[Dimension](./Analytics.xml#L159:~:text=A short, human-readable text suitable for labels and captions in UIs
[Heading](./Common.xml#L67:~:text=A short, human-readable text suitable for column headings in UIs
[QuickInfo](./Common.xml#L72:~:text=A short, human-readable text suitable for tool tips in UIs
-[Text](./Common.xml#L77:~:text=A descriptive text for values of the annotated property. Value MUST be a dynamic expression when used as metadata annotation. Can be annotated with: - [TextArrangement](UI.md#TextArrangement)
+[Text](./Common.xml#L77:~:text=A descriptive text for values of the annotated property. Value MUST be a dynamic expression when used as metadata annotation. Can be annotated with:
[TextFor](./Common.xml#L87:~:text=The annotated property contains a descriptive text for values of the referenced property.
[ExternalID](./Common.xml#L93:~:text=A human readable identifier for values of the annotated property or parameter. Value MUST be a dynamic expression when used as metadata annotation. If the annotated property is (part of) a foreign key of a resource, the external id is a human readable (part of an) identifier of this resource. There is a one-to-one relationship between each possible value of the annotated property and the corresponding external id. The annotation of a parameter refers to a property of the operation binding parameter.
[IsLanguageIdentifier](./Common.xml#L111:~:text=An identifier to distinguish multiple texts in different languages for the same entity
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Term|Type|Description
[IsNaturalPerson](./Common.xml#L630:~:text=The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
[ValueList](./Common.xml#L636:~:text=Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter The value list can be based on user input that is passed in the value list request. The value list can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists.
[ValueListRelevantQualifiers](./Common.xml#L710:~:text=List of qualifiers of relevant ValueList annotations The value of this annotation is a dynamic expression for calculating the qualifiers of relevant value lists depending on the values of one or more other properties.
-[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L715:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with: - [ValueListShowValuesImmediately](#ValueListShowValuesImmediately)
+[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L715:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with:
[ValueListShowValuesImmediately](./Common.xml#L724:~:text=A value list with a very small number of fixed values, can decide to show all values immediately
[ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L729:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier.
[ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L734:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ Exactly one of `Property` and `DynamicProperty` must be present
[Property](./Common.xml#L1330:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms: - [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty) - [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate)
+[DynamicProperty](./Common.xml#L1342:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
diff --git a/vocabularies/UI.md b/vocabularies/UI.md
index ffe65aac..03e9bab6 100644
--- a/vocabularies/UI.md
+++ b/vocabularies/UI.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Term|Type|Description
[ConnectedFields](./UI.xml#L171:~:text=Group of semantically connected fields with a representation template and an optional label ([Example](./UI.xml#L173))
[GeoLocations](./UI.xml#L236:~:text=Collection of geographic locations
[GeoLocation](./UI.xml#L240:~:text=Geographic location
-[Contacts](./UI.xml#L260:~:text=Collection of contacts Each collection item MUST reference an annotation of a Communication.Contact Allowed terms: - [Contact](Communication.md#Contact)
+[Contacts](./UI.xml#L260:~:text=Collection of contacts Each collection item MUST reference an annotation of a Communication.Contact Allowed terms:
[MediaResource](./UI.xml#L271:~:text=Properties that describe a media resource Either `Url` or `Stream` MUST be present, and never both.
