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird hierbei nicht berücksichtig.",
+ "Highlights_How_To": "Um benachrichtigt zu werden, wenn ein Wort oder Ausdruck erwähnt wird, fügen Sie ihn hier hinzu. Sie können Wörter und Ausdrücke mit Kommata trennen. Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird hierbei nicht berücksichtigt.",
"Highlights_List": "Wörter hervorheben",
"History": "Chronik",
"Host": "Host",
@@ -1124,7 +1127,7 @@
"Label": "Bezeichnung",
"Language": "Sprache",
"Language_Version": "Deutsche Version",
- "Language_Not_set": "Keine spezifische",
+ "Language_Not_set": "nicht spezifisch",
"Last_login": "Letzte Anmeldung",
"Last_Message_At": "Letzte Nachricht am",
"Last_seen": "Zuletzt online",
@@ -1273,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Von anderen Geräten abmelden",
"mail-messages": "Nachrichten per E-Mail versenden",
"mail-messages_description": "Berechtigung, Nachrichten per E-Mail zu versenden",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Anmeldeformular",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Du hast eine oder mehrere ungültige E-Mail-Adressen angegeben: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Sie müssen einen/mehrere Benutzer auswählen oder eine/mehrere E-Mail-Adressen durch Kommata getrennt angeben.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Sie haben keine Nachrichten ausgewählt. ",
@@ -1612,8 +1616,8 @@
"preview-c-room_description": "Berechtigung, den Inhalt eines öffentlichen Kanals einzusehen, bevor diesem beigetreten wird",
"Privacy": "Datenschutz",
"Private": "Privat",
- "Private_Channel": "Privater Kanal",
- "Private_Group": "Privater Kanal",
+ "Private_Channel": "Private Gruppe",
+ "Private_Group": "Private Gruppe",
"Private_Groups": "Private Kanäle",
"Private_Groups_list": "Liste aller privaten Kanäle",
"Profile": "Profil",
@@ -1656,7 +1660,7 @@
"Read_only_channel": "Kanal schreibgeschützt",
"Read_only_group": "Schreibgeschützte Gruppe",
"Reason_To_Join": "Grund zu Join",
- "RealName_Change_Disabled": "Der Rocket.Chat Administrator hat das ändern von Namen deaktiviert",
+ "RealName_Change_Disabled": "Der Administrator hat das ändern von Namen deaktiviert",
"Receive_alerts": "Empfange Alarme",
"Receive_Group_Mentions": "Empfange @all und @here Erwähnungen",
"Record": "Aufnehmen",
@@ -1755,7 +1759,7 @@
"SAML_Custom_Generate_Username": "Benutzernamen generieren",
"SAML_Custom_IDP_SLO_Redirect_URL": "IDP SLO Redirect URL",
"SAML_Custom_Issuer": "Benutzerdefinierter Aussteller",
- "SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour": "Logout-Verhalten",
+ "SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour": "Verhalten beim Abmelden",
"SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour_Terminate_SAML_Session": "SAML-Session beenden",
"SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour_End_Only_RocketChat": "Nur von Rocket.Chat abmelden",
"SAML_Custom_Private_Key": "Privater Schlüssel",
@@ -1768,7 +1772,7 @@
"save-others-livechat-room-info_description": "Berechtigung, die Livechat-Informationen anderer Konversationen zu speichern",
"Save_changes": "Änderungen speichern",
"Save_Mobile_Bandwidth": "Mobiles Datenvolumen sparen",
- "Save_to_enable_this_action": "Speichern Sie, um die Aktion zu aktivieren",
+ "Save_to_enable_this_action": "Speichern Sie, um diese Aktion zu aktivieren",
"Saved": "Gespeichert",
"Saving": "Speichern",
"Scan_QR_code": "Scanne den QR-Code mit einer Authenticator-App (wie Google Authenticator, Authy oder Duo). Danach wird ein sechsstelliger Code angezeigt, den Sie unten eingeben müssen.",
@@ -1780,7 +1784,7 @@
"Search_by_username": "Anhand des Nutzernamens suchen",
"Search_Messages": "Nachrichten durchsuchen",
"Search_Private_Groups": "Durchsuche private Kanäle",
- "Search_Provider": "Anbieter suchen",
+ "Search_Provider": "Suchanbieter",
"Search_Page_Size": "Seitengröße",
"Search_current_provider_not_active": "Aktueller Suchanbieter ist nicht aktiv",
"Search_message_search_failed": "Suchanfrage fehlgeschlagen",
@@ -1806,8 +1810,8 @@
"Send_email": "E-Mail senden",
"Send_invitation_email": "Einladung per E-Mail senden",
"Send_invitation_email_error": "Du hast keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben.",
- "Send_invitation_email_info": "Sie können mehrere Einladungen per E-Mail gleichzeitig absenden",
- "Send_invitation_email_success": "Sie haben eine Einladung an folgende E-Mail-Adressen versendet:",
+ "Send_invitation_email_info": "Sie können mehrere Einladungen gleichzeitig per E-Mail absenden",
+ "Send_invitation_email_success": "Sie haben eine erfolgreich Einladung an folgende E-Mail-Adressen versendet:",
"Send_request_on_chat_close": "Nach dem Schließen des Chatraums einen Webhook anstoßen",
"Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Anfrage senden bei Lead Capture",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Webhook bei Offline-Nachrichten anstoßen",
@@ -1817,7 +1821,7 @@
"Send_welcome_email": "Willkommens-E-Mail senden",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Senden Sie Ihre JSON-Nutzlasten an diese URL",
"Sending": "Senden...",
- "Sent_an_attachment": "Als Anhang gesendet",
+ "Sent_an_attachment": "Anhang gesendet",
"Served_By": "Bedient von",
"Service": "Service",
"Service_account_key": "Service Account Schlüssel",
@@ -1846,7 +1850,7 @@
"Show_more": "Weitere Nutzer zeigen",
"show_offline_users": "Zeige Benutzer an, die offline sind",
"Show_on_registration_page": "Auf der Registrierungsseite anzeigen",
- "Show_only_online": "Nur Online-Benutzer anzeigen",
+ "Show_only_online": "Nur Benutzer anzeigen welche Online sind",
"Show_preregistration_form": "Vorregistrierungsformular anzeigen",
"Show_queue_list_to_all_agents": "Die Warteschlange allen Agenten anzeigen",
"Show_the_keyboard_shortcut_list": "Zeige die Liste der Keyboard-Shortcuts",
@@ -1854,7 +1858,7 @@
"Showing_online_users": "__total_showing__ von __total__ Benutzern werden angezeigt",
"Showing_results": "
%s Ergebnisse
"Sidebar": "Seitenleiste",
- "Sidebar_list_mode": "Sidebar-Kanallisten-Modus",
+ "Sidebar_list_mode": "Seitenleiste Kanallisten-Modus",
"Sign_in_to_start_talking": "Anmelden, um mit dem Chatten zu beginnen",
"since_creation": "seit %s",
"Site_Name": "Seitenname",
@@ -2344,4 +2348,4 @@
"your_message_optional": "Ihre optionale Nachricht",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Falsches Passwort",
"Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Eine Push-Nachricht wurde an %s Geräte gesendet."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/el.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/el.i18n.json
index ad821fbc70f9..2d7a7870702e 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/el.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/el.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Επανακαθορισμός Κωδικού",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Προκαθορισμένοι Ρόλοι για Υπηρεσίες Ελέγχου Ταυτότητας",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Προκαθορισμένοι ρόλοι (χωρισμένοι με κόμμα) που θα δοθούν στους χρήστες όταν θα κάνουν εγγραφή μέσω υπηρεσιών ελέγχου ταυτότητας",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Προσαρμοσμένο",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Εγγραφή με Υπηρεσίες Ελέγχου Ταυτότητας",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Διαδρομή αναγνωριστικού",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Φόρμα Εγγραφής",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Token Αναγνωριστικού που Αποστέλλεται Μέσω",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Διαδρομή Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Φόρμα Εγγραφής Κείμενο Αντικατάστασης Συνδέσμου",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Εξουσιοδότηση διαδρομής",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Δημόσιο",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Πεδίο εφαρμογής",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Μυστικό URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Φόρμα Εγγραφής Μυστικό URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Πρέπει να δώσετε μια τυχαία σειρά χαρακτήρων που θα προστεθούν στο URL της εγγραφής σας. Παράδειγμα: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter για να",
"Error": "Λάθος",
"Error_404": "Σφάλμα 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Σφάλμα: Το Rocket.Chat απαιτεί oplog tailing όταν εκτελείται σε πολλαπλές περιπτώσεις",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το MongoDB βρίσκεται στη λειτουργία ReplicaSet και ότι η μεταβλητή περιβάλλοντος MONGO_OPLOG_URL ορίζεται σωστά στον διακομιστή εφαρμογών",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ δεν επιτρέπεται",
"error-application-not-found": "Η εφαρμογή δεν βρέθηκε",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Υπάρχει ένα αρχειοθετημένο κανάλι με το όνομα «__room_name__»",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Αποσύνδεση από άλλους εισέλθει Τοποθεσίες",
"mail-messages": "Μηνύματα αλληλογραφίας",
"mail-messages_description": "Άδεια χρήσης της επιλογής μηνυμάτων ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Φόρμα Εγγραφής",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Έχετε παρέχεται μία ή περισσότερες μη έγκυρες διευθύνσεις ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε έναν ή περισσότερους χρήστες ή παρέχουν μία ή περισσότερες διευθύνσεις ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, διαχωρισμένες με κόμματα.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Δεν έχετε επιλέξει κανένα μήνυμα",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
index ac0942786afc..7a1b3e0412d1 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
@@ -131,13 +131,21 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "WordPress Id",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Password Reset",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Default Roles for Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wp_oauth_server": "WP OAuth Server Plugin",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Default roles (comma-separated) users will be given when registering through authentication services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Custom",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registration with Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registration Form",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Sent Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Registration Form Link Replacement Text",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Public",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Scope",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registration Form Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "You must provide a random string that will be added to your registration URL. Example: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -185,8 +193,10 @@
"additional_integrations_Bots": "If you are looking for how to integrate your own bot, then look no further than our Hubot adapter. https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat",
"Administration": "Administration",
"Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Adult images are not allowed",
+ "Admin_Info": "Admin Info",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "After OAuth2 authentication, users will be redirected to this URL",
"Agent": "Agent",
+ "Advocacy": "Advocacy",
"Agent_added": "Agent added",
"Agent_removed": "Agent removed",
"Alerts": "Alerts",
@@ -273,6 +283,7 @@
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Apply and refresh all clients",
"Archive": "Archive",
"archive-room": "Archive Room",
+ "App_status_invalid_settings_disabled": "Disabled: Configuration Needed",
"archive-room_description": "Permission to archive a channel",
"are_also_typing": "are also typing",
"are_typing": "are typing",
@@ -280,12 +291,18 @@
"Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_your_account": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?",
"Are_you_sure_you_want_to_disable_Facebook_integration": "Are you sure you want to disable Facebook integration?",
"assign-admin-role": "Assign Admin Role",
+ "Apps_Framework_enabled": "Enable the App Framework",
"assign-admin-role_description": "Permission to assign the admin role to other users",
"Assign_admin": "Assigning admin",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt": "Apps: What Are They?",
"at": "at",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph1": "A new icon in the administration area! What does this mean and what are Apps?",
"At_least_one_added_token_is_required_by_the_user": "At least one added token is required by the user",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph2": "First off, Apps in this context do not refer to the mobile applications. In fact, it would be best to think of them in terms of plugins or advanced integrations.",
"AtlassianCrowd": "Atlassian Crowd",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph3": "Secondly, they are dynamic scripts or packages which will allow you to customize your Rocket.Chat instance without having to fork the codebase. But do keep in mind, this is a new feature set and due to that it might not be 100% stable. Also, we are still developing the feature set so not everything can be customzied at this point in time. For more information about getting started developing an app, go here to read:",
"Attachment_File_Uploaded": "File Uploaded",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph4": "But with that said, if you are interested in enabling this feature and trying it out then here click this button to enable the Apps system.",
"Attribute_handling": "Attribute handling",
"Audio": "Audio",
"Audio_message": "Audio message",
@@ -343,6 +360,7 @@
"Body": "Body",
"bold": "bold",
"bot_request": "Bot request",
+ "Blockchain": "Blockchain",
"Bots": "Bots",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "User Fields",
"BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "CSV of user fields that can be accessed by bots helper methods.",
@@ -432,8 +450,8 @@
"Chatpal_ERROR_username_already_exists": "Username already exists",
"Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API-Key created successfully",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Search",
- "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Get more information about Chatpal on http://chatpal.io!",
"CDN_PREFIX": "CDN Prefix",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Get more information about Chatpal on http://chatpal.io!",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Certificates and Keys",
"Change_Room_Type": "Changing the Room Type",
"Changing_email": "Changing email",
@@ -493,15 +511,19 @@
"Common_Access": "Common Access",
"Compact": "Compact",
"Computer": "Computer",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
"Confirm_password": "Confirm your password",
"Content": "Content",
"Conversation": "Conversation",
"Conversation_closed": "Conversation closed: __comment__.",
+ "Community": "Community",
"Conversation_finished_message": "Conversation Finished Message",
"Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Convert ASCII to Emoji",
"Copied": "Copied",
"Copy": "Copy",
+ "Consulting": "Consulting",
"Copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
+ "Consumer_Goods": "Consumer Goods",
"Count": "Count",
"Cozy": "Cozy",
@@ -513,6 +535,7 @@
"create-p": "Create Private Channels",
"create-p_description": "Permission to create private channels",
"create-user": "Create User",
+ "Country": "Country",
"create-user_description": "Permission to create users",
"Create_A_New_Channel": "Create a New Channel",
"Create_new": "Create new",
@@ -671,6 +694,7 @@
"Email_Header_Description": "You may use the following placeholders:
[Site_Name] and [Site_URL] for the Application Name and URL respectively.
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Offline Email Notifications",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Every Mention/DM",
+ "Education": "Education",
"Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Disabled",
"Email_or_username": "Email or username",
"Email_Placeholder": "Please enter your email address...",
@@ -709,7 +733,9 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Could not change email",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Could not change name",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Could not change username",
+ "Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Cannot delete a protected role",
+ "Enterprise": "Enterprise",
"error-department-not-found": "Department not found",
"error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "File sharing not allowed in direct messages",
"error-duplicate-channel-name": "A channel with name '__channel_name__' exists",
@@ -781,13 +807,21 @@
"every_30_minutes": "Once every 30 minutes",
"every_hour": "Once every hour",
"every_six_hours": "Once every six hours",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met": "Password does not meet the server's policy",
"Everyone_can_access_this_channel": "Everyone can access this channel",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-minLength": "Password does not meet the server's policy of minimum length (password too short)",
"Example_s": "Example: %s",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-maxLength": "Password does not meet the server's policy of maximum length (password too long)",
"Exclude_Botnames": "Exclude Bots",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-repeatingCharacters": "Password not not meet the server's policy of forbidden repeating characters (you have too many of the same characters next to each other)",
"Exclude_Botnames_Description": "Do not propagate messages from bots whose name matches the regular expression above. If left empty, all messages from bots will be propagated.",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneLowercase": "Password does not meet the server's policy of at least one lowercase character",
"Export_My_Data": "Export My Data",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneUppercase": "Password does not meet the server's policy of at least one uppercase character",
"External_Service": "External Service",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneNumber": "Password does not meet the server's policy of at least one numerical character",
"External_Queue_Service_URL": "External Queue Service URL",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneSpecial": "Password does not meet the server's policy of at least one special character",
"Facebook_Page": "Facebook Page",
"False": "False",
"Favorite_Rooms": "Enable Favorite Rooms",
@@ -853,6 +887,7 @@
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "Will not use OpLog to sync cache even when it's available",
"Force_SSL": "Force SSL",
"Force_SSL_Description": "*Caution!* _Force SSL_ should never be used with reverse proxy. If you have a reverse proxy, you should do the redirect THERE. This option exists for deployments like Heroku, that does not allow the redirect configuration at the reverse proxy.",
+ "Financial_Services": "Financial Services",
"Forgot_password": "Forgot your password",
"Forgot_Password_Description": "You may use the following placeholders:
[Forgot_Password_Url] for the password recovery URL.
[name], [fname], [lname] for the user's full name, first name or last name, respectively.
[email] for the user's email.
[Site_Name] and [Site_URL] for the Application Name and URL respectively.
"Forgot_Password_Email": "Click here to reset your password.",
@@ -881,6 +916,7 @@
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Blocking adult images will not work once the monthly limit has been reached",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Current Month Calls",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Enable Google Vision",
+ "Gaming": "Gaming",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Max Monthly Calls",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Use 0 for unlimited",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Google Vision Service Account",
@@ -908,7 +944,9 @@
"Hide_flextab": "Hide Right Sidebar with Click",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Are you sure you want to hide the group \"%s\"?",
"Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Are you sure you want to hide the livechat with \"%s\"?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Go to your workspace",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Are you sure you want to hide the discussion with \"%s\"?",
+ "Government": "Government",
"Hide_roles": "Hide Roles",
"Hide_room": "Hide Room",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Are you sure you want to hide the room \"%s\"?",
@@ -917,9 +955,12 @@
"Highlights": "Highlights",
"Highlights_How_To": "To be notified when someone mentions a word or phrase, add it here. You can separate words or phrases with commas. Highlight Words are not case sensitive.",
"Highlights_List": "Highlight words",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Healthcare/Pharmaceutical",
"History": "History",
"Host": "Host",
+ "Help_Center": "Help Center",
"hours": "hours",
+ "Group_mentions_disabled_x_members": "Group mentions `@all` and `@here` have been disabled for rooms with more than __total__ members.",
"Hours": "Hours",
"How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "How friendly was the chat agent?",
"How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "How knowledgeable was the chat agent?",
@@ -992,6 +1033,7 @@
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Incoming WebHook Integration",
"Integration_New": "New Integration",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Outgoing WebHook Integration",
+ "Industry": "Industry",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "Outgoing WebHook Integration History",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Data Passed to Integration",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Data Passed to URL",
@@ -1005,6 +1047,7 @@
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Last Trigger Step",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "This outgoing webhook integration has yet to have any history recorded.",
"Integration_Retry_Count": "Retry Count",
+ "Insurance": "Insurance",
"Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "How many times should the integration be tried if the call to the url fails?",
"Integration_Retry_Delay": "Retry Delay",
"Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Which delay algorithm should the retrying use? 10^x or 2^x or x*2",
@@ -1107,6 +1150,7 @@
"Katex_Enabled_Description": "Allow using katex for math typesetting in messages",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Allow Parenthesis Syntax",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Allow using \\[katex block\\] and \\(inline katex\\) syntaxes",
+ "Job_Title": "Job Title",
"Keep_default_user_settings": "Keep the default settings",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Edit_Previous_Message": "Edit previous message",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_1": "Ctrl + p",
@@ -1151,6 +1195,7 @@
"LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "If specified, only users that match this filter will be allowed to log in. If no filter is specified, all users within the scope of the specified domain base will be able to sign in. E.g. for Active Directory `memberOf=cn=ROCKET_CHAT,ou=General Groups`. E.g. for OpenLDAP (extensible match search) `ou:dn:=ROCKET_CHAT`.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Scope",
"LDAP_Authentication": "Enable",
+ "Launched_successfully": "Launched successfully",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "Password",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "User DN",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "The LDAP user that performs user lookups to authenticate other users when they sign in. This is typically a service account created specifically for third-party integrations. Use a fully qualified name, such as `cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=Example,dc=com`.",
@@ -1274,6 +1319,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logout From Other Logged In Locations",
"mail-messages": "Mail Messages",
"mail-messages_description": "Permission to use the mail messages option",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registration Form",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "You have provided one or more invalid emails: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "You must select one or more users or provide one or more email addresses, separated by commas.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "You haven't selected any messages",
@@ -1293,6 +1339,7 @@
"manage-integrations_description": "Permission to manage the server integrations",
"manage-oauth-apps": "Manage Oauth Apps",
"manage-oauth-apps_description": "Permission to manage the server Oauth apps",
+ "Logistics": "Logistics",
"manage-own-integrations": "Manage Own Integrations",
"manage-own-integrations_description": "Permition to allow users to create and edit their own integration or webhooks",
"manage-sounds": "Manage Sounds",
@@ -1327,6 +1374,7 @@
"mention-here_description": "Permission to use the @here mention",
"Mentions": "Mentions",
"Mentions_default": "Mentions (default)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"Mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"Merge_Channels": "Merge Channels",
"Message": "Message",
@@ -1345,6 +1393,7 @@
"Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Allow Unrecognized Slash Commands",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Always Search Using RegExp",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "We recommend to set `True` if your language is not supported on MongoDB text search.",
+ "Media": "Media",
"Message_Attachments": "Message Attachments",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Group Attachment Buttons",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "This groups the icons under an expandable menu. Takes up less screen space.",
@@ -1502,6 +1551,7 @@
"OAuth_Applications": "OAuth Applications",
"Objects": "Objects",
"Off": "Off",
+ "Nonprofit": "Nonprofit",
"Off_the_record_conversation": "Off-the-Record Conversation",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "Off-the-Record conversation is not available for your browser or device.",
"Office_Hours": "Office Hours",
@@ -1524,6 +1574,7 @@
"Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages": "Only authorized users can write new messages",
"Only_On_Desktop": "Desktop mode (only sends with enter on desktop)",
"Only_you_can_see_this_message": "Only you can see this message",
+ "No_results_found_for": "No results found for:",
"Oops!": "Oops",
"Open": "Open",
"Open_channel_user_search": "`%s` - Open Channel / User search",
@@ -1565,9 +1616,13 @@
"Permalink": "Permalink",
"Permissions": "Permissions",
"pin-message": "Pin Message",
+ "Organization_Email": "Organization Email",
"pin-message_description": "Permission to pin a message in a channel",
+ "Organization_Info": "Organization Info",
"Pin_Message": "Pin Message",
+ "Organization_Name": "Organization Name",
"Pinned_a_message": "Pinned a message:",
+ "Organization_Type": "Organization Type",
"Pinned_Messages": "Pinned Messages",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Additional Piwik Sites",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Enter addtitional Piwik website URLs and SiteIDs in the following format, if you wnat to track the same data into different websites: [ { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\" : 42 }, { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\" : 15 } ]",
@@ -1579,6 +1634,7 @@
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking",
"PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "The site id to use for identifying this site. Example: 17",
"PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "The url where the Piwik resides, be sure to include the trailing slash. Example: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
+ "Other": "Other",
"Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Placeholder for Email or Username Login Field",
"Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Placeholder for Password Login Field",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Please add a comment",
@@ -1609,24 +1665,43 @@
"Post_to_s_as_s": "Post to %s as %s",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Preferences_saved": "Preferences saved",
+ "Password_Policy": "Password Policy",
"preview-c-room": "Preview Public Channel",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled": "Enable Password Policy",
"preview-c-room_description": "Permission to view the contents of a public channel before joining",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled_Description": "When enabled, user passwords must adhere to the policies set forth. Note: this only applies to new passwords, not existing passwords.",
"Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength": "Minimum Length",
"Private": "Private",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength_Description": "Ensures that passwords must have at least this amount of characters. Use `-1` to disable.",
"Private_Channel": "Private Channel",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength": "Maximum Length",
"Private_Group": "Private Group",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength_Description": "Ensures that passwords do not have more than this amount of characters. Use `-1` to disable.",
"Private_Groups": "Private Groups",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters": "Forbid Repeating Characters",
"Private_Groups_list": "List of Private Groups",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters_Description": "Ensures passwords do not contain the same character repeating next to each other.",
"Profile": "Profile",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount": "Max Repeating Characters",
"Profile_details": "Profile Details",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount_Description": "The amount of times a character can be repeating before it is not allowed.",
"Profile_picture": "Profile Picture",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase": "At Least One Lowercase",
"Profile_saved_successfully": "Profile saved successfully",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase_Description": "Enforce that a password contain at least one lowercase character.",
"Public": "Public",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase": "At Least One Uppercase",
"Public_Channel": "Public Channel",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase_Description": "Enforce that a password contain at least one lowercase character.",
"Push": "Push",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber": "At Least One Number",
"Push_apn_cert": "APN Cert",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber_Description": "Enforce that a password contain at least one numerical character.",
"Push_apn_dev_cert": "APN Dev Cert",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter": "At Least One Symbol",
"Push_apn_dev_key": "APN Dev Key",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter_Description": "Enforce that a password contain at least one special character.",
"Push_apn_dev_passphrase": "APN Dev Passphrase",
"Push_apn_key": "APN Key",
"Push_apn_passphrase": "APN Passphrase",
@@ -1649,6 +1724,7 @@
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
"React_when_read_only": "Allow Reacting",
"React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Allow reacting when read only changed successfully",
+ "Private_Team": "Private Team",
"Reacted_with": "Reacted with",
"Reactions": "Reactions",
"Read_by": "Read by",
@@ -1656,7 +1732,9 @@
"Read_only_changed_successfully": "Read only changed successfully",
"Read_only_channel": "Read Only Channel",
"Read_only_group": "Read Only Group",
+ "Public_Community": "Public Community",
"Reason_To_Join": "Reason to Join",
+ "Public_Relations": "Public Relations",
"RealName_Change_Disabled": "Your Rocket.Chat administrator has disabled the changing of names",
"Receive_alerts": "Receive alerts",
"Receive_Group_Mentions": "Receive @all and @here mentions",
@@ -1693,6 +1771,7 @@
"Report_sent": "Report sent",
"Report_this_message_question_mark": "Report this message?",
"Require_all_tokens": "Require all tokens",
+ "Real_Estate": "Real Estate",
"Require_any_token": "Require any token",
"Reporting": "Reporting",
"Require_password_change": "Require password change",
@@ -1703,12 +1782,14 @@
"Restart": "Restart",
"Restart_the_server": "Restart the server",
"Retry_Count": "Retry Count",
+ "Register_Server": "Register Server",
"Apps": "Apps",
"App_Information": "App Information",
"App_Installation": "App Installation",
"Apps_Settings": "App's Settings",
"Role": "Role",
"Role_Editing": "Role Editing",
+ "Religious": "Religious",
"Role_removed": "Role removed",
"Room": "Room",
"Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Room announcement changed successfully",
@@ -1740,6 +1821,7 @@
"Room_unarchived": "Room unarchived",
"Room_uploaded_file_list": "Files List",
"Room_uploaded_file_list_empty": "No files available.",
+ "Retail": "Retail",
"Rooms": "Rooms",
"run-import": "Run Import",
"run-import_description": "Permission to run the importers",
@@ -1813,7 +1895,9 @@
"Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Send request on lead capture",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Send Request on Offline Messages",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Send Request on Visitor Messages",
+ "Setup_Wizard": "Setup Wizard",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Send Request on Agent Messages",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "We’ll guide you through setting up your first admin user, configuring your organisation and registering your server to receive free push notifications and more.",
"Send_Test": "Send Test",
"Send_welcome_email": "Send welcome email",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Send your JSON payloads to this URL.",
@@ -1861,7 +1945,9 @@
"Site_Name": "Site Name",
"Site_Url": "Site URL",
"Site_Url_Description": "Example: https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Server Info",
"Skip": "Skip",
+ "Server_Type": "Server Type",
"SlackBridge_error": "SlackBridge got an error while importing your messages at %s: %s",
"SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge has finished importing the messages at %s. Please reload to view all messages.",
"SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out All",
@@ -1896,14 +1982,17 @@
"SMTP_Test_Button": "Test SMTP Settings",
"SMTP_Username": "SMTP Username",
"snippet-message": "Snippet Message",
+ "Show_email_field": "Show email field",
"snippet-message_description": "Permission to create snippet message",
"Snippet_name": "Snippet name",
+ "Show_name_field": "Show name field",
"Snippet_Added": "Created on %s",
"Snippet_Messages": "Snippet Messages",
"Snippeted_a_message": "Created a snippet __snippetLink__",
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Sorry, page you requested does not exists or was deleted!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Sort by Activity",
"Sound": "Sound",
+ "Size": "Size",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Sound File (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
"Star_Message": "Star Message",
@@ -1945,6 +2034,7 @@
"Store_Last_Message": "Store Last Message",
"Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Store last message sent on each room.",
"Stream_Cast": "Stream Cast",
+ "Social_Network": "Social Network",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Stream Cast Address",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP or Host of your Rocket.Chat central Stream Cast. E.g. `` or `localhost:4000`",
"strike": "strike",
@@ -1986,6 +2076,7 @@
"theme-color-custom-scrollbar-color": "Custom Scrollbar Color",
"theme-color-error-color": "Error Color",
"theme-color-info-font-color": "Info Font Color",
+ "Step": "Step",
"theme-color-link-font-color": "Link Font Color",
"theme-color-pending-color": "Pending Color",
"theme-color-primary-action-color": "Primary Action Color",
@@ -2011,9 +2102,12 @@
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Error",
"theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Error Light",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Alert",
+ "Telecom": "Telecom",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Alert Light",
"theme-color-rc-color-success": "Success",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Technology Provider",
"theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Success Light",
+ "Technology_Services": "Technology Services",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Button Primary",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Button Primary Light",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Primary",
@@ -2108,6 +2202,7 @@
"Unread_Rooms": "Unread Rooms",
"Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Unread Rooms Mode",
"Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Unread Tray Icon Alert",
+ "Tourism": "Tourism",
"Unstar_Message": "Remove Star",
"Updated_at": "Updated at",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Update your Rocket.Chat",
@@ -2129,11 +2224,14 @@
"Use_uploaded_avatar": "Use uploaded avatar",
"Use_url_for_avatar": "Use URL for avatar",
"Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Use User Preferences or Global Settings",
+ "Type_your_job_title": "Type your job title",
"User": "User",
"user-generate-access-token": "User Generate Access Token",
"user-generate-access-token_description": "Permission for users to generate access tokens",
"User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "User __username__ is now a leader of __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_password": "Type your password",
"User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "User __username__ is now a moderator of __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_username": "Type your username",
"User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "User __username__ is now a owner of __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "User __username__ removed from __room_name__ leaders",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "User __username__ removed from __room_name__ moderators",
@@ -2324,6 +2422,7 @@
"You_have_not_verified_your_email": "You have not verified your email.",
"You_have_successfully_unsubscribed": "You have successfully unsubscribed from our Mailling List.",
"You_have_to_set_an_API_token_first_in_order_to_use_the_integration": "You have to set an API token first in order to use the integration.",
+ "view-broadcast-member-list": "View Members List in Broadcast Room",
"You_must_join_to_view_messages_in_this_channel": "You must join to view messages in this channel",
"You_need_confirm_email": "You need to confirm your email to login!",
"You_need_install_an_extension_to_allow_screen_sharing": "You need install an extension to allow screen sharing",
@@ -2344,5 +2443,247 @@
"your_message": "your message",
"your_message_optional": "your message (optional)",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Your password is wrong!",
- "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Your push was sent to %s devices"
+ "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Your push was sent to %s devices",
+ "Your_server_link": "Your server link",
+ "Your_workspace_is_ready": "Your workspace is ready to use 🎉",
+ "Worldwide": "Worldwide",
+ "Country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
+ "Country_Albania": "Albania",
+ "Country_Algeria": "Algeria",
+ "Country_American_Samoa": "American Samoa",
+ "Country_Andorra": "Andorra",
+ "Country_Angola": "Angola",
+ "Country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
+ "Country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
+ "Country_Antigua_and_Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ "Country_Argentina": "Argentina",
+ "Country_Armenia": "Armenia",
+ "Country_Aruba": "Aruba",
+ "Country_Australia": "Australia",
+ "Country_Austria": "Austria",
+ "Country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
+ "Country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
+ "Country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
+ "Country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
+ "Country_Barbados": "Barbados",
+ "Country_Belarus": "Belarus",
+ "Country_Belgium": "Belgium",
+ "Country_Belize": "Belize",
+ "Country_Benin": "Benin",
+ "Country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
+ "Country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
+ "Country_Bolivia": "Bolivia",
+ "Country_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "Country_Botswana": "Botswana",
+ "Country_Bouvet_Island": "Bouvet Island",
+ "Country_Brazil": "Brazil",
+ "Country_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
+ "Country_Brunei_Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
+ "Country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
+ "Country_Burkina_Faso": "Burkina Faso",
+ "Country_Burundi": "Burundi",
+ "Country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
+ "Country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
+ "Country_Canada": "Canada",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Cape Verde",
+ "Country_Cayman_Islands": "Cayman Islands",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Central African Republic",
+ "Country_Chad": "Chad",
+ "Country_Chile": "Chile",
+ "Country_China": "China",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Christmas Island",
+ "Country_Cocos_Keeling_Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Country_Comoros": "Comoros",
+ "Country_Congo": "Congo",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of The",
+ "Country_Cook_Islands": "Cook Islands",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Costa Rica",
+ "Country_Cote_Divoire": "Cote D'ivoire",
+ "Country_Croatia": "Croatia",
+ "Country_Cuba": "Cuba",
+ "Country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
+ "Country_Czech_Republic": "Czech Republic",
+ "Country_Denmark": "Denmark",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Dominica",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Dominican Republic",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Egypt",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "El Salvador",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Estonia",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
+ "Country_Falkland_Islands_Malvinas": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Faroe Islands",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Fiji",
+ "Country_Finland": "Finland",
+ "Country_France": "France",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "French Guiana",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "French Southern Territories",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Gabon",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Gambia",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Georgia",
+ "Country_Germany": "Germany",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Ghana",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
+ "Country_Greece": "Greece",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Greenland",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Grenada",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
+ "Country_Guam": "Guam",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Guinea",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Guinea-bissau",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Guyana",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Haiti",
+ "Country_Heard_Island_and_Mcdonald_Islands": "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Honduras",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Hong Kong",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Hungary",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Iceland",
+ "Country_India": "India",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Iraq",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Ireland",
+ "Country_Israel": "Israel",
+ "Country_Italy": "Italy",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
+ "Country_Japan": "Japan",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Jordan",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Kenya",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Korea, Republic of",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
+ "Country_Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Latvia",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Liberia",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
+ "Country_Macao": "Macao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Malawi",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Maldives",
+ "Country_Mali": "Mali",
+ "Country_Malta": "Malta",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Marshall Islands",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Martinique",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Mexico",
+ "Country_Micronesia_Federated_States_of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Moldova, Republic of",
+ "Country_Monaco": "Monaco",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Morocco",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Namibia",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Nauru",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Nepal",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
+ "Country_Netherlands_Antilles": "Netherlands Antilles",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "New Zealand",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
+ "Country_Niger": "Niger",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
+ "Country_Niue": "Niue",
+ "Country_Norfolk_Island": "Norfolk Island",
+ "Country_Northern_Mariana_Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
+ "Country_Norway": "Norway",
+ "Country_Oman": "Oman",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
+ "Country_Palau": "Palau",
+ "Country_Palestinian_Territory_Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
+ "Country_Panama": "Panama",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
+ "Country_Peru": "Peru",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Philippines",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
+ "Country_Poland": "Poland",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Portugal",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Puerto Rico",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Qatar",
+ "Country_Reunion": "Reunion",
+ "Country_Romania": "Romania",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Russian Federation",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "Saint Helena",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Samoa",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "San Marino",
+ "Country_Sao_Tome_and_Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Senegal",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Serbia and Montenegro",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Sierra Leone",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Singapore",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
+ "Country_Solomon_Islands": "Solomon Islands",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Somalia",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "South Africa",
+ "Country_South_Georgia_and_The_South_Sandwich_Islands": "South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands",
+ "Country_Spain": "Spain",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Sudan",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Suriname",
+ "Country_Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Sweden",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Thailand",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Timor-leste",
+ "Country_Togo": "Togo",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
+ "Country_Tonga": "Tonga",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Turkey",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
+ "Country_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Uganda",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
+ "Country_United_States": "United States",
+ "Country_United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Venezuela",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "Viet Nam",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_British": "Virgin Islands, British",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Western Sahara",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Yemen",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Zambia",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/eo.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/eo.i18n.json
index 13bed7049fe2..4ad6ee131d76 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/eo.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/eo.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Pasvorto Restarigi",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Defaŭlta Roloj por Aŭtentikaj Servoj",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Defaŭltaj roloj (komo-disigitaj) uzantoj estos donitaj al la registrado per aŭtentikaj servoj",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Propra",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Aliĝilo kun Aŭtentikaj Servoj",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identeca Vojo",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Aliĝilo",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identeco Token Sendita Vojo",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Malebligita",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Aliĝilo Formo Ligo Replace Teksto",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Rajtigu Vojon",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Publika",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Amplekso",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Sekreta URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registriĝo Forma Sekreta URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Vi devas provizi hazarda kordo, kiu estos aldonita al via registra URL. Ekzemplo: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Eniri al",
"Error": "Eraro",
"Error_404": "Eraro: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Eraro: Rocket.Chat postulas oplog-fiksi kiam kurante en multaj petskriboj",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Bonvolu certigi, ke via MongoDB estas en ReplicaSet mode kaj MONGO_OPLOG_URL-medio-variablo estas difinita ĝuste en la servilo de aplikaĵoj",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ ne estas permesata",
"error-application-not-found": "Apliko ne trovita",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Estas arkivita kanalo kun nomo '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Elŝalti el aliaj ensalutitaj lokoj",
"mail-messages": "Poŝtaj Mesaĝoj",
"mail-messages_description": "Permeso por uzi la retpoŝtajn mesaĝojn",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Aliĝilo",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Vi provizis unu aŭ pli malvalidajn retpoŝtojn:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Vi devas elekti unu aŭ pli da uzantoj aŭ provizi unu aŭ pli retpoŝtadresojn, disigitaj per komoj.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Vi ne elektis iujn mesaĝojn",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/es.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/es.i18n.json
index 1a19a8825b48..32cc79353b1b 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/es.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/es.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Restablecer Contraseña",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Roles predeterminados para Servicios de Autenticación",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Los roles de usuario predeterminados (separados por coma) serán dados cuando se registren a través de los servicios de autenticación",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personalizado",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registro mediante Servicios de Autenticación",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Ruta de Identidad",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formulario de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Via de envio del token de identificación",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Deshabilitado",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Ruta del Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Texto de Remplazo de Enlaces del Formulario de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Ruta de autorización ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Publico",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Alcance",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL Secreto",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL Secreto del Fomulario de Registro",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Debe proporcionar una cadena de texto aleatorio que se añadirá al URL de registro. Ejemplo: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Entrar a",
"Error": "Error",
"Error_404": "Error 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Error: Rocket.Chat requiere oplog tail cuando se ejecuta en varias instancias",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Asegúrese de que su MongoDB esté en modo ReplicaSet y que la variable de entorno MONGO_OPLOG_URL esté definida correctamente en el servidor de aplicaciones.",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ no está permitido",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplicación no encontrada",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Hay un canal archivado con el nombre '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Cerrar Sesión en Todos los Lugares Donde se ha abierto una",
"mail-messages": "Mensajes de correo",
"mail-messages_description": "Permiso para usar la opción de mensajes de correo",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formulario de Registro",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Ha proporcionado uno o mas correos electronicos invalidos %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Debe seleccionar uno o más usuarios o proporcionar una o más direcciones de correo electrónico, separadas por comas.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "No ha seleccionado ningún mensaje",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fa.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fa.i18n.json
index 5e9155b38004..ff4950cdb2d7 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fa.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fa.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "تنظیم مجدد رمز عبور",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "نقش پیش فرض برای خدمات تأیید هویت",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "در هنگام ثبت نام از طریق خدمات احراز هویت، کاربران پیش فرض (جدا شده توسط کاما) داده می شوند",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "سفارشی",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "ثبت نام با خدمات تأیید هویت",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "مسیر هویت",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "فرم ثبت نام",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "هویت شناسایی ارسال شده از طریق",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "غیر فعال",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "مسیر توکن",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "متن جایگزین لینک فرم ثبت نام",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "مسیر احراز هویت",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "عمومی",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "محدوده",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "آدرس مخفی",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "آدرس مخفی فرم ثبت نام",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "باید رشته ای اتفاقی را برای اضافه شدن به آدرس ثبت نام تعیین کنید. برای مثال: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "ورود به ",
"Error": "خطا",
"Error_404": "خطای 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "خطا: Rocket.Chat در هنگام اجرا در چندین مرحله نیاز به oplog tailing دارد",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "لطفا مطمئن شوید MongoDB شما در حالت ReplicaSet است و متغیر محدوده MONGO_OPLOG_URL به طور صحیح در سرور برنامه تعریف شده است",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ مجاز نیست",
"error-application-not-found": "برنامه یافت نشد",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "یک کانال بایگانی شده با نام '__room_name__' وجود دارد",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "خروج از نشست های دیگر",
"mail-messages": "پیام های ایمیل",
"mail-messages_description": "مجوز استفاده از گزینه پیام های ایمیل",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "فرم ثبت نام",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "یک یا چند ایمیل نامعتبر ارائه کرده اید: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "باید یک یا چند کاربر را انتخاب و یا یک یا چند ایمیل وارد کنید (جدا شده با کاما).",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "هیچ پیامی را انتخاب نکرده اید. می خواهید همه پیام های قابل مشاهده را انتخاب کنید)select all(؟",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fi.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fi.i18n.json
index b590e3d83c28..924483c20115 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fi.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fi.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Salasanan nollaus",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Autentikointipalvelujen oletusroolit",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Oletusroolit (pilkulla erotetut käyttäjät) annetaan, kun rekisteröidään todentamispalveluiden kautta",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Mukautettu",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Rekisteröinti autentikointipalveluiden kautta",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity polku",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Rekisteröintilomake",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Lähetetty Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Ei käytössä",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token polku",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Ilmoittautumislomakkeen linkin korvaava teksti",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Auktorisointipolku",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Julkinen",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "laajuus",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Salainen URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Ilmoittautumislomakkeen salainen URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Sinun on annettava satunnainen merkkijono, joka lisätään rekisteröitymis-URLiin. Esimerkiksi: https://chat.example.com/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Astu sisään",
"Error": "Virhe",
"Error_404": "Virhe: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Virhe: Rocket.Chat vaatii oplog tailing -toimintoa useissa tapauksissa",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Varmista, että MongoDB on ReplicaSet-tilassa ja että MONGO_OPLOG_URL ympäristömuuttuja määritetään oikein sovelluspalvelimella",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ ei ole sallittu",
"error-application-not-found": "Sovellusta ei löytynyt",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Kanavan nimi \"__room_name__\" on arkistoitu",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Kirjaa ulos muut sessiot",
"mail-messages": "Mail Viestit",
"mail-messages_description": "Sähköpostiviestien käyttöoikeus",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Rekisteröintilomake",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Olet antanut virheellisiä sähköposteja: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Sinun tulee valita yksi tai useampi käyttäjä tai yksi tai useampi sähköpostiosoite, pilkuilla eroteltuna.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Et ole valinnut yhtään viestiä. Haluaisitko valita kaikki näkyvät viestit?",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fr.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fr.i18n.json
index 603c000d749a..85a57dce53d0 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fr.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/fr.i18n.json
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
"Accounts_Email_Activated_Subject": "Compte activé",
"Accounts_Email_Deactivated_Subject": "Compte désactivé",
"Accounts_Enrollment_Email": "E-mail d'inscription",
- "Accounts_Enrollment_Email_Default": "
Bienvenue à
Allez sur [Site_URL] et essayer la meilleure solution de chat open source disponible aujourd'hui!
+ "Accounts_Enrollment_Email_Default": "
Bienvenue à
Allez sur [Site_URL] et essayer la meilleure solution de chat open source disponible aujourd'hui !
Veuillez cocher \"Administration ->Utilisateurs\" pour l'activer ou le supprimer.
"Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "Un nouvel utilisateur enregistré et doit être approuvé",
"Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Ne pas se souvenir de la session utilisateur lors de la fermeture de la fenêtre",
"Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "Méthode de l'API",
@@ -131,27 +131,34 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "ID WordPress",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "Secret WordPress",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Réinitialisation du mot de passe",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Rôles par défaut pour les services d'authentification",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Les utilisateurs par défaut (séparés par des virgules) seront donnés lors de l'enregistrement via les services d'authentification",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Les rôles par défaut (séparés par des virgules) seront donnés lors de l'enregistrement via les services d'authentification",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personnalisé",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Inscription avec les services d'authentification",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "URL d'identification",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formulaire d'inscription",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Jeton d'identité envoyé via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Désactivé",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "URL de jeton",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Texte de remplacement du lien vers le formulaire d'inscription",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "URL d'autorisation",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Public",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Portée",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL secrète",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL secrète du formulaire d'inscription",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Vous devez fournir une chaîne de caractères aléatoire qui sera ajoutée à votre URL d'inscription. Exemple: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Vous devez fournir une chaîne de caractères aléatoire qui sera ajoutée à votre URL d'inscription. Exemple : https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
"Accounts_RequireNameForSignUp": "Exiger un nom pour s'inscrire",
"Accounts_RequirePasswordConfirmation": "Confirmation du mot de passe requise",
"Accounts_SearchFields": "Champs à prendre en compte dans la recherche",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Définir l'avatar par défaut",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Tente de définir l'avatar par défaut en se basant sur le compte OAuth ou Gravatar",
- "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Afficher le formulaire de connexion",
+ "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Afficher le formulaire de connexion par défaut",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Delta maximum",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Le delta maximum détermine combien de jetons sont valides à un moment donné. Les jetons sont générés toutes les 30 secondes et sont valides pour les secondes (30 * Delta maximum). Exemple: Avec un Delta maximum défini sur 10, chaque jeton peut être utilisé jusqu'à 300 secondes avant ou après l'horodatage. Ceci est utile lorsque l'horloge du client n'est pas correctement synchronisée avec le serveur.",
"Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Utiliser la liste de domaines bloqués par défaut ",
"Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck": "Utiliser la vérification de Domaine du DNS",
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Bienvenue sur
Allez sur [Site_URL] et essayer la meilleure solution de chat open source disponible aujourd'hui!
Vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant votre email: [email] et mot de passe: [password]. Vous pouvez être amené à le changer après votre première connexion.",
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Bienvenue sur
Allez sur [Site_URL] et essayer la meilleure solution de chat open source disponible aujourd'hui !
Vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant votre email: [email] et mot de passe : [password]. Vous pouvez être amené à le changer après votre première connexion.",
"Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les variables suivantes :
[name], [fname], [lname] respectivement pour le nom complet de l'utilisateur, son prénom ou son nom,
[email] pour son adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur,
[password] pour sson mot de passe,
[Site_Name] et [Site_URL] pour le nom de l'application et son URL respectivement.
"Accounts_UserAddedEmailSubject_Default": "Vous avez été ajouté à [Site_Name]",
"Activate": "Activer",
@@ -167,7 +174,7 @@
"add-user-to-joined-room": "Ajouter un utilisateur à une chaîne jointe",
"add-user-to-joined-room_description": "Autorisation d'ajouter un utilisateur à un canal actuellement joint",
"add-user_description": "Autorisation d'ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs au serveur via l'écran des utilisateurs",
- "Add_agent": "Ajouter un assistant",
+ "Add_agent": "Ajouter un agent",
"Add_custom_oauth": "Ajouter un OAuth personnalisé",
"Add_Domain": "Ajouter un domaine",
"Add_files_from": "Ajouter des fichiers depuis",
@@ -198,11 +205,11 @@
"All_messages": "Tous les messages",
"All_users": "Tous les utilisateurs",
"All_added_tokens_will_be_required_by_the_user": "Tous les jetons ajoutés seront requis par l'utilisateur",
- "All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages": "Tous les utilisateur peuvent écrire des nouveaux messages",
+ "All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages": "Tous les utilisateurs dans ce canal peuvent écrire des nouveaux messages",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs": "Autoriser les certificats auto-signés invalides",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Autoriser les certificats SSL invalides et auto-signés pour la validation des liens et leurs prévisualisations.",
"Alphabetical": "Alphabétique",
- "Allow_switching_departments": "Autoriser les visiteurs a changé de département",
+ "Allow_switching_departments": "Autoriser les visiteurs à changer de département",
"Always_open_in_new_window": "Toujours ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre",
"Analytics_features_enabled": "Fonctionnalités activées",
"Analytics_features_messages_Description": "Suivre les événements personnalisés liés aux actions d'un utilisateur sur des messages.",
@@ -225,7 +232,6 @@
"API_Drupal_URL_Description": "Exemple : https://domaine.com (ne pas mettre le / de fin)",
"API_Embed": "Aperçu des liens intégrés",
"API_Embed_Description": "Détermine si les prévisualisations de liens sont activées ou non lorsqu'un utilisateur publie un lien vers un site web.",
- "API_Embed_UserAgent": "Embed Demander un agent utilisateur",
"API_EmbedCacheExpirationDays": "Durée d'expiration du cache embarqué (en jours)",
"API_EmbedDisabledFor": "Désactiver l'intégration pour les utilisateurs",
"API_EmbedDisabledFor_Description": "Liste de noms d'utilisateurs séparés par des virgules pour désactiver les aperçus de liens intégrés.",
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@
"API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint": "Activer le point de terminaison de l'historique des messages directs",
"API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Ceci active `/api/v1/im.history.others`qui permet la visualisation des messages privés envoyés par tous les utilisateurs.",
"API_Enable_Shields": "Activer les boucliers",
- "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Activer les boucliers disponibles dans `/ api / v1 / shield.svg`",
+ "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Activer les boucliers disponibles dans `/api/v1/shield.svg`",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL": "URL du serveur",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL_Description": "Exemple : http://domain.com (sans slash final)",
"API_Gitlab_URL": "URL GitLab",
@@ -245,7 +251,7 @@
"API_Shield_Types_Description": "Types de boucliers à activer en tant que liste séparée par des virgules, choisissez parmi `online`,` channel` ou `*` pour tout",
"API_Token": "Jeton API",
"API_Tokenpass_URL": "URL du serveur Tokenpass",
- "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Exemple: https://domain.com (excluant la barre oblique)",
+ "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Exemple : https://domain.com (ne pas mettre le / de fin)",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Nombre maximum d'enregistrements",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Quel est le nombre maximum d'enregistrements qu'un appel REST API doit retourner (si pas défini en tant qu'illimité) ?",
"API_User_Limit": "Limite de l'utilisateur pour ajouter tous les utilisateurs au canal",
@@ -257,9 +263,9 @@
"App_status_initialized": "Initialisé",
"App_status_auto_enabled": "Activé",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Activé",
- "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Désactivé: erreur du compilateur",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Désactivé: erreur non interceptée",
- "App_status_manually_disabled": "Désactivé: manuellement",
+ "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Désactivé : erreur du compilateur",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Désactivé : erreur non interceptée",
+ "App_status_manually_disabled": "Désactivé : manuellement",
"App_status_disabled": "Désactivé",
"App_author_homepage": "page d'accueil de l'auteur",
"App_support_url": "support url",
@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@
"Apply": "Appliquer",
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Appliquer et rafraîchir tous les clients",
"Archive": "Archiver",
- "archive-room": "Archiver un canal",
+ "archive-room": "Archiver un salon",
"archive-room_description": "Permission d'archiver un canal",
"are_also_typing": "sont également en train d'écrire",
"are_typing": "sont en train d'écrire",
@@ -394,20 +400,20 @@
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Http Headers",
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Liste des en-têtes HTTP, un en-tête par ligne. Format: nom: valeur",
"Chatpal_API_Key": "Clé API",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Vous n'avez pas encore de clé d'API? Obtenez-en un!",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Vous n'avez pas encore de clé d'API? Obtenez-en un!",
"Chatpal_no_search_results": "Pas de résultat",
"Chatpal_one_search_result": "Trouvé 1 résultat",
- "Chatpal_search_results": "Résultats trouvés de% s",
- "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Page% s de% s",
+ "Chatpal_search_results": "Résultats trouvés de %s",
+ "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Page %s sur %s",
"Chatpal_go_to_message": "Sauter",
- "Chatpal_Welcome": "Bonne recherche!",
+ "Chatpal_Welcome": "Bonne recherche !",
"Chatpal_go_to_user": "Envoyer un message direct",
"Chatpal_go_to_room": "Sauter",
"Chatpal_Backend": "Type de backend",
"Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Sélectionnez si vous souhaitez utiliser Chatpal en tant que service ou en tant qu'installation sur site",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Suggestions activées",
"Chatpal_Base_URL": "Url de base",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Trouver une description de la façon d'exécuter une instance locale sur github. L'URL doit être absolue et pointer vers le noyau chatpal, par ex. http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Trouver une description de la façon d'exécuter une instance locale sur github. L'URL doit être absolue et pointer vers le noyau chatpal, par ex. http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
"Chatpal_Main_Language": "Langage principal",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "La langue la plus utilisée dans les conversations",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Type de résultat par défaut",
@@ -474,7 +480,7 @@
"Clients_will_refresh_in_a_few_seconds": "Les clients vont être rechargés dans quelques secondes",
"close": "fermer",
"Close": "Fermeture",
- "close-livechat-room": "Ferme",
+ "close-livechat-room": "Fermer le chat en direct",
"close-livechat-room_description": "Autorisation de fermer le canal LiveChat actuel",
"close-others-livechat-room": "Fermer le chat en direct",
"close-others-livechat-room_description": "Autorisation de fermer d'autres canaux LiveChat",
@@ -489,10 +495,12 @@
"Common_Access": "Accès commun",
"Compact": "Compact",
"Computer": "Ordinateur",
+ "Continue": "Continuer",
"Confirm_password": "Confirmez votre mot de passe",
"Content": "Contenu",
"Conversation": "Conversation",
"Conversation_closed": "Conversation fermée : __comment__.",
+ "Community": "Communauté",
"Conversation_finished_message": "Conversation terminée Message",
"Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Convertir le code ASCII en émoticône",
"Copied": "Copié",
@@ -509,13 +517,14 @@
"create-p": "Créer des chaînes privées",
"create-p_description": "Permission de créer des chaînes privées",
"create-user": "Créer un utilisateur",
+ "Country": "Pays",
"create-user_description": "Permission de créer des utilisateurs",
"Create_A_New_Channel": "Créer un nouveau canal",
"Create_new": "Créer nouveau",
"Create_unique_rules_for_this_channel": "Créer des règles uniques pour cette chaîne",
"Created_at": "Créé le",
"Created_at_s_by_s": "Créé le %s par %s",
- "Created_at_s_by_s_triggered_by_s": "Créé à %sen % sdéclenché par % s",
+ "Created_at_s_by_s_triggered_by_s": "Créé à %sen %sdéclenché par %s",
"CRM_Integration": "Intégration CRM (GRC)",
"CROWD_Reject_Unauthorized": "Rejeter si non-autorisé",
"Current_Chats": "Discussions actuelles",
@@ -565,7 +574,7 @@
"delete-d": "Supprimer les messages directs",
"delete-d_description": "Permission de supprimer des messages directs",
"delete-message": "Supprimer le message",
- "delete-message_description": "Permission de supprimer un message dans une pièce",
+ "delete-message_description": "Permission de supprimer un message dans un salon",
"delete-p": "Supprimer les chaînes privées",
"delete-p_description": "Autorisation de supprimer des chaînes privées",
"delete-user": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
@@ -639,7 +648,7 @@
"Duration": "Durée",
"Edit": "Modifier",
"edit-message": "Modifier le message",
- "edit-message_description": "Permission de modifier un message dans une pièce",
+ "edit-message_description": "Permission de modifier un message dans un salon",
"edit-other-user-active-status": "Modifier l'état actif d'un autre utilisateur",
"edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Permission d'activer ou de désactiver d'autres comptes",
"edit-other-user-info": "Modifier d'autres informations utilisateur",
@@ -648,11 +657,11 @@
"edit-other-user-password_description": "Permission de modifier les mots de passe d'autres utilisateurs. Nécessite l'autorisation edit-other-user-info.",
"edit-privileged-setting": "Modifier le paramètre privilégié",
"edit-privileged-setting_description": "Permission de modifier les paramètres",
- "edit-room": "Modifier la pièce",
- "edit-room_description": "Permission de modifier le nom, le sujet, le type (privé ou public) d'une pièce et son statut (actif ou archivé)",
+ "edit-room": "Modifier le salon",
+ "edit-room_description": "Permission de modifier le nom, le sujet, le type (privé ou public) d'un salon et son statut (actif ou archivé)",
"Edit_Custom_Field": "Modifier le champ personnalisé",
"Edit_Department": "Éditer le service",
- "Edit_previous_message": "`% s` - Modifier le message précédent",
+ "Edit_previous_message": "`%s` - Modifier le message précédent",
"Edit_Trigger": "Éditer le déclencheur",
"edited": "modifié",
"Editing_room": "Modification du salon",
@@ -667,6 +676,7 @@
"Email_Header_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les variables suivantes:
[Site_Name] et [Site_URL] pour le nom de l'application et URL respectivement.
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Notifications hors-ligne par e-mail",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Toutes les Mentions/MP",
+ "Education": "Éducation",
"Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Désactivé",
"Email_or_username": "Adresse e-mail ou nom d'utilisateur",
"Email_Placeholder": "Veuillez entrer votre adresse email ...",
@@ -696,8 +706,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Entrée pour",
"Error": "Erreur",
"Error_404": "Erreur 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Erreur: Rocket.chat requiert l'activation de la fonction \"oplog tailing\" lorsqu'il fonctionne sur plusieurs instances",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Veuillez vous assurer que MongoDB est en mode ReplicaSet et que la variable d'environnement MONGO_OPLOG_URL est définie correctement sur le serveur de l'application",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ n'est pas autorisée",
"error-application-not-found": "Application introuvable",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Il y a un canal archivé avec le nom '__room_name__'",
@@ -707,7 +715,9 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Impossible de changer l'adresse e-mail",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Impossible de modifier le nom",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Impossible de modifier le nom d'utilisateur",
+ "Entertainment": "Divertissement",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Impossible de supprimer un rôle protégé",
+ "Enterprise": "Entreprise",
"error-department-not-found": "Service introuvable",
"error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "L'envoi de fichier n'est pas autorisé dans les messages privés",
"error-duplicate-channel-name": "Un canal avec le nom '__channel_name__' existe déjà",
@@ -848,11 +858,12 @@
"force-delete-message": "Forcer la suppression du message",
"force-delete-message_description": "Permission de supprimer un message en contournant toutes les restrictions",
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache": "Forcer la désactivation de la fonction OpLog pour le cache",
- "Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "N'utlisera pas la fonction OpLog pour syncroniser le cache même si elle est disponible.",
+ "Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "N'utlisera pas la fonction OpLog pour syncroniser le cache même si elle est disponible.",
"Force_SSL": "Forcer l'utilisation de SSL",
"Force_SSL_Description": "*Attention !* _ForceSSL_ ne devrait jamais être utilisé avec un reverse proxy. Si vous utilisez un reverse proxy, vous devriez y gérer la redirection. Cette option existe pour des déploiements tels que Heroku, qui n'autorisent pas la configuration de redirection au niveau des reverse proxy.",
+ "Financial_Services": "Services financiers",
"Forgot_password": "Mot de passe oublié",
- "Forgot_Password_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les espaces réservés suivants:
[Forgot_Password_Url] pour l'URL de récupération du mot de passe.
[nom], [fname], [lname] pour le nom complet, le prénom ou le nom de famille de l'utilisateur, respectivement.
[email] pour l'adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur.
[Site_Name] et [Site_URL] pour le nom de l'application et l'URL, respectivement.
[Forgot_Password_Url] pour l'URL de récupération du mot de passe.
[nom], [fname], [lname] pour le nom complet, le prénom ou le nom de famille de l'utilisateur, respectivement.
[email] pour l'adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur.
[Site_Name] et [Site_URL] pour le nom de l'application et l'URL, respectivement.
"Forgot_Password_Email": "Cliquez ici pour remettre à zéro votre mot de passe.",
"Forgot_Password_Email_Subject": "[Site_Name] - Récupération du mot de passe",
"Forgot_password_section": "Mot de passe oublié",
@@ -879,6 +890,7 @@
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Le blocage des images adultes ne fonctionnera pas une fois la limite mensuelle atteinte",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Appels du mois en cours",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Activer Google Vision",
+ "Gaming": "Jeu",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Appels mensuels maximum",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Utilisez 0 pour illimité",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Compte de service Google Vision",
@@ -905,16 +917,19 @@
"Hide_counter": "Masquer le compteur",
"Hide_flextab": "Masquer le volet de réglages du canal par un clique",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir masquer le groupe \"%s\" ?",
- "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir cacher le livechat avec \"% s\"?",
+ "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir cacher le livechat avec \"%s\"?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Aller à votre espace de travail",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir masquer la discussion avec \"%s\" ?",
+ "Government": "Gouvernement",
"Hide_roles": "Masquer les rôles",
"Hide_room": "Masquer le salon",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir masquer le salon \"%s\" ?",
- "Hide_Unread_Room_Status": "Masquer le statut de la pièce non lu",
+ "Hide_Unread_Room_Status": "Masquer le statut des salons non lus",
"Hide_usernames": "Masquer les noms d'utilisateur",
"Highlights": "Mises en avant",
"Highlights_How_To": "Pour être notifié(e) lorsque quelqu'un écrit un mot ou une phrase spécifique, ajoutez le/la ici. Vous pouvez les séparer par des virgules. Les termes surveillés ne sont pas sensibles à la casse.",
"Highlights_List": "Mots surveillés",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Santé / Pharmaceutique",
"History": "Historique",
"Host": "Hôte",
"hours": "heures",
@@ -951,9 +966,9 @@
"Importer_done": "Importation réussie !",
"Importer_finishing": "Finalisation de l'importation.",
"Importer_From_Description": "Importer les données de __from__ dans Rocket.Chat.",
- "Importer_HipChatEnterprise_BetaWarning": "S'il vous plaît soyez conscient que cette importation est encore un travail en cours, s'il vous plaît signaler toute erreur qui se produisent dans GitHub:",
+ "Importer_HipChatEnterprise_BetaWarning": "S'il vous plaît soyez conscient que cette importation est encore un travail en cours, s'il vous plaît signaler toute erreur qui se produisent dans GitHub :",
"Importer_HipChatEnterprise_Information": "Le fichier téléchargé doit être un tar.gz déchiffré, veuillez lire la documentation pour plus d'informations:",
- "Importer_Slack_Users_CSV_Information": "Le fichier téléchargé doit être le fichier d'exportation des utilisateurs de Slack, qui est un fichier CSV. Voir ici pour plus d'informations:",
+ "Importer_Slack_Users_CSV_Information": "Le fichier téléchargé doit être le fichier d'exportation des utilisateurs de Slack, qui est un fichier CSV. Voir ici pour plus d'informations :",
"Importer_import_cancelled": "Importation annulée.",
"Importer_import_failed": "Un erreur est survenue lors de l'importation.",
"Importer_importing_channels": "Importation des canaux.",
@@ -990,6 +1005,7 @@
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Intégration WebHook Entrant",
"Integration_New": "Nouvelle intégration",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Intégration WebHook Sortant",
+ "Industry": "Industrie",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "Historique de l'intégration WebHook Sortant",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Données passées pour intégration",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Données passées pour URL",
@@ -1003,6 +1019,7 @@
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Dernière étape de déclenchement",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "L'intégration WebHook sortant n'a pas encore d'historique enregistré.",
"Integration_Retry_Count": "Réessayer compte",
+ "Insurance": "Assurance",
"Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Combien de fois l'intégration doit-elle être testée si l'appel à l'url échoue?",
"Integration_Retry_Delay": "Retry Retard",
"Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Quel algorithme de délai la nouvelle tentative devrait-elle utiliser? 10 ^ xou 2 ^ xou x * 2",
@@ -1077,7 +1094,7 @@
"Issue_Links": "Émettre des liens de suivi",
"IssueLinks_Incompatible": "Attention: ne l'activez pas en même temps que l'aperçu des couleurs hexadécimales.",
"IssueLinks_LinkTemplate": "Modèle pour les liens de problème",
- "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Modèle pour les liens de problèmes; % s sera remplacé par le numéro d'émission.",
+ "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Modèle pour les liens de problèmes; %s sera remplacé par le numéro d'émission.",
"It_works": "Ça marche",
"Idle_Time_Limit": "Temps limite d'inactivité",
"Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Période de temps jusqu'à ce que le statut change. La valeur doit être en secondes.",
@@ -1216,7 +1233,7 @@
"leave-c": "Quitter les chaînes",
"leave-p": "Quitter les groupes privés",
"Leave_Group_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir quitter le groupe \"%s\" ?",
- "Leave_Livechat_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter la livechat avec \"% s\"?",
+ "Leave_Livechat_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter la livechat avec \"%s\"?",
"Leave_Private_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir quitter la discussion avec \"%s\" ?",
"Leave_room": "Quitter le salon",
"Leave_Room_Warning": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir quitter le salon \"%s\" ?",
@@ -1272,6 +1289,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Déconnecter les autres sessions ouvertes",
"mail-messages": "Messages électroniques",
"mail-messages_description": "Autorisation d'utilisation de l'option de messagerie",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formulaire d'inscription",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Vous avez fourni une ou plusieurs adresses e-mails invalides : %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Vous devez sélectionner un ou plusieurs utilisateurs ou fournir une ou plusieurs adresses e-mail, séparées par des virgules.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun message. ",
@@ -1291,6 +1309,7 @@
"manage-integrations_description": "Autorisation de gérer les intégrations de serveur",
"manage-oauth-apps": "Gérer les applications Oauth",
"manage-oauth-apps_description": "Permission de gérer les applications serveur Oauth",
+ "Logistics": "Logistique",
"manage-own-integrations": "Gérer ses propres intégrations",
"manage-own-integrations_description": "Permission permettant aux utilisateurs de créer et de modifier leur propre intégration ou webhooks",
"manage-sounds": "Gérer les sons",
@@ -1325,6 +1344,7 @@
"mention-here_description": "Permission d'utiliser la mention @here",
"Mentions": "Mentions",
"Mentions_default": "Mentions (défaut)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Fabrication",
"Mentions_only": "Mentions seulement",
"Merge_Channels": "Fusionner les chaînes",
"Message": "Message",
@@ -1343,6 +1363,7 @@
"Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Autoriser les commandes de barre oblique non reconnues",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Toujours rechercher en utilisant des expressions régulières",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Nous vous recommandons de mettre `Oui` si votre langue ne sont pas pris en charge sur MongoDB recherche de texte .",
+ "Media": "Médias",
"Message_Attachments": "Pièces jointes de message",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Boutons de connexion de groupe",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Cela regroupe les icônes dans un menu extensible. Prend moins d'espace à l'écran.",
@@ -1415,8 +1436,8 @@
"More_direct_messages": "Plus de messages privés",
"More_groups": "Davantage de groupes",
"More_unreads": "Davantage de messages non lus",
- "Move_beginning_message": "`% s` - Aller au début du message",
- "Move_end_message": "`% s` - Aller à la fin du message",
+ "Move_beginning_message": "`%s` - Aller au début du message",
+ "Move_end_message": "`%s` - Aller à la fin du message",
"Msgs": "Messages",
"multi": "multiple",
"multi_line": "ligne multiple",
@@ -1442,7 +1463,7 @@
"New_Custom_Field": "Nouveau champ personnalisé",
"New_Department": "Nouveau service",
"New_integration": "Nouvelle intégration",
- "New_line_message_compose_input": "`% s` - Nouvelle ligne dans l'entrée de composition du message",
+ "New_line_message_compose_input": "`%s` - Nouvelle ligne dans l'entrée de composition du message",
"New_logs": "Nouveaux journaux",
"New_Message_Notification": "Notification de nouveau message",
"New_messages": "Nouveaux messages",
@@ -1451,7 +1472,7 @@
"New_role": "Nouveau rôle",
"New_Room_Notification": "Notification de nouveau salon",
"New_Trigger": "Nouveau déclencheur",
- "New_version_available_(s)": "Nouvelle version disponible (% s)",
+ "New_version_available_(s)": "Nouvelle version disponible (%s)",
"New_videocall_request": "Nouvelle demande d'appel vidéo",
"No_available_agents_to_transfer": "Aucun agent disponible pour le transfert",
"No_channel_with_name_%s_was_found": "Aucun canal nommé \"%s\" n'a été trouvé !",
@@ -1488,7 +1509,7 @@
"Notifications_Always_Notify_Mobile_Description": "Choisissez de toujours informer l'appareil mobile, quel que soit l'état de présence.",
"Notifications_Duration": "Notifications_Duration",
"Notifications_Max_Room_Members": "Max Room Membres avant de désactiver toutes les notifications de message",
- "Notifications_Max_Room_Members_Description": "Nombre maximal de membres dans la pièce lorsque les notifications pour tous les messages sont désactivées. Les utilisateurs peuvent toujours modifier les paramètres de la salle pour recevoir toutes les notifications individuellement. (0 pour désactiver)",
+ "Notifications_Max_Room_Members_Description": "Nombre maximal de membres dans le salon lorsque les notifications pour tous les messages sont désactivées. Les utilisateurs peuvent toujours modifier les paramètres du salon pour recevoir toutes les notifications individuellement. (0 pour désactiver)",
"Notifications_Muted_Description": "Si vous choisissez de tout couper, vous ne verrez pas la surbrillance de la pièce dans la liste lorsqu'il y a de nouveaux messages, sauf pour les mentions. Les notifications d'inhibition remplaceront les paramètres de notification.",
"Notifications_Preferences": "Préférences de notifications",
"Notifications_Sound_Volume": "Notifications volume sonore",
@@ -1500,6 +1521,7 @@
"OAuth_Applications": "Applications OAuth",
"Objects": "Objets",
"Off": "Éteint",
+ "Nonprofit": "Non lucratif",
"Off_the_record_conversation": "Conversation chiffrée et non enregistrée (Off-the-record)",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "La conversation chiffrée et non enregistrée (Off-the-record) n'est pas disponible pour votre navigateur ou appareil.",
"Office_Hours": "Heures de bureau",
@@ -1507,7 +1529,7 @@
"Office_hours_updated": "Heures de bureau modifiées",
"Offline": "Hors ligne",
"Offline_DM_Email": "Vous avez reçu des messages privés de __user__",
- "Offline_Email_Subject_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les espaces réservés suivants:
[Nom_du_site], [Site_URL], [Utilisateur] & [Chambre] pour le nom de l'application, l'URL, le nom d'utilisateur et le nom de la salle, respectivement.
+ "Offline_Email_Subject_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les espaces réservés suivants:
[Site_Name], [Site_URL], [User] & [Room] pour le nom de l'application, l'URL, le nom d'utilisateur et le nom du salon, respectivement.
