Raining Cats and Dogs is created to help pet owners find temporarily places for their pets to stay so that the owners can take their vacation in ease knowing that their pet will be taken care of while being away. The app follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, using Express-handlebars as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and Passport-Local for authentication. Multer package is used to upload pictures. The images are saved in Google-Cloud-Storage buckets.
This application is a live site, deployed using Heroku at https://raining-dog.herokuapp.com/
- Login/Logout Feature
- Upload pictures to Google Cloud Storage
- Save pet information
- Choose/reserve places for pets to stay
- Image icon changes depending where cursor is at
- Express
- Express-session
- Express-handlebars
- Passport-Local
- Bcrypt
- Sequelize
- Mysql2
- Dotenv
- Heroku
- Multer
- Google-Cloud-Storage
- Mocha
- Chai
- Supertest
- WebdriverIO
This project is under MIT license
- feature test for the login page is performed using WebdriverIO:
Start the local server and runnpm run wdio
- server test for the dashboard page is performed using Supertest:
Runnpm run test
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Copyright (c) 2022 Christopher Saechao, Ruxin Qu, Richard Nelson, Lely Huynh