- Create a
class.- We will store both a 'key' and a 'value' in this Node (I will provide the reasoning behind this later below)
- Create a
class- We will use "dummy" nodes for the "head" and "tail". This will let us omit
head == null
checks for adding to the list, which also improves performance on the common operation of inserting into our list. - This class will be used to maintain ordering. The 1st element in the list represents the most "recently used" Node.
- We create a Doubly-Linked instead of Singly-Linked list so that, given access to a Node in the list, we can remove it.
- We will use "dummy" nodes for the "head" and "tail". This will let us omit
- Create a
Map<Integer, Node>
- Since we don't have O(1) access to elements in our
, ourHashMap
will provide us with this O(1) access using a 'key' for eachNode
- Since we don't have O(1) access to elements in our
A Node needs a 'value', but why store a 'key' there as well? Because when we remove from end of Linked List, the Node's key is used to find the Node in the HashMap (to remove the node there as well).
There is also an excellent explanation in "Cracking the Coding Interview", 6th Edition solutions.
class Node { // public variables for simplicity
int key;
int value;
Node next;
Node prev;
public Node(int k, int v) {
key = k;
value = v;
next = null;
prev = null;
class DoublyLinkedList {
private Node head = new Node(0, 0); // dummy node
private Node tail = new Node(0, 0); // dummy node
public DoublyLinkedList() {
head.next = tail;
tail.prev = head;
public void addFirst(Node n) {
if (n == null) {
n.prev = head;
n.next = head.next;
head.next.prev = n;
head.next = n;
public void remove(Node n) { // Assumes 'n' is in this list
if (n == null || n.prev == null || n.next == null) {
n.prev.next = n.next;
n.next.prev = n.prev;
public Node getFirst() {
if (head.next == tail) {
return null; // list has 0 Nodes
return head.next;
public Node getLast() {
if (head.next == tail) {
return null; // list has 0 Nodes
return tail.prev;
class LRUCache {
private int capacity;
private Map<Integer, Node> map; // gives us O(1)-time access to Nodes
private DoublyLinkedList dll; // used to keep track of "freshness" of Nodes
public LRUCache(int capacity) {
this.capacity = (capacity < 1) ? 1 : capacity;
map = new HashMap();
dll = new DoublyLinkedList();
public void put(int key, int value) {
remove(key); // If key already exists, we will overwrite it.
if (map.size() >= capacity) {
Node n = new Node(key, value);
map.put(key, n);
public int get(int key) {
Node n = map.get(key);
if (n == null) {
return -1; // Problem wants -1 returned. It's better to throw Exception instead.
if (n != dll.getFirst()) {
return n.value;
public void remove(int key) {
Node n = map.get(key);
private void updateFreshness(Node n) { // Assumes 'n' is in this list
- Time Complexity:
are O(1) time - Space Complexity: Depends on cache size. Can make it as big as we want.
Java has an LRU cache available - it is just a LinkedHashMap with an "accessOrder" flag set to "true". This will create an LRU cache for you. The Android source code uses a LinkedHashMap
to create an LRU cache as well.
A concise LinkedHashMap
solution is found here, but this solution is likely not what the interviewer is looking for.