"Offline_form": "Formulaire hors ligne",
"Offline_form_unavailable_message": "Message indisponible du formulaire hors ligne",
"Offline_Link_Message": "ALLER AU MESSAGE",
@@ -1524,7 +1546,7 @@
"Only_you_can_see_this_message": "Vous seul pouvez voir ce message",
"Oops!": "Oups",
"Open": "Ouverture",
- "Open_channel_user_search": "`% s` - Canal ouvert / Recherche d'utilisateur",
+ "Open_channel_user_search": "`%s` - Canal ouvert / Recherche d'utilisateur",
"Open_days_of_the_week": "Jours d'ouverture",
"Open_Livechats": "Ouvrir les chats en direct",
"Open_your_authentication_app_and_enter_the_code": "Ouvrez votre application d'authentification et entrez le code. Vous pouvez également utiliser l'un de vos codes de sauvegarde.",
@@ -1563,9 +1585,12 @@
"Permalink": "Lien permanent",
"Permissions": "Permissions",
"pin-message": "Pin message",
+ "Organization_Email": "Email de l'organisation",
"pin-message_description": "Autorisation d'épingler un message dans un canal",
"Pin_Message": "Épingler ce message",
+ "Organization_Name": "Nom de l'organisation",
"Pinned_a_message": "A épinglé un message :",
+ "Organization_Type": "Type de l'organisation",
"Pinned_Messages": "Messages épinglés",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Sites Piwik supplémentaires",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Entrez les URL de site Web Piwik supplémentaires et SiteID dans le format suivant, si vous souhaitez suivre les mêmes données dans différents sites Web: [{\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\": 42}, {\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\": 15}]",
@@ -1577,6 +1602,7 @@
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Ajouter le nom du domaine du site au titre de la page lors du suivi",
"PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "Le site id à utiliser pour identifier ce site. Exemple 17",
"PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "L'URL où le Piwik réside, assurez-vous d'inclure la barre trialing. Exemple: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
+ "Other": "Autre",
"Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Texte de remplacement pour l'adresse e-mail ou le nom d'utilisateur à la connexion",
"Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Texte de remplacement pour le mot de passe",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Merci d'ajouter un commentaire",
@@ -1654,7 +1680,9 @@
"Read_only_changed_successfully": "Passage en lecture seule réussi",
"Read_only_channel": "Canal en lecture seule",
"Read_only_group": "Groupe en lecture seule",
+ "Public_Community": "Communauté publique",
"Reason_To_Join": "Raison de rejoindre",
+ "Public_Relations": "Relations publiques",
"RealName_Change_Disabled": "Votre administrateur Rocket.Chat a désactivé le changement de nom",
"Receive_alerts": "Recevoir des alertes",
"Receive_Group_Mentions": "Recevoir des mentions @all et @here",
@@ -1674,7 +1702,7 @@
"Reload_Pages": "Recharger les pages",
"Remove": "Retirer",
"remove-user": "Retirer l'utilisateur",
- "remove-user_description": "Permission de retirer un utilisateur d'une pièce",
+ "remove-user_description": "Permission de retirer un utilisateur d'un salon",
"Remove_Admin": "Supprimer administrateur",
"Remove_as_leader": "Supprimer en tant que leader",
"Remove_as_moderator": "Supprimer de la liste des modérateurs",
@@ -1707,6 +1735,7 @@
"Apps_Settings": "Paramètres de l'application",
"Role": "Rôle",
"Role_Editing": "Édition des rôles",
+ "Religious": "Religieux",
"Role_removed": "Rôle supprimé",
"Room": "Salon",
"Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Annonce du salon modifiée avec succès",
@@ -1723,7 +1752,7 @@
"Room_has_been_archived": "Le salon a été archivé",
"Room_has_been_deleted": "Le salon a été supprimé",
"Room_has_been_unarchived": "Le salon a été désarchivé",
- "Room_tokenpass_config_changed_successfully": "La configuration de tokenpass de pièce a bien été modifiée",
+ "Room_tokenpass_config_changed_successfully": "La configuration de tokenpass du salon a bien été modifiée",
"Room_Info": "Informations sur le salon",
"room_is_blocked": "Le salon est bloqué",
"room_is_read_only": "Le salon est en lecture seule",
@@ -1812,6 +1841,7 @@
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Envoyer une demande sur les messages hors ligne",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Envoyer une demande sur les messages des visiteurs",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Envoyer une demande sur les messages de l'agent",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "Nous allons vous guider pour configurer votre premier compte administrateur, votre organisation et enregistrer votre serveur pour recevoir des notification, et plus encore.",
"Send_Test": "Envoyer un test",
"Send_welcome_email": "Envoyer un e-mail de bienvenue",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Envoyer les messages JSON à cette URL",
@@ -1841,7 +1871,7 @@
"Show_all": "Afficher tout",
"Show_Avatars": "Afficher les Avatars",
"Show_counter": "Afficher le compteur",
- "Show_room_counter_on_sidebar": "Afficher le compteur de la pièce dans la barre latérale",
+ "Show_room_counter_on_sidebar": "Afficher le compteur du salon dans la barre latérale",
"Show_more": "Afficher plus",
"show_offline_users": "montrer les utilisateur hors-ligne",
"Show_on_registration_page": "Afficher sur la page d'enregistrement",
@@ -1859,8 +1889,10 @@
"Site_Name": "Nom du site",
"Site_Url": "URL du site",
"Site_Url_Description": "Exemple : https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Informations sur le serveur",
"Skip": "Passer",
- "SlackBridge_error": "SlackBridge a eu une erreur durant l'importation de vos messages at %s: %s",
+ "Server_Type": "Type de serveur",
+ "SlackBridge_error": "SlackBridge a eu une erreur durant l'importation de vos messages at %s : %s",
"SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge a fini d'importer les messages sur% s. Veuillez recharger pour voir tous les messages.",
"SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out Tous",
"SlackBridge_Out_All_Description": "Envoyer les messages de tous les canaux qui existent dans Slack et le bot a rejoint",
@@ -1868,7 +1900,7 @@
"SlackBridge_Out_Channels_Description": "Choisissez les canaux qui envoient les messages à Slack",
"SlackBridge_Out_Enabled": "SlackBridge Out activé",
"SlackBridge_Out_Enabled_Description": "Choisissez si SlackBridge doit également envoyer vos messages à Slack",
- "SlackBridge_start": "@% s a démarré une importation SlackBridge à `#% s`. Nous vous ferons savoir quand c'est fini.",
+ "SlackBridge_start": "@%s a démarré une importation SlackBridge à `#%s`. Nous vous ferons savoir quand c'est fini.",
"Slack_Users": "CSV des utilisateurs de Slack",
"Slash_Gimme_Description": "Affiche (つ ◕_◕) つ avant votre message",
"Slash_LennyFace_Description": "Affiche (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) après votre message",
@@ -1902,6 +1934,7 @@
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Désolé, la page que vous avez demandée n'existe pas ou a été supprimée!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Trier par activité",
"Sound": "Alertes sonores",
+ "Size": "Taille",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Fichier audio (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
"Star_Message": "Mettre en favoris",
@@ -1941,8 +1974,9 @@
"Status": "Statut",
"Stop_Recording": "Arrêter l'enregistrement",
"Store_Last_Message": "Stocker le dernier message",
- "Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Stocker le dernier message envoyé sur chaque pièce.",
+ "Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Stocker le dernier message envoyé sur chaque salon.",
"Stream_Cast": "Stream Cast",
+ "Social_Network": "Réseau social",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Stream Cast Adresse",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP ou Hôte de votre Rocket.Chat Central Stream Cast. Par exemple. ` 3000` ou` localhost: 4000`",
"strike": "barré",
@@ -1961,8 +1995,8 @@
"System_messages": "Messages système",
"Tag": "Tag",
"Take_it": "Je prends !",
- "TargetRoom": "Salle de la cible",
- "TargetRoom_Description": "La pièce où seront envoyés les messages résultant du déclenchement de cet événement. Une seule pièce cible est autorisée et doit exister.",
+ "TargetRoom": "Salon cible",
+ "TargetRoom_Description": "Le salon où seront envoyés les messages résultant du déclenchement de cet événement. Un seul salon cible est autorisé et doit exister.",
"Team": "Équipe",
"Test_Connection": "Tester la connexion",
"Test_Desktop_Notifications": "Tester les notifications sur le bureau",
@@ -2009,9 +2043,12 @@
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Erreur",
"theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Erreur Light",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Alerte",
+ "Telecom": "Telecom",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Lumière d'alerte",
"theme-color-rc-color-success": "Succès",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Fournisseur de technologie",
"theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Lumière de succès",
+ "Technology_Services": "Services technologiques",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Bouton principal",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Bouton Lumière primaire",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Primaire",
@@ -2080,7 +2117,7 @@
"Type_your_message": "Entrez votre message",
"Type_your_name": "Entrez votre nom",
"Type_your_new_password": "Entrez votre nouveau mot de passe",
- "UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars": "Autoriser les caractères spéciaux dans les noms de pièce",
+ "UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars": "Autoriser les caractères spéciaux dans les noms de salon",
"UI_Click_Direct_Message": "Cliquer pour commercer une discussion privée",
"UI_Click_Direct_Message_Description": "N'ouvrez pas les onglets de profils, allez directement à la discussion",
"UI_DisplayRoles": "Afficher les rôles",
@@ -2089,7 +2126,7 @@
"UI_Use_Name_Avatar": "Utiliser les initiales du nom complet pour générer un avatar par défaut",
"UI_Use_Real_Name": "Utiliser le vrai nom",
"Unarchive": "Désarchiver",
- "unarchive-room": "Salle d'archivage",
+ "unarchive-room": "Désarchivé le salon",
"unarchive-room_description": "Autorisation de désarchiver les chaînes",
"Unblock_User": "Débloquer",
"Uninstall": "Désinstaller",
@@ -2106,6 +2143,7 @@
"Unread_Rooms": "Salons contenant des messages non-lus",
"Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Mode des salons non-lus",
"Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Alerte dans la barre d'état pour les messages non lus",
+ "Tourism": "Tourisme",
"Unstar_Message": "Supprimer des favoris",
"Updated_at": "Mis à jour à",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Mettez à jour votre Rocket.Chat",
@@ -2116,7 +2154,7 @@
"Uploading_file": "Envoi du fichier en cours...",
"Uptime": "Durée de fonctionnement",
"URL": "URL",
- "URL_room_prefix": "URL Préfixe de pièce",
+ "URL_room_prefix": "URL Préfixe de salon",
"Use_account_preference": "Préférence du compte utilisateur",
"Use_Emojis": "Utiliser les émoticônes",
"Use_Global_Settings": "Utiliser les paramètres globaux",
@@ -2218,7 +2256,7 @@
"UTF8_Names_Validation_Description": "Expression régulière utilisée pour valider les noms des utilisateurs et des canaux",
"Validate_email_address": "Valider l'adresse e-mail",
"Verification": "Vérification",
- "Verification_Description": "Vous pouvez utiliser les espaces réservés suivants:
[Verification_Url] pour l'URL de vérification.
[nom], [fname], [lname] pour le nom complet, le prénom ou le nom de famille de l'utilisateur, respectivement.
[email] pour l'adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur.
[Site_Name] et [Site_URL] pour le nom de l'application et l'URL, respectivement.
Lai to aktivizētu vai dzēstu, lūdzu skatiet \"Administrācija ->Lietotāji\".
"Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "Jauns lietotājs ir reģistrēts un tam nepieciešams apstiprinājums",
- "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Aizmirstiet lietotāju sesiju",
+ "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Aizmirst lietotāja sesiju, aizverot logu",
"Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "Api metode",
"Accounts_Iframe_api_url": "API URL",
"Accounts_iframe_enabled": "Iespējots",
@@ -79,93 +79,101 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Login_Style": "Pieteikšanās stils",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Merge_Users": "Apvienot lietotājus",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Scope": "Darbības joma",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "Noslēpums",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Token Path",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Token Sent Via",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identitāte Token nosūtīts pa Via",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "Secret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Žetona ceļš",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Žetons nosūtīts caur",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identitātes Žetons nosūtīts caur",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Lietotājvārda lauks",
"Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Drupal pieteikšanās ir iespējota",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Drupal oAuth2 novirzīšanas URI",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Drupal oAuth2 Redirect URI",
"Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "Drupal oAuth2 klienta ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Drupal oAuth2 klientu noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Drupal oAuth2 Client Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "Facebook pieteikšanās",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Facebook atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "Facebook lietotņu ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "Facebook noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Facebook Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "Facebook lietotes ID",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "FacebookSecret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Github": "OAuth ir iespējots",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Github atzvana URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Github Callback URL",
"Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise": "OAuth ir iespējots",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "GitHub Enterprise atzvana URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "GitHub Enterprise Callback URL",
"Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_id": "Klienta ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Klienta noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Client Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Github_id": "Klienta ID",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Klienta noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Client Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab": "OAuth ir iespējots",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "GitLab atzvana URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "GitLab Callback URL",
"Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id": "GitLab Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Klienta noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Client Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Google pieteikšanās",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Google atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_id": "Google Id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Google Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_id": "Google ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret": "Google Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin": "LinkedIn Ieiet",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_callback_url": "Linkedin atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id": "LinkedIn Id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin": "LinkedIn pieteikšanās",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_callback_url": "Linkedin Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id": "LinkedIn ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret": "LinkedIn Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor": "Meteora pieteikšanās",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_callback_url": "Meteor atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id": "Meteor id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret": "Meteoru noslēpums",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor": "Meteor pieteikšanās",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_callback_url": "Meteor Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id": "Meteor ID",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret": "Meteor Secret",
"Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass": "Tokenpass pieteikšanās",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_callback_url": "Tokenpass atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_id": "Tokenpass Id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_callback_url": "Tokenpass Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_id": "Tokenpass ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_secret": "Tokenpass Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_host": "Starpniekserveris",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_services": "Proxy pakalpojumi",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter": "Čivināt pieteikties",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_callback_url": "Twitter atzvana URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id": "Čivināt Id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_host": "Starpniekservera resursdators",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_services": "Starpniekservera pakalpojumi",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter": "Twitter pieteikšanās",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_callback_url": "Twitter Callback URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id": "Twitter ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret": "Twitter Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "WordPress pieslēgšanās",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "WordPress atzvana URL",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "WordPress pieteikšanās",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "WordPress Callback URL",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "WordPress ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
- "Accounts_PasswordReset": "Paroles atiestatīšana",
+ "Accounts_PasswordReset": "Paroles atjaunošana",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Noklusējuma lomas autentifikācijas pakalpojumiem",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Noklusētās lomas (ar komatu atdalītie) lietotāji tiks doti, reģistrējoties, izmantojot autentifikācijas pakalpojumus",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Reģistrācija ar autentifikācijas pakalpojumiem",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Reģistrācijas forma",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Invalīds",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wp_oauth_server": "WP OAuth Server Plugin",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Noklusējuma lomas (ar komatu atdalītās) lietotājiem tiks dotas reģistrējoties, izmantojot autentifikācijas pakalpojumus",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Pielāgots",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Reģistrācija ar Autentifikācijas pakalpojumiem",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identitātes ceļš",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Reģistrācijas veidlapa",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identitātes žetons nosūtīts caur",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Atspējots",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Žetona ceļš",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Reģistrācijas veidlapas saites aizstāšanas teksts",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Atļaut ceļu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Publisks",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Slepenais URL",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Reģistrācijas veidlapa, slepenais URL",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Jums jānorāda nejauša virkne, kas tiks pievienota jūsu reģistrācijas vietrādim URL. Piemērs: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Darbības joma",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Secret URL",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Reģistrācijas veidlapa, Secret URL",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Jums jānorāda nejauša virkne, kas tiks pievienota jūsu reģistrācijas URL. Piemērs: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
"Accounts_RequireNameForSignUp": "Pieprasīt vārdu reģistrācijai",
"Accounts_RequirePasswordConfirmation": "Pieprasīt paroles apstiprināšanu",
"Accounts_SearchFields": "Lauki, kas jāņem vērā meklēšanā",
"Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Iestatīt noklusējuma avataru",
- "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Mēģina noteikt noklusējuma iemiesojumu, pamatojoties uz OAuth kontu vai Gravatar",
- "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Rādīt veidlapas pieteikšanos",
- "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Maksimālais deltā",
- "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Maximum Delta nosaka, cik daudz žetonu ir derīgi jebkurā brīdī. Žetoni tiek ģenerēti ik pēc 30 sekundēm un ir derīgas (30 * Maksimālā delta) sekundēs. Piemērs: ja Maksimālais Delta iestatījums ir 10, katrs marķieris var tikt izmantots līdz 300 sekundēm pirms vai pēc tā laika atzīmes. Tas ir noderīgi, ja klienta pulkstenis nav pareizi sinhronizēts ar serveri.",
- "Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Izmantojiet noklusējuma bloķēto domēnu sarakstu",
+ "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Mēģina noteikt noklusējuma avataru, pamatojoties uz OAuth kontu vai Gravatar",
+ "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Rādīt noklusējuma pieteikšanās veidlapu",
+ "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Maximum Delta",
+ "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Maximum Delta nosaka, cik daudz žetonu ir derīgi jebkurā brīdī. Žetoni tiek ģenerēti ik pēc 30 sekundēm un ir derīgi (30 * MAximum Delta) sekundes. Piemērs: ja Maximum Delta iestatījums ir 10, katrs žetons var tikt izmantots līdz 300 sekundēm pirms vai pēc tā laika zīmoga. Tas ir noderīgi, ja klienta pulkstenis nav pareizi sinhronizēts ar serveri.",
+ "Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Izmantojiet noklusējuma Bloķēto domēnu sarakstu",
"Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck": "Izmantojiet DNS domēna pārbaudi",
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Laipni lūdzam
Iet uz [SITE_URL]un izmēģināt labāko atvērtā pirmkoda chat risinājumu pieejams jau šodien!
Jūs varat pieteikties, izmantojot savu e-pastu: [e-pasts] un parole: [parole]. Jums var būt nepieciešams mainīt to pēc pirmās pieteikšanās.",
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Description": "Lietotāja vārdu, uzvārdu vai uzvārdu attiecīgi varat izmantot šādiem vietējiem:
[vārds], [fname], [lname].
[e-pasts] lietotāja e-pastam.
[parole] lietotāja parolē.
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietojumprogrammas nosaukums un URL.
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Laipni lūdzam
Iet uz [SITE_URL]un izmēģināt labāko atvērtā avota tērzešanas risinājumu kas pieejams šodien!
Jūs varat pieteikties, izmantojot savu e-pastu: [e-pasts] un paroli: [parole]. Pēc pirmās pieteikšanās Jums var būt nepieciešams to mainīt.",
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Description": "Jūs varat izmantot šādus vietturus :
[vārds], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja pilnam vārdam, vārdam vai uzvārdam.
[e-pasts] lietotāja e-pastam.
[parole] lietotāja parolē.
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietojumprogrammas nosaukums un URL.
"Accounts_UserAddedEmailSubject_Default": "Jūs esat pievienots [Site_Name]",
"Activate": "Aktivizēt",
"Activity": "Aktivitāte",
"Add": "Pievienot",
- "add-oauth-service": "Pievienot Oauth servisu",
+ "add-oauth-service": "Pievienot Oauth pakalpojumu",
"add-oauth-service_description": "Atļauja pievienot jaunu Oauth pakalpojumu",
"add-user": "Pievienot lietotāju",
- "add-user-to-any-c-room": "Pievienot lietotāju jebkuram publiskam kanālam",
+ "add-user-to-any-c-room": "Pievienot lietotāju pie jebkura publiska kanāla",
"add-user-to-any-c-room_description": "Atļauja pievienot lietotāju jebkuram publiskam kanālam",
- "add-user-to-any-p-room": "Pievienot lietotāju jebkuram privātam kanālam",
+ "add-user-to-any-p-room": "Pievienot lietotāju pie jebkura privāta kanāla",
"add-user-to-any-p-room_description": "Atļauja pievienot lietotāju jebkuram privātam kanālam",
- "add-user-to-joined-room": "Pievienot lietotāju ikvienam pievienotajam kanālam",
- "add-user-to-joined-room_description": "Atļauja pievienot lietotāju pašlaik pievienotajam kanālam",
+ "add-user-to-joined-room": "Pievienot lietotāju pie jebkura kanālā kurā ir pievienojies",
+ "add-user-to-joined-room_description": "Atļauja pievienot lietotāju kanālā kurā patlaban ir pievienojies",
"add-user_description": "Atļauja pievienot jaunus lietotājus serverim, izmantojot lietotāju ekrānu",
"Add_agent": "Pievienot aģentu",
"Add_custom_oauth": "Pievienot pielāgotu oauth",
@@ -177,182 +185,195 @@
"Add_User": "Pievienot lietotāju",
"Add_users": "Pievienot lietotājus",
"Adding_OAuth_Services": "OAuth pakalpojumu pievienošana",
- "Adding_permission": "Pievienojot atļauju",
+ "Adding_permission": "Atļaujas pievienošana",
"Adding_user": "Lietotāja pievienošana",
"Additional_emails": "Papildu e-pasta ziņojumi",
"Additional_Feedback": "Papildu atsauksmes",
+ "additional_integrations_Zapier": "Vai Jūs vēlaties integrēt citu programmatūru un lietotnes ar Rocket.Chat, bet jums nav laika to izdarīt manuāli? Tad mēs iesakām izmantot Zapier, kuru mēs pilnībā atbalstām. Uzziniet vairāk par to mūsu dokumentācijā. https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/integrations/zapier/using-zaps/",
+ "additional_integrations_Bots": "Ja Jūs meklējat, kā integrēt savu botu, tad varat nemeklēt tālāk par mūsu Hubot adapteri. https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat ",
"Administration": "Administrācija",
- "Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Pieaugušiem attēliem nav atļauts",
+ "Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Pieauguša satura attēli nav atļauti",
+ "Admin_Info": "Aministratora info",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "Pēc OAuth2 autentifikācijas lietotāji tiks novirzīti uz šo URL",
"Agent": "Aģents",
+ "Advocacy": "Interešu pārstāvēšana",
"Agent_added": "Aģents ir pievienots",
"Agent_removed": "Aģents ir noņemts",
"Alerts": "Brīdinājumi",
- "Alias": "Alias",
- "Alias_Format": "Alias formāts",
- "Alias_Format_Description": "Importēt ziņojumus no Slack ar aizstājvārdu; % s tiek aizstāts ar lietotāja lietotājvārdu. Ja tukšs, neviens pseidonīms netiek izmantots.",
- "Alias_Set": "Alias komplekts",
+ "Alias": "Segvārds",
+ "Alias_Format": "Segvārda formāts",
+ "Alias_Format_Description": "Importēt ziņojumus no Slack ar aizstājvārdu; % s tiek aizstāts ar lietotāja lietotājvārdu. Ja tukšs, neviens segvārds netiek izmantots.",
+ "Alias_Set": "Segvārds iestatīts",
"All": "Visi",
"All_channels": "Visi kanāli",
"All_logs": "Visi žurnāli",
"All_messages": "Visi ziņojumi",
"All_users": "Visi lietotāji",
- "All_added_tokens_will_be_required_by_the_user": "Visi pievienotie žetoni būs vajadzīgi lietotājam",
+ "All_added_tokens_will_be_required_by_the_user": "Visi pievienotie žetoni būs nepieciešami lietotājam",
"All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages": "Visi kanāla lietotāji var rakstīt jaunus ziņojumus",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs": "Atļaut nederīgus pašpārliecinātos sertifikātus",
- "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Atļaut nederīgu un pašnodarbinātu SSL sertifikātu saites apstiprināšanai un priekšskatījumiem.",
- "Alphabetical": "Alfabēta",
- "Allow_switching_departments": "Ļaujiet apmeklētājam pārslēgt nodaļas",
+ "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Atļaut nederīgus pašrakstītus SSL sertifikātus saites apstiprināšanai un priekšskatījumiem.",
+ "Alphabetical": "Alfabētiskā kārtībā",
+ "Allow_switching_departments": "Ļaujiet apmeklētājam mainīt departamentus",
"Always_open_in_new_window": "Vienmēr atvērt jaunā logā",
- "Analytics_features_enabled": "Iespējas ir iespējotas",
- "Analytics_features_messages_Description": "Dzēš pielāgotos notikumus, kas saistīti ar darbībām, ko lietotājs veic ziņojumos.",
- "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Dzēš pielāgotus notikumus, kas saistīti ar darbībām kanālā vai grupā (izveidojiet, atstājiet, izdzēsiet).",
- "Analytics_features_users_Description": "Izseko pielāgotus notikumus, kas saistīti ar darbībām, kas saistītas ar lietotājiem (paroles atiestatīšanas laiks, profila attēlu maiņa utt.).",
+ "Analytics_features_enabled": "Iespējas ir aktivizētas",
+ "Analytics_features_messages_Description": "Izseko pielāgotos notikumus, kas saistīti ar darbībām, ko lietotājs veic ziņojumos.",
+ "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Izseko pielāgotus notikumus, kas saistīti ar darbībām kanālā vai grupā (izveidojiet, atstājiet, izdzēsiet).",
+ "Analytics_features_users_Description": "Izseko pielāgotus notikumus ar darbībām, kas saistītas ar lietotājiem (paroles atiestatīšanas laiks, profila attēlu maiņa utt.).",
"Analytics_Google": "Google Analytics",
- "Analytics_Google_id": "Izsekošanas ID",
+ "Analytics_Google_id": "Tracking ID",
"and": "un",
- "And_more": "Un __length__ vairāk",
+ "And_more": "And __length__ more",
"Animals_and_Nature": "Dzīvnieki un daba",
"Announcement": "Paziņojums",
"API": "API",
- "API_Allow_Infinite_Count": "Ļaujiet visu iegūt",
- "API_Allow_Infinite_Count_Description": "Vai zvaniem uz REST API būtu jāatļauj viss vienā zvans atgriezties?",
- "API_Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "API_Allow_Infinite_Count": "Atļaut visa iegūšanu",
+ "API_Allow_Infinite_Count_Description": "Vai zvaniem uz REST API būtu jāatļauj visu atgriezt ar vienu zvanu?",
+ "API_Analytics": "Analītika",
"API_CORS_Origin": "CORS izcelsme",
"API_Default_Count": "Noklusējuma skaits",
- "API_Default_Count_Description": "REST API rezultātu noklusējuma skaits, ja patērētājs to nav iesniedzis.",
+ "API_Default_Count_Description": "REST API rezultātu noklusējuma skaits, ja patērētājs tos nav iesniedzis.",
"API_Drupal_URL": "Drupal servera URL",
"API_Drupal_URL_Description": "Piemērs: https://domain.com (izņemot aizmugures slīpsvītru)",
"API_Embed": "Embed Link priekšskatījumi",
- "API_Embed_Description": "Vai ieslēgta saišu priekšskatījumi ir iespējoti vai nav, kad lietotājs ievieto saiti uz vietni.",
- "API_Embed_UserAgent": "Ievietot ielūgumu lietotāja pārstāvi",
- "API_EmbedCacheExpirationDays": "Iegult kešatmiņas beigu dienas",
- "API_EmbedDisabledFor": "Atspējot Ievietot lietotājiem",
- "API_EmbedDisabledFor_Description": "Lietotājvārdu saraksts ar komatu atdalītu sarakstu, lai atspējotu iegulto saišu priekšskatījumus.",
- "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts": "Ignorēto saimnieku Ieguldīšana",
- "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts_Description": "Komatu atdalītu sarakstu ar saimniekiem vai CIDR adresēm, piem. localhost,,,,",
- "API_EmbedSafePorts": "Drošas ostas",
- "API_EmbedSafePorts_Description": "Priekšskatīšanai atļauto ostu saraksts ar komatu atdalītu sarakstu.",
- "API_Enable_CORS": "Iespējot CORS",
- "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint": "Iespējot tiešo ziņojumu vēsturi",
- "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Tas ļauj lietot `/ api / v1 / im.history.otherers ', kas ļauj citu lietotāju sūtītos tiešos ziņojumus skatīt, ka zvanītājs nav daļa no tiem.",
- "API_Enable_Shields": "Iespējot aizsargāšanu",
- "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Iespējot vairogs, kas pieejams pie / / api / v1 / shield.svg \"",
+ "API_Embed_Description": "Vai ir ieslpējota iegulto saišu priekšskatīšana vai nav, kad lietotājs ievieto saiti uz vietni.",
+ "API_Embed_UserAgent": "Iegulta lietotāja aģenta prasība",
+ "API_EmbedCacheExpirationDays": "Iegulta kešatmiņas beigu dienas",
+ "API_EmbedDisabledFor": "Atspējot Iegult lietotājiem",
+ "API_EmbedDisabledFor_Description": "Ar komatu atdalīts Lietotājvārdu saraksts, kuriem atspējot iegulto saišu priekšskatījumus.",
+ "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts": "Iegultie Ignorētie resursdatori",
+ "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts_Description": "Ar komatu atdalīts saraksts ar resursdatoriem vai CIDR adresēm, piem. localhost,,,,",
+ "API_EmbedSafePorts": "Drošie porti",
+ "API_EmbedSafePorts_Description": "Ar komatu atdalīts saraksts ar portiem kuri atļauti priekšskatīšanai.",
+ "API_Enable_CORS": "Aktivizēt CORS",
+ "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint": "Iespējot ziņojumu vēstures beigu punktu",
+ "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Tas aktivizē `/ api / v1 / im.history.otherers ', kas ļauj skatīt citu lietotāju sūtītīos tiešos ziņojumus kur zvanītājs nav daļa no tiem.",
+ "API_Enable_Shields": "Aktivizēt Shields",
+ "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Aktivizēt shields, kas pieejami pie / / api / v1 / shield.svg \"",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL": "Servera URL",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL_Description": "Piemērs: http://domain.com (izņemot aizmugures slīpsvītru)",
"API_Gitlab_URL": "GitLab URL",
- "API_Shield_Types": "Shield Types",
- "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Aizsardzības veidi, kurus var izmantot kā komatu atdalītu sarakstu, izvēlieties no \"online\", \"channel\" vai * * visiem",
- "API_Token": "API Token",
+ "API_Shield_Types": "Shield tipi",
+ "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Aizsardzības veidi, kurus var izmantot kā komatu atdalītu sarakstu, izvēlieties no \"tiešsaistē\", \"kanāls\" vai ' * ' visiem",
+ "API_Token": "API Žetons",
"API_Tokenpass_URL": "Tokenpass servera URL",
"API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Piemērs: https://domain.com (izņemot aizmugures slīpsvītru)",
- "API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Max Record Amount",
- "API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Kāds ir maksimālais ierakstu skaits, uz kuru jāatgriežas REST API (ja tas nav neierobežots)?",
- "API_User_Limit": "Lietotāja limits, lai pievienotu visus lietotājus kanālam",
+ "API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Maksimālais ierakstu daudzums",
+ "API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Kāds ir maksimālais ierakstu skaits, pie kura jāatgriežas REST API (ja tas nav neierobežots)?",
+ "API_User_Limit": "Lietotāju limits, cisu lietotāju pievienošanai kanālam",
"API_Wordpress_URL": "WordPress URL",
- "Apiai_Key": "Api.ai atslēga",
+ "Apiai_Key": "Api.ai Key",
"Apiai_Language": "Api.ai valoda",
"App_status_unknown": "Nezināms",
- "App_status_constructed": "Uzcelta",
- "App_status_initialized": "Inicializēts",
- "App_status_auto_enabled": "Iespējots",
+ "App_status_constructed": "Izveidots",
+ "App_status_initialized": "Uzsākts",
+ "App_status_auto_enabled": "Aktivizēts",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Iespējots",
- "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Atspējots: kompilēšanas kļūda",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Atspējots: nesāpināta kļūda",
+ "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Atspējots: Izpildes kļūda",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Atspējots: neezināma kļūda",
"App_status_manually_disabled": "Atspējots: manuāli",
- "App_status_disabled": "Invalīds",
+ "App_status_disabled": "Atspējots",
"App_author_homepage": "autora mājas lapa",
- "App_support_url": "atbalsta vietni",
+ "App_support_url": "atbalsta url",
"Appearance": "Izskats",
"Application_added": "Pieteikums pievienots",
- "Application_Name": "Lietojuma nosaukums",
+ "Application_Name": "Pieteikuma nosaukums",
"Application_updated": "Pieteikums ir atjaunināts",
"Apply": "Pieteikties",
- "Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Piesakieties un atsvaidziniet visus klientus",
- "Archive": "Arhīvs",
- "archive-room": "Arhīvu telpa",
+ "Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Pieteikties un atsvaidzināt visus klientus",
+ "Archive": "Arhivēt",
+ "archive-room": "Arhīva istaba",
+ "App_status_invalid_settings_disabled": "Atspējots: nepieciešama konfigurācija",
"archive-room_description": "Atļauja arhivēt kanālu",
- "are_also_typing": "arī rakstīt",
- "are_typing": "ir rakstīšanas",
+ "are_also_typing": "arī raksta",
+ "are_typing": "raksta",
"Are_you_sure": "Vai tu esi pārliecināts?",
"Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_your_account": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst savu kontu?",
"Are_you_sure_you_want_to_disable_Facebook_integration": "Vai tiešām vēlaties atspējot Facebook integrāciju?",
"assign-admin-role": "Piešķirt administratora lomu",
+ "Apps_Framework_enabled": "Iespējot lietotņu pamatprogrammu",
"assign-admin-role_description": "Atļauja piešķirt administratora lomu citiem lietotājiem",
- "Assign_admin": "Administratora piešķiršana",
+ "Assign_admin": "Administratora noteikšana",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt": "Litetotnes: Kas tās tādas?",
"at": "pie",
- "At_least_one_added_token_is_required_by_the_user": "Lietotājs ir pieprasījis vismaz vienu pievienoto marķieri",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph1": "Jauna ikona administrācijas laukā! Ko tas nozīmē un kas ir lietotnes?",
+ "At_least_one_added_token_is_required_by_the_user": "Lietotājam nepieciešams vismaz viens pievienotais žetons",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph2": "Pirmkārt, lietotnes šajā kontekstā nav domātas kā mobilās lietotnes. Vislabāk būtu par tām domāt, kā spraudņiem vai uzlabotām integrācijām.",
"AtlassianCrowd": "Atlassian Crowd",
- "Attachment_File_Uploaded": "Augšupielādēts fails",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph3": "Otrkārt, tie ir dinamiski skripti vai pakotnes, kas ļaus jums pielāgot jūsu Rocket.Chat, bez koda bāzes izmantošanas atsevišķai izstrādei. Bet atcerieties, tas ir jauns iespēju komplekts, tāpēc tā stabilitāte var nebūt 100%. Kā arī, mēs joprojām izstrādājam funkciju komplektu, tāpēc šobrīd ne visu ir iespējams pielāgot. Papildinformācija par lietotnes izstrādes uzsākšanu, pieejama lasīšanai šeit:",
+ "Attachment_File_Uploaded": "Fails augšupielādēts",
+ "Apps_WhatIsIt_paragraph4": "Līdz ar to, ja jūs interesē šīs aktivizēt šo iespēju un to šeit izmēģināt, tad lūdzu noklikšķiniet uz šīs pogas, lai iespējotu Lietotņu sistēmu.",
"Attribute_handling": "Atribūtu apstrāde",
"Audio": "Audio",
"Audio_message": "Audio ziņa",
- "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Var būt jebkura pielāgota skaņa vai noklusējuma iestatījumi: pīkstiens, chelle, ding, piliens, highbell, sezonas",
- "Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Paziņojumi par noklusējuma brīdinājumiem",
- "Audio_Notifications_Value": "Paziņojuma noklusējuma paziņojums Audio",
- "Auth_Token": "Auth Token",
+ "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Var būt jebkura pielāgota skaņa vai noklusējuma skaņa: beep, chelle, ding, droplet, highbell, seasons",
+ "Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Audio paziņojumi noklusējuma brīdinājumi",
+ "Audio_Notifications_Value": "Ziņojuma paziņojuma noklusējuma audio",
+ "Auth_Token": "Auth žetons",
"Author": "Autors",
"Author_Information": "Autora informācija",
"Authorization_URL": "Autorizācijas URL",
- "Authorize": "Atļaut",
+ "Authorize": "Autorizēt",
"auto-translate": "Automātiskā tulkošana",
"auto-translate_description": "Atļauja izmantot automātiskās tulkošanas rīku",
- "Auto_Load_Images": "Auto ielādēt attēlus",
+ "Auto_Load_Images": "Automātiski ielādēt attēlus",
"Auto_Translate": "Automātiskā tulkošana",
"AutoLinker_Email": "AutoLinker e-pasts",
"AutoLinker_Phone": "AutoLinker tālrunis",
- "AutoLinker_Phone_Description": "Automātiski saistīta ar tālruņa numuriem. piem., `(123) 456-7890`",
+ "AutoLinker_Phone_Description": "Automātiski saistīti ar tālruņa numuriem. piem., `(123) 456-7890`",
"AutoLinker_StripPrefix": "AutoLinker Strip prefikss",
- "AutoLinker_StripPrefix_Description": "Īss displejs piem., https://rocket.chat => rocket.chat",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_Scheme": "AutoLinker shēma: // URL",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_TLD": "AutoLinker TLD URL",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_www": "AutoLinker \"www\" URL",
+ "AutoLinker_StripPrefix_Description": "Īss attainojums piem., https://rocket.chat => rocket.chat",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_Scheme": "AutoLinker shēma: // URLs",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_TLD": "AutoLinker TLD URLs",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_www": "AutoLinker \"www\" URLs",
"AutoLinker_UrlsRegExp": "AutoLinker URL regulārā izteiksme",
- "Automatic_Translation": "Automātiskā tulkošana",
- "AutoTranslate_Change_Language_Description": "Automātiskās tulkošanas valodas maiņa neveic iepriekšējo ziņojumu tulkošanu.",
+ "Automatic_Translation": "Automātisks tulkojums",
+ "AutoTranslate_Change_Language_Description": "Nomainot automātiskās tulkošanas valodu, iepriekšējie ziņojumi netiek tulkoti.",
"AutoTranslate_Enabled": "Iespējot automātisko tulkošanu",
- "AutoTranslate_Enabled_Description": "Iespējojot automātisko tulkošanu, lietotāji, kuriem ir automātiski tulkot, ļaus lietotājiem automātiski tulkot visus ziņojumus izvēlētajā valodā. Var tikt piemērota maksa, skatiet Google dokumentācija",
- "AutoTranslate_GoogleAPIKey": "Google API atslēga",
+ "AutoTranslate_Enabled_Description": "Iespējojot automātisko tulkošanu, lietotāji, kuriem ir automātiskā tulkošana, atļauj automātiski tulkot visus ziņojumus viņu izvēlētajā valodā. Var tikt piemērota maksa, skatietGoogle dokumentāciju",
+ "AutoTranslate_GoogleAPIKey": "Google API Key",
"Available": "Pieejams",
"Available_agents": "Pieejamie aģenti",
"Avatar": "Avatars",
- "Avatar_changed_successfully": "Avatārs ir mainījies veiksmīgi",
- "Avatar_URL": "Avatāra URL",
- "Avatar_url_invalid_or_error": "Iesniegtais urls nav derīgs vai nav pieejams. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz, bet ar citu URL.",
+ "Avatar_changed_successfully": "Avatars ir nomaints veiksmīgi",
+ "Avatar_URL": "Avatara URL",
+ "Avatar_url_invalid_or_error": "Iesniegtais url nav derīgs vai nav pieejams. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz ar citu URL.",
"away": "prom",
"Away": "Prom",
"away_female": "prom",
"Away_female": "Prom",
"away_male": "prom",
"Away_male": "Prom",
- "Back": "atpakaļ",
- "Back_to_applications": "Atpakaļ uz lietojumprogrammām",
+ "Back": "Atgriezies",
+ "Back_to_applications": "Atpakaļ uz lietotnēm",
"Back_to_chat": "Atpakaļ uz tērzēšanu",
- "Back_to_integration_detail": "Atpakaļ uz integrācijas detaļām",
- "Back_to_integrations": "Atpakaļ uz integrāciju",
+ "Back_to_integration_detail": "Atpakaļ uz integrēšanas detaļām",
+ "Back_to_integrations": "Atpakaļ uz integrēšanu",
"Back_to_login": "Atpakaļ uz pieteikšanos",
- "Back_to_Manage_Apps": "Atpakaļ uz lietojumprogrammu pārvaldību",
+ "Back_to_Manage_Apps": "Atpakaļ uz lietotņu pārvaldi",
"Back_to_permissions": "Atgriezties pie atļaujām",
"Backup_codes": "Rezerves kodi",
"ban-user": "Bloķēt lietotāju",
- "ban-user_description": "Atļauja aizliegt lietotāju no kanāla",
+ "ban-user_description": "Atļauja bloķēt lietotāju no kanāla",
"Beta_feature_Depends_on_Video_Conference_to_be_enabled": "Beta funkcija. Atkarīgs no video konferences iespējošanas.",
"Block_User": "Bloķēt lietotāju",
- "Body": "Ķermenis",
- "bold": "treknrakstā",
- "bot_request": "Bot pieprasījums",
+ "Body": "Pamatteksts",
+ "bold": "treknraksts",
+ "bot_request": "Bota pieprasījums",
+ "Blockchain": "Bloka saķēdējums",
+ "Bots": "Boti",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "Lietotāja lauki",
- "BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "Lietotāja lauku CSV, kuriem var piekļūt robotu palīgu metodes.",
+ "BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "Lietotāja lauku CSV, kuriem var piekļūt ar bota palīdzbas metodēm.",
"Branch": "Filiāle",
- "Broadcast_channel": "Broadcast Channel",
- "Broadcast_channel_Description": "Tikai pilnvaroti lietotāji var ierakstīt jaunus ziņojumus, bet citi lietotāji varēs atbildēt",
+ "Broadcast_channel": "Pārraides kanāls",
+ "Broadcast_channel_Description": "Tikai pilnvaroti lietotāji var rakstīt jaunus ziņojumus, bet citi lietotāji varēs atbildēt",
"Broadcast_Connected_Instances": "Pārraidīt saistītos gadījumus",
- "Bugsnag_api_key": "Bugsnag API atslēga",
- "Build_Environment": "Veidot vidi",
- "bulk-create-c": "Lielapjoma izveides kanāli",
- "bulk-create-c_description": "Atļauja izveidot vairumā kanālus",
- "bulk-register-user": "Lielapjoma izveides kanāli",
- "bulk-register-user_description": "Atļauja izveidot vairumā kanālus",
+ "Bugsnag_api_key": "Bugsnag API Key",
+ "Build_Environment": "Izveidot vidi",
+ "bulk-create-c": "Vairāku kanālu izveide",
+ "bulk-create-c_description": "Atļauja izveidot vairāku kanālu kopu",
+ "bulk-register-user": "Vairāku kanālu izveide",
+ "bulk-register-user_description": "Atļauja izveidot vairāku kanālu kopu",
"busy": "aizņemts",
"Busy": "Aizņemts",
"busy_female": "aizņemts",
@@ -360,14 +381,14 @@
"busy_male": "aizņemts",
"Busy_male": "Aizņemts",
"by": "ar",
- "cache_cleared": "Kešatmiņa ir notīrīta",
+ "cache_cleared": "Kešatmiņa iztīrīta",
"Cancel": "Atcelt",
"Cancel_message_input": "Atcelt",
- "Cannot_invite_users_to_direct_rooms": "Nevar uzaicināt lietotājus uz tiešām telpām",
- "Cannot_open_conversation_with_yourself": "Nevar tieši sazināties ar sevi",
- "CAS_autoclose": "Automātiska pieteikšanās logs",
- "CAS_base_url": "SSO bāzes URL",
- "CAS_base_url_Description": "Jūsu ārējā SSO pakalpojuma bāzes URL, piem., Https: //sso.example.undef/sso/",
+ "Cannot_invite_users_to_direct_rooms": "Nevar uzaicināt lietotājus uz tiešajām istabām",
+ "Cannot_open_conversation_with_yourself": "Nevar nosūtīt ziņojumu sev",
+ "CAS_autoclose": "Automātiski aizvērt pieteikšanās uznirstošo logu",
+ "CAS_base_url": "SSO pamata URL",
+ "CAS_base_url_Description": "Jūsu ārējā SSO pakalpojuma bāzes URL, piem.: https: //sso.example.undef/sso/",
"CAS_button_color": "Pieteikšanās pogas fona krāsa",
"CAS_button_label_color": "Pieteikšanās pogas teksta krāsa",
"CAS_button_label_text": "Pieteikšanās pogas marķējums",
@@ -375,16 +396,16 @@
"CAS_Login_Layout": "CAS pieteikšanās izkārtojums",
"CAS_login_url": "SSO pieteikšanās URL",
"CAS_login_url_Description": "Jūsu ārējā SSO pakalpojuma pieteikšanās URL, piemēram, https: //so.example.undef/sso/login",
- "CAS_popup_height": "Pieteikšanās loga augstums",
- "CAS_popup_width": "Pieteikšanās loga platums",
+ "CAS_popup_height": "Pieteikšanās uznirstošā loga augstums",
+ "CAS_popup_width": "Pieteikšanās uznirstošā loga platums",
"CAS_Sync_User_Data_Enabled": "Vienmēr sinhronizēt lietotāja datus",
- "CAS_Sync_User_Data_Enabled_Description": "Vienmēr pieslēdzoties, vienmēr sinhronizējiet ārējos CAS lietotāja datus pieejamos atribūtos. Piezīme. Atšķirības vienmēr tiek sinhronizētas konta izveidošanas gadījumā.",
- "CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap": "Atribūtu karte",
- "CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Izmantojiet šo JSON ievade, lai izveidotu iekšējos atribūtus (atslēgu) no ārējiem atribūtiem (vērtība). Piemērs, `{\" e-pasts \":\"% email% \",\" name \":\"% firstname%,% lastname% \"}`
Atribūtu karte vienmēr tiek interpolēta. CAS 1.0 ir pieejams tikai atribūts `username`. Pieejamie iekšējie atribūti ir: lietotājvārds, vārds, e-pasts, telpas; telpas ir ar komatu atdalītu istabu saraksts, kas jāveido pēc lietotāju izveidošanas, piemēram: {\"telpas\": \"% team%,% department%\"} pievienosies CAS lietotājiem izveidē savām komandu un nodaļu kanālam.",
+ "CAS_Sync_User_Data_Enabled_Description": "Pieslēdzoties, vienmēr sinhronizējiet ārējos CAS lietotāja datus pieejamos rekvizītus. Piezīme - Rekvizīti vienmēr tiek sinhronizēti pie konta izveides.",
+ "CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap": "Rekvizītu karte",
+ "CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Izmantojiet šo JSON ievadi, lai izveidotu iekšējos atribūtus (atslēgu) no ārējiem atribūtiem (vērtība). Piemērs, `{\"e pastsmail\":\"% email% \",\" name \":\"% firstname%,% lastname% \"}`
Atribūtu karte vienmēr tiek interpolēta. Iekš CAS 1.0 ir pieejami tikai `lietotājvārda`atribūti. Pieejamie iekšējie atribūti ir: lietotājvārds, vārds, e-pasts, istabas; istabas ir ar komatu atdalītu istabu saraksts, kas jāveido pēc lietotāju izveidošanas, piemēram: {\"istabas\": \"%komanda%,% departments%\"} CAS lietotāji pievienotos izveidojot savu komandu un departamentu kanālus.",
"CAS_version": "CAS versija",
"CAS_version_Description": "Izmantojiet tikai atbalstīto CAS versiju, kuru atbalsta jūsu CAS SSO pakalpojums.",
"Chatpal_No_Results": "Nav rezultātu",
- "Chatpal_More": "vairāk",
+ "Chatpal_More": "Vairāk",
"Chatpal_Messages": "Ziņojumi",
"Chatpal_Rooms": "Istabas",
"Chatpal_Users": "Lietotāji",
@@ -392,288 +413,294 @@
"Chatpal_All_Results": "Visi",
"Chatpal_Messages_Only": "Ziņojumi",
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Http galvenes",
- "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "HTTP galvenes, viens rindiņas virsraksts. Formāts: nosaukums: vērtība",
- "Chatpal_API_Key": "API atslēga",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Jums vēl nav API atslēgas? Iegūstiet vienu!",
+ "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "HTTP galvenes, viena galvene rindiņā. Formāts: nosaukums: vērtība",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key": "API Key",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Jums vēl nav API Key? Iegādājieties!",
"Chatpal_no_search_results": "Nav rezultātu",
"Chatpal_one_search_result": "Atrasts 1 rezultāts",
- "Chatpal_search_results": "Atrasti% s rezultāti",
- "Chatpal_search_page_of": "% S no% s",
- "Chatpal_go_to_message": "Lēkt",
+ "Chatpal_search_results": "Atrasti %s rezultāti",
+ "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Lapa %S no %s",
+ "Chatpal_go_to_message": "Lekt",
"Chatpal_Welcome": "Izbaudiet meklēšanu!",
- "Chatpal_go_to_user": "Nosūtiet tiešo ziņojumu",
- "Chatpal_go_to_room": "Lēkt",
- "Chatpal_Backend": "Aizmugurstāva tips",
- "Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Izvēlieties, vai vēlaties izmantot Chatal kā pakalpojumu vai kā instalāciju uz vietas",
+ "Chatpal_go_to_user": "Nosūtiet ziņojumu",
+ "Chatpal_go_to_room": "Lekt",
+ "Chatpal_Backend": "Fona darbības veids",
+ "Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Izvēlieties, vai vēlaties izmantot Chatpal kā pakalpojumu vai kā instalāciju uz vietas",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Ieteikumi ir iespējoti",
"Chatpal_Base_URL": "Bāzes url",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Atrodiet aprakstu, kā palaist vietējo gadījumu par github. Vietrādim URL jābūt absolūtai un norāda uz chatpal kodolu, piemēram, http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
- "Chatpal_Main_Language": "Galvenā valoda",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Atrodiet aprakstu, kā palaist lokālo gadījumu uz github. URL jābūt precīzam un jānorāda uz chatpal kodolu, piemēram, http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Main_Language": "Pamatvaloda",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "Valoda, kuru visbiežāk izmanto sarunās",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Noklusējuma rezultātu veids",
- "Chatpal_Default_Result_Type_Description": "Nosaka, kura rezultāta tips tiek parādīts ar rezultātu. Tas nozīmē, ka tiek nodrošināts visu veidu pārskats.",
- "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Chatpal administrācijas lapa",
- "Chatpal_Email_Address": "Epasta adrese",
+ "Chatpal_Default_Result_Type_Description": "Nosaka, kura rezultāta veids tiek parādīts ar rezultātu. Tas nozīmē, ka tiek nodrošināts visu veidu pārskats.",
+ "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Chatpal admina lapa",
+ "Chatpal_Email_Address": "E-pasta adrese",
"Chatpal_Terms_and_Conditions": "Noteikumi un nosacījumi",
"Chatpal_TAC_read": "Esmu izlasījis noteikumus un nosacījumus",
- "Chatpal_create_key": "Izveidot taustiņu",
- "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Indeksa partijas lielums",
- "Chatpal_Timeout_Size": "Indeksa taimauts",
+ "Chatpal_create_key": "Izveidot atslēgu",
+ "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Indeksa kopas lielums",
+ "Chatpal_Timeout_Size": "Indeksa noildze",
"Chatpal_Window_Size": "Indeksa loga izmērs",
- "Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Indeksu dokumentu partijas lielums (pēc sāknēšanas)",
- "Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Laiks starp 2 indeksa logiem ms (sāknēšanas režīmā)",
- "Chatpal_Window_Size_Description": "Indeksa loga izmērs stundās (pēc sāknēšanas)",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Noteikumi ir jāpārbauda",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "E-pasts ir jānosaka",
+ "Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Indeksu dokumentu kopas lielums (pie palaišanas)",
+ "Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Laiks ms starp 2 indeksa logiem (pie palaišanas)",
+ "Chatpal_Window_Size_Description": "Indeksa logu izmērs stundās (pie palaišanas)",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Noteikumi un nosacījumi ir jāpārbauda",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "Jāievada e-pasts ",
"Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_valid": "E-pastam jābūt derīgam",
"Chatpal_ERROR_username_already_exists": "Lietotājvārds jau eksistē",
- "Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API atslēga tika veiksmīgi izveidota",
+ "Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API Key tika veiksmīgi izveidota",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Meklēt",
"CDN_PREFIX": "CDN prefikss",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Uzziniet vairāk par Chatpal šeit http://chatpal.io!",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Sertifikāti un taustiņi",
- "Change_Room_Type": "Mainiet telpas tipu",
- "Changing_email": "E-pasta maiņa",
+ "Changing_email": "Mainīt e-pastu ",
"channel": "kanāls",
"Channel": "Kanāls",
- "Channel_already_exist": "Kanāls \"#% s\" jau eksistē.",
+ "Channel_already_exist": "Kanāls \"#% s\" jau pastāv.",
"Channel_already_exist_static": "Kanāls jau pastāv.",
- "Channel_already_Unarchived": "Kanāls ar nosaukumu `#% s` jau atrodas stāvoklī Neapstrādāti",
+ "Channel_already_Unarchived": "Kanāls ar nosaukumu `#% s` jau atrodas Nearhivētā stāvoklī",
"Channel_Archived": "Kanāls ar nosaukumu \"#% s\" ir veiksmīgi arhivēts",
- "Channel_created": "Kanāls `#% s` izveidots.",
- "Channel_doesnt_exist": "Kanāls \"#% s\" neeksistē.",
+ "Channel_created": "Kanāls `#%s` izveidots.",
+ "Channel_doesnt_exist": "Kanāls \"#%s\" neeksistē.",
"Channel_name": "Kanāla nosaukums",
"Channel_Name_Placeholder": "Lūdzu, ievadiet kanāla nosaukumu ...",
"Channel_to_listen_on": "Kanāls, lai klausītos",
- "Channel_Unarchived": "Kanāls ar nosaukumu \"#% s\" ir veiksmīgi noņemts arhivā",
+ "Channel_Unarchived": "Kanāls ar nosaukumu \"#% s\" ir veiksmīgi noņemts no arhīva",
"Channels": "Kanāli",
- "Channels_are_where_your_team_communicate": "Kanāli ir, kur jūsu komanda sazinās",
+ "Channels_are_where_your_team_communicate": "Kanāli ir vieta, kur jūsu komanda sazinās",
"Channels_list": "Publisko kanālu saraksts",
- "Chat_button": "Pogas Tērzēšana",
+ "Chat_button": "Tērzēšanas poga",
"Chat_closed": "Tērzēšana ir pabeigta",
"Chat_closed_successfully": "Tērzēšana ir veiksmīgi pabeigta",
- "Chat_Now": "Tērzēšana tūlīt",
+ "Chat_Now": "Tērzēt tūlīt",
"Chat_window": "Tērzēšanas logs",
"Chatops_Enabled": "Iespējot Chatops",
- "Chatops_Title": "Chatops panele",
+ "Chatops_Title": "Chatops panelis",
"Chatops_Username": "Chatops lietotājvārds",
"Choose_a_room": "Izvēlieties istabu",
"Choose_messages": "Izvēlieties ziņojumus",
- "Choose_the_alias_that_will_appear_before_the_username_in_messages": "Izvēlieties pseidonīmu, kas parādīsies pirms lietotājvārda ziņās.",
- "Choose_the_username_that_this_integration_will_post_as": "Izvēlieties lietotājvārdu, kuru šī integrācija publicēs kā.",
- "clean-channel-history": "Tīra kanāla vēsture",
- "clean-channel-history_description": "Atļauja izdzēst vēsturi no kanāliem",
- "clear": "Skaidrs",
- "Clear_all_unreads_question": "Notīrīt visu neizlasīto?",
- "clear_cache_now": "Notīrīt kešatmiņu tūlīt",
- "clear_history": "Notīrīt vēsturi",
+ "Choose_the_alias_that_will_appear_before_the_username_in_messages": "Izvēlieties aizstājvārdu, kas parādīsies ziņojumos pirms lietotājvārda.",
+ "Choose_the_username_that_this_integration_will_post_as": "Izvēlieties lietotājvārdā kura vārdā šī integrācija tiks publicēta.",
+ "clean-channel-history": "Iztīrīt kanāla vēsturi",
+ "clean-channel-history_description": "Atļauja dzēst kanālu vēsturi",
+ "clear": "Dzēst",
+ "Clear_all_unreads_question": "Notīrīt visus neizlasītos?",
+ "clear_cache_now": "Iztīrīt kešatmiņu tūlīt",
+ "clear_history": "Dzēst vēsturi",
"Click_here": "Noklikšķiniet šeit",
"Click_here_for_more_info": "Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas",
"Click_to_join": "Noklikšķiniet, lai pievienotos!",
"Client_ID": "Klienta ID",
"Client_Secret": "Klienta noslēpums",
- "Clients_will_refresh_in_a_few_seconds": "Klienti atsvaidzinās pēc dažām sekundēm",
- "close": "tuvu",
+ "Clients_will_refresh_in_a_few_seconds": "Klienti tiks atsvaidzināti pēc dažām sekundēm",
+ "close": "aizvērt",
"Close": "Aizvērt",
"close-livechat-room": "Aizvērt Livechat istabu",
- "close-livechat-room_description": "Atļauja slēgt pašreizējo LiveChat kanālu",
+ "close-livechat-room_description": "Atļauja aizvērt pašreizējo LiveChat kanālu",
"close-others-livechat-room": "Aizvērt Livechat istabu",
"close-others-livechat-room_description": "Atļauja aizvērt citus LiveChat kanālus",
- "Closed": "Slēgts",
- "Closed_by_visitor": "Slēgts apmeklētājs",
- "Closing_chat": "Slēgt tērzēšanu",
- "Collapse_Embedded_Media_By_Default": "Samazināt iegulto videoklipu pēc noklusējuma",
+ "Closed": "Aizvērts",
+ "Closed_by_visitor": "Aizveris apmeklētājs",
+ "Closing_chat": "Beigt tērzēšanu",
+ "Collapse_Embedded_Media_By_Default": "Samazināt iegulto multivides datni pēc noklusējuma",
"Color": "Krāsa",
- "Contains_Security_Fixes": "Satur drošības atskaites",
+ "Contains_Security_Fixes": "Satur drošības labojumus",
"Commands": "Komandas",
- "Comment_to_leave_on_closing_session": "Komentārs par atstāšanu pie slēgšanas sesijas",
+ "Comment_to_leave_on_closing_session": "Komentārs par iziešanu pie sesijas noslēgšanas",
"Common_Access": "Kopējā piekļuve",
"Compact": "Kompakts",
"Computer": "Dators",
+ "Continue": "Turpināt",
"Confirm_password": "Apstipriniet savu paroli",
"Content": "Saturs",
"Conversation": "Saruna",
- "Conversation_closed": "Saruna ir slēgta: __komponents__.",
- "Conversation_finished_message": "Saruna pabeigta ziņa",
- "Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Konvertēt ASCII uz Emociju",
+ "Conversation_closed": "Saruna ir slēgta: komentārs.",
+ "Community": "Forums",
+ "Conversation_finished_message": "Ziņojums saruna pabeigta",
+ "Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Konvertēt ASCII uz Emoji",
"Copied": "Nokopēts",
"Copy": "Kopēt",
+ "Consulting": "Konsultēšana",
"Copy_to_clipboard": "Kopēt starpliktuvē",
+ "Consumer_Goods": "Patēriņa preces",
"Count": "Skaitīt",
- "Cozy": "Mājīgs",
+ "Cozy": "Ērts",
"Create": "Izveidot",
- "create-c": "Izveidojiet publiskos kanālus",
+ "create-c": "Izveidot publiskus kanālus",
"create-c_description": "Atļauja izveidot publiskos kanālus",
- "create-d": "Izveidojiet tiešās ziņas",
- "create-d_description": "Atļauja sākt tiešus ziņojumus",
- "create-p": "Izveidojiet privātus kanālus",
+ "create-d": "Izveidojiet ziņojumus",
+ "create-d_description": "Atļauja uzsākt ziņojumus",
+ "create-p": "Izveidot privātus kanālus",
"create-p_description": "Atļauja izveidot privātus kanālus",
"create-user": "Izveidot lietotāju",
+ "Country": "Valsts",
"create-user_description": "Atļauja lietotāju izveidei",
- "Create_A_New_Channel": "Izveidojiet jaunu kanālu",
+ "Create_A_New_Channel": "Izveidot jaunu kanālu",
"Create_new": "Izveidot jaunu",
"Create_unique_rules_for_this_channel": "Izveidojiet unikālus noteikumus šim kanālam",
- "Created_at": "Izveidots at",
- "Created_at_s_by_s": "Izveidots ar % sar % s",
- "Created_at_s_by_s_triggered_by_s": "Izveidota ar % sar % saktivizēja % s",
+ "Created_at": "Izveidots iekš",
+ "Created_at_s_by_s": "Izveidots iekš % sar % s",
+ "Created_at_s_by_s_triggered_by_s": "Izveidots iekš % sar % s ko aktivizē % s",
"CRM_Integration": "CRM integrācija",
"CROWD_Reject_Unauthorized": "Noraidīt nesankcionētu",
- "Current_Chats": "Pašreizējās sarunas",
+ "Current_Chats": "Pašreizējās tērzēšanas",
"Current_Status": "Pašreizējais statuss",
"Custom": "Pielāgots",
- "Custom_agent": "Pasūtījuma aģents",
- "Custom_Emoji": "Pielāgota Emocija",
- "Custom_Emoji_Add": "Pievienot jaunu Emociju",
- "Custom_Emoji_Added_Successfully": "Pielāgotās emocijas ir veiksmīgi pievienotas",
- "Custom_Emoji_Delete_Warning": "Emociju dzēšanu nevar atsaukt.",
- "Custom_Emoji_Error_Invalid_Emoji": "Nederīgas emocijzīmes",
- "Custom_Emoji_Error_Name_Or_Alias_Already_In_Use": "Pielāgotās emocijzīmes vai viena no tās pseidonīmēm jau tiek izmantota.",
- "Custom_Emoji_Has_Been_Deleted": "Pielāgotās emocijzīmes ir izdzēstas.",
- "Custom_Emoji_Info": "Pielāgota Emoji informācija",
- "Custom_Emoji_Updated_Successfully": "Pielāgotas emoji ir veiksmīgi atjaunināta",
+ "Custom_agent": "Pielāgots aģents",
+ "Custom_Emoji": "Pielāgots Emoji",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Add": "Pievienot jaunu Emoji",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Added_Successfully": "Pielāgotie emoji ir veiksmīgi pievienoti",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Delete_Warning": "Emoji dzēšanu nevar atsaukt.",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Error_Invalid_Emoji": "Nederīgi emoji",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Error_Name_Or_Alias_Already_In_Use": "Pielāgotais emoji vai viens no tā aizstājvārdiem jau tiek izmantots.",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Has_Been_Deleted": "Pielāgotais emoji ir izdzēsts.",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Info": "Pielāgotā emoji informācija",
+ "Custom_Emoji_Updated_Successfully": "Pielāgotais emoji ir veiksmīgi atjaunināts",
"Custom_Fields": "Pielāgotie lauki",
- "Custom_oauth_helper": "Iestatot OAuth nodrošinātāju, jums būs jāinformē atzvana URL. Izmantojiet
"Custom_oauth_unique_name": "Pielāgots oauth unikāls nosaukums",
- "Custom_Script_Logged_In": "Lietotāja pierakstītais skripts",
- "Custom_Script_Logged_Out": "Pielāgots skripts izrakstītajiem lietotājiem",
- "Custom_Scripts": "Pielāgoti skripti",
- "Custom_Sound_Add": "Pievienot pielāgoto skaņu",
- "Custom_Sound_Delete_Warning": "Skaņas dzēšanu nevar atsaukt.",
- "Custom_Sound_Error_Invalid_Sound": "Nederīga skaņa",
- "Custom_Sound_Error_Name_Already_In_Use": "Pielāgotais skaņas nosaukums jau tiek izmantots.",
- "Custom_Sound_Has_Been_Deleted": "Pielāgotā skaņa ir izdzēsta.",
- "Custom_Sound_Info": "Pielāgota skaņas informācija",
- "Custom_Sound_Saved_Successfully": "Pielāgota skaņa tika veiksmīgi saglabāta",
- "Custom_Sounds": "Pielāgotas skaņas",
- "Custom_Translations": "Pielāgoti tulkojumi",
- "Custom_Translations_Description": "Jābūt derīgam JSON, kur taustiņi ir valodas, kurās ir atslēgas vārdnīca un tulkojumi. Piemērs: {\n\"en\": {\n\"Kanāli\": \"Istabas\"\n},\n\"pt\": {\n\"Kanāli\": \"Salas\"\n}\n}",
+ "Custom_Script_Logged_In": "Pielāgots skripts lietotājiem kuri ir pierakstījušies",
+ "Custom_Script_Logged_Out": "Pielāgots skripts lietotājiem kuri ir izrakstījušies",
+ "Custom_Scripts": "Pielāgotie skripti",
+ "Custom_Sound_Add": "Pievienot pielāgotu signālu",
+ "Custom_Sound_Delete_Warning": "Signāla dzēšanu nevar atsaukt.",
+ "Custom_Sound_Error_Invalid_Sound": "Nederīgs signāls",
+ "Custom_Sound_Error_Name_Already_In_Use": "Pielāgotā signāla nosaukums jau tiek izmantots.",
+ "Custom_Sound_Has_Been_Deleted": "Pielāgotais signāls ir dzēsts.",
+ "Custom_Sound_Info": "Pielāgotā signāla informācija",
+ "Custom_Sound_Saved_Successfully": "Pielāgotais signāls tika veiksmīgi saglabāts",
+ "Custom_Sounds": "Pielāgotie signāli",
+ "Custom_Translations": "Pielāgotie tulkojumi",
+ "Custom_Translations_Description": "Jābūt derīgam JSON, kur taustiņi ir valodas, kurās ir taustiņu vārdnīca un tulkojumi. Piemērs: {\n \"en\": {\n \"Kanāli\": \"Istabas\"\n },\n \"pt\": {\n \"Kanāli\": \"Salas\"\n }\n} ",
"Customize": "Pielāgot",
- "CustomSoundsFilesystem": "Pielāgotās skaņas failu sistēma",
- "Dashboard": "Mērinstrumentu panelis",
+ "CustomSoundsFilesystem": "Pielāgoto signālu failu sistēma",
+ "Dashboard": "Instrumentu panelis",
"Date": "Datums",
"Date_From": "No",
- "Date_to": "uz",
+ "Date_to": "līdz",
"days": "dienas",
- "DB_Migration": "Datu bāzu migrācija",
- "DB_Migration_Date": "Datubāzes migrācijas datums",
+ "DB_Migration": "Datubāzes versijas maiņa",
+ "DB_Migration_Date": "Datubāzes versijas maiņas datums",
"Deactivate": "Deaktivizēt",
- "Decline": "atteikties",
+ "Decline": "Atteikties",
"Default": "Noklusējums",
"Delete": "Izdzēst",
"delete-c": "Dzēst publiskos kanālus",
"delete-c_description": "Atļauja dzēst publiskos kanālus",
- "delete-d": "Dzēsiet tiešos ziņojumus",
- "delete-d_description": "Atļauja izdzēst tiešos ziņojumus",
+ "delete-d": "Dzēst ziņojumus",
+ "delete-d_description": "Atļauja dzēst ziņojumus",
"delete-message": "Dzēst ziņojumu",
- "delete-message_description": "Atļauja izdzēst ziņu telpā",
+ "delete-message_description": "Atļauja izdzēst ziņojumu istabā",
"delete-p": "Dzēst privātus kanālus",
"delete-p_description": "Atļauja dzēst privātus kanālus",
"delete-user": "Dzēst lietotāju",
"delete-user_description": "Atļauja dzēst lietotājus",
"Delete_message": "Dzēst ziņojumu",
"Delete_my_account": "Dzēst manu kontu",
- "Delete_Room_Warning": "Dzēšot telpu, tiks dzēsti visi tajā ievietotie ziņojumi. To nevar atsaukt.",
- "Delete_User_Warning": "Lietotāja dzēšana dzēsīs arī visus šī lietotāja ziņojumus. To nevar atsaukt.",
- "Delete_User_Warning_Keep": "Lietotājs tiks dzēsts, bet viņu ziņojumi joprojām būs redzami. To nevar atsaukt.",
- "Delete_User_Warning_Delete": "Lietotāja dzēšana dzēsīs arī visus šī lietotāja ziņojumus. To nevar atsaukt.",
- "Delete_User_Warning_Unlink": "Lietotāja dzēšana noņems lietotāja vārdu no visiem viņu ziņojumiem. To nevar atsaukt.",
- "Deleted": "Svītrots!",
- "Department": "nodaļa",
+ "Delete_Room_Warning": "Dzēšot istabu, tiks dzēsti visi tajā ievietotie ziņojumi. To nevar atsaukt.",
+ "Delete_User_Warning": "Izdzēšot lietotāju tiks dzēsti arī visi šī lietotāja ziņojumi. Tas ir neatgriezeniski.",
+ "Delete_User_Warning_Keep": "Lietotājs tiks dzēsts, bet viņa ziņojumi joprojām būs redzami. Tas ir neatgriezeniski.",
+ "Delete_User_Warning_Delete": "Izdzēšot lietotāju tiks dzēsti arī visi šī lietotāja ziņojumi. Tas ir neatgriezeniski.",
+ "Delete_User_Warning_Unlink": "Lietotāja dzēšana noņems lietotāja vārdu no visiem viņa ziņojumiem. Tas ir neatgriezeniski.",
+ "Deleted": "Dzēsts.",
+ "Department": "Departametns",
"Department_removed": "Departaments ir noņemts",
- "Departments": "Nodaļas",
+ "Departments": "Departamenti",
"Deployment_ID": "Izvietošanas ID",
"Description": "Apraksts",
"Desktop": "Darbvirsma",
"Desktop_Notification_Test": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumu pārbaude",
"Desktop_Notifications": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumi",
- "Desktop_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Desktop paziņojumi noklusējuma brīdinājums",
- "Desktop_Notifications_Disabled": "Desktop paziņojumi ir atspējoti. Mainiet pārlūkprogrammas preferences, ja jums ir jāiespējo paziņojumi.",
- "Desktop_Notifications_Duration": "Desktop paziņojumu ilgums",
- "Desktop_Notifications_Duration_Description": "Sekundes, lai parādītu darbvirsmas paziņojumu. Tas var ietekmēt OS X paziņojumu centru. Ievadiet 0, lai izmantotu noklusējuma pārlūka iestatījumus un neietekmētu OS X paziņojumu centru.",
- "Desktop_Notifications_Enabled": "Darbstacijas paziņojumi ir iespējoti",
- "Different_Style_For_User_Mentions": "Dažāds stils lietotāja pieminēšanai",
- "Direct_message_someone": "Tiešais ziņojums kādam",
- "Direct_Messages": "Tiešās ziņas",
- "Direct_Reply": "Tiešais atbilde",
- "Direct_Reply_Debug": "Debug Direct atbilde",
- "Direct_Reply_Debug_Description": "[Sargies] Ieslēdzot atkļūdošanas režīmu, Admin konsole parādīs jūsu vienkāršo teksta paroli.",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumi noklusējuma signāls",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Disabled": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumi ir atspējoti. Mainiet pārlūkprogrammas preferences, ja jums nepieciešams iespējot paziņojumus.",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Duration": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumu ilgums",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Duration_Description": "Sekundes, lai parādītu darbvirsmas paziņojumu. Tas var ietekmēt OS X Notification Center. Ievadiet 0, lai izmantotu noklusējuma pārlūka iestatījumus un neietekmētu OS X Notification Center.",
+ "Desktop_Notifications_Enabled": "Darbvirsmas paziņojumi ir iespējoti",
+ "Different_Style_For_User_Mentions": "Dažādi stili lietotāju pieminēšanai",
+ "Direct_message_someone": "Ziņojums kādam",
+ "Direct_Messages": "Ziņojumi",
+ "Direct_Reply": "Atbilde",
+ "Direct_Reply_Debug": "Atkļudot atbildi",
+ "Direct_Reply_Debug_Description": "[Uzmanbu] Ieslēdzot atkļūdošanas režīmu Admina konsolē tiktu parādīta jūsu paroli 'vienkāršā tekstāi'.",
"Direct_Reply_Delete": "Dzēst pārtvertus e-pastus",
- "Direct_Reply_Enable": "Iespējot tiešo atbildi",
+ "Direct_Reply_Enable": "Iespējot atbildi",
"Direct_Reply_Frequency": "E-pasta pārbaudes frekvence",
"Direct_Reply_Frequency_Description": "(minūtēs, noklusējums / minimums 2)",
- "Direct_Reply_Host": "Tiešais atbildes resursdators",
+ "Direct_Reply_Host": "Atbildēt resursdatoram",
"Direct_Reply_IgnoreTLS": "IgnoreTLS",
"Direct_Reply_Password": "Parole",
"Direct_Reply_Port": "Direct_Reply_Port",
- "Direct_Reply_Protocol": "Tiešās atbildes protokols",
+ "Direct_Reply_Protocol": "Atbildes protokols",
"Direct_Reply_Separator": "Atdalītājs",
- "Direct_Reply_Separator_Description": "[Mainīt tikai tad, ja jūs precīzi zinātu, ko darāt, skatiet dokumentus] Atdalītājs starp e-pasta bāzes un tagu daļu",
+ "Direct_Reply_Separator_Description": "[Mainīt tikai tad, ja jūs precīzi zināt, ko darāt, skatiet dokumentus] Atdalītājs starp e-pasta bāzes un tagu daļu",
"Direct_Reply_Username": "Lietotājvārds",
- "Direct_Reply_Username_Description": "Lūdzu, izmantojiet absolūtu e-pastu, marķēšana nav atļauta, tas būtu pārrakstīts",
+ "Direct_Reply_Username_Description": "Lūdzu, izmantojiet pilnu e-pastu, tagošana nav atļauta, tas tiktu pārrakstīts",
"Disable_Facebook_integration": "Atspējot Facebook integrāciju",
"Disable_Notifications": "Atspējot paziņojumus",
"Disable_two-factor_authentication": "Atspējojiet divu faktoru autentifikāciju",
- "Disabled": "Invalīds",
- "Disallow_reacting": "Neļaujiet reaģēt",
+ "Disabled": "Atspējots",
+ "Disallow_reacting": "Neļaut reaģēt",
"Disallow_reacting_Description": "Neļauj reaģēt",
- "Display_unread_counter": "Parādīt nelasītu ziņojumu skaitu",
- "Display_offline_form": "Rādīt bezsaistes formu",
+ "Display_unread_counter": "Parādīt neizlasīto ziņojumu skaitu",
+ "Display_offline_form": "Rādīt bezsaistes veidlapu",
"Displays_action_text": "Parāda darbības tekstu",
- "Do_not_display_unread_counter": "Neuzrāda nevienu skaitītāju par šo kanālu",
+ "Do_not_display_unread_counter": "Nerādīt nevienu skaitītāju šim kanālam",
"Do_you_want_to_accept": "Vai jūs vēlaties pieņemt?",
"Do_you_want_to_change_to_s_question": "Vai vēlaties mainīt uz % s?",
"Domain": "Domēns",
"Domain_added": "domēns pievienots",
"Domain_removed": "Domēns ir noņemts",
"Domains": "Domēni",
- "Domains_allowed_to_embed_the_livechat_widget": "Domēnu saraksts ar komatu atdalītu sarakstu ļauj ielīmēt livechat logrīku. Atstājiet tukšu, lai atļautu visus domēnus.",
- "Download_My_Data": "Lejupielādējiet manus datus",
+ "Domains_allowed_to_embed_the_livechat_widget": " Ar komatu atdalīts Domēnu saraksts kuriem atļauta pieeja livechat logrīku. Atstājiet tukšu, lai atļautu visiem domēniem.",
+ "Download_My_Data": "Lejupielādēt manus datus",
"Download_Snippet": "Lejupielādēt",
- "Drop_to_upload_file": "Drop, lai augšupielādētu failu",
- "Dry_run": "Sausā palaide",
- "Dry_run_description": "Nosūtīs tikai vienu e-pasta adresi uz to pašu adresi, kas norādīta mapē No. E-pastam ir jābūt derīgam lietotājam.",
- "Duplicate_archived_channel_name": "Ir arhivēts kanāls ar nosaukumu \"#% s\"",
- "Duplicate_archived_private_group_name": "Ir arhivēta privātā grupa ar nosaukumu \"% s\"",
- "Duplicate_channel_name": "Pastāv kanāls ar nosaukumu '% s'",
- "Duplicate_private_group_name": "Ir izveidota privāta grupa ar nosaukumu \"% s\"",
+ "Drop_to_upload_file": "Ievelciet lai augšupielādētu failu",
+ "Dry_run": "Izmēģinajuma palaide",
+ "Dry_run_description": "Nosūtīs tikai vienu e-pastu uz to pašu adresi, kas norādīta veidlapā. E-pasta īpašniekam ir jābūt derīgam lietotājam.",
+ "Duplicate_archived_channel_name": "Eksistē arhivēts kanāls ar nosaukumu \"#% s\"",
+ "Duplicate_archived_private_group_name": "Eksistē arhivēta privātā grupa ar nosaukumu \"% s\"",
+ "Duplicate_channel_name": "Eksistē kanāls ar nosaukumu '% s'",
+ "Duplicate_private_group_name": "Eksistē privāta grupa ar nosaukumu \"% s\"",
"Duration": "Ilgums",
"Edit": "Rediģēt",
"edit-message": "Rediģēt ziņojumu",
- "edit-message_description": "Atļauja rediģēt ziņu telpā",
- "edit-other-user-active-status": "Rediģēt citu lietotāja aktīvo statusu",
- "edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Atļauja iespējot vai atspējot citus kontus",
- "edit-other-user-info": "Rediģēt citu lietotāja informāciju",
+ "edit-message_description": "Atļauja rediģēt ziņojumu istabā",
+ "edit-other-user-active-status": "Rediģēt cita lietotāja aktīvo statusu",
+ "edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Atļauja aktivizēt vai deaktivizēt citus kontus",
+ "edit-other-user-info": "Rediģēt cita lietotāja informāciju",
"edit-other-user-info_description": "Atļauja mainīt cita lietotāja vārdu, lietotājvārdu vai e-pasta adresi.",
- "edit-other-user-password": "Rediģēt citu lietotāja paroli",
+ "edit-other-user-password": "Rediģēt cita lietotāja paroli",
"edit-other-user-password_description": "Atļauja mainīt citu lietotāju paroles. Nepieciešama atļauja rediģēt citu lietotāja informāciju.",
- "edit-privileged-setting": "Rediģēt privileģētu iestatījumu",
+ "edit-privileged-setting": "Rediģēt privileģēts iestatījumus",
"edit-privileged-setting_description": "Atļauja rediģēt iestatījumus",
"edit-room": "Rediģēt istabu",
- "edit-room_description": "Atļauja rediģēt telpas nosaukumu, tēmu, veidu (privātais vai publiskais statuss) un statusu (aktīvs vai arhivēts)",
+ "edit-room_description": "Atļauja rediģēt istabas nosaukumu, tēmu, veidu (privātais vai publiskais statuss) un statusu (aktīvs vai arhivēts)",
"Edit_Custom_Field": "Rediģēt pielāgoto lauku",
- "Edit_Department": "Rediģēt nodaļu",
- "Edit_previous_message": "`% s` - rediģēt iepriekšējo ziņojumu",
+ "Edit_Department": "Rediģēt departamentu",
+ "Edit_previous_message": "`%s` - rediģēt iepriekšējo ziņojumu",
"Edit_Trigger": "Rediģēt trigeri",
"edited": "labots",
- "Editing_room": "Rediģēšanas telpa",
+ "Editing_room": "Rediģēšanas istaba",
"Editing_user": "Lietotāja rediģēšana",
"Email": "E-pasts",
"Email_address_to_send_offline_messages": "E-pasta adrese, lai nosūtītu ziņojumus bezsaistē",
- "Email_already_exists": "ēpasta adrese jau pastāv",
- "Email_body": "E-pasta iestāde",
+ "Email_already_exists": "E-pasta adrese jau pastāv",
+ "Email_body": "E-pasta saturs",
"Email_Change_Disabled": "Jūsu Rocket.Chat administrators ir atspējojis e-pasta maiņu",
- "Email_Footer_Description": "Lietotnes nosaukums un URL var attiecīgi izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL].