[DataPoint](./UI.xml#L351:~:text=Visualization of a single point of data, typically a number; may also be textual, e.g. a status value
[KPI](./UI.xml#L659:~:text=A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) bundles a SelectionVariant and a DataPoint, and provides details for progressive disclosure
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Term|Type|Description
[PartOfPreview](./UI.xml#L1360:~:text=This record and all included structural elements are part of the Thing preview This term can be applied e.g. to UI.Facet and UI.DataField
[Map](./UI.xml#L1364:~:text=Target MUST reference a UI.GeoLocation, Communication.Address or a collection of these
[Gallery](./UI.xml#L1368:~:text=Target MUST reference a UI.MediaResource
-[IsImageURL](./UI.xml#L1373:~:text=Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid URL referencing an resource with a MIME type image Can be annotated with: - [IsNaturalPerson](Common.md#IsNaturalPerson)
-[IsImage](./UI.xml#L1383:~:text=Properties annotated with this term MUST be a stream property annotated with a MIME type image. Entity types annotated with this term MUST be a media entity type annotated with a MIME type image. Can be annotated with: - [IsNaturalPerson](Common.md#IsNaturalPerson)
+[IsImageURL](./UI.xml#L1373:~:text=Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid URL referencing an resource with a MIME type image Can be annotated with:
+[IsImage](./UI.xml#L1383:~:text=Properties annotated with this term MUST be a stream property annotated with a MIME type image. Entity types annotated with this term MUST be a media entity type annotated with a MIME type image. Can be annotated with:
[MultiLineText](./UI.xml#L1394:~:text=Properties and parameters annotated with this annotation should be rendered as multi-line text (e.g. text area)
[Placeholder](./UI.xml#L1399:~:text=A short, human-readable text that gives a hint or an example to help the user with data entry
[TextArrangement](./UI.xml#L1404:~:text=Describes the arrangement of a code or ID value and its text This term annotates one of the following: (1) a [`Common.Text`](Common.md#Text) annotation of the code or ID property where the annotation value is the text (2) an entity type, this has the same effect as annotating all `Common.Text` annotations of properties of that entity type.
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ Property|Type|Description
-[Url](./UI.xml#L277:~:text=Can be annotated with: - [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget)
-[Stream](./UI.xml#L286:~:text=Can be annotated with: - [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget)
+[Url](./UI.xml#L277:~:text=Can be annotated with:
+[Stream](./UI.xml#L286:~:text=Can be annotated with:
[ContentType](./UI.xml#L295:~:text=Can be annotated with: - [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget)
+[Stream](./UI.xml#L322:~:text=Can be annotated with:
[CriticalityRepresentation](./UI.xml#L419:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being visualized according to the `UI.Chart` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms: - [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty) - [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate)
+[DynamicMeasures](./UI.xml#L728:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being visualized according to the `UI.Chart` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
[MeasureAttributes](./UI.xml#L741:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being visualized according to the `UI.Chart` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms: - [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty) - [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate)
+[DynamicMeasure](./UI.xml#L882:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being visualized according to the `UI.Chart` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
**Applicable Annotation Terms:**
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Property|Type|Description
[*Label*](./UI.xml#L999:~:text=Can be annotated with: - [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget)
+[Url](./UI.xml#L1044:~:text=Can be annotated with:
[UrlContentType](./UI.xml#L1053:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being presented according to the `UI.PresentationVariant` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms: - [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty) - [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate)
+[DynamicTotal](./UI.xml#L1126:~:text=If the annotation referenced by an annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being presented according to the `UI.PresentationVariant` annotation, the annotation path MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
[RequestAtLeast](./UI.xml#L1165:~:text=Properties in `RequestAtLeast` must occur either in the `$select` clause of an OData request or among the grouping properties in an `$apply=groupby((grouping properties),...)` clause of an aggregating OData request.
[SelectionFields](./UI.xml#L1188:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being filtered according to the `UI.SelectionVariant` annotation, this instance of `UI.SelectionVariant/SelectOptions` MUST be silently ignored. For an example, see the `UI.SelectionVariant` annotation in the [example](../examples/DynamicProperties-sample.xml). Allowed terms: - [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty) - [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate)
+[DynamicPropertyName](./UI.xml#L1270:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being filtered according to the `UI.SelectionVariant` annotation, this instance of `UI.SelectionVariant/SelectOptions` MUST be silently ignored. For an example, see the `UI.SelectionVariant` annotation in the [example](../examples/DynamicProperties-sample.xml). Allowed terms:
@@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ Member|Value|Description
-[Title](./UI.xml#L1441:~:text=The title of a note is hidden with an annotation `@UI.Note/Title/@UI.Hidden`, not with an annotation on the property targeted by `@UI.Note/Title`. Can be annotated with: - [Hidden](#Hidden)
-[Content](./UI.xml#L1453:~:text=The property targeted by `@UI.Note/Content` must be annotated with `Core.MediaType` and may be annotated with `Common.SAPObjectNodeTypeReference`. When it is tagged with `Core.IsLanguageDependent`, another property of the same entity type that is tagged with [`Common.IsLanguageIdentifier`](Common.md#IsLanguageIdentifier) determines the language of the note. Can be annotated with: - [MediaType](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#MediaType) - [IsLanguageDependent](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#IsLanguageDependent) - [SAPObjectNodeTypeReference](Common.md#SAPObjectNodeTypeReference)
+[Title](./UI.xml#L1441:~:text=The title of a note is hidden with an annotation `@UI.Note/Title/@UI.Hidden`, not with an annotation on the property targeted by `@UI.Note/Title`. Can be annotated with:
+[Content](./UI.xml#L1453:~:text=The property targeted by `@UI.Note/Content` must be annotated with `Core.MediaType` and may be annotated with `Common.SAPObjectNodeTypeReference`. When it is tagged with `Core.IsLanguageDependent`, another property of the same entity type that is tagged with [`Common.IsLanguageIdentifier`](Common.md#IsLanguageIdentifier) determines the language of the note. Can be annotated with:
This site is hosted by GitHub Pages.
