The author of this code is not responsible for any illegal actions.
For educational purposes only..
Binary available on the releases page
$ [-h] [-s SCAN_FILE] [-p PORTS] [-b BRUTE_FILE] [-l] [-m] [-t THREADS] [-d]
[--masscan-resume] [--no-snapshots] [--no-xml] [--dead] [--country] [--random-country]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCAN_FILE file with IP ranges to scan, e.g.
-p PORTS ports to scan (default: 37777), e.g. 37777,37778
-b BRUTE_FILE file with IPs to brute, in any format
-l brute combinations from logins.txt and passwords.txt instead of combinations.txt
-m, --masscan run Masscan and brute the results
-t THREADS number of thread for Masscan (default: 3000)
--masscan-resume continue paused Masscan
--no-snapshots don't make snapshots
--no-xml don't make SMART PSS .xml files
--dead write not bruted cams to dead_cams.txt file
--country scan by country
--random-country scan by random country
-d, --debug debug output
$ ./asleep -m -s ips.txt
$ ./asleep -m -s ips.txt -p 37777,37778,47777
$ ./asleep --country
$ ./asleep --random-country
$ ./asleep -b ips.txt
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help
besides content of requirements.txt this code needs masscan and Python 3.7 >
only for windows install WinPcap driver
- get normal or light build version from releases page
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- run interactive for testing purposes
pyinstaller --add-data '/path/to/python3.7/site-packages/pyfiglet:./pyfiglet' --add-data '/path/to/python3.7/site-packages/_geoip_geolite2:./_geoip_geolite2' --onefile
all configs are well commented in .config file.
code can post snapshots to your telegram channel at the end of scanning. add your Telegram Bot API Key and channel ID in .config file to make this work.