+ "Email_Footer_Description": "Lietotnes nosaukumam un URL var attiecīgi izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL].
"Email_from": "No",
- "Email_Header_Description": "Lietotnes nosaukums un URL var attiecīgi izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL].
+ "Email_Header_Description": "Lietotnes nosaukumam un URL var attiecīgi izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL].
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Bezsaistes e-pasta paziņojumi",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Katrs pieminējums / DM",
- "Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Invalīds",
+ "Education": "Izglītība",
+ "Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Atspējots",
"Email_or_username": "E-pasts vai lietotājvārds",
"Email_Placeholder": "Lūdzu ievadiet savu e-pasta adresi...",
"Email_Placeholder_any": "Lūdzu, ievadiet e-pasta adreses ...",
"Email_subject": "Temats",
- "Email_verified": "E-pasts ir verificēts",
- "Emoji": "Emocijas",
+ "Email_verified": "E-pasts ir apstiprināts",
+ "Emoji": "Emoji",
"EmojiCustomFilesystem": "Pielāgota Emoji failu sistēma",
"Empty_title": "Tukšs nosaukums",
"Enable": "Iespējot",
@@ -681,277 +708,292 @@
"Enable_Svg_Favicon": "Iespējot SVG favicon",
"Enable_two-factor_authentication": "Iespējojiet divu faktoru autentifikāciju",
"Enabled": "Iespējots",
- "Enable_Auto_Away": "Iespējot automātisko izslēgšanu",
+ "Enable_Auto_Away": "Iespējot Auto Away",
"Encrypted_message": "Šifrēts ziņojums",
"End_OTR": "Beigt OTR",
"Enter_a_regex": "Ievadiet regex",
- "Enter_a_room_name": "Ievadiet telpas nosaukumu",
+ "Enter_a_room_name": "Ievadiet istabas nosaukumu",
"Enter_a_username": "Ievadiet lietotājvārdu",
"Enter_Alternative": "Alternatīvais režīms (nosūtiet ar Enter + Ctrl / Alt / Shift / CMD)",
"Enter_authentication_code": "Ievadiet autentifikācijas kodu",
- "Enter_Behaviour": "Ievadiet taustiņu \"Uzvedība\"",
- "Enter_Behaviour_Description": "Tas mainās, ja ievadīšanas taustiņš sūta ziņojumu vai veic līnijas pārtraukumu",
+ "Enter_Behaviour": "Ievadiet taustiņa funkciju",
+ "Enter_Behaviour_Description": "Tas mainās, ja taustiņš 'Enter' sūta ziņojumu vai veic rindiņas pārtraukumu",
"Enter_name_here": "Ievadiet nosaukumu šeit",
- "Enter_Normal": "Normāls režīms (nosūtīt ar ievadi)",
- "Enter_to": "Ieiet uz",
+ "Enter_Normal": "Normāls režīms (nosūtīt ar 'Enter')",
+ "Enter_to": "Enter uz",
"Error": "Kļūda",
"Error_404": "Kļūda: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Kļūda: Rocket.Chat prasa oplog tailing, kad darbojas vairākos gadījumos",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Lūdzu, pārliecinieties, ka jūsu MongoDB ir iekļauts ReplicaSet režīmā, un vides mainīgais MONGO_OPLOG_URL ir pareizi noteikts pieteikumu serverī.",
- "error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ nav atļauts",
- "error-application-not-found": "Pieteikums nav atrasts",
- "error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ir arhivēts kanāls ar nosaukumu \"__room_name__\"",
- "error-avatar-invalid-url": "Nederīgs avatāra URL: __url__",
- "error-avatar-url-handling": "Kļūda, apstrādājot atribūtu iestatījumu no URL (__url__) par __username__",
- "error-cant-invite-for-direct-room": "Nevar uzaicināt lietotāju vadīt telpas",
- "error-could-not-change-email": "Nevarēja mainīt e-pastu",
+ "error-action-not-allowed": "darbība nav atļauta",
+ "error-application-not-found": "Lietotne nav atrasta",
+ "error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ir arhivēts kanāls ar nosaukumu \"istabas nosaukums\"\n",
+ "error-avatar-invalid-url": "Nederīgs avatara URL: url",
+ "error-avatar-url-handling": "Kļūda, apstrādājot avatara iestatījumus no URL (url) par lietotājvārds",
+ "error-cant-invite-for-direct-room": "Nevar uzaicināt lietotāju uz tiešajām istabām",
+ "error-could-not-change-email": "Nevarēja nomainīt e-pastu",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Nevarēja nomainīt nosaukumu",
- "error-could-not-change-username": "Nevarēja mainīt lietotājvārdu",
+ "error-could-not-change-username": "Nevarēja nomainīt lietotājvārdu",
+ "Entertainment": "Izklaide",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Nevar izdzēst aizsargāto lomu",
+ "Enterprise": "Uzņēmums",
"error-department-not-found": "Departaments nav atrasts",
- "error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Failu koplietošana nav atļauta tiešajos ziņojumos",
- "error-duplicate-channel-name": "Ir kanāls ar nosaukumu \"__channel_name__\"",
+ "error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Failu koplietošana ziņojumos nav atļauta ",
+ "error-duplicate-channel-name": "Ir kanāls ar nosaukumu \"kanāla nosaukums\"",
"error-email-domain-blacklisted": "E-pasta domēns ir iekļauts melnajā sarakstā",
- "error-email-send-failed": "Kļūda, mēģinot sūtīt e-pastu: __message__",
- "error-field-unavailable": "__field__jau ir izmantots :(",
+ "error-email-send-failed": "Kļūda, mēģinot sūtīt e-pastu: Ziņojums",
+ "error-field-unavailable": "lauksjau ir izmantots :(",
"error-file-too-large": "Fails ir pārāk liels",
"error-importer-not-defined": "Importētājs nav pareizi definēts, trūkst importa klases.",
- "error-input-is-not-a-valid-field": "__input__ nav derīgs __field__",
+ "error-input-is-not-a-valid-field": "ievade nav derīga lauks",
"error-invalid-actionlink": "Nederīga darbības saite",
"error-invalid-arguments": "Nederīgi argumenti",
"error-invalid-asset": "Nederīgs aktīvs",
"error-invalid-channel": "Nederīgs kanāls.",
"error-invalid-channel-start-with-chars": "Nederīgs kanāls. Sāciet ar @ vai #",
"error-invalid-custom-field": "Nederīgs pielāgotais lauks",
- "error-invalid-custom-field-name": "Nederīgs pielāgotais lauka nosaukums. Izmantojiet tikai burtus, ciparus, defises un pasvītras.",
- "error-invalid-date": "Norādītais nederīgs datums.",
+ "error-invalid-custom-field-name": "Nederīgs pielāgotā lauka nosaukums. Izmantojiet tikai burtus, ciparus, defises un pasvītrojuma zīmes.",
+ "error-invalid-date": "Norādīts nederīgs datums.",
"error-invalid-description": "Nederīgs apraksts",
"error-invalid-domain": "Nederīgs domēns",
- "error-invalid-email": "Nederīgs e-pasts __email__",
- "error-invalid-email-address": "nederīga e-pasta adrese",
+ "error-invalid-email": "Nederīgs e-pasts e-pasts",
+ "error-invalid-email-address": "Nederīga e-pasta adrese",
"error-invalid-file-height": "Nederīgs faila augstums",
- "error-invalid-file-type": "Nederīgs faila tips",
+ "error-invalid-file-type": "Nederīgs faila veids",
"error-invalid-file-width": "Nederīgs faila platums",
"error-invalid-from-address": "Jūs informējāt par nederīgu FROM adresi.",
"error-invalid-integration": "Nederīga integrācija",
"error-invalid-message": "Nederīgs ziņojums",
"error-invalid-method": "Nederīga metode",
"error-invalid-name": "Nederīgs vārds",
- "error-invalid-password": "Nepareiza parole",
+ "error-invalid-password": "Nederīga parole",
"error-invalid-redirectUri": "Nederīgs redirectUri",
"error-invalid-role": "Nederīga loma",
"error-invalid-room": "Nederīga istaba",
- "error-invalid-room-name": "__room_name__nav derīgs telpas nosaukums",
- "error-invalid-room-type": "__type__nav derīgs telpas tips.",
- "error-invalid-settings": "Nodrošināti nederīgi iestatījumi",
+ "error-invalid-room-name": "istabas nosaukumsnav derīgs istabas nosaukums",
+ "error-invalid-room-type": "veidsnav derīgs istabas veids.",
+ "error-invalid-settings": "Iesniegti nederīgi iestatījumi",
"error-invalid-subscription": "Nederīgs abonements",
- "error-invalid-token": "Nederīgs token",
- "error-invalid-triggerWords": "Nederīgs triggerWords",
+ "error-invalid-token": "Nederīgs žetons",
+ "error-invalid-triggerWords": "Nederīgi triggera vārdi",
"error-invalid-urls": "Nederīgi URL",
"error-invalid-user": "Nederīgs lietotājs",
"error-invalid-username": "Nederīgs lietotājvārds",
"error-invalid-webhook-response": "Webhoku URL atbildēja ar statusu, kas nav 200",
- "error-message-deleting-blocked": "Ziņu dzēšana ir bloķēta",
+ "error-message-deleting-blocked": "Ziņojumu dzēšana ir bloķēta",
"error-message-editing-blocked": "Ziņojuma rediģēšana ir bloķēta",
- "error-message-size-exceeded": "Ziņojuma lielums pārsniedz Message_MaxAllowedSize",
- "error-missing-unsubscribe-link": "Jums jānorāda saites [atteikties].",
+ "error-message-size-exceeded": "Ziņojuma lielums pārsniedz Ziņojuma_MaksAtļautaisIzmērs",
+ "error-missing-unsubscribe-link": "Jums jānorāda saite uz [atteikties].",
"error-no-tokens-for-this-user": "Šim lietotājam nav žetonu",
"error-not-allowed": "Nav atļauts",
- "error-not-authorized": "Nav atļauts",
+ "error-not-authorized": "Nav saskaņots",
"error-push-disabled": "Push ir atspējota",
- "error-remove-last-owner": "Šis ir pēdējais īpašnieks. Lūdzu, pirms jaunā īpašnieka noņemiet jaunu īpašnieku.",
+ "error-remove-last-owner": "Šis ir pēdējais īpašnieks. Pirms šī īpašnieka noņemšanas lūdzu iestatiet jaunu īpašnieku.",
"error-role-in-use": "Nevar izdzēst lomu, jo tā tiek izmantota",
- "error-role-name-required": "Loma ir nepieciešama",
- "error-the-field-is-required": "Lauks __field__ ir nepieciešams.",
- "error-too-many-requests": "Kļūda, pārāk daudz pieprasījumu. Lūdzu, palēniniet. Pirms mēģināt vēlreiz, jums jāgaida __seconds__ sekundes.",
+ "error-role-name-required": "Nepieciešams lomas nosaukums",
+ "error-the-field-is-required": "Lauks lauks ir nepieciešams.",
+ "error-too-many-requests": "Kļūda, pārāk daudz pieprasījumu. Lūdzam, lēnāk. Pirms mēģināt vēlreiz, jums jāgaida sekundes sekundes.",
"error-user-is-not-activated": "Lietotājs nav aktivizēts",
"error-user-has-no-roles": "Lietotājam nav lomu",
"error-user-limit-exceeded": "Lietotāju skaits, kuru jūs mēģināt ielūgt uz #channel_name, pārsniedz administratora noteikto ierobežojumu",
"error-user-not-in-room": "Lietotājs nav šajā istabā",
"error-user-registration-disabled": "Lietotāja reģistrācija ir atspējota",
"error-user-registration-secret": "Lietotāja reģistrācija ir atļauta tikai ar slepenu URL",
- "error-you-are-last-owner": "Jūs esat pēdējais īpašnieks. Pirms atstāt istabu, lūdzu, iestatiet jauno īpašnieku.",
+ "error-you-are-last-owner": "Jūs esat pēdējais īpašnieks. Pirms atstāt istabu, lūdzu, iestatiet jaunu īpašnieku.",
"Error_changing_password": "Mainot paroli, radās kļūda",
"Error_loading_pages": "Ielādējot lapas, radās kļūda",
- "Esc_to": "Esc līdz",
- "Event_Trigger": "Notikuma aktivizētājs",
- "Event_Trigger_Description": "Izvēlieties, kāda veida notikums aktivizēs šo Outgoing WebHook integrāciju",
+ "Esc_to": "Esc uz",
+ "Event_Trigger": "Notikuma trigeris",
+ "Event_Trigger_Description": "Izvēlieties, kāda veida notikums trigerēs šo Outgoing WebHook integrāciju",
"every_30_minutes": "Reizi 30 minūtēs",
"every_hour": "Reizi stundā",
"every_six_hours": "Reizi ik pēc sešām stundām",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met": "Parole neatbilst servera politikai",
"Everyone_can_access_this_channel": "Ikviens var piekļūt šim kanālam",
- "Example_s": "Piemērs: % s",
- "Exclude_Botnames": "Izslēgt robotus",
- "Exclude_Botnames_Description": "Neizplatīt ziņojumus no robotiem, kuru nosaukums atbilst iepriekš minētajai regulārai izteiksmei. Ja atstājiet tukšu, visi ziņojumi no robotprogrammatūras tiks pavairoti.",
- "Export_My_Data": "Eksportēt savus datus",
- "External_Service": "Ārējais dienests",
- "External_Queue_Service_URL": "Ārējās rindas pakalpojuma URL",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-minLength": "Paroles garums neatbilst servera minimālā garuma politikai (parole ir pārāk īsa)",
+ "Example_s": "Piemērs: %s",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-maxLength": "Paroles garums neatbilst servera maksimālā garuma politikai (parole ir pārāk gara)",
+ "Exclude_Botnames": "Izslēgt botus",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-repeatingCharacters": "Parole neatbilst servera aizliegto, atkārtoto rakstzīmju politikai (jums ir pārāk daudz vienādu rakstzīmju blakus viena otrai)",
+ "Exclude_Botnames_Description": "Neizplatīt ziņojumus no botiem, kuru nosaukums atbilst iepriekš minētajai regulārai izteiksmei. Ja atstājiet tukšu, visi ziņojumi no botiem tiks izplatīti.",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneLowercase": "Parole neatbilst servera politikai, vismaz viena rakstuzīme ar mazo burtu",
+ "Export_My_Data": "Eksportēt manus datus",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneUppercase": "Parole neatbilst servera politikai vismaz, viena rakstuzīme ar lielo burtu",
+ "External_Service": "Ārējais pakalpojums",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneNumber": "Parole neatbilst servera politikai, vismaz viens cipars",
+ "External_Queue_Service_URL": "Ārējā rindas pakalpojuma URL",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneSpecial": "Parole neatbilst servera politikai, vismaz viena speciālā rakstuzīme",
"Facebook_Page": "Facebook lapa",
- "False": "Nepatiesa",
- "Favorite_Rooms": "Ieslēgt izlases telpas",
+ "False": "Nepatiess",
+ "Favorite_Rooms": "Ieslēgt izlases istabas",
"Favorites": "Izlase",
- "Features_Enabled": "Iespējas ir iespējotas",
+ "Features_Enabled": "Iespējas ir aktivizētas",
"Field": "Lauks",
"Field_removed": "Lauks noņemts",
"Field_required": "Vajadzīgs lauks",
- "File_exceeds_allowed_size_of_bytes": "Fails pārsniedz __size__ atļauto izmēru.",
- "File_not_allowed_direct_messages": "Failu koplietošana nav atļauta tiešajos ziņojumos.",
- "File_type_is_not_accepted": "Faila tips nav pieņemts.",
- "File_uploaded": "Augšupielādēts fails",
+ "File_exceeds_allowed_size_of_bytes": "Fails pārsniedz izmērs atļauto izmēru.",
+ "File_not_allowed_direct_messages": "Failu koplietošana nav atļauta ziņojumos.",
+ "File_type_is_not_accepted": "Faila veids nav pieņemts.",
+ "File_uploaded": "Fails augšupielādēts",
"FileUpload": "Faila augšupielāde",
- "FileUpload_Disabled": "Failu augšupielādes ir atspējotas.",
- "FileUpload_Enabled": "Iespējots failu augšupielāde",
- "FileUpload_Enabled_Direct": "Tiešos ziņojumos iespējota failu augšupielāde",
+ "FileUpload_Disabled": "Failu augšupielāde ir atspējota.",
+ "FileUpload_Enabled": "Iespējota failu augšupielāde",
+ "FileUpload_Enabled_Direct": "Failu augšupielāde",
"FileUpload_File_Empty": "Fails ir tukšs",
"FileUpload_FileSystemPath": "Sistēmas ceļš",
"FileUpload_GoogleStorage_AccessId": "Google Storage Access ID",
"FileUpload_GoogleStorage_AccessId_Description": "Piekļuves ID parasti ir e-pasta formātā, piemēram: \"example-test@example.iam.gserviceaccount.com\"",
"FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Bucket": "Google datu krātuves nosaukums",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Bucket_Description": "Kausa nosaukums, uz kuru faili ir jāielādē.",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Avatars": "Proxy avatari",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Avatars_Description": "Starpniekservera failu pārsūtīšana caur jūsu serveri, nevis tieša piekļuve aktīva vietrādim URL",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Uploads": "Proksi augšupielādē",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Uploads_Description": "Starpniekservera augšupielādēt failu, izmantojot jūsu serveri, nevis tiešu piekļuvi aktīva vietrādim URL",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Bucket_Description": "Datu krātuves nosaukums, uz kuru faili ir jāaugšupielādē.",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Avatars": "Starpniekservera avatari",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Avatars_Description": "Starpniekservera avataru failu pārsūtīšana caur jūsu serveri, nevis tieša piekļūstot aktīva URL",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Uploads": "Starpniekservera augšupielādes",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Proxy_Uploads_Description": "Starpniekservera augšupielādētie faili tiek pārsūtīti, izmantojot jūsu serveri, nevis tiešu piekļuvi aktīva URL",
"FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Secret": "Google krātuves noslēpums",
- "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Secret_Description": "Lūdzu, sekojiet šiem norādījumiemun ielīmējiet rezultātu šeit.",
+ "FileUpload_GoogleStorage_Secret_Description": "Lūdzu, sekojiet šiem norādījumiemun ielīmējiet rezultātu šeit.",
"FileUpload_MaxFileSize": "Maksimālais faila augšupielādes lielums (baitos)",
- "FileUpload_MediaType_NotAccepted": "Materiālu veidi nav pieņemti",
- "FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList": "Pieņemtie mediju veidi",
+ "FileUpload_MediaType_NotAccepted": "Multivides veidi nav pieņemti",
+ "FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList": "Pieņemtie multivides veidi",
"FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteListDescription": "Komatu atdalītais multivides veidu saraksts. Atstājiet tukšu, lai pieņemtu visus multivides veidus.",
"FileUpload_ProtectFiles": "Aizsargāt augšupielādētos failus",
"FileUpload_ProtectFilesDescription": "Piekļuve būs pieejama tikai autentificētiem lietotājiem",
"FileUpload_S3_Acl": "Acl",
- "FileUpload_S3_AWSAccessKeyId": "Piekļuves atslēga",
+ "FileUpload_S3_AWSAccessKeyId": "Access Key",
"FileUpload_S3_AWSSecretAccessKey": "Secret Key",
- "FileUpload_S3_Bucket": "Kausa nosaukums",
- "FileUpload_S3_BucketURL": "Bucket URL",
- "FileUpload_S3_CDN": "CDN lejupielāžu domēns",
- "FileUpload_S3_ForcePathStyle": "Spēka ceļš stils",
- "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Avatars": "Proxy avatari",
- "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Avatars_Description": "Starpniekservera failu pārsūtīšana caur jūsu serveri, nevis tieša piekļuve aktīva vietrādim URL",
- "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Uploads": "Proksi augšupielādē",
- "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Uploads_Description": "Starpniekservera augšupielādēt failu, izmantojot jūsu serveri, nevis tiešu piekļuvi aktīva vietrādim URL",
- "FileUpload_S3_Region": "apgabals",
- "FileUpload_S3_SignatureVersion": "Parakstu versija",
- "FileUpload_S3_URLExpiryTimeSpan": "Vietrāži URL termiņa beigas",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Bucket": "Krātuves nosaukums",
+ "FileUpload_S3_BucketURL": "Krātuves URL",
+ "FileUpload_S3_CDN": "CDN domēns lejupielādēm",
+ "FileUpload_S3_ForcePathStyle": "Force Path stils",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Avatars": "Starpniekserveru avatari",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Avatars_Description": "Starpniekservera failu pārsūtīšana caur jūsu serveri, nevis tieša piekļūstot aktīva URL",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Uploads": "Starpniekservera augšupielādes",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Proxy_Uploads_Description": "Starpniekservera augšupielādētie faili tiek pārsūtīti, izmantojot jūsu serveri, nevis tiešu piekļuvi aktīva URL",
+ "FileUpload_S3_Region": "Apgabals",
+ "FileUpload_S3_SignatureVersion": "Paraksta versija",
+ "FileUpload_S3_URLExpiryTimeSpan": "URL termiņa beigas",
"FileUpload_S3_URLExpiryTimeSpan_Description": "Laiks, pēc kura Amazon S3 ģenerētie URL vairs nebūs derīgi (sekundēs). Ja iestatījums ir mazāks par 5 sekundēm, šis lauks tiks ignorēts.",
"FileUpload_Storage_Type": "Uzglabāšanas veids",
- "First_Channel_After_Login": "Pirmais kanāls pēc pieteikšanās",
+ "First_Channel_After_Login": "Pirmais kanāls pēc pieraksīšanās",
"Flags": "Karogi",
- "Follow_social_profiles": "Izpildiet mūsu sociālos profilus, pavērsiet mūs uz github un dalīsies jūsu domas par rocket.chat app mūsu trello kuģa.",
+ "Follow_social_profiles": "Sekojiet mūsu sociālajiem profiliem, sazarojiet mūs iekš github un dalieties ar jūsu domām par rocket.chat app mūsu trello lapā.",
"Fonts": "Fonti",
"Food_and_Drink": "Ēdieni un dzērieni",
"Footer": "Kājene",
- "Footer_Direct_Reply": "Kājene, ja ir iespējota tiešā atbilde",
+ "Footer_Direct_Reply": "Kājene, kad ir iespējota tiešā atbilde",
"For_more_details_please_check_our_docs": "Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju, lūdzu, pārbaudiet mūsu dokumentus.",
"For_your_security_you_must_enter_your_current_password_to_continue": "Jūsu drošībai, lai turpinātu, jums jāievada sava pašreizējā parole",
- "force-delete-message": "Force Dzēst ziņojumu",
+ "force-delete-message": "Piespiedu dzēst ziņojumu",
"force-delete-message_description": "Atļauja izdzēst ziņu, apejot visus ierobežojumus",
- "Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache": "Force Atspējot OpLog par kešatmiņu",
+ "Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache": "Piespiedu atspējot OpLog kešatmiņai",
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "Neizmantos OpLog, lai sinhronizētu kešatmiņu, pat ja tas ir pieejams",
- "Force_SSL": "Force SSL",
- "Force_SSL_Description": "* Uzmanību! * _Force SSL_ nekad nedrīkst izmantot ar pretēju proxy. Ja jums ir atgriezeniskā proxy, jums vajadzētu veikt novirzīšanu TIE. Šī opcija pastāv izvietojumos, piemēram, Heroku, kas neļauj pārorientēt konfigurāciju reverse proxy.",
+ "Force_SSL": "Piespiedu SSL",
+ "Force_SSL_Description": "* Uzmanību! * _Force SSL_ nekad nedrīkst izmantot ar atgriezenisku starpniekserveri. Ja jums ir atgriezenisks starpniekserveris, jums vajadzētu veikt novirzīšanu uz TURIENI. Šī opcija pastāv izvietojumos, kā piemēram, Heroku, kas neļauj novirzīt konfigurāciju uz atgriezenisko starpniekserveri.",
+ "Financial_Services": "Finanšu pakalpojumi",
"Forgot_password": "Aizmirsi savu paroli",
- "Forgot_Password_Description": "Paroles atjaunošanas URL varat izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[vārds], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja vārds, uzvārds vai uzvārds.
[e-pasts] lietotāja e-pastam.
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietojumprogrammas nosaukums un URL.
- "Forgot_Password_Email": "Lai atiestatītu paroli, noklikšķiniet uz šeit.",
+ "Forgot_Password_Description": "L,Jūs varat izmantot šādus vietturus:
[Forgot_Password_Url][lname] priekš paroles atjaunošanas URL.
[name], [fname], ietotāja pilnam vārdam, attiecīgi vārds vai uzvārds.
[e-mail] lietotāja e-pastam.
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietotnes nosaukums un URL.
+ "Forgot_Password_Email": "Lai atiestatītu paroli, noklikšķiniet uz šeit.",
"Forgot_Password_Email_Subject": "[Site_Name] - Paroles atjaunošana",
"Forgot_password_section": "Aizmirsi paroli",
"Forward": "Uz priekšu",
- "Forward_chat": "Pāriet uz tērzēšanu",
- "Forward_to_department": "Pārsūtīt uz nodaļu",
+ "Forward_chat": "Dalīties ar tērzēšanu",
+ "Forward_to_department": "Pārsūtīt uz departametu",
"Forward_to_user": "Pārsūtīt lietotājam",
"Frequently_Used": "Bieži lietots",
"Friday": "Piektdiena",
"From": "No",
"From_Email": "No e-pasta",
- "From_email_warning": "Brīdinājums: Laukā Noattiecas jūsu e-pasta servera iestatījumi.",
- "General": "Ģenerālis",
- "github_no_public_email": "GitHub kontā jums nav e-pasta kā publisks e-pasts",
- "Give_a_unique_name_for_the_custom_oauth": "Piešķiriet unikālu oauth nosaukumu",
- "Give_the_application_a_name_This_will_be_seen_by_your_users": "Piešķiriet pieteikumam vārdu. To redzēs jūsu lietotāji.",
+ "From_email_warning": "Brīdinājums: Laukā Noir pakļauts jūsu e-pasta servera iestatījumiem.",
+ "General": "Sākums",
+ "github_no_public_email": "Jums nav neviena e-pasta kā publiska e-pasta jūsu GitHub kontā",
+ "Give_a_unique_name_for_the_custom_oauth": "Piešķiriet unikālu nosaukumu pielāgotajam oauth",
+ "Give_the_application_a_name_This_will_be_seen_by_your_users": "Piešķiriet lietotnei nosaukumu. To redzēs jūsu lietotāji.",
"Global": "Globāls",
"Global_Search": "Globālā meklēšana",
"Google_Vision_usage_limit_exceeded": "Google Vision lietošanas ierobežojums ir pārsniegts",
- "GoogleCloudStorage": "Google mākoņu krātuve",
- "GoogleNaturalLanguage_ServiceAccount_Description": "Servisa konta atslēga JSON fails. Vairāk informācijas var atrast šeit (šeit) (https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/common/auth#set_up_a_service_account)",
- "GoogleTagManager_id": "Google tagu pārvaldnieka ID",
+ "GoogleCloudStorage": "Google Cloud krātuve",
+ "GoogleNaturalLanguage_ServiceAccount_Description": "Servisa konta atslēga JSON fails. Vairāk informācijas var atrast [šeit] (https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/common/auth#set_up_a_service_account)",
+ "GoogleTagManager_id": "Google Tag Manager ID",
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images": "Bloķēt pieaugušo attēlus",
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Pieaugušo attēlu bloķēšana nedarbosies, tiklīdz būs sasniegts mēneša ierobežojums",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Pašreizējā mēneša zvani",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Iespējot Google Vision",
- "GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Maks. Ikmēneša zvani",
- "GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Izmantojiet 0 neierobežotu",
+ "Gaming": "Spēles",
+ "GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Maks. Ikmēneša zvanu skaits",
+ "GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Neierobežotajam izmantojiet 0",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Google Vision pakalpojuma konts",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount_Description": "Izveidojiet servera atslēgu (JSON formāts) un ielīmējiet JSON saturu šeit",
"GoogleVision_Type_Document": "Dokumenta teksta atklāšana",
"GoogleVision_Type_Faces": "Sejas noteikšana",
"GoogleVision_Type_Labels": "Etiķešu noteikšana",
- "GoogleVision_Type_Landmarks": "Orientieru atklāšana",
+ "GoogleVision_Type_Landmarks": "Orientieru noteikšana",
"GoogleVision_Type_Logos": "Logotipu noteikšana",
"GoogleVision_Type_Properties": "Īpašības (krāsa) noteikšana",
- "GoogleVision_Type_SafeSearch": "Drošas meklēšanas noteikšana",
+ "GoogleVision_Type_SafeSearch": "SafeSearch noteikšana",
"GoogleVision_Type_Similar": "Meklēt līdzīgus attēlus",
"Group_by_Type": "Grupēt pēc veida",
- "Group_favorites": "Grupas izlases",
- "Group_mentions_only": "Grupa piemin tikai",
- "Guest_Pool": "Viesu peldbaseins",
- "Hash": "Hash",
+ "Group_favorites": "Grupēt izlases",
+ "Group_mentions_only": "Grupēt tikai pieminējumus",
+ "Guest_Pool": "Viesu kopa",
+ "Hash": "Īssavilkums",
"Header": "Galvene",
- "Header_and_Footer": "Virsraksts un kājene",
+ "Header_and_Footer": "Galvene un kājene",
"Helpers": "Palīdzības sniedzēji",
"Hex_Color_Preview": "Hex krāsu priekšskatījums",
"Hidden": "Slēpts",
"Hide_Avatars": "Paslēpt avatārus",
"Hide_counter": "Paslēpt skaitītāju",
"Hide_flextab": "Slēpt labo sānu joslu ar klikšķi",
- "Hide_Group_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt grupu \"% s\"?",
- "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties slēpt livechat ar \"% s\"?",
- "Hide_Private_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt diskusiju ar \"% s\"?",
+ "Hide_Group_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt grupu \"%s\"?",
+ "Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties slēpt livechat ar \"%s\"?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Doties uz savu darbavietu",
+ "Hide_Private_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt sarunu ar \"%s\"?",
+ "Government": "Valdība",
"Hide_roles": "Paslēpt lomas",
"Hide_room": "Paslēpt istabu",
- "Hide_Room_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt telpu \"% s\"?",
- "Hide_Unread_Room_Status": "Slēpt nelasīto numuru statusu",
- "Hide_usernames": "Slēpt lietotājvārdus",
- "Highlights": "Izceļ",
- "Highlights_How_To": "Lai saņemtu paziņojumu, kad kāds piemin vārdu vai frāzi, pievienojiet to šeit. Jūs varat atdalīt vārdus vai frāzes ar komatu. Izcelt vārdi nav reģistrjutīgi.",
+ "Hide_Room_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties paslēpt istabu \"%s\"?",
+ "Hide_Unread_Room_Status": "Paslēpt nelasīto istabu statusu",
+ "Hide_usernames": "Paslēpt lietotājvārdus",
+ "Highlights": "Aktualitātes",
+ "Highlights_How_To": "Lai saņemtu paziņojumu, kad kāds piemin vārdu vai frāzi, pievienojiet to šeit. Jūs varat atdalīt vārdus vai frāzes ar komatu. Izcelto vārdu reģistram nav nozīmes.",
"Highlights_List": "Izcelt vārdus",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Veselības aprūpe/ Farmācija",
"History": "Vēsture",
- "Host": "Saimniekdators",
+ "Host": "Resursdators",
+ "Help_Center": "Palīdzības centrs",
"hours": "stundas",
+ "Group_mentions_disabled_x_members": "Pieminējumi grupā \"@ visi\" un \"@ šeit\" ir bloķēti istabās kurās ir vairāk nekā kopējais skaits dalībnieki.",
"Hours": "Stundas",
"How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "Cik draudzīgs bija tērzēšanas aģents?",
"How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "Cik zinošs bija tērzēšanas aģents?",
- "How_long_to_wait_after_agent_goes_offline": "Cik ilgi jāgaida, kad aģents brauc bezsaistē",
- "How_responsive_was_the_chat_agent": "Cik atbildes reakcija bija tērzēšanas aģentūra?",
- "How_satisfied_were_you_with_this_chat": "Cik jūs apmierināts ar šo tērzēšanu?",
- "How_to_handle_open_sessions_when_agent_goes_offline": "Kā rīkoties atvērtajās sesijās, kad aģents dodas bezsaistē",
- "If_this_email_is_registered": "Ja šis e-pasts ir reģistrēts, mēs nosūtīsim norādījumus par to, kā atiestatīt savu paroli. Ja nesaņemsit e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzu, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
+ "How_long_to_wait_after_agent_goes_offline": "Cik ilgi jāgaida, pēc tā kad Aģents aizet bezsaistē",
+ "How_responsive_was_the_chat_agent": "Cik atsaucīgs bija tērzēšanas aģents?",
+ "How_satisfied_were_you_with_this_chat": "Cik apmierināts jūs esat ar šo tērzēšanu?",
+ "How_to_handle_open_sessions_when_agent_goes_offline": "Kā pārvaldt atvērtās sesijas, kad aģents aiziet bezsaistē",
+ "If_this_email_is_registered": "Ja šis e-pasts ir reģistrēts, mēs nosūtīsim norādījumus par to, kā atiestatīt savu paroli. Ja drīzumā nesaņemsiet e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzam, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"If_you_are_sure_type_in_your_password": "Ja esat pārliecināts, ierakstiet savu paroli:",
"If_you_are_sure_type_in_your_username": "Ja esat pārliecināts, ievadiet savu lietotājvārdu:",
"If_you_dont_have_one_send_an_email_to_omni_rocketchat_to_get_yours": "Ja jums nav, nosūtiet e-pastu uz adresi [omni@rocket.chat] (mailto: omni@rocket.chat), lai saņemtu savu.",
"Iframe_Integration": "Iframe integrācija",
"Iframe_Integration_receive_enable": "Iespējot saņemšanu",
- "Iframe_Integration_receive_enable_Description": "Ļauj vecāku logu nosūtīt komandas Rocket.Chat.",
+ "Iframe_Integration_receive_enable_Description": "Ļauj mātes logam nosūtīt komandas uz Rocket.Chat.",
"Iframe_Integration_receive_origin": "Saņemt izcelsmi",
"Iframe_Integration_receive_origin_Description": "Izcelsme ar protokola prefiksu, atdalīta ar komatiem, kuriem ir atļauts saņemt komandas, piemēram, 'https: // localhost, http: // localhost' vai *, lai ļautu saņemt no jebkuras vietas.",
"Iframe_Integration_send_enable": "Iespējot sūtīšanu",
- "Iframe_Integration_send_enable_Description": "Sūtiet notikumus uz vecāku logu",
+ "Iframe_Integration_send_enable_Description": "Sūtiet notikumus uz mātes logu",
"Iframe_Integration_send_target_origin": "Sūtīt mērķa izcelsmi",
"Iframe_Integration_send_target_origin_Description": "Izcelsme ar protokola prefiksu, kuras komandas tiek sūtītas, piem., 'https: // localhost' vai *, lai ļautu sūtīt uz jebkuru vietu.",
"Ignore": "Ignorēt",
"Ignored": "Ignorēts",
- "IMAP_intercepter_already_running": "IMAP saucējs jau darbojas",
- "IMAP_intercepter_Not_running": "IMAP pārtvērējs nedarbojas",
+ "IMAP_intercepter_already_running": "IMAP intercepter jau darbojas",
+ "IMAP_intercepter_Not_running": "IMAP intercepter nedarbojas",
"Impersonate_next_agent_from_queue": "Iesaistīt nākamo aģentu no rindas",
- "Impersonate_user": "Iztēloties lietotāju",
- "Impersonate_user_description": "Ja tas ir iespējots, integrācijas ziņas tiek izmantotas kā lietotājs, kas aktivizēja integrāciju",
+ "Impersonate_user": "Iztēloties par lietotāju",
+ "Impersonate_user_description": "Kad iespējots, integrācija publicē ziņas kā lietotājs, kas aktivizēja integrāciju",
"Import": "Importēt",
"Importer_Archived": "Arhivēts",
- "Importer_CSV_Information": "CSV importētājam ir nepieciešams īpašs formāts, lūdzu, izlasiet dokumentāciju, kā veidot savu zip failu:",
- "Importer_done": "Importēšana ir pabeigta!",
- "Importer_finishing": "Importa pabeigšana.",
- "Importer_From_Description": "Importē __from__ datus Rocket.Chat.",
- "Importer_HipChatEnterprise_BetaWarning": "Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka šis imports joprojām turpinās darbu, lūdzu, ziņojiet par visām kļūdām, kas rodas GitHub:",
+ "Importer_CSV_Information": "CSV importer ir nepieciešams noteikts formāts, lūdzu, izlasiet dokumentāciju, kā veidot savu zip failu:",
+ "Importer_done": "Importēšana ir pabeigta.",
+ "Importer_finishing": "Importēšanas pabeigšana.",
+ "Importer_From_Description": "Importē no datiem uz Rocket.Chat.",
+ "Importer_HipChatEnterprise_BetaWarning": "Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka šis importēšana joprojām turpinās darbu, lūdzu, ziņojiet par visām kļūdām, kas rodas GitHub:",
"Importer_HipChatEnterprise_Information": "Augšupielādētajam failam jābūt atšifrētam tar.gz, lūdzu, izlasiet dokumentāciju, lai saņemtu sīkāku informāciju:",
"Importer_Slack_Users_CSV_Information": "Augšupielādētajam failam jābūt Slack's Users eksporta failam, kas ir CSV fails. Plašāku informāciju skatiet šeit:",
"Importer_import_cancelled": "Imports ir atcelts.",
@@ -961,204 +1003,208 @@
"Importer_importing_started": "Importa uzsākšana.",
"Importer_importing_users": "Lietotāju importēšana.",
"Importer_not_in_progress": "Patlaban importētājs nedarbojas.",
- "Importer_not_setup": "Importētājs nav iestatīts pareizi, jo tas neatgriež nekādus datus.",
+ "Importer_not_setup": "Importētājs nav iestatīts pareizi, jo tas neatgra nekādus datus.",
"Importer_Prepare_Restart_Import": "Restartēt importēšanu",
"Importer_Prepare_Start_Import": "Sāciet importēšanu",
"Importer_Prepare_Uncheck_Archived_Channels": "Noņemiet atzīmi no arhivēto kanālu atzīmes",
"Importer_Prepare_Uncheck_Deleted_Users": "Noņemiet atzīmi no sadaļas Dzēstie lietotāji",
- "Importer_progress_error": "Neizdevās iegūt importa progresu.",
- "Importer_setup_error": "Izveidojot importētāju, radās kļūda.",
+ "Importer_progress_error": "Neizdevās iegūt informāciju par importa progresu.",
+ "Importer_setup_error": "Iestatot importētāju, radās kļūda.",
"Importer_Source_File": "Avota faila izvēle",
"Incoming_Livechats": "Ienākošie Livechats",
- "Incoming_WebHook": "Ienākošā WebHook",
- "initials_avatar": "Initials Avatar",
+ "Incoming_WebHook": "Ienākošs WebHook",
+ "initials_avatar": "Avatāra iniciāļi",
"inline_code": "inline kods",
"Install_Extension": "Instalējiet paplašinājumu",
"Install_FxOs": "Instalējiet Rocket.Chat savā Firefox",
"Install_FxOs_done": "Lieliski! Tagad jūs varat izmantot Rocket.Chat, izmantojot ikonu savā sākuma ekrānā. Izklaidējies ar Rocket.Chat!",
"Install_FxOs_error": "Atvainojiet, tas nedarbojās pareizi! Tika parādīta šāda kļūda:",
- "Install_FxOs_follow_instructions": "Lūdzu, apstipriniet lietotnes instalēšanu savā ierīcē (pēc pieprasījuma atveriet \"Instalēt\").",
+ "Install_FxOs_follow_instructions": "Lūdzu, apstipriniet lietotnes instalēšanu savā ierīcē (pēc pieprasījuma nospiediet \"Instalēt\").",
"Install_package": "Instalējiet pakotni",
- "Installation": "Uzstādīšana",
- "Installed_at": "Uzstādīts pie",
+ "Installation": "Instalēšana",
+ "Installed_at": "Instalēts pie",
"Instance_Record": "Instances reģistrēšana",
- "Instructions_to_your_visitor_fill_the_form_to_send_a_message": "Norādījumi apmeklētājam aizpilda veidlapu, lai nosūtītu ziņojumu",
+ "Instructions_to_your_visitor_fill_the_form_to_send_a_message": "Norādījumi jūsu apmeklētājam aizpildīt veidlapu, lai nosūtītu ziņojumu",
"Integration_added": "Integrācija ir pievienota",
- "Integration_Advanced_Settings": "Papildu iestatījumi",
+ "Integration_Advanced_Settings": "Detalizētie iestatījumi",
"Integration_disabled": "Integrācija ir atspējota",
"Integration_History_Cleared": "Integrācijas vēsture veiksmīgi izdzēsta",
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Ienākošā WebHook integrācija",
- "Integration_New": "Jaunā integrācija",
+ "Integration_New": "Jauna integrācija",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Izejošā WebHook integrācija",
+ "Industry": "Industrija",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "Izejošā WebHook integrācijas vēsture",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Dati nodoti integrācijai",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Dati pārsūtīti integrācijai",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Dati pārsūtīti uz URL",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Error_Stacktrace": "Kļūda stacktrace",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Error_Stacktrace": "Kļūda Stacktrace",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Http_Response": "HTTP atbilde",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Http_Response_Error": "HTTP atbildes kļūda",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Messages_Sent_From_Prepare_Script": "Ziņojumi, kas nosūtīti no sagatavošanas posma",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Messages_Sent_From_Process_Script": "Ziņas nosūtīts no Process Response Step",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Messages_Sent_From_Process_Script": "Ziņojumi nosūtīti no atbildes procesa posma",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Time_Ended_Or_Error": "Laiks ir beidzies vai kļūda",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Time_Triggered": "Laika integrācija ir aktivizēta",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Pēdējais soli pa solim",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "Šai izejošajai Webhook integrācijai vēl nav bijusi reģistrēta vēsture.",
- "Integration_Retry_Count": "Mēģiniet vēlreiz",
- "Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Cik reizes būtu jāpārbauda integrācija, ja neizdodas izsaukt aicinājumu uz url?",
- "Integration_Retry_Delay": "Atkārtot aizkavēšanos",
- "Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Kāds aizkavēšanas algoritms būtu atkārtotas izmantošanas? 10 ^ xvai 2 ^ xvai x * 2",
- "Integration_Retry_Failed_Url_Calls": "Atkārtot neizdevušos Url zvanus",
- "Integration_Retry_Failed_Url_Calls_Description": "Vai integrācijai vajadzētu izmēģināt saprātīgu laika periodu, ja neizdodas izsaukt adresi?",
- "Integration_Run_When_Message_Is_Edited": "Izpildīt labojumus",
- "Integration_Run_When_Message_Is_Edited_Description": "Vai integrācija jāuzsāk, kad tiek rediģēts ziņojums? Ja iestatīsiet šo kļūdu nepatiesā veidā, integrācija darbosies tikai ar jauniemziņojumiem.",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Pēdējais aktivizācijas solis",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "Šai izejošajai Webhook integrācijai vēl nav reģistrēta vēsture.",
+ "Integration_Retry_Count": "Mēģinājumu skaits",
+ "Insurance": "Nodrošinājums",
+ "Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Cik reizes būtu jāmeģinaintegrācija, ja neizdodas izsaukums uz url?",
+ "Integration_Retry_Delay": "Atkārtoti atlikt",
+ "Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Kādu atlikšanas algoritmu būtu atkārtošanai jāizmanto? 10 ^ xvai 2 ^ xvai x * 2",
+ "Integration_Retry_Failed_Url_Calls": "Atkārtot neizdevušos izsaukumu uz Url",
+ "Integration_Retry_Failed_Url_Calls_Description": "Vai integrācijai vajadzētu mēģināt saprātīgu laika periodu, ja neizdodas izsaukums uz url?",
+ "Integration_Run_When_Message_Is_Edited": "Darboties uz rediģējumiem",
+ "Integration_Run_When_Message_Is_Edited_Description": "Vai integrācijai jādarbojas, kad tiek rediģēts ziņojums? Ja iestatīsiet šo ar nē, integrācija darbosies tikai ar jauniemziņojumiem.",
"Integration_updated": "Integrācija ir atjaunināta.",
- "Integration_Word_Trigger_Placement": "Word izvietošana jebkur",
- "Integration_Word_Trigger_Placement_Description": "Vai vārds tiek palaists, kad to novieto visur vietā, kas nav sākums?",
- "Integrations": "Integrācija",
- "Integrations_for_all_channels": "Ievadiet all_public_channelsklausīties visiem valsts kanālos, all_private_groupsklausīties visas privātām grupām, un all_direct_messagesnoklausīties visiem tiešajiem ziņojumiem.",
- "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_FileUploaded": "Augšupielādēts fails",
- "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomArchived": "Arhivēta istaba",
- "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomCreated": "Izveidotais numurs (publiska un privāta)",
- "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomJoined": "Lietotājs pievienoja numuru",
- "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomLeft": "Lietotāja kreisā telpa",
+ "Integration_Word_Trigger_Placement": "Vārdu izvietošana jebkur",
+ "Integration_Word_Trigger_Placement_Description": "Vai vārds tiek trigerots(aktivizēts), kad to novieto jebkur teikumā, kas nav teikuma sākums?",
+ "Integrations": "Integrācijas",
+ "Integrations_for_all_channels": "Ievadiet all_public_channels lai klausītos visus publiskos kanālus, all_private_groups lai klausītos visas privātās grupās, un all_direct_messages lai noklausītos visus ziņojumus.",
+ "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_FileUploaded": "Fails augšupielādēts",
+ "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomArchived": "Istaba arhivēta",
+ "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomCreated": "Istaba izveidota (publiska un privāta)",
+ "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomJoined": "Lietotājs pievienojās istabai",
+ "Integrations_Outgoing_Type_RoomLeft": "Lietotāja pameta istabu",
"Integrations_Outgoing_Type_SendMessage": "Ziņa nosūtīta",
"Integrations_Outgoing_Type_UserCreated": "Lietotājs izveidots",
"InternalHubot": "Iekšējais Hubots",
"InternalHubot_PathToLoadCustomScripts": "Mape, lai ielādētu skriptus",
- "InternalHubot_reload": "Ielādējiet skriptus",
- "InternalHubot_ScriptsToLoad": "Skripti, lai ielādētu",
+ "InternalHubot_reload": "Pārlādējiet skriptus",
+ "InternalHubot_ScriptsToLoad": "Skripti ielādēi",
"InternalHubot_ScriptsToLoad_Description": "Lūdzu, ievadiet ar komatu atdalītu skriptu sarakstu, lai ielādētu no jūsu pielāgotās mapes",
- "InternalHubot_Username_Description": "Tam jābūt derīgam jūsu serverī reģistrētā robots lietotājvārdam.",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForChannels": "Iespējot publiskos kanālus",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForDirectMessages": "Iespējot tiešajām ziņām",
- "InternalHubot_EnableForPrivateGroups": "Iespējot privātiem kanāliem",
+ "InternalHubot_Username_Description": "Tam jābūt derīgam jūsu serverī reģistrētā bota lietotājvārdam.",
+ "InternalHubot_EnableForChannels": "Aktivizēt publiskos kanālus",
+ "InternalHubot_EnableForDirectMessages": "Aktivizēt ziņojumus",
+ "InternalHubot_EnableForPrivateGroups": "Aktivizēt privātiem kanāliem",
"Invalid_confirm_pass": "Paroles apstiprinājums neatbilst parolei",
"Invalid_email": "Ievadītais e-pasts nav derīgs",
- "Invalid_Export_File": "Augšupielādētais fails nav derīgs% s eksporta fails.",
- "Invalid_Import_File_Type": "Nederīgs faila tipa importēšana.",
+ "Invalid_Export_File": "Augšupielādētais fails nav derīgs %s eksporta fails.",
+ "Invalid_Import_File_Type": "Nederīgs faila veida importēšana.",
"Invalid_name": "Nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs",
- "Invalid_notification_setting_s": "Nederīgs paziņojumu iestatījums:% s",
+ "Invalid_notification_setting_s": "Nederīgs paziņojumu iestatījums: %s",
"Invalid_pass": "Parole nedrīkst būt tukša",
"Invalid_reason": "Pievienošanas iemesls nedrīkst būt tukšs",
- "Invalid_room_name": "% snav derīgs telpas nosaukums",
+ "Invalid_room_name": "% snav derīgs istabas nosaukums",
"Invalid_secret_URL_message": "Iesniegtais URL nav derīgs.",
- "Invalid_setting_s": "Nederīgs iestatījums:% s",
+ "Invalid_setting_s": "Nederīgs iestatījums: %s",
"Invalid_two_factor_code": "Nederīgs divu faktoru kods",
"invisible": "neredzams",
"Invisible": "Neredzams",
- "Invitation": "Ielūgums",
- "Invitation_HTML": "Ielūgums HTML",
+ "Invitation": "Uzaicinājums",
+ "Invitation_HTML": "Uzaicinājums HTML",
"Invitation_HTML_Default": "
Jūs esat uzaicināts uz
Atveriet vietni [Site_URL] un izmēģiniet labāko atvērtā pirmkoda tērzēšanas risinājumu, kas pieejams šodien!
- "Invitation_HTML_Description": "Saņēmēja e-pasta ziņojumā varat izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietojumprogrammas nosaukums un URL.
[Site_Name] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietotnes nosaukumam un URL.