From 2450e31173acf4f27f6b3236baf2d8e5a3f97261 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: D024504
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:15:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/22] No params in workflows
.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml b/.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml
index 1c98d6e5..3346eda6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Build with pandoc
run: |
npm ci
- npm run pages "OData @ SAP"
+ npm run pages
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3
From d67815ed78dc393333d9ba2b74ee2bdbf20f5bd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: D024504
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:16:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/22] Bump dependency
package-lock.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 52f89459..8395fea7 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@
"node_modules/odata-vocabularies": {
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"dependencies": {
"colors": "^1.4.0",
"odata-csdl": "^0.9.5",
From 2132027f2897ee5f05cfc833fee65a9a9e7c3252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: D024504
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 14:55:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/22] typographics
_site/.gitignore | 2 +
package-lock.json | 2 +-
package.json | 3 +-
vocabularies/Common.json | 2 +-
vocabularies/Common.md | 304 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
vocabularies/Common.xml | 21 +--
vocabularies/DirectEdit.json | 2 +-
vocabularies/DirectEdit.md | 2 +-
vocabularies/DirectEdit.xml | 27 ++-
vocabularies/PersonalData.json | 2 +-
vocabularies/PersonalData.md | 2 +-
vocabularies/PersonalData.xml | 12 +-
vocabularies/Session.json | 8 +-
vocabularies/Session.md | 10 +-
vocabularies/Session.xml | 49 ++----
15 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 _site/.gitignore
diff --git a/_site/.gitignore b/_site/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b7ef32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 8395fea7..c2a9b4d2 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
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@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@
"node_modules/odata-vocabularies": {
"version": "0.5.2",
- "resolved": "git+ssh://git@github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies.git#d431c2f2abb2078f83b56f0ef1d42d3b75731306",
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"dependencies": {
"colors": "^1.4.0",
"odata-csdl": "^0.9.5",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 82fd9c8c..7262f85f 100644
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"scripts": {
"build": "node lib/transform.js",
- "pages": "node -e \"require('odata-vocabularies/pages')\" \"OData @ SAP\""
+ "pages": "node -e \"require('odata-vocabularies/pages')\" \"OData @ SAP\"",
+ "serve-pages": "node -e \"require('odata-vocabularies/serve-pages')\""
"author": "",
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diff --git a/vocabularies/Common.json b/vocabularies/Common.json
index f0834322..bbf8c119 100644
--- a/vocabularies/Common.json
+++ b/vocabularies/Common.json
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
"$Collection": true,
"$Type": "Edm.ComplexType",
"@Core.Description": "Collection of end-user messages",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure.\n\nThe minimum structure is\n\n- `code: Edm.String`\n\n- `message: Edm.String`\n\n- `target: Edm.String nullable`\n\n- `additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`\n\n- `transition: Edm.Boolean`\n\n- `numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`\n\n- `longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`\n "
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure.\n\nThe minimum structure is\n
`code: Edm.String`
`message: Edm.String`
`target: Edm.String nullable`
`additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`
`transition: Edm.Boolean`
`numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`
`longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
\n "
"additionalTargets": {
"$Kind": "Term",
diff --git a/vocabularies/Common.md b/vocabularies/Common.md
index 7501b9d5..8cdfa1dc 100644
--- a/vocabularies/Common.md
+++ b/vocabularies/Common.md
@@ -46,71 +46,71 @@ Term|Type|Description
[ErrorResolution](./Common.xml#L467:~:text=Hints for resolving this error
-[Messages](./Common.xml#L485:~:text=Collection of end-user messages The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure. The minimum structure is - `code: Edm.String` - `message: Edm.String` - `target: Edm.String nullable` - `additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)` - `transition: Edm.Boolean` - `numericSeverity: Edm.Byte` - `longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
-[additionalTargets](./Common.xml#L508:~:text=Additional targets for the message This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[longtextUrl](./Common.xml#L514:~:text=Location of the message long text This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[numericSeverity](./Common.xml#L520:~:text=Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[MaximumNumericMessageSeverity](./Common.xml#L525:~:text=The maximum severity of all end-user messages attached to an entity, null if no messages are attached This metadata annotation can be applied to entity types that are also annotated with term [`Common.Messages`](#Messages)
-[IsActionCritical](./Common.xml#L554:~:text=Criticality of the function or action to enforce a warning or similar before it's executed
-[Attributes](./Common.xml#L558:~:text=Attributes related to this property, which may occur in denormalized entity types
-[RelatedRecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L562:~:text=A recursive hierarchy related to this property. The annotation path must end in Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy.
