- pytorch=1.7.1
- transformers=4.8.1
- Our CCN training framwork assumes that we have the precomputed embeddings. You can find them in our collected dataset, or as done in the preprocessing step
- We have two variants of the model: 1) using sentence embeddings, 2) using BERT+LSTM.
python main_sent_emb.py --use_src --use_cap_memory --use_img_memory --use_ent_memory --use_places_memory
--inp_pdrop 0.05 --pdrop_mem 0.1 --consistency clip --pdrop 0 --nlayers 2 --domains_dim 20 --emb_pdrop 0.25
--lr_sched cycle --lr 0.000009 --lr_max 0.00006 --epochs 60
--filter_dup --binary_ner_ent --binary_ner_cap --labels_overlap
- You will need the domain_to_idx_dict.json file, in addition to
files (dict of dataset items, keys are NewsCLIPPings indices, each key has direct_path and inv_path). Should be placed in the same directory. The datasets are placed as: ../queries_dataset/, ../visual_news/, and ../news_clippings/ - You can adjust the paths to the datasets and these files via the arguments.
- To evaluate independently of training, run:
python evaluate_sent_emb.py --use_src --use_cap_memory --use_img_memory --use_ent_memory --use_places_memory
--inp_pdrop 0.05 --pdrop_mem 0.1 --consistency clip --pdrop 0 --nlayers 2 --domains_dim 20 --emb_pdrop 0.25 -
--filter_dup --binary_ner_ent --binary_ner_cap --labels_overlap --seed 2
- This will also save under './attn_weights' the attention vectors for each memory type for each minibatch, which you can use to inspect the highest attention evidence items.
python main_bert_lstm.py --use_src --use_cap_memory --use_img_memory --use_ent_memory --use_places_memory
--inp_pdrop 0.05 --pdrop_mem 0.2 --consistency clip --pdrop 0 --nlayers 2 --domains_dim 20 --emb_pdrop 0.25
--lr_sched cycle --lr 0.000009 --lr_max 0.00006 --epochs 30
--filter_dup --binary_ner_ent --binary_ner_cap --batch_size 32 --labels_overlap --lstm_maxlen 150
- You will need the domain_to_idx_dict.json file, in addition to
files (dict of dataset items, keys are NewsCLIPPings indices, each key has direct_path and inv_path). Should be placed in the same directory. The datasets are placed as: ../queries_dataset/, ../visual_news/, and ../news_clippings/ - You can adjust the paths to the datasets and these files via the arguments.
- To evaluate independently of training, run:
python evaluate_bert_lstm.py --use_src --use_cap_memory --use_img_memory --use_ent_memory --use_places_memory
--inp_pdrop 0.05 --pdrop_mem 0.2 --consistency clip --pdrop 0 --nlayers 2 --domains_dim 20 --emb_pdrop 0.25
--filter_dup --binary_ner_ent --binary_ner_cap --batch_size 32 --labels_overlap --lstm_maxlen 150 --seed 2
- This will also save under './attn_weights' the attention vectors for each memory type for each minibatch, which you can use to inspect the highest attention evidence items.
We also share in the inspect_results
notebook an example on how to display the query example, the prediction, the evidence, and the highest attention evidence.
Checkpoints of these two training setups, can be found here.