+ "Invitation_Subject": "Uzaicinājuma tēma",
"Invitation_Subject_Default": "Jūs esat uzaicināts uz [Site_Name]",
- "Invite_user_to_join_channel": "Ielūgt vienu lietotāju pievienoties šim kanālam",
- "Invite_user_to_join_channel_all_from": "Ielūgt visus lietotājus no [#channel] pievienoties šim kanālam",
- "Invite_user_to_join_channel_all_to": "Ielūgt visus šī kanāla lietotājus pievienoties [#channel]",
+ "Invite_user_to_join_channel": "Uzaicināt vienu lietotāju pievienoties šim kanālam",
+ "Invite_user_to_join_channel_all_from": "Uzaicināt visus lietotājus no [#channel] pievienoties šim kanālam",
+ "Invite_user_to_join_channel_all_to": "Uzaicināt visus šī kanāla lietotājus pievienoties [#channel]",
"Invite_Users": "Uzaicināt lietotājus",
- "IRC_Channel_Join": "JOIN komandas izeja.",
- "IRC_Channel_Leave": "DAĻAS komandas izlaide.",
- "IRC_Channel_Users": "NAMES komandas izeja.",
- "IRC_Channel_Users_End": "NAMES komandas izvades beigas.",
- "IRC_Description": "Interneta relay čats (IRC) ir tekstu balstīts grupas komunikācijas rīks. Lietotāji pievienojas unikāli nosauktiem kanāliem vai telpām, lai atvērtu diskusiju. IRC atbalsta arī privātus ziņojumus starp atsevišķiem lietotājiem un failu apmaiņas iespējas. Šī pakete apvieno šos funkcionalitātes slāņus ar Rocket.Chat.",
- "IRC_Enabled": "Mēģinājums integrēt IRC atbalstu. Lai mainītu šo vērtību, nepieciešams Restart Rocket.Chat.",
+ "IRC_Channel_Join": "JOIN komandas izpildes rezultāts.",
+ "IRC_Channel_Leave": "DAĻAS komandas izpildes rezultāts.",
+ "IRC_Channel_Users": "NAMES komandas izpildes rezultāts.",
+ "IRC_Channel_Users_End": "NAMES komandas izpildes rezultāta beigas.",
+ "IRC_Description": "Internet Relay Chat (IRC) ir uz teksta balstīts grupas komunikācijas rīks. Lietotāji pievienojas unikāli nosauktiem kanāliem vai istabām, lai uzsāktu sarunu. IRC atbalsta arī privātus ziņojumus starp atsevišķiem lietotājiem un failu apmaiņas iespējas. Šī pakete integre šos funkcionalitātes slāņus ar Rocket.Chat.",
+ "IRC_Enabled": "Mēģinājums integrēt IRC atbalstu. Nomainot šo vērtību, nepieciešams restartēt Rocket.Chat.",
"IRC_Hostname": "IRC resursdatora savienojums ar.",
- "IRC_Login_Fail": "Izvadi pēc nepareiza savienojuma ar IRC serveri.",
- "IRC_Login_Success": "Izvadi pēc veiksmīga savienojuma ar IRC serveri.",
- "IRC_Message_Cache_Size": "Izejas ziņojumu apstrādes kešatmiņas limits.",
- "IRC_Port": "Ostas, kas saistās ar IRC resursdatora serveri.",
- "IRC_Private_Message": "PRIVMSG komandas izlaide.",
- "IRC_Quit": "Rezultāts pēc izstāšanās no IRC sesijas.",
- "is_also_typing": "arī rakstīt",
- "is_also_typing_female": "arī rakstīt",
- "is_also_typing_male": "arī rakstīt",
+ "IRC_Login_Fail": "Rezultāts pēc nepareiza savienojuma ar IRC serveri.",
+ "IRC_Login_Success": "Rezultāts pēc veiksmīga savienojuma ar IRC serveri.",
+ "IRC_Message_Cache_Size": "Exportēto ziņojumu apstrādes kešatmiņas limits.",
+ "IRC_Port": "Ports savienojumam ar IRC resursdatora serveri.",
+ "IRC_Private_Message": "PRIVMSG komandas izpildes rezultāts.",
+ "IRC_Quit": "Rezultāts pēc iziešanas no IRC sesijas.",
+ "is_also_typing": "arī raksta",
+ "is_also_typing_female": "arī raksta",
+ "is_also_typing_male": "arī raksta",
"is_typing": "raksta",
"is_typing_female": "raksta",
"is_typing_male": "raksta",
- "Issue_Links": "Problēma tracker saites",
- "IssueLinks_Incompatible": "Brīdinājums: neļaujiet to un Hex krāsu priekšskatījumu tajā pašā laikā.",
- "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate": "Izlaišanas saišu veidne",
- "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Izlaišanas saišu veidne; % s tiks aizstāts ar izdošanas numuru.",
+ "Issue_Links": "Problēma izsekojošās saites",
+ "IssueLinks_Incompatible": "Brīdinājums: neiespējojiet vienlaicgi šo un 'Hex Color Preview'.",
+ "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate": "Problemātisko saišu šablons",
+ "IssueLinks_LinkTemplate_Description": "Problemātisko saišu šablons; %s tiks aizstāts ar problēmas numuru.",
"It_works": "Tas strādā",
"Idle_Time_Limit": "Dīkstāves laika ierobežojums",
- "Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Laika periods, līdz statuss mainās prom. Vērtībai jābūt sekundēs.",
+ "Idle_Time_Limit_Description": "Laika periods, līdz statuss mainās uz izgājis. Vērtībai jābūt sekundēs.",
"italics": "kursīvs",
- "Jitsi_Chrome_Extension": "Chrome paplašinājuma ID",
+ "Jitsi_Chrome_Extension": "Chrome Extension ID",
"Jitsi_Enable_Channels": "Iespējot kanālos",
- "join": "pievienoties",
+ "join": "Pievienoties",
"join-without-join-code": "Pievienoties bez pievienošanās koda",
- "join-without-join-code_description": "Atļauja apiet pievienotā koda kanālus, kuriem ir pievienots savienojuma kods",
- "Join_audio_call": "Pievienojieties audio zvanam",
- "Join_Chat": "Pievienojieties tērzēšanai",
- "Join_default_channels": "Pievienojieties noklusējuma kanāliem",
- "Join_the_Community": "Pievienojies Kopienai",
- "Join_the_given_channel": "Pievienojies šim kanālam",
- "Join_video_call": "Pievienojieties videozvanam",
+ "join-without-join-code_description": "Atļauja apiet pievienošanās kodu kanālos, kuros ir iespējots pievienošanās kods",
+ "Join_audio_call": "Pievienoties audio zvanam",
+ "Join_Chat": "Pievienoties tērzēšanai",
+ "Join_default_channels": "Pievienoties noklusējuma kanāliem",
+ "Join_the_Community": "Pievienoties Kopienai",
+ "Join_the_given_channel": "Pievienoties šim kanālam",
+ "Join_video_call": "Pievienotieties videozvanam",
"Joined": "Pievienojies",
- "Jump": "Lēkt",
+ "Jump": "Pāriet",
"Jump_to_first_unread": "Pāriet uz pirmo nelasīto",
- "Jump_to_message": "Pāriet uz ziņu",
+ "Jump_to_message": "Pāriet uz ziņojumu",
"Jump_to_recent_messages": "Pāriet uz nesenajiem ziņojumiem",
"Just_invited_people_can_access_this_channel": "Tikai uzaicināti cilvēki var piekļūt šim kanālam.",
- "Katex_Dollar_Syntax": "Atļaut dolāru sintakse",
- "Katex_Dollar_Syntax_Description": "Atļaut, izmantojot $$ katex block $$ un $ inline katex $ sintakse",
- "Katex_Enabled": "Katex Enabled",
- "Katex_Enabled_Description": "Atļaut, izmantojot katex, lai matemātikā sagatavotu ziņojumus",
- "Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Atļaut virknes sintakse",
- "Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Atļaut izmantot \\ [katex block \\] un \\ (inline katex \\) sintakse",
- "Keep_default_user_settings": "Saglabājiet noklusējuma iestatījumus",
+ "Katex_Dollar_Syntax": "Atļaut Dollar Syntax",
+ "Katex_Dollar_Syntax_Description": "Atļaut, izmantot $$ katex block $$ un $ inline katex $ sintakses",
+ "Katex_Enabled": "Katex iespējots",
+ "Katex_Enabled_Description": "Atļaut, izmantot katex, matemātikas rakstāmveida iestatījumiem ziņojumos",
+ "Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Atļaut Parenthesis Syntax",
+ "Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Atļaut izmantot \\[katex block\\] un \\(inline katex\\) sintakses",
+ "Job_Title": "Darba nosaukums",
+ "Keep_default_user_settings": "Saglabāt noklusējuma iestatījumus",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Edit_Previous_Message": "Rediģēt iepriekšējo ziņojumu",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_1": "Ctrl+ p",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_2": "bultiņa uz augšu",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_3": "Komanda(vai Alt) + Ar kreiso bultiņu",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_4": "Komanda(vai Alt) + bultiņa uz augšu",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_5": "Komanda(vai Alt) + ar labo bultiņu",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_6": "Komanda(vai Alt) + bultiņa uz leju",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_7": "Shift+ Ievadiet",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_Beginning_Of_Message": "Pārvietojieties uz ziņas sākumu",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_End_Of_Message": "Pārvietot uz ziņojuma beigām",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_New_Line_In_Message": "Jaunā rindiņa ziņojumā sastāda ievadi",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Open_Channel_Slash_User_Search": "Atveriet kanālu / lietotāja meklēšanu",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_2": "Bultiņa uz augšu",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_3": "Komanda(vai Alt) + Bultiņa pa kreisi",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_4": "Komanda(vai Alt) + Bultiņa uz augšu",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_5": "Komanda(vai Alt) + Bultiņa pa labi",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_6": "Komanda(vai Alt) + Bultiņa uz leju",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_7": "Shift+ Enter",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_Beginning_Of_Message": "Pārvietoties uz ziņojuma sākumu",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_End_Of_Message": "Pārvietoties uz ziņojuma beigām",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_New_Line_In_Message": "Izveides datu ievade jauna rindiņa ziņojumā",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Open_Channel_Slash_User_Search": "Atvērt kanālu / lietotāja meklēšana",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Title": "Tastatūras saīsnes",
"Knowledge_Base": "Zināšanu pamats",
- "Label": "Uzlīme",
+ "Label": "Iezīme",
"Language": "Valoda",
"Language_Version": "Angļu versija",
- "Language_Not_set": "Nav specifisku",
+ "Language_Not_set": "Nav specifisks",
"Last_login": "Pēdējā pieteikšanās",
- "Last_Message_At": "Pēdējais ziņojums pie",
+ "Last_Message_At": "Pēdējais ziņojums ",
"Last_seen": "Pēdējo reizi redzēts",
"Layout": "Izkārtojums",
- "Layout_Home_Body": "Mājas ķermeņa",
- "Layout_Home_Title": "Mājas sadaļa",
+ "Layout_Home_Body": "Sākuma pamatteksts",
+ "Layout_Home_Title": "Sākuma virsraksts",
"Layout_Login_Terms": "Pieteikšanās noteikumi",
"Layout_Privacy_Policy": "Privātuma politika",
"Layout_Sidenav_Footer": "Sānu navigācijas kājene",
- "Layout_Sidenav_Footer_description": "Kājenes lielums ir 260 x 70 pikseļi",
+ "Layout_Sidenav_Footer_description": "Kājenes lielums ir 260 x 70px",
"Layout_Terms_of_Service": "Pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi",
"LDAP_CA_Cert": "CA Cert",
"LDAP_Connect_Timeout": "Savienojuma beigu laiks (ms)",
"LDAP_Default_Domain": "Noklusējuma domēns",
- "LDAP_Default_Domain_Description": "Ja tiek nodrošināts, noklusējuma domēns tiks izmantots, lai izveidotu unikālu e-pasta adresi lietotājiem, kuru e-pasts netika importēts no LDAP. E-pasts tiks uzstādīts kā `lietotājvārds @ default_domain` vai` unique_id @ default_domain`. Piemērs: `rocket.chat`",
- "LDAP_Description": "LDAP ir hierarhiska datu bāze, ko daudzi uzņēmumi izmanto, lai nodrošinātu vienotu zīmi - vienotu paroli starp vairākām vietnēm un pakalpojumiem. Papildu informāciju par konfigurāciju un piemērus skatiet mūsu wiki: https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/authentication/ldap/.",
+ "LDAP_Default_Domain_Description": "Ja tiek nodrošināts, noklusējuma domēns tiks izmantots, lai izveidotu unikālu e-pasta adresi lietotājiem, kur e-pasts netika importēts no LDAP. E-pasts tiks uzstādīts kā `lietotājvārds @ default_domain` vai` unique_id @ default_domain`. Piemērs: `rocket.chat`",
+ "LDAP_Description": "LDAP ir hierarhiska datu bāze, ko daudzi uzņēmumi izmanto, lai nodrošinātu vienotu pieteikšanos - telpu kur dalties ar vienu paroli starp vairākām vietnēm un pakalpojumiem. Papildu konfigurācijas informācijai un piemēriem, lūdzu skatiet mūsu wiki: https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/authentication/ldap/.",
"LDAP_BaseDN": "Base DN",
- "LDAP_BaseDN_Description": "LDAP apakštruļs, kuru jūs vēlaties meklēt lietotājiem un grupām, ir pilnībā kvalificēts pazīstamais nosaukums (DN). Jūs varat pievienot tik daudz, cik vēlaties; tomēr katrai grupai jābūt definētai tajā pašā domēna bāzē kā tās lietotājam. Piemērs: `ou = Lietotāji + ou = Projekti, dc = Piemērs, dc = com`. Ja jūs norādīsit ierobežotas lietotāju grupas, darbības jomā būs tikai tie lietotāji, kas pieder pie šīm grupām. Mēs iesakām norādīt jūsu LDAP direktoriju koka augstāko līmeni kā jūsu domēna bāzi un izmantot meklēšanas filtru, lai kontrolētu piekļuvi.",
+ "LDAP_BaseDN_Description": "Pilnībā kvalificēts LDAP no apakškoka atšķirams nosaukums (AN), kurā jūs vēlaties meklēt lietotājus un grupas. Jūs varat pievienot tik daudz, cik vēlaties; tomēr katrai grupai jābūt definētai tajā pašā domēna bāzē kā lietotajiem kas tai pieder. Piemērs: `ou = Lietotāji + ou = Projekti, dc = Piemērs, dc = com`. Ja jūs norādīsiet ierobežotas lietotāju grupas, darbības jomā būs tikai tie lietotāji, kas pieder pie šīm grupām. Mēs iesakām norādīt jūsu LDAP direktoriju koka augstāko līmeni kā jūsu domēna bāzi un izmantot meklēšanas filtru, lai kontrolētu piekļuvi.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Field": "Meklēšanas lauks",
- "LDAP_User_Search_Field_Description": "LDAP atribūts, kas identificē LDAP lietotāju, kurš mēģina autentificēt. Šim laukam jābūt `sAMAccountName` lielākajai daļai Active Directory instalāciju, bet tas var būt` uid` citiem LDAP risinājumiem, piemēram, OpenLDAP. Jūs varat izmantot e-pastu, lai identificētu lietotājus pa e-pastu vai kāda cita atribūta vēlaties. Varat izmantot vairākas komatu atdalītas vērtības, lai lietotāji varētu pieteikties, izmantojot vairākus identifikatorus, piemēram, lietotājvārdu vai e-pastu.",
- "LDAP_User_Search_Filter": "Filtrēt",
- "LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "Ja tas ir norādīts, tikai šim filtram atbilstošajiem lietotājiem tiks atļauts pierakstīties. Ja neviens filtrs nav norādīts, visi lietotāji, kuri atrodas noteiktā domēna bāzē, varēs pierakstīties. Piem. Active Directory \"memberOf = cn = ROCKET_CHAT, ou = Vispārīgās grupas\". Piem. par OpenLDAP (paplašināmu meklēt meklēšanu) `ou: dn: = ROCKET_CHAT`.",
+ "LDAP_User_Search_Field_Description": "LDAP atribūts, kas identificē LDAP lietotāju, kurš mēģina autentificēties. Šim laukam jābūt `sAMAccountName` lielākajai daļai Active Directory instalācijām, bet tas var būt` uid` citiem LDAP risinājumiem, piemēram, OpenLDAP. Jūs varat izmantot e-pastu, lai identificētu lietotājus pa e-pastu vai pēc cita atribūta kāda vēlaties. Varat izmantot vairākas komatu atdalītas vērtības, lai lietotāji varētu pieteikties, izmantojot vairākus identifikatorus, piemēram, lietotājvārdu vai e-pastu.",
+ "LDAP_User_Search_Filter": "Filtrs",
+ "LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "Ja tas ir norādīts, tikai šim filtram atbilstošajiem lietotājiem tiks atļauts pierakstīties. Ja neviens filtrs nav norādīts, visi lietotāji, kuri atrodas noteiktā domēna bāzē, varēs pierakstīties.\n Piem. Active Directory \"memberOf = cn = ROCKET_CHAT, ou = Vispārīgās grupas\". Piem. par OpenLDAP (paplašināmu meklēt meklēšanu) `ou: dn: = ROCKET_CHAT`.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Darbības joma",
"LDAP_Authentication": "Iespējot",
+ "Launched_successfully": "Veiksmīgi palaists",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "Parole",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "Lietotāja DN",
- "LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "LDAP lietotājs, kas veic lietotāja meklēšanu, lai autentificētu citus lietotājus, kad pierakstās. Tas parasti ir pakalpojuma konts, kas īpaši izveidots trešo pušu integrācijai. Izmantojiet pilnīgi kvalificētu vārdu, piemēram, `cn = Administrators, cn = Lietotāji, dc = Piemērs, dc = com`.",
+ "LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "LDAP lietotājs, kas veic lietotāja meklēšanu, lai autentificētu citus lietotājus, kad tie pierakstās. Tas parasti ir pakalpojuma konts, kas īpaši izveidots trešo pušu integrācijai. Izmantojiet pilnīgi kvalificētu vārdu, piemēram, `cn = Administrators, cn = Lietotāji, dc = Piemērs, dc = com`.",
"LDAP_Enable": "Iespējot",
"LDAP_Enable_Description": "Mēģinājums izmantot LDAP autentifikācijai.",
"LDAP_Encryption": "Šifrēšana",
- "LDAP_Encryption_Description": "Šifrēšanas metode, ko izmanto, lai nodrošinātu LDAP servera saziņu. Piemēri ietver plain (bez šifrēšanas), `SSL / LDAPS` (šifrēts no paša sākuma) un` StartTLS` (jauninājums uz šifrētu saziņu, kad tas ir savienots).",
+ "LDAP_Encryption_Description": "Šifrēšanas metode, ko izmanto, lai nodrošinātu drošu saziņu ar LDAP servera. Piemēri ietver plain (bez šifrēšanas), `SSL / LDAPS` (šifrēts no paša sākuma) un` StartTLS` (jauninājums uz šifrētu saziņu, kad tas ir savienots).",
"LDAP_Internal_Log_Level": "Iekšējā žurnāla līmenis",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable": "Iespējot LDAP lietotāju grupas filtru",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable_Description": "LDAP grupas lietotāju piekļuves ierobežošana Noderīga OpenLDAP serveriem bez pārklājumiem, kas nepieļauj * memberOf * filtru",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable_Description": "LDAP grupas lietotāju piekļuves ierobežošana Noderīga OpenLDAP serveriem bez pārklājumiem, kas nepieļauj * memberOf * filtru",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Id_Attribute": "Grupas ID atribūts",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Id_Attribute_Description": "Piemēram * OpenLDAP: * cn",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Attribute": "Grupas dalībnieku atribūts",
@@ -1166,66 +1212,66 @@
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Format": "Grupas dalībnieku formāts",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Format_Description": "Piemēram * OpenLDAP: * uid = # {lietotājvārds}, ou = lietotāji, o = uzņēmums, c = com",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Name": "Grupas nosaukums",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Name_Description": "Grupas nosaukums, uz kuru tas pieder lietotājam",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Name_Description": "Grupas nosaukums pie kuras pieder lietotājs",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass": "Grupa ObjectClass",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass_Description": "* Objektu klase *, kas identificē grupas. Piem. OpenLDAP: groupOfUniqueNames",
- "LDAP_Host": "Saimniekdators",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass_Description": "* Objectclass *, kas identificē grupas. Piem. OpenLDAP: groupOfUniqueNames",
+ "LDAP_Host": "Resursdators",
"LDAP_Host_Description": "LDAP resursdators, piem., `ldap.example.com` vai``.",
"LDAP_Idle_Timeout": "Dīkstāves beigu laiks (ms)",
- "LDAP_Idle_Timeout_Description": "Cik milisekundes jāgaida pēc jaunākās LDAP operācijas, līdz savienojums ir aizvērts. (Katra darbība atver jaunu savienojumu)",
- "LDAP_Import_Users_Description": "Tiešā sinhronizācijas procesā tiks importēti visi LDAP lietotāji * Uzmanību! * Norādiet meklēšanas filtru, lai nepieļautu lietotāju pārsniegšanu.",
- "LDAP_Login_Fallback": "Pieteikties atteikties",
- "LDAP_Login_Fallback_Description": "Ja LDAP pieteikšanās nav veiksmīga, mēģiniet pieteikties noklusējuma / vietējā kontu sistēmā. Palīdz, kad kāda iemesla dēļ LDAP ir uz leju.",
+ "LDAP_Idle_Timeout_Description": "Cik milisekundes jāgaida pēc jaunākās LDAP operācijas, līdz savienojums tiks aizvērts. (Katra darbība atver jaunu savienojumu)",
+ "LDAP_Import_Users_Description": "Patiesajā sinhronizācijas procesā tiks importēti visi LDAP lietotāji * Uzmanību! * Norādiet meklēšanas filtru, lai neimportētu liekus lietotājus.",
+ "LDAP_Login_Fallback": "Pieteikšanās atkāpšanās darbība",
+ "LDAP_Login_Fallback_Description": "Ja LDAP pieteikšanās nav veiksmīga, mēģiniet pieteikties noklusējuma / vietējā kontu sistēmā. Palīdz, kad kāda iemesla dēļ LDAP nedarbojas.",
"LDAP_Merge_Existing_Users": "Apvienot esošos lietotājus",
- "LDAP_Merge_Existing_Users_Description": "* Uzmanību! * Importējot lietotāju no LDAP un lietotājs ar tādu pašu lietotājvārdu jau eksistē, LDAP info un parole tiks iestatīta esošajam lietotājam.",
- "LDAP_Port": "Osta",
- "LDAP_Port_Description": "Port, lai piekļūtu LDAP. piem.: \"389\" vai \"636\" LDAPS",
+ "LDAP_Merge_Existing_Users_Description": "* Uzmanību! * Importējot lietotāju no LDAP un lietotājs ar tādu pašu lietotājvārdu jau eksistē, LDAP info un parole tiks iestatīta kāda ir jau esošajam lietotājam.",
+ "LDAP_Port": "Ports",
+ "LDAP_Port_Description": "Ports, lai piekļūtu LDAP. piem.: \"389\" vai \"636\" LDAPS",
"LDAP_Reconnect": "Atjaunot savienojumu",
- "LDAP_Reconnect_Description": "Mēģiniet atkārtoti pieslēgties automātiski, ja kāda iemesla dēļ savienojums tiek pārtraukts, veicot darbības",
+ "LDAP_Reconnect_Description": "Mēģināt automātiski atjaunot savienojumu, ja veicot darbības, kāda iemesla dēļ savienojums tiek pārtraukts",
"LDAP_Reject_Unauthorized": "Noraidīt nesankcionētu",
"LDAP_Reject_Unauthorized_Description": "Atspējojiet šo opciju, lai atļautu sertifikātus, kurus nevar pārbaudīt. Parasti Self Signed Certificates prasīs, lai šī opcija darbotos",
- "LDAP_Sync_User_Avatar": "Sync User Avatar",
- "LDAP_Sync_Now": "Fona sinhronizācija tūlīt",
- "LDAP_Sync_Now_Description": "Būs izpildīt ** Background Sync ** tagad, nevis pagaidiet ** Sync Interval **, pat ja ** Background Sync ** ir False. Šī darbība ir asinhrona, lūdzu, skatiet žurnālus, lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju par process",
+ "LDAP_Sync_User_Avatar": "Sinhronizēt lietotāja avatāru",
+ "LDAP_Sync_Now": "Tultēja fona sinhronizācija",
+ "LDAP_Sync_Now_Description": "Izpildīs ** Fona sinhronizācija ** tagad, nevis gaidīt ** Sinhronizācijas intervāls **, pat ja ** Fona sinhronizācija ** ir False. Šī darbība ir asinhrona, lūdzu, skatiet žurnālus, lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju par procesu",
"LDAP_Background_Sync": "Fona sinhronizācija",
"LDAP_Background_Sync_Interval": "Fona sinhronizācijas intervāls",
- "LDAP_Background_Sync_Interval_Description": "Intervāls starp sinhronizācijām. Piemērs \"ik pēc 24 stundām\" vai \"pirmās nedēļas dienas\", vairāk piemēri [Cron Text Parser] (http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text)",
+ "LDAP_Background_Sync_Interval_Description": "Intervāls starp sinhronizācijām. Piemērs \"ik pēc 24 stundām\" vai \"pirmajā nedēļas dienā\", vairāk piemēri [Cron Text Parser] (http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text)",
"LDAP_Background_Sync_Import_New_Users": "Fona sinhronizācija Importēt jaunus lietotājus",
- "LDAP_Background_Sync_Import_New_Users_Description": "Vai importēs visus lietotājus (pamatojoties uz jūsu filtrēšanas kritērijiem), kas pastāv LDAP, un Rocket.Chat neeksistē",
- "LDAP_Background_Sync_Keep_Existant_Users_Updated": "Fona sinhronizācija atjaunina esošos lietotājus",
- "LDAP_Background_Sync_Keep_Existant_Users_Updated_Description": "Sinhronizēs visus lietotājus, kas jau importēti no LDAP, ik pēc ** sinhronizācijas intervāla ** (pēc jūsu konfigurācijas) iemiesojuma, lauku, lietotājvārda utt.",
+ "LDAP_Background_Sync_Import_New_Users_Description": "Importēs visus lietotājus (pamatojoties uz jūsu filtrēšanas kritērijiem), kuri pastāv LDAP, un neeksistē Rocket.Chat ",
+ "LDAP_Background_Sync_Keep_Existant_Users_Updated": "Fona sinhronizācija atjaunot esošos lietotājus",
+ "LDAP_Background_Sync_Keep_Existant_Users_Updated_Description": "Sinhronizēs visu lietotāju, kas jau importēti no LDAP, avatarus, laukus, lietotājvārdus, u.t.t. (pēc jūsu konfigurācijas) ik pēc ** Sinhronizācijas intervāla ** ",
"LDAP_Sync_User_Data": "Sinhronizēt lietotāja datus",
- "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_Description": "Saglabājiet lietotāja datus sinhronizācijā ar serveri ** pieteikšanās ** vai ** fona sinhronizācija ** (piem., Vārds, e-pasts).",
+ "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_Description": "Saglabāt lietotāja datus sinhronizācijā ar serveri pie ** pieteikšanās ** vai pie** fona sinhronizācijas ** (piem.: vārds, e-pasts).",
"LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap": "Lietotāja datu lauka karte",
- "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Konfigurējiet, kā lietotāja konta lauki (piemēram, e-pasts) tiek aizpildīti no LDAP ieraksta (kad atrasts). Piemēram, `{\" cn \":\" name \",\" mail \":\" e-pasts \"}` izvēlas cilvēka cilvēka lasāmo nosaukumu no cn atribūta un to e-pastu no pasta atribūta. Turklāt var izmantot mainīgos lielumus, piemēram: `{\" # {givenName} # {sn} \":\" name \",\" mail \":\" e-pasts \"}` izmanto lietotāja vārda un uzvārda kombināciju raķešu čats \"vārds\". Pieejami lauki Rocket.Chat: `name`,` email`and `customFields`.",
+ "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Konfigurējiet, kā lietotāja konta lauki (piemēram, e-pasts) tiek aizpildīti no LDAP ieraksta (kad atrasts). Piemēram, `{\" cn \":\" vārds \",\" pasts \":\" e-pasts \"}` izvēlas personas cilvēka vārdu no cn atribūta un e-pastu no pasta atribūta. Turklāt var izmantot mainīgos lielumus, piemēram: `{\" # {givenName} # {sn} \":\" vārds \",\" pasts \":\" e-pasts \"}` izmanto lietotāja vārda un uzvārda kombināciju rocket chat laukā \"vārds\". Pieejamie lauki Rocket.Chat: `vārds`,` e-pastsl`and `pielāgotielauki`.",
"LDAP_Search_Page_Size": "Meklēšanas lapas izmērs",
- "LDAP_Search_Page_Size_Description": "Maksimālais ierakstu skaits katrā rezultātu lapā atgriezīsies, lai tos apstrādātu",
+ "LDAP_Search_Page_Size_Description": "Maksimālais ierakstu skaits katrā rezultātu lapā atgriezīsies apstrādei",
"LDAP_Search_Size_Limit": "Meklēšanas apjoma ierobežojums",
- "LDAP_Search_Size_Limit_Description": "Maksimālais ierakstu skaits, lai atgrieztos. ** Uzmanību ** Šis numurs ir lielāks par ** Search Page Size **",
- "LDAP_Test_Connection": "Test savienojums",
+ "LDAP_Search_Size_Limit_Description": "Maksimālais ierakstu skaits, lai atgrieztos. ** Uzmanību ** Šis numurs ir lielāks par ** Meklēšanas lapas izmēru **",
+ "LDAP_Test_Connection": "Testa savienojums",
"LDAP_Timeout": "Taimauts (ms)",
- "LDAP_Timeout_Description": "Cik daudz mileseconds gaida meklēšanas rezultātu pirms atgriešanās kļūdas",
+ "LDAP_Timeout_Description": "Cik milisekundes gaida meklēšanas rezultātu pirms atgriešanās kļūdas",
"LDAP_Unique_Identifier_Field": "Unikāls identifikācijas lauks",
- "LDAP_Unique_Identifier_Field_Description": "Kāda joma tiks izmantota, lai saistītu LDAP lietotāju un lietotāju Rocket.Chat. Jūs varat informēt vairākas vērtības, atdalītas ar komatu, lai mēģinātu iegūt vērtību no LDAP ieraksta. Noklusējuma vērtība ir `objectGUID, ibm-entryUUID, GUID, dominoUNID, nsuniqueId, uidNumber`",
- "LDAP_Username_Field": "Lietotājvārds lauks",
- "LDAP_Username_Field_Description": "Kurš lauks tiks izmantots kā * lietotājvārds * jauniem lietotājiem. Atstājiet tukšu, lai lietotājvārdu informētu par pieteikšanās lapu. Varat izmantot arī veidņu atzīmes, piemēram, \"# {givenName}. # {Sn}\". Noklusējuma vērtība ir `sAMAccountName`.",
+ "LDAP_Unique_Identifier_Field_Description": "Kāda joma tiks izmantota, lai saistītu LDAP lietotāju un Rocket.Chat lietotāju. Jūs varat informēt vairākas vērtības, atdalītas ar komatu, lai mēģinātu iegūt vērtību no LDAP ieraksta. Noklusējuma vērtība ir `objectGUID, ibm-entryUUID, GUID, dominoUNID, nsuniqueId, uidNumber`",
+ "LDAP_Username_Field": "Lietotājvārda lauks",
+ "LDAP_Username_Field_Description": "Kuru lauku jsunie lietotāji izmantos kā * lietotājvārds *. Atstājiet tukšu, lai lietotājvārdu norādītu pieteikšanās lapā. Varat izmantot arī veidņu atzīmes, piemēram, \"# {givenName}. # {Sn}\". Noklusējuma vērtība ir `sAMAccountName`.",
"Execute_Synchronization_Now": "Izpildīt sinhronizāciju tūlīt",
- "Lead_capture_email_regex": "Svina satveršanas e-pasts regex",
- "Lead_capture_phone_regex": "Vadošā uztveršanas tālruņa regex",
+ "Lead_capture_email_regex": "Vadošais uztveršanas e-pasta regex",
+ "Lead_capture_phone_regex": "Vadošais uztveršanas tālruņa regex",
"Least_Amount": "Mazākā summa",
- "leave-c": "Atstājiet kanālus",
- "leave-p": "Atstājiet privātas grupas",
- "Leave_Group_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties atstāt grupu \"% s\"?",
- "Leave_Livechat_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties atstāt livechat ar \"% s\"?",
- "Leave_Private_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties atstāt diskusiju ar \"% s\"?",
- "Leave_room": "Atstājiet istabu",
- "Leave_Room_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties atstāt telpu \"% s\"?",
- "Leave_the_current_channel": "Atstājiet pašreizējo kanālu",
+ "leave-c": "Pamest kanālus",
+ "leave-p": "Pamest privātās grupas",
+ "Leave_Group_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest grupu \"% s\"?",
+ "Leave_Livechat_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest livechat ar \"% s\"?",
+ "Leave_Private_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest diskusiju ar \"% s\"?",
+ "Leave_room": "Pamest istabu",
+ "Leave_Room_Warning": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest istabu \"% s\"?",
+ "Leave_the_current_channel": "Pamest pašreizējo kanālu",
"line": "līnija",
"List_of_Channels": "Kanālu saraksts",
- "List_of_Direct_Messages": "Tiešo ziņojumu saraksts",
+ "List_of_Direct_Messages": "Ziņojumu saraksts",
"Livechat_agents": "Livechat aģenti",
- "Livechat_AllowedDomainsList": "Livechat pieļaujamie domēni",
+ "Livechat_AllowedDomainsList": "Livechat atļautie domēni",
"Livechat_Dashboard": "Livechat informācijas panelis",
"Livechat_enabled": "Livechat ir iespējots",
"Livechat_Facebook_Enabled": "Facebook integrācija ir iespējota",
@@ -1233,246 +1279,250 @@
"Livechat_Facebook_API_Secret": "OmniChannel API Secret",
"Livechat_forward_open_chats": "Pārsūtīt atvērtās tērzēšanas sarunas",
"Livechat_forward_open_chats_timeout": "Laiks (sekundēs), lai pārsūtītu tērzēšanu",
- "Livechat_guest_count": "Viesu Counter",
- "Livechat_Inquiry_Already_Taken": "Livechat izmeklēšana jau ir veikta",
+ "Livechat_guest_count": "Viesu skaitītājs",
+ "Livechat_Inquiry_Already_Taken": "Livechat datu ievākšana jau ir veikta",
"Livechat_managers": "Livechat vadītāji",
- "Livechat_offline": "Livechat bezsaistē",
- "Livechat_online": "Livechat tiešsaistē",
- "Livechat_open_inquiery_show_connecting": "Parādiet savienojuma ziņojumu, nevis ievadi, ja viesis vēl nav savienots ar aģentu",
+ "Livechat_offline": "Livechat ir bezsaistē",
+ "Livechat_online": "Livechat ir tiešsaistē",
+ "Livechat_open_inquiery_show_connecting": "Parādīt savienojuma ziņojumu, nevis ielādi, ja viesis vēl nav savienots ar aģentu",
"Livechat_Queue": "Livechat rinda",
"Livechat_room_count": "Livechat istabu skaits",
"Livechat_Routing_Method": "Livechat maršruta metode",
- "Livechat_Take_Confirm": "Vai vēlaties ņemt šo klientu?",
- "Livechat_title": "Livechat sadaļa",
- "Livechat_title_color": "Livechat Title Background Color",
+ "Livechat_Take_Confirm": "Vai vēlaties pieņemt šo klientu?",
+ "Livechat_title": "Livechat virsraksts",
+ "Livechat_title_color": "Livechat virsraksta fona krāsa",
"Livechat_Users": "Livechat lietotāji",
- "Livestream_close": "Aizveriet Livestream",
- "Livestream_not_found": "Livestream nav pieejams",
- "Livestream_popout": "Atveriet Livestream",
- "Livestream_url": "Livestream avota URL",
- "Livestream_url_incorrect": "Livestream URL ir nepareizs",
- "Livestream_source_changed_succesfully": "Livestream avots ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
- "Livestream_switch_to_room": "Pārslēgties uz pašreizējo istabu livestream",
+ "Livestream_close": "Aizvērt straumēšanu",
+ "Livestream_not_found": "Straumēšana nav pieejama",
+ "Livestream_popout": "Atvērt Straumēšanu",
+ "Livestream_url": "Straumēšanas avota URL",
+ "Livestream_url_incorrect": "Straumēšanas URL ir nepareizs",
+ "Livestream_source_changed_succesfully": "Straumēšanas avots ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "Livestream_switch_to_room": "Pārslēgties uz pašreizējās istabas straumēšanu",
"Livestream_enable_audio_only": "Iespējot tikai audio režīmu",
"Load_more": "Ielādēt vairāk",
"Loading...": "Notiek ielāde ...",
"Loading_more_from_history": "Ielādē vairāk no vēstures",
"Loading_suggestion": "Ielādē ieteikumus",
"Localization": "Lokalizācija",
- "Log_Exceptions_to_Channel": "Žurnāla izņēmumi kanālam",
- "Log_Exceptions_to_Channel_Description": "Kanāls, kas saņems visus uztvertos izņēmumus. Atstājiet tukšus, lai ignorētu izņēmumus.",
+ "Log_Exceptions_to_Channel": "Reģistrēt Kanāla izņēmumus",
+ "Log_Exceptions_to_Channel_Description": "Kanāls, kas saņems visus reģistrētos izņēmumus. Atstājiet tukšus, lai ignorētu izņēmumus.",
"Log_File": "Rādīt failu un līniju",
- "Log_Level": "Log līmenis",
- "Log_Package": "Rādīt paketi",
- "Log_View_Limit": "Log View Limit",
+ "Log_Level": "Reģistrēt līmeni",
+ "Log_Package": "Rādīt pakotni",
+ "Log_View_Limit": "Reģistrēt skatījumu limitu",
"Logged_out_of_other_clients_successfully": "Sekmīgi izrakstījās no citiem klientiem",
- "Login": "Pieslēgties",
+ "Login": "Pieteikties",
"Login_with": "Pieteikties ar% s",
- "Logout": "Izlogoties",
- "Logout_Others": "Atteikšanās no citām ierakstītajām atrašanās vietām",
+ "Logout": "Izrakstīties",
+ "Logout_Others": "Izrakstīties no citām atrašanās vietām ",
"mail-messages": "Pasta ziņojumi",
"mail-messages_description": "Atļauja izmantot pasta ziņojumu opciju",
- "Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Jūs esat norādījis vienu vai vairākus nederīgus e-pastus:% s",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Reģistrācijas veidlapa",
+ "Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Jūs esat norādījis vienu vai vairākus nederīgus e-pastus: % s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Jums ir jāizvēlas viens vai vairāki lietotāji vai jānorāda viena vai vairākas e-pasta adreses, atdalītas ar komatu.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Jūs neesat izvēlējies nevienu ziņojumu",
"Mail_Messages": "Pasta ziņojumi",
"Mail_Messages_Instructions": "Izvēlieties, kurus ziņojumus vēlaties nosūtīt pa e-pastu, noklikšķinot uz ziņojumiem",
- "Mail_Messages_Subject": "Šeit ir atlasīta% s ziņu daļa",
- "Mailer": "Mailer",
- "Mailer_body_tags": "Jums ir, lai izmantotu [unsubscribe], lai atsauktu saiti. Jūs varat lietot [name], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja vārdu, uzvārdu vai uzvārdu. Varat izmantot [e-pastu] lietotāja e-pastam.",
- "Mailing": "Pasta",
- "Make_Admin": "Padarīt admin",
- "Make_sure_you_have_a_copy_of_your_codes": "Pārliecinieties, ka jums ir jūsu kodu kopija: __codes__ Ja jūs zaudējat piekļuvi jūsu autentifikācijas lietojumprogrammai, varat izmantot vienu no šiem kodiem, lai pieteiktos.",
+ "Mail_Messages_Subject": "Šeit ir atlasīta % s ziņu daļa",
+ "Mailer": "Nosūtītājs",
+ "Mailer_body_tags": "Jums ir jāizmanto [atcelt abonementu] abonementa atsaukuma saitei. Jūs varat lietot [vārds], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja pilnu vārdu, vārdu vai uzvārdu. Varat izmantot [e-pastu] lietotāja e-pastam.",
+ "Mailing": "Sūta",
+ "Make_Admin": "Iecelt par adminu",
+ "Make_sure_you_have_a_copy_of_your_codes": "Pārliecinieties, ka jums ir jūsu kodu kopija: kodi Ja jūs zaudējat piekļuvi jūsu autentifikācijas lietotnei, varat izmantot vienu no šiem kodiem, lai pieteiktos.",
"manage-assets": "Pārvaldīt aktīvus",
"manage-assets_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera aktīvus",
- "manage-emoji": "Emociju pārvaldība",
- "manage-emoji_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera emojis",
+ "manage-emoji": "Pārvaldīt Emoji",
+ "manage-emoji_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera emoji",
"manage-integrations": "Pārvaldīt integrāciju",
- "manage-integrations_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera integrāciju",
- "manage-oauth-apps": "Pārvaldiet Oauth Apps",
- "manage-oauth-apps_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera Oauth progr",
- "manage-own-integrations": "Pārvaldīt savu integrāciju",
- "manage-own-integrations_description": "Uzdevums, kas ļauj lietotājiem izveidot un rediģēt savu integrāciju vai webhooks",
+ "manage-integrations_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera integrācijjas",
+ "manage-oauth-apps": "Pārvaldt Oauth lietotnes",
+ "manage-oauth-apps_description": "Atļauja pārvaldīt servera Oauth lietotnes",
+ "Logistics": "Loģistika",
+ "manage-own-integrations": "Pārvaldīt pašu integrācijas",
+ "manage-own-integrations_description": "Atļauja, kas ļauj lietotājiem izveidot un rediģēt savu integrāciju vai webhooks",
"manage-sounds": "Pārvaldīt skaņas",
- "manage-sounds_description": "Atļaujas pārvaldīt serveri skaņas",
- "Manage_Apps": "Pārvaldiet lietotnes",
- "Manage_the_App": "Pārvaldiet lietotni",
- "Manager_added": "Vadītājs pievienots",
- "Manager_removed": "Vadītājs ir noņemts",
+ "manage-sounds_description": "Atļaujas pārvaldīt servera skaņas",
+ "Manage_Apps": "Pārvaldīt lietotnes",
+ "Manage_the_App": "Pārvaldīt lietotni",
+ "Manager_added": "Pārvaldnieks pievienots",
+ "Manager_removed": "Pārvaldnieks ir noņemts",
"Managing_assets": "Aktīvu pārvaldīšana",
"Managing_integrations": "Integrācijas pārvaldīšana",
- "MapView_Enabled": "Iespējot Mapview",
- "MapView_Enabled_Description": "Iespējojot karšu skatījumu, parādīsies atrašanās vietas kopīgošanas poga, kas atrodas tērzēšanas ievades lauka kreisajā pusē.",
- "MapView_GMapsAPIKey": "Google statisko karšu API atslēga",
- "MapView_GMapsAPIKey_Description": "To var iegūt no Google Developers Console bez maksas.",
- "Mark_as_read": "Atzīmēt kā lasītu",
+ "MapView_Enabled": "Iespējot kartes skatījumu",
+ "MapView_Enabled_Description": "Iespējojot kartes skatījumu, parādīsies atrašanās vietas kopīgošanas poga, kas atrodas tērzēšanas ievades lauka kreisajā pusē.",
+ "MapView_GMapsAPIKey": "Google Static Maps API atslēga",
+ "MapView_GMapsAPIKey_Description": "To bezmaksas var iegūt no Google Developers Console.",
+ "Mark_as_read": "Atzīmēt kā izlasītu",
"Mark_as_unread": "Atzīmēt kā nelasītu",
- "Markdown_Headers": "Ļaut atzvanīšanas galvenes ziņās",
+ "Markdown_Headers": "Atļaut pazeminājuma galvenes ziņās",
"Markdown_Marked_Breaks": "Iespējot atzīmētos pārtraukumus",
- "Markdown_Marked_GFM": "Iespējot atzīmētu GFM",
- "Markdown_Marked_Pedantic": "Iespējot marķēto pedantisku",
+ "Markdown_Marked_GFM": "Iespējot atzīmētos GFM",
+ "Markdown_Marked_Pedantic": "Iespējot atzmētos Pedantic",
"Markdown_Marked_SmartLists": "Iespējot atzīmētos viedos sarakstus",
"Markdown_Marked_Smartypants": "Ieslēgt atzīmētos Smartypants",
"Markdown_Marked_Tables": "Iespējot atzīmētās tabulas",
- "Markdown_Parser": "Markdown Parser",
- "Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink": "Markdown atbalsta shēmas saitei",
- "Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink_Description": "Atļauto shēmu saraksts ar komatu atdalītu sarakstu",
- "Max_length_is": "Maksimālais garums ir% s",
+ "Markdown_Parser": "Parsētāja samazinājums",
+ "Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink": "Siates atbalsta shēmas samazinājums",
+ "Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink_Description": "Ar komatu atdalto atļauto shēmu saraksts",
+ "Max_length_is": "Maksimālais garums ir %s",
"Members_List": "Dalībnieku saraksts",
- "mention-all": "Pieminēt visu",
- "mention-all_description": "Atļauja izmantot @all mention",
+ "mention-all": "Pieminēt visus",
+ "mention-all_description": "Atļauja izmantot @Pieminēt visus",
"mention-here": "Pieminēt šeit",
- "mention-here_description": "Atļauja izmantot @here pieminēt",
- "Mentions": "Pieminē",
- "Mentions_default": "Atsauces (noklusējums)",
- "Mentions_only": "Tikai minēts",
+ "mention-here_description": "Atļauja izmantot @pieminēt šeit",
+ "Mentions": "Pieminējumi",
+ "Mentions_default": "Pieminējumi (Noklusējums)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Izstrāde",
+ "Mentions_only": "Tikai pieminējumus",
"Merge_Channels": "Apvienot kanālus",
- "Message": "Ziņa",
- "Message_AllowBadWordsFilter": "Ļaut ziņojumam slikti vārdi filtrēt",
+ "Message": "Ziņojums",
+ "Message_AllowBadWordsFilter": "Atļaut rupjo vārdu filtru ziņojumam",
"Message_AllowDeleting": "Atļaut ziņojumu dzēšanu",
"Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes": "Bloķēt ziņojumu dzēšanu pēc (n) minūtēm",
"Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes_Description": "Ievadiet 0, lai atspējotu bloķēšanu.",
- "Message_AllowDirectMessagesToYourself": "Ļaujiet lietotājam tieši nosūtīt ziņojumus sev",
+ "Message_AllowDirectMessagesToYourself": "Atļaut lietotājam nosūtīt ziņojumus sev",
"Message_AllowEditing": "Atļaut ziņojumu rediģēšanu",
"Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes": "Bloķēt ziņojuma rediģēšanu pēc (n) minūtēm",
"Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutesDescription": "Ievadiet 0, lai atspējotu bloķēšanu.",
- "Message_AllowPinning": "Atļaut ziņojumu pinning",
- "Message_AllowPinning_Description": "Atļaut ziņas piestiprināt pie jebkura kanāla.",
- "Message_AllowSnippeting": "Atļaut ziņojumu dzēšanu",
- "Message_AllowStarring": "Atļaut ziņu atskaņošanu",
- "Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Atļaut neatpazītiem slash komandām",
- "Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Vienmēr meklējiet RegExp lietošanu",
- "Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Mēs iesakām iestatīt \"True\", ja jūsu valoda netiek atbalstīta MongoDB teksta meklēšana.",
- "Message_Attachments": "Ziņojuma pielikumi",
+ "Message_AllowPinning": "Atļaut ziņojumu piespraušanu",
+ "Message_AllowPinning_Description": "Atļaut ziņas piespraust pie jebkura kanāla.",
+ "Message_AllowSnippeting": "Atļaut ziņojumu sadalīšanu",
+ "Message_AllowStarring": "Atļaut ziņojumu iezīmēšanu ar zvaigzni",
+ "Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Atļaut neatpazītas slpsvītras komandas",
+ "Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Vienmēr meklējiet izmantojot RegExp",
+ "Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Mēs iesakām iestatīt \"Patiesi\", ja jūsu valoda netiek atbalstīta MongoDB teksta meklēšana.",
+ "Media": "Multivide",
+ "Message_Attachments": "Pielikumi ziņojumam",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Grupas pielikumu pogas",
- "Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Tas sagrupē ikonas zem paplašināmas izvēlnes. Izņem mazāk ekrāna vietas.",
+ "Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Tas sagrupē ikonas zem paplašināmas izvēlnes. Aizņem mazāk ekrāna vietas.",
"Message_Audio": "Audio ziņojums",
- "Message_Audio_bitRate": "Audioziņas bitu pārraides ātrums",
+ "Message_Audio_bitRate": "Audio ziņojuma bitu pārraide ātrums",
"Message_AudioRecorderEnabled": "Audio ierakstītājs ir iespējots",
- "Message_AudioRecorderEnabled_Description": "Nepieciešams, lai audio / mp3 faili būtu pieņemami multivides tipi iestatījumos \"Failu augšupielāde\".",
- "Message_BadWordsFilterList": "Pievienojiet sliktos vārdus melnajam sarakstam",
- "Message_BadWordsFilterListDescription": "Pievienot sarakstam ar komatu atdalītu sarakstu ar sliktiem vārdiem, kurus filtrēt",
+ "Message_AudioRecorderEnabled_Description": "Nepieciešams, lai iestatījumos \"Failu augšupielāde\" 'audio/mp3' faili būtu pieņemami multivides veidi.",
+ "Message_BadWordsFilterList": "Pievienot rupjos vārdus melnajam sarakstam",
+ "Message_BadWordsFilterListDescription": "Pievienot filtram ar komatu atdalīto sarakstu ar rupjiem vārdiem",
"Message_DateFormat": "Datuma formāts",
- "Message_DateFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
+ "Message_DateFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
"Message_deleting_blocked": "Šo ziņojumu vairs nevar izdzēst",
"Message_editing": "Ziņojuma rediģēšana",
"Message_ErasureType": "Ziņojuma dzēšanas veids",
- "Message_ErasureType_Description": "Nosakiet, kā rīkoties ar lietotāju ziņojumiem, kuri noņem savu kontu.",
- "Message_ErasureType_Keep": "Saglabājiet ziņojumus un lietotāja vārdu",
- "Message_ErasureType_Delete": "Dzēst visas ziņas",
+ "Message_ErasureType_Description": "Nosakiet, kā rīkoties ar lietotāju ziņojumiem, kuri dzēš savu kontu.",
+ "Message_ErasureType_Keep": "Saglabāt ziņojumus un lietotāja vārdu",
+ "Message_ErasureType_Delete": "Dzēst visus ziņojumus",
"Message_ErasureType_Unlink": "Noņemt saiti starp lietotāju un ziņojumiem",
"Message_GlobalSearch": "Globālā meklēšana",
"Message_GroupingPeriod": "Grupēšanas periods (sekundēs)",
"Message_GroupingPeriodDescription": "Ziņojumi tiek sagrupēti ar iepriekšējo ziņojumu, ja abi ir no viena un tā paša lietotāja, un pagājušais laiks bija mazāks par informēto laiku sekundēs.",
- "Message_HideType_au": "Slēpt \"Lietotāja pievienotās\" ziņas",
- "Message_HideType_mute_unmute": "Slēpt \"Lietotāja izslēgto / izslēgto\" ziņojumu",
- "Message_HideType_ru": "Slēpt \"Lietotāja noņemto\" ziņojumus",
- "Message_HideType_uj": "Slēpt ziņojumus \"Lietotājs pievienoties\"",
- "Message_HideType_ul": "Slēpt \"Lietotāja atstāt\" ziņojumus",
+ "Message_HideType_au": "Slēpt ziņojumus \"Lietotāja pievienotos\"",
+ "Message_HideType_mute_unmute": "Slēpt paziņojumus \"Lietotājam liegts rakstīt / atļauts rakstīt\"",
+ "Message_HideType_ru": "Slēpt paziņojumus \"Lietotājs noņemts\"",
+ "Message_HideType_uj": "Slēpt paziņojumus \"Lietotājs pievienojies\"",
+ "Message_HideType_ul": "Slēpt paziņojumus \"Lietotāja izgāja\" ",
"Message_Ignored": "Šis ziņojums tika ignorēts",
"Message_info": "Ziņojuma info",
- "Message_KeepHistory": "Saglabāt ziņu rediģēšanas vēsturi",
- "Message_MaxAll": "Visu ziņojumu maksimālais kanāla izmērs",
- "Message_MaxAllowedSize": "Maksimāli pieļaujamie rakstzīmes pa ziņu",
+ "Message_KeepHistory": "Saglabāt katra ziņojuma rediģēšanas vēsturi",
+ "Message_MaxAll": "Maksimālais kanāla izmērs opcijai Ziņojums visiem",
+ "Message_MaxAllowedSize": "Maksimāli pieļaujamais rakstzīmju skaits vienā ziņojumā",
"Message_pinning": "Ziņojuma piespraušana",
- "Message_QuoteChainLimit": "Maksimālais ķēžu skaitļu skaits",
- "Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled": "Rādīt lasītus ieņēmumus",
- "Message_Read_Receipt_Store_Users": "Detalizēts lasījumu pārskats",
- "Message_Read_Receipt_Store_Users_Description": "Parāda katra lietotāja lasītus čekus",
- "Message_removed": "Ziņa ir noņemta",
+ "Message_QuoteChainLimit": "Maksimālais citātu ķēžu skaits ",
+ "Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled": "Rādīt lasīt ienākošos ziņojumus",
+ "Message_Read_Receipt_Store_Users": "Detalizēts ienākošo ziņojumu pārskats",
+ "Message_Read_Receipt_Store_Users_Description": "Parāda katra lietotāja izlasītos ienākošos ziņojumus",
+ "Message_removed": "Ziņojums ir noņemts",
"Message_sent_by_email": "Ziņojums nosūtīts pa e-pastu",
"Message_SetNameToAliasEnabled": "Iestatiet lietotāja vārdu uz aizstājvārdu ziņojumā",
- "Message_SetNameToAliasEnabled_Description": "Tikai tad, ja vēl neesat iestatījis aizstājvārdu. Vecais ziņu alias nemainās, ja lietotājs ir nomainījis vārdu.",
+ "Message_SetNameToAliasEnabled_Description": "Tikai tad, ja vēl neesat iestatījis aizstājvārdu. Vecais ziņu aizstajvārds nemainās, ja lietotājs ir nomainījis vārdu.",
"Message_ShowDeletedStatus": "Rādīt izdzēsto statusu",
"Message_ShowEditedStatus": "Rādīt laboto statusu",
"Message_ShowFormattingTips": "Parādīt formatēšanas padomus",
- "Message_starring": "Ziņojums ar zvaigznīti",
+ "Message_starring": "Ziņojumu atzīmēšana ar zvaigznīti",
"Message_TimeAndDateFormat": "Laika un datuma formāts",
- "Message_TimeAndDateFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
+ "Message_TimeAndDateFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
"Message_TimeFormat": "Laika formāts",
- "Message_TimeFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
+ "Message_TimeFormat_Description": "Skatiet arī: Moment.js",
"Message_too_long": "Ziņojums ir pārāk garš",
"Message_VideoRecorderEnabled": "Videoieraksts ir iespējots",
- "Message_VideoRecorderEnabledDescription": "Nepieciešams, lai faili \"video / webm\" būtu pieņemami multivides tipi iestatījumos \"Failu augšupielāde\".",
- "Message_view_mode_info": "Tas maina kosmosa ziņu daudzumu uz ekrāna.",
+ "Message_VideoRecorderEnabledDescription": "Nepieciešams, lai iestatījumos \"Failu augšupielāde\" faili \"video / webm\" būtu pieņemama multivides veida.",
+ "Message_view_mode_info": "Tas maina to cik daudz vietas ziņojumi aizņem uz ekrāna.",
"Messages": "Ziņojumi",
- "Messages_that_are_sent_to_the_Incoming_WebHook_will_be_posted_here": "Sūtījumi, kas tiek sūtīti uz Ienākošo WebHook, tiks ievietoti šeit.",
+ "Messages_that_are_sent_to_the_Incoming_WebHook_will_be_posted_here": "Ziņojumi, kas tiek sūtīti uz Ienākošo WebHook, tiks ievietoti šeit.",
"Meta": "Meta",
"Meta_custom": "Pielāgoti meta tagi",
- "Meta_fb_app_id": "Facebook lietotņu ID",
+ "Meta_fb_app_id": "Facebook lietotnes ID",
"Meta_google-site-verification": "Google vietnes verifikācija",
"Meta_language": "Valoda",
"Meta_msvalidate01": "MSValidate.01",
"Meta_robots": "Roboti",
- "Min_length_is": "Minimālais garums ir% s",
+ "Min_length_is": "Minimālais garums ir % s",
"Minimum_balance": "Minimālais atlikums",
"minutes": "minūtes",
"Mobile": "Mobilais",
- "Mobile_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Paziņojums par noklusēto brīdinājumu mobilajam tālrunim",
+ "Mobile_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Paziņojumi mobilajā talrunī, noklusējuma brīdinājuma signāli",
"Monday": "Pirmdiena",
- "Monitor_history_for_changes_on": "Uzraudzīt izmaiņu vēsturi vietnē",
+ "Monitor_history_for_changes_on": "Uzraudzīt izmaiņu vēsturi uz",
"More_channels": "Vairāk kanālu",
- "More_direct_messages": "Vairāk tiešu ziņojumu",
+ "More_direct_messages": "Vairāk ziņojumu",
"More_groups": "Vairāk privātās grupas",
- "More_unreads": "Vairāk neizlasīts",
- "Move_beginning_message": "`% s` - Pārvietot uz ziņojuma sākumu",
- "Move_end_message": "`% s` - Pārvietot uz ziņojuma beigām",
+ "More_unreads": "Vairāk neizlasītie",
+ "Move_beginning_message": "`%s` - Pārvietot uz ziņojuma sākumu",
+ "Move_end_message": "`%s` - Pārvietot uz ziņojuma beigām",
"Msgs": "Msgs",
"multi": "multi",
"multi_line": "multi līnija",
"Mute_all_notifications": "Izslēgt visus paziņojumus",
- "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Mute @all un @here minēts",
- "mute-user": "Izslēgt lietotāju",
- "mute-user_description": "Atļauja izslēgt citus lietotājus tajā pašā kanālā",
- "Mute_Focused_Conversations": "Izslēgt koncentrētas sarunas",
- "Mute_someone_in_room": "Izslēdz kādu personu telpā",
- "Mute_user": "Izslēgt lietotāju",
- "Muted": "Izslēgts",
+ "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Izslēgt @visus un @šeit pieminējumus",
+ "mute-user": "Liegt lietotājam rakstīt",
+ "mute-user_description": "Atļauja liegt citiem lietotājiem rakstīt esošajā kanālā",
+ "Mute_Focused_Conversations": "Liegt rakstīt koncentrētas sarunas",
+ "Mute_someone_in_room": "Liegt rakstīt kādai personai istabā",
+ "Mute_user": "Liegt lietotājam rakstīt",
+ "Muted": "Liegts rakstīt",
"My_Account": "Mans Konts",
"My_location": "Mana atrašanās vieta",
"n_messages": "% s ziņojumi",
- "N_new_messages": "% s jaunās ziņas",
- "Name": "Nosaukums",
- "Name_cant_be_empty": "Nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs",
+ "N_new_messages": "% s jaunie ziņojumi",
+ "Name": "Vārds",
+ "Name_cant_be_empty": "Vārds nedrīkst būt tukšs",
"Name_of_agent": "Aģenta vārds",
- "Name_optional": "Nosaukums (nav obligāts)",
+ "Name_optional": "Vārds (nav obligāti)",
"Name_Placeholder": "Lūdzu, ievadiet savu vārdu ...",
"Navigation_History": "Navigācijas vēsture",
- "New_Application": "Jauna programma",
- "New_Custom_Field": "Jauna pielāgota lauks",
+ "New_Application": "Jauna lietotne",
+ "New_Custom_Field": "Jauns pielāgots lauks",
"New_Department": "Jauns departaments",
"New_integration": "Jauna integrācija",
- "New_line_message_compose_input": "`% s` - jaunā rindiņa ziņojumā sastāda ievadi",
+ "New_line_message_compose_input": "`%s` - jauna rindiņa ziņojumā sastāda ievadi",
"New_logs": "Jauni žurnāli",
"New_Message_Notification": "Jauns ziņojuma paziņojums",
- "New_messages": "Jaunas ziņas",
- "New_password": "jauna parole",
+ "New_messages": "Jauni ziņojumi",
+ "New_password": "Jauna parole",
"New_Password_Placeholder": "Lūdzu, ievadiet jaunu paroli ...",
"New_role": "Jauna loma",
- "New_Room_Notification": "Jaunās istabas paziņojums",
+ "New_Room_Notification": "Jauns istabas paziņojums",
"New_Trigger": "Jauns trigeris",
"New_version_available_(s)": "Ir pieejama jauna versija (% s)",
"New_videocall_request": "Jauns video zvana pieprasījums",
- "No_available_agents_to_transfer": "Nav pieejams pieejams aģents",
+ "No_available_agents_to_transfer": "Nav pieejamu aģentu kam nosūtīt",
"No_channel_with_name_%s_was_found": "Neviens kanāls ar nosaukumu \"% s\"netika atrasts!",
- "No_channels_yet": "Jūs vēl neesat daļa no neviena kanāla",
- "No_direct_messages_yet": "Nav tiešu ziņojumu.",
+ "No_channels_yet": "Jūs vēl neesat nevienā kanāla",
+ "No_direct_messages_yet": "Nav ziņojumu.",
"No_Encryption": "Nav šifrēšanas",
"No_group_with_name_%s_was_found": "Nav atrasta neviena privāta grupa ar nosaukumu \"% s\"!",
"No_groups_yet": "Jums vēl nav privātu grupu.",
"No_integration_found": "Neviena integrācija nav atrasta ar norādīto id.",
"No_livechats": "Jums nav livechat",
- "No_mentions_found": "Netika atrasts neviens pieminēts",
- "No_pages_yet_Try_hitting_Reload_Pages_button": "Vēl nav nevienas lapas. Mēģiniet pārspēt pogu \"Pārlādēt lapas\".",
- "No_messages_yet": "Vēl nav ziņu",
- "No_pinned_messages": "Nav piesaistītu ziņojumu",
- "No_results_found": "Nekas nav atrasts",
+ "No_mentions_found": "Netika atrasts neviens pieminējums",
+ "No_pages_yet_Try_hitting_Reload_Pages_button": "Vēl nav nevienas lapas. Mēģiniet nospiest pogu \"Pārlādēt lapas\".",
+ "No_messages_yet": "Pagaidām nav ziņojumu",
+ "No_pinned_messages": "Nav piespraustu ziņojumu",
+ "No_results_found": "Nekas netika atrasts",
"No_snippet_messages": "Nav fragmenta",
- "No_starred_messages": "Nav atzīmētu ar zvaigznīti ziņu",
- "No_such_command": "Nav šādas komandas: `/ __ command__`",
- "No_user_with_username_%s_was_found": "Nav atrasts lietotājs ar lietotājvārdu \"% s\"!",
- "Nobody_available": "Neviens nav pieejams",
- "Node_version": "Nodaļu versija",
+ "No_starred_messages": "Nav ziņojumu atzīmētu ar zvaigznīti",
+ "No_such_command": "Nav šādas komandas: `/ komanda`",
+ "No_user_with_username_%s_was_found": "Nav atrasts lietotājs ar lietotājvārdu \"%s\"!",
+ "Nobody_available": "Nav neviens pieejams",
+ "Node_version": "Node versija",
"None": "Nav",
"Normal": "Normāls",
"Not_authorized": "Nav atļauts",
@@ -1482,105 +1532,112 @@
"Nothing_found": "Nekas nav atrasts",
"Notification_Desktop_Default_For": "Parādīt darbvirsmas paziņojumus par",
"Notification_Duration": "Paziņojuma ilgums",
- "Notification_Mobile_Default_For": "Push Mobile paziņojumi par",
+ "Notification_Mobile_Default_For": "Push mobilā tālruņa paziņojumi par",
"Notifications": "Paziņojumi",
- "Notifications_Always_Notify_Mobile": "Vienmēr paziņojiet mobilajām ierīcēm",
- "Notifications_Always_Notify_Mobile_Description": "Izvēlieties vienmēr paziņot mobilo ierīci neatkarīgi no dalības statusa.",
- "Notifications_Duration": "Notifications_Duration",
- "Notifications_Max_Room_Members": "Max Room Biedri pirms atspējot visus ziņojumu paziņojumus",
- "Notifications_Max_Room_Members_Description": "Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits telpā, kad paziņojumi par visiem ziņojumiem tiek atspējoti. Lietotāji joprojām var mainīt uz istabu iestatījumu, lai saņemtu visus paziņojumus individuāli. (Atspējot 0)",
- "Notifications_Muted_Description": "Ja izvēlaties izslēgt visu, sarakstā esošo telpu izcēlumu neredzēsiet, ja ir jaunas ziņas, izņemot pieminētus. Paziņojumu izslēgšana ignorē paziņojumu iestatījumus.",
+ "Notifications_Always_Notify_Mobile": "Vienmēr paziņot mobilajā tālrunī",
+ "Notifications_Always_Notify_Mobile_Description": "Izvēlieties vienmēr paziņot mobilajā ierīcē neatkarīgi no dalības statusa.",
+ "Notifications_Duration": "Paziņojuma_ilgums",
+ "Notifications_Max_Room_Members": "Maksimālais istabas biedru skaits pirms atspējot visus paziņojumus par ziņojumiem",
+ "Notifications_Max_Room_Members_Description": "Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits istabā, kad paziņojumi par visiem ziņojumiem tiek atspējoti. Lietotāji joprojām var mainīt istabas iestatījumus, lai saņemtu visus paziņojumus individuāli. (0 lai atspējotu)",
+ "Notifications_Muted_Description": "Ja izvēlaties izslēgt visu, istaba jūsu sarakstā netiks izcēlta kad būs jauni ziņojumi neredzēsiet, izņemot kad ir pieminējumi. Paziņojumu izslēgšana pārlabo paziņojumu iestatījumus.",
"Notifications_Preferences": "Paziņojumu preferences",
"Notifications_Sound_Volume": "Paziņojumu skaļums",
- "Notify_active_in_this_room": "Paziņojiet aktīviem lietotājiem šajā istabā",
- "Notify_all_in_this_room": "Paziņojiet visu šajā telpā",
- "Num_Agents": "# Pārstāvji",
- "Number_of_messages": "Ziņu skaits",
- "OAuth_Application": "OAuth lietojumprogramma",
- "OAuth_Applications": "OAuth lietojumprogrammas",
+ "Notify_active_in_this_room": "Paziņojot istabā esošajiem aktīvajiem lietotājiem",
+ "Notify_all_in_this_room": "Paziņot visiem šajā istabā",
+ "Num_Agents": "# Aģenti",
+ "Number_of_messages": "Ziņojumu skaits",
+ "OAuth_Application": "OAuth lietotne",
+ "OAuth_Applications": "OAuth lietotnes",
"Objects": "Objekti",
"Off": "Izslēgts",
- "Off_the_record_conversation": "Izslēgta saruna",
+ "Nonprofit": "Bezpeļņas",
+ "Off_the_record_conversation": "Slepena saruna",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "Sarunas nav pieejamas jūsu pārlūkprogrammai vai ierīcei.",
"Office_Hours": "Darba laiks",
"Office_hours_enabled": "Darba laiks ir iespējots",
"Office_hours_updated": "Darba laiks ir atjaunināts",
"Offline": "Bezsaistē",
- "Offline_DM_Email": "Tiešā ziņojuma e-pasta tēma",
- "Offline_Email_Subject_Description": "
varat izmantot tālāk norādītos aizstājējus:
[Site_Name], [Site_URL], [Lietotājs] un [Room] Lietojumprogrammas nosaukums, URL, Lietotājvārds un Telpas nosaukums.
+ "Offline_DM_Email": "Ziņojuma e-pasta tēma",
+ "Offline_Email_Subject_Description": "Varat izmantot tālāk norādītos aizstājējus:
[Site_Name], [Site_URL], [Lietotājs] un [Room] Lietotnes nosaukums, URL, Lietotājvārds un attiecīgi istabas nosaukums.
"Offline_form": "Bezsaistes forma",
- "Offline_form_unavailable_message": "Bezsaistes ziņojums nav pieejams",
- "Offline_Link_Message": "IZVĒLIETIES SŪTĪT",
- "Offline_Mention_All_Email": "Pieminēt visu e-pasta tēmu",
+ "Offline_form_unavailable_message": "Bezsaistes forma ziņojums nav pieejams",
+ "Offline_Link_Message": "DOTIES UZ ZIŅOJUMU",
+ "Offline_Mention_All_Email": "Pieminēt visiem e-pasta tēmu",
"Offline_Mention_Email": "Pieminēt e-pasta tēmu",
"Offline_message": "Ziņojums bezsaistē",
- "Offline_success_message": "Offline Success Message",
- "Offline_unavailable": "Offline nav pieejams",
- "On": "Uz",
+ "Offline_success_message": "Bezsaistes vēstule veiksmīga",
+ "Offline_unavailable": "Bezsaiste nav pieejama",
+ "On": "Ieslēgts",
"Online": "Tiešsaistē",
"online": "tiešsaistē",
- "Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages": "Tikai pilnvaroti lietotāji var ierakstīt jaunus ziņojumus",
- "Only_On_Desktop": "Darbvirsmas režīms (nosūta tikai ar ierakstu uz darbvirsmas)",
+ "Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages": "Tikai autorizēti lietotāji var ierakstīt jaunus ziņojumus",
+ "Only_On_Desktop": "Darbvirsmas režīms (tiek nosūtīts tikai ar enter uz darbvirsmas)",
"Only_you_can_see_this_message": "Tikai jūs varat redzēt šo ziņojumu",
+ "No_results_found_for": "Nav atrast neviens rezultāts ar:",
"Oops!": "Oops!",
"Open": "Atvērt",
- "Open_channel_user_search": "`% s` - atveriet kanālu / lietotāja meklēšanu",
- "Open_days_of_the_week": "Atvērtas nedēļas dienas",
- "Open_Livechats": "Atveriet Livechats",
+ "Open_channel_user_search": "`% s` - atveriet kanālu/ Lietotāja meklēšana",
+ "Open_days_of_the_week": "Atvērtās nedēļas dienas",
+ "Open_Livechats": "Atvērt Livechats",
"Open_your_authentication_app_and_enter_the_code": "Atveriet savu autentifikācijas lietotni un ievadiet kodu. Varat arī izmantot vienu no saviem rezerves kodiem.",
"Opened": "Atvērts",
"Opened_in_a_new_window": "Atvērts jaunā logā.",
- "Opens_a_channel_group_or_direct_message": "Atver kanālu, grupu vai tiešo ziņu",
- "optional": "neobligāti",
+ "Opens_a_channel_group_or_direct_message": "Atver kanālu, grupu vai ziņojumu",
+ "optional": "nav obligāti",
"or": "vai",
"Oops_page_not_found": "Oops, lapa nav atrasta",
- "Or_talk_as_anonymous": "Vai runāt kā anonīmu",
+ "Or_talk_as_anonymous": "Vai runāt kā anonīms",
"Order": "Pasūtījums",
"Original": "Oriģināls",
"OS_Arch": "OS Arch",
- "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU skaits",
- "OS_Freemem": "OS brīvās atmiņas",
- "OS_Loadavg": "OS ielādes vidējais",
+ "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count",
+ "OS_Freemem": "OS brīvā atmiņa",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "Vidējā OS slodze",
"OS_Platform": "OS platforma",
"OS_Release": "OS izlaidums",
"OS_Totalmem": "OS kopējā atmiņa",
- "OS_Type": "OS tipa",
+ "OS_Type": "OS veids",
"OS_Uptime": "OS darba laiks",
"others": "citi",
"OTR": "OTR",
"OTR_is_only_available_when_both_users_are_online": "OTR ir pieejams tikai tad, ja abi lietotāji ir tiešsaistē",
"Outgoing_WebHook": "Izejošais WebHook",
- "Outgoing_WebHook_Description": "Iegūstiet datus no Rocket.Chat reāllaikā.",
- "Override_URL_to_which_files_are_uploaded_This_url_also_used_for_downloads_unless_a_CDN_is_given": "Neatbilstiet URL, uz kuru faili tiek augšupielādēti. Šis URL tiek izmantots arī lejupielādei, ja nav norādīts CDN",
+ "Outgoing_WebHook_Description": "Reāllaikā iegūt datus no Rocket.Chat.",
+ "Override_URL_to_which_files_are_uploaded_This_url_also_used_for_downloads_unless_a_CDN_is_given": "Pārrakstīt URL, uz kuru faili tika augšupielādēti. Šis URL tiek izmantots arī lejupielādei, ja nav norādīts CDN",
"Page_title": "Lapas nosaukums",
"Page_URL": "Lapas URL",
"Password": "Parole",
"Password_Change_Disabled": "Jūsu Rocket.Chat administrators ir atspējojis paroļu maiņu",
- "Password_changed_successfully": "Parole ir mainīta veiksmīgi",
- "Past_Chats": "Iepriekšējās sarunas",
- "Payload": "Naudas slodze",
+ "Password_changed_successfully": "Parole ir nomainīta veiksmīgi",
+ "Past_Chats": "Iepriekšējās tērzēšanas",
+ "Payload": "Lietderīgā slodze",
"People": "Cilvēki",
- "Permalink": "Permalink",
- "Permissions": "atļaujas",
- "pin-message": "Pin ziņojums",
- "pin-message_description": "Atļauja nosūtīt ziņu kanālā",
- "Pin_Message": "Pin ziņojums",
- "Pinned_a_message": "Pinned ziņojums:",
- "Pinned_Messages": "Pielietotie ziņojumi",
+ "Permalink": "Pastāvgā URL adrese",
+ "Permissions": "Atļaujas",
+ "pin-message": "Piespraust ziņojumu",
+ "Organization_Email": "Organizācijas e-pasts",
+ "pin-message_description": "Atļauja piespraust ziņojumu kanālā",
+ "Organization_Info": "Organizācijas info",
+ "Pin_Message": "Piespraust ziņojumu",
+ "Organization_Name": "Organizācijas nosaukums",
+ "Pinned_a_message": "Piesprausts ziņojums:",
+ "Organization_Type": "Organizācijas veids",
+ "Pinned_Messages": "Piespraustie ziņojumi",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Papildu Piwik vietnes",
- "PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Ievadiet addictional Piwik tīmekļa vietnes vietrāžus URL un vietņu ID šādā formātā, ja vēlaties vienādus datus izsekot dažādās vietnēs: [{\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\": 42}, {\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\": 15}]",
+ "PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Ievadiet addictional Piwik tīmekļa vietnes URL un vietņu ID šādā formātā, ja vēlaties vienādus datus izsekot dažādās vietnēs: [{\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\": 42}, {\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\": 15}]",
"PiwikAnalytics_cookieDomain": "Visi apakšdomēni",
"PiwikAnalytics_cookieDomain_Description": "Izsekojiet apmeklētājus visos apakšdomēnos",
"PiwikAnalytics_domains": "Paslēpt izejošās saites",
- "PiwikAnalytics_domains_Description": "Pārskatu \"Outlinks\" gadījumā slēpt klikšķus uz zināmiem pseidonīmi URL. Lūdzu, ievietojiet vienu domēnu katrā rindiņā un neizmantojiet separatorus.",
- "PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain": "Priekšskatīt domēnu",
- "PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Nosakot vietnes domēnu, pievienojiet lapas nosaukumu",
+ "PiwikAnalytics_domains_Description": "Pārskatā \"Outlinks\" slēpt klikšķus uz zināmiem pseidonīmu URL. Lūdzu, ievietojiet vienu domēnu katrā rindiņā un neizmantojiet atdaltājus.",
+ "PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain": "Pievienot domēnu",
+ "PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Kad izseko, pievienot vietnes domēnu lapas nosaukumam",
"PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "Vietnes ID, ko izmanto, lai identificētu šo vietni. Piemērs: 17",
- "PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "Vietā, kur dzīvo Piwik, noteikti iekļaujiet aizmugures slīpsvītru. Piemērs: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