-[Interval](./Common.xml#L566:~:text=An interval with lower and upper boundaries described by two properties
-[ResultContext](./Common.xml#L589:~:text=The annotated entity type has one or more containment navigation properties. An instance of the annotated entity type provides the context required for determining the target entity sets reached by these containment navigation properties.
-[SAPObjectNodeType](./Common.xml#L597:~:text=The SAP Object Node Type represented by the annotated entity type SAP Object Node Types define the structure of SAP Object Types, which are a generalization of Business Object, Technical Object, Configuration Object, and Analytical Object.
-[Composition](./Common.xml#L613:~:text=The annotated navigation property represents a logical composition, even though it is non-containment The entities related via this navigation property have an existential dependency on their composition parent. The entity set of the composition parent MUST contain a NavigationPropertyBinding for this navigation property.
-[SAPObjectNodeTypeReference](./Common.xml#L622:~:text=The entity referenced by the annotated property has the [`SAPObjectNodeType`](#SAPObjectNodeType) with this name The entity containing the property and the entity referenced by it will in general have different SAP Object Node Types.
-[IsNaturalPerson](./Common.xml#L630:~:text=The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
-[ValueList](./Common.xml#L636:~:text=Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter The value list can be based on user input that is passed in the value list request. The value list can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists.
-[ValueListRelevantQualifiers](./Common.xml#L710:~:text=List of qualifiers of relevant ValueList annotations The value of this annotation is a dynamic expression for calculating the qualifiers of relevant value lists depending on the values of one or more other properties.
-[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L715:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with:
-[ValueListShowValuesImmediately](./Common.xml#L724:~:text=A value list with a very small number of fixed values, can decide to show all values immediately
-[ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L729:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier.
-[ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L734:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
-[ValueListMapping](./Common.xml#L739:~:text=Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties The value list can be filtered based on user input. It can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists. There may be many alternative mappings with different qualifiers.
-[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L851:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})
-[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L860:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2]
-[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L869:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
-[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L878:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2]
-[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L887:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
-[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L896:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31.
-[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L904:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366.
-[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L912:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2]
-[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L922:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4]
-[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L932:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])
-[IsCalendarYearWeek](./Common.xml#L943:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
-[IsCalendarDate](./Common.xml#L953:~:text=Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least eight digits, where the last four digits represent the months January to December (MM) and the day of the month (DD). The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])(0[1-9]\|[12][0-9]\|3[01]) The regex pattern does not reflect the additional constraint for "Day-of-month Values": The day value must be no more than 30 if month is one of 04, 06, 09, or 11, no more than 28 if month is 02 and year is not divisible by 4, or is divisible by 100 but not by 400, and no more than 29 if month is 02 and year is divisible by 400, or by 4 but not by 100.
