Randomly generates rooms by trial and checking (bad and inefficient solution, to be replaced later)
Generates the triangle mesh result from Delaunay's Triangulation on the rooms' centers
Transforms the triangle mesh into a weighted graph
Applies Prim's Algorithm to get a Minimum Spanning Tree
Randomly adds other edges to the MST
Creates simple hallways to connect the random points in the rooms following the edges selected
For now, usage is quite rudimentary:
Copying the GDScript files (*.gd) should give acess to the Dungeon class. Then, just attatch a script to a node2D, create a RandomNumberGenerator to use as parameter and generate a new Dungeon like so:
var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
dun = Dungeon.new(min_size, max_size, number_of_rooms, min_room_size, max_room_size, rng)
Then, dun.map.matrix will be a matrix (with size: min_size ≤ size ≤ max_size) of integers that correspond to what there is in a given position (x,y) on the grid. This value can be:
- 0: nothing
- 1: Room
- 2: Hallway
- 3: Door
for more reference, see test.gd