- "Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "E-pasta vai lietotāja vārda ievades lauka vieta",
- "Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Paraksta ievadīšanas lauka vieta",
+ "PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "Url kur atrodas Piwik, noteikti iekļaujiet aizmugures slīpsvītru. Piemērs: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
+ "Other": "Cits",
+ "Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "E-pasta vai lietotāja vārda pieteikšanās lauka vietturis",
+ "Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Paroles, pieteikšanās lauka vietturis",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Lūdzu, pievienojiet komentāru",
- "Please_add_a_comment_to_close_the_room": "Lūdzu, pievienojiet komentāru, lai aizvērtu numuru",
+ "Please_add_a_comment_to_close_the_room": "Lūdzu, pievienojiet komentāru, lai aizvērtu istabu",
"Please_answer_survey": "Lūdzu, veltiet laiku, lai atbildētu uz ātru aptauju par šo tērzēšanu",
"please_enter_valid_domain": "Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu domēnu",
"Please_enter_value_for_url": "Lūdzu, ievadiet sava avatāra URL vērtību.",
@@ -1591,43 +1648,62 @@
"Please_fill_a_username": "Lūdzu, aizpildiet lietotājvārdu",
"Please_fill_all_the_information": "Lūdzu, aizpildiet visu informāciju",
"Please_fill_name_and_email": "Lūdzu, aizpildiet vārdu un e-pastu",
- "Please_go_to_the_Administration_page_then_Livechat_Facebook": "Lūdzu, dodieties uz administrācijas lapu, tad Livechat> Facebook",
+ "Please_go_to_the_Administration_page_then_Livechat_Facebook": "Lūdzu, dodieties uz administrācijas lapu, tad Livechat > Facebook",
"Please_select_an_user": "Lūdzu, atlasiet lietotāju",
- "Please_select_enabled_yes_or_no": "Lūdzu, atlasiet iespēju Enabled (Iespējots)",
+ "Please_select_enabled_yes_or_no": "Lūdzu, atlasiet iespēju Iespējots",
"Please_wait": "Lūdzu uzgaidiet",
"Please_wait_activation": "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet, tas var aizņemt kādu laiku.",
"Please_wait_while_OTR_is_being_established": "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet, līdz tiek izveidots OTR",
"Please_wait_while_your_account_is_being_deleted": "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet, kamēr jūsu konts tiek dzēsts ...",
"Please_wait_while_your_profile_is_being_saved": "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet, kamēr jūsu profils tiek saglabāts ...",
- "Port": "Osta",
- "post-readonly": "Izlasīt ziņu tikai",
- "post-readonly_description": "Atļauja ievietot ziņu tikai lasīšanas kanālā",
- "Post_as": "Izlikt kā",
- "Post_to_Channel": "Izlikt ziņu kanālam",
+ "Port": "Ports",
+ "post-readonly": "Izvietot tikai lasīšanai",
+ "post-readonly_description": "Atļauja izvietot ziņu tikai lasīšanai kanālā",
+ "Post_as": "Izvietot kā",
+ "Post_to_Channel": "Izvietot kanālā",
"Post_to_s_as_s": "Ziņojums uz % skā % s",
- "Preferences": "Preferences",
+ "Preferences": "Iestatījumi",
"Preferences_saved": "Iestatījumi ir saglabāti",
+ "Password_Policy": "Paroles politika",
"preview-c-room": "Skatīt publisko kanālu",
- "preview-c-room_description": "Pirms pievienošanās atļauju skatīt publiskā kanāla saturu",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled": "Iespējot paroles politiku",
+ "preview-c-room_description": "Atļauja skatt publiskā kanāla saturu pirms pievienošanās",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled_Description": "Kad iespējota, lietotāju parolēm ir jāatbilst norādītajām politikām. Piezīme: Tas attiecas tikai uz jaunām parolēm, bet ne esošajām parolēm.",
"Privacy": "Privātums",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength": "Minimālais garums",
"Private": "Privāts",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength_Description": "Nodrošina, ka parolēm jābūt vismaz tik cik norādītais rakstzīmju skaits. Izmantojiet `-1`, lai atspējotu.",
"Private_Channel": "Privāts kanāls",
- "Private_Group": "Privātā grupa",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength": "Maksimālais garums",
+ "Private_Group": "Privāta grupa",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength_Description": "Nodrošina, ka parolēm nav vairāk par šo rakstzīmju skaitu. Izmantojiet `-1`, lai atspējotu.",
"Private_Groups": "Privātas grupas",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters": "Aizliegt rakstuzīmju atkārtošanos",
"Private_Groups_list": "Privātu grupu saraksts",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters_Description": "Nodrošina, ka paroles nesatur tādas pašas rakstzīmes, kuras atkārtojas blakus viena otrai.",
"Profile": "Profils",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount": "Maks. atkārtojošo rakstzīmju skaits",
"Profile_details": "Profila detaļas",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount_Description": "Atļautais atkārtotu rakstzīmju skaits, pirms to aizlieguma.",
"Profile_picture": "Profila bilde",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase": "Vismaz viens mazais burts",
"Profile_saved_successfully": "Profils saglabāts veiksmīgi",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase_Description": "Nodrošināt, ka parole satur vismaz vienu mazo rakstuzīmi.",
"Public": "Publisks",
- "Public_Channel": "Publiskais kanāls",
- "Push": "Spiediet",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase": "Vismaz viens Lielais burts",
+ "Public_Channel": "Publisks kanāls",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase_Description": "Nodrošināt, ka parole satur vismaz vienu mazo rakstuzīmi.",
+ "Push": "Nospiediet",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber": "Vismaz viens cipars",
"Push_apn_cert": "APN Cert",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber_Description": "Nodrošināt, ka parole satur vismaz vienu ciparu rakstuzīmi.",
"Push_apn_dev_cert": "APN Dev Cert",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter": "Vismaz viens simbols",
"Push_apn_dev_key": "APN Dev Key",
- "Push_apn_dev_passphrase": "APN Dev vārdu frāze",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter_Description": "Nodrošināt, ka parole satur vismaz vienu speciālo rakstuzīmi.",
+ "Push_apn_dev_passphrase": "APN Dev drošības frāze",
"Push_apn_key": "APN atslēga",
- "Push_apn_passphrase": "APN Passphrase",
+ "Push_apn_passphrase": "APN drošbas frāze",
"Push_debug": "Atkļūdošana",
"Push_enable": "Iespējot",
"Push_enable_gateway": "Iespējot vārteju",
@@ -1635,39 +1711,42 @@
"Push_gcm_api_key": "GCM API atslēga",
"Push_gcm_project_number": "GCM projekta numurs",
"Push_production": "Ražošana",
- "Push_show_message": "Rādīt paziņojumu",
- "Push_show_username_room": "Rādīt kanālu / grupu / lietotājvārdu paziņojumā",
- "Push_test_push": "Ieskaite",
+ "Push_show_message": "Rādīt ziņojumu pie paziņojumiem",
+ "Push_show_username_room": "Rādīt kanālu / grupu / lietotājvārdu pie paziņojumiem",
+ "Push_test_push": "Tests",
"Query": "Vaicājums",
- "Query_description": "Papildu nosacījumi, lai noteiktu, kuri lietotāji sūta e-pastu uz. Neatsakņotos lietotājus automātiski noņem no vaicājuma. Tam jābūt derīgam JSON. Piemērs: \"{\" createdAt \": {\" $ gt \": {\" $ datums \":\" 2015-01-01T00: 00: 00.000Z \"}}}\"",
+ "Query_description": "Papildu nosacījumi, lai noteiktu, kuri lietotāji sūta e-pastu uz. Abonomenta anulējošos lietotājus automātiski noņem no vaicājuma. Tam jābūt derīgam JSON. Piemērs: \"{\" createdAt \": {\" $ gt \": {\" $ datums \":\" 2015-01-01T00: 00: 00.000Z \"}}}\"",
"Queue": "Rinda",
"quote": "citāts",
"Quote": "Citāts",
"Random": "Random",
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
"React_when_read_only": "Atļaut reaģēt",
- "React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Atļaut reaģēt, ja tikai lasījums tiek veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Atļaut reaģēt, ja tikai lasīt tiek veiksmīgi nomainīts",
+ "Private_Team": "Privāta komanda",
"Reacted_with": "Reaģēts ar",
"Reactions": "Reakcijas",
- "Read_by": "Lasīt pēc",
- "Read_only": "Tikai lasīt",
- "Read_only_changed_successfully": "Tikai lasījums ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
- "Read_only_channel": "Lasīt tikai kanālu",
- "Read_only_group": "Lasīt tikai grupu",
+ "Read_by": "Izlasīja",
+ "Read_only": "Tikai lasīšanai",
+ "Read_only_changed_successfully": "Tikai lasīšanai statuss ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "Read_only_channel": "Kanāls tikai lasīšanai",
+ "Read_only_group": "Grupa tikai lasīšanai",
+ "Public_Community": "Publisks forums",
"Reason_To_Join": "Iemesls pievienoties",
- "RealName_Change_Disabled": "Jūsu Rocket.Chat administrators ir atspējojis nosaukumu maiņu",
+ "Public_Relations": "Publiskie sakari",
+ "RealName_Change_Disabled": "Jūsu Rocket.Chat administrators ir atspējojis vārda maiņu",
"Receive_alerts": "Saņemt brīdinājumus",
- "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Saņem @all un @here minējumus",
+ "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Saņem @visiem un @pieminējums šeit",
"Record": "Ierakstīt",
"Redirect_URI": "Novirzīšana URI",
"Refresh_keys": "Atsvaidzināt atslēgas",
"Refresh_oauth_services": "Atsvaidzināt OAuth pakalpojumus",
"Refresh_your_page_after_install_to_enable_screen_sharing": "Atsvaidziniet lapu pēc instalēšanas, lai iespējotu ekrāna kopīgošanu",
- "Regenerate_codes": "Atjaunot kodus",
- "Register": "Reģistrējieties jaunu kontu",
+ "Regenerate_codes": "Reģenerēt kodus",
+ "Register": "Reģistrēt jaunu kontu",
"Registration": "Reģistrācija",
"Registration_Succeeded": "Reģistrācija ir veiksmīga",
- "Registration_via_Admin": "Reģistrācija caur Admin",
+ "Registration_via_Admin": "Reģistrācija caur Administratoru",
"Regular_Expressions": "Regulāras izteiksmes",
"Release": "Atbrīvot",
"Reload": "Pārlādēt",
@@ -1676,314 +1755,326 @@
"remove-user": "Noņemt lietotāju",
"remove-user_description": "Atļauja noņemt lietotāju no istabas",
"Remove_Admin": "Noņemt administratoru",
- "Remove_as_leader": "Noņemt kā līderi",
- "Remove_as_moderator": "Noņemt kā moderatoru",
- "Remove_as_owner": "Noņemt kā īpašnieku",
+ "Remove_as_leader": "Noņemt kā līderim",
+ "Remove_as_moderator": "Noņemt kā moderatoram",
+ "Remove_as_owner": "Noņemt kā īpašniekam",
"Remove_custom_oauth": "Noņemt pielāgoto oauth",
- "Remove_from_room": "Noņemiet no istabas",
- "Remove_last_admin": "Noņemot pēdējo admin",
- "Remove_someone_from_room": "Noņemiet kādu no istabas",
+ "Remove_from_room": "Noņemt no istabas",
+ "Remove_last_admin": "Noņemt pēdējo administratoru",
+ "Remove_someone_from_room": "Noņemt kādu no istabas",
"Removed": "Noņemts",
- "Removed_User": "Noņemts lietotājs",
+ "Removed_User": "Lietotājs noņemts",
"Reply": "Atbildēt",
"Report_Abuse": "Ziņot par ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu",
"Report_exclamation_mark": "Ziņot!",
"Report_sent": "Ziņojums nosūtīts",
"Report_this_message_question_mark": "Ziņot par šo ziņojumu?",
- "Require_all_tokens": "Pieprasīt visus marķierus",
- "Require_any_token": "Pieprasīt jebkuru simbolu",
+ "Require_all_tokens": "Pieprasīt visus žetonus",
+ "Real_Estate": "Nekustamais īpašums",
+ "Require_any_token": "Pieprasīt jebkuru žetonu",
"Reporting": "Ziņošana",
"Require_password_change": "Pieprasīt paroles maiņu",
"Resend_verification_email": "Sūtīt verifikācijas e-pastu atkārtoti",
"Reset": "Atiestatīt",
"Reset_password": "Atiestatīt paroli",
- "Reset_section_settings": "Atjaunot sadaļas iestatījumus",
+ "Reset_section_settings": "Attiestatīt sadaļas iestatījumus",
"Restart": "Restartēt",
- "Restart_the_server": "Restartējiet serveri",
- "Retry_Count": "Mēģiniet vēlreiz",
+ "Restart_the_server": "Restartēt serveri",
+ "Retry_Count": "Mēģinājumu skaits",
+ "Register_Server": "Reģistrēt serveri",
"Apps": "Lietotnes",
"App_Information": "Informācija par lietotni",
"App_Installation": "Lietotnes instalēšana",
"Apps_Settings": "Lietotnes iestatījumi",
"Role": "Loma",
"Role_Editing": "Lomu rediģēšana",
+ "Religious": "Reliģisks",
"Role_removed": "Loma noņemta",
"Room": "Istaba",
- "Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Telpas sludinājums ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Istabas paziņojums ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
"Room_archivation_state": "Stāvoklis",
"Room_archivation_state_false": "Aktīvs",
"Room_archivation_state_true": "Arhivēts",
"Room_archived": "Istaba arhivēta",
- "room_changed_announcement": "Telpas paziņojums mainīts uz: __room_announcement__līdz __user_by__",
- "room_changed_description": "Telpas apraksts ir mainīts uz: __room_description__līdz __user_by__",
- "room_changed_privacy": "Numura veids mainīts uz: __room_type__līdz __user_by__",
- "room_changed_topic": "Telpas tēma mainīta uz: __room_topic__līdz __user_by__",
- "Room_default_change_to_private_will_be_default_no_more": "Šis ir noklusējuma kanāls un, mainot to privātai grupai, tas vairs nebūs noklusējuma kanāls. Vai vēlaties turpināt?",
- "Room_description_changed_successfully": "Telpas apraksts ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "room_changed_announcement": "Istabas paziņojums mainīts uz: istabas paziņojumslietotājs",
+ "room_changed_description": "Istabas apraksts ir mainīts uz: istabas aprakstslietotājs",
+ "room_changed_privacy": "Istabas veids mainīts uz: istabas veidslietotājs",
+ "room_changed_topic": "Istabas tēma mainīta uz: istabas tēmalietotājs",
+ "Room_default_change_to_private_will_be_default_no_more": "Šis ir noklusējuma kanāls, mainot to uz privātu grupu, tas vairs nebūs noklusējuma kanāls. Vai vēlaties turpināt?",
+ "Room_description_changed_successfully": "Istabas apraksts ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
"Room_has_been_archived": "Istaba ir arhivēta",
"Room_has_been_deleted": "Istaba ir dzēsta",
- "Room_has_been_unarchived": "Telpas ir arhivētas",
- "Room_tokenpass_config_changed_successfully": "Telpas tokenpass konfigurācija ir veiksmīgi mainīta",
- "Room_Info": "Informācija par istabu",
- "room_is_blocked": "Šis numurs ir bloķēts",
- "room_is_read_only": "Šis numurs ir tikai lasāms",
- "room_name": "telpas nosaukums",
- "Room_name_changed": "Telpas nosaukums ir mainīts uz: __room_name__līdz __user_by__",
- "Room_name_changed_successfully": "Telpas nosaukums ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
- "Room_not_found": "Telpu nav atrasts",
- "Room_password_changed_successfully": "Telpas parole ir veiksmīgi mainīta",
- "Room_topic_changed_successfully": "Room topic tika veiksmīgi mainīts",
- "Room_type_changed_successfully": "Telpas tips tika veiksmīgi mainīts",
- "Room_type_of_default_rooms_cant_be_changed": "Šī ir noklusējuma telpa, un veidu nevar mainīt, lūdzu, sazinieties ar savu administratoru.",
- "Room_unarchived": "Telpas arhivēšana",
+ "Room_has_been_unarchived": "Istaba ir izņemta no arhīva",
+ "Room_tokenpass_config_changed_successfully": "Istabas tokenpass konfigurācija ir veiksmīgi mainīta",
+ "Room_Info": "Istabas informācija",
+ "room_is_blocked": "Šī istaba ir bloķēta",
+ "room_is_read_only": "Šis istaba ir tikai lasīšanai",
+ "room_name": "istabas nosaukums",
+ "Room_name_changed": "istabas nosaukums ir mainīts uz: istabas nosaukumslietotājs",
+ "Room_name_changed_successfully": "istabas nosaukums ir veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "Room_not_found": "Istaba nav atrasta",
+ "Room_password_changed_successfully": "Istabas parole ir veiksmīgi mainīta",
+ "Room_topic_changed_successfully": "Istabas tēma tika veiksmīgi mainīta",
+ "Room_type_changed_successfully": "Istabas veids tika veiksmīgi mainīts",
+ "Room_type_of_default_rooms_cant_be_changed": "Šī ir noklusējuma istaba, un veidu nevar mainīt, lūdzu, sazinieties ar savu administratoru.",
+ "Room_unarchived": "Istaba izņemta no arhīva",
"Room_uploaded_file_list": "Failu saraksts",
"Room_uploaded_file_list_empty": "Nav pieejami faili.",
+ "Retail": "Mazumtirdzniecība",
"Rooms": "Istabas",
"run-import": "Palaist importēšanu",
- "run-import_description": "Atļauja vadīt importētājus",
+ "run-import_description": "Atļauja palaist importētājus",
"run-migration": "Palaist migrāciju",
"run-migration_description": "Atļauja palaist migrāciju",
- "Running_Instances": "Gadījumi",
- "Runtime_Environment": "Runtime Environment",
- "S_new_messages_since_s": "% s jauni ziņojumi kopš% s",
- "Same_As_Token_Sent_Via": "Tas pats, kā \"Token Sent Via\"",
- "Same_Style_For_Mentions": "Tas pats stils piemin",
+ "Running_Instances": "Aktīvās instances",
+ "Runtime_Environment": "Runtime vide",
+ "S_new_messages_since_s": "% s jauni ziņojumi kopš % s",
+ "Same_As_Token_Sent_Via": "Tā pats, kā \"Žetons nosūtīts izmantojot\"",
+ "Same_Style_For_Mentions": "Tas pats stils pieminējumiem",
"SAML_Custom_Cert": "Pielāgots sertifikāts",
"SAML_Custom_Entry_point": "Pielāgota ieejas vieta",
- "SAML_Custom_Generate_Username": "Izveidot lietotājvārdu",
+ "SAML_Custom_Generate_Username": "Ģenerēt lietotājvārdu",
"SAML_Custom_IDP_SLO_Redirect_URL": "IDP SLO novirzīšanas URL",
"SAML_Custom_Issuer": "Pielāgotais emitents",
"SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour": "Atslēgšanās uzvedība",
"SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour_Terminate_SAML_Session": "Pārtraukt SAML sesiju",
- "SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour_End_Only_RocketChat": "Iziesieties tikai no Rocket.Chat",
+ "SAML_Custom_Logout_Behaviour_End_Only_RocketChat": "Atvienoties tikai no Rocket.Chat",
"SAML_Custom_Private_Key": "Privātās atslēgas saturs",
- "SAML_Custom_Provider": "Pasūtījuma nodrošinātājs",
+ "SAML_Custom_Provider": "Pielāgots pakalpojuma sniedzējs",
"SAML_Custom_Public_Cert": "Publiskā sertifikāta saturs",
- "Sandstorm_Powerbox_Share": "Dalies Sandstorm graudu",
+ "Sandstorm_Powerbox_Share": "Dalies ar Sandstorm grain",
"Saturday": "Sestdiena",
- "Save": "Saglabājiet",
- "save-others-livechat-room-info": "Ietaupiet citiem Livechat istabas informāciju",
+ "Save": "Saglabāt",
"save-others-livechat-room-info_description": "Atļauja saglabāt informāciju no citiem livechat kanāliem",
"Save_changes": "Saglabāt izmaiņas",
- "Save_Mobile_Bandwidth": "Saglabājiet mobilo joslas platumu",
+ "Save_Mobile_Bandwidth": "Saglabāt mobilo joslas platumu",
"Save_to_enable_this_action": "Saglabāt, lai iespējotu šo darbību",
"Saved": "Saglabāts",
- "Saving": "Taupīšana",
- "Scan_QR_code": "Izmantojot autentifikācijas lietojumprogrammu, piemēram, Google Authenticator, Authy vai Duo, skenējiet QR kodu. Tajā parādīsies 6 ciparu kods, kas jums jāievada zemāk.",
- "Scan_QR_code_alternative_s": "Ja jūs nevarat skenēt QR kodu, jūs varat ievadīt kodu manuāli vietā: __code__",
+ "Saving": "Saglabā",
+ "Scan_QR_code": "Izmantojot autentifikācijas lietotni, piemēram, Google Authenticator, Authy vai Duo, noskenējiet QR kodu. Tajā parādīsies 6 ciparu kods, kas jums jāievada zemāk.",
+ "Scan_QR_code_alternative_s": "Ja jūs nevarat noskenēt QR kodu, jūs varat ievadīt kodu manuāli vietā: __kods__",
"Scope": "Darbības joma",
"Screen_Share": "Ekrāna kopīgošana",
"Script_Enabled": "Skripts ir iespējots",
"Search": "Meklēt",
"Search_by_username": "Meklēt pēc lietotāja vārda",
- "Search_Messages": "Meklēt ziņojumus",
- "Search_Private_Groups": "Meklēt privātās grupas",
+ "Search_Messages": "Meklēt ziņojumos",
+ "Search_Private_Groups": "Meklēt privātajās grupās",
"Search_Provider": "Meklēšanas pakalpojumu sniedzējs",
"Search_Page_Size": "Lapas izmērs",
- "Search_current_provider_not_active": "Pašreizējais meklēšanas nodrošinātājs nav aktīvs",
+ "Search_current_provider_not_active": "Pašreizējais meklēšanas pakalpojumu sniedzējs nav aktīvs",
"Search_message_search_failed": "Meklēšanas pieprasījums neizdevās",
"seconds": "sekundes",
- "Secret_token": "Secret Token",
- "Security": "drošība",
- "Select_a_department": "Izvēlieties nodaļu",
+ "Secret_token": "Slepenais žetons",
+ "Security": "Drošība",
+ "Select_a_department": "Izvēlieties departamentu",
"Select_a_user": "Izvēlieties lietotāju",
- "Select_an_avatar": "Izvēlieties iemiesojumu",
+ "Select_an_avatar": "Izvēlieties avataru",
"Select_an_option": "Izvēlieties opciju",
"Select_file": "Izvēlieties failu",
"Select_role": "Izvēlieties lomu",
- "Select_service_to_login": "Izvēlieties pakalpojumu, lai pieteiktos, lai ielādētu attēlu vai augšupielādētu to tieši no sava datora",
+ "Select_service_to_login": "Izvēlieties pakalpojumu, lai pieteiktos, lai ielādētu attēlu vai augšupielādētu to tieši no jūsu datora",
"Select_user": "Izvēlieties lietotāju",
"Select_users": "Atlasiet lietotājus",
"Selected_agents": "Atlasītie aģenti",
"Send": "Sūtīt",
- "Send_a_message": "Nosūtīt ziņu",
+ "Send_a_message": "Nosūtīt ziņojumu",
"Send_a_test_mail_to_my_user": "Nosūtīt testa vēstuli manam lietotājam",
- "Send_a_test_push_to_my_user": "Nosūtiet manam lietotājam pārbaudes mēģinājumu",
+ "Send_a_test_push_to_my_user": "Nosūtīt testa push manam lietotājam",
"Send_confirmation_email": "Nosūtīt apstiprinājuma e-pastu",
- "Send_data_into_RocketChat_in_realtime": "Sūtīt datus Rocket.Chat reāllaikā.",
+ "Send_data_into_RocketChat_in_realtime": "Sūtīt datus uz Rocket.Chat reāllaikā.",
"Send_email": "Sūtīt e-pastu",
- "Send_invitation_email": "Nosūtīt ielūguma e-pastu",
+ "Send_invitation_email": "Nosūtīt uzaicinājuma e-pastu",
"Send_invitation_email_error": "Jūs neesat iesniedzis nevienu derīgu e-pasta adresi.",
- "Send_invitation_email_info": "Varat nosūtīt vairākus e-pasta uzaicinājumus uzreiz.",
+ "Send_invitation_email_info": "Varat nosūtīt vairākus uziacinājuma e-pastus uzreiz.",
"Send_invitation_email_success": "Jūs esat veiksmīgi nosūtījis uzaicinājuma e-pastu uz šādām adresēm:",
- "Send_request_on_chat_close": "Nosūtiet pieprasījumu par tērzēšanu aizvērt",
- "Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Sūtiet pieprasījumu par svina uztveršanu",
+ "Send_request_on_chat_close": "Nosūtīt pieprasījumu par tērzēšanas beigšanu",
+ "Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Sūtīt pieprasījumu par vadības pārņemšanu",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Nosūtīt pieprasījumu par ziņojumiem bezsaistē",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Nosūtīt apmeklētāju ziņojumu pieprasījumu",
+ "Setup_Wizard": "Uzstādšanas vednis",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Nosūtīt pieprasījumu par aģenta ziņojumiem",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "Mēs palīdzēsim jums iestatīt savu pirmo admin lietotāju, konfigurēt savu organizāciju un reģistrēt savu serveri, lai saņemtu bezmaksas push paziņojumus un vairāk.",
"Send_Test": "Nosūtīt testu",
- "Send_welcome_email": "Nosūtīt laipni e-pastu",
- "Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Nosūtiet JSON lietderīgās slodzes uz šo URL.",
+ "Send_welcome_email": "Nosūtīt sveiciena e-pastu",
+ "Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Nosūtiet JSON vērtumu uz šo URL.",
"Sending": "Sūtīšana ...",
- "Sent_an_attachment": "Nosūtīts pielikums",
- "Served_By": "Pasniegts",
- "Service": "apkalpošana",
- "Service_account_key": "Servisa konta atslēga",
+ "Sent_an_attachment": "Pielikums nosūtīts",
+ "Served_By": "Pasniedz",
+ "Service": "Apkalpošana",
+ "Service_account_key": "Apkalpošanas konta atslēga",
"set-moderator": "Iestatīt moderatoru",
- "set-moderator_description": "Atļauja iestatīt citus lietotājus kā kanāla moderatoru",
+ "set-moderator_description": "Atļauja iestatīt citus lietotājus kā kanāla moderatorus",
"set-owner": "Iestatīt īpašnieku",
"set-owner_description": "Atļauja iestatīt citus lietotājus kā kanāla īpašniekus",
- "set-react-when-readonly": "Iestatiet reaģēt tikai ReadOnly",
- "set-react-when-readonly_description": "Atļauja iestatīt spēju reaģēt uz ziņojumiem tikai lasāmā kanālā",
- "set-readonly": "Iestatīt ReadOnly",
- "set-readonly_description": "Atļauja iestatīt kanālu tikai kanāla lasīšanai",
+ "set-react-when-readonly": "Iestatiet atbildēt kad ir tikai lasīšanai",
+ "set-react-when-readonly_description": "Atļauja iestatīt spēju atbildēt uz ziņojumiem kanālā tikai lasīšanai",
+ "set-readonly": "Iestatīt tikai lasīšanai",
+ "set-readonly_description": "Atļauja iestatīt kanālu tikai lasīšanai",
"Set_as_leader": "Iestatīt kā līderi",
"Set_as_moderator": "Iestatīt kā moderatoru",
"Set_as_owner": "Iestatīt kā īpašnieku",
- "Settings": "Settings",
+ "Settings": "Iestatjumi",
"Settings_updated": "Iestatījumi ir atjaunināti",
- "Share_Location_Title": "Dalieties atrašanās vietā?",
- "Shared_Location": "Koplietojamā atrašanās vieta",
- "Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image": "Jābūt attēla vietrādim URL.",
+ "Share_Location_Title": "Dalietīties atrašanās vietā?",
+ "Shared_Location": "Koplietā atrašanās vieta",
+ "Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image": "Jābūt attēla URL.",
"Should_exists_a_user_with_this_username": "Lietotājam jau ir jābūt.",
"Show_agent_email": "Rādīt aģenta e-pastu",
- "Show_all": "Parādīt visu",
- "Show_Avatars": "Parādīt avatārus",
+ "Show_all": "Parādīt visus",
+ "Show_Avatars": "Parādīt avatarus",
"Show_counter": "Rādīt skaitītāju",
"Show_room_counter_on_sidebar": "Parādiet istabu skaitītāju sānjoslā",
"Show_more": "Parādīt vairāk",
"show_offline_users": "parādīt bezsaistes lietotājus",
"Show_on_registration_page": "Parādīt reģistrācijas lapā",
"Show_only_online": "Rādīt tikai tiešsaistē",
- "Show_preregistration_form": "Parādīt priekšreģistrācijas veidlapu",
+ "Show_preregistration_form": "Parādīt pirms reģistrācijas veidlapu",
"Show_queue_list_to_all_agents": "Rādīt rindu sarakstu visiem aģentiem",
- "Show_the_keyboard_shortcut_list": "Parādiet tastatūras īsinājumtaustiņu sarakstu",
+ "Show_the_keyboard_shortcut_list": "Parādīt tastatūras saīsņu sarakstu",
"Showing_archived_results": "
"Sidebar": "Sānjosla",
"Sidebar_list_mode": "Sānjoslas kanālu saraksta režīms",
"Sign_in_to_start_talking": "Pierakstieties, lai sāktu runāt",
- "since_creation": "kopš% s",
+ "since_creation": "kopš %s",
"Site_Name": "Vietnes nosaukums",
"Site_Url": "Vietnes URL",
"Site_Url_Description": "Piemērs: https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Servera info",
"Skip": "Izlaist",
- "SlackBridge_error": "Importējot ziņas vietnē% s:% s, SlackBridge kļūdījās",
- "SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge ir pabeidzis ziņojumu importēšanu% s. Lūdzu, atkārtoti ielādējiet, lai skatītu visas ziņas.",
- "SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out All",
- "SlackBridge_Out_All_Description": "Sūtiet ziņojumus no visiem kanāliem, kas pastāv Slack, un robots ir pievienojies",
+ "Server_Type": "Servera veids",
+ "SlackBridge_error": "Importējot ziņas vietnē %s: %s, SlackBridge uzrādja kļūdu",
+ "SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge ir pabeidzis ziņojumu importēšanu uz %s. Lūdzu, atkārtoti ielādējiet, lai skatītu visus ziņojumus.",
+ "SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out visi",
+ "SlackBridge_Out_All_Description": "Sūtīt ziņojumus no visiem kanāliem, kas pastāv Slack, un bots ir pievienojies",
"SlackBridge_Out_Channels": "SlackBridge Out kanāli",
"SlackBridge_Out_Channels_Description": "Izvēlieties, kuri kanāli sūtīs ziņojumus atpakaļ uz Slack",
- "SlackBridge_Out_Enabled": "SlackBridge Izslēgts",
- "SlackBridge_Out_Enabled_Description": "Izvēlieties, vai SlackBridge arī sūta ziņojumus atpakaļ uz Slack",
- "SlackBridge_start": "@% s ir sākusi importēt SlackBridge uz \"#% s\". Mēs paziņosim, kad tas būs pabeigts.",
- "Slack_Users": "Slack's Users CSV",
- "Slash_Gimme_Description": "Displeji (つ ◕_◕) つ pirms jūsu ziņojuma",
- "Slash_LennyFace_Description": "Parādās (ı ° ͜ nav ō °) pēc jūsu ziņas",
- "Slash_Shrug_Description": "Parādās ¯ \\ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ pēc jūsu ziņojuma",
- "Slash_Tableflip_Description": "Displeji (╯ ° □ °) એ 词 ┻━┻",
- "Slash_TableUnflip_Description": "Displeji ┬─┬ ノ (゜ - ゜ ノ)",
- "Slash_Topic_Description": "Iestatiet tēmu",
- "Slash_Topic_Params": "Tēmas ziņa",
- "Smarsh_Email": "Smaidīgs e-pasts",
- "Smarsh_Email_Description": "Smaidīga e-pasta adrese, lai nosūtītu .eml failu uz.",
+ "SlackBridge_Out_Enabled": "SlackBridge Out iespējots",
+ "SlackBridge_Out_Enabled_Description": "Izvēlieties, vai SlackBridge ir arī jāsūta ziņojumus atpakaļ uz Slack",
+ "SlackBridge_start": "@%s ir sākusi importēt SlackBridge uz \"#% s\". Mēs paziņosim, kad tas būs pabeigts.",
+ "Slack_Users": "Slack lietotāju CSV",
+ "Slash_Gimme_Description": "Parādīt (つ ◕_◕) つ pirms jūsu ziņojuma",
+ "Slash_LennyFace_Description": "Parāda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pēc jūsu ziņojuma",
+ "Slash_Shrug_Description": "Parāda ¯ \\ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ pēc jūsu ziņojuma",
+ "Slash_Tableflip_Description": "Parāda (╯ ° □ °) ╯︵ ┻━┻",
+ "Slash_TableUnflip_Description": "Parāda ┬─┬ ノ (゜ - ゜ ノ)",
+ "Slash_Topic_Description": "Iestatīt tēmu",
+ "Slash_Topic_Params": "Tēmas ziņojums",
+ "Smarsh_Email": "Smarsh e-pasts",
+ "Smarsh_Email_Description": "Smarsh e-pasta adrese, lai nosūtītu .eml failu uz.",
"Smarsh_Enabled": "Smarsh iespējots",
- "Smarsh_Enabled_Description": "Neatkarīgi no tā, vai Smaršais EML savienotājs ir iespējots vai nav (nepieciešams e-pasta ziņojums, kas aizpildīts zem e-pasta adreses -> SMTP).",
- "Smarsh_Interval": "Smarša intervāls",
- "Smarsh_Interval_Description": "Laika ilgums, kas jāgaida pirms tērzēšanas sūtīšanas (e-pasta vajadzībām - \"SMTP\" aizpildītas \"No e-pasta adreses\").",
+ "Smarsh_Enabled_Description": "Neatkarīgi no tā, vai Smarsh EML savienotājs ir iespējots vai nav (nepieciešams 'No e-pasta' kas aizpildīts zem e-pasta -> SMTP).",
+ "Smarsh_Interval": "Smarsh intervāls",
+ "Smarsh_Interval_Description": "Laika ilgums, kas jāgaida pirms tērzēšanas nosūtīšanas ('No e-pasta' vajadzībām, kas aizpildīts zem e-pasta -> SMTP).",
"Smarsh_MissingEmail_Email": "Trūkst e-pasta",
- "Smarsh_MissingEmail_Email_Description": "E-pasts, kuru lietotāja kontam parādīt, kad trūkst viņu e-pasta adreses, parasti notiek ar bot kontiem.",
+ "Smarsh_MissingEmail_Email_Description": "E-pasts, kuru lietotāja kontam parādīt, kad trūkst viņu e-pasta adreses, parasti notiek ar botu kontiem.",
"Smileys_and_People": "Smaidiņi un cilvēki",
- "SMS_Enabled": "SMS aktivizēts",
+ "SMS_Enabled": "SMS aktivizēti",
"SMTP_Host": "SMTP resursdators",
"SMTP_Password": "SMTP parole",
"SMTP_Port": "SMTP ports",
"SMTP_Test_Button": "Pārbaudiet SMTP iestatījumus",
"SMTP_Username": "SMTP lietotājvārds",
- "snippet-message": "Fragmenta ziņojums",
- "snippet-message_description": "Atļauja izveidot fragmenta ziņojumu",
- "Snippet_name": "Frāzes nosaukums",
- "Snippet_Added": "Izveidots% s",
- "Snippet_Messages": "Fragmentu ziņojumi",
- "Snippeted_a_message": "Izveidots fragments __snippetLink__",
+ "snippet-message": "Snippet ziņojums",
+ "Show_email_field": "Rādīt e-pasta laiku",
+ "snippet-message_description": "Atļauja izveidot snippet ziņojumu",
+ "Snippet_name": "Snippet nosaukums",
+ "Show_name_field": "Rādīt nosaukuma lauku",
+ "Snippet_Added": "Izveidots uz % s",
+ "Snippet_Messages": "Snippet ziņojumi",
+ "Snippeted_a_message": "Snippet izveidots snippet saite",
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Atvainojiet, pieprasītā lapa neeksistē vai tika izdzēsta!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Kārtot pēc aktivitātes",
"Sound": "Skaņa",
+ "Size": "Izmērs",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Skaņas fails (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
- "Star_Message": "Zvaigznītes ziņa",
+ "Star_Message": "Ziņojums ar zvaigznīti",
"Starred_Messages": "Ar zvaigznīti atzīmētie ziņojumi",
"Start": "Sākt",
- "Start_audio_call": "Sāciet audio zvanu",
+ "Start_audio_call": "Sākt audio zvanu",
"Start_Chat": "Sāciet tērzēšanu",
"Start_of_conversation": "Sarunas sākums",
"Start_OTR": "Sāciet OTR",
- "Start_video_call": "Sāciet videozvanu",
+ "Start_video_call": "Sākt videozvanu",
"Start_video_conference": "Vai sākt video konferenci?",
- "Start_with_s_for_user_or_s_for_channel_Eg_s_or_s": "Sāciet ar % slietotājam vai % skanālam. Piemēram: % svai % s",
+ "Start_with_s_for_user_or_s_for_channel_Eg_s_or_s": "Sāciet ar %slietotājam vai %skanālam. Piemēram: %svai %s",
"Started_At": "Sāka pie",
- "Started_a_video_call": "Uzsāka videozvanu",
+ "Started_a_video_call": "Videozvans sākts",
"Statistics": "Statistika",
"Statistics_reporting": "Nosūtīt statistiku Rocket.Chat",
- "Statistics_reporting_Description": "Nosūtot savu statistiku, jūs palīdzēsiet mums noteikt, cik daudz Rocket.Chat gadījumu tiek izmantoti, kā arī cik veiksmīgi sistēma darbojas, lai mēs varētu to vēl vairāk uzlabot. Neuztraucieties, jo netiek nosūtīta neviena lietotāja informācija, un visa saņemtā informācija ir konfidenciāla.",
+ "Statistics_reporting_Description": "Nosūtot savu statistiku, jūs palīdzēsiet mums noteikt, cik daudz gadījumos tiek izmantots Rocket.Chat, kā arī cik veiksmīgi sistēma darbojas, lai mēs varētu to turpināt uzlabot. Neuztraucieties, nekāda lietotāja informācija netiek nosūtīta, un visa saņemtā informācija ir konfidenciāla.",
"Stats_Active_Users": "Aktīvie lietotāji",
"Stats_Avg_Channel_Users": "Vidējie kanāla lietotāji",
- "Stats_Avg_Private_Group_Users": "Vidējās privātās grupas lietotāji",
- "Stats_Away_Users": "Prom lietotāji",
- "Stats_Max_Room_Users": "Max Room Users",
+ "Stats_Avg_Private_Group_Users": "Vidējie privātās grupas lietotāji",
+ "Stats_Away_Users": "Promesošie lietotāji",
+ "Stats_Max_Room_Users": "Maksimālais istabas lietotāju skaits",
"Stats_Non_Active_Users": "Neaktīvie lietotāji",
- "Stats_Offline_Users": "Bezsaistes lietotāji",
- "Stats_Online_Users": "Tiešsaistes lietotāji",
- "Stats_Total_Channels": "Kopējie kanāli",
- "Stats_Total_Direct_Messages": "Kopā tiešo ziņojumu telpas",
- "Stats_Total_Livechat_Rooms": "Kopā Livechat numuri",
- "Stats_Total_Messages": "Kopā ziņojumi",
- "Stats_Total_Messages_Channel": "Kopējie ziņojumi kanālos",
- "Stats_Total_Messages_Direct": "Kopā ziņojumi tiešajās ziņās",
- "Stats_Total_Messages_Livechat": "Kopā ziņojumi Livechats",
- "Stats_Total_Messages_PrivateGroup": "Kopā ziņojumi privātās grupās",
- "Stats_Total_Private_Groups": "Kopā privātās grupas",
- "Stats_Total_Rooms": "Kopējie numuri",
- "Stats_Total_Users": "Kopā lietotāji",
+ "Stats_Offline_Users": "Lietotāji bezsaistē",
+ "Stats_Online_Users": "Lietotāji tiešsaistē",
+ "Stats_Total_Channels": "Kopējais kanālu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Direct_Messages": "Kopējais istabas ziņojumu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Livechat_Rooms": "Kopējais Livechat istabu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Messages": "Kpējais ziņojumu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Messages_Channel": "Kopējais ziņojumu skaits kanālos",
+ "Stats_Total_Messages_Direct": "Kopējais ziņu skaits ziņojumos",
+ "Stats_Total_Messages_Livechat": "Kopējais ziņojumu skaits Livechats",
+ "Stats_Total_Messages_PrivateGroup": "Kopējais ziņojumu skaits privātās grupās",
+ "Stats_Total_Private_Groups": "Kopējais privāto grupu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Rooms": "Kopējais istabu skaits",
+ "Stats_Total_Users": "Kopejais lietotāju skaits",
"Status": "Stāvoklis",
"Stop_Recording": "Pārtraukt ierakstīšanu",
"Store_Last_Message": "Saglabāt pēdējo ziņojumu",
- "Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Uzglabāt pēdējo ziņojumu, kas nosūtīts katrā numurā.",
- "Stream_Cast": "Plūsma Cast",
- "Stream_Cast_Address": "Stream Cast adresi",
- "Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP vai jūsu Rocket.Chat centrālo plūsmu Cast. Piemēram ` 3000` vai 'localhost: 4000`",
- "strike": "streikot",
+ "Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Saglabāt pēdējo ziņojumu, kas nosūtīts katrā istabā.",
+ "Stream_Cast": "Stream Cast",
+ "Social_Network": "Sociālais tīkls",
+ "Stream_Cast_Address": "Stream Cast adrese",
+ "Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP vai jūsu Rocket.Chat centrālai Stream Cast resursdators. Piemēram ` 3000` vai 'localhost: 4000`",
+ "strike": "streiks",
"Subject": "Temats",
"Submit": "Iesniegt",
- "Success": "Panākumi",
- "Success_message": "Success message",
+ "Success": "Izdevās",
+ "Success_message": "Izdevās ziņa",
"Sunday": "Svētdiena",
"Support": "Atbalsts",
"Survey": "Aptauja",
- "Survey_instructions": "Novērtējiet katru jautājumu atbilstoši jūsu apmierinātībai 1, tas nozīmē, ka jūs esat pilnīgi neapmierināts un 5 nozīmē, ka esat pilnīgi apmierināts.",
+ "Survey_instructions": "Novērtējiet katru jautājumu atbilstoši jūsu apmierinātībai 1, tas nozīmē, ka jūs esat pavisam neapmierināts un 5 nozīmē, ka esat pilnībā apmierināts.",
"Symbols": "Simboli",
"Sync_success": "Sinhronizēt panākumus",
- "Sync_in_progress": "Sinhronizācija notiek",
+ "Sync_in_progress": "Notiek sinhronizācija",
"Sync_Users": "Sinhronizēt lietotājus",
"System_messages": "Sistēmas ziņojumi",
- "Tag": "Birka",
+ "Tag": "Tags",
"Take_it": "Ņem to!",
"TargetRoom": "Mērķa istaba",
- "TargetRoom_Description": "Telpā, kurā tiks nosūtīti ziņojumi, kuru rezultāts ir atlaists. Ir atļauta tikai viena mērķa telpa, un tai jābūt pastāvīgai.",
+ "TargetRoom_Description": "Istaba ir vieta kurā tiks nosūtīti ziņojumi, kuri ir rezultāts pasākuma uzsākšanai. Ir atļauta tikai viena mērķa istaba, un tai ir jāeksistē.",
"Team": "Komanda",
- "Test_Connection": "Test savienojums",
- "Test_Desktop_Notifications": "Pārbaudiet darbvirsmas paziņojumus",
+ "Test_Connection": "Testa savienojums",
+ "Test_Desktop_Notifications": "Testa darbvirsmas paziņojumus",
"Thank_you_exclamation_mark": "Paldies!",
"Thank_you_for_your_feedback": "Paldies par jūsu atsauksmēm",
"The_application_name_is_required": "Pieteikuma nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
"The_channel_name_is_required": "Ir nepieciešams kanāla nosaukums",
"The_emails_are_being_sent": "E-pasta ziņojumi tiek nosūtīti.",
- "The_field_is_required": "Lauks% s ir nepieciešams.",
- "The_image_resize_will_not_work_because_we_can_not_detect_ImageMagick_or_GraphicsMagick_installed_in_your_server": "Attēla izmēru maiņa nestrādās, jo mēs nevaram atklāt jūsu serverī instalēto ImageMagick vai GraphicsMagick.",
- "The_redirectUri_is_required": "RedirectUri ir nepieciešams",
- "The_server_will_restart_in_s_seconds": "Serveris restartēs% s sekundēs",
- "The_setting_s_is_configured_to_s_and_you_are_accessing_from_s": "Iestatījums % sir konfigurēts uz % s, un jūs piekļūstat no % s!",
- "The_user_will_be_removed_from_s": "Lietotājs tiks noņemts no% s",
- "The_user_wont_be_able_to_type_in_s": "Lietotājs nevarēs ierakstīt% s",
+ "The_field_is_required": "Nepieciešams %s lauks.",
+ "The_image_resize_will_not_work_because_we_can_not_detect_ImageMagick_or_GraphicsMagick_installed_in_your_server": "Attēla izmēru maiņa nestrādās, jo mēs nevaram atrast jūsu serverī uzinstalētu ImageMagick vai GraphicsMagick.",
+ "The_redirectUri_is_required": "Nepieciešams RedirectUri ",
+ "The_server_will_restart_in_s_seconds": "Serveris restartēsies pēc %s sekundēm",
+ "The_setting_s_is_configured_to_s_and_you_are_accessing_from_s": "Iestatījums %sir konfigurēts uz %s, un jūs piekļūstat no %s!",
+ "The_user_will_be_removed_from_s": "Lietotājs tiks noņemts no %s",
+ "The_user_wont_be_able_to_type_in_s": "Lietotājs nevarēs ierakstīt %s",
"Theme": "Tēma",
"theme-color-component-color": "Komponenta krāsa",
"theme-color-content-background-color": "Satura fona krāsa",
"theme-color-custom-scrollbar-color": "Pielāgota ritjoslas krāsa",
"theme-color-error-color": "Kļūdas krāsa",
"theme-color-info-font-color": "Info Fonta krāsa",
+ "Step": "Solis",
"theme-color-link-font-color": "Saites fonta krāsa",
"theme-color-pending-color": "Gaida krāsu",
"theme-color-primary-action-color": "Primārā darbības krāsa",
@@ -1993,161 +2084,168 @@
"theme-color-secondary-background-color": "Sekundārā fona krāsa",
"theme-color-secondary-font-color": "Sekundārā fonta krāsa",
"theme-color-selection-color": "Atlases krāsa",
- "theme-color-status-away": "Prom statusa krāsa",
+ "theme-color-status-away": "Izgājis statusa krāsa",
"theme-color-status-busy": "Aizņemts statusa krāsa",
- "theme-color-status-offline": "Bezsaistes statusa krāsa",
- "theme-color-status-online": "Tiešsaistes statusa krāsa",
- "theme-color-success-color": "Veiksmes krāsa",
+ "theme-color-status-offline": "Bezsaistē statusa krāsa",
+ "theme-color-status-online": "Tiešsaistē statusa krāsa",
+ "theme-color-success-color": "Izdevās krāsa",
"theme-color-tertiary-background-color": "Terciārā fona krāsa",
"theme-color-tertiary-font-color": "Terciārā fonta krāsa",
"theme-color-transparent-dark": "Caurspīdīgs tumšs",
"theme-color-transparent-darker": "Caurspīdīgs tumšāks",
- "theme-color-transparent-light": "Caurspīdīgs gaisma",
- "theme-color-transparent-lighter": "Caurspīdīgs šķiltavu",
- "theme-color-transparent-lightest": "Caurspīdīgs vieglākais",
+ "theme-color-transparent-light": "Caurspīdīgs gaišs",
+ "theme-color-transparent-lighter": "Caurspīdīgs gaišāks",
+ "theme-color-transparent-lightest": "Caurspīdīgs gaišākais",
"theme-color-unread-notification-color": "Neizlasītu paziņojumu krāsa",
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Kļūda",
- "theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Kļūdas gaisma",
- "theme-color-rc-color-alert": "trauksme",
- "theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Trauksmes gaisma",
- "theme-color-rc-color-success": "Panākumi",
- "theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Success Light",
- "theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Pogas galvenais",
- "theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Pogas galvenais gaisma",
- "theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Primārs",
- "theme-color-rc-color-primary-darkest": "Primārā Darkest",
- "theme-color-rc-color-primary-dark": "Primārā tumsa",
- "theme-color-rc-color-primary-light": "Primārā gaisma",
- "theme-color-rc-color-primary-light-medium": "Primārā gaismas vidēja",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Kļūda gaišs",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Brīdinājums",
+ "Telecom": "Telekom",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Brīdinājums gaišs",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-success": "Izdevās",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Tehnoloģiju nodrošinātājs ",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Izvedies gaišs",
+ "Technology_Services": "Tehnoloģiju pakalpojumi",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Poga galvenais",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Poga galvenais gaišs",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Galvenais",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-primary-darkest": "Galvenais tumšākais",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-primary-dark": "Galvenais tumšs",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-primary-light": "Galvenais gaišs",
+ "theme-color-rc-color-primary-light-medium": "Galvenais gaišs vidējs",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary-lightest": "Galvenais vieglākais",
"theme-color-rc-color-content": "Saturs",
- "theme-custom-css": "Pielāgota CSS",
- "theme-font-body-font-family": "Ķermeņa fontu ģimene",
+ "theme-custom-css": "Pielāgots CSS",
+ "theme-font-body-font-family": "Pamtteksta fontu saime",
"There_are_no_agents_added_to_this_department_yet": "Vēl nav aģenti, kas pievienoti šim departamentam.",
- "There_are_no_applications": "Netika pievienoti oAuth lietojumprogrammas.",
+ "There_are_no_applications": "Vēl netika pievienoti oAuth lietotnes.",
"There_are_no_integrations": "Nav integrācijas",
"There_are_no_users_in_this_role": "Šajā lomā nav lietotāju.",
- "There_are_no_applications_installed": "Pašlaik nav instalēta programma Rocket.Chat Applications.",
+ "There_are_no_applications_installed": "Pašlaik nav instalētas Rocket.Chat lietotnes.",
"This_conversation_is_already_closed": "Šī saruna jau ir slēgta.",
- "This_email_has_already_been_used_and_has_not_been_verified__Please_change_your_password": "Šis e-pasts jau ir ticis izmantots, un tas nav ticis apstiprināts. Lūdzu, mainiet savu paroli.",
- "This_is_a_desktop_notification": "Šis ir paziņojums par darbvirsmu",
+ "This_email_has_already_been_used_and_has_not_been_verified__Please_change_your_password": "Šis e-pasts jau ir ticis izmantots, un tas nav apstiprināts. Lūdzu, nomainiet savu paroli.",
+ "This_is_a_desktop_notification": "Šis ir darbvirsmas paziņojums",
"This_is_a_push_test_messsage": "Šis ir push testa ziņojums",
- "This_room_has_been_archived_by__username_": "Šo istabu ir arhivē __username__",
- "This_room_has_been_unarchived_by__username_": "Šo istabu ir atkārtoti izlikts ar __username__",
+ "This_room_has_been_archived_by__username_": "Šo istabu ir arhivē lietotājvārds",
+ "This_room_has_been_unarchived_by__username_": "Šo istabu ir atkārtoti izņēma no arhīva lietotājvārds",
"Thursday": "Ceturtdiena",
"Time_in_seconds": "Laiks sekundēs",
"Title": "Virsraksts",
"Title_bar_color": "Nosaukuma joslas krāsa",
- "Title_bar_color_offline": "Nosaukuma josla ir bezsaistē",
+ "Title_bar_color_offline": "Nosaukuma joslas krāsa bezsaistē",
"Title_offline": "Nosaukums bezsaistē",
- "To_install_RocketChat_Livechat_in_your_website_copy_paste_this_code_above_the_last_body_tag_on_your_site": "Lai jūsu vietnē instalētu Rocket.Chat Livechat, kopējiet & ielīmējiet šo kodu virs pēdējā < / body >tagu savā vietnē.",
+ "To_install_RocketChat_Livechat_in_your_website_copy_paste_this_code_above_the_last_body_tag_on_your_site": "Lai jūsu vietnē instalētu Rocket.Chat Livechat, kopējiet & ielīmējiet šo kodu virs pēdējā < / body >ietagojiet savā vietnē.",
"to_see_more_details_on_how_to_integrate": "lai redzētu vairāk informācijas par to, kā integrēt.",
"To_users": "Lietotājiem",
"Toggle_original_translated": "Pārslēgt oriģinālu / tulkot",
- "Token_Access": "Token Access",
- "Token_Controlled_Access": "Token Controlled Access",
- "Token_required": "Nepieciešams marķējums",
+ "Token_Access": "Žetonu piekļuve",
+ "Token_Controlled_Access": "Ar žetoniem kontrolēta piekļuve",
+ "Token_required": "Nepieciešams žetons",
"Tokenpass_Channel_Label": "Tokenpass kanāls",
"Tokenpass_Channels": "Tokenpass kanāli",
- "Tokens_Minimum_Needed_Balance": "Minimālais nepieciešamais simbolu līdzsvars",
- "Tokens_Minimum_Needed_Balance_Description": "Iestatiet minimālo vajadzīgo līdzsvaru katrā pilnvarā. Tukšais vai \"0\", neierobežojot.",
+ "Tokens_Minimum_Needed_Balance": "Minimālais nepieciešamais žetonu līdzsvars",
+ "Tokens_Minimum_Needed_Balance_Description": "Iestatiet minimālo vajadzīgo līdzsvaru katram žetonam. Tukšs vai \"0\", lai būtu neierobežoti.",
"Tokens_Minimum_Needed_Balance_Placeholder": "Bilances vērtība",
- "Tokens_Required": "Žetoni ir vajadzīgi",
- "Tokens_Required_Input_Description": "Ievadiet vienu vai vairākus toņu nosaukumu nosaukumus, atdalot tos ar komatu.",
- "Tokens_Required_Input_Error": "Nederīgi ievadīti marķieri.",
- "Tokens_Required_Input_Placeholder": "Tokenu aktīvu nosaukumi",
+ "Tokens_Required": "Žetoni vajadzīgi",
+ "Tokens_Required_Input_Description": "Ievadiet vienu vai vairākus žetonu aktvu nosaukumus atdalītus ar komatu.",
+ "Tokens_Required_Input_Error": "Nepareizi ievadīti žetoni.",
+ "Tokens_Required_Input_Placeholder": "Žetonu aktīvu nosaukumi",
"Topic": "Temats",
- "Transcript_Enabled": "Jautājiet apmeklētājam, vai viņi pēc transakcijas beigšanas vēlas slēgt sarunu",
- "Transcript_message": "Ziņa rādīšanai, kad tiek uzdots jautājums par transkriptu",
- "Transcript_of_your_livechat_conversation": "Jūsu livechat sarunas transkripts.",
+ "Transcript_Enabled": "Jautāt apmeklētājam, vai viņi pēc transakcijas beigšanas vēlas beigt tērzēšanu",
+ "Transcript_message": "Ziņa lai parādtu, kad tiek uzdots jautājums par transkriptu",
+ "Transcript_of_your_livechat_conversation": "Jūsu livechat sarunas stenogramma.",
"Translated": "Tulkots",
"Translations": "Tulkojumi",
"Travel_and_Places": "Ceļojumi un vietas",
- "Trigger_removed": "Trigger noņemts",
- "Trigger_Words": "Iedarbināšanas vārdi",
+ "Trigger_removed": "Trigeris noņemts",
+ "Trigger_Words": "Trigera vārdi",
"Triggers": "Trigeri",
"True": "Taisnība",
"Tuesday": "Otrdiena",
- "Turn_ON": "Ieslēdz",
+ "Turn_ON": "Ieslēgt",
"Turn_OFF": "Izslēgt",
"Two-factor_authentication": "Divu faktoru autentifikācija",
"Two-factor_authentication_disabled": "Divu faktoru autentifikācija ir atspējota",
"Two-factor_authentication_enabled": "Divu faktoru autentifikācija ir iespējota",
"Two-factor_authentication_is_currently_disabled": "Divu faktoru autentifikācija pašlaik ir atspējota",
- "Two-factor_authentication_native_mobile_app_warning": "BRĪDINĀJUMS: kad būsiet to iespējojis, jūs nevarēsit pieteikties dzimtajās mobilajās lietotnēs (Rocket.Chat +), izmantojot savu paroli, līdz tās ieviesīs 2FA.",
- "Type": "Type",
+ "Two-factor_authentication_native_mobile_app_warning": "BRĪDINĀJUMS: šo iespējojot, jūs nevarēsiet pieteikties vietējajās mobilā tālruņa lietotnēs (Rocket.Chat +), izmantojot savu paroli, līdz tās ieviesīs 2FA.",
+ "Type": "Veids",
"Type_your_email": "Ierakstiet savu e-pastu",
"Type_your_message": "Ierakstiet savu ziņojumu",
"Type_your_name": "Ierakstiet savu vārdu",
"Type_your_new_password": "Ierakstiet savu jauno paroli",
- "UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars": "Atļaut īpašus simbolus telpu vārdos",
- "UI_Click_Direct_Message": "Noklikšķiniet, lai izveidotu tiešo ziņojumu",
- "UI_Click_Direct_Message_Description": "Izlaist atvēršanas profila cilni, tā vietā dodieties tieši uz sarunu",
- "UI_DisplayRoles": "Displeja lomas",
+ "UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars": "Atļaut īpašus simbolus istabu nosaukumos",
+ "UI_Click_Direct_Message": "Noklikšķiniet, lai izveidotu ziņojumu",
+ "UI_Click_Direct_Message_Description": "Izlaist profila atvēršanas cilni, tā vietā dodieties tieši uz sarunu",
+ "UI_DisplayRoles": "Parādt lomas",
"UI_Merge_Channels_Groups": "Apvienot privātās grupas ar kanāliem",
- "UI_Unread_Counter_Style": "Nelasīta counter stila",
- "UI_Use_Name_Avatar": "Izmantojiet pilno nosaukumu inicialus, lai ģenerētu noklusējuma avataru",
- "UI_Use_Real_Name": "Izmantojiet reālu vārdu",
- "Unarchive": "No arhīva",
- "unarchive-room": "Unarchive Room",
- "unarchive-room_description": "Atļauja arhivēt kanālus",
+ "UI_Unread_Counter_Style": "Nelasīto ziņu skaitītāja stils",
+ "UI_Use_Name_Avatar": "Izmantojiet pilnā vārda iniciāļus, lai ģenerētu noklusējuma avataru",
+ "UI_Use_Real_Name": "Izmantot reālu vārdu",
+ "Unarchive": "Izņemt no arhīva",
+ "unarchive-room": "Izņemt istabu no arhīva",
+ "unarchive-room_description": "Atļauja izņemt kanālus no arhīva",
"Unblock_User": "Atbloķēt lietotāju",
"Uninstall": "Atinstalēt",
- "Unignore": "Neignorējiet",
- "Unmute_someone_in_room": "Inmute kāds istabā",
- "Unmute_user": "Atslēgt lietotāju",
- "Unnamed": "Bez nosaukuma",
- "Unpin_Message": "Atbloķēt ziņu",
+ "Unignore": "Noņemt ignorēt",
+ "Unmute_someone_in_room": "Atļaut rakstī kādam istabā",
+ "Unmute_user": "Atļaut raksīt lietotājam",
+ "Unnamed": "Bez vārda",
+ "Unpin_Message": "Noņemt piesprausto ziņojumu",
"Unread": "Nelasīts",
- "Unread_on_top": "Nelasīti augšā",
- "Unread_Count": "Nelasīti skati",
- "Unread_Count_DM": "Neapstrādāts skaits tiešajām ziņām",
+ "Unread_on_top": "Nelasītos uz augšu",
+ "Unread_Count": "Nelasīto skaits",
+ "Unread_Count_DM": "Neapstrādāto ziņojumu skaits",
"Unread_Messages": "Nelasīti ziņojumi",
- "Unread_Rooms": "Nesalasītie numuri",
- "Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Nelasītu telpu režīms",
- "Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Nezināms trauks ikonas brīdinājums",
- "Unstar_Message": "Noņemt zvaigzni",
- "Updated_at": "Atjaunināts at",
+ "Unread_Rooms": "Nesalasītās istabas",
+ "Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Nelasīto istabu režīms",
+ "Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Nelasīto ikonjoslas brīdinājums",
+ "Tourism": "Tūrisms",
+ "Unstar_Message": "Noņemt zvaigznīti",
+ "Updated_at": "Atjaunināts uz",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Atjauniniet savu Rocket.Chat",
- "Upload_user_avatar": "Augšupielādēt iemiesojumu",
+ "Upload_user_avatar": "Augšupielādēt avataru",
"Upload_file_description": "Faila apraksts",
"Upload_file_name": "Faila nosaukums",
"Upload_file_question": "Vai augšupielādēt failu?",
"Uploading_file": "Faila augšupielāde ...",
- "Uptime": "Laiks",
+ "Uptime": "Darbības laiks",
"URL": "URL",
- "URL_room_prefix": "URL telpas prefikss",
- "Use_account_preference": "Izmantojiet konta preferences",
- "Use_Emojis": "Izmantojiet Emojis",
- "Use_Global_Settings": "Izmantojiet globālos iestatījumus",
- "Use_initials_avatar": "Izmantojiet savu lietotājvārdu iniciāļus",
- "Use_minor_colors": "Izmantojiet nelielu krāsu paleti (pēc noklusējuma mantos galvenās krāsas)",
- "Use_service_avatar": "Izmantojiet% s avatar",
- "Use_this_username": "Izmantojiet šo lietotājvārdu",
- "Use_uploaded_avatar": "Izmantojiet augšupielādēto iemiesojumu",
- "Use_url_for_avatar": "Izmantojiet URL avatāru",
- "Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Izmantojiet lietotāja preferences vai globālos iestatījumus",
+ "URL_room_prefix": "URL istabas prefikss",
+ "Use_account_preference": "Izmantot konta preferences",
+ "Use_Emojis": "Izmantot Emoji",
+ "Use_Global_Settings": "Izmantot globālos iestatījumus",
+ "Use_initials_avatar": "Izmantot sava lietotājvārda iniciāļus",
+ "Use_minor_colors": "Izmantot nelielu krāsu paleti (pēc noklusējuma mantos galvenās krāsas)",
+ "Use_service_avatar": "Izmantot %s avatar",
+ "Use_this_username": "Izmantot šo lietotājvārdu",
+ "Use_uploaded_avatar": "Izmantot augšupielādēto avataru",
+ "Use_url_for_avatar": "Izmantot URL kā avataru",
+ "Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Izmantot lietotāja preferences vai globālos iestatījumus",
+ "Type_your_job_title": "Ieraksti savu darba nosaukumu",
"User": "Lietotājs",
- "user-generate-access-token": "Lietotāja veidot piekļuves kodu",
- "user-generate-access-token_description": "Atļauja lietotājiem izveidot piekļuves žetonus",
- "User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs __username__ tagad ir __room_name__ vadītājs",
- "User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs __username__ tagad ir __room_name__ moderators",
- "User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs __username__ tagad ir __room_name__ īpašnieks",
- "User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "Lietotājs __username__ noņemts no __room_name__ līderiem",
- "User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "Lietotājs __username__ noņemts no __room_name__ moderatoriem",
- "User__username__removed_from__room_name__owners": "Lietotājs __username__ noņemts no __room_name__ īpašniekiem",
+ "user-generate-access-token": "Lietotāja veidots piekļuves žetons",
+ "user-generate-access-token_description": "Atļauja lietotājiem veidot piekļuves žetonus",
+ "User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds tagad ir istabas nosaukums vadītājs",
+ "Type_your_password": "Ievadiet savu paroli",
+ "User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds tagad ir istabas nosaukums moderators",
+ "Type_your_username": "Ievadiet savu lietotājvārdu",
+ "User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds tagad ir istabas nosaukums īpašnieks",
+ "User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds noņemts istabas nosaukums līderiem",
+ "User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds noņemts no istabas nosaukums moderatoriem",
+ "User__username__removed_from__room_name__owners": "Lietotājs lietotājvārds noņemts no istabas nosaukums īpašniekiem",
"User_added": "Lietotājs pievienots",
- "User_added_by": "Lietotājs __user_added__pievienoja __user_by__.",
+ "User_added_by": "Lietotāju Lietotājs pievienotspievienoja lietotājs.",
"User_added_successfully": "Lietotājs pievienots veiksmīgi",
- "User_and_group_mentions_only": "Lietotājs un grupa minēti tikai",
+ "User_and_group_mentions_only": "Lietotājs un grupa tikai pieminējumi",
"User_default": "Lietotāja noklusējums",
- "User_doesnt_exist": "Neviens lietotājs nepieder ar nosaukumu `@% s`.",
+ "User_doesnt_exist": "Nav neviens lietotājs ar nosaukumu `@%s`.",
"User_has_been_activated": "Lietotājs ir aktivizēts",
"User_has_been_deactivated": "Lietotājs ir deaktivizēts",
"User_has_been_deleted": "Lietotājs ir izdzēsts",
- "User_has_been_ignored": "Lietotājs ir ignorēts",
- "User_has_been_muted_in_s": "Lietotājs ir izslēgts% s",
- "User_has_been_removed_from_s": "Lietotājs ir noņemts no% s",
+ "User_has_been_ignored": "Lietotājs tiek ignorēts",
+ "User_has_been_muted_in_s": "Lietotājam ir liegts rakstīt %s",
+ "User_has_been_removed_from_s": "Lietotājs ir noņemts no %s",
"User_has_been_unignored": "Lietotājs vairs netiek ignorēts",
"User_Info": "Lietotāja informācija",
"User_Interface": "Lietotāja interfeiss",
@@ -2155,114 +2253,114 @@
"User_is_no_longer_an_admin": "Lietotājs vairs nav administrators",
"User_is_now_an_admin": "Lietotājs tagad ir administrators",
"User_is_unblocked": "Lietotājs ir atbloķēts",
- "User_joined_channel": "Pievienojies kanālam.",
- "User_joined_channel_female": "Pievienojies kanālam.",
- "User_joined_channel_male": "Pievienojies kanālam.",
- "User_left": "Ir atstājis kanālu.",
- "User_left_female": "Ir atstājis kanālu.",
- "User_left_male": "Ir atstājis kanālu.",
+ "User_joined_channel": "Pievienojās kanālam.",
+ "User_joined_channel_female": "Pievienojās kanālam.",
+ "User_joined_channel_male": "Pievienojās kanālam.",
+ "User_left": "Ir pametis kanālu.",
+ "User_left_female": "Ir pametis kanālu.",
+ "User_left_male": "Ir pametis kanālu.",
"User_logged_out": "Lietotājs ir izrakstījies",
- "User_management": "Lietotāju pārvaldība",
- "User_mentions_only": "Lietotājs piemin tikai",
- "User_muted": "Lietotājs izslēgts",
- "User_muted_by": "Lietotājs __user_muted__izslēgts no __user_by__.",
+ "User_management": "Lietotāju pārvalde",
+ "User_mentions_only": "Tikai lietotāja pieminējumus",
+ "User_muted": "Lietotājam ir liegts rakstīt",
+ "User_muted_by": "Lietotājam lietotājam liegts rakstītliedza rakstītlietotājs.",
"User_not_found": "Lietotājs nav atrasts",
"User_not_found_or_incorrect_password": "Lietotājs nav atrasts vai ir nepareiza parole",
"User_or_channel_name": "Lietotāja vai kanāla nosaukums",
"User_removed": "Lietotājs ir noņemts",
- "User_removed_by": "Lietotājs __user_removed__noņemts ar __user_by__.",
+ "User_removed_by": "Lietotāju lietotājs noņemtsnoņēma lietotājs.",
"User_Settings": "Lietotāja iestatījumi",
- "user_sent_an_attachment": "__user__ nosūtīja pielikumu",
- "User_unmuted_by": "Lietotājs __user_un muted__ir atspējojis __user_by__.",
- "User_unmuted_in_room": "Lietotājs ir atvienots telpā",
+ "user_sent_an_attachment": "lietotājs nosūtīja pielikumu",
+ "User_unmuted_by": "Lietotājam lietotājam ļauts rakstītatļāva rakstītlietotājs.",
+ "User_unmuted_in_room": "Lietotājam ir atļauts rakstīt istabā",
"User_updated_successfully": "Lietotājs ir veiksmīgi atjaunināts",
- "User_uploaded_file": "Augšupielādēts fails",
- "User_uploaded_image": "Augšupielādējis attēlu",
+ "User_uploaded_file": "Fails augšupielādēts",
+ "User_uploaded_image": "Attēls augšupielādēts",
"User_Presence": "Lietotāja klātbūtne",
"UserDataDownload": "Lietotāja datu lejupielāde",
"UserData_EnableDownload": "Iespējot lietotāja datu lejupielādi",
"UserData_FileSystemPath": "Sistēmas ceļš (eksportētie faili)",
"UserData_FileSystemZipPath": "Sistēmas ceļš (saspiests fails)",
- "UserData_ProcessingFrequency": "Apstrādes biežums (protokols)",
- "UserData_MessageLimitPerRequest": "Ziņu ierobežojums uz pieprasījumu",
+ "UserData_ProcessingFrequency": "Apstrādes biežums (Protokols)",
+ "UserData_MessageLimitPerRequest": "Ziņojumu ierobežojums uz pieprasījumu",
"UserDataDownload_EmailSubject": "Jūsu datu fails ir gatavs lejupielādei",
- "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Jūsu datu fails tagad ir gatavs lejupielādei. Lai to lejupielādētu, noklikšķiniet uz šeit.",
+ "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Jūsu datu fails tagad ir gatavs lejupielādei. Lai to lejupielādētu, noklikšķiniet šeit.",
"UserDataDownload_Requested": "Lejupielādējiet pieprasīto failu",
- "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Jūsu datu fails tiks ģenerēts. Saite tās lejupielādei tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu e-pasta adresi, kad būs gatava.",
- "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Jūsu datu fails jau tiek ģenerēts. Saite tās lejupielādei tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu e-pasta adresi, kad būs gatava.",
- "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Jūsu datu fails jau tika izveidots. Pārbaudiet e-pasta kontu par lejupielādes saiti.",
+ "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Jūsu datu fails tiks izveidots. Saite tā lejupielādei tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu e-pasta adresi, kad būs gatava.",
+ "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Jūsu datu fails jau tiek veidots. Saite tā lejupielādei tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu e-pasta adresi, kad būs gatava.",
+ "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Jūsu datu fails jau tika izveidota. Pārbaudiet e-pasta kontu par lejupielādes saiti.",
"Username": "Lietotājvārds",
- "Username_and_message_must_not_be_empty": "Lietotājvārds un ziņa nedrīkst būt tukša.",
+ "Username_and_message_must_not_be_empty": "Lietotājvārds un ziņojums nedrīkst būt tukšs.",
"Username_cant_be_empty": "Lietotājvārds nevar būt tukšs",
"Username_Change_Disabled": "Jūsu Rocket.Chat administrators ir atspējojis lietotājvārdu nomaiņu",
- "Username_denied_the_OTR_session": "__username__ noliedza OTR sesiju",
- "Username_description": "Lietotājvārds tiek izmantots, lai citi varētu pieminēt jūs ziņās.",
- "Username_doesnt_exist": "Lietotājvārds `% s` neeksistē.",
- "Username_ended_the_OTR_session": "__username__ beidzās OTR sesija",
- "Username_invalid": "% snav derīgs lietotājvārds, lieto tikai burtus, ciparus, punktus, defises un pasvītras",
- "Username_is_already_in_here": "`@% s` jau ir šeit.",
- "Username_is_not_in_this_room": "Lietotājs #% s nav šajā telpā.",
+ "Username_denied_the_OTR_session": "lietotājvārds aizliedza OTR sesiju",
+ "Username_description": "Lietotājvārds tiek izmantots, lai citi varētu pieminēt jūs ziņojumos.",
+ "Username_doesnt_exist": "Lietotājvārds `%s` neeksistē.",
+ "Username_ended_the_OTR_session": "lietotājvārds beidzās OTR sesija",
+ "Username_invalid": "% snav derīgs lietotājvārds, lietojiet tikai burtus, ciparus, punktus, defises un pasvītras",
+ "Username_is_already_in_here": "`@%s` jau ir šeit.",
+ "Username_is_not_in_this_room": "Lietotājs #% s nav šajā istabā.",
"Username_Placeholder": "Lūdzu, ievadiet lietotājvārdus ...",
"Username_already_exist": "Lietotājvārds jau eksistē. Lūdzu, izmēģiniet citu lietotājvārdu.",
- "User_sent_a_message_on_channel": "__username__nosūtīja ziņojumu __channel__:",
- "User_uploaded_a_file_on_channel": "__username__augšupielādēja failu __channel__:",
- "User_sent_a_message_to_you": "__username__nosūtīja jums ziņojumu:",
- "User_uploaded_a_file_to_you": "__username__nosūtīja jums failu:",
+ "User_sent_a_message_on_channel": "lietotājvārdsnosūtīja ziņojumu kanāls:",
+ "User_uploaded_a_file_on_channel": "lietotājvārdsaugšupielādēja failu kanāls:",
+ "User_sent_a_message_to_you": "lietotājvārdsnosūtīja jums ziņojumu:",
+ "User_uploaded_a_file_to_you": "lietotājvārdsnosūtīja jums failu:",
"Username_title": "Reģistrēt lietotājvārdu",
- "Username_wants_to_start_otr_Do_you_want_to_accept": "__username__ vēlas sākt OTR. Vai jūs vēlaties pieņemt?",
+ "Username_wants_to_start_otr_Do_you_want_to_accept": "lietotājvārds vēlas sākt OTR. Vai jūs vēlaties pieņemt?",
"Users": "Lietotāji",
"Users_added": "Lietotāji ir pievienoti",
- "Users_in_role": "Loma lietotāji",
- "UTF8_Names_Slugify": "UTF8 Nosaukums Slugify",
- "UTF8_Names_Validation": "UTF8 vārdu validācija",
+ "Users_in_role": "Lietotāji lomā",
+ "UTF8_Names_Slugify": "UTF8 vārdi Slugify",
+ "UTF8_Names_Validation": "UTF8 vārdu apstiprināšana",
"UTF8_Names_Validation_Description": "RegExp, ko izmantos, lai apstiprinātu lietotājvārdus un kanālu nosaukumus",
"Validate_email_address": "Apstiprināt e-pasta adresi",
"Verification": "Pārbaude",
- "Verification_Description": "Pārbaudes URL varat izmantot šādus aizstājējus:
[vārds], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja vārds, uzvārds vai uzvārds.
[e-pasts] lietotāja e-pastam.
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietojumprogrammas nosaukums un URL.
- "Verification_Email": "Lai apstiprinātu savu kontu, noklikšķiniet uz šeit.",
- "Verification_email_sent": "Verifikācijas e-pasts ir nosūtīts",
- "Verification_Email_Subject": "[Site_Name] - pārbaudiet savu kontu",
- "Verified": "Verificēts",
- "Verify": "pārbaudīt",
+ "Verification_Description": "Jūs varat izmantot šādus vietturus:
[Verification_Url] kā apstiprinājuma URL.
[vārds], [fname], [lname] attiecīgi lietotāja pilnam vārdam, vārds vai uzvārds.
[e-pasts] lietotāja e-pastam.
[Vietnes nosaukums] un [Site_URL] attiecīgi lietotnes nosaukums un URL.