-[IsFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L970:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}
-[IsFiscalPeriod](./Common.xml#L979:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits. The string matches the regex pattern [0-9]{3}
-[IsFiscalYearPeriod](./Common.xml#L988:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting of seven digits, where the last three digits represent the fiscal period in the year. The string matches the regex pattern ([1-9][0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})
-[IsFiscalQuarter](./Common.xml#L998:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
-[IsFiscalYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L1006:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}[1-4]
-[IsFiscalWeek](./Common.xml#L1015:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
-[IsFiscalYearWeek](./Common.xml#L1023:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of six digits, where the last two digits represent the week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
-[IsDayOfFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L1032:~:text=Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371.
-[IsFiscalYearVariant](./Common.xml#L1039:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year variant
-[MutuallyExclusiveTerm](./Common.xml#L1047:~:text=Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied
-[DraftRoot](./Common.xml#L1053:~:text=Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern
-[DraftNode](./Common.xml#L1094:~:text=Entities in this set are parts of business documents that support the draft pattern
-[DraftActivationVia](./Common.xml#L1116:~:text=Draft entities in this set are indirectly activated via draft entities in the referenced entity sets
-[EditableFieldFor](./Common.xml#L1120:~:text=The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property
-[SemanticKey](./Common.xml#L1150:~:text=The listed properties form the semantic key, i.e. they are unique modulo IsActiveEntity
-[SideEffects](./Common.xml#L1154:~:text=Describes side-effects of modification operations
-[DefaultValuesFunction](./Common.xml#L1237:~:text=Function to calculate default values based on user input that is only known to the client and "context information" that is already available to the service The default values function must have a bound overload whose binding parameter type matches the annotation target - for an entity set: collection of entity type of entity set - for a navigation property: identical to the type of the navigation property (single- or collection-valued) - for a bound action/function: identical to the binding parameter type of the annotated action/function In addition the overload can have non-binding parameters for values that the user has already entered: - for an entity set or navigation property: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a property of the entity to be created - for an action or function: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a non-binding parameter of the action or function to be called The result type of the default values function is a complex type whose properties correspond in name and type to a subset of - the properties of the entity to create, or - the parameters of the action or function to call
-[DerivedDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1266:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
-[FilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1287:~:text=A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions.
-[FilterDefaultValueHigh](./Common.xml#L1291:~:text=A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions.
-[DerivedFilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1296:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
-[SortOrder](./Common.xml#L1320:~:text=List of sort criteria The items of the annotated entity set or the items of the collection of the annotated entity type are sorted by the first entry of the SortOrder collection. Items with same value for this first sort criteria are sorted by the second entry of the SortOrder collection, and so on.
-[RecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L1376:~:text=Use terms [Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#RecursiveHierarchy) and [Hierarchy.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/SAP/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Hierarchy.md#RecursiveHierarchy) instead
-[CreatedAt](./Common.xml#L1424:~:text=Creation timestamp
-[CreatedBy](./Common.xml#L1428:~:text=First editor
-[ChangedAt](./Common.xml#L1432:~:text=Last modification timestamp
-[ChangedBy](./Common.xml#L1436:~:text=Last editor
-[OriginalProtocolVersion](./Common.xml#L1448:~:text=Original protocol version of a converted (V4) CSDL document, allowed values `2.0` and `3.0`
-[ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering](./Common.xml#L1453:~:text=Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration TODO: add link to UX documentation on https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design/
-[mediaUploadLink](./Common.xml#L1459:~:text=URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service In contrast to the `@odata.mediaEditLink` this URL allows to upload new media content without directly changing a stream property or media resource. The upload request typically uses HTTP POST with `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` following RFC 7578. The upload request must contain one multipart representing the content of the file. The `name` parameter in the `Content-Disposition` header (as described in RFC 7578) is irrelevant, but the `filename` parameter is expected. If the request succeeds the response will contain a JSON body of `Content-Type: application/json` with a JSON property `readLink`. The newly uploaded media resource can be linked to the stream property by changing the `@odata.mediaReadLink` to the value of this `readLink` in a subsequent PATCH request to the OData entity.
-[PrimitivePropertyPath](./Common.xml#L1474:~:text=A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property
-[WebSocketBaseURL](./Common.xml#L1479:~:text=Base URL for WebSocket connections
+[Messages](./Common.xml#L485:~:text=Collection of end-user messages The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure. The minimum structure is
`code: Edm.String`
`message: Edm.String`
`target: Edm.String nullable`
`additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`
`transition: Edm.Boolean`
`numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`
`longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
+[additionalTargets](./Common.xml#L501:~:text=Additional targets for the message This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[longtextUrl](./Common.xml#L507:~:text=Location of the message long text This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[numericSeverity](./Common.xml#L513:~:text=Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[MaximumNumericMessageSeverity](./Common.xml#L518:~:text=The maximum severity of all end-user messages attached to an entity, null if no messages are attached This metadata annotation can be applied to entity types that are also annotated with term [`Common.Messages`](#Messages)
+[IsActionCritical](./Common.xml#L547:~:text=Criticality of the function or action to enforce a warning or similar before it's executed
+[Attributes](./Common.xml#L551:~:text=Attributes related to this property, which may occur in denormalized entity types
+[RelatedRecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L555:~:text=A recursive hierarchy related to this property. The annotation path must end in Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy.
+[Interval](./Common.xml#L559:~:text=An interval with lower and upper boundaries described by two properties
+[ResultContext](./Common.xml#L582:~:text=The annotated entity type has one or more containment navigation properties. An instance of the annotated entity type provides the context required for determining the target entity sets reached by these containment navigation properties.
+[SAPObjectNodeType](./Common.xml#L590:~:text=The SAP Object Node Type represented by the annotated entity type SAP Object Node Types define the structure of SAP Object Types, which are a generalization of Business Object, Technical Object, Configuration Object, and Analytical Object.
+[Composition](./Common.xml#L606:~:text=The annotated navigation property represents a logical composition, even though it is non-containment The entities related via this navigation property have an existential dependency on their composition parent. The entity set of the composition parent MUST contain a NavigationPropertyBinding for this navigation property.
+[SAPObjectNodeTypeReference](./Common.xml#L615:~:text=The entity referenced by the annotated property has the [`SAPObjectNodeType`](#SAPObjectNodeType) with this name The entity containing the property and the entity referenced by it will in general have different SAP Object Node Types.
+[IsNaturalPerson](./Common.xml#L623:~:text=The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
+[ValueList](./Common.xml#L629:~:text=Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter The value list can be based on user input that is passed in the value list request. The value list can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists.
+[ValueListRelevantQualifiers](./Common.xml#L703:~:text=List of qualifiers of relevant ValueList annotations The value of this annotation is a dynamic expression for calculating the qualifiers of relevant value lists depending on the values of one or more other properties.
+[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L708:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with:
+[ValueListShowValuesImmediately](./Common.xml#L717:~:text=A value list with a very small number of fixed values, can decide to show all values immediately
+[ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L722:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier.
+[ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L727:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
+[ValueListMapping](./Common.xml#L732:~:text=Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties The value list can be filtered based on user input. It can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists. There may be many alternative mappings with different qualifiers.
+[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L844:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})
+[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L853:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2]
+[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L862:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
+[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L871:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2]
+[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L880:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
+[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L889:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31.
+[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L897:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366.
+[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L905:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2]
+[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L915:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4]
+[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L925:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])
+[IsCalendarYearWeek](./Common.xml#L936:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
+[IsCalendarDate](./Common.xml#L946:~:text=Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least eight digits, where the last four digits represent the months January to December (MM) and the day of the month (DD). The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])(0[1-9]\|[12][0-9]\|3[01]) The regex pattern does not reflect the additional constraint for "Day-of-month Values": The day value must be no more than 30 if month is one of 04, 06, 09, or 11, no more than 28 if month is 02 and year is not divisible by 4, or is divisible by 100 but not by 400, and no more than 29 if month is 02 and year is divisible by 400, or by 4 but not by 100.
+[IsFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L963:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}
+[IsFiscalPeriod](./Common.xml#L972:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits. The string matches the regex pattern [0-9]{3}
+[IsFiscalYearPeriod](./Common.xml#L981:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting of seven digits, where the last three digits represent the fiscal period in the year. The string matches the regex pattern ([1-9][0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})
+[IsFiscalQuarter](./Common.xml#L991:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
+[IsFiscalYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L999:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}[1-4]
+[IsFiscalWeek](./Common.xml#L1008:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
+[IsFiscalYearWeek](./Common.xml#L1016:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of six digits, where the last two digits represent the week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
+[IsDayOfFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L1025:~:text=Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371.