+ "Verification_Email": "Lai apstiprinātu savu kontu, noklikšķiniet šeit.",
+ "Verification_email_sent": "Apstiprināšanas e-pasts ir nosūtīts",
+ "Verification_Email_Subject": "[Site_Name] - apstipriniet savu kontu",
+ "Verified": "Apstiprināts",
+ "Verify": "Apstiprināt",
"Version": "Versija",
"Video_Chat_Window": "Video tērzēšana",
"Video_Conference": "Video konference",
- "Video_message": "Video ziņa",
- "Videocall_declined": "Video zvans tiek noraidīts.",
+ "Video_message": "Video ziņojums",
+ "Videocall_declined": "Video zvans noraidīts.",
"Videocall_enabled": "Video zvans ir iespējots",
"view-c-room": "Skatīt publisko kanālu",
"view-c-room_description": "Atļauja apskatīt publiskos kanālus",
- "view-d-room": "Skatīt tiešos ziņojumus",
- "view-d-room_description": "Atļauja apskatīt tiešos ziņojumus",
- "view-full-other-user-info": "Skatīt citus lietotāja informāciju",
- "view-full-other-user-info_description": "Atļauja, lai apskatītu citu lietotāju pilnu profilu, tostarp konta izveides datumu, pēdējo pieteikšanos u.c.",
+ "view-d-room": "Skatīt ziņojumus",
+ "view-d-room_description": "Atļauja skatīt ziņojumus",
+ "view-full-other-user-info": "Skatīt citu lietotāju informāciju",
+ "view-full-other-user-info_description": "Atļauja, lai skatītu citu lietotāju pilnu profilu, tostarp konta izveides datumu, pēdējo pieteikšanos u.c.",
"view-history": "Skatīt vēsturi",
- "view-history_description": "Atļauja apskatīt kanālu vēsturi",
- "view-join-code": "Skatīt pievienojamo kodu",
- "view-join-code_description": "Atļauja, lai apskatītu kanāla pievienošanas kodu",
- "view-joined-room": "Skatīt pievienoto numuru",
- "view-joined-room_description": "Atļauja, lai apskatītu pašlaik savienotos kanālus",
- "view-l-room": "Skats uz Livechat numuriem",
+ "view-history_description": "Atļauja skatīt kanāla vēsturi",
+ "view-join-code": "Skatīt pievienošanās kodu",
+ "view-join-code_description": "Atļauja skatīt kanāla pievienošanās kodu",
+ "view-joined-room": "Skatīt istabu kurā pievienojies",
+ "view-joined-room_description": "Atļauja skatīt kanālus kuros pašlaik pievienojies",
+ "view-l-room": "Skatīt Livechat istabas",
"view-l-room_description": "Atļauja skatīties livechat kanālus",
"view-livechat-manager": "Skatīt Livechat pārvaldnieku",
- "view-livechat-manager_description": "Atļauja apskatīt citus livechat vadītājus",
- "view-livechat-rooms": "Skats uz Livechat numuriem",
- "view-livechat-rooms_description": "Atļauja apskatīt citus livechat kanālus",
+ "view-livechat-manager_description": "Atļauja skatīt citus livechat vadītājus",
+ "view-livechat-rooms": "skatīt Livechat istabas",
+ "view-livechat-rooms_description": "Atļauja skatīt citus livechat kanālus",
"view-logs": "Skatīt žurnālus",
- "view-logs_description": "Atļauja apskatīt servera žurnālus",
+ "view-logs_description": "Atļauja skatīt servera žurnālus",
"view-other-user-channels": "Skatīt citus lietotāju kanālus",
- "view-other-user-channels_description": "Atļauja apskatīt citiem lietotājiem piederošus kanālus",
- "view-outside-room": "Skats uz ārpusi",
- "view-p-room": "Skatīt privātu telpu",
- "view-p-room_description": "Atļauja apskatīt privātus kanālus",
+ "view-other-user-channels_description": "Atļauja skatīt citiem lietotājiem piederošus kanālus",
+ "view-outside-room": "Skatīt istabas ārpusi",
+ "view-p-room": "Skatīt privātu istabu",
+ "view-p-room_description": "Atļauja skatīt privātus kanālus",
"view-privileged-setting": "Skatīt priviliģēto iestatījumu",
- "view-privileged-setting_description": "Atļauja apskatīt iestatījumus",
- "view-room-administration": "Skatīt telpas administrāciju",
- "view-room-administration_description": "Atļauja skatīt publisko, privāto un tiešo ziņu statistiku. Neietver iespēju apskatīt sarunas vai arhīvus",
+ "view-privileged-setting_description": "Atļauja skatīt iestatījumus",
+ "view-room-administration": "Skatīt istabas administrāciju",
+ "view-room-administration_description": "Atļauja skatīt publisko, privāto un ziņojumu statistiku. Neietver iespēju skatīt sarunas vai arhīvus",
"view-statistics": "Skatīt statistiku",
- "view-statistics_description": "Atļauja apskatīt sistēmas statistiku, piemēram, pieslēgto lietotāju skaitu, telpu skaitu, operētājsistēmas informāciju",
+ "view-statistics_description": "Atļauja skatīt sistēmas statistiku, piemēram, pieslēgto lietotāju skaitu, istabu skaitu, operētājsistēmas informāciju",
"view-user-administration": "Skatīt lietotāja administrāciju",
- "view-user-administration_description": "Atļauja daļējai, nolasāmā saraksta skatam citos lietotāja kontos, kas pašlaik ir sistēmā. Ar šo atļauju nav pieejama neviena lietotāja konta informācija",
+ "view-user-administration_description": "Atļauja daļējai, tikai lasīšanai paredzētā saraksta, citu lietotāju kontu, kas pašlaik ir pieteikušies sistēmā, skatīšanai . Ar šo atļauju nav pieejama neviena lietotāja konta informācija",
"View_All": "Skatīt visus dalībniekus",
"View_Logs": "Skatīt žurnālus",
"View_mode": "Skatīt režīmu",
@@ -2273,74 +2371,317 @@
"Visitor_Info": "Apmeklētāja informācija",
"Visitor_Navigation": "Apmeklētāju navigācija",
"Visitor_page_URL": "Apmeklētāja lapas URL",
- "Visitor_time_on_site": "Apmeklētāja laiks uz vietas",
- "Wait_activation_warning": "Pirms jūs varat pieteikties, jūsu kontu manuāli jāaktivizē administrators.",
+ "Visitor_time_on_site": "Apmeklētāja laiks vietnē",
+ "Wait_activation_warning": "Pirms jūs varat pieteikties, administratoram manuāli jāaktivizē jūsu kontu .",
"Warnings": "Brīdinājumi",
"We_are_offline_Sorry_for_the_inconvenience": "Mēs esam bezsaistē. Atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām.",
- "We_have_sent_password_email": "Mēs nosūtījām jums e-pastu ar paroles atiestatīšanas norādījumiem. Ja nesaņemsit e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzu, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
- "We_have_sent_registration_email": "Mēs esam nosūtījuši jums e-pastu, lai apstiprinātu jūsu reģistrāciju. Ja nesaņemsit e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzu, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
+ "We_have_sent_password_email": "Mēs nosūtījām jums e-pastu ar paroles atiestatīšanas norādījumiem. Ja nesaņemsiet e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzu, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
+ "We_have_sent_registration_email": "Mēs esam nosūtījuši jums e-pastu, lai apstiprinātu jūsu reģistrāciju. Ja nesaņemsiet e-pasta ziņojumu, lūdzu, atgriezieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"Webhook_URL": "Webhok URL",
"Webhooks": "Webhooks",
- "WebRTC_direct_audio_call_from_%s": "Tiešais audio zvans no% s",
- "WebRTC_direct_video_call_from_%s": "Tiešais videozvans no% s",
- "WebRTC_group_audio_call_from_%s": "Grupas audiozvanu no% s",
- "WebRTC_group_video_call_from_%s": "Grupas videozvans no% s",
- "WebRTC_monitor_call_from_%s": "Pārraudzīt zvanu no% s",
+ "WebRTC_direct_audio_call_from_%s": "Audio zvans no %s",
+ "WebRTC_direct_video_call_from_%s": "Videozvans no %s",
+ "WebRTC_group_audio_call_from_%s": "Grupas audiozvans no %s",
+ "WebRTC_group_video_call_from_%s": "Grupas videozvans no %s",
+ "WebRTC_monitor_call_from_%s": "Pārraudzīt zvanu no %s",
"WebRTC_Enable_Channel": "Iespējot publiskos kanālus",
- "WebRTC_Enable_Direct": "Iespējot tiešajām ziņām",
+ "WebRTC_Enable_Direct": "Iespējot ziņojumus",
"WebRTC_Enable_Private": "Iespējot privātiem kanāliem",
"WebRTC_Servers": "STUN / TURN serveri",
- "WebRTC_Servers_Description": "Saraksts ar STUN un TURN serveriem, atdalīti ar komatu. Lietotājvārds, parole un ports ir atļauti formātā `username: password @ stun: host: port 'vai` username: password @ turn: host: port`.",
- "Website": "Mājas lapa",
+ "WebRTC_Servers_Description": "Saraksts ar STUN un TURN serveriem, atdalītiem ar komatu. Lietotājvārds, parole un ports ir atļauti formātā `username: password @ stun: host: port 'vai` username: password @ turn: host: port`.",
+ "Website": "Mājaslapa",
"Wednesday": "Trešdiena",
- "Welcome": "Laipni lūdzam % s.",
+ "Welcome": "Laipni lūdzam %s.",
"Welcome_to_the": "Laipni lūdzam",
"Why_do_you_want_to_report_question_mark": "Kāpēc jūs vēlaties ziņot?",
"will_be_able_to": "varēs",
"Would_you_like_to_return_the_inquiry": "Vai jūs vēlaties nosūtīt pieprasījumu?",
- "Yes": "jā",
+ "Yes": "Jā",
"Yes_archive_it": "Jā, arhivējiet to!",
- "Yes_clear_all": "Jā, dzēst visu!",
- "Yes_delete_it": "Jā, izdzēsiet to!",
- "Yes_hide_it": "Jā, paslēpies!",
- "Yes_leave_it": "Jā, atstāj to!",
- "Yes_mute_user": "Jā, mēms lietotājs!",
- "Yes_remove_user": "Jā, noņemiet lietotāju!",
- "Yes_unarchive_it": "Jā, arhivējiet to!",
+ "Yes_clear_all": "Jā, notīrīt visu!",
+ "Yes_delete_it": "Jā, dzēst to!",
+ "Yes_hide_it": "Jā, paslēpt!",
+ "Yes_leave_it": "Jā, atstāt to!",
+ "Yes_mute_user": "Jā, liegt lietotājam rakstīt!",
+ "Yes_remove_user": "Jā, noņemt lietotāju!",
+ "Yes_unarchive_it": "Jā, izņemt to no arhiīva!",
"yesterday": "vakar",
"You": "Tu",
- "you_are_in_preview_mode_of": "Jūs esat kanāla # priekšskatījuma režīmā __room_name__",
+ "you_are_in_preview_mode_of": "Jūs esat kanāla # priekšskatījuma režīmā istabas nosaukums",
"You_are_logged_in_as": "Jūs esat pieteicies kā",
"You_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page": "Jums nav tiesību skatīt šo lapu.",
- "You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too": "Jūs varat ignorēt iemiesojumu, ko izmanto, lai publicētu šo integrāciju.",
- "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Jūs varat meklēt, izmantojot RegExp. piem.,",
- "You_can_use_an_emoji_as_avatar": "Emociju varat izmantot kā iemiesojumu.",
+ "You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too": "Jūs varat pāarrakstīt avataru, kas izmantots, lai publicētu šo integrāciju.",
+ "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Jūs varat meklēt, izmantojot RegExp. piem., /^text$/i",
+ "You_can_use_an_emoji_as_avatar": "Kā aavataru jūs varat izmantot arī Emoji.",
"You_can_use_webhooks_to_easily_integrate_livechat_with_your_CRM": "Jūs varat izmantot webhoaks, lai viegli integrētu livechat ar savu CRM.",
"You_cant_leave_a_livechat_room_Please_use_the_close_button": "Jūs nevarat atstāt livechat istabu. Lūdzu, izmantojiet aizvēršanas pogu.",
- "You_have_been_muted": "Jūs esat izslēgts un nevar runāt šajā telpā",
- "You_have_n_codes_remaining": "Jums ir __number__ kodi paliek.",
- "You_have_not_verified_your_email": "Jūs neesat verificējis savu e-pastu.",
- "You_have_successfully_unsubscribed": "Jūs esat veiksmīgi atrakstījies no mūsu Maings saraksta.",
- "You_have_to_set_an_API_token_first_in_order_to_use_the_integration": "Vispirms ir jāiestata API marķieris, lai izmantotu integrāciju.",
+ "You_have_been_muted": "Jums ir liegts rakstīt un nevar runāt šajā istabā",
+ "You_have_n_codes_remaining": "Jūsu atlikušais kodu skaits cipars.",
+ "You_have_not_verified_your_email": "Jūs neesat apstiprinājis savu e-pastu.",
+ "You_have_successfully_unsubscribed": "Jūs esat veiksmīgi anulējis abonomentu no mūsu Sūtšanas saraksta.",
+ "You_have_to_set_an_API_token_first_in_order_to_use_the_integration": "Vispirms ir jāiestata API žetons, lai izmantotu integrāciju.",
+ "view-broadcast-member-list": "Skatīt lietotāju sarakstu apraides istabā",
"You_must_join_to_view_messages_in_this_channel": "Jums jāpievienojas, lai skatītu ziņas šajā kanālā",
"You_need_confirm_email": "Jums jāapstiprina e-pasts, lai pieteiktos!",
"You_need_install_an_extension_to_allow_screen_sharing": "Lai varētu kopīgot ekrānu, jums ir jāinstalē paplašinājums",
"You_need_to_change_your_password": "Jums ir jāmaina sava parole",
- "You_need_to_type_in_your_password_in_order_to_do_this": "Lai to izdarītu, jums jāievada parole!",
- "You_need_to_type_in_your_username_in_order_to_do_this": "Lai to izdarītu, jums jāievada sava lietotājvārds!",
- "You_need_to_verifiy_your_email_address_to_get_notications": "Lai saņemtu paziņojumus, jums ir jāverificē sava e-pasta adrese",
- "You_need_to_write_something": "Jums kaut ko jāraksta!",
+ "You_need_to_type_in_your_password_in_order_to_do_this": "Lai to izdarītu, jums jāievada sava parole!",
+ "You_need_to_type_in_your_username_in_order_to_do_this": "Lai to izdarītu, jums jāievada savs lietotājvārds!",
+ "You_need_to_verifiy_your_email_address_to_get_notications": "Lai saņemtu paziņojumus, jums ir jāapstiprina sava e-pasta adrese",
+ "You_need_to_write_something": "Jums kaut ko jāuzraksta!",
"You_should_inform_one_url_at_least": "Jums vajadzētu definēt vismaz vienu URL.",
"You_should_name_it_to_easily_manage_your_integrations": "Jums vajadzētu nosaukt to, lai viegli pārvaldītu integrāciju.",
- "You_will_not_be_able_to_recover": "Jūs nevarat atgūt šo ziņojumu!",
- "You_will_not_be_able_to_recover_file": "Jūs nevarēsiet šo failu atkopt!",
- "You_wont_receive_email_notifications_because_you_have_not_verified_your_email": "Jūs nesaņemsit e-pasta paziņojumus, jo neesat apstiprinājis savu e-pastu.",
- "Your_email_has_been_queued_for_sending": "Jūsu e-pasts ir nosūtīts rindā",
+ "You_will_not_be_able_to_recover": "Jūs nevarēsiet atgūt šo ziņojumu!",
+ "You_will_not_be_able_to_recover_file": "Jūs nevarēsiet atgūt šo failu!",
+ "You_wont_receive_email_notifications_because_you_have_not_verified_your_email": "Jūs nesaņemsiet e-pasta paziņojumus, jo neesat apstiprinājis savu e-pastu.",
+ "Your_email_has_been_queued_for_sending": "Jūsu e-pasts ir ielikts nosūtšanas rindā",
"Your_entry_has_been_deleted": "Jūsu ieraksts ir izdzēsts.",
"Your_file_has_been_deleted": "Jūsu fails ir dzēsts.",
- "Your_mail_was_sent_to_s": "Jūsu pasts tika nosūtīts uz% s",
- "your_message": "Tava ziņa",
+ "Your_mail_was_sent_to_s": "Jūsu pasts tika nosūtīts uz %s",
+ "your_message": "Jūsu ziņojums",
"your_message_optional": "Jūsu ziņojums (nav obligāti)",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Jūsu parole ir nepareiza!",
- "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Jūsu spiediens tika nosūtīts uz% s ierīcēm"
+ "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Jūsu push tika nosūtīts uz %s ierīcēm",
+ "Your_server_link": "Jūsu servera saite",
+ "Your_workspace_is_ready": "Jūsu darbastacija ir gatava lietošanai 🎉",
+ "Worldwide": "Pasaules mēroga",
+ "Country_Afghanistan": "Afganistāna",
+ "Country_Albania": "Albānija",
+ "Country_Algeria": "Alžīrija",
+ "Country_American_Samoa": "Amerikāņu Samoa",
+ "Country_Andorra": "Andora",
+ "Country_Angola": "Angola",
+ "Country_Anguilla": "Angilija",
+ "Country_Antarctica": "Antarktika",
+ "Country_Antigua_and_Barbuda": "Antigva un barbuda",
+ "Country_Argentina": "Argentīna",
+ "Country_Armenia": "Armēnija",
+ "Country_Aruba": "Aruba",
+ "Country_Australia": "Austrālija",
+ "Country_Austria": "Austrija",
+ "Country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaidžāna",
+ "Country_Bahamas": "Bahamu salas",
+ "Country_Bahrain": "Bahrēna",
+ "Country_Bangladesh": "Bangladeša",
+ "Country_Barbados": "Barbadosa",
+ "Country_Belarus": "Baltkrievija",
+ "Country_Belgium": "Beļģija",
+ "Country_Belize": "Belīze",
+ "Country_Benin": "Benina",
+ "Country_Bermuda": "Bermudu salas",
+ "Country_Bhutan": "Butāna",
+ "Country_Bolivia": "Bolīvija",
+ "Country_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina": "Bosnija un Hercegovina",
+ "Country_Botswana": "Botsvana",
+ "Country_Bouvet_Island": "Buvē sala",
+ "Country_Brazil": "Brazīlija",
+ "Country_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory": "Britu Indijas Okeāna Teritorija",
+ "Country_Brunei_Darussalam": "Bruneja",
+ "Country_Bulgaria": "Bulgārija",
+ "Country_Burkina_Faso": "Burkinafaso",
+ "Country_Burundi": "Burundi",
+ "Country_Cambodia": "Kamodža",
+ "Country_Cameroon": "Kamerūna",
+ "Country_Canada": "Kanāda",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Kaboverde",
+ "Country_Cayman_Islands": "Kaimanu salas",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Centrālāfrikas Republika",
+ "Country_Chad": "Čada",
+ "Country_Chile": "Čīle",
+ "Country_China": "Ķīna",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Ziemassvētku sala",
+ "Country_Cocos_Keeling_Islands": "Kokosu (Kīlinga) salas",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Kolumbija",
+ "Country_Comoros": "Komoru salas",
+ "Country_Congo": "Kongo",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Kongo Demokrātiskā Republika",
+ "Country_Cook_Islands": "Kuka salas",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Kostarika",
+ "Country_Cote_Divoire": "Kotdivuāra",
+ "Country_Croatia": "Horvātija",
+ "Country_Cuba": "Kuba",
+ "Country_Cyprus": "Kipra",
+ "Country_Czech_Republic": "Čehijas Republika",
+ "Country_Denmark": "Dānija",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Džibutija",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Dominika",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Dominikānas Republika",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Ekvadora",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Ēģipte",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "Salvadora",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Ekvatoriālā Gvineja",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Eritreja",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Igaunija",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Etiopija",
+ "Country_Falkland_Islands_Malvinas": "Folklenda (Malvinu) salas",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Fēru salas",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Fidži",
+ "Country_Finland": "Somija",
+ "Country_France": "Francija",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "Francijas Gviāna",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "Francijas Polinēzija",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "Fanču Dienvidjūras teritorijas",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Gabona",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Gambija",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Gruzija",
+ "Country_Germany": "Vācija",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Gana",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltārs",
+ "Country_Greece": "Grieķija",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Grenlande",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Grenāda",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Gvadelupa",
+ "Country_Guam": "Guama",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Gvatemala",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Gvineja",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Gvineja-Bisava",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Gajāna",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Haiti",
+ "Country_Heard_Island_and_Mcdonald_Islands": "Hērda Sala un Makdonalda Salas",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Svētais Krēsls (Vatikāna Pilsētvalsts)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Hondurasa",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Hongkonga",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Ungārija",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Īslande",
+ "Country_India": "Indija",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Indonēzija",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Irānas Islāma Republika",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Irāka",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Īrija",
+ "Country_Israel": "Izraēla",
+ "Country_Italy": "Itālija",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Jamaika",
+ "Country_Japan": "Japāna",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Jordānija",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakstāna",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Kenija",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Korejas Demokrātiskā Tautas Republika",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Korejas Republika",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Kuveita",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kirgizstāna",
+ "Country_Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic": "Laosas Tautas Demokrātiskā Republika",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Latvija",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Libāna",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Lesoto",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Libērija",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Arābu Lībijas Džabahīrija",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Lihtenšteina",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Lietuva",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Luksemburga",
+ "Country_Macao": "Makao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Bijusī Dienvidslāvijas Maķedonijas Republika",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Madagaskara",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Malāvija",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Malaizija",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Maldīvija",
+ "Country_Mali": "Mali",
+ "Country_Malta": "Malta",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Māršala Salas",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Martinika",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Mauritānija",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Maurcija",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Majota",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Meksika",
+ "Country_Micronesia_Federated_States_of": "Mikronēzijas Federatvās Valstis",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Moldovas Republika",
+ "Country_Monaco": "Monako",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Mongolija",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Maroka",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Mozambika",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "Mjanma",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Namībija",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Nauru",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Nepāla",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Nīderlande",
+ "Country_Netherlands_Antilles": "Nīderlandes Antiļas",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "Jaunkaledonija",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "Jaunzēlande",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Nikaragva",
+ "Country_Niger": "Nigēra",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Nigērija",
+ "Country_Niue": "Niue",
+ "Country_Norfolk_Island": "Norfolkas Sala",
+ "Country_Northern_Mariana_Islands": "Ziemeļu Marianas Salas",
+ "Country_Norway": "Norvēģija",
+ "Country_Oman": "Omāna",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Pakistāna",
+ "Country_Palau": "Palau",
+ "Country_Palestinian_Territory_Occupied": "Okupētā palestīniešu teritorija",
+ "Country_Panama": "Panama",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Papua-Jaungvineja",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Paragvaja",
+ "Country_Peru": "Peru",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Filipīnas",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Pitkērna",
+ "Country_Poland": "Polija",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Portugāle",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Puertoriko",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Katara",
+ "Country_Reunion": "Reinjona",
+ "Country_Romania": "Rumānija",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Krievijas Federācija",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Ruanda",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "Sv. Helēnas salas",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Sentkitsa un Nevisa",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "Sentlūsija",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Sanpjēra un Mikelona",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Sentvinsenta un Grenadīnas",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Samoa Neatkarīgā Valsts",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "Sanmarīno",
+ "Country_Sao_Tome_and_Principe": "Santome un Prinsipi",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Saūdu Arābija",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Senegāla",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Serbija un Montenegro",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Seišelas",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Sjerraleone",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Singapūra",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Slovākija",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Slovēnija",
+ "Country_Solomon_Islands": "Zālamana salas",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Somālija",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "Dienvidāfrika",
+ "Country_South_Georgia_and_The_South_Sandwich_Islands": "Dienviddžordžija un Dienvidsendviču Salas",
+ "Country_Spain": "Spānija",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Šrilanka",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Sudāna",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Surinama",
+ "Country_Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen": "Svālbarda un Jana Majena Sala",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Svazilenda",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Zviedrija",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Šveice",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Sīrijas Arābu Republika",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Taivāna, Ķīnas province",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Tadžikistāna",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Tanzānijas Savienotā Republika",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Taizeme",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Austrumtimora",
+ "Country_Togo": "Togo",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
+ "Country_Tonga": "Tonga",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Trinidāda un Tobāgo",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Tunisija",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Turcija",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistāna",
+ "Country_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands": "Tērksas un Kaikosas Salas",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Uganda",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Ukraina",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "Apvienotie Arābu Emerāti",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "Apvienotā Karaliste",
+ "Country_United_States": "Amerikas Savienotās Valstis",
+ "Country_United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands": "ASV Mazās Aizjūras Salas",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Urugvaja",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistāna",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Venecuēla",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "Vjetnama",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_British": "Britu Virdžīnu Salas",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "ASV Virdīnu Salas",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Volisa un Futunas Salas",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Rietumsahāra",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Jemena",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Zambija",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabve"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/mn.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/mn.i18n.json
index 5793e77ec917..80da4c272a1d 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/mn.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/mn.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Нууц үг шинэчлэх",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Баталгаажуулалтын үйлчилгээний үндсэн үүрэг",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Баталгаажуулалтын үйлчилгээнд бүртгүүлэх үед анхдагч үүрэг (таслалаар тусгаарлагдсан) хэрэглэгчид өгөх болно",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Custom",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Баталгаажуулалтын үйлчилгээнд бүртгүүлэх",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Бүртгэлийн маягт",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Шуудан руу илгээсэн",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Бүртгэлийн маягт Холбоос солих Текст",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Path-ыг зөвшөөрөх",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Олон нийтийн",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Хамрах хүрээ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Нууц URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Бүртгэлийн маягт нууц URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Та өөрийн бүртгэлийн URL-д нэмэгдэх санамсаргүй мөрийг өгөх ёстой. Жишээ нь: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Руу оруулна уу",
"Error": "Алдаа",
"Error_404": "Алдаа: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Алдаа: Rocket.Chat олон тохиолдол дээр ажиллаж байхдаа oplog tailing шаарддаг",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "MongoDB нь ReplicaSet горимд байгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай, мөн MONGO_OPLOG_URL орчны хувьсагч нь програмын сервер дээр зөвөөр тодорхойлогдсон эсэхийг шалгана уу.",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ зөвшөөрөгдөөгүй",
"error-application-not-found": "Програм байхгүй байна",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "'__room_name__' нэртэй архивлагдсан суваг байна.",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Өөр газраас бусад руу шилжүүлэх",
"mail-messages": "Захидлын зурвасууд",
"mail-messages_description": "Захидлын зурвасуудыг ашиглах зөвшөөрөл",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Бүртгэлийн маягт",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Та нэг буюу хэд хэдэн буруу имэйлийг өгсөн байна:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Та нэг буюу хэд хэдэн хэрэглэгчийг сонгох эсвэл коммандаар тусгаарлагдсан нэг буюу хэд хэдэн имэйл хаягийг өгөх ёстой.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Та ямар ч зурвас сонгоогүй байна",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ms-MY.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ms-MY.i18n.json
index 769755f7eb51..698644a5af55 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ms-MY.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ms-MY.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Peranan lalai untuk Perkhidmatan Pengesahan",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Pengguna lalai (dipisahkan koma) akan diberikan semasa mendaftar melalui perkhidmatan pengesahan",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Custom",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Pendaftaran dengan Pengesahan Perkhidmatan",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Borang pendaftaran",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Token Identiti Dihantar Melalui",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Orang kurang Upaya",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Borang Pendaftaran Link penggantian teks",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "awam",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Skop",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL Secret",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Borang Pendaftaran URL Secret",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Anda mesti menyediakan rentetan rawak yang akan ditambah ke URL pendaftaran anda. Contoh: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Masuk ke",
"Error": "ralat",
"Error_404": "Ralat: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Ralat: Rocket.Chat memerlukan tailing oplog apabila berjalan dalam beberapa keadaan",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Sila pastikan MongoDB anda berada pada mod ReplicaSet dan pembolehubah persekitaran MONGO_OPLOG_URL ditakrifkan dengan betul pada pelayan aplikasi",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ tidak dibenarkan",
"error-application-not-found": "Permohonan tidak dijumpai",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ada satu saluran yang diarkibkan dengan nama '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Log keluar Dari Logged Lain Di Lokasi",
"mail-messages": "Mesej Mel",
"mail-messages_description": "Kebenaran untuk menggunakan pilihan mesej mel",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Borang pendaftaran",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Anda telah menyediakan e-mel satu atau lebih tidak sah: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Anda mesti memilih satu atau lebih pengguna atau menyediakan satu atau lebih alamat e-mel, dipisahkan dengan tanda koma.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Anda belum memilih sebarang mesej",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/nl.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/nl.i18n.json
index 30dcf9f11f84..fe54955353ac 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/nl.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/nl.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Wachtwoord reset",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standaardrollen voor authenticatiediensten",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standaardrollen (door komma's gescheiden) gebruikers worden gegeven bij registratie via authenticatieservices",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "gewoonte",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registration with Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identiteit Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registratieformulier",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Sent Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Registration Form Link Replacement Text",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Machtigen Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Openbaar",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "strekking",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Geheime URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registration Form Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "You must provide a random string that will be added to your registration URL. Example: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Ga binnen bij",
"Error": "Fout",
"Error_404": "Foutmelding 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fout: Rocket.Chat vereist oplog-tailing bij uitvoering in meerdere instanties",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Zorg ervoor dat uw MongoDB in de ReplicaSet-modus staat en de omgevingsvariabele MONGO_OPLOG_URL correct is gedefinieerd op de toepassingsserver",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ is niet toegestaan",
"error-application-not-found": "Applicatie niet gevonden",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Er is een gearchiveerd kanaal met de naam '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Uitloggen van andere plekken",
"mail-messages": "Mailberichten",
"mail-messages_description": "Toestemming om de optie voor e-mailberichten te gebruiken",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registratieformulier",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Je hebt één of meer ongeldige e-mails gegeven: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "U moet een of meer gebruikers selecteren of één of meer e-mailadressen invullen, gescheiden door komma's.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Je hebt geen bericten geslecteerd.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/no.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/no.i18n.json
index 946cb0bee486..8ff61f6bcbb1 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/no.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/no.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Reset passord",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standardroller for godkjenningstjenester",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardroller (kommaseparerte) brukere vil bli gitt når de registreres via autentiseringstjenester",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Tilpasset",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrering med godkjenningstjenester",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identitetsvei",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registreringsskjema",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identitets Token Sendt Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Deaktivert",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Tokenbane",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Registreringsskjema Link Replacement Text",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Godkjenn sti",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Offentlig",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "omfang",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Hemmelig URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registreringsskjema Hemmelig URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Du må oppgi en tilfeldig streng som vil bli lagt til din registreringsadresse. Eksempel: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Skriv inn til",
"Error": "Feil",
"Error_404": "Feil: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Feil: Rocket.Chat krever oplog tailing når du kjører i flere tilfeller",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Sørg for at MongoDB er på ReplicaSet-modus og MONGO_OPLOG_URL miljøvariabel er definert riktig på applikasjonsserveren",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ er ikke tillatt",
"error-application-not-found": "Søknad ikke funnet",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Det er en arkivert kanal med navn '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logg ut fra andre logget på steder",
"mail-messages": "E-postmeldinger",
"mail-messages_description": "Tillatelse til å bruke alternativet for e-postmeldinger",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registreringsskjema",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Du har oppgitt en eller flere ugyldige e-poster:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Du må velge en eller flere brukere eller gi en eller flere e-postadresser, skilt av kommaer.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Du har ikke valgt noen meldinger",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pl.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pl.i18n.json
index 520651a2d27f..be254c7a9f56 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pl.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pl.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Zresetuj hasło",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Domyślne role dla usług uwierzytelniania",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Domyślne role (oddzielone przecinkiem) zostaną podane użytkownikom podczas rejestracji za pośrednictwem usług uwierzytelniania",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Zwyczaj",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Rejestracja przy użyciu serwisów zewnętrznych",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formularz rejestracyjny",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Tożsamość wysłana przez",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Wyłączony",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Treść tekstu zamiennego w formularzu rejestracyjnym",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Publiczny",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Zakres",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Sekretny adres URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Sekretny adres URL formularza rejestracyjnego",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Musisz podać losowy ciąg znaków, który zostanie dodany do adresu URL rejestracji. Przykład: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Naciśnij Enter: ",
"Error": "Błąd",
"Error_404": "Błąd 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Błąd: Rocket.Chat wymaga oględzin oplog podczas uruchamiania w wielu instancjach",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Upewnij się, że MongoDB jest w trybie ReplicaSet, a zmienna środowiskowa MONGO_OPLOG_URL jest poprawnie zdefiniowana na serwerze aplikacji",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ jest niedozwolone",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplikacja nie znaleziona",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Istnieje zarchiwizowany kanał o nazwie '__room_name__ '",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Wyloguj z innych zalogowanych urządzeń",
"mail-messages": "Mail Wiadomości",
"mail-messages_description": "Uprawnienie do korzystania z opcji wiadomości e-mail",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formularz rejestracyjny",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Podałeś jeden lub więcej nieprawidłowych maili: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Musisz wybrać jednego lub więcej użytkowników lub wpisać jeden lub więcej adresów e-mail, rozdzielając je przecinkami.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Nie wybrałeś żadnych wiadomości.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
index a1549395f3d4..dc3e0d9f01e4 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Redefinição de Senha",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Funções padrão para serviços de autenticação",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Funções padrão (separadas por vírgulas) serão fornecidas ao registrar-se através de serviços de autenticação",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personalizado",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registro com os Serviços de Autenticação",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Caminho de Identidade",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formulário de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Token de identidade enviado via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Desativado",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Caminho do Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Text de Substituição do Link do Formulário de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Autorizar caminho",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Público",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Escopo",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL Secreta",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL Secreta para o Formulário de Registro",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Você deve fornecer uma seqüência aleatória que será adicionada à sua URL de registro. Exemplo: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter para",
"Error": "Erro",
"Error_404": "Erro 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Erro: Rocket.Chat requer oplog tailing quando executado em várias instâncias",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Certifique-se de que seu MongoDB esteja no modo ReplicaSet e a variável de ambiente MONGO_OPLOG_URL esteja definida corretamente no servidor de aplicativos",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ não é permitido",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplicação não encontrada",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Já há um canal arquivado com o nome '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Sair de outros locais logados",
"mail-messages": "Mensagens de Correio",
"mail-messages_description": "Permissão para usar a opção de mensagens",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formulário de Registro",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Você forneceu um ou mais e-mails inválidos: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Você deve selecionar um ou mais usuários ou fornecer um ou mais endereços de e-mail, separados por vírgulas.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Você não selecionou nenhuma mensagem",
@@ -1709,12 +1714,12 @@
"Role_Editing": "Edição de Papel",
"Role_removed": "Papel Removido",
"Room": "Sala",
- "Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "O anúncio do quarto mudou com sucesso",
+ "Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "O anúncio da sala foi alterado com sucesso",
"Room_archivation_state": "Estado",
"Room_archivation_state_false": "Ativo",
"Room_archivation_state_true": "Arquivado",
"Room_archived": "Sala arquivada",
- "room_changed_announcement": "O anúncio do quarto mudou para: __room_announcement__por __user_by__",
+ "room_changed_announcement": "O anúncio da sala foi alterado para: __room_announcement__ por __user_by__",
"room_changed_description": "A descrição da sala foi alterada para: __room_description__por __user_by__",
"room_changed_privacy": "Tipo da sala mudou para: __room_type__ por __user_by__",
"room_changed_topic": "Tópico da sala mudou para: __room_topic__ por __user_by__",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt.i18n.json
index 3affa6dfe214..6a0eeb1fb432 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/pt.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Resetar senha",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Funções padrão para serviços de autenticação",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Funções padrão (separadas por vírgulas) serão fornecidas ao registrar-se através de serviços de autenticação",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personalizado",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registro com os Serviços de Autenticação",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formulário de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Token de identidade enviado via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Desativado",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Text de Substituição do Link do Formulário de Registro",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Público",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Escopo",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL Secreta",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL Secreta para o Formulário de Registro",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Você deve fornecer uma seqüência aleatória que será adicionada à sua URL de registro. Exemplo: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -394,7 +400,7 @@
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Cabeçalhos HTTP",
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Lista de cabeçalhos HTTP, um cabeçalho por linha. Formato: nome: valor",
"Chatpal_API_Key": "Chave API",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Você ainda não tem uma Chave de API? Pegue uma!",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Ainda não tem uma Chave de API?Obtenha uma!",
"Chatpal_no_search_results": "nenhum resultado",
"Chatpal_one_search_result": "1 resultado encontrado",
"Chatpal_search_results": "Encontrado% s resultados",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter para",
"Error": "Erro",
"Error_404": "Erro 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Erro: Rocket.Chat requer oplog tailing quando executado em várias instâncias",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Certifique-se de que seu MongoDB esteja no modo ReplicaSet e a variável de ambiente MONGO_OPLOG_URL esteja definida corretamente no servidor de aplicativos",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ não é permitido",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplicação não encontrada",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Já há um canal arquivado com o nome '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Sair de outros locais logados",
"mail-messages": "Mensagens de Correio",
"mail-messages_description": "Permissão para usar a opção de mensagens",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formulário de Registro",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Você forneceu um ou mais e-mails inválidos: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Você deve selecionar um ou mais usuários ou fornecer um ou mais endereços de e-mail, separados por vírgulas.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Você não selecionou nenhuma mensagem",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ro.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ro.i18n.json
index fc0ae2124226..ccae0aca1fa2 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ro.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ro.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Resetează parola",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Rolul implicit pentru serviciile de autentificare",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Rolurile implicite (utilizatorii separați prin virgulă) vor fi difuzați la înregistrarea prin intermediul serviciilor de autentificare",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Personalizat",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Înregistrare cu servicii de autentificare",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Formular de înregistrare",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identitate Token trimis prin",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Dezactivat",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Înlocuire link din formularul de înregistrare",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Public",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "domeniu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL secret",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL secret din formularul de înregistrare",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Trebuie să furnizați un șir aleatoriu care va fi adăugat la URL-ul dvs. de înregistrare. Exemplu: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter pentru a",
"Error": "Eroare",
"Error_404": "Eroare 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Eroare: Rocket.Chat necesită tăiere oplog atunci când rulează în mai multe instanțe",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Asigurați-vă că MongoDB este în modul ReplicaSet și că variabila de mediu MONGO_OPLOG_URL este definită corect pe serverul de aplicații",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ nu este permisă",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplicatia nu a fost gasita",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Există un canal de arhivat cu numele '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Delogare din celelalte locații",
"mail-messages": "Mail",
"mail-messages_description": "Permisiunea de a utiliza opțiunea de e-mail",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Formular de înregistrare",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Ați furnizat unul sau mai multe e-mailuri invalide: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Trebuie să furnizați una sau mai multe adrese de e-mail pentru 'Către', separate prin virgulă.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Nu ați selectat niciun mesaj",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ru.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ru.i18n.json
index 6f297f97ef58..9b96272bde90 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ru.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ru.i18n.json
@@ -131,13 +131,21 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "Идентификатор WordPress",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Восстановление пароля",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Роли по-умолчанию для сервисов аутентификации",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wp_oauth_server": "WP OAuth Server Plugin",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Роли по-умолчанию (разделенные запятой), назначаемые пользователям при регистрации через сервисы аутентификации",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Пользовательские ",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Регистрация сервисами проверки подлинности",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Регистрационная форма",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identity Token Sent Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Отключена",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Текст замены ссылки регистрационной формы",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Путь к авторизации",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Открытая",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Область",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Секретный URL-адрес",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Секретный URL-адрес регистрационной формы",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Вы должны предоставить случайную строку, которая будет добавлена к вашему регистрационному URL-адресу. Например: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -164,13 +172,13 @@
"add-user-to-any-c-room_description": "Разрешение на добавление пользователя к любому публичному каналу",
"add-user-to-any-p-room": "Добавить пользователя к любому приватному каналу",
"add-user-to-any-p-room_description": "Разрешение на добавление пользователя к любому приватному каналу",
- "add-user-to-joined-room": "Добавить пользователя к любому каналу, к которому присоединён",
+ "add-user-to-joined-room": "Добавление пользователя к любому доступному каналу",
"add-user-to-joined-room_description": "Разрешение на добавление пользователя к каналу, к которому имеет доступ текущий пользователь",
"add-user_description": "Разрешение на добавление новых пользователей на сервер на странице пользователей",
"Add_agent": "Добавить представителя",
"Add_custom_oauth": "Добавить собственный OAuth",
"Add_Domain": "Добавить домен",
- "Add_files_from": "Добавить файлы",
+ "Add_files_from": "Добавить файлы из",
"Add_manager": "Добавить менеджера",
"Add_Role": "Добавить роль",
"Add_user": "Добавить пользователя",
@@ -181,10 +189,14 @@
"Adding_user": "Добавление пользователя",
"Additional_emails": "Дополнительные адреса электронной почты",
"Additional_Feedback": "Дополнительная обратная связь",
+ "additional_integrations_Zapier": "Вы хотите интегрировать другое программное обеспечение и приложения с Rocket.Chat, но у вас нет времени, чтобы вручную это сделать? Мы предлагаем использовать Zapier, который мы полностью поддерживаем. Подробнее об этом читайте в нашей документации. https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/integrations/zapier/using-zaps/ ",
+ "additional_integrations_Bots": "Если вы ищете, как интегрировать свой собственный бот, то смотрите на наш адаптер Hubot. https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat",
"Administration": "Администрирование",
"Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Изображения для взрослых запрещены",
+ "Admin_Info": "Информация Администратора",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "После аутентификации OAuth2, пользователи будут перенаправляться на этот URL-адрес",
"Agent": "Представитель",
+ "Advocacy": "Адвокатура",
"Agent_added": "Представитель добавлен",
"Agent_removed": "Представитель удален",
"Alerts": "Уведомлять",
@@ -206,7 +218,7 @@
"Always_open_in_new_window": "Всегда открывать в новом окне",
"Analytics_features_enabled": "Включенные функции",
"Analytics_features_messages_Description": "Отслеживать пользовательские события, связанные с сообщениями.",
- "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Отслеживать пользовательские события, связанные с действиями в чатах (создать, покинуть, удалить).",
+ "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Отслеживает пользовательские события, связанные с действиями в публичных и закрытых каналах (создать, покинуть, удалить).",
"Analytics_features_users_Description": "Отслеживать пользовательские события, связанные с пользователями (время сброса пароля, изменение аватара и т. д.).",
"Analytics_Google": "Google Analytics",
"Analytics_Google_id": "Идентификатор отслеживания",
@@ -235,30 +247,30 @@
"API_EmbedSafePorts_Description": "Список портов, разделенных запятыми, разрешенных для предварительного просмотра.",
"API_Enable_CORS": "Включить CORS",
"API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint": "Включить конечную точку истории личных сообщений",
- "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Эта настройка включает `/api/v1/im.history.others`. Это разрешает просмотр сообщений из личных диалогов, в которых не участвует вызывающий.",
- "API_Enable_Shields": "Включить бэйджики",
+ "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Эта настройка включает метод `/api/v1/im.history.others`, который разрешает просмотр сообщений из личных диалогов, в которых не участвует вызывающий.",
+ "API_Enable_Shields": "Включить бейджи",
"API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Включить бейджи, доступные в `/api/v1/shield.svg`",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL": "URL-адрес сервера",
"API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL_Description": "Пример: http://domain.com (без завершающего слеша)",
"API_Gitlab_URL": "GitLab URL",
"API_Shield_Types": "Типы бейджей",
- "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Типы бэйджикив виде списка с разделением запятой, выбирайте из `online`, `channel` либо используйте `*` для всех",
+ "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Типы бейджей в виде списка с разделением запятой, выберите `online`, `channel` либо используйте `*` для выбора всех",
"API_Token": "API Токен",
"API_Tokenpass_URL": "Tokenpass Server URL",
"API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Пример: https://domain.com (без слеша на конце)",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Максимальное число записей",
"API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Какое максимальное число записей REST API должен возвращать (если не снято ограничение)?",
- "API_User_Limit": "Лимит пользователя для добавления всех пользователей к чату",
+ "API_User_Limit": "Лимит пользователей при добавлении всех пользователей на канал.",
"API_Wordpress_URL": "WordPress URL",
"Apiai_Key": "Ключ Api.ai",
"Apiai_Language": "Api.ai Язык",
"App_status_unknown": "Неизвестный",
"App_status_constructed": "построенный",
- "App_status_initialized": "Initialized",
+ "App_status_initialized": "Инициализировано",
"App_status_auto_enabled": "Включено",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Включено",
"App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Отключено: ошибка компилятора",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Отключено: ошибка при отсутствии",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Отключено: неизвестная ошибка",
"App_status_manually_disabled": "Отключено: вручную",
"App_status_disabled": "Отключено",
"App_author_homepage": "домашняя страница автора",
@@ -271,6 +283,7 @@
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Применить",
"Archive": "Отправить канал в архив",
"archive-room": "Архивировать комнату",
+ "App_status_invalid_settings_disabled": "Отключено: требуется конфигурация",
"archive-room_description": "Разрешение на архивирование канала",
"are_also_typing": "тоже печатает...",
"are_typing": "печатает...",
@@ -287,7 +300,7 @@
"Attribute_handling": "Обработка атрибутов",
"Audio": "Аудио",
"Audio_message": "Звуковое сообщение",
- "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Может быть любой выборочный звук или один из звуков по умолчанию: beep, chelle, ding, droplet, highbell, seasons",
+ "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Может быть любой из загруженных звуков или один из звуков по умолчанию: beep, chelle, ding, droplet, highbell, seasons",
"Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Звуковые уведомления",
"Audio_Notifications_Value": "Сообщение по умолчанию для аудио уведомления",
"Auth_Token": "Токен авторизации",
@@ -341,6 +354,8 @@
"Body": "Тело",
"bold": "жирный",
"bot_request": "Запрос бота",
+ "Blockchain": "Блокчейн",
+ "Bots": "Боты",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "Пользовательские поля",
"BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "CSV полей пользователя, к которым можно получить доступ с помощью методов ботов помощников.",
"Branch": "Ветка",
@@ -382,39 +397,39 @@
"CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap": "Атрибуты карты",
"CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Используйте этот JSON для создания внутренних атрибутов (ключ) из внешних атрибутов (значение). Имена внешних атрибутов, обрамленные '%', будут интерполированы в строки значений. Например, `{\"email\":\"%email%\", \"name\":\"%firstname%, %lastname%\"}`
Map атрибутов всегда интерполируется. В CAS 1.0 доступен только атрибут `username`. Из внутренних атрибутов доступны: логин (username), имя (name), адрес электронной почты (email), комнаты (rooms); комнаты - это список комнат, к которым присоединить пользователя после создания, разделенный запятой, например: {\"rooms\": \"%team%,%department%\"} присоединит пользователей CAS при создании к каналам их команды и отдела.",
"CAS_version": "Версия CAS",
- "CAS_version_Description": "Используйте только поддерживаемую версию CAS, поддерживаемую вашим сервисом CAS SSO.",
+ "CAS_version_Description": "Используйте только версию CAS, поддерживаемую вашим сервисом CAS SSO.",
"Chatpal_No_Results": "Нет результатов",
"Chatpal_More": "Больше",
"Chatpal_Messages": "Сообщения",
"Chatpal_Rooms": "Комнаты",
"Chatpal_Users": "Пользователи",
- "Chatpal_Search_Results": "результаты поиска",
+ "Chatpal_Search_Results": "Результаты поиска",
"Chatpal_All_Results": "Все",
"Chatpal_Messages_Only": "Сообщения",
- "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Заголовки Http",
+ "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Заголовки HTTP",
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Список заголовков HTTP, по одному заголовку в строке. Формат: имя: значение",
- "Chatpal_API_Key": "Ключ API",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "У вас еще нет ключа API ? Получить один!",
- "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Безрезультатно",
- "Chatpal_one_search_result": "Найдено 1 результат",
- "Chatpal_search_results": "Найдено% s результатов",
- "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Страница% s% s",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key": "API ключ",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "У вас еще нет ключа API? Получите его!",
+ "Chatpal_no_search_results": "Ничего не найдено",
+ "Chatpal_one_search_result": "Найден 1 результат",
+ "Chatpal_search_results": "Найдено %s результатов",
+ "Chatpal_search_page_of": "Страница %s из %s",
"Chatpal_go_to_message": "Перейти",
"Chatpal_Welcome": "Наслаждайтесь поиском!",
- "Chatpal_go_to_user": "Отправить прямое сообщение",
+ "Chatpal_go_to_user": "Отправить личное сообщение",
"Chatpal_go_to_room": "Перейти",
- "Chatpal_Backend": "Тип бэкэнд",
+ "Chatpal_Backend": "Тип бэкэнда",
"Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Выберите, если вы хотите использовать Chatpal как услугу или как установку на месте",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Предложения включены",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL": "Базовый адрес",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Найдите некоторое описание запуска локального экземпляра в github. URL-адрес должен быть абсолютным и указывать на ядро chatpal, например. HTTP: // локальный: 8983 / Solr / chatpal.",
- "Chatpal_Main_Language": "Главный язык",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL": "Базовый URL",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Вы сможете найти описание запуска локального экземпляра в github. URL-адрес должен быть абсолютным и указывать на ядро chatpal, например. http://localhost:8983/ solr/chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Main_Language": "Основной язык",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "Язык, который больше всего используется в разговорах",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Тип результата по умолчанию",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type_Description": "Определяет, какой результат будет показан по результату. Все означает, что предоставляется общий обзор для всех типов.",
- "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Страница администрации чатпала",
+ "Chatpal_AdminPage": "Страница администрирования Chatpal",
"Chatpal_Email_Address": "Адрес электронной почты",
- "Chatpal_Terms_and_Conditions": "Сроки и условия",
+ "Chatpal_Terms_and_Conditions": "Условия",
"Chatpal_TAC_read": "Я прочитал условия",
"Chatpal_create_key": "Создать ключ",
"Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Индексный размер партии",
@@ -423,13 +438,14 @@
"Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Размер партии индексных документов (при начальной загрузке)",
"Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Время между двумя окнами индекса в мс (при начальной загрузке)",
"Chatpal_Window_Size_Description": "Размер индексных окон в часах (при начальной загрузке)",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Условия и условия должны быть проверены",
- "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "Необходимо установить адрес электронной почты",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_TAC_must_be_checked": "Вы должны дать свое согласие с условиями",
+ "Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_set": "Необходимо указать адрес электронной почты",
"Chatpal_ERROR_Email_must_be_valid": "Email должен быть действительным",
"Chatpal_ERROR_username_already_exists": "Имя пользователя уже занято",
- "Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API-ключ успешно создан",
+ "Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "API ключ успешно создан",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Поиск",
"CDN_PREFIX": "CDN префикс",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Больше информации по Chatpal на http://chatpal.io",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Ключи и сертификаты",
"Change_Room_Type": "Изменение типа канала",
"Changing_email": "Изменение адреса электронной почты",
@@ -459,7 +475,7 @@
"Choose_a_room": "Выберите комнату",
"Choose_messages": "Выбрать сообщения",
"Choose_the_alias_that_will_appear_before_the_username_in_messages": "Выберите псевдоним, который появится перед логином в сообщениях.",
- "Choose_the_username_that_this_integration_will_post_as": "Выберите логин, под которым эта интеграция будет постить.",
+ "Choose_the_username_that_this_integration_will_post_as": "Выберите имя пользователя, от которого будет отправлять сообщения эта интеграция.",
"clean-channel-history": "Очистить историю канала",
"clean-channel-history_description": "Разрешение удалять историю на каналах",
"clear": "Очистить",
@@ -489,15 +505,19 @@
"Common_Access": "Общий доступ",
"Compact": "Компактный",
"Computer": "Компьютер",
+ "Continue": "Продолжить",
"Confirm_password": "Подтвердить пароль",
"Content": "Содержимое",
"Conversation": "Беседа",
"Conversation_closed": "Беседа закрыта: __comment__.",
+ "Community": "Сообщество",
"Conversation_finished_message": "Сообщение завершено",
"Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Конвертировать ASCII в эмодзи",
"Copied": "Скопировано",
"Copy": "Копировать",
+ "Consulting": "Консалтинг",
"Copy_to_clipboard": "Копировать в буфер обмена",
+ "Consumer_Goods": "Потребительские товары",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Скопировать в буфер обмена",
"Count": "Количество",
"Cozy": "Удобный",
@@ -509,6 +529,7 @@
"create-p": "Создавать закрытые каналы",
"create-p_description": "Разрешение создавать закрытые чаты",
"create-user": "Создавать пользователей",
+ "Country": "Страна",
"create-user_description": "Разрешение на создание пользователей",
"Create_A_New_Channel": "Создать новый канал ",
"Create_new": "Создать новый",
@@ -534,8 +555,8 @@
"Custom_Fields": "Пользовательские поля",
"Custom_oauth_helper": "Настраивая вашего поставщика OAuth, вам необходимо сообщить обратный URL-адрес. Используйте
"Custom_oauth_unique_name": "Имя OAuth сервиса",
- "Custom_Script_Logged_In": "Пользовательский скрипт для зарегистрированных пользователей",
- "Custom_Script_Logged_Out": "Пользовательский скрипт для незарегистрированных пользователей",
+ "Custom_Script_Logged_In": "Пользовательский скрипт для авторизованных пользователей",
+ "Custom_Script_Logged_Out": "Пользовательский скрипт для неавторизованных пользователей",
"Custom_Scripts": "Пользовательские скрипты",
"Custom_Sound_Add": "Добавить свой звук",
"Custom_Sound_Delete_Warning": "Удаление звука нельзя отменить",
@@ -643,7 +664,7 @@
"edit-other-user-active-status": "Редактировать статус активности другого пользователя",
"edit-other-user-active-status_description": "Разрешение на блокировку и разблокировку аккаунтов",
"edit-other-user-info": "Редактировать информацию другого пользователя",
- "edit-other-user-info_description": "Разрешить изменять имя, логин или адрес электронной почты другого пользователя.",
+ "edit-other-user-info_description": "Разрешение изменять имя, логин или адрес электронной почты другого пользователя.",
"edit-other-user-password": "Редактировать пароль другого пользователя",
"edit-other-user-password_description": "Разрешение на редактирование пароля другого пользователя. Требует разрешения на редактирование информации другого пользователя.",
"edit-privileged-setting": "Изменить привилегированные параметры",
@@ -666,7 +687,8 @@
"Email_from": "От",
"Email_Header_Description": "Вы можете использовать следующие подстановки:
[Site_Name] и [Site_URL] для имени приложения и его URL соответственно.
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Офлайн уведомления по Email",
- "Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Каждое упоминание",
+ "Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Каждое упоминание/ЛС",
+ "Education": "Образование",
"Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Отключено",
"Email_or_username": "Адрес email или логин",
"Email_Placeholder": "Пожалуйста, введите ваш email адрес...",
@@ -693,11 +715,9 @@
"Enter_Behaviour_Description": "Эта настройка определяет, будет Enter отправлять сообщение или добавлять новую строку",
"Enter_name_here": "Введите название",
"Enter_Normal": "Обычный режим (отправка по Enter)",
- "Enter_to": "Выйти и ",
+ "Enter_to": "Войти в",
"Error": "Ошибка",
"Error_404": "Ошибка 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Ошибка: требуется слежение за Oplog при запуске Rocket.Chat на виртуальных машинах",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что ваш MongoDB находится в режиме ReplicaSet, а переменная среды MONGO_OPLOG_URL правильно определена на сервере приложений.",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ не разрешено",
"error-application-not-found": "Приложение не найдено",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Существует архивный канал с именем '__room_name__'",
@@ -707,19 +727,21 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Невозможно изменить адрес электронной почты",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Невозможно изменить имя",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Не удалось изменить логин",
+ "Entertainment": "Развлечения",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Нельзя удалить защищённую роль",
+ "Enterprise": "Enterprise",
"error-department-not-found": "Отдел не найден",
- "error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Передача файлов не разрешена в личных сообщениях",
+ "error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Обмен файлами не разрешен в личных сообщениях",
"error-duplicate-channel-name": "Канал с именем '__channel_name__' уже существует",
"error-email-domain-blacklisted": "Домен адреса электронной почты находится в черном списке",
"error-email-send-failed": "Ошибка отправки электронного сообщения: __message__",
"error-field-unavailable": "__field__ уже используется :(",
"error-file-too-large": "Размер файл слишком большой",
- "error-importer-not-defined": "Импортер не был определен правильно, не хватает классификации импорта.",
+ "error-importer-not-defined": "Импортер не был определен правильно, отсутствует класс импорта.",
"error-input-is-not-a-valid-field": "__input__ недопустимое __field__",
"error-invalid-actionlink": "Недействительная ссылка",
"error-invalid-arguments": "Недопустимые аргументы",
- "error-invalid-asset": "Недействительный актив",
+ "error-invalid-asset": "Недействительный ресурс",
"error-invalid-channel": "Недопустимый канал.",
"error-invalid-channel-start-with-chars": "Недопустимый канал. Начните с @ или #",
"error-invalid-custom-field": "Неверное пользовательское поле",
@@ -773,19 +795,27 @@
"error-you-are-last-owner": "Вы последний владелец комнаты. Пожалуйста, назначьте нового владельца до выхода из этой комнаты.",
"Error_changing_password": "Ошибка при изменении пароля",
"Error_loading_pages": "Ошибка при загрузке страниц",
- "Esc_to": "Выйти и",
+ "Esc_to": "Выйти в",
"Event_Trigger": "Событие",
"Event_Trigger_Description": "Выберите тим события который будет запускать этот webhook",
"every_30_minutes": "Раз в 30 минут",
"every_hour": "Раз в час",
"every_six_hours": "Раз в 6 часов",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера",
"Everyone_can_access_this_channel": "У всех есть доступ к этому каналу",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-minLength": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера о минимальной длине пароля (слишком короткий пароль)",
"Example_s": "Пример: %s",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-maxLength": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера о максимальном размере пароля (слишком длинный пароль)",
"Exclude_Botnames": "Исключить ботов",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-repeatingCharacters": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера запрещенных повторяющихся символов (у вас слишком много одинаковых символов рядом друг с другом)",
"Exclude_Botnames_Description": "Не обрабатывать сообщения от ботов, имена которых совпадают с регулярным выражением выше. Если незаполнено все сообщения будут обработаны.",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneLowercase": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера по крайней мере д.б. один символ нижнего регистра",
"Export_My_Data": "Экспорт моих данных",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneUppercase": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера по крайней мере д.б. один символ верхнего регистра",
"External_Service": "Внешний сервис",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneNumber": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера по крайней мере д.б. один числовой символ",
"External_Queue_Service_URL": "URL внешнего сервера очередей",
+ "error-password-policy-not-met-oneSpecial": "Пароль не соответствует политике сервера по крайней мере д.б. один специальный символ",
"Facebook_Page": "Страница Facebook",
"False": "Нет",
"Favorite_Rooms": "Включить избранные каналы",
@@ -801,7 +831,7 @@
"FileUpload": "Загрузка файла",
"FileUpload_Disabled": "Загрузка файлов отключена.",
"FileUpload_Enabled": "Загрузка файла включена",
- "FileUpload_Enabled_Direct": "Включить загрузку файлов в личных сообщениях",
+ "FileUpload_Enabled_Direct": "Загрузка файлов включена в личных сообщениях",
"FileUpload_File_Empty": "Пустой файл",
"FileUpload_FileSystemPath": "Системный путь",
"FileUpload_GoogleStorage_AccessId": "Идентификатор доступа Google Storage",
@@ -843,7 +873,7 @@
"Food_and_Drink": "Еда и питьё",
"Footer": "Нижний колонтитул",
"Footer_Direct_Reply": "Подвал, когда прямой ответ включен",
- "For_more_details_please_check_our_docs": "Для получения дополнительной информации посмотрите нашу документацию",
+ "For_more_details_please_check_our_docs": "Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посмотрите нашу документацию",
"For_your_security_you_must_enter_your_current_password_to_continue": "Для вашей же безопасности, вы должны повторно ввести свой пароль, чтобы продолжить",
"force-delete-message": "Принудительное удаление сообщений",
"force-delete-message_description": "Разрешение на удаление сообщений в обход всех ограничений",
@@ -851,6 +881,7 @@
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "Не использовать OpLog для синхронизации кеша, даже, если он доступен",
"Force_SSL": "Форсировать SSL",
"Force_SSL_Description": "* Внимание! * _Force SSL_ никогда не должен использоваться с обратным прокси (например, nginx). Если у вас есть обратный прокси-сервер, вы должны сделать перенаправление ТАМ. _Force SSL_ существует для таких платформ, как Heroku, которая не позволяет перенаправить конфигурацию в обратном прокси.",
+ "Financial_Services": "Финансовые услуги",
"Forgot_password": "Забыли пароль?",
"Forgot_Password_Description": "Вы можете использовать следующие подстановки:
[Forgot_Password_Url] для URL восстановления пароля.
[name], [fname], [lname] для полного имени, имени или фамилии пользователя.
[email] для адреса электронной почты пользователя.
[Site_Name] и [Site_URL] для имени приложения и его URL.
"Forgot_Password_Email": "Нажмите сюда для сброса вашего пароля.",
@@ -879,6 +910,7 @@
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Блокирование изображений для взрослых не будет работать, как только будет достигнут месячный лимит",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Вызовов в текущем месяце",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Включить Google Vision",
+ "Gaming": "Игорный бизнес",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Максимальное количество вызов в месяц",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Используйте 0 для безлимита",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Учетная запись сервиса Google Vision",
@@ -906,7 +938,9 @@
"Hide_flextab": "Скрывать правую боковую панель по клику",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Вы уверены, что хотите спрятать группу \"%s\"?",
"Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Вы уверены, что хотите спрятать Livechat с \"%s\"?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Перейти в рабочее пространство",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Вы уверены, что хотите спрятать беседу с \"%s\"?",
+ "Government": "Правительственная организация",
"Hide_roles": "Скрывать роли пользователей",
"Hide_room": "Скрыть комнату",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Вы уверены, что хотите спрятать комнату \"%s\"?",
@@ -915,9 +949,12 @@
"Highlights": "Подсветка сообщений",
"Highlights_How_To": "Чтобы получать уведомления, когда кто-то упоминает слово или фразу, добавьте её здесь. Вы можете разделять слова или фразы запятыми. Слова не чувствительны к регистру.",
"Highlights_List": "Подсвечивать слова",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Здравоохранение/Фармацевтика",
"History": "История",
"Host": "Хост",
+ "Help_Center": "Справочный центр",
"hours": "часы",
+ "Group_mentions_disabled_x_members": "Упоминания группы, для `@all` и `@here` были отключены для комнат с более чем __total__ участниками .",
"Hours": "Часы",
"How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "Насколько дружелюбен был представитель?",
"How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "Насколько информирован был представитель?",
@@ -990,10 +1027,11 @@
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Входящая интеграция WebHook",
"Integration_New": "Новая интеграция",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Исходящая интеграция WebHook",
+ "Industry": "Промышленность",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "История исходящих webhook-интеграций",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Данные, переданные в интеграцию",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Данные, переданные по URL",
- "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Error_Stacktrace": "Стек ошибки",
+ "Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Error_Stacktrace": "Трассировка ошибки",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Http_Response": "HTTP ответ",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Http_Response_Error": "Ошибка ответа HTTP",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Messages_Sent_From_Prepare_Script": "Сообщения, отправленные с этапа подготовки",
@@ -1003,6 +1041,7 @@
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Последний шаг триггера",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "Эта исходящая webhook-интеграция ещё не имеет записанной истории.",
"Integration_Retry_Count": "Число повторных попыток",
+ "Insurance": "Страхование",
"Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Сколько попыток вызова интеграции предпринять, если запрос к URL не удается?",
"Integration_Retry_Delay": "Задержка перед повторной попыткой",
"Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Какой алгоритм задержки перед повторной попыткой использовать? 10^x, 2^x или x*2",
@@ -1086,7 +1125,7 @@
"Jitsi_Enable_Channels": "Включить на канале",
"join": "Присоединиться",
"join-without-join-code": "Присоединяться к публичным чатам без кода входа",
- "join-without-join-code_description": "Разрешение на обход кода входа для публичных чатов с включенным кодом входа",
+ "join-without-join-code_description": "Разрешение пропускать код присоединения для публичных чатов с включенным кодом входа",
"Join_audio_call": "Присоединиться к аудиозвонку",
"Join_Chat": "Присоединиться к чату",
"Join_default_channels": "Присоединить к публичным каналам по умолчанию",
@@ -1105,6 +1144,7 @@
"Katex_Enabled_Description": "Разрешить использование Katex для отображения математических символов в сообщениях",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Разрешить Parenthesis Syntax",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Разрешить использование синтаксисов \\[katex block\\] и \\(inline katex\\)",
+ "Job_Title": "Должность",
"Keep_default_user_settings": "Хранить настройки по умолчанию",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Edit_Previous_Message": "Редактировать предыдущее сообщение",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_1": "Ctrl>+p",
@@ -1130,7 +1170,7 @@
"Layout": "Внешний вид",
"Layout_Home_Body": "Текст на главной странице",
"Layout_Home_Title": "Заголовок на главной странице",
- "Layout_Login_Terms": "Правила составления логина",
+ "Layout_Login_Terms": "Правила составления имения пользователя",
"Layout_Privacy_Policy": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"Layout_Sidenav_Footer": "Колонтитул навигационной панели",
"Layout_Sidenav_Footer_description": "Размер колонтитула 260 на 70 пикселей",
@@ -1149,25 +1189,26 @@
"LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "Если определено, только пользователям, которые соответствуют этому фильтру, разрешено авторизовываться. Если никакой фильтр не будет определен, то все пользователи в рамках указанной доменной базы будут в состоянии регистрироваться. Например для Активной Директории `memberOf=cn=ROCKET_CHAT,ou=General Groups`. Например: для OpenLDAP (расширяемый соответствующий поиск) `ou:dn:=ROCKET_CHAT`.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Область",
"LDAP_Authentication": "Включить",
+ "Launched_successfully": "Успешно запущен",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "Пароль",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "User DN",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "Пользователь LDAP, который выполняет поиск пользователей для аутентификации других пользователей при входе в систему. Обычно это учетная запись службы, созданная специально для сторонних интеграций. Используйте полное имя, например\n `cn = Administrator, cn = Users, dc = Example, dc = com`.",
"LDAP_Enable": "Включить LDAP",
"LDAP_Enable_Description": "Попытка использовать LDAP для аутентификации.",
"LDAP_Encryption": "Шифрование",
- "LDAP_Encryption_Description": "Метод шифрования раньше обеспечивал безопасность коммуникаций с сервером LDAP. Примеры содержат `plain` (без шифрования), `SSL/LDAPS`(зашифрованный с начала), а также `StartTLS`(модернизируйте до зашифрованной коммуникации после подключения).",
+ "LDAP_Encryption_Description": "Метод шифрования, используемый для обеспечения связи с сервером LDAP. Примеры включают в себя «plain» (без шифрования), «SSL / LDAPS» (зашифрованные с самого начала) и «StartTLS» (обновление до зашифрованной связи после подключения).",
"LDAP_Internal_Log_Level": "Уровень внутреннего логирования",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable": "Включить фильтр групп пользователей LDAP",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable_Description": "Ограничить доступ к пользователям в группе LDAP Полезно для серверов OpenLDAP без наложений, которые не позволяют * memberOf * filter",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable_Description": "Ограничить доступ к пользователям в группе LDAP Полезно для серверов OpenLDAP без оверлеев, которые не разрешают фильтр *memberOf*",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Id_Attribute": "Атрибуты Group ID",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Id_Attribute_Description": "Например: *OpenLDAP:*cn",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Attribute": "Атрибут члена группы",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Attribute": "Group Member Attribute",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Attribute_Description": "Например: *OpenLDAP:*uniqueMember",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Format": "Формат участника группы",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Format": "Group Member Format",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Member_Format_Description": "Например, *OpenLDAP:*uid=#{username},ou=users,o=Company,c=com",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Name": "Имя группы",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Group_Name_Description": "Имя группы, к которой принадлежит пользователь",
- "LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass": "Группа ObjectClass",
+ "LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass": "Group ObjectClass",
"LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass_Description": "*Objectclass*, идентифицирует группы. Например: OpenLDAP: groupOfUniqueNames",
"LDAP_Host": "Хост",
"LDAP_Host_Description": "Хост LDAP, например `ldap.example.com` или ``.",
@@ -1272,6 +1313,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Выйти со всех устройств",
"mail-messages": "Посылать электронные сообщения",
"mail-messages_description": "Разрешение на использование функции отправки сообщений через email",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Регистрационная форма",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Вы предоставили один или более недействительных адресов электронной почты: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Вы должны выбрать одного или нескольких пользователей или указать один или несколько адресов электронной почты, разделенных запятыми.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Вы не выбрали ни одного сообщения. ",
@@ -1291,6 +1333,7 @@
"manage-integrations_description": "Разрешение на управление интеграциями сервера",
"manage-oauth-apps": "Управлять приложениями OAuth",
"manage-oauth-apps_description": "Разрешение на управление приложениями OAuth",
+ "Logistics": "Транспорт",
"manage-own-integrations": "Создание собственных интеграций",
"manage-own-integrations_description": "Возможность разрешения создавать и редактировать свои интеграции и webhook'и",
"manage-sounds": "Управление звуками",
@@ -1308,12 +1351,12 @@
"Mark_as_read": "Пометить как прочитанное",
"Mark_as_unread": "Пометить как непрочитанное",
"Markdown_Headers": "Разрешить заголовки Markdown в сообщениях",
- "Markdown_Marked_Breaks": "Включить отмеченные перерывы",
- "Markdown_Marked_GFM": "Включить отмеченные GFM",
- "Markdown_Marked_Pedantic": "Включить отмеченные педантичные",
- "Markdown_Marked_SmartLists": "Включить отмеченные интеллектуальные списки",
- "Markdown_Marked_Smartypants": "Включить отмеченные Smartypants",
- "Markdown_Marked_Tables": "Включить отмеченные таблицы",
+ "Markdown_Marked_Breaks": "Enable Marked Breaks",
+ "Markdown_Marked_GFM": "Enable Marked GFM",
+ "Markdown_Marked_Pedantic": "Enable Marked Pedantic",
+ "Markdown_Marked_SmartLists": "Enable Marked Smart Lists",
+ "Markdown_Marked_Smartypants": "Enable Marked Smartypants",
+ "Markdown_Marked_Tables": "Enable Marked Tables",
"Markdown_Parser": "Парсер Markdown",
"Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink": "Поддерживать Markdown систему ссылок",
"Markdown_SupportSchemesForLink_Description": "Разрешённые Markdown системы через запятую",
@@ -1325,6 +1368,7 @@
"mention-here_description": "Право использовать упоминание @here",
"Mentions": "Упоминания",
"Mentions_default": "Упоминания (по умолчанию)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Производство",
"Mentions_only": "Только упоминания",
"Merge_Channels": "Объединить каналы",
"Message": "Сообщение",
@@ -1343,6 +1387,7 @@
"Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Разрешить нераспознанные слэш команды",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Всегда искать с помощью регулярного выражения",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Мы рекомендуем установить `Включено`, если текстовый поиск в MongoDB не поддерживает ваш язык.",
+ "Media": "СМИ",
"Message_Attachments": "Вложения сообщений",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Кнопки присоединения группы",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Группировка иконок в раскрывающемся меню. Это позволит сэкономить пространство.",
@@ -1421,7 +1466,7 @@
"multi": "несколько",
"multi_line": "несколько строк",
"Mute_all_notifications": "Отключить все уведомления",
- "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Отключить звук @all и @here",
+ "Mute_Group_Mentions": "Отключить звук для упоминаний @all и @here",
"mute-user": "Заглушить пользователя",
"mute-user_description": "Разрешение на заглушение других пользователей в этом же канале",
"Mute_Focused_Conversations": "Отключение сфокусированных разговоров",
@@ -1500,6 +1545,7 @@
"OAuth_Applications": "Приложения OAuth",
"Objects": "Объекты",
"Off": "Выключено",
+ "Nonprofit": "Некоммерческая организация",
"Off_the_record_conversation": "Конфиденциальная беседа",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "Конфиденциальная беседа недоступна в вашем браузере или на вашем устройстве.",
"Office_Hours": "Рабочие часы",
@@ -1522,6 +1568,7 @@
"Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages": "Только авторизованные пользователи могут писать новые сообщения",
"Only_On_Desktop": "Режим рабочего стола (отправлять по Enter только с компьютера)",
"Only_you_can_see_this_message": "Только вы можете видеть это сообщение",
+ "No_results_found_for": "Результаты не найдены:",
"Oops!": "Упс",
"Open": "Открыть",
"Open_channel_user_search": "\"%s\" - открыть канал / поиск пользователей",
@@ -1551,7 +1598,7 @@
"OTR_is_only_available_when_both_users_are_online": "Конфиденциальная беседа доступна, когда оба пользователя в сети.",
"Outgoing_WebHook": "Исходящий WebHook",
"Outgoing_WebHook_Description": "Получать данные из Rocket.Chat в режиме реального времени",
- "Override_URL_to_which_files_are_uploaded_This_url_also_used_for_downloads_unless_a_CDN_is_given": "Отклонить URL-адрес, на который загружены файлы. Этот URL-адрес также используется для загрузок в том случае, если указан CDN.",
+ "Override_URL_to_which_files_are_uploaded_This_url_also_used_for_downloads_unless_a_CDN_is_given": "Переопределить URL-адрес, на который загружены файлы. Этот URL-адрес также используется для загрузок до тех пор, пока не указан CDN.",
"Page_title": "Заголовок страницы",
"Page_URL": "URL страницы",
"Password": "Пароль",
@@ -1561,11 +1608,15 @@
"Payload": "Тело запроса",
"People": "Люди",
"Permalink": "Постоянная ссылка",
- "Permissions": "Настройка прав",
+ "Permissions": "Права доступа",
"pin-message": "Прикрепить сообщение",
+ "Organization_Email": "Электронная почта организации",
"pin-message_description": "Разрешение прикреплять сообщение на канале",
+ "Organization_Info": "Информация об организации",
"Pin_Message": "Прикрепить сообщение",
+ "Organization_Name": "Название организации",
"Pinned_a_message": "Прикрепленное сообщение:",
+ "Organization_Type": "Тип организации",
"Pinned_Messages": "Прикрепленные сообщения",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Дополнительные сайты Piwik",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Вы можете отправлять статистику на несколько серверов Piwik добавив URL и siteId. Пример: \n[ { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\" : 42 }, { \"trackerURL\" : \"https://my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\" : 15 } ]",
@@ -1575,10 +1626,11 @@
"PiwikAnalytics_domains_Description": "В отчете «Outlinks» спрячьте клики с известными URL-адресами псевдонимов. Вставьте один домен в строку и не используйте разделители.",
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain": "Добавить имя домена",
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Подготовьте домен сайта к заголовку страницы при отслеживании",
- "PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "Идентификатор. Используетя для идентификации этого сайта. Пример: 17",
+ "PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "Идентификатор. Используется для идентификации текущего сайта. Пример: 17",
"PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "URL, где находится Piwik, обязательно должен содержать слэш в конце. Пример: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
- "Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Подсказка адреса электронной почты или логина пользователя для поля при входе",
- "Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Подсказка для поля пароля при входе",
+ "Other": "Прочее",
+ "Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Подсказка для поля Email или имени пользователя при входе",
+ "Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Подсказка для поля пароль при входе",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Пожалуйста, добавьте комментарий",
"Please_add_a_comment_to_close_the_room": "Пожалуйста, добавьте комментарий, чтобы закрыть комнату",
"Please_answer_survey": "Пожалуйста, уделите минуту для того, чтобы ответить на несколько вопросов об этом чате",
@@ -1607,24 +1659,43 @@
"Post_to_s_as_s": "Отправить в %s от %s",
"Preferences": "Настройки",
"Preferences_saved": "Настройки сохранены",
+ "Password_Policy": "Политика паролей",
"preview-c-room": "Предварительный просмотр публичного канала",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled": "Включить политику паролей",
"preview-c-room_description": "Разрешение на просмотр содержимого публичного канала перед присоединением",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_Enabled_Description": "При включении пользовательские пароли должны придерживаться установленных политик. Примечание: это относится только к новым паролям, а не к существующим паролям.",
"Privacy": "Приватность",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength": "Минимальная длина",
"Private": "Приватный канал",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MinLength_Description": "Гарантирует, что пароли должны содержать по крайней мере такое количество символов. Используйте` -1 ' для отключения.",
"Private_Channel": "Приватный канал",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength": "Максимальная длина",
"Private_Group": "Приватная группа",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_MaxLength_Description": "Гарантирует, что пароли не содержат больше этого количества символов. Используйте` -1 ' для отключения.",
"Private_Groups": "Приватные группы",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters": "Запрещенные повторяющиеся символы",
"Private_Groups_list": "Список приватных групп",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharacters_Description": "Обеспечивает, чтобы пароли не содержали один и тот же символ, повторяющийся рядом друг с другом.",
"Profile": "Профиль",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount": "Макс Повторяющиеся Символы",
"Profile_details": "Детали профиля",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_ForbidRepeatingCharactersCount_Description": "Количество раз, когда символ может повторяться, прежде чем он будет запрещен.",
"Profile_picture": "Изображение профиля",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase": "По крайней мере, один строчный регистр",
"Profile_saved_successfully": "Профиль успешно сохранен",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneLowercase_Description": "Убедитесь, что пароль содержит хотя бы один строчный символ.",
"Public": "Открытый",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase": "По крайней мере, один верхний регистр",
"Public_Channel": "Открытый канал",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneUppercase_Description": "Убедитесь, что пароль содержит хотя бы один строчный символ.",
"Push": "Push уведомления",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber": "По меньшей мере один номер",
"Push_apn_cert": "APN сертификат",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneNumber_Description": "Убедитесь, что пароль содержит хотя бы один цифровой символ.",
"Push_apn_dev_cert": "APN Dev сертификат",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter": "По меньшей мере один символ",
"Push_apn_dev_key": "Ключ APN Dev",
+ "Accounts_Password_Policy_AtLeastOneSpecialCharacter_Description": "Убедитесь, что пароль содержит хотя бы один специальный символ.",
"Push_apn_dev_passphrase": "APN Dev Passphrase",
"Push_apn_key": "Ключ APN",
"Push_apn_passphrase": "APN Passphrase",
@@ -1633,10 +1704,10 @@
"Push_enable_gateway": "Включить шлюз",
"Push_gateway": "Шлюз",
"Push_gcm_api_key": "Ключ GCM API",
- "Push_gcm_project_number": "GCM номер проекта",
+ "Push_gcm_project_number": "GCM Project Number",
"Push_production": "Продакшн",
"Push_show_message": "Показать сообщение в уведомлении",
- "Push_show_username_room": "Показать имя чата/логин пользователя в уведомлении",
+ "Push_show_username_room": "Показывать канал/группу/имя пользователя в уведомлении",
"Push_test_push": "Тест",
"Query": "Запрос",
"Query_description": "Дополнительные условия для определения того, каким пользователям отправлять электронную почту. Отписавшиеся пользователи, автоматически удаляются из запроса. Должен быть валидным JSON. Например: \"{\"createdAt\":{\"$gt\":{\"$date\": \"2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"}}}\"",
@@ -1647,6 +1718,7 @@
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
"React_when_read_only": "Разрешить реакции",
"React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Разрешение на реакции при включенном режиме только для чтения изменено",
+ "Private_Team": "Частная команда",
"Reacted_with": "Реагирует с",
"Reactions": "Реакции",
"Read_by": "Читать",
@@ -1654,10 +1726,12 @@
"Read_only_changed_successfully": "Режим \"только для чтения\" успешно изменен",
"Read_only_channel": "Канал только для чтения",
"Read_only_group": "Группа только для чтения",
+ "Public_Community": "Открытое сообщество",
"Reason_To_Join": "Причина присоединения",
+ "Public_Relations": "Связи с общественностью",
"RealName_Change_Disabled": "Ваш администратор отключил возможность смены имени",
"Receive_alerts": "Получать уведомления",
- "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Получать сообщения @all и @here",
+ "Receive_Group_Mentions": "Получать упоминания @all и @here",
"Record": "Запись",
"Redirect_URI": "Redirect URI",
"Refresh_keys": "Обновить клавиши",
@@ -1691,6 +1765,7 @@
"Report_sent": "Сообщение отправлено",
"Report_this_message_question_mark": "Сообщить об этом сообщении?",
"Require_all_tokens": "Требовать все токены",
+ "Real_Estate": "Недвижимость",
"Require_any_token": "Требовать любой токен",
"Reporting": "Сбор статистики",
"Require_password_change": "Требуется смена пароля",
@@ -1701,19 +1776,21 @@
"Restart": "Перезапустить",
"Restart_the_server": "Перезапустить сервер",
"Retry_Count": "Число повторных попыток",
+ "Register_Server": "Регистрация сервера",
"Apps": "Приложения",
"App_Information": "Информация о приложении",
"App_Installation": "Установка приложения",
"Apps_Settings": "Настройки приложения",
"Role": "Роль",
"Role_Editing": "Редактировать роль",
+ "Religious": "Религиозная организация",
"Role_removed": "Роль удалена",
"Room": "Комната",
"Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Объявление комнаты успешно изменено",
"Room_archivation_state": "Статус",
"Room_archivation_state_false": "В сети",
"Room_archivation_state_true": "Архивировать",
- "Room_archived": "Комната в архиве",
+ "Room_archived": "Канал архивирован",
"room_changed_announcement": "Пользователь __user_by__ изменил объявление комнаты на __room_announcement__ ",
"room_changed_description": "Пользователь __user_by__ изменил описание комнаты на __room_description__",
"room_changed_privacy": "Пользователь __user_by__ изменил тип комнаты на __room_type__",
@@ -1722,7 +1799,7 @@
"Room_description_changed_successfully": "Описание канала было успешно обновлено",
"Room_has_been_archived": "Комната была архивирована",
"Room_has_been_deleted": "Комната была удалена",
- "Room_has_been_unarchived": "Чат был разархивирован",
+ "Room_has_been_unarchived": "Канал был восстановлен",
"Room_tokenpass_config_changed_successfully": "Изменена конфигурация номера порта",
"Room_Info": "Информация о чате",
"room_is_blocked": "Комната была заблокирована",
@@ -1738,6 +1815,7 @@
"Room_unarchived": "Комната разархивирована",
"Room_uploaded_file_list": "Список файлов канала",
"Room_uploaded_file_list_empty": "Нет доступных файлов",
+ "Retail": "Розничная торговля",
"Rooms": "Комнаты",
"run-import": "Запустить импорт",
"run-import_description": "Разрешение на запуск импортеров",
@@ -1811,7 +1889,9 @@
"Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Отправить запрос на захват свинца",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Отправить запрос на сообщения в автономном режиме",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Отправить запрос на гостевые сообщения",
+ "Setup_Wizard": "Мастер установки",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Отправить запрос по сообщениям агента",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "Мы поможем Вам настроить первого администратора, настроить организацию и зарегистрировать сервер, чтобы получать бесплатные push-уведомления и многое другое.",
"Send_Test": "Отправить тест",
"Send_welcome_email": "Отправить электронное письмо с приветствием",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Отправить ваши полезные данные формата JSON на этот URL-адрес.",
@@ -1835,7 +1915,7 @@
"Settings_updated": "Настройки обновлены",
"Share_Location_Title": "Поделиться местоположением?",
"Shared_Location": "Предоставленное местоположение",
- "Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image": "Введите URL изображения.",
+ "Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image": "Должен быть URL-адрес изображения.",
"Should_exists_a_user_with_this_username": "Пользователь уже должен существовать.",
"Show_agent_email": "Показать электронный адрес агента",
"Show_all": "Показать всех",
@@ -1859,7 +1939,9 @@
"Site_Name": "Название сайта",
"Site_Url": "URL-адрес сайта",
"Site_Url_Description": "Пример: https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Информация о сервере",
"Skip": "Пропустить",
+ "Server_Type": "Тип сервера",
"SlackBridge_error": "В SlackBridge произошла ошибка во время импорта ваших сообщений в %s:%s",
"SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge завершил импорт сообщений в %s. Пожалуйста, перезагрузитесь, чтобы увидеть все сообщения.",
"SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out All",
@@ -1868,7 +1950,7 @@
"SlackBridge_Out_Channels_Description": "Выберите с каких каналов отправлять сообщения обратно в Slack",
"SlackBridge_Out_Enabled": "Включить SlackBridge Out",
"SlackBridge_Out_Enabled_Description": "Должен ли SlackBridge также отправлять ваши сообщения обратно в Slack",
- "SlackBridge_start": "@%s начал импорт через SlackBridge в \"#%s\". Вы получите уведомление после завершения.",
+ "SlackBridge_start": "@%s начал импорт SlackBridge в \"#%s\". Вы получите уведомление, когда все будет завершено.",
"Slack_Users": "Пользователи Slack",
"Slash_Gimme_Description": "Показывает (つ ◕_◕) つ перед сообщением",
"Slash_LennyFace_Description": "Показывает (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) после сообщения",
@@ -1894,14 +1976,17 @@
"SMTP_Test_Button": "Настройка тестового протокола SMTP",
"SMTP_Username": "SMTP логин",
"snippet-message": "Сообщение со сниппетом",
+ "Show_email_field": "Показать поле электронной почты",
"snippet-message_description": "Разрешение на создание сообщений со сниппетом",
"Snippet_name": "Название сниппета",
+ "Show_name_field": "Показать поле имени",
"Snippet_Added": "Создано %s",
"Snippet_Messages": "Сообщения со сниппетами",
"Snippeted_a_message": "Создан сниппет __snippetLink__",
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Извините, запрошенная вами страница не существует или была удалена!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Сортировать по активности",
"Sound": "Звуковые оповещения",
+ "Size": "Размер",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Звуковой файл (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
"Star_Message": "Отметить сообщение",
@@ -1918,7 +2003,7 @@
"Started_a_video_call": "Начать видеозвонок",
"Statistics": "Статистика",
"Statistics_reporting": "Отправлять статистику в Rocket.Chat",
- "Statistics_reporting_Description": "Отправляя свою статистику, вы поможете нам определить, сколько Rocket.Chat развернуты, а также насколько хорошо ведет себя система, таким образом, мы можем дополнительно улучшить его. Не беспокойтесь, поскольку никакой информации о пользователях не передается, а вся информация, что мы получаем, конфиденциальна.",
+ "Statistics_reporting_Description": "Отправляя свою статистику, вы поможете нам определить, сколько серверов Rocket.Chat развернуто, а также насколько хорошо ведет себя система, чтобы мы могли работать над ее улучшением. Не беспокойтесь, поскольку никакой информации о пользователях не передается, а вся информация, что мы получаем, конфиденциальна.",
"Stats_Active_Users": "Активные пользователи",
"Stats_Avg_Channel_Users": "Среднее число пользователей на каналах",
"Stats_Avg_Private_Group_Users": "Среднее число пользователей в приватных группах",
@@ -1943,6 +2028,7 @@
"Store_Last_Message": "Хранить последнее сообщение",
"Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Хранить последнее сообщение, отправленное в каждую комнату",
"Stream_Cast": "Поток вещания",
+ "Social_Network": "Социальная сеть",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Адрес потока вещания",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP-адрес или Хост потока вещания Rocket.Chat. Например, `` или `localhost:4000`",
"strike": "зачеркнутый",
@@ -1984,6 +2070,7 @@
"theme-color-custom-scrollbar-color": "Пользовательский цвет полосы прокрутки",
"theme-color-error-color": "Цвет ошибки",
"theme-color-info-font-color": "Цвет шрифта информации",
+ "Step": "Шаг",
"theme-color-link-font-color": "Цвет шрифта ссылки",
"theme-color-pending-color": "Цвет ожидания",
"theme-color-primary-action-color": "Цвет основного действия",
@@ -2009,9 +2096,12 @@
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Ошибка",
"theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Ошибка светлая",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Тревога",
+ "Telecom": "Телеком",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Тревога светлая",
"theme-color-rc-color-success": "Успех",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Провайдер технологий",
"theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Успех светлый",
+ "Technology_Services": "Технологические услуги",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Кнопка основная",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Кнопка основная светлая",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Основной",
@@ -2027,7 +2117,7 @@
"There_are_no_applications": "Приложения oAuth еще не добавлены.",
"There_are_no_integrations": "Интеграций нет",
"There_are_no_users_in_this_role": "Пользователей этой роле не найдено.",
- "There_are_no_applications_installed": "В настоящее время не установлены приложения Rocket.Chat.",
+ "There_are_no_applications_installed": "В настоящее время у вас нет установленных приложений Rocket.Chat.",
"This_conversation_is_already_closed": "Беседа уже закрыта.",
"This_email_has_already_been_used_and_has_not_been_verified__Please_change_your_password": "Такой адрес электронной почты уже использовался и не был подтверждён. Пожалуйста, смените ваш пароль.",
"This_is_a_desktop_notification": "Это уведомление компьютера",
@@ -2106,6 +2196,7 @@
"Unread_Rooms": "Непрочитанные комнаты",
"Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Режим непрочитанные комнаты",
"Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Иконка уведомлений о непрочитанных сообщениях в трее",
+ "Tourism": "Туризм",
"Unstar_Message": "Убрать отметку",
"Updated_at": "Обновлено в",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Обновите ваш Rocket.Chat",
@@ -2117,21 +2208,24 @@
"Uptime": "Аптайм",
"URL": "URL",
"URL_room_prefix": "Префикс URL комнаты",
- "Use_account_preference": "Параметры профиля",
+ "Use_account_preference": "Использовать настройки профиля",
"Use_Emojis": "Использовать эмодзи ",
"Use_Global_Settings": "Использовать глобальные настройки",
"Use_initials_avatar": "Использовать инициалы имени пользователя",
- "Use_minor_colors": "Используйте небольшую цветовую палитру (по умолчанию наследуют основные цвета)",
+ "Use_minor_colors": "Используйте малую цветовую палитру (по умолчанию наследует основные цвета)",
"Use_service_avatar": "Использовать %s аватар",
"Use_this_username": "Использовать этот логин",
"Use_uploaded_avatar": "Использовать загруженный аватар",
"Use_url_for_avatar": "Использовать URL для аватара",
"Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Использовать пользовательские или глобальные настройки",
+ "Type_your_job_title": "Введите название своей должности",
"User": "Пользователь",
"user-generate-access-token": "Пользователь генерирует токен доступа",
"user-generate-access-token_description": "Разрешение на создания токенов доступа",
"User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "Пользователь __username__ теперь лидер канала __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_password": "Введите пароль",
"User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "Пользователь __username__ теперь является модератором __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_username": "Введите имя пользователя",
"User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "Пользователь __username__ теперь является владельцем __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "Пользователь __username__ исключен из лидеров канала __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "Пользователь __username__ удален из модераторов __room_name__",
@@ -2139,7 +2233,7 @@
"User_added": "Пользователь __user_added__ добавлен.",
"User_added_by": "Пользователь __user_added__ добавлен __user_by__.",
"User_added_successfully": "Пользователь успешно добавлен",
- "User_and_group_mentions_only": "Только уведомления пользователя и группы",
+ "User_and_group_mentions_only": "Только упоминания пользователей и групп",
"User_default": "Пользователь по умолчанию",
"User_doesnt_exist": "Пользователя с логином \"@%s\" не существует.",
"User_has_been_activated": "Пользователь был активирован",
@@ -2179,18 +2273,18 @@
"User_uploaded_file": "Загрузил файл",
"User_uploaded_image": "Загрузил изображение",
"User_Presence": "Присутствие пользователя",
- "UserDataDownload": "Загрузка пользовательских данных",
- "UserData_EnableDownload": "Включить загрузку данных пользователя",
- "UserData_FileSystemPath": "Путь к системе (экспортированные файлы)",
- "UserData_FileSystemZipPath": "Путь к системе (сжатый файл)",
+ "UserDataDownload": "Выгрузка пользовательских данных",
+ "UserData_EnableDownload": "Включить выгрузку данных пользователя",
+ "UserData_FileSystemPath": "Системный путь (экспортированные файлы)",
+ "UserData_FileSystemZipPath": "Системный путь (сжатый файл)",
"UserData_ProcessingFrequency": "Частота обработки (минуты)",
"UserData_MessageLimitPerRequest": "Предел сообщения на запрос",
"UserDataDownload_EmailSubject": "Ваш файл данных готов к загрузке",
- "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Теперь ваш файл данных готов к загрузке. Нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить его.",
+ "UserDataDownload_EmailBody": "Теперь ваш файл данных готов к загрузке. Нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить его.",
"UserDataDownload_Requested": "Загрузить файл",
- "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Будет создан ваш файл данных. Ссылка на скачивание будет отправлена на ваш адрес электронной почты, когда будет готова.",
- "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Файл данных уже создан. Ссылка на скачивание будет отправлена на ваш адрес электронной почты, когда будет готова.",
- "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Файл данных уже сгенерирован. Проверьте свою учетную запись электронной почты для ссылки для загрузки.",
+ "UserDataDownload_Requested_Text": "Будет создан файл с вашими данными. Ссылка на скачивание будет отправлена на ваш адрес электронной почты, когда будет готова.",
+ "UserDataDownload_RequestExisted_Text": "Файл с вашими данными находится в процессе создания. Ссылка на скачивание будет отправлена на ваш адрес электронной почты, когда будет готова.",
+ "UserDataDownload_CompletedRequestExisted_Text": "Файл с вашими данными уже создан. Проверьте свою учетную запись электронной почты для получения ссылки на скачивание.",
"Username": "Логин",
"Username_and_message_must_not_be_empty": "Логин и сообщение не должны быть пустыми",
"Username_cant_be_empty": "Логин не может быть пустым",
@@ -2238,8 +2332,8 @@
"view-full-other-user-info_description": "Разрешение на просмотр полных профилей других пользователей, включая дату создания аккаунта, последнего входа и т. д.",
"view-history": "Просматривать историю",
"view-history_description": "Разрешение на просмотр истории канала",
- "view-join-code": "Посмотреть код",
- "view-join-code_description": "Разрешение на просмотр кода присоединения канала",
+ "view-join-code": "Просмотр кода присоединения",
+ "view-join-code_description": "Разрешение на просмотр кода присоединения к каналу",
"view-joined-room": "Просматривать чаты, к которым присоединился",
"view-joined-room_description": "Разрешение на просмотр чатов, к которым сейчас присоединён",
"view-l-room": "Просматривать LiveChat комнаты",
@@ -2281,10 +2375,10 @@
"We_have_sent_registration_email": "Чтобы подтвердить вашу регистрацию, мы отправили вам электронное сообщение. Пожалуйста, следуйте инструкциям в этом сообщении. Если вы не получили электронное сообщение, попробуйте ещё раз позже.",
"Webhook_URL": "URL Webhook",
"Webhooks": "Webhooks",
- "WebRTC_direct_audio_call_from_%s": "Прямой звуковой вызов из% s",
- "WebRTC_direct_video_call_from_%s": "Прямой видеозвонок из% s",
- "WebRTC_group_audio_call_from_%s": "Групповой звуковой вызов из% s",
- "WebRTC_group_video_call_from_%s": "Групповой видеозвонок из% s",
+ "WebRTC_direct_audio_call_from_%s": "Входящий аудио вызов от %s",
+ "WebRTC_direct_video_call_from_%s": "Входящий видеозвонок от %s",
+ "WebRTC_group_audio_call_from_%s": "Групповой аудио вызов от %s",
+ "WebRTC_group_video_call_from_%s": "Групповой видеозвонок от %s",
"WebRTC_monitor_call_from_%s": "Мониторинг вызова из% s",
"WebRTC_Enable_Channel": "Включить для каналов",
"WebRTC_Enable_Direct": "Включить для личных сообщений",
@@ -2296,7 +2390,7 @@
"Welcome": "Добро пожаловать, %s.",
"Welcome_to_the": "Добро пожаловать в",
"Why_do_you_want_to_report_question_mark": "Почему вы хотите сообщить?",
- "will_be_able_to": "в состоянии",
+ "will_be_able_to": "сможет",
"Would_you_like_to_return_the_inquiry": "Вы хотите вернуть запрос?",
"Yes": "Да",
"Yes_archive_it": "Да, архивировать!",
@@ -2313,7 +2407,7 @@
"You_are_logged_in_as": "Вы вошли как",
"You_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page": "Недостаточно прав для просмотра страницы.",
"You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too": "Вы можете заменить аватар, используемый в интеграции.",
- "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Искать можно используя RegExp, например: /^text$/i",
+ "You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg": "Для поиска вы можете использовать RegExp, например: /^text$/i",
"You_can_use_an_emoji_as_avatar": "Вы также можете использовать эмодзи в качестве аватара.",
"You_can_use_webhooks_to_easily_integrate_livechat_with_your_CRM": "Вы можете использовать webhooks, чтобы легко Livechat с вашей CRM.",
"You_cant_leave_a_livechat_room_Please_use_the_close_button": "Вы не можете покинуть Livechat комнату. Пожалуйста, используйте кнопку закрыть.",
@@ -2321,7 +2415,8 @@
"You_have_n_codes_remaining": "У вас__number__ кодов осталось.",
"You_have_not_verified_your_email": "Вы не подтвердили ваш адрес электронной почты.",
"You_have_successfully_unsubscribed": "Вы успешно отписаны от нашей почтовой рассылки.",
- "You_have_to_set_an_API_token_first_in_order_to_use_the_integration": "Сначала вы должны установить маркер API, чтобы использовать интеграцию.",
+ "You_have_to_set_an_API_token_first_in_order_to_use_the_integration": "Сначала вы должны настроить API токен, чтобы использовать интеграцию.",
+ "view-broadcast-member-list": "Просмотр списка участников в трансляции Room",
"You_must_join_to_view_messages_in_this_channel": "Вы должны присоединиться, чтобы просматривать сообщения на этом канале",
"You_need_confirm_email": "Необходимо подтвердить ваш адрес электронной почты для входа!",
"You_need_install_an_extension_to_allow_screen_sharing": "Для демонстрации экрана вам необходимо установить расширение",
@@ -2342,5 +2437,247 @@
"your_message": "ваше сообщение",
"your_message_optional": "ваше сообщение (опционально)",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Ваш пароль неверен!",
- "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Оповещение было отправлено на %s устройств."
+ "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Оповещение было отправлено на %s устройств.",
+ "Your_server_link": "Ссылка на ваш сервер",
+ "Your_workspace_is_ready": "Рабочая область готова к использованию",
+ "Worldwide": "Мировой",
+ "Country_Afghanistan": "Афганистан",
+ "Country_Albania": "Албания",
+ "Country_Algeria": "Алжир",
+ "Country_American_Samoa": "Американское Самоа",
+ "Country_Andorra": "Андорра",
+ "Country_Angola": "Ангола",
+ "Country_Anguilla": "Ангилья",
+ "Country_Antarctica": "Антарктида",
+ "Country_Antigua_and_Barbuda": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
+ "Country_Argentina": "Аргентина",
+ "Country_Armenia": "Армения",
+ "Country_Aruba": "Аруба",
+ "Country_Australia": "Австралия",
+ "Country_Austria": "Австрия",
+ "Country_Azerbaijan": "Азербайджан",
+ "Country_Bahamas": "Багамские острава",
+ "Country_Bahrain": "Бахрейн",
+ "Country_Bangladesh": "Бангладеш",
+ "Country_Barbados": "Барбадос",
+ "Country_Belarus": "Беларусь",
+ "Country_Belgium": "Бельгия",
+ "Country_Belize": "Белиз",
+ "Country_Benin": "Бенин",
+ "Country_Bermuda": "Бермудские острова",
+ "Country_Bhutan": "Бутан",
+ "Country_Bolivia": "Боливия",
+ "Country_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina": "Босния и Герцеговина",
+ "Country_Botswana": "Ботсвана",
+ "Country_Bouvet_Island": "Остров Буве",
+ "Country_Brazil": "Бразилия",
+ "Country_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory": "Британская территория Индийского океана",
+ "Country_Brunei_Darussalam": "Бруней-Даруссалам",
+ "Country_Bulgaria": "Болгария",
+ "Country_Burkina_Faso": "Буркина-Фасо",
+ "Country_Burundi": "Бурунди",
+ "Country_Cambodia": "Камбоджа",
+ "Country_Cameroon": "Камерун",
+ "Country_Canada": "Канада",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Кабо-Верде",
+ "Country_Cayman_Islands": "Каймановы острова",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Центрально-Африканская Республика",
+ "Country_Chad": "Чад",
+ "Country_Chile": "Чили",
+ "Country_China": "Китай",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Остров Рождества",
+ "Country_Cocos_Keeling_Islands": "Кокосовые (Килинг) острова",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Колумбия",
+ "Country_Comoros": "Коморские острова",
+ "Country_Congo": "Конго",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Конго, Демократическая Республика",
+ "Country_Cook_Islands": "Острова Кука",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Коста-Рика",
+ "Country_Cote_Divoire": "Кот-д'Ивуар",
+ "Country_Croatia": "Хорватия",
+ "Country_Cuba": "Куба",
+ "Country_Cyprus": "Кипр",
+ "Country_Czech_Republic": "Чешская Республика",
+ "Country_Denmark": "Дания",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Джибути",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Доминика",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Доминиканская Республика",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Эквадор",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Египет",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "Сальвадор",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Экваториальная Гвинея",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Эритрея",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Эстония",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Эфиопия",
+ "Country_Falkland_Islands_Malvinas": "Фолклендские (Мальвинские) острова",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Фарерские острова",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Фиджи",
+ "Country_Finland": "Финляндия",
+ "Country_France": "Франция",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "Французская Гвиана",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "Французская Полинезия",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "Южные Французские Территории",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Габон",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Гамбия",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Грузия",
+ "Country_Germany": "Германия",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Гана",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Гибралтар",
+ "Country_Greece": "Греция",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Гренландия",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Гренада",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Гваделупа",
+ "Country_Guam": "Гуам",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Гватемала",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Гвинея",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Гвинея-Бисау",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Гайана",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Гаити",
+ "Country_Heard_Island_and_Mcdonald_Islands": "Остров Херд и острова Макдональд",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Святейший Престол (Государство Ватикан)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Гондурас",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Гонконг",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Венгрия",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Исландия",
+ "Country_India": "Индия",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Индонезия",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Иран, Исламская Республика",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Ирак",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Ирландия",
+ "Country_Israel": "Израиль",
+ "Country_Italy": "Италия",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Ямайка",
+ "Country_Japan": "Япония",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Иордания",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Казахстан",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Кения",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Кирибати",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Республика Корея",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Кувейт",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Киргизия",
+ "Country_Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic": "Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Латвия",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Ливан",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Лесото",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Либерия",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Ливийская арабская джамахирия",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Лихтенштейн",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Литва",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Люксембург",
+ "Country_Macao": "Macao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Македония, Бывшая югославская Республика",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Мадагаскар",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Малави",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Малайзия",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Мальдивы",
+ "Country_Mali": "Мали",
+ "Country_Malta": "Мальта",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Маршалловы острова",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Мартиника",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Мавритания",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Маврикий",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Майотта",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Мексика",
+ "Country_Micronesia_Federated_States_of": "Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Республика Молдова",
+ "Country_Monaco": "Монако",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Монголия",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Монсеррат",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Марокко",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Мозамбик",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "Мьянма",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Намибия",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Науру",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Непал",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Нидерланды",
+ "Country_Netherlands_Antilles": "Нидерланды",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "Новая Каледония",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "Новая Зеландия",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Никарагуа",
+ "Country_Niger": "Нигер",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Нигерия",
+ "Country_Niue": "Ниуэ",
+ "Country_Norfolk_Island": "Остров Норфолк",
+ "Country_Northern_Mariana_Islands": "Северные Марианские острова",
+ "Country_Norway": "Норвегия",
+ "Country_Oman": "Оман",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Пакистан",
+ "Country_Palau": "Палау",
+ "Country_Palestinian_Territory_Occupied": "Оккупированная палестинская территория",
+ "Country_Panama": "Панама",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Папуа - Новая Гвинея",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Парагвай",
+ "Country_Peru": "Перу",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Филиппины",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Острова Питкэрн",
+ "Country_Poland": "Польша",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Португалия",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Пуэрто-Рико",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Катар",
+ "Country_Reunion": "Реюньон",
+ "Country_Romania": "Румыния",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Российская Федерация",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Руанда",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "Остров Святой Елены",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Сент-Китс и Невис",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "Санкт-Люсия",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Сен-Пьер и Микелон",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Святой Винсент и Гренадины",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Самоа",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "Сан - Марино",
+ "Country_Sao_Tome_and_Principe": "Сан-Томе и Принсипи",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Саудовская Аравия",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Сенегал",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Сербия и Черногория",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Сейшельские острова",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Сьерра-Леоне",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Сингапур",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Словакия",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Словения",
+ "Country_Solomon_Islands": "Соломоновы острова",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Сомали",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "Южная Африка",
+ "Country_South_Georgia_and_The_South_Sandwich_Islands": "Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова",
+ "Country_Spain": "Испания",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Шри Ланка",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Судан",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Суринам",
+ "Country_Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen": "Свальбард и Ян-Майен",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Свазиленд",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Швеция",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Швейцария",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Сирийская Арабская Республика",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Тайвань, провинция Китая",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Таджикистан",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Объединенная Республика Танзания",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Таиланд",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Восточный Тимор",
+ "Country_Togo": "Того",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Токелау",
+ "Country_Tonga": "Тонга",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Тринидад и Тобаго",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Тунис",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Турция",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Туркменистан",
+ "Country_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands": "Острова Теркс и Кайкос",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Тувалу",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Уганда",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Украина",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "Великобритания",
+ "Country_United_States": "Соединенные Штаты",
+ "Country_United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands": "Малые отдаленные острова Соединенных Штатов",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Уругвай",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Узбекистан",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Вануату",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Венесуэла",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "Вьетнам",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_British": "Британские Виргинские Острова",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "Виргинские острова, США",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Уоллис и Футуна",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Западная Сахара",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Йемен",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Замбия",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Зимбабве"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sk-SK.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sk-SK.i18n.json
index 17f97cf4983b..d258a13eb5ae 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sk-SK.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sk-SK.i18n.json
@@ -1,161 +1,167 @@
- "#channel": "# kanál",
+ "#channel": "#kanál",
"0_Errors_Only": "0 - Len chyby",
"1_Errors_and_Information": "1 - Chyby a informácie",
"2_Erros_Information_and_Debug": "2 - Chyby, informácie a ladenie",
- "403": "zakázaný",
+ "403": "Zakázané",
"500": "Interná chyba servera",
- "@username": "@ užívateľ",
- "@username_message": "@ username ",
- "__username__is_no_longer__role__defined_by__user_by_": "__username__ už __role__ od __user_by__",
- "__username__was_set__role__by__user_by_": "__username__ bol nastavený __role__ podľa __user_by__",
+ "@username": "@používateľ",
+ "@username_message": "@používateľ ",
+ "__username__is_no_longer__role__defined_by__user_by_": "používateľovi __username__ bola zrušená funkcia __role__ používateľom __user_by__",
+ "__username__was_set__role__by__user_by_": "používateľovi __username__ bola nastavená funkcia __role__ používateľom __user_by__",
"Accept": "Akceptovať",
- "Accept_incoming_livechat_requests_even_if_there_are_no_online_agents": "Akceptujte prichádzajúce žiadosti o livechat, aj keď nie sú agenti online",
- "Accept_with_no_online_agents": "Prijať bez agentov online",
- "access-mailer": "Prístup k obrazovke Mailer",
+ "Accept_incoming_livechat_requests_even_if_there_are_no_online_agents": "Akceptujte prichádzajúce žiadosti o živú diskusiu, aj keď nie sú agenti online",
+ "Accept_with_no_online_agents": "Prijať aj bez online agentov",
+ "access-mailer": "Prístup k obrazovke mailového klienta",
"access-mailer_description": "Povolenie na posielanie hromadného e-mailu všetkým používateľom.",
- "access-permissions": "Obrazovka povolenia prístupu",
- "access-permissions_description": "Upravte povolenia pre rôzne úlohy.",
- "Access_not_authorized": "Prístup nie je povolený",
- "Access_Token_URL": "Prístupová adresa Token",
+ "access-permissions": "Obrazovka povoľovania prístupov",
+ "access-permissions_description": "Upravte povolenia pre rôzne funkcie.",
+ "Access_not_authorized": "Prístup nie je schválený",
+ "Access_Token_URL": "Prístupová URL adresa Známky",
"Accessing_permissions": "Prístup k povoleniam",
- "Account_SID": "Account SID",
- "Accounts": "účty",
+ "Account_SID": "SID konta",
+ "Accounts": "Účty",
"Accounts_AllowAnonymousRead": "Povoliť anonymné čítanie",
"Accounts_AllowAnonymousWrite": "Povoliť anonymný zápis",
"Accounts_AllowDeleteOwnAccount": "Povoliť používateľom vymazať vlastný účet",
"Accounts_AllowedDomainsList": "Zoznam povolených domén",
- "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList_Description": "Zoznam povolených domén oddelený čiarkami",
+ "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam povolených domén",
"Accounts_AllowEmailChange": "Povoliť zmenu e-mailu",
"Accounts_AllowPasswordChange": "Povoliť zmenu hesla",
- "Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange": "Povoliť zmenu používateľského avatara",
+ "Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange": "Povoliť zmenu profilového obrázku",
"Accounts_AllowRealNameChange": "Povoliť zmenu mena",
"Accounts_AllowUsernameChange": "Povoliť zmenu používateľského mena",
- "Accounts_AllowUserProfileChange": "Povoliť zmenu profilu používateľa",
- "Accounts_AvatarResize": "Zmena veľkosti avatarov",
- "Accounts_AvatarSize": "Veľkosť obrázka",
+ "Accounts_AllowUserProfileChange": "Povoliť zmenu používateľského profilu ",
+ "Accounts_AvatarResize": "Zmena veľkosti profilových obrázkov",
+ "Accounts_AvatarSize": "Veľkosť profilového obrázka",
"Accounts_BlockedDomainsList": "Zoznam blokovaných domén",
- "Accounts_BlockedDomainsList_Description": "Zoznam blokovaných domén oddelený čiarkami",
+ "Accounts_BlockedDomainsList_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam blokovaných domén",
"Accounts_BlockedUsernameList": "Zoznam blokovaných používateľov",
- "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList_Description": "Zoznam blokovaných používateľských mien oddelených čiarkou (nepodstatné pre malé a veľké písmená)",
- "Accounts_CustomFields_Description": "Mala by byť platná JSON, kde sú kľúče názvy polí obsahujúce slovník nastavenia polí. Príklad: {\n\"role\": {\n\"typ\": \"vyberte\",\n\"defaultValue\": \"študent\",\n\"možnosti\": [\"učiteľ\", \"študent\"],\n\"povinné\": true,\n\"modifyRecordField\": {\n\"pole\": true,\n\"pole\": \"role\"\n}\n},\n\"twitter\": {\n\"typ\": \"text\",\n\"povinné\": true,\n\"minLength\": 2,\n\"maxLength\": 10\n}\n}",
- "Accounts_CustomFieldsToShowInUserInfo": "Vlastné polia sa zobrazia v informáciách o používateľovi",
- "Accounts_DefaultUsernamePrefixSuggestion": "Predvolené predpona pre užívateľské meno",
+ "Accounts_BlockedUsernameList_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam blokovaných používateľských mien (bez rozoznávania malých a veľkých písmen)",
+ "Accounts_CustomFields_Description": "Malo by ísť o platný JSON, kde kľúčami sú názvy polí obsahujúce slovník nastavenia polí. \nPríklad: {\n\"role\": {\n \"type\": \"select\",\n \"defaultValue\": \"student\",\n \"options\": [\"teacher\", \"student\"],\n \"required\": true,\n \"modifyRecordField\": {\n \"array\": true,\n \"field\": \"roles\"\n }\n },\n \"twitter\": {\n \"type\": \"text\",\n \"required\": true,\n \"minLength\": 2,\n \"maxLength\": 10\n }\n}",
+ "Accounts_CustomFieldsToShowInUserInfo": "Vlastné polia na zobrazenie v informáciách o používateľovi",
+ "Accounts_DefaultUsernamePrefixSuggestion": "Predvolený prefix pred používateľským menom",
"Accounts_Default_User_Preferences": "Predvolené používateľské nastavenia",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications": "Zvukové upozornenia Predvolené upozornenie",
- "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications": "Predvolená upozornenie na pracovnú plochu",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications": "Predvolené zvukové upozornenie ",
+ "Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications": "Predvolené upozornenie na pracovnej ploche",
"Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_mobileNotifications": "Upozornenie pre mobilné upozornenia",
"Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_not_available": "Nepodarilo sa načítať predvoľby používateľa, pretože ešte neboli používateľom nastavené",
"Accounts_denyUnverifiedEmail": "Odmietnuť neoverený e-mail",
"Accounts_EmailVerification": "Overenie e-mailu",
"Accounts_EmailVerification_Description": "Uistite sa, že máte správne nastavenia SMTP na používanie tejto funkcie",
- "Accounts_Email_Approved": "[name]
Váš účet bol schválený.
- "Accounts_Email_Activated": "[name]
Váš účet bol aktivovaný.
- "Accounts_Email_Deactivated": "[name]
Váš účet bol deaktivovaný.
- "Accounts_Email_Approved_Subject": "Účet bol schválený",
+ "Accounts_Email_Approved": "[name]
Váš účet bol schválený.
+ "Accounts_Email_Activated": "[name]
Váš účet bol aktivovaný.
+ "Accounts_Email_Deactivated": "[name]
Váš účet bol deaktivovaný.
+ "Accounts_Email_Approved_Subject": "Účet je schválený",
"Accounts_Email_Activated_Subject": "Účet je aktivovaný",
- "Accounts_Email_Deactivated_Subject": "Účet bol deaktivovaný",
- "Accounts_Enrollment_Email": "Prihlasovací e-mail",
- "Accounts_Enrollment_Email_Default": "
Vitajte na
Choď na [SITE_URL]a vyskúšajte najlepšie riešenie pre chat s otvoreným zdrojom, ktoré je k dispozícii dnes!
- "Accounts_Enrollment_Email_Description": "Môžete použiť nasledujúce zástupné symboly:
[meno], [fname], [lname] pre celé meno používateľa, krstné meno alebo priezvisko.
[email] pre e-mail používateľa.
[Site_Name] a [Site_URL] pre názov aplikácie a adresu URL.
Ak ho chcete aktivovať alebo odstrániť, choďte do menu \"Administrácia ->Používatelia\".
+ "Accounts_Admin_Email_Approval_Needed_Subject_Default": "Bol zaregistrovaný nový používateľ a potrebuje schválenie",
+ "Accounts_ForgetUserSessionOnWindowClose": "Zabudnúť používateľskú reláciu pri zatvorení okna",
+ "Accounts_Iframe_api_method": "Metóda API",
"Accounts_Iframe_api_url": "Adresa URL rozhrania API",
- "Accounts_iframe_enabled": "povolené",
+ "Accounts_iframe_enabled": "Povolené",
"Accounts_iframe_url": "Adresa URL rámca",
- "Accounts_LoginExpiration": "Platnosť prihlásenia v dňoch",
- "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers": "Ručne schvaľujte nových používateľov",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path": "Povolenie cesty",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color": "Tlačidlo Farba",
+ "Accounts_LoginExpiration": "Dĺžka platnosti prihlásenia v dňoch",
+ "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers": "Ručne schváľte nových používateľov",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path": "Povoliť cestu",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color": "Farba tlačidla",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color": "Farba textu tlačidla",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text": "Text tlačidla",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable": "umožniť",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id": "id",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable": "Povoliť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id": "ID",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path": "Cesta k identite",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Login_Style": "Prihlasovací štýl",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Merge_Users": "Zlúčiť používateľov",
"Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Scope": "Rozsah",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "tajomstvo",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Token cesta",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Token odoslaný cez",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Identifikátor Token odoslaný cez",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Pole užívateľského mena",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Drupal Login Enabled",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "URI presmerovania Drupal oAuth2",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "ID klienta Drupal oAuth2",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Drupal oAuth2 Client Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "Facebook prihlásenie",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania Facebook",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "ID aplikácie Facebook",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "Facebook Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github": "Povolená možnosť OAuth",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania Github",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise": "Povolená možnosť OAuth",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "Adresa URL služby GitHub Enterprise Callback",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret": "Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path": "Cesta k Známke",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Sent_Via": "Známka odoslaná cez",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Token_Sent_Via": "Známka identity odoslaná cez",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Username_Field": "Pole používateľského mena",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal": "Prihlásenie k službe Drupal je povolené",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_callback_url": "Adresa URI presmerovania k službe Drupal oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_id": "ID klienta služby Drupal oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Drupal_secret": "Klientska Tajnosť služby Drupal oAuth2",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook": "Prihlásenie k službe Facebook",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe Facebook",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id": "ID aplikácie služby Facebook",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret": "Facebook Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github": "Služba OAuth je povolená",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe Github",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise": "Služba OAuth je povolená",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe GitHub Enterprise",
"Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_id": "ID klienta",
- "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Klientské tajomstvo",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_GitHub_Enterprise_secret": "Klientska Tajnosť",
"Accounts_OAuth_Github_id": "ID klienta",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Klientské tajomstvo",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab": "Povolená možnosť OAuth",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "GitLab Callback URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id": "Identifikátor GitLab",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Klientské tajomstvo",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Prihlásenie Google",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania Google",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_id": "Id Google",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret": "Google Secret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret": "Klientska Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab": "Služba OAuth je povolená",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe Github",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id": "ID služby GitLab",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret": "Klientska Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google": "Prihlásenie do služby Google",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe Google",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_id": "ID služby Google",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret": "Google Tajnosť",
"Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin": "Prihlásenie do služby LinkedIn",
"Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_callback_url": "Adresa URL pre spätné volanie v službe Linkedin",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id": "Identifikátor LinkedIn",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret": "LinkedIn Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor": "Meteor Prihlásenie",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_callback_url": "Meteor Callback URL",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id": "Meteor Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret": "Meteor Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass": "Prihlásenie Tokenpass",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania Tokenpass",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_id": "Tokenpass Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_secret": "Tokenpass Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_host": "Proxy Host",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id": "ID služby LinkedIn",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret": "LinkedIn Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor": "Prihlásenie do služby Meteor",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_callback_url": "Adresa URL pre spätné volanie v službe Meteor",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id": "ID služby Meteor",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret": "Meteor Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass": "Prihlásenie do služby Tokenpass",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania služby Tokenpass",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_id": "ID služby Tokenpass",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Tokenpass_secret": "Tokenpass Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_host": "Hostiteľ proxy",
"Accounts_OAuth_Proxy_services": "Služby proxy",
"Accounts_OAuth_Twitter": "Prihlásenie do služby Twitter",
"Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe Twitter",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id": "ID č. Twitteru",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret": "Twitter Secret",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "Prihlásenie do systému WordPress",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania WordPress",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "WordPress Id",
- "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Secret",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id": "ID služby Twitter",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret": "Twitter Tajnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "Prihlásenie do služby WordPress",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "Adresa URL spätného volania v službe WordPress",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "ID služby WordPress",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "WordPress Tajnosť",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Resetovanie hesla",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Predvolené úlohy pre služby overovania",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Predvolené roly (oddelené čiarkami) budú používané pri registrácii prostredníctvom autentifikačných služieb",
- "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrácia s autentizačnými službami",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Predvolené funkcie pre služby overovania",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Predvolené používateľské funkcie (oddelené čiarkami) budú používané pri registrácii prostredníctvom autentifikačných služieb",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "zvyk",
+ "Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrácia s autentifikačnými službami",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Cesta k identite",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registračný formulár",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "invalidný",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Formulár na nahrávanie odkazových formulárov",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "verejnosť",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Známka identity odoslaná cez",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Nepovolený",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Cesta k Známke",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Text registračného formuláru pre zmenu odkazu",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Povoliť cestu",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Verejný",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Rozsah",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Tajná adresa URL",
- "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Tajná webová adresa registračného formulára",
+ "Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Tajná adresa URL registračného formulára",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Musíte uviesť náhodný reťazec, ktorý sa pridá k vašej registračnej adrese URL. Príklad: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
"Accounts_RequireNameForSignUp": "Vyžadovať meno pre registráciu",
"Accounts_RequirePasswordConfirmation": "Vyžadovať potvrdenie hesla",
"Accounts_SearchFields": "Polia, ktoré je potrebné zvážiť vo vyhľadávaní",
- "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Nastaviť predvolený avatar",
- "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Snaží sa určiť predvolený avatar na základe účtu OAuth alebo Gravatar",
- "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Zobraziť prihlásenie založené na formulároch",
+ "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar": "Nastaviť predvolený profilový obrázok",
+ "Accounts_SetDefaultAvatar_Description": "Snaží sa určiť predvolený profilový obrázok na základe účtu OAuth alebo Gravatar",
+ "Accounts_ShowFormLogin": "Zobraziť prednastavený formulár prihlásenia",
"Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta": "Maximálna Delta",
- "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Maximálna Delta určuje, koľko žetónov je platných v danom čase. Tokeny sa generujú každých 30 sekúnd a platia pre (30 * maximálne Delta) sekúnd. Príklad: Ak je maximálna Delta nastavená na 10, každý token môže byť použitý až 300 sekúnd pred alebo po jeho časovej pečiatke. Je to užitočné, keď nie sú správne synchronizované hodiny klienta so serverom.",
+ "Accounts_TwoFactorAuthentication_MaxDelta_Description": "Maximálna Delta určuje, koľko Známok je platných v danom čase. Známky sa generujú každých 30 sekúnd a platia pre (30 * maximálna Delta) sekúnd. Príklad: Ak je maximálna Delta nastavená na 10, každá Známka môže byť použitá až 300 sekúnd pred alebo po jeho časovej pečiatke. Je to užitočné, keď nie sú správne synchronizované hodiny klienta so serverom.",
"Accounts_UseDefaultBlockedDomainsList": "Použiť predvolený zoznam blokovaných domén",
- "Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck": "Použite Kontrola domény DNS",
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Vitajte na
Choď na [SITE_URL]a skúste to najlepšie open source chatu riešenia sú dnes k dispozícii!
Môžete sa prihlásiť pomocou e-mailu: [email] a heslo: [heslo]. Možno vás bude musieť zmeniť po prvom prihlásení.",
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Description": "Môžete použiť nasledujúce zástupné symboly:
[meno], [fname], [lname] pre celé meno používateľa, krstné meno alebo priezvisko.
[email] pre e-mail používateľa.
[heslo] pre heslo používateľa.
[Site_Name] a [Site_URL] pre názov aplikácie a adresu URL.
- "Accounts_UserAddedEmailSubject_Default": "Boli ste pridané do stránky [Site_Name]",
+ "Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck": "Použiť kontrolu domény DNS",
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Default": "
Vitajte na lokalite
Choďte na adresu [SITE_URL]a vyskúšajte najlepšie diskusné open source riešenie, aké je dnes k dispozícii!
Môžete sa prihlásiť pomocou e-mailu: [email] a hesla: [heslo]. Možno bude potrebné toto heslo zmeniť po prvom prihlásení.",
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmail_Description": "Môžete použiť nasledujúce zástupné symboly:
[meno], [fname], [lname] pre celé meno používateľa, krstné meno alebo priezvisko.
[email] pre e-mail používateľa.
[password] pre heslo používateľa.
[Site_Name] a [Site_URL] pre názov aplikácie a adresu URL.
+ "Accounts_UserAddedEmailSubject_Default": "Boli ste pridaný na lokalitu [Site_Name]",
"Activate": "Aktivovať",
- "Activity": "aktivita",
+ "Activity": "Aktivita",
"Add": "Pridať",
"add-oauth-service": "Pridať službu Oauth",
"add-oauth-service_description": "Povolenie na pridanie novej služby Oauth",
@@ -166,153 +172,155 @@
"add-user-to-any-p-room_description": "Povolenie pridať používateľa do ľubovoľného súkromného kanála",
"add-user-to-joined-room": "Pridať používateľa do akéhokoľvek pripojeného kanála",
"add-user-to-joined-room_description": "Povolenie pridať používateľa do aktuálne pripojeného kanála",
- "add-user_description": "Povolenie pridávať nových používateľov na server cez obrazovku používateľov",
+ "add-user_description": "Povolenie pridávať nových používateľov na server cez používateľskú obrazovku",
"Add_agent": "Pridať agenta",
"Add_custom_oauth": "Pridať vlastné oauth",
"Add_Domain": "Pridať doménu",
"Add_files_from": "Pridať súbory z",
"Add_manager": "Pridať správcu",
- "Add_Role": "Pridať úlohu",
+ "Add_Role": "Pridať funkciu",
"Add_user": "Pridať používateľa",
"Add_User": "Pridať používateľa",
"Add_users": "Pridať používateľov",
"Adding_OAuth_Services": "Pridávanie služieb OAuth",
"Adding_permission": "Pridanie povolenia",
- "Adding_user": "Pridávanie používateľa",
+ "Adding_user": "Pridať používateľa",
"Additional_emails": "Ďalšie e-maily",
"Additional_Feedback": "Ďalšia spätná väzba",
- "Administration": "podávanie",
+ "additional_integrations_Zapier": "Hľadáte integráciu iného softvéru a aplikácií s Rocket.Chat, ale nemáte čas to manuálne zariadiť? V takom prípade odporúčame použiť Zapier, ktorý plne podporujeme. Prečítajte si viac o ňom v našej dokumentácii. https://rocket.chat/docs/administrator-guides/integrations/zapier/using-zaps/",
+ "additional_integrations_Bots": "Ak hľadáte spôsob, ako integrovať svojho vlastného bota, potom nehľadajte nič iné než náš adaptér Hubot. https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat ",
+ "Administration": "Administrácia",
"Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Obrázky pre dospelých nie sú povolené",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "Po overení OAuth2 budú používatelia presmerovaní na túto adresu URL",
- "Agent": "agent",
- "Agent_added": "Pridal agent",
+ "Agent": "Agent",
+ "Agent_added": "Agent bol pridaný",
"Agent_removed": "Agent bol odstránený",
- "Alerts": "výstrahy",
- "Alias": "prezývka",
- "Alias_Format": "Alias formát",
- "Alias_Format_Description": "Importovanie správ z Slack pomocou aliasu; % s sa nahrádza používateľským menom používateľa. Ak je prázdny, nebude použitý žiadny alias.",
- "Alias_Set": "Alias Set",
- "All": "všetko",
+ "Alerts": "Výstrahy",
+ "Alias": "Prezývka",
+ "Alias_Format": "Formát prezývky",
+ "Alias_Format_Description": "Importovanie správ zo služby Slack pomocou prezývky; %s sa nahrádza menom používateľa. Ak je prázdne, nebude použitý žiaden alias.",
+ "Alias_Set": "Nastavenie prezývky",
+ "All": "Všetko",
"All_channels": "Všetky kanály",
"All_logs": "Všetky záznamy",
"All_messages": "Všetky správy",
"All_users": "Všetci používatelia",
- "All_added_tokens_will_be_required_by_the_user": "Všetky pridané žetóny budú vyžadované používateľom",
+ "All_added_tokens_will_be_required_by_the_user": "Všetky pridané Známky budú požadované používateľom",
"All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages": "Všetci používatelia v kanáli môžu písať nové správy",
- "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs": "Nepovolené neplatné certifikáty s vlastným podpisom",
- "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Povoliť neplatné a certifikáty SSL s vlastným podpisom na overenie odkazov a ukážky.",
- "Alphabetical": "abecedne",
- "Allow_switching_departments": "Umožniť návštevníkom prepínať oddelenia",
+ "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs": "Povoliť neplatné vlastnoručne podpísané certifikáty",
+ "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description": "Povoliť neplatné a vlastnoručne podpísané SSL certifikáty na overenie odkazov a ukážok.",
+ "Alphabetical": "Abecedný",
+ "Allow_switching_departments": "Umožniť návštevníkom prepínať sa medzi oddeleniami",
"Always_open_in_new_window": "Otvoriť vždy v novom okne",
"Analytics_features_enabled": "Funkcie povolené",
"Analytics_features_messages_Description": "Sleduje vlastné udalosti týkajúce sa akcií, ktoré používateľ robí v správach.",
- "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Nahrávanie vlastných udalostí súvisiacich s akciami na kanáli alebo skupine (vytvorenie, odchod, odstránenie).",
- "Analytics_features_users_Description": "Sleduje vlastné udalosti týkajúce sa akcií súvisiacich s používateľmi (časy obnovenia hesla, zmena profilového obrázku atď.).",
+ "Analytics_features_rooms_Description": "Sleduje vlastné udalosti týkajúce sa akcií v kanáli alebo skupine (Vytvorenie, odchod, odstránenie).",
+ "Analytics_features_users_Description": "Sleduje vlastné udalosti týkajúce sa akcií súvisiacich s používateľmi (Časy resetovania hesla, zmena profilového obrázku atď.).",
"Analytics_Google": "Google Analytics",
"Analytics_Google_id": "ID sledovania",
"and": "a",
- "And_more": "A __length__ viac",
+ "And_more": "A __dĺžku__ viac",
"Animals_and_Nature": "Zvieratá a príroda",
- "Announcement": "oznámenia",
+ "Announcement": "Oznámenia",
"API": "API",
- "API_Allow_Infinite_Count": "Umožniť všetko",
- "API_Allow_Infinite_Count_Description": "Mali by byť volania do rozhrania API REST povolené vrátiť všetko v jednom hovore?",
- "API_Analytics": "analytika",
+ "API_Allow_Infinite_Count": "Umožniť získanie všetkého",
+ "API_Allow_Infinite_Count_Description": "Malo by byť umožnené volaniam do rozhrania REST API, aby vrátili všetko v jednom hovore?",
+ "API_Analytics": "Analytika",
"API_CORS_Origin": "Pôvod CORS",
- "API_Default_Count": "Predvolené počítanie",
- "API_Default_Count_Description": "Predvolený počet výsledkov API služby REST, ak spotrebiteľ neposkytol žiadne.",
+ "API_Default_Count": "Predvolený počet",
+ "API_Default_Count_Description": "Predvolený počet výsledkov služby REST API ak spotrebiteľ žiadne neposkytol.",
"API_Drupal_URL": "Adresa URL servera Drupal",
- "API_Drupal_URL_Description": "Príklad: https://domain.com (okrem koncového lomítka)",
+ "API_Drupal_URL_Description": "Príklad: https://domain.com (Bez koncového lomítka)",
"API_Embed": "Vložiť ukážky odkazov",
"API_Embed_Description": "Či sú vstavané náhľady odkazov povolené alebo nie, keď používateľ publikuje odkaz na webovú stránku.",
- "API_Embed_UserAgent": "Vložiť žiadosť agentu",
- "API_EmbedCacheExpirationDays": "Vložiť dni vypršania cache",
+ "API_Embed_UserAgent": "Vložiť používateľského agenta pre žiadosť",
+ "API_EmbedCacheExpirationDays": "Vložiť počet dní expirácie vyrovnávacej pamäte",
"API_EmbedDisabledFor": "Zakázať vkladanie pre používateľov",
- "API_EmbedDisabledFor_Description": "Zoznam užívateľských mien oddelených čiarkami zakáže zobrazenie vstavaných odkazov.",
- "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts": "Vložiť Ignored Hosts",
- "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts_Description": "Zoznam hostiteľov alebo adresy CIDR oddelené čiarkami, napr. localhost,,,,",
+ "API_EmbedDisabledFor_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam používateľských mien, ktoré majú zakázané zobrazenie vstavaných odkazov.",
+ "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts": "Vložiť zoznam ignorovaných hostsiteľov",
+ "API_EmbedIgnoredHosts_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam hostiteľov alebo adries CIDR, napr. localhost,,,,",
"API_EmbedSafePorts": "Bezpečné porty",
- "API_EmbedSafePorts_Description": "Zoznam portov oddelených čiarkami umožňuje zobrazenie ukážky.",
+ "API_EmbedSafePorts_Description": "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam portov umožňujúce zobraziť ukážky.",
"API_Enable_CORS": "Povoliť CORS",
"API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint": "Povoliť koncový bod histórie priamych správ",
- "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Toto umožňuje \"/ api / v1 / im.history.others\", ktorý umožňuje zobrazenie priamych správ posielaných inými používateľmi, ktorých volajúci nie je súčasťou.",
+ "API_Enable_Direct_Message_History_EndPoint_Description": "Toto povolí súbor \"/api/v1/im.history.others\", ktorý umožňuje zobrazenie priamych správ posielaných inými používateľmi, ktorých volajúci nie je súčasťou.",
"API_Enable_Shields": "Aktivovať štíty",
- "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Aktivujte štíty dostupné na súbore `/ api / v1 / shield.svg`",
- "API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL": "Adresa URL servera",
- "API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL_Description": "Príklad: http://domain.com (okrem koncového lomítka)",
- "API_Gitlab_URL": "GitLab URL",
+ "API_Enable_Shields_Description": "Aktivovať štíty dostupné v súbore `/api/v1/shield.svg`",
+ "API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL": "URL adresa servera",
+ "API_GitHub_Enterprise_URL_Description": "Príklad: http://domain.com (Bez koncového lomítka)",
+ "API_Gitlab_URL": "URL adresa služby GitLab",
"API_Shield_Types": "Typy štítov",
- "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Typy štítov, ktoré umožňujú ako zoznam oddelených čiarkami, vyberte si zo zoznamu \"online\", \"kanál\" alebo \"*\" pre všetky",
- "API_Token": "API Token",
- "API_Tokenpass_URL": "Adresa URL servera Tokenpass",
- "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Príklad: https://domain.com (okrem koncového lomítka)",
- "API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Maximálna výška záznamu",
- "API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Aký je maximálny počet záznamov, ktoré má API REST vrátiť (ak nie je neobmedzené)?",
+ "API_Shield_Types_Description": "Typy štítov na povolenie ako čiarkami oddelený zoznam. Vyberte z možností \"online\", \"kanál\" alebo \"*\" pre všetky",
+ "API_Token": "Známka API",
+ "API_Tokenpass_URL": "URL adresa servera Tokenpass",
+ "API_Tokenpass_URL_Description": "Príklad: https://domain.com (Bez koncového lomítka)",
+ "API_Upper_Count_Limit": "Maximálny počet záznamov",
+ "API_Upper_Count_Limit_Description": "Aký je maximálny počet záznamov, ktoré má REST API vrátiť (Ak nie je neobmedzený)?",
"API_User_Limit": "Používateľský limit pre pridanie všetkých používateľov do kanála",
- "API_Wordpress_URL": "Adresa URL programu WordPress",
+ "API_Wordpress_URL": "URL adresa služby WordPress",
"Apiai_Key": "Kľúč Api.ai",
- "Apiai_Language": "Api.ai Jazyk",
- "App_status_unknown": "nevedno",
- "App_status_constructed": "Konštruovaný",
- "App_status_initialized": "inicializuje",
- "App_status_auto_enabled": "povolené",
- "App_status_manually_enabled": "povolené",
- "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Zakázané: chyba kompilátora",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Zakázané: Uncaught Error",
- "App_status_manually_disabled": "Zakázané: Ručne",
- "App_status_disabled": "invalidný",
- "App_author_homepage": "autorská domovská stránka",
+ "Apiai_Language": "Jazyk Api.ai",
+ "App_status_unknown": "Neznáme",
+ "App_status_constructed": "Vytvorené",
+ "App_status_initialized": "Inicializované",
+ "App_status_auto_enabled": "Povolené",
+ "App_status_manually_enabled": "Povolené",
+ "App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Nepovolené: Chyba kompilátora",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Nepovolené: Nezachytená chyba",
+ "App_status_manually_disabled": "Nepovolené: Manuálne",
+ "App_status_disabled": "Nepovolené",
+ "App_author_homepage": "domovská stránka autora",
"App_support_url": "podpora url",
- "Appearance": "vzhľad",
+ "Appearance": "Vzhľad",
"Application_added": "Aplikácia bola pridaná",
"Application_Name": "Názov aplikácie",
"Application_updated": "Aplikácia bola aktualizovaná",
- "Apply": "platiť",
+ "Apply": "Použiť",
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Použiť a obnoviť všetkých klientov",
- "Archive": "Archív",
- "archive-room": "Archív miestnosti",
+ "Archive": "Archivovať",
+ "archive-room": "Archivovať miestnosť",
"archive-room_description": "Povolenie archivovať kanál",
"are_also_typing": "píšu tiež",
"are_typing": "píšu",
- "Are_you_sure": "Si si istý?",
- "Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_your_account": "Naozaj chcete odstrániť svoj účet?",
- "Are_you_sure_you_want_to_disable_Facebook_integration": "Naozaj chcete zakázať integráciu do služby Facebook?",
- "assign-admin-role": "Priraďte rolu administrátora",
- "assign-admin-role_description": "Povolenie priradiť administráciu ostatným používateľom",
- "Assign_admin": "Priradenie administrátora",
+ "Are_you_sure": "Určite?",
+ "Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_your_account": "Určite chcete vymazať svoj účet?",
+ "Are_you_sure_you_want_to_disable_Facebook_integration": "Naozaj chcete zakázať integráciu služby Facebook?",
+ "assign-admin-role": "Priraďte funkciu administrátora",
+ "assign-admin-role_description": "Povolenie priradiť funkciu administrátora ostatným používateľom",
+ "Assign_admin": "Priraďovanie administrátora",
"at": "na",
- "At_least_one_added_token_is_required_by_the_user": "Najmenej jeden pridaný token vyžaduje užívateľ",
+ "At_least_one_added_token_is_required_by_the_user": "Najmenej jedna pridaná známka je vyžadovaná používateľom",
"AtlassianCrowd": "Atlassian Crowd",
- "Attachment_File_Uploaded": "Súbor bol načítaný",
+ "Attachment_File_Uploaded": "Súbor bol nahratý",
"Attribute_handling": "Spracovanie atribútu",
- "Audio": "audio",
+ "Audio": "Audio",
"Audio_message": "Zvuková správa",
- "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Môže to byť ľubovoľný vlastný zvuk alebo predvolené: pípanie, zvonenie, ding, kvapôčka, zvon, ročné obdobia",
- "Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": "Zvukové upozornenia Predvolené upozornenie",
- "Audio_Notifications_Value": "Predvolené hlásenie zvuku správy",
- "Auth_Token": "Auth Token",
- "Author": "autor",
- "Author_Information": "Informácie o autorovi",
- "Authorization_URL": "Autorizačná adresa URL",
+ "Audio_Notification_Value_Description": "Môže to byť ľubovoľný vlastný zvuk alebo jeden z predvolených: pípanie, zvonenie, gong, kvapôčka, zvon, obdobia",
+ "Audio_Notifications_Default_Alert": " Predvolené zvukové upozornenie",
+ "Audio_Notifications_Value": "Predvolený zvuk pre hlásenie správy",
+ "Auth_Token": "Autorizačná známka",
+ "Author": "Autor",
+ "Author_Information": "Informácia o autorovi",
+ "Authorization_URL": "Autorizačná URL adresa",
"Authorize": "Povoliť",
"auto-translate": "Preložiť automaticky",
"auto-translate_description": "Povolenie používať nástroj automatického prekladu",
"Auto_Load_Images": "Automatické načítanie obrázkov",
- "Auto_Translate": "Auto-Prekladač",
- "AutoLinker_Email": "Email automatického odkazu",
- "AutoLinker_Phone": "AutoLinker Phone",
+ "Auto_Translate": "Automatický prekladač",
+ "AutoLinker_Email": "Email pre AutoLinker",
+ "AutoLinker_Phone": "Telefónne číslo pre AutoLinker",
"AutoLinker_Phone_Description": "Automaticky prepojené na telefónne čísla. napr. `(123) 456-7890`",
- "AutoLinker_StripPrefix": "Predpona pásky pre automatické pripojenie",
- "AutoLinker_StripPrefix_Description": "Krátke zobrazenie. napr. https://rocket.chat => rocket.chat",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_Scheme": "Schéma AutoLinker: // URL",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_TLD": "Adresy TLD automatického zdieľania",
- "AutoLinker_Urls_www": "Webové adresy URL automatického odkazu",
- "AutoLinker_UrlsRegExp": "Automatická adresa URL automatického odkazu",
+ "AutoLinker_StripPrefix": "Prefix pruhu pre AutoLinker",
+ "AutoLinker_StripPrefix_Description": "Skrátené zobrazenie. napr. https://rocket.chat => rocket.chat",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_Scheme": "URL adresy Scheme:// pre AutoLinker",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_TLD": "Adresy TLD pre AutoLinker",
+ "AutoLinker_Urls_www": "'www' URL adresy pre AutoLinker",
+ "AutoLinker_UrlsRegExp": "Regulárne výrazy URL pre AutoLinker",
"Automatic_Translation": "Automatický preklad",
- "AutoTranslate_Change_Language_Description": "Zmena jazyka automatického prekladu neprekladá predchádzajúce správy.",
+ "AutoTranslate_Change_Language_Description": "Zmena jazyka automatického prekladu nepreloží predchádzajúce správy.",
"AutoTranslate_Enabled": "Povoliť automatický preklad",
- "AutoTranslate_Enabled_Description": "Povolenie automatického prekladu umožní ľuďom s povolením automaticky preložiť povolenie, aby sa všetky správy automaticky preložili do zvoleného jazyka. Poplatky sa môžu vzťahovať, pozri Dokumentácia spoločnosti Google",
- "AutoTranslate_GoogleAPIKey": "Kľúč API Google",
+ "AutoTranslate_Enabled_Description": "Povolenie automatického prekladu umožní ľuďom s povolením pre automatický preklad, aby sa všetky správy automaticky preložili do zvoleného jazyka. Môžu sa k nemu vzťahovať poplatky, pozri Dokumentáciu spoločnosti Google",
+ "AutoTranslate_GoogleAPIKey": "Kľúč API pre Google",
"Available": "k dispozícii",
"Available_agents": "Dostupné agenty",
"Avatar": "avatar",
@@ -696,8 +704,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Zadajte do",
"Error": "Chyba",
"Error_404": "Chyba: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Chyba: Rocket.Chat vyžaduje oplog tailing pri spustení vo viacerých inštanciách",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Uistite sa, že váš MongoDB je v režime ReplicaSet a že premenná prostredia MONGO_OPLOG_URL je správne definovaná na aplikačnom serveri",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ nie je povolené",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplikácia nebola nájdená",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "K dispozícii je archivovaný kanál s názvom \"__room_name__\"",
@@ -1272,6 +1278,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Odhlásenie z ostatných prihlásených miest",
"mail-messages": "Poštové správy",
"mail-messages_description": "Povolenie používať poštu",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registračný formulár",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Poslali ste jeden alebo viac neplatných e-mailov:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Musíte vybrať jedného alebo viacerých používateľov alebo jednu alebo viac e-mailových adries oddelených čiarkami.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Nevybrali ste žiadne správy",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sl-SI.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sl-SI.i18n.json
index d157d50ba4bc..bbefe0eadd0e 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sl-SI.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sl-SI.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Ponastavitev gesla",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Privzete vloge za storitve overjanja",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Ob registraciji s storitvami preverjanja prisotnosti bodo uporabniki prejeli privzete naloge (ločene z vejico)",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Po meri",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registracija s storitvami preverjanja prisotnosti",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Pot do identitete",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Obrazec za registracijo",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identifikacijski žeton poslan preko",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Onemogočeno",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Pot do žetonov",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Nadomestno besedilo za povezavo do registracije",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Dovoli pot",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Javno",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Obseg",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Registracija preko Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Zagotoviti morate naključen niz, ki bo dodan k registracijskemu URL. Primer: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -695,8 +701,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter za",
"Error": "Napaka",
"Error_404": "Napaka: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Napaka: Rocket.Chat zahteva oplog tailing, ko teče na več primerih",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Poskrbite, da je naš MongoDB v načinu ReplicaSet in da je spremenljivka okolja MONGO_OPLOG_URL pravilno definirana na programskem strežniku",
"error-action-not-allowed": "_action_ ni dovoljeno",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplikacija ni bila najdena",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Obstaja arhiviran kanal z imenom '__room_name__'",
@@ -1270,6 +1274,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Odjava iz ostalih prijavljenih lokacij",
"mail-messages": "Poštna sporočila",
"mail-messages_description": "Dovoljenje za uporabo možnosti poštnih sporočil",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Obrazec za registracijo",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Predložili ste eno ali več neveljavnih e-poštnih naslovov: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Izbrati morate enega ali več uporabnikov, ali zagotoviti enega ali več e-poštnih naslovov, ločenih z vejicami.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Niste izbrali nobenih sporočil",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sq.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sq.i18n.json
index 7d4fc1e290ca..340d4f5b0e85 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sq.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sq.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Rolet e Parazgjedhura për Shërbimet e Autentifikimit",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Rolet e paracaktuara (ndarjet me presje) do të jepen kur regjistrohen përmes shërbimeve të legalizuara",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "me porosi",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Regjistrimi me Authentication Shërbimet",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Path Identity",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Forma e Regjistrimit",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identiteti Token Dërguar Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "i paaftë",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Path Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Regjistrimi Form Link Text Replacement",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "autorizojë Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "publik",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "fushë",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL Secret",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Regjistrimi Form Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Ju duhet të sigurojë një varg të rastit që do të shtohet në URL tuaj e regjistrimit. Shembull: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter për të",
"Error": "gabim",
"Error_404": "Error: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Gabim: Rocket.Chat kërkon oplog tailing kur kandidon në raste të shumta",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Ju lutemi sigurohuni që MongoDB juaj është në modalitetin ReplicaSet dhe vargu i mjedisit MONGO_OPLOG_URL është përcaktuar saktë në serverin e aplikacionit",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ nuk lejohet",
"error-application-not-found": "Aplikimi nuk u gjet",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ka një kanal arkivuar me '__room_name__' për emrin",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logout Nga Identifikuar tjera në vende të",
"mail-messages": "Mesazhet e postës",
"mail-messages_description": "Leja për të përdorur opsionin e mesazheve postare",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Forma e Regjistrimit",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Ju keni dhënë email një ose më shumë të pavlefshme: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Ju duhet të zgjidhni një ose më shumë përdorues, ose të sigurojë një ose më shumë adresa email, të ndara me presje.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Ju nuk keni zgjedhur ndonjë porosi",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sr.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sr.i18n.json
index e5c11c03986d..ebd70329dd31 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sr.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sr.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Ресетовање лозинке",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Уобичајене улоге за услуге провјере аутентичности",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Подразумевани корисници улога (одвојени са зарезом) ће бити дати када се региструју преко услуга за потврђивање идентитета",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Обичај",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Пријава са Аутхентицатион Сервицес",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "идентитет Пут",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Образац за регистрацију",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Идентификован жетон Послато преко",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "онемогућен",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "токен Пут",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Образац за регистрацију Линк Замена Текст",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "овластити Патх",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "јавни",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Обим",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "сецрет УРЛ адреса",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Образац за регистрацију Тајна УРЛ адреса",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Морате обезбедити случајни низ који ће бити додат на ваш регистрације УРЛ. Пример: хттпс://демо.роцкет.цхат/регистер/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Ентер да",
"Error": "грешка",
"Error_404": "Грешка: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Грешка: Роцкет.Цхат захтева оплог таилинг када ради у више инстанци",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Проверите да ли је ваш МонгоДБ на режиму РеплицаСет, а варијабла окружења МОНГО_ОПЛОГ_УРЛ је исправно дефинирана на серверу апликација",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__ацтион__ није дозвољено",
"error-application-not-found": "Апликација није пронађена",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Ту је архивирана канал под називом '__роом_наме__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Одјавите Од осталих пријављени Локације",
"mail-messages": "Маил поруке",
"mail-messages_description": "Дозвола за кориштење опције поштанских порука",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Образац за регистрацију",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Које сте дали један или више неважећих е-поште:% с",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Морате изабрати једну или више корисника или да обезбеди једну или више адреса е-поште, одвојене зарезима.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Нисте изабрали ниједну поруку.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sv.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sv.i18n.json
index 993e6345dd93..65726fb908e8 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sv.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/sv.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Nollställ lösenord",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Standardroller för autentiseringstjänster",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Standardroller (kommaseparerade) användare kommer att ges när de registreras via autentiseringstjänster",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Anpassad",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Registrering Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Sökväg för identitet",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Registreringsformulär",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Identitetstoken skickad Via",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Inaktiverad",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Sökväg Token",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Anmälningsblankett Link Ersättnings Text",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Tillåt sökväg",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Offentlig",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Omfattning",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "hemliga URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Anmälningsblankett Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Du måste ange en slumpmässig sträng som kommer att läggas till din registrerings URL. Exempel: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Enter för att",
"Error": "Fel",
"Error_404": "Fel 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Fel: Rocket.Chat kräver upplogning när det körs i flera instanser",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Se till att din MongoDB är på ReplicaSet-läge och MONGO_OPLOG_URL miljövariabel definieras korrekt på applikationsservern",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ är inte tillåtet",
"error-application-not-found": "Applikation kunde ej hittas",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Det finns en arkiverad kanal med namnet \"__room_name__\"",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logga ut från andra inloggade platser",
"mail-messages": "E-postmeddelanden",
"mail-messages_description": "Tillstånd att använda alternativet för e-postmeddelanden",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Registreringsformulär",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Du har angett ett eller flera ogiltiga e-postmeddelanden: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Du måste välja en eller flera användare eller tillhandahålla en eller flera e-postadresser, separerade med kommatecken.\n",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Du har inte valt några meddelanden",
@@ -1854,7 +1859,7 @@
"Showing_results": "
Visar %s resultat
"Sidebar": "Sidebar",
"Sidebar_list_mode": "Sidpanel Kanallista läge",
- "Sign_in_to_start_talking": "Logga in för att börja prata",
+ "Sign_in_to_start_talking": "Logga in för att diskutera",
"since_creation": "sedan %s",
"Site_Name": "Sidnamn",
"Site_Url": "webbadress",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ta-IN.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ta-IN.i18n.json
index 05bbbfa32a08..e67fb532c4b9 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ta-IN.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ta-IN.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "கடவுச்சொல்லை மீட்டமை",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "அங்கீகார சேவைகளுக்கான இயல்புநிலைப் பாத்திரங்கள்",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "அங்கீகார சேவைகளின் மூலம் பதிவு செய்யும் போது இயல்புநிலை பாத்திரங்கள் (கமா பிரிக்கப்பட்ட) பயனர்கள் வழங்கப்படும்",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "விருப்ப",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "அங்கீகரிப்பு சேவைகள் பதிவு",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "அடையாள பாதை",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "பதிவு படிவம்",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "மூலம் அனுப்பப்பட்ட அடையாள டோக்கன்",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "முடக்கப்பட்டது",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "டோக்கன் பாதை",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "பதிவு படிவம் இணைப்பு மாற்று உரை",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "பாதை அங்கீகரி",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "பொது",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "நோக்கம்",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "இரகசிய URL ஐ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "பதிவு படிவம் இரகசிய URL ஐ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "நீங்கள் உங்கள் பதிவு URL ஐ சேர்க்க வேண்டும் என்று ஒரு சீரற்ற சரமாக வழங்க வேண்டும். உதாரணம்: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "க்கு சேர்க்கவும்",
"Error": "பிழை",
"Error_404": "பிழை: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "பிழை: பல நிகழ்வுகளில் இயங்கும் போது ராக்கெட்",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "தயவுசெய்து உங்கள் மோங்கோ DB என்பது ReplicaSet முறைமை மற்றும் MONGO_OPLOG_URL சூழல் மாறி பயன்பாட்டு சேவையகத்தில் சரியாக வரையறுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ அனுமதி இல்லை",
"error-application-not-found": "விண்ணப்ப காணவில்லை",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "பெயர் '__room_name__' கொண்டு ஒரு ஆவண சேனல் இல்லை",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "பிற வெளியேற்ற இருந்து வெளியேறு இடங்களில்",
"mail-messages": "அஞ்சல் செய்திகள்",
"mail-messages_description": "அஞ்சல் செய்திகளின் விருப்பத்தை பயன்படுத்த அனுமதி",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "பதிவு படிவம்",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "நீங்கள் இன்னும் ஒன்று அல்லது தவறான மின்னஞ்சல்கள் வழங்கிய %s:",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "நீங்கள் ஒன்று அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட பயனர்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுத்து அல்லது ஒன்று அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரிகளை, பிரிக்கப்பட்ட வழங்க வேண்டும்.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "நீங்கள் எந்த செய்திகளை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவில்லை. ",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/th-TH.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/th-TH.i18n.json
index 512195c40c14..9b487b26dbdc 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/th-TH.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/th-TH.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "บทบาทเริ่มต้นสำหรับบริการการตรวจสอบสิทธิ์",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "ผู้ใช้ที่เป็นค่าเริ่มต้น (ผู้ใช้จะคั่นด้วยเครื่องหมายจุลภาค) จะได้รับเมื่อลงทะเบียนผ่านบริการพิสูจน์ตัวตน",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "กำหนดเอง",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "การลงทะเบียนกับบริการรับรองความถูกต้อง",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "เส้นทางข้อมูลผู้ใช้",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "แบบฟอร์มลงทะเบียน",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "โทเค็น Identity ถูกส่งผ่านทาง",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "พิการ",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "เส้นทางโทเค็น",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "แบบฟอร์มการลงทะเบียน",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Authorize Path",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "สาธารณะ",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "ขอบเขต",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "URL ลับ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "URL การลงทะเบียน URL ลับ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "คุณต้องระบุสตริงแบบสุ่มที่จะเพิ่มลงใน URL การลงทะเบียนของคุณ ตัวอย่าง: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "เข้าสู่",
"Error": "ความผิดพลาด",
"Error_404": "ข้อผิดพลาด: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "ข้อผิดพลาด: Rocket.Chat ต้องใช้งาน oplog tailing เมื่อทำงานในหลาย ๆ กรณี",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า MongoDB ของคุณอยู่ในโหมด ReplicaSet และ MONGO_OPLOG_URL ตัวแปรสภาพแวดล้อมถูกกำหนดไว้อย่างถูกต้องบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์แอ็พพลิเคชัน",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ ไม่ได้รับอนุญาต",
"error-application-not-found": "ไม่พบแอ็พพลิเคชัน",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "มีช่องที่เก็บถาวรซึ่งมีชื่อ '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "ออกจากระบบจากที่อื่น ๆ ที่บันทึกในตำแหน่ง",
"mail-messages": "ข้อความจดหมาย",
"mail-messages_description": "อนุญาตให้ใช้ตัวเลือกข้อความอีเมล",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "แบบฟอร์มลงทะเบียน",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "คุณได้ให้อีเมลที่ไม่ถูกต้องอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการ:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "คุณต้องเลือกผู้ใช้มากกว่าหนึ่งรายหรือระบุที่อยู่อีเมลอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการโดยคั่นด้วยเครื่องหมายจุลภาค",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "คุณยังไม่ได้เลือกข้อความใด ๆ",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/tr.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/tr.i18n.json
index 6ce0ec5739a1..44d11c9c01da 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/tr.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/tr.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Parola Sıfırlama",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Doğrulama Servisi için Varsayılan İşlem",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Kimlik doğrulama servislerini kullanarak kayıt olan kullanıcılara verilecek varsayılan roller (virgülle ayrılmış olmalıdır)",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "görenek",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Kimlik Doğrulama Hizmetleri ile Kayıt Olma",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Kimlik Yolu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Kayıt formu",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Kimlik Belgesi Yolla Gönderildi",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Devre Dışı",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token Yolu",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Kayıt Formu Bağlantı Değişim Metni",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Yol Yetkilendirme",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Genel",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "kapsam",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Gizli URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Kayıt Formu Gizli URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Kayıt URL'sine eklenmesi için rastgele bir harf dizisi sağlamalısınız. Örnek: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "için Enter",
"Error": "Hata",
"Error_404": "Hata 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Hata: Rocket.Chat, birden çok örnekte çalışırken oplog tailing gerektirir",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Lütfen MongoDB'nizin ReplicaSet modunda olduğundan ve MONGO_OPLOG_URL ortam değişkeninin uygulama sunucusunda doğru tanımlandığından emin olun",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ izin verilmez",
"error-application-not-found": "Uygulama bulunamadı",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Adı '__room_name__' ile arşivlenmiş bir kanal var",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Yerler Diğer giriş itibaren logout",
"mail-messages": "Posta mesajları",
"mail-messages_description": "Posta iletilerini kullanma izni",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Kayıt formu",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Bir veya daha fazla geçersiz e-posta sağladı: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Bir veya daha fazla kullanıcı seçmek ya da bir veya birden fazla e-posta adreslerini, virgülle ayırarak sağlamalıdır.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Herhangi bir mesaj seçmediniz.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ug.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ug.i18n.json
index 648e15112212..c6261a642b96 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ug.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/ug.i18n.json
@@ -86,11 +86,16 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_id": "ئىشلىتىش ID تە WordPress",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_secret": "ئاچقۇچ ئىشلىتىش WordPress",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "مەخپىي نومۇرنى قايتا بەلگىلەش",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "ئۆزلۈكىدىن بېكىتىش",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "دەلىللەش مۇلازىمىتىنى ئىشلىتىپ تىزىملىتىش",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "سالاھىيەت ئادرېسى",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "تىزىملىتىش جەدۋىلى",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "ئىشلىتىش مەنئىي قىلىندى",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "ئادرېسىToken",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "تىزىملىتىش جەدۋىلىنىڭ ئۇلىنىش خەتلىك ماۋزۇسى",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "نىڭ دەلىللەنگەن ئادرېسنى ئۆزلىكىدىن بېكىتىشOAuth ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "ئاشكارا",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "دائىرىسى",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "شەخسىي ئادرېسى",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "شەخسىي تىزىملىتىش جەدۋىلى ",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash] سىز چوقۇم خالىغان ھەرپ-بەلگە تىزىقى بىلەن تەمىنلىشىڭىز كېرەك ، ئۇ ھەرپ-بەلگە تىزىقى سىزنىڭ تىزىملىتىش ئادرېسىڭىزغا قېتىلىدۇ. مەسىلەن: مۇنداق",
@@ -634,6 +639,7 @@
"Login_with": "نى ئىشلىتىپ كىرىش%s",
"Logout": "چىقىپ كېتىش",
"Logout_Others": "باشقا كىرىپ بولغان ئۈسكىنىلەردىن چىقىپ كىتىش",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "تىزىملىتىش جەدۋىلى",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "%s: سىز بىر ياكى كۆپلىگەن ئىناۋەتسىز بولغان ئىلخەت ئادرېسى بىلەن تەمىنلەپسىز",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "سىز چوقۇم بىر ياكى كۆپ ئەزا تاللىشىڭىز كېرەك ، ۋە لېكىن بىر ياكى كۆپ ئىلخەت ئادرېسى تاللىشىڭىز كېرەك (كۆپ ئىلخەت ئادرېسىغا پەش بەلگىسى ئارقىلىق ئايرىڭ..)",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "غا موھتاجمۇ ؟全选سىز تېخى ھېچقانداق ئۇچۇرنى تاللىمىدىڭىز .ھەممە ئېنىق ئۇچۇرنى",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/uk.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/uk.i18n.json
index 1e9bc9486e64..e38a8f50cacc 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/uk.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/uk.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Скидання пароля",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Ролі за замовчуванням для сервісів авторизації",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Ролі за замовчуванням (розділені комою), які будуть призначені користувачам зареєстрованим через сервіси авторизації",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "виготовлений на замовлення",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Реєстрація з Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "ідентичність Шлях",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Реєстраційний формуляр",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Токен ідентифікації відправлено через",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "інвалід",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "токен Шлях",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Форма реєстрації Посилання Заміна тексту",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "авторизуватися Шлях",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "суспільного",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Сфера застосування",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "секретний URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Форма реєстрації Секретний URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Ви повинні забезпечити випадкову рядок, яка буде додана до вашої реєстрації URL. Приклад: https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Введіть в",
"Error": "помилка",
"Error_404": "Помилка: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Помилка: Rocket.Chat вимагає закриття при роботі в декількох випадках",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Будь ласка, переконайтеся, що ваш MongoDB знаходиться в режимі ReplicaSet, і змінна середовища MONGO_OPLOG_URL правильно визначена на сервері додатків",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ не допускається",
"error-application-not-found": "Додаток не знайдено",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Там в архівний канал з ім'ям '__room_name__'",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Вихід з інших Записаний в тих місцях,",
"mail-messages": "Поштові повідомлення",
"mail-messages_description": "Дозвіл на використання опцій поштових повідомлень",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Реєстраційний формуляр",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Ви надали один або кілька неприпустимих листів: %s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Ви повинні вибрати одного або декількох користувачів або надати один або кілька адрес електронної пошти, розділених комами.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Ви не обрали жодного повідомлення.",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/vi-VN.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/vi-VN.i18n.json
index 7c7f2c7b38bc..b05dbc597eb1 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/vi-VN.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/vi-VN.i18n.json
@@ -122,13 +122,21 @@
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress": "Đăng nhập qua WordPress",
"Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_callback_url": "URL callback WordPress",
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "Đặt lại mật khẩu",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wordpress_com": "Wordpress.com",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "Vai trò mặc định của Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_wp_oauth_server": "Tiện ích máy chủ WP OAuth",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "Các vai trò (phân cách bằng dấu phẩy) của người dùng sau khi đăng ký thông qua authentication services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "Tuỳ chỉnh",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "Đăng ký với Authentication Services",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Đường dẫn xác thực (Identity Path)",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "Form đăng ký",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "Token Nhận dạng Gửi Qua",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "Không cho phép",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Đường dẫn lấy Token (Token Path)",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "Chữ thay cho đường dẫn đến Form đăng ký ",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "Đường dẫn ủy quyền (Authorize)",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "Công khai",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "Phạm vi",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Bí mật",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "Đường dẫn Secret form đăng ký",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "Bạn phải sử dụng một chuỗi ký tự ngẫu nhiên để thêm vào đường dẫn đến form đăng ký. Ví dụ: https://demo.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -172,10 +180,14 @@
"Adding_user": "Thêm người dùng",
"Additional_emails": "Email bổ sung",
"Additional_Feedback": "Phản hồi bổ sung",
+ "additional_integrations_Zapier": "Có phải bạn đang tìm cách tích hợp các phần mềm và ứng dụng khác vào Rocket.Chat nhưng lại không có thời gian để tự tay thực hiện nó? Nếu đúng như thế, chúng tôi nghĩ bạn nên sử dụng một công cụ được chúng tôi hỗ trợ đó là Zapier. Bạn có thể đọc thêm về Zapier ở đây ",
+ "additional_integrations_Bots": "Nếu bạn đang tìm cách để tích hợp Bot của riêng bạn vậy thì bạn nên xem qua phần Hubot adapter. https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat",
"Administration": "Quản trị",
"Adult_images_are_not_allowed": "Hình ảnh người lớn không được phép",
+ "Admin_Info": "Thông tin quản trị",
"After_OAuth2_authentication_users_will_be_redirected_to_this_URL": "Sau khi xác thực OAuth2, người dùng sẽ được chuyển hướng đến URL này",
"Agent": "Đặc vụ",
+ "Advocacy": "Luật sư",
"Agent_added": "Agent đã thêm",
"Agent_removed": "Agent bị xóa",
"Alerts": "Cảnh báo",
@@ -183,7 +195,7 @@
"Alias_Format": "Định dạng Alias",
"Alias_Format_Description": "Nhập dữ liệu tin nhắn từ Slack với Alias; % s được thay thế bằng tên của người dùng. Nếu trống, không Alias nào sẽ được sử dụng.",
"Alias_Set": "Đặt bí danh",
- "All": "Tất cả các",
+ "All": "Tất cả",
"All_channels": "Tất cả các kênh",
"All_logs": "Tất cả nhật ký",
"All_messages": "Tất cả các tin nhắn",
@@ -243,13 +255,13 @@
"API_Wordpress_URL": "URL WordPress",
"Apiai_Key": "Khóa Api.ai",
"Apiai_Language": "Ngôn ngữ Api.ai",
- "App_status_unknown": "không xác định",
- "App_status_constructed": "Được xây dựng",
+ "App_status_unknown": "Không xác định",
+ "App_status_constructed": "Được khởi tạo",
"App_status_initialized": "Đã khởi tạo",
"App_status_auto_enabled": "Đã bật",
"App_status_manually_enabled": "Đã bật",
"App_status_compiler_error_disabled": "Đã tắt: Lỗi trình biên dịch",
- "App_status_error_disabled": "Đã tắt: Lỗi không bắt buộc",
+ "App_status_error_disabled": "Đã tắt: lỗi",
"App_status_manually_disabled": "Đã tắt: Theo cách thủ công",
"App_status_disabled": "Đã tắt",
"App_author_homepage": "trang chủ tác giả",
@@ -258,7 +270,7 @@
"Application_added": "Đã thêm ứng dụng",
"Application_Name": "Tên ứng dụng",
"Application_updated": "Đã cập nhật ứng dụng",
- "Apply": "Ứng dụng",
+ "Apply": "Áp dụng",
"Apply_and_refresh_all_clients": "Áp dụng và làm mới tất cả các khách hàng",
"Archive": "Lưu trữ",
"archive-room": "Phòng lưu trữ",
@@ -310,12 +322,12 @@
"Avatar_changed_successfully": "Avatar đã thay đổi thành công",
"Avatar_URL": "URL Avatar",
"Avatar_url_invalid_or_error": "URL cung cấp không hợp lệ hoặc không thể truy cập. Vui lòng thử lại, nhưng với một url khác.",
- "away": "cách xa",
- "Away": "Xa",
- "away_female": "cách xa",
- "Away_female": "Xa",
- "away_male": "cách xa",
- "Away_male": "Xa",
+ "away": "vắng mặt",
+ "Away": "Vắng mặt",
+ "away_female": "vắng mặt",
+ "Away_female": "Vắng mặt",
+ "away_male": "vắng mặt",
+ "Away_male": "Vắng mặt",
"Back": "Trở lại",
"Back_to_applications": "Quay lại ứng dụng",
"Back_to_chat": "Quay lại trò chuyện",
@@ -332,6 +344,8 @@
"Body": "Thân",
"bold": "Dũng cảm",
"bot_request": "Yêu cầu Bot",
+ "Blockchain": "Blockchain",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
"BotHelpers_userFields": "Trường người dùng",
"BotHelpers_userFields_Description": "CSV của các trường người dùng có thể được truy cập bằng phương pháp trợ giúp bots.",
"Branch": "Nhánh",
@@ -374,18 +388,18 @@
"CAS_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description": "Sử dụng đầu vào JSON này để xây dựng thuộc tính nội bộ (khóa) từ các thuộc tính bên ngoài (giá trị). Tên thuộc tính bên ngoài được bao gồm '%' sẽ được dịch trong chuỗi giá trị. Ví dụ, `{\" email \":\"% email% \",\" name \":\"% firstname%,% lastname% \"}`
Bản đồ thuộc tính luôn được nội suy. Trong CAS 1.0 chỉ có sẵn thuộc tính `username`. Các thuộc tính nội bộ có sẵn là: tên người dùng, tên, email, phòng; phòng là danh sách phòng được cách nhau bằng dấu phẩy để tham gia vào việc tạo người dùng, ví dụ: {\"rooms\": \"% team%,% department%\"} sẽ tham gia vào người dùng CAS khi tạo nhóm của họ và đội.",
"CAS_version": "Phiên bản CAS",
"CAS_version_Description": "Chỉ sử dụng phiên bản CAS được hỗ trợ được hỗ trợ bởi dịch vụ SS SS của bạn.",
- "Chatpal_No_Results": "Ko có kết quả",
- "Chatpal_More": "Hơn",
+ "Chatpal_No_Results": "Không có kết quả",
+ "Chatpal_More": "Thêm",
"Chatpal_Messages": "Tin nhắn",
"Chatpal_Rooms": "Phòng",
"Chatpal_Users": "Người dùng",
- "Chatpal_Search_Results": "kết quả tìm kiếm",
+ "Chatpal_Search_Results": "Kết quả tìm kiếm",
"Chatpal_All_Results": "Tất cả các",
"Chatpal_Messages_Only": "Tin nhắn",
"Chatpal_HTTP_Headers": "Http Headers",
- "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Danh sách Tiêu đề HTTP, một tiêu đề trên mỗi dòng. Định dạng: tên: giá trị",
- "Chatpal_API_Key": "Mã API",
- "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Bạn chưa có Khóa API? Nhận một!",
+ "Chatpal_HTTP_Headers_Description": "Danh sách Tiêu đề HTTP, một tiêu đề trên mỗi dòng. Định dạng: tên:giá-trị",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key": "Khóa API",
+ "Chatpal_API_Key_Description": "Bạn chưa có Khóa API? Nhận tại đây!",
"Chatpal_no_search_results": "Không kết quả",
"Chatpal_one_search_result": "Tìm thấy 1 kết quả",
"Chatpal_search_results": "Đã tìm thấy kết quả% s",
@@ -398,7 +412,7 @@
"Chatpal_Backend_Description": "Chọn nếu bạn muốn sử dụng Chatpal làm Dịch vụ hoặc khi cài đặt trên trang web",
"Chatpal_Suggestion_Enabled": "Đã bật đề xuất",
"Chatpal_Base_URL": "Url cơ sở",
- "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Tìm một số mô tả cách chạy một cá thể cục bộ trên github. URL phải tuyệt đối và trỏ đến lõi trò chuyện, ví dụ: http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
+ "Chatpal_Base_URL_Description": "Tìm một số mô tả cách chạy một local instance trên github. URL phải là tuyệt đối và trỏ đến Chatpal core, ví dụ: http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / chatpal.",
"Chatpal_Main_Language": "Ngôn ngữ chính",
"Chatpal_Main_Language_Description": "Ngôn ngữ được sử dụng nhiều nhất trong các cuộc trò chuyện",
"Chatpal_Default_Result_Type": "Loại kết quả mặc định",
@@ -408,8 +422,8 @@
"Chatpal_Terms_and_Conditions": "Các điều khoản và điều kiện",
"Chatpal_TAC_read": "Tôi đã đọc các điều khoản và điều kiện",
"Chatpal_create_key": "Tạo khóa",
- "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Kích thước hàng loạt chỉ mục",
- "Chatpal_Timeout_Size": "Thời gian chờ của chỉ mục",
+ "Chatpal_Batch_Size": "Kích thước Index Batch",
+ "Chatpal_Timeout_Size": "Thời gian chờ của Index",
"Chatpal_Window_Size": "Kích thước cửa sổ chỉ mục",
"Chatpal_Batch_Size_Description": "Kích thước lô tài liệu chỉ mục (khi khởi động)",
"Chatpal_Timeout_Size_Description": "Thời gian giữa 2 cửa sổ chỉ mục trong ms (khi khởi động)",
@@ -421,6 +435,7 @@
"Chatpal_created_key_successfully": "Đã tạo thành công Khóa API",
"Chatpal_run_search": "Tìm kiếm",
+ "Chatpal_Get_more_information_about_chatpal_on_our_website": "Bạn có thể xem thêm thông tin về Chatpal tại ",
"Certificates_and_Keys": "Giấy chứng nhận và Khoá",
"Change_Room_Type": "Thay đổi loại phòng",
"Changing_email": "Thay đổi email",
@@ -480,15 +495,19 @@
"Common_Access": "Truy cập thông thường",
"Compact": "gọn nhẹ",
"Computer": "Máy vi tính",
+ "Continue": "Tiếp tục",
"Confirm_password": "Xác nhận mật khẩu của bạn",
"Content": "Nội dung",
"Conversation": "Cuộc hội thoại",
"Conversation_closed": "Trò chuyện đóng lại: __comment__.",
+ "Community": "Cộng đồng",
"Conversation_finished_message": "Tin nhắn hoàn thành cuộc trò chuyện",
"Convert_Ascii_Emojis": "Chuyển đổi ASCII sang Emoji",
"Copied": "Đã sao chép",
"Copy": "Sao chép",
+ "Consulting": "Tư vấn",
"Copy_to_clipboard": "Sao chép vào clipboard",
+ "Consumer_Goods": "Hàng hoá tiêu dùng",
"Count": "Đếm",
"Cozy": "Ấm cúng",
@@ -500,6 +519,7 @@
"create-p": "Tạo kênh riêng tư",
"create-p_description": "Cho phép tạo kênh riêng",
"create-user": "Tạo người dùng",
+ "Country": "Quê quán",
"create-user_description": "Cho phép tạo người dùng",
"Create_A_New_Channel": "Tạo kênh mới",
"Create_new": "Tạo mới",
@@ -605,8 +625,8 @@
"Disable_Notifications": "Vô hiệu hóa thông báo",
"Disable_two-factor_authentication": "Tắt xác thực hai yếu tố",
"Disabled": "Đã tắt",
- "Disallow_reacting": "Không cho phép Phản hồi",
- "Disallow_reacting_Description": "Không cho phép phản ứng",
+ "Disallow_reacting": "Không cho phép biểu cảm",
+ "Disallow_reacting_Description": "Không cho phép biểu cảm",
"Display_unread_counter": "Hiển thị số tin nhắn chưa đọc",
"Display_offline_form": "Hiển thị biểu mẫu ngoại tuyến",
"Displays_action_text": "Hiển thị văn bản hành động",
@@ -658,6 +678,7 @@
"Email_Header_Description": "Bạn có thể sử dụng các placeholder sau:
[Site_Name] và [Site_URL] cho Tên Ứng dụng và URL tương ứng.