+[IsFiscalYearVariant](./Common.xml#L1032:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year variant
+[MutuallyExclusiveTerm](./Common.xml#L1040:~:text=Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied
+[DraftRoot](./Common.xml#L1046:~:text=Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern
+[DraftNode](./Common.xml#L1087:~:text=Entities in this set are parts of business documents that support the draft pattern
+[DraftActivationVia](./Common.xml#L1109:~:text=Draft entities in this set are indirectly activated via draft entities in the referenced entity sets
+[EditableFieldFor](./Common.xml#L1113:~:text=The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property
+[SemanticKey](./Common.xml#L1143:~:text=The listed properties form the semantic key, i.e. they are unique modulo IsActiveEntity
+[SideEffects](./Common.xml#L1147:~:text=Describes side-effects of modification operations
+[DefaultValuesFunction](./Common.xml#L1230:~:text=Function to calculate default values based on user input that is only known to the client and "context information" that is already available to the service The default values function must have a bound overload whose binding parameter type matches the annotation target - for an entity set: collection of entity type of entity set - for a navigation property: identical to the type of the navigation property (single- or collection-valued) - for a bound action/function: identical to the binding parameter type of the annotated action/function In addition the overload can have non-binding parameters for values that the user has already entered: - for an entity set or navigation property: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a property of the entity to be created - for an action or function: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a non-binding parameter of the action or function to be called The result type of the default values function is a complex type whose properties correspond in name and type to a subset of - the properties of the entity to create, or - the parameters of the action or function to call
+[DerivedDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1259:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
+[FilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1280:~:text=A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions.
+[FilterDefaultValueHigh](./Common.xml#L1284:~:text=A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions.
+[DerivedFilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1289:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
+[SortOrder](./Common.xml#L1313:~:text=List of sort criteria The items of the annotated entity set or the items of the collection of the annotated entity type are sorted by the first entry of the SortOrder collection. Items with same value for this first sort criteria are sorted by the second entry of the SortOrder collection, and so on.
+[RecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L1369:~:text=Use terms [Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#RecursiveHierarchy) and [Hierarchy.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/SAP/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Hierarchy.md#RecursiveHierarchy) instead
+[CreatedAt](./Common.xml#L1417:~:text=Creation timestamp
+[CreatedBy](./Common.xml#L1421:~:text=First editor
+[ChangedAt](./Common.xml#L1425:~:text=Last modification timestamp
+[ChangedBy](./Common.xml#L1429:~:text=Last editor
+[OriginalProtocolVersion](./Common.xml#L1441:~:text=Original protocol version of a converted (V4) CSDL document, allowed values `2.0` and `3.0`
+[ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering](./Common.xml#L1446:~:text=Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration TODO: add link to UX documentation on https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design/
+[mediaUploadLink](./Common.xml#L1452:~:text=URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service In contrast to the `@odata.mediaEditLink` this URL allows to upload new media content without directly changing a stream property or media resource. The upload request typically uses HTTP POST with `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` following RFC 7578. The upload request must contain one multipart representing the content of the file. The `name` parameter in the `Content-Disposition` header (as described in RFC 7578) is irrelevant, but the `filename` parameter is expected. If the request succeeds the response will contain a JSON body of `Content-Type: application/json` with a JSON property `readLink`. The newly uploaded media resource can be linked to the stream property by changing the `@odata.mediaReadLink` to the value of this `readLink` in a subsequent PATCH request to the OData entity.