"Email_Notification_Mode": "Thông báo qua Email",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All": "Mỗi Đề cập / DM",
+ "Education": "Giáo dục",
"Email_Notification_Mode_Disabled": "Tàn tật",
"Email_or_username": "Thư điện tử hoặc tên người dùng",
"Email_Placeholder": "Hãy điền địa chỉ email của bạn...",
@@ -687,8 +708,6 @@
"Enter_to": "Nhập vào",
"Error": "lỗi",
"Error_404": "Lỗi: 404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "Lỗi: Rocket.Chat yêu cầu oplog tailing khi chạy trong nhiều trường hợp",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "Hãy đảm bảo rằng MongoDB của bạn ở chế độ ReplicaSet và biến môi trường MONGO_OPLOG_URL được định nghĩa chính xác trên máy chủ ứng dụng",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ không được phép",
"error-application-not-found": "Không tìm thấy ứng dụng",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "Có kênh lưu trữ có tên '__room_name__'",
@@ -698,7 +717,9 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Không thể thay đổi email",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Không thể đổi tên",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Không thể thay đổi tên người dùng",
+ "Entertainment": "Giải trí",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Không thể xóa vai trò được bảo vệ",
+ "Enterprise": "Doanh nghiệp",
"error-department-not-found": "Vụ không tìm thấy",
"error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Không cho phép chia sẻ tệp trong tin nhắn trực tiếp",
"error-duplicate-channel-name": "Một kênh có tên '__channel_name__' tồn tại",
@@ -842,6 +863,7 @@
"Force_Disable_OpLog_For_Cache_Description": "Sẽ không sử dụng OpLog để đồng bộ hóa bộ nhớ cache ngay cả khi nó có sẵn",
"Force_SSL": "Buộc SSL",
"Force_SSL_Description": "* Chú ý! _Force SSL_ không nên được sử dụng với proxy ngược lại. Nếu bạn có một proxy ngược lại, bạn nên làm các redirect THERE. Tùy chọn này tồn tại cho các triển khai như Heroku, không cho phép cấu hình chuyển hướng ở proxy ngược lại.",
+ "Financial_Services": "Những dịch vụ Tài chính",
"Forgot_password": "Quên mật khẩu",
"Forgot_Password_Description": "Bạn có thể sử dụng các placeholder sau:
[Forget_Password_Url] cho URL khôi phục mật khẩu.
[name], [fname], [lname] tương ứng cho tên, họ hoặc họ của người dùng, tương ứng.
[email] cho email của người dùng.
[Site_Name] và [Site_URL] cho Tên Ứng dụng và URL tương ứng.
"Forgot_Password_Email": "Nhấp vào ở đâyđể đặt lại mật khẩu của bạn.",
@@ -870,6 +892,7 @@
"GoogleVision_Block_Adult_Images_Description": "Chặn hình ảnh người lớn sẽ không hoạt động khi đã đạt đến giới hạn hàng tháng",
"GoogleVision_Current_Month_Calls": "Cuộc gọi tháng hiện tại",
"GoogleVision_Enable": "Bật Google Vision",
+ "Gaming": "Chơi game",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls": "Cuộc gọi hàng tháng tối đa",
"GoogleVision_Max_Monthly_Calls_Description": "Sử dụng 0 cho không giới hạn",
"GoogleVision_ServiceAccount": "Tài khoản Dịch vụ Google Vision",
@@ -897,7 +920,9 @@
"Hide_flextab": "Ẩn Thanh bên Phải với Nhấp",
"Hide_Group_Warning": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn ẩn nhóm \"% s\" không?",
"Hide_Livechat_Warning": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn ẩn livechat với \"% s\" không?",
+ "Go_to_your_workspace": "Đến workspace của bạn",
"Hide_Private_Warning": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn ẩn thảo luận với \"% s\" không?",
+ "Government": "Chính phủ",
"Hide_roles": "Ẩn vai trò",
"Hide_room": "Ẩn phòng",
"Hide_Room_Warning": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn ẩn phòng \"% s\" không?",
@@ -906,9 +931,12 @@
"Highlights": "Điểm nổi bật",
"Highlights_How_To": "Để được thông báo khi ai đó đề cập đến một từ hoặc cụm từ, hãy thêm nó vào đây. Bạn có thể tách từ hoặc cụm từ bằng dấu phẩy. Các từ nổi bật không phân biệt chữ hoa chữ thường.",
"Highlights_List": "Đánh dấu từ",
+ "Healthcare_and_Pharmaceutical": "Chăm sóc sức khỏe/Dược phẩm",
"History": "Lịch sử",
"Host": "Host",
+ "Help_Center": "Trung tâm trợ giúp",
"hours": "giờ",
+ "Group_mentions_disabled_x_members": "Lệnh nhắc trong nhóm như `@all` và `@here` đã được vô hiệu hóa trong những phòng có số lượng thành viên trên __total__",
"Hours": "Giờ",
"How_friendly_was_the_chat_agent": "Agent trò chuyện có thân thiện không?",
"How_knowledgeable_was_the_chat_agent": "Kiến thức của agent như thế nào?",
@@ -981,6 +1009,7 @@
"Integration_Incoming_WebHook": "Tích hợp WebHook",
"Integration_New": "Tích hợp mới",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook": "Tích hợp WebHook đi",
+ "Industry": "Công nghiệp",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History": "Lịch sử tích hợp WebHook gửi đi",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_Trigger": "Dữ liệu đi qua để tích hợp",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Data_Passed_To_URL": "Dữ liệu được chuyển đến URL",
@@ -994,6 +1023,7 @@
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_History_Trigger_Step": "Bước kích hoạt cuối cùng",
"Integration_Outgoing_WebHook_No_History": "Tích hợp webhook gửi đi này vẫn chưa có lịch sử nào được ghi lại.",
"Integration_Retry_Count": "Thử lại đếm",
+ "Insurance": "Bảo hiểm",
"Integration_Retry_Count_Description": "Bao nhiêu lần tích hợp nên được thử lại nếu cuộc gọi đến url không?",
"Integration_Retry_Delay": "Thử lại Trễ",
"Integration_Retry_Delay_Description": "Thuật toán trì hoãn nên sử dụng lại? 10^x hoặc 2^xhoặc x*2",
@@ -1096,6 +1126,7 @@
"Katex_Enabled_Description": "Cho phép sử dụng katex cho việc Math Typesetting trong các bài viết",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax": "Cho phép cú pháp chứa ngoặc tròn",
"Katex_Parenthesis_Syntax_Description": "Cho phép sử dụng các cú pháp \\ [katex block] và \\ (katex inline \\)",
+ "Job_Title": "Chức vụ nghề nghiệp",
"Keep_default_user_settings": "Giữ cài đặt mặc định",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Edit_Previous_Message": "Chỉnh sửa tin nhắn trước",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_1": "Ctrl+ p",
@@ -1105,8 +1136,8 @@
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_5": "Command(hoặc Alt) + Mũi tên phải",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_6": "Command(hoặc Alt) + Mũi tên xuống",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Keys_7": "Shift+ Nhập",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_Beginning_Of_Message": "Di chuyển đến đầu tin nhắn",
- "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_End_Of_Message": "Di chuyển đến cuối tin nhắn",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_Beginning_Of_Message": "Chuyển đến tin đầu tiên chưa đọc",
+ "Keyboard_Shortcuts_Move_To_End_Of_Message": "Chuyển đến tin cuối cùng chưa đọc",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_New_Line_In_Message": "Dòng mới trong phần soạn tin",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Open_Channel_Slash_User_Search": "Mở kênh / Tìm kiếm người dùng",
"Keyboard_Shortcuts_Title": "Các phím tắt bàn phím",
@@ -1140,6 +1171,7 @@
"LDAP_User_Search_Filter_Description": "Nếu được chỉ định, chỉ những người dùng phù hợp với bộ lọc này mới được phép đăng nhập. Nếu không có bộ lọc được chỉ định, tất cả người dùng trong phạm vi của tên miền được chỉ định sẽ có thể đăng nhập. Ví dụ: cho Active Directory `memberOf = cn = ROCKET_CHAT, ou = Nhóm chung '. Ví dụ: cho OpenLDAP (tìm kiếm kết hợp mở rộng) `ou: dn: = ROCKET_CHAT`.",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "Phạm vi",
"LDAP_Authentication": "Bật",
+ "Launched_successfully": "Khởi động hoàn thành",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "Mật khẩu",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "DN người dùng",
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN_Description": "Người dùng LDAP thực hiện tra cứu người dùng để xác thực người dùng khác khi họ đăng nhập Đây thường là tài khoản dịch vụ được tạo riêng cho tích hợp bên thứ ba. Sử dụng tên đủ điều kiện, chẳng hạn như `cn = Quản trị viên, cn = Người dùng, dc = Ví dụ, dc = com`.",
@@ -1263,6 +1295,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "Logout Từ Khác Đăng nhập Địa điểm",
"mail-messages": "Mail tin nhắn",
"mail-messages_description": "Quyền sử dụng tùy chọn mail tin nhắn",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "Form đăng ký",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "Bạn đã cung cấp một hoặc nhiều email không hợp lệ:% s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "Bạn phải chọn một hoặc nhiều người dùng hoặc cung cấp một hoặc nhiều địa chỉ email, được phân cách bằng dấu phẩy.",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "Bạn chưa chọn bất kỳ tin nhắn nào",
@@ -1282,6 +1315,7 @@
"manage-integrations_description": "Cho phép quản lý tích hợp máy chủ",
"manage-oauth-apps": "Quản lý ứng dụng Oauth",
"manage-oauth-apps_description": "Cho phép quản lý máy chủ Oauth apps",
+ "Logistics": "Vận chuyển",
"manage-own-integrations": "Quản lý Tích hợp riêng",
"manage-own-integrations_description": "Sự cho phép người dùng tạo và chỉnh sửa sự tích hợp hoặc webhooks của riêng họ",
"manage-sounds": "Quản lý âm thanh",
@@ -1316,6 +1350,7 @@
"mention-here_description": "Cho phép sử dụng đề cập đến @here",
"Mentions": "Đề cập",
"Mentions_default": "Đề cập (mặc định)",
+ "Manufacturing": "Sản xuất",
"Mentions_only": "Chỉ nhắc đến",
"Merge_Channels": "Hợp nhất Kênh",
"Message": "Thông điệp",
@@ -1334,6 +1369,7 @@
"Message_AllowUnrecognizedSlashCommand": "Cho phép các lệnh Slash không được công nhận",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp": "Luôn tìm kiếm bằng RegExp",
"Message_AlwaysSearchRegExp_Description": "Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đặt 'Đúng' nếu ngôn ngữ của bạn không được hỗ trợ trên Tìm kiếm văn bản MongoDB.",
+ "Media": "Truyền thông",
"Message_Attachments": "Tin nhắn đính kèm",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttach": "Gom nhóm nút đính kèm",
"Message_Attachments_GroupAttachDescription": "Tính năng này nhóm các biểu tượng vào một menu có thể mở rộng. Chiếm ít không gian trên màn hình hơn.",
@@ -1406,8 +1442,8 @@
"More_direct_messages": "Thêm tin nhắn trực tiếp",
"More_groups": "Thêm các nhóm riêng",
"More_unreads": "Thêm unreads",
- "Move_beginning_message": "`% s` - Di chuyển đến đầu tin nhắn",
- "Move_end_message": "`% s` - Di chuyển đến cuối tin nhắn",
+ "Move_beginning_message": "`% s` - Chuyển đến tin đầu tiên chưa đọc",
+ "Move_end_message": "`% s` - Chuyển đến tin cuối cùng chưa đọc",
"Msgs": "Tin nhắn",
"multi": "đa",
"multi_line": "nhiều dòng",
@@ -1491,6 +1527,7 @@
"OAuth_Applications": "Ứng dụng OAuth",
"Objects": "Các đối tượng",
"Off": "Tắt",
+ "Nonprofit": "Phi lợi nhuận",
"Off_the_record_conversation": "Cuộc trò chuyện ngoài bản ghi",
"Off_the_record_conversation_is_not_available_for_your_browser_or_device": "Cuộc trò chuyện ngoài bản ghi không khả dụng cho trình duyệt hoặc thiết bị của bạn.",
"Office_Hours": "Giờ hành chính",
@@ -1554,9 +1591,13 @@
"Permalink": "Liên kết |",
"Permissions": "Quyền",
"pin-message": "Tin nhắn Pin",
+ "Organization_Email": "Email tổ chức",
"pin-message_description": "Cho phép để ghim một tin nhắn trong một kênh",
+ "Organization_Info": "Thông tin tổ chức",
"Pin_Message": "Tin nhắn Pin",
+ "Organization_Name": "Tên tổ chức",
"Pinned_a_message": "Đã ghim một tin nhắn:",
+ "Organization_Type": "Loại tổ chức",
"Pinned_Messages": "Tin nhắn được ghim",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers": "Trang web Piwik bổ sung",
"PiwikAdditionalTrackers_Description": "Nhập URL trang web của Piwik và SiteIDs theo định dạng sau, nếu bạn muốn theo dõi cùng một dữ liệu trên các trang web khác nhau: [{\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain2/\", \"siteId\": 42}, {\"trackerURL\": \"https: //my.piwik.domain3/\", \"siteId\": 15}]",
@@ -1568,6 +1609,7 @@
"PiwikAnalytics_prependDomain_Description": "Thêm tên miền trang lên tiêu đề trang khi theo dõi",
"PiwikAnalytics_siteId_Description": "Id trang web dùng để xác định trang web này. Ví dụ: 17",
"PiwikAnalytics_url_Description": "Địa chỉ Piwik, hãy chắc chắn bao gồm dấu gạch chéo. Ví dụ: //piwik.rocket.chat/",
+ "Other": "Khác",
"Placeholder_for_email_or_username_login_field": "Trình giữ chỗ cho trường Đăng nhập Email hoặc Tên đăng nhập",
"Placeholder_for_password_login_field": "Trình giữ chỗ cho Trường đăng nhập Mật khẩu",
"Please_add_a_comment": "Xin vui lòng thêm một bình luận",
@@ -1596,7 +1638,7 @@
"Post_as": "Đăng dưới",
"Post_to_Channel": "Đăng lên Kênh",
"Post_to_s_as_s": "Đăng lên % slàm % s",
- "Preferences": "Sở thích",
+ "Preferences": "Tùy chọn",
"Preferences_saved": "Tuỳ chọn đã lưu",
"preview-c-room": "Xem trước kênh công cộng",
"preview-c-room_description": "Cho phép xem nội dung của kênh công cộng trước khi tham gia",
@@ -1636,16 +1678,19 @@
"Quote": "Trích dẫn",
"Random": "Ngẫu nhiên",
"RDStation_Token": "RD Station Token",
- "React_when_read_only": "Cho phép phản ứng",
- "React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Cho phép phản ứng khi đọc chỉ được thay đổi thành công",
- "Reacted_with": "Phản ứng với",
- "Reactions": "Phản ứng",
+ "React_when_read_only": "Cho phép biểu cảm",
+ "React_when_read_only_changed_successfully": "Cho phép biểu cảm khi đọc chỉ được thay đổi thành công",
+ "Private_Team": "Nhóm riêng tư",
+ "Reacted_with": "Biểu cảm với",
+ "Reactions": "Biểu cảm",
"Read_by": "Đọc bởi",
"Read_only": "Chỉ đọc",
"Read_only_changed_successfully": "Đã đọc thành công chỉ đọc",
"Read_only_channel": "Kênh chỉ đọc",
"Read_only_group": "Nhóm chỉ đọc",
+ "Public_Community": "Cộng đồng mở",
"Reason_To_Join": "Lý do tham gia",
+ "Public_Relations": "Quan hệ công chúng",
"RealName_Change_Disabled": "Quản trị viên Rocket.Chat của bạn đã vô hiệu việc thay đổi tên",
"Receive_alerts": "Nhận thông báo",
"Receive_Group_Mentions": "Nhận @all và @here đề cập",
@@ -1682,6 +1727,7 @@
"Report_sent": "Đã gửi báo cáo",
"Report_this_message_question_mark": "Báo cáo tin nhắn này?",
"Require_all_tokens": "Yêu cầu tất cả các thẻ",
+ "Real_Estate": "Bất động sản",
"Require_any_token": "Yêu cầu bất kỳ mã thông báo",
"Reporting": "Báo cáo",
"Require_password_change": "Yêu cầu thay đổi mật khẩu",
@@ -1692,12 +1738,14 @@
"Restart": "Khởi động lại",
"Restart_the_server": "Khởi động lại máy chủ",
"Retry_Count": "Thử lại đếm",
+ "Register_Server": "Máy chủ Register",
"Apps": "Ứng dụng",
"App_Information": "Thông tin ứng dụng",
"App_Installation": "Cài đặt ứng dụng",
"Apps_Settings": "Cài đặt của ứng dụng",
"Role": "Vai trò",
"Role_Editing": "Chỉnh sửa Vai trò",
+ "Religious": "Tôn giáo",
"Role_removed": "Đã xóa vai trò",
"Room": "Phòng",
"Room_announcement_changed_successfully": "Thông báo phòng đã thay đổi thành công",
@@ -1729,6 +1777,7 @@
"Room_unarchived": "Phòng chưa lưu trữ",
"Room_uploaded_file_list": "Danh sách tập tin",
"Room_uploaded_file_list_empty": "Không có tệp nào.",
+ "Retail": "Người bán lẻ",
"Rooms": "Phòng",
"run-import": "Chạy Nhập khẩu",
"run-import_description": "Cho phép chạy các nhà nhập khẩu",
@@ -1802,7 +1851,9 @@
"Send_request_on_lead_capture": "Gửi yêu cầu khi lead capture",
"Send_request_on_offline_messages": "Gửi Yêu cầu Tin nhắn Ngoại tuyến",
"Send_request_on_visitor_message": "Gửi yêu cầu về Tin nhắn của khách",
+ "Setup_Wizard": "Thuật sĩ hướng dẫn cài đặt",
"Send_request_on_agent_message": "Gửi Yêu cầu về Tin nhắn Agent",
+ "Setup_Wizard_Info": "Chúng tôi sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cài đặt người dùng quản trị viên đầu tiên, cấu hình cho tổ chức của bạn, thiết lập máy chủ để nhận thông báo Push và một số thứ khác.",
"Send_Test": "Gửi kiểm tra",
"Send_welcome_email": "Gửi email chào mừng",
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL": "Gửi trọng tải JSON của bạn đến URL này.",
@@ -1850,7 +1901,9 @@
"Site_Name": "Tên trang web",
"Site_Url": "URL trang web",
"Site_Url_Description": "Ví dụ: https://chat.domain.com/",
+ "Server_Info": "Thông tin máy chủ",
"Skip": "Bỏ qua",
+ "Server_Type": "Loại máy chủ",
"SlackBridge_error": "SlackBridge đã gặp lỗi khi nhập thư của bạn ở% s:% s",
"SlackBridge_finish": "SlackBridge đã hoàn tất nhập tin nhắn ở% s. Vui lòng tải lại để xem tất cả các tin nhắn.",
"SlackBridge_Out_All": "SlackBridge Out All",
@@ -1893,6 +1946,7 @@
"Sorry_page_you_requested_does_not_exists_or_was_deleted": "Xin lỗi, trang bạn yêu cầu không tồn tại hoặc đã bị xóa!",
"Sort_by_activity": "Sắp xếp theo hoạt động",
"Sound": "Âm thanh",
+ "Size": "Kích cỡ",
"Sound_File_mp3": "Tệp âm thanh (mp3)",
"SSL": "SSL",
"Star_Message": "Tin nhắn gắn dấu sao",
@@ -1934,6 +1988,7 @@
"Store_Last_Message": "Lưu tin cuối cùng",
"Store_Last_Message_Sent_per_Room": "Lưu tin cuối cùng được gửi đến mỗi phòng.",
"Stream_Cast": "Stream Cast",
+ "Social_Network": "Mạng xã hội",
"Stream_Cast_Address": "Địa chỉ Stream Cast",
"Stream_Cast_Address_Description": "IP hoặc Máy chủ Rocket.Chat Stream của bạn. Ví dụ. ` 3000` hoặc` localhost: 4000`",
"strike": "đình công",
@@ -1975,6 +2030,7 @@
"theme-color-custom-scrollbar-color": "Màu thanh cuộn tuỳ chỉnh",
"theme-color-error-color": "Màu lỗi",
"theme-color-info-font-color": "Màu chữ thông tin",
+ "Step": "Bước",
"theme-color-link-font-color": "Màu chữ liên kết",
"theme-color-pending-color": "Màu đang chờ xử lý",
"theme-color-primary-action-color": "Màu hành động cơ bản",
@@ -2000,9 +2056,12 @@
"theme-color-rc-color-error": "Lỗi",
"theme-color-rc-color-error-light": "Lỗi (màu sáng)",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert": "Cảnh báo",
+ "Telecom": "Viễn thông",
"theme-color-rc-color-alert-light": "Cảnh báo (màu sáng)",
"theme-color-rc-color-success": "Thành công",
+ "Technology_Provider": "Nhà cung cấp kỷ thuật",
"theme-color-rc-color-success-light": "Thành công (màu sáng)",
+ "Technology_Services": "Dịch vụ kỷ thuật",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary": "Màu nút cơ bản",
"theme-color-rc-color-button-primary-light": "Màu nút cơ bản (màu sáng)",
"theme-color-rc-color-primary": "Cơ bản",
@@ -2079,7 +2138,7 @@
"UI_Unread_Counter_Style": "Kiểu truy cập chưa đọc",
"UI_Use_Name_Avatar": "Sử dụng Tên đầy đủ để tạo Hình đại diện Mặc định",
"UI_Use_Real_Name": "Sử dụng tên thật",
- "Unarchive": "Không lưu trữ",
+ "Unarchive": "Hủy lưu trữ",
"unarchive-room": "Phòng chưa lưu trữ",
"unarchive-room_description": "Cho phép hủy bỏ các kênh",
"Unblock_User": "Mở khoá người dùng",
@@ -2097,6 +2156,7 @@
"Unread_Rooms": "Phòng chưa đọc",
"Unread_Rooms_Mode": "Chế độ Phòng chưa đọc",
"Unread_Tray_Icon_Alert": "Biểu tượng tin nhắn chưa đọc",
+ "Tourism": "Du lịch",
"Unstar_Message": "Xóa dấu sao",
"Updated_at": "Cập nhật tại",
"Update_your_RocketChat": "Cập nhật Rocket.Chat của bạn",
@@ -2118,11 +2178,14 @@
"Use_uploaded_avatar": "Sử dụng hình đại diện đã tải lên",
"Use_url_for_avatar": "Sử dụng URL cho hình đại diện",
"Use_User_Preferences_or_Global_Settings": "Sử dụng Sở thích Người dùng hoặc Cài đặt Toàn cầu",
+ "Type_your_job_title": "Loại chức vụ nghề nghiệp",
"User": "Người dùng",
"user-generate-access-token": "Mã Truy cập Người dùng Tạo",
"user-generate-access-token_description": "Cho phép người dùng tạo ra các mã truy cập",
"User__username__is_now_a_leader_of__room_name_": "Người dùng __username__ bây giờ là người lãnh đạo của __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_password": "Loại mật khẩu",
"User__username__is_now_a_moderator_of__room_name_": "Người dùng __username__ bây giờ là người kiểm duyệt __room_name__",
+ "Type_your_username": "Nhập tên người dùng",
"User__username__is_now_a_owner_of__room_name_": "Người dùng __username__ bây giờ là chủ sở hữu của __room_name__",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__leaders": "Người dùng __username__ đã xóa khỏi __room_name__ lãnh đạo",
"User__username__removed_from__room_name__moderators": "Người dùng __username__ đã bị xóa khỏi __room_name__ người kiểm duyệt",
@@ -2213,7 +2276,7 @@
"Verification_Email": "Nhấp vào ở đâyđể xác minh tài khoản của bạn.",
"Verification_email_sent": "Gửi email xác minh",
"Verification_Email_Subject": "[Site_Name] - Xác minh tài khoản của bạn",
- "Verified": "Xác minh",
+ "Verified": "Đã xác minh",
"Verify": "Kiểm chứng",
"Version": "Phiên bản",
"Video_Chat_Window": "Trò chuyện Video",
@@ -2333,5 +2396,247 @@
"your_message": "tin nhắn của bạn",
"your_message_optional": "tin nhắn của bạn (tùy chọn)",
"Your_password_is_wrong": "Mật khẩu của bạn sai!",
- "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Đã được gửi tới % thiết bị"
+ "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Đã được gửi tới % thiết bị",
+ "Your_server_link": "Đường dẫn máy chủ của bạn",
+ "Your_workspace_is_ready": "Workspace của bạn đã sẵn sàng",
+ "Worldwide": "Toàn thế giới",
+ "Country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
+ "Country_Albania": "Albania",
+ "Country_Algeria": "Algeria",
+ "Country_American_Samoa": "American Samoa",
+ "Country_Andorra": "Andorra",
+ "Country_Angola": "Angola",
+ "Country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
+ "Country_Antarctica": "Nam Cực",
+ "Country_Antigua_and_Barbuda": "\n Antigua and Barbuda",
+ "Country_Argentina": "Argentina",
+ "Country_Armenia": "Armenia",
+ "Country_Aruba": "Aruba",
+ "Country_Australia": "Úc",
+ "Country_Austria": "Áo",
+ "Country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
+ "Country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
+ "Country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
+ "Country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
+ "Country_Barbados": "Barbados",
+ "Country_Belarus": "Belarus",
+ "Country_Belgium": "Bỉ",
+ "Country_Belize": "Belize",
+ "Country_Benin": "Benin",
+ "Country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
+ "Country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
+ "Country_Bolivia": "Bolivia",
+ "Country_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "Country_Botswana": "Botswana",
+ "Country_Bouvet_Island": "Đảo Bouvet",
+ "Country_Brazil": "Brazil",
+ "Country_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory": "Lãnh thổ Ấn Độ Dương thuộc Anh",
+ "Country_Brunei_Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
+ "Country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
+ "Country_Burkina_Faso": "Burkina Faso",
+ "Country_Burundi": "Burundi",
+ "Country_Cambodia": "Campuchia",
+ "Country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
+ "Country_Canada": "Canada",
+ "Country_Cape_Verde": "Cape Verde",
+ "Country_Cayman_Islands": "Quần đảo Cayman",
+ "Country_Central_African_Republic": "Cộng Hòa Trung Phi",
+ "Country_Chad": "Chad",
+ "Country_Chile": "Chile",
+ "Country_China": "Trung Quốc",
+ "Country_Christmas_Island": "Christmas Island",
+ "Country_Cocos_Keeling_Islands": "Quần đảo Cocos (Keeling)",
+ "Country_Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Country_Comoros": "Comoros",
+ "Country_Congo": "Congo",
+ "Country_Congo_The_Democratic_Republic_of_The": "Cộng Hòa Dân Chủ Congo",
+ "Country_Cook_Islands": "Quần đảo Cook",
+ "Country_Costa_Rica": "Costa Rica",
+ "Country_Cote_Divoire": "Cote D'ivoire",
+ "Country_Croatia": "Croatia",
+ "Country_Cuba": "Cuba",
+ "Country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
+ "Country_Czech_Republic": "Cộng Hòa Czech",
+ "Country_Denmark": "Đan Mạch",
+ "Country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
+ "Country_Dominica": "Dominica",
+ "Country_Dominican_Republic": "Cộng Hòa Dominica",
+ "Country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
+ "Country_Egypt": "Ai Cập",
+ "Country_El_Salvador": "El Salvador",
+ "Country_Equatorial_Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
+ "Country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
+ "Country_Estonia": "Estonia",
+ "Country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
+ "Country_Falkland_Islands_Malvinas": "Quần đảo Falkland (Malvinas)",
+ "Country_Faroe_Islands": "Quần đảo Faroe",
+ "Country_Fiji": "Fiji",
+ "Country_Finland": "Phần Lan",
+ "Country_France": "Pháp",
+ "Country_French_Guiana": "Guiana Pháp",
+ "Country_French_Polynesia": "Polynesia Pháp",
+ "Country_French_Southern_Territories": "Lãnh thổ phía Nam Pháp",
+ "Country_Gabon": "Gabon",
+ "Country_Gambia": "Gambia",
+ "Country_Georgia": "Georgia",
+ "Country_Germany": "Đức",
+ "Country_Ghana": "Ghana",
+ "Country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
+ "Country_Greece": "Hy Lạp",
+ "Country_Greenland": "Greenland",
+ "Country_Grenada": "Grenada",
+ "Country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
+ "Country_Guam": "Guam",
+ "Country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
+ "Country_Guinea": "Guinea",
+ "Country_Guinea_bissau": "Guinea-bissau",
+ "Country_Guyana": "Guyana",
+ "Country_Haiti": "Haiti",
+ "Country_Heard_Island_and_Mcdonald_Islands": "Đảo Heard và Quần đảo Mcdonald",
+ "Country_Holy_See_Vatican_City_State": "Tòa thánh (Thành Vatican)",
+ "Country_Honduras": "Honduras",
+ "Country_Hong_Kong": "Hồng Kông",
+ "Country_Hungary": "Hungary",
+ "Country_Iceland": "Iceland",
+ "Country_India": "Ấn Độ",
+ "Country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
+ "Country_Iran_Islamic_Republic_of": "Cộng Hòa Hồi Giáo Iran",
+ "Country_Iraq": "Iraq",
+ "Country_Ireland": "Ireland",
+ "Country_Israel": "Israel",
+ "Country_Italy": "Ý",
+ "Country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
+ "Country_Japan": "Nhật",
+ "Country_Jordan": "Jordan",
+ "Country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
+ "Country_Kenya": "Kenya",
+ "Country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
+ "Country_Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of": "Cộng Hòa Dân Chủ Nhân Dân Hàn Quốc",
+ "Country_Korea_Republic_of": "Cộng Hòa Hàn Quốc",
+ "Country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
+ "Country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
+ "Country_Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic": "Cộng Hòa Dân Chủ Nhân Dân Lào",
+ "Country_Latvia": "Latvia",
+ "Country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
+ "Country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
+ "Country_Liberia": "Liberia",
+ "Country_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
+ "Country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
+ "Country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
+ "Country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
+ "Country_Macao": "Ma Cao",
+ "Country_Macedonia_The_Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of": "Cộng Hòa Nam Tư cũ Macedonia",
+ "Country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
+ "Country_Malawi": "Malawi",
+ "Country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
+ "Country_Maldives": "Maldives",
+ "Country_Mali": "Mali",
+ "Country_Malta": "Malta",
+ "Country_Marshall_Islands": "Quần đảo Marshall",
+ "Country_Martinique": "Martinique",
+ "Country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
+ "Country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
+ "Country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
+ "Country_Mexico": "Mexico",
+ "Country_Micronesia_Federated_States_of": "Liên Bang ",
+ "Country_Moldova_Republic_of": "Cộng Hòa Moldova",
+ "Country_Monaco": "Monaco",
+ "Country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
+ "Country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
+ "Country_Morocco": "Morocco",
+ "Country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
+ "Country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
+ "Country_Namibia": "Namibia",
+ "Country_Nauru": "Namibia",
+ "Country_Nepal": "Nepal",
+ "Country_Netherlands": "Hà Lan",
+ "Country_Netherlands_Antilles": "Đảo Antilles của Hà Lan",
+ "Country_New_Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
+ "Country_New_Zealand": "Tân Tây Lan",
+ "Country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
+ "Country_Niger": "Niger",
+ "Country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
+ "Country_Niue": "Niue",
+ "Country_Norfolk_Island": "Đảo Norfolk",
+ "Country_Northern_Mariana_Islands": "Quần đảo Bắc Mariana",
+ "Country_Norway": "Na Uy",
+ "Country_Oman": "Oman",
+ "Country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
+ "Country_Palau": "Palau",
+ "Country_Palestinian_Territory_Occupied": "Lãnh thổ chiếm đóng Palestine",
+ "Country_Panama": "Panama",
+ "Country_Papua_New_Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
+ "Country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
+ "Country_Peru": "Peru",
+ "Country_Philippines": "Philippines",
+ "Country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
+ "Country_Poland": "Ba Lan",
+ "Country_Portugal": "Bồ Đào Nha",
+ "Country_Puerto_Rico": "Puerto Rico",
+ "Country_Qatar": "Qatar",
+ "Country_Reunion": "Đảo Reunion",
+ "Country_Romania": "Romania",
+ "Country_Russian_Federation": "Liên bang Nga",
+ "Country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
+ "Country_Saint_Helena": "Saint Helena",
+ "Country_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis": "Saint Kitts và Nevis",
+ "Country_Saint_Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
+ "Country_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon": "Saint Pierre và Miquelon",
+ "Country_Saint_Vincent_and_The_Grenadines": "Saint Vincent và The Grenadines",
+ "Country_Samoa": "Samoa",
+ "Country_San_Marino": "San Marino",
+ "Country_Sao_Tome_and_Principe": "Sao Tome và Principe",
+ "Country_Saudi_Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
+ "Country_Senegal": "Senegal",
+ "Country_Serbia_and_Montenegro": "Serbia và Montenegro",
+ "Country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
+ "Country_Sierra_Leone": "Sierra Leone",
+ "Country_Singapore": "Singapore",
+ "Country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
+ "Country_Solomon_Islands": "Quần Đảo Solomon",
+ "Country_Somalia": "Somalia",
+ "Country_South_Africa": "Nam Phi",
+ "Country_South_Georgia_and_The_South_Sandwich_Islands": "Nam Georgia và Quần đảo Nam Sandwich",
+ "Country_Spain": "Tây Ban Nha",
+ "Country_Sri_Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
+ "Country_Sudan": "Sudan",
+ "Country_Suriname": "Suriname",
+ "Country_Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
+ "Country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
+ "Country_Sweden": "Thụy Điển",
+ "Country_Switzerland": "Thuy Sĩ",
+ "Country_Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Cộng Hòa Arab Syrian",
+ "Country_Taiwan_Province_of_China": "Tỉnh Đài Loan Trung Quốc",
+ "Country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
+ "Country_Tanzania_United_Republic_of": "Cộng hòa thống nhất Tanzania",
+ "Country_Thailand": "Thái Lan",
+ "Country_Timor_leste": "Đông Timor",
+ "Country_Togo": "Togo",
+ "Country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
+ "Country_Tonga": "Tonga",
+ "Country_Trinidad_and_Tobago": "Trinidad và Tobago",
+ "Country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
+ "Country_Turkey": "Turkey",
+ "Country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
+ "Country_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands": "Quần đảo Turks và Caicos",
+ "Country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
+ "Country_Uganda": "Uganda",
+ "Country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
+ "Country_United_Arab_Emirates": "Tiểu Vương Quốc Ả Rập Thống Nhất",
+ "Country_United_Kingdom": "Vương quốc Anh",
+ "Country_United_States": "Hoa Kỳ",
+ "Country_United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands": "Quần đảo hẻo lánh Hoa Kỳ",
+ "Country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
+ "Country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
+ "Country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
+ "Country_Venezuela": "Venezuela",
+ "Country_Viet_Nam": "Việt Nam",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_British": "Quần đảo Virgin, Anh Quốc",
+ "Country_Virgin_Islands_US": "Quần đảo Virgin, Hoa Kỳ",
+ "Country_Wallis_and_Futuna": "Wallis và Futuna",
+ "Country_Western_Sahara": "Phía tây Sahara",
+ "Country_Yemen": "Yemen",
+ "Country_Zambia": "Zambia",
+ "Country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-HK.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-HK.i18n.json
index 3653288dfdf2..0985111609cc 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-HK.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-HK.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "重设密码",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "身份验证服务的默认角色",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "在通过认证服务注册时,默认角色(以逗号分隔)的用户将被给予",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "习惯",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "注册认证服务",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity 路徑",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "报名表格",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "身份令牌通过发送",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "残",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "令牌路径",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "注册表格链接替换文本",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "授權路徑",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "上市",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "范围",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "秘密URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "注册表单秘密URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "您必须提供一个随机字符串,并将其添加到您的注册URL中。例如:https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "进入",
"Error": "错误",
"Error_404": "错误:404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "错误:Rocket.Chat在多个实例中运行时需要oplog拖尾",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "请确保您的MongoDB处于ReplicaSet模式,并且MONGO_OPLOG_URL环境变量已在应用程序服务器上正确定义",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__是不允许的",
"error-application-not-found": "应用程序未找到",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "有一个名为'__room_name__'的归档频道",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "从其他登录位置注销",
"mail-messages": "邮件消息",
"mail-messages_description": "允许使用邮件消息选项",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "报名表格",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "您提供了一封或多封无效的电子邮件:%s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "您必须选择一个或多个用户或提供一个或多个用逗号分隔的电子邮件地址。",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "你没有选择任何消息",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
index e85b4b86ec97..4a3c5003e036 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "密碼重設",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "身份驗證服務的默認角色",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "默認角色(以逗號分隔)的用戶將在通過認證服務註冊時給出",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "自訂",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "登記認證服務",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "Identity 路徑",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "註冊表單",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "身份令牌通過發送",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "停用",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token 路徑",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "註冊頁面鏈結的替代文字",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "授權路徑",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "公開",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "範圍",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "秘密網址",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "註冊頁面的秘密網址",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "您必須提供一組隨機字串在您的註冊網址後方,例如:https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "進入",
"Error": "錯誤",
"Error_404": "錯誤:404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "錯誤:Rocket.Chat在多個實例中運行時需要oplog拖尾",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "請確保您的MongoDB處於ReplicaSet模式,並且MONGO_OPLOG_URL環境變量已在應用程序服務器上正確定義",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__不允許",
"error-application-not-found": "找不到應用程式",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "已有一個名為「'__room_name__'」的封存中通道",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "登出其他所有已登入的地方",
"mail-messages": "郵件消息",
"mail-messages_description": "允許使用郵件消息選項",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "註冊表單",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "您提供一個或多個無效的電子郵件:%s的",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "你必須選擇一個或多個用戶或提供一個或多個電子郵件地址,以逗號分隔。",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "您還沒有選擇任何消息",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh.i18n.json
index 8eaa2a6a24ba..c5a315b1ab21 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/zh.i18n.json
@@ -133,11 +133,17 @@
"Accounts_PasswordReset": "重置密码",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles": "认证服务的默认角色",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Default_Roles_Description": "当通过认证服务注册时被授予默认角色的用户(用逗号分隔)",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_server_type_custom": "自定义",
"Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled": "使用认证服务注册",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_path": "身份路径",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm": "注册表单",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_identity_token_sent_via": "身份令牌通过发送",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Disabled": "已禁用",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_token_path": "Token 路径",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText": "注册表单链接的替代文本",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_authorize_path": "授权路径",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Public": "公开",
+ "Accounts_OAuth_Wordpress_scope": "范围",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_Secret_URL": "Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL": "注册表单 Secret URL",
"Accounts_RegistrationForm_SecretURL_Description": "您必须提供一个随机字符串,该字符串将被添加到您的注册地址中。例如:https://open.rocket.chat/register/[secret_hash]",
@@ -696,8 +702,6 @@
"Enter_to": "进入",
"Error": "错误",
"Error_404": "错误:404",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances": "错误:Rocket.Chat在多个实例中运行时需要oplog拖尾",
- "Error_RocketChat_requires_oplog_tailing_when_running_in_multiple_instances_details": "请确保您的MongoDB处于ReplicaSet模式,并且MONGO_OPLOG_URL环境变量已在应用程序服务器上正确定义",
"error-action-not-allowed": "__action__ 不允许",
"error-application-not-found": "应用程序未找到",
"error-archived-duplicate-name": "有一个名为“__room_name__'的已归档频道",
@@ -1272,6 +1276,7 @@
"Logout_Others": "从其它已登录的设备上登出",
"mail-messages": "邮件消息",
"mail-messages_description": "允许使用邮件消息选项",
+ "Livechat_registration_form": "注册表单",
"Mail_Message_Invalid_emails": "你提供了一个或多个无效电子邮件地址:%s",
"Mail_Message_Missing_to": "您必须选则一个或多个用户,或者提供一个或多个电子邮箱地址(多个电子邮箱地址之间使用逗号分隔)。",
"Mail_Message_No_messages_selected_select_all": "您还没有选中任何消息。",
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/index.js b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea62f695bca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import _ from 'underscore';
+import './lazyloadImage';
+export const fixCordova = function(url) {
+ if (url && url.indexOf('data:image') === 0) {
+ return url;
+ }
+ if (Meteor.isCordova && (url && url[0] === '/')) {
+ url = Meteor.absoluteUrl().replace(/\/$/, '') + url;
+ const query = `rc_uid=${ Meteor.userId() }&rc_token=${ Meteor._localStorage.getItem(
+ 'Meteor.loginToken'
+ ) }`;
+ if (url.indexOf('?') === -1) {
+ url = `${ url }?${ query }`;
+ } else {
+ url = `${ url }&${ query }`;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Meteor.settings['public'].sandstorm || url.match(/^(https?:)?\/\//i)) {
+ return url;
+ } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') > -1) {
+ return __meteor_runtime_config__.ROOT_URL_PATH_PREFIX + url;
+ } else {
+ return Meteor.absoluteUrl().replace(/\/$/, '') + url;
+ }
+const loadImage = instance => {
+ const img = new Image();
+ const src = instance.firstNode.getAttribute('data-src');
+ instance.firstNode.className = instance.firstNode.className.replace('lazy-img', '');
+ img.onload = function() {
+ instance.loaded.set(true);
+ instance.firstNode.removeAttribute('data-src');
+ };
+ img.src = fixCordova(src);
+const isVisible = (instance) => {
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ const rect = instance.firstNode.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (rect.top >= -100 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.top <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) {
+ return loadImage(instance);
+ }
+ });
+window.addEventListener('resize', window.lazyloadtick);
+export const lazyloadtick = _.debounce(() => {
+ [...document.querySelectorAll('.lazy-img[data-src]')].forEach(el =>
+ isVisible(Blaze.getView(el)._templateInstance)
+ );
+}, 500);
+window.lazyloadtick = lazyloadtick;
+export const addImage = instance => isVisible(instance);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.html b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c88c6b927623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.js b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2d1b4e0fc2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/client/lazyloadImage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import './lazyloadImage.html';
+import { addImage, fixCordova } from './';
+ lazy() {
+ const { preview, placeholder, src } = this;
+ if (Template.instance().loaded.get() ||(!preview && !placeholder)) {
+ return fixCordova(src);
+ }
+ return `data:image/png;base64,${ preview || 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVR42mP8+/u3PQAJJAM0dIyWdgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==' }`;
+ }
+Template.lazyloadImage.onCreated(function() {
+ this.loaded = new ReactiveVar(false);
+Template.lazyloadImage.onRendered(function() {
+ addImage(this);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/package.js b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/package.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d65e3f99cb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lazy-load/package.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ name: 'rocketchat:lazy-load',
+ version: '0.0.1',
+ summary: 'Lazy load image',
+ git: ''
+Package.onUse(function(api) {
+ api.use([
+ 'ecmascript',
+ 'templating',
+ 'rocketchat:lib'
+ ]);
+ api.mainModule('client/index.js', 'client');
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/MessageAction.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/MessageAction.js
index b61ec1d06850..e07096f50475 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/MessageAction.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/MessageAction.js
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@
import _ from 'underscore';
import moment from 'moment';
import toastr from 'toastr';
+const call = (method, ...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ Meteor.call(method, ...args, function(err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
const success = function success(fn) {
return function(error, result) {
@@ -93,14 +101,23 @@ RocketChat.MessageAction = new class {
return this.buttons.set({});
- getPermaLink(msgId) {
- const roomData = ChatSubscription.findOne({
- rid: Session.get('openedRoom')
+ async getPermaLink(msgId) {
+ if (!msgId) {
+ throw new Error('invalid-parameter');
+ }
+ const msg = RocketChat.models.Messages.findOne(msgId) || await call('getSingleMessage', msgId);
+ if (!msg) {
+ throw new Error('message-not-found');
+ }
+ const roomData = RocketChat.models.Rooms.findOne({
+ _id: msg.rid
- let routePath = document.location.pathname;
- if (roomData) {
- routePath = RocketChat.roomTypes.getRouteLink(roomData.t, roomData);
+ if (!roomData) {
+ throw new Error('room-not-found');
+ const routePath = RocketChat.roomTypes.getRouteLink(roomData.t, roomData);
return `${ Meteor.absoluteUrl().replace(/\/$/, '') + routePath }?msg=${ msgId }`;
@@ -220,9 +237,9 @@ Meteor.startup(function() {
label: 'Permalink',
classes: 'clipboard',
context: ['message', 'message-mobile'],
- action(event) {
+ async action(event) {
const message = this._arguments[1];
- const permalink = RocketChat.MessageAction.getPermaLink(message._id);
+ const permalink = await RocketChat.MessageAction.getPermaLink(message._id);
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
} else {
@@ -306,7 +323,7 @@ Meteor.startup(function() {
condition(message) {
const subscription = RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.findOne({rid: message.rid});
- return Meteor.userId() !== message.u._id && !(subscription.ignored && subscription.ignored.indexOf(message.u._id) > -1);
+ return Meteor.userId() !== message.u._id && !(subscription && subscription.ignored && subscription.ignored.indexOf(message.u._id) > -1);
order: 20,
group: 'menu'
@@ -324,7 +341,7 @@ Meteor.startup(function() {
condition(message) {
const subscription = RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.findOne({rid: message.rid});
- return Meteor.userId() !== message.u._id && subscription.ignored && subscription.ignored.indexOf(message.u._id) > -1;
+ return Meteor.userId() !== message.u._id && subscription && subscription.ignored && subscription.ignored.indexOf(message.u._id) > -1;
order: 20,
group: 'menu'
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/defaultTabBars.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/defaultTabBars.js
index 2b184de32f9c..1655ad72ea2d 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/defaultTabBars.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/client/defaultTabBars.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ RocketChat.TabBar.addButton({
return true;
- return RocketChat.authz.hasRole(Meteor.userId(), ['admin', 'moderator', 'owner'], rid);
+ return RocketChat.authz.hasAllPermission('view-broadcast-member-list', rid);
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ RocketChat.TabBar.addButton({
- groups: ['channel', 'privategroup', 'directmessage'],
+ groups: ['channel', 'group', 'direct'],
id: 'keyboard-shortcut-list',
i18nTitle: 'Keyboard_Shortcuts_Title',
icon: 'keyboard',
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/RoomTypeConfig.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/RoomTypeConfig.js
index 20bb932467b4..7ab4efcc7289 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/RoomTypeConfig.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/RoomTypeConfig.js
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ export const RoomSettingsEnum = {
REACT_WHEN_READ_ONLY: 'reactWhenReadOnly',
ARCHIVE_OR_UNARCHIVE: 'archiveOrUnarchive',
JOIN_CODE: 'joinCode',
- BROADCAST: 'broadcast'
+ BROADCAST: 'broadcast',
+ SYSTEM_MESSAGES: 'systemMessages'
export const UiTextContext = {
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/callbacks.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/callbacks.js
index f4f8e70865ac..a1a2fee70878 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/callbacks.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/callbacks.js
@@ -76,10 +76,20 @@ RocketChat.callbacks.remove = function(hookName, id) {
RocketChat.callbacks.run = function(hook, item, constant) {
const callbacks = RocketChat.callbacks[hook];
if (callbacks && callbacks.length) {
+ let rocketchatHooksEnd;
+ if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ rocketchatHooksEnd = RocketChat.metrics.rocketchatHooks.startTimer({hook, callbacks_length: callbacks.length});
+ }
let totalTime = 0;
const result = _.sortBy(callbacks, function(callback) {
return callback.priority || RocketChat.callbacks.priority.MEDIUM;
}).reduce(function(result, callback) {
+ let rocketchatCallbacksEnd;
+ if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ rocketchatCallbacksEnd = RocketChat.metrics.rocketchatCallbacks.startTimer({hook, callback: callback.id});
+ }
let time = 0;
if (RocketChat.callbacks.showTime === true || RocketChat.callbacks.showTotalTime === true) {
time = Date.now();
@@ -90,6 +100,7 @@ RocketChat.callbacks.run = function(hook, item, constant) {
totalTime += currentTime;
if (RocketChat.callbacks.showTime === true) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ rocketchatCallbacksEnd();
RocketChat.statsTracker.timing('callbacks.time', currentTime, [`hook:${ hook }`, `callback:${ callback.id }`]);
} else {
let stack = callback.stack && typeof callback.stack.split === 'function' && callback.stack.split('\n');
@@ -100,6 +111,11 @@ RocketChat.callbacks.run = function(hook, item, constant) {
return (typeof callbackResult === 'undefined') ? result : callbackResult;
}, item);
+ if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ rocketchatHooksEnd();
+ }
if (RocketChat.callbacks.showTotalTime === true) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
RocketChat.statsTracker.timing('callbacks.totalTime', totalTime, [`hook:${ hook }`]);
@@ -107,6 +123,7 @@ RocketChat.callbacks.run = function(hook, item, constant) {
console.log(`${ hook }:`, totalTime);
return result;
} else {
return item;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getDefaultSubscriptionPref.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getDefaultSubscriptionPref.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0dadc5876584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getDefaultSubscriptionPref.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+RocketChat.getDefaultSubscriptionPref = function _getDefaultSubscriptionPref(userPref) {
+ const subscription = {};
+ const {
+ desktopNotifications,
+ mobileNotifications,
+ emailNotificationMode,
+ highlights
+ } = (userPref.settings && userPref.settings.preferences) || {};
+ if (Array.isArray(highlights) && highlights.length) {
+ subscription.userHighlights = highlights;
+ }
+ if (desktopNotifications && desktopNotifications !== 'default') {
+ subscription.desktopNotifications = desktopNotifications;
+ subscription.desktopPrefOrigin = 'user';
+ }
+ if (mobileNotifications && mobileNotifications !== 'default') {
+ subscription.mobilePushNotifications = mobileNotifications;
+ subscription.mobilePrefOrigin = 'user';
+ }
+ if (emailNotificationMode && emailNotificationMode !== 'default') {
+ subscription.emailNotifications = emailNotificationMode;
+ subscription.emailPrefOrigin = 'user';
+ }
+ return subscription;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getUserNotificationPreference.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getUserNotificationPreference.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27ae25337cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/getUserNotificationPreference.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+RocketChat.getUserNotificationPreference = function _getUserNotificationPreference(user, pref) {
+ if (typeof user === 'string') {
+ user = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById(user);
+ }
+ let preferenceKey;
+ switch (pref) {
+ case 'desktop': preferenceKey = 'desktopNotifications'; break;
+ case 'mobile': preferenceKey = 'mobileNotifications'; break;
+ case 'email': preferenceKey = 'emailNotificationMode'; break;
+ }
+ if (user && user.settings && user.settings.preferences && user.settings.preferences[preferenceKey] !== 'default') {
+ return {
+ value: user.settings.preferences[preferenceKey],
+ origin: 'user'
+ };
+ }
+ const serverValue = RocketChat.settings.get(`Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_${ preferenceKey }`);
+ if (serverValue) {
+ return {
+ value: serverValue,
+ origin: 'server'
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/direct.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/direct.js
index 44078e0e9190..5ea839f7d1e8 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/direct.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/direct.js
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ export class DirectMessageRoomType extends RoomTypeConfig {
name: identifier
- const subscription = ChatSubscription.findOne(query);
+ const subscription = RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.findOne(query);
if (subscription && subscription.rid) {
return ChatRoom.findOne(subscription.rid);
roomName(roomData) {
- const subscription = ChatSubscription.findOne({rid: roomData._id}, {fields: {name: 1, fname: 1}});
+ const subscription = RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.findOne({rid: roomData._id}, {fields: {name: 1, fname: 1}});
if (!subscription) {
return '';
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export class DirectMessageRoomType extends RoomTypeConfig {
secondaryRoomName(roomData) {
if (RocketChat.settings.get('UI_Use_Real_Name')) {
- const subscription = ChatSubscription.findOne({rid: roomData._id}, {fields: {name: 1}});
+ const subscription = RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.findOne({rid: roomData._id}, {fields: {name: 1}});
return subscription && subscription.name;
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ export class DirectMessageRoomType extends RoomTypeConfig {
allowRoomSettingChange(room, setting) {
switch (setting) {
case RoomSettingsEnum.NAME:
+ case RoomSettingsEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGES:
case RoomSettingsEnum.DESCRIPTION:
case RoomSettingsEnum.READ_ONLY:
case RoomSettingsEnum.REACT_WHEN_READ_ONLY:
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/private.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/private.js
index e887fa392102..50504941fb7c 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/private.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/private.js
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ export class PrivateRoomType extends RoomTypeConfig {
return !room.broadcast;
case RoomSettingsEnum.REACT_WHEN_READ_ONLY:
return !room.broadcast && room.ro;
+ case RoomSettingsEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGES:
return true;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/public.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/public.js
index 8569b4a7c508..12c2af629601 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/public.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/roomTypes/public.js
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ export class PublicRoomType extends RoomTypeConfig {
return !room.broadcast;
case RoomSettingsEnum.REACT_WHEN_READ_ONLY:
return !room.broadcast && room.ro;
+ case RoomSettingsEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGES:
return true;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/slashCommand.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/slashCommand.js
index 69bb56b56b48..58fc0032d35e 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/slashCommand.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/lib/slashCommand.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ RocketChat.slashCommands = {
commands: {}
-RocketChat.slashCommands.add = function(command, callback, options = {}, result) {
+RocketChat.slashCommands.add = function _addingSlashCommand(command, callback, options = {}, result, providesPreview = false, previewer, previewCallback) {
RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command] = {
@@ -10,13 +10,57 @@ RocketChat.slashCommands.add = function(command, callback, options = {}, result)
description: options.description,
permission: options.permission,
clientOnly: options.clientOnly || false,
- result
+ result,
+ providesPreview,
+ previewer,
+ previewCallback
-RocketChat.slashCommands.run = function(command, params, item) {
- if (RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command] && RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].callback) {
- return RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].callback(command, params, item);
+RocketChat.slashCommands.run = function _runningSlashCommand(command, params, message) {
+ if (RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command] && typeof RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].callback === 'function') {
+ if (!message || !message.rid) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-command-usage', 'Executing a command requires at least a message with a room id.');
+ }
+ return RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].callback(command, params, message);
+ }
+RocketChat.slashCommands.getPreviews = function _gettingSlashCommandPreviews(command, params, message) {
+ if (RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command] && typeof RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].previewer === 'function') {
+ if (!message || !message.rid) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-command-usage', 'Executing a command requires at least a message with a room id.');
+ }
+ // { i18nTitle, items: [{ id, type, value }] }
+ const previewInfo = RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].previewer(command, params, message);
+ if (typeof previewInfo !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(previewInfo.items) || previewInfo.items.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // A limit of ten results, to save time and bandwidth
+ if (previewInfo.items.length >= 10) {
+ previewInfo.items = previewInfo.items.slice(0, 10);
+ }
+ return previewInfo;
+ }
+RocketChat.slashCommands.executePreview = function _executeSlashCommandPreview(command, params, message, preview) {
+ if (RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command] && typeof RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].previewCallback === 'function') {
+ if (!message || !message.rid) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-command-usage', 'Executing a command requires at least a message with a room id.');
+ }
+ // { id, type, value }
+ if (!preview.id || !preview.type || !preview.value) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-preview', 'Preview Item must have an id, type, and value.');
+ }
+ return RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command].previewCallback(command, params, message, preview);
@@ -28,6 +72,12 @@ Meteor.methods({
+ if (!command || !command.cmd || !RocketChat.slashCommands.commands[command.cmd]) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-command', 'Invalid Command Provided', {
+ method: 'executeSlashCommandPreview'
+ });
+ }
return RocketChat.slashCommands.run(command.cmd, command.params, command.msg);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/package.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/package.js
index 9f3ba06887f2..abde3ec803c9 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/package.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/package.js
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
+ api.addFiles('lib/getDefaultSubscriptionPref.js');
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
+ api.addFiles('lib/getUserNotificationPreference.js');
api.addFiles('server/lib/bugsnag.js', 'server');
@@ -112,9 +114,9 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.addFiles('server/lib/notifyUsersOnMessage.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/lib/processDirectEmail.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/lib/roomTypes.js', 'server');
- api.addFiles('server/lib/sendEmailOnMessage.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/lib/sendNotificationsOnMessage.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/lib/validateEmailDomain.js', 'server');
+ api.addFiles('server/lib/passwordPolicy.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/models/_Base.js', 'server');
@@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.addFiles('server/methods/createPrivateGroup.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/deleteMessage.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/deleteUserOwnAccount.js', 'server');
+ api.addFiles('server/methods/executeSlashCommandPreview.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/filterBadWords.js', ['server']);
api.addFiles('server/methods/filterATAllTag.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/filterATHereTag.js', 'server');
@@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.addFiles('server/methods/getRoomRoles.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/getServerInfo.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/getSingleMessage.js', 'server');
+ api.addFiles('server/methods/getSlashCommandPreviews.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/getUserRoles.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/insertOrUpdateUser.js', 'server');
api.addFiles('server/methods/joinDefaultChannels.js', 'server');
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/rocketchat.info b/packages/rocketchat-lib/rocketchat.info
index d4df12e18636..02778dccc3b8 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/rocketchat.info
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/rocketchat.info
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "version": "0.64.0-develop"
+ "version": "0.65.0"
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/createRoom.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/createRoom.js
index 8f78788af264..d028294354b0 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/createRoom.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/createRoom.js
@@ -64,13 +64,14 @@ RocketChat.createRoom = function(type, name, owner, members, readOnly, extraData
room = RocketChat.models.Rooms.createWithFullRoomData(room);
for (const username of members) {
- const member = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByUsername(username, { fields: { username: 1 }});
+ const member = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByUsername(username, { fields: { username: 1, 'settings.preferences': 1 }});
+ const isTheOwner = username === owner.username;
if (!member) {
- // make all room members muted by default, unless they have the post-readonly permission
- if (readOnly === true && !RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(member._id, 'post-readonly')) {
+ // make all room members (Except the owner) muted by default, unless they have the post-readonly permission
+ if (readOnly === true && !RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(member._id, 'post-readonly') && !isTheOwner) {
RocketChat.models.Rooms.muteUsernameByRoomId(room._id, username);
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/deleteMessage.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/deleteMessage.js
index eb7d85cac91d..080686c0ae1d 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/deleteMessage.js
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/deleteMessage.js
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
RocketChat.deleteMessage = function(message, user) {
const keepHistory = RocketChat.settings.get('Message_KeepHistory');
const showDeletedStatus = RocketChat.settings.get('Message_ShowDeletedStatus');
- let deletedMsg;
+ const deletedMsg = RocketChat.models.Messages.findOneById(message._id);
+ if (deletedMsg && Apps && Apps.isLoaded()) {
+ const prevent = Promise.await(Apps.getBridges().getListenerBridge().messageEvent('IPreMessageDeletePrevent', deletedMsg));
+ if (prevent) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error('error-app-prevented-deleting', 'A Rocket.Chat App prevented the message deleting.');
+ }
+ }
if (keepHistory) {
if (showDeletedStatus) {
@@ -16,7 +23,6 @@ RocketChat.deleteMessage = function(message, user) {
} else {
if (!showDeletedStatus) {
- deletedMsg = RocketChat.models.Messages.findOneById(message._id);
@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ RocketChat.deleteMessage = function(message, user) {
Meteor.defer(function() {
- RocketChat.callbacks.run('afterDeleteMessage', deletedMsg || { _id: message._id });
+ RocketChat.callbacks.run('afterDeleteMessage', deletedMsg);
// update last message
@@ -43,4 +49,8 @@ RocketChat.deleteMessage = function(message, user) {
} else {
RocketChat.Notifications.notifyRoom(message.rid, 'deleteMessage', { _id: message._id });
+ if (Apps && Apps.isLoaded()) {
+ Apps.getBridges().getListenerBridge().messageEvent('IPostMessageDeleted', deletedMsg);
+ }
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/audio.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/audio.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5553e7aa96fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/audio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+export function shouldNotifyAudio({
+ disableAllMessageNotifications,
+ status,
+ audioNotifications,
+ hasMentionToAll,
+ hasMentionToHere,
+ isHighlighted,
+ hasMentionToUser,
+ roomType
+}) {
+ if (disableAllMessageNotifications && audioNotifications == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (status === 'busy' || audioNotifications === 'nothing') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!audioNotifications && RocketChat.settings.get('Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_audioNotifications') === 'all') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return roomType === 'd' || (!disableAllMessageNotifications && (hasMentionToAll || hasMentionToHere)) || isHighlighted || audioNotifications === 'all' || hasMentionToUser;
+export function notifyAudioUser(userId, message, room) {
+ RocketChat.metrics.notificationsSent.inc({ notification_type: 'audio' });
+ RocketChat.Notifications.notifyUser(userId, 'audioNotification', {
+ payload: {
+ _id: message._id,
+ rid: message.rid,
+ sender: message.u,
+ type: room.t,
+ name: room.name
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/desktop.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/desktop.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb58be4ec0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/desktop.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * Send notification to user
+ *
+ * @param {string} userId The user to notify
+ * @param {object} user The sender
+ * @param {object} room The room send from
+ * @param {object} message The message object
+ * @param {number} duration Duration of notification
+ * @param {string} notificationMessage The message text to send on notification body
+ */
+export function notifyDesktopUser({
+ userId,
+ user,
+ message,
+ room,
+ duration,
+ notificationMessage
+}) {
+ const UI_Use_Real_Name = RocketChat.settings.get('UI_Use_Real_Name') === true;
+ let title = '';
+ let text = '';
+ if (room.t === 'd') {
+ title = UI_Use_Real_Name ? user.name : `@${ user.username }`;
+ text = notificationMessage;
+ } else if (room.name) {
+ title = `#${ room.name }`;
+ text = `${ UI_Use_Real_Name ? user.name : user.username }: ${ notificationMessage }`;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ RocketChat.metrics.notificationsSent.inc({ notification_type: 'desktop' });
+ RocketChat.Notifications.notifyUser(userId, 'notification', {
+ title,
+ text,
+ duration,
+ payload: {
+ _id: message._id,
+ rid: message.rid,
+ sender: message.u,
+ type: room.t,
+ name: room.name
+ }
+ });
+export function shouldNotifyDesktop({
+ disableAllMessageNotifications,
+ status,
+ desktopNotifications,
+ hasMentionToAll,
+ hasMentionToHere,
+ isHighlighted,
+ hasMentionToUser,
+ roomType
+}) {
+ if (disableAllMessageNotifications && desktopNotifications == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (status === 'busy' || desktopNotifications === 'nothing') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!desktopNotifications) {
+ if (RocketChat.settings.get('Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications') === 'all') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (RocketChat.settings.get('Accounts_Default_User_Preferences_desktopNotifications') === 'nothing') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return roomType === 'd' || (!disableAllMessageNotifications && (hasMentionToAll || hasMentionToHere)) || isHighlighted || desktopNotifications === 'all' || hasMentionToUser;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/email.js b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/email.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11531192f200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-lib/server/functions/notifications/email.js
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import s from 'underscore.string';
+let contentHeader;
+RocketChat.settings.get('Email_Header', (key, value) => {
+ contentHeader = RocketChat.placeholders.replace(value || '');
+let contentFooter;
+RocketChat.settings.get('Email_Footer', (key, value) => {
+ contentFooter = RocketChat.placeholders.replace(value || '');
+const divisorMessage = '';
+function getEmailContent({ message, user, room }) {
+ const lng = user && user.language || RocketChat.settings.get('language') || 'en';
+ const roomName = s.escapeHTML(`#${ RocketChat.roomTypes.getRoomName(room.t, room) }`);
+ const userName = s.escapeHTML(RocketChat.settings.get('UI_Use_Real_Name') ? message.u.name || message.u.username : message.u.username);
+ const header = TAPi18n.__(room.t === 'd' ? 'User_sent_a_message_to_you' : 'User_sent_a_message_on_channel', {
+ username: userName,
+ channel: roomName,
+ lng
+ });
+ if (message.msg !== '') {
+ let messageContent = s.escapeHTML(message.msg);
+ message = RocketChat.callbacks.run('renderMessage', message);
+ if (message.tokens && message.tokens.length > 0) {
+ message.tokens.forEach((token) => {
+ token.text = token.text.replace(/([^\$])(\$[^\$])/gm, '$1$$$2');
+ messageContent = messageContent.replace(token.token, token.text);
+ });
+ }
+ return `${ header }