+[PrimitivePropertyPath](./Common.xml#L1467:~:text=A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property
+[WebSocketBaseURL](./Common.xml#L1472:~:text=Base URL for WebSocket connections
## [TextFormatType](./Common.xml#L120:~:text=
-## [NumericMessageSeverityType](./Common.xml#L530:~:text=
-## [IntervalType](./Common.xml#L569:~:text=
-## [SAPObjectNodeTypeType](./Common.xml#L605:~:text=
-## [ValueListType](./Common.xml#L640:~:text=The value of the target property is used as the search expression instead of in $filter
-[FetchValues](./Common.xml#L678:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.PresentationVariant](UI.md#PresentationVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
-[SelectionVariantQualifier](./Common.xml#L685:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.SelectionVariant](UI.md#SelectionVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
-[Parameters](./Common.xml#L689:~:text=The value of the target property is used as the search expression instead of in $filter
+[FetchValues](./Common.xml#L671:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.PresentationVariant](UI.md#PresentationVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
+[SelectionVariantQualifier](./Common.xml#L678:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.SelectionVariant](UI.md#SelectionVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
-## [FetchValuesType](./Common.xml#L694:~:text=
-## [ValueListMappingType](./Common.xml#L743:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.PresentationVariant](UI.md#PresentationVariant) on the value list entity set identified via CollectionPath in the ValueListReference annotation
-[SelectionVariantQualifier](./Common.xml#L766:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.SelectionVariant](UI.md#SelectionVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
-[Parameters](./Common.xml#L770:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.PresentationVariant](UI.md#PresentationVariant) on the value list entity set identified via CollectionPath in the ValueListReference annotation
+[SelectionVariantQualifier](./Common.xml#L759:~:text=Qualifier for annotation with term [UI.SelectionVariant](UI.md#SelectionVariant) on the entity set identified via CollectionPath
-## [*ValueListParameter*](./Common.xml#L775:~:text=
-## [ValueListParameterIn](./Common.xml#L780:~:text=In case the property path contains a collection-based navigation or structural property, the filter is a set of `eq` comparisons connected by `or` operators
-[InitialValueIsSignificant](./Common.xml#L785:~:text=In case the property path contains a collection-based navigation or structural property, the filter is a set of `eq` comparisons connected by `or` operators
-## [ValueListParameterConstant](./Common.xml#L789:~:text=
-## [ValueListParameterConstants](./Common.xml#L798:~:text=An empty list means a vacuous filter condition
+[*ValueListProperty*](./Common.xml#L769:~:text=An empty list means a vacuous filter condition
-## [ValueListParameterInOut](./Common.xml#L807:~:text=
-## [ValueListParameterOut](./Common.xml#L820:~:text=
-## [ValueListParameterDisplayOnly](./Common.xml#L830:~:text=
-## [ValueListParameterFilterOnly](./Common.xml#L838:~:text=
-## [DraftRootType](./Common.xml#L1058:~:text=New drafts may also be created by POSTing an empty entity without any properties to the entity set.
-[AdditionalNewActions](./Common.xml#L1073:~:text=Additional actions beside the default POST or standard `NewAction` that create a new draft.
-[ShareAction](./Common.xml#L1078:~:text=The action is bound to the draft document root node and has the following signature: - `Users`: collection of structure with properties - `UserID` of type `String` and - `UserAccessRole` of type `String` with possible values `O` (owner, can perform all draft actions), and `E` (editor, can change the draft) It restricts access to the listed users in their specified roles.
+[*PreparationAction*](./Common.xml#L1093:~:text=New drafts may also be created by POSTing an empty entity without any properties to the entity set.
+[AdditionalNewActions](./Common.xml#L1066:~:text=Additional actions beside the default POST or standard `NewAction` that create a new draft.
+[ShareAction](./Common.xml#L1071:~:text=The action is bound to the draft document root node and has the following signature: - `Users`: collection of structure with properties - `UserID` of type `String` and - `UserAccessRole` of type `String` with possible values `O` (owner, can perform all draft actions), and `E` (editor, can change the draft) It restricts access to the listed users in their specified roles.
-## [DraftNodeType](./Common.xml#L1099:~:text=
-## [SimpleIdentifier](./Common.xml#L1124:~:text=
-## [QualifiedName](./Common.xml#L1136:~:text=
-## [ActionOverload](./Common.xml#L1141:~:text=
-## [SideEffectsType](./Common.xml#L1157:~:text=The syntax follows closely the syntax rules for `Edm.PropertyPath`, with the addition of `*` as the last path segment meaning all structural properties directly reached via the preceding path
-[TargetEntities](./Common.xml#L1179:~:text=Binding parameter type of the trigger action is the entity type annotated with `SideEffects`. The action does not have any additional parameters and does not return anything. It either succeeds with `204 No Content` or it fails with `4xx` or `5xx`.
-[Discretionary](./Common.xml#L1197:~:text=The value of this property typically a static boolean value. It can be used by clients (e.g. by asking the end user) to decide if the side effect should be triggered or not. This indicator is only allowed in case a trigger action is given as only then the execution control of the side effect is provided to the client.
+[SourceProperties](./Common.xml#L1162:~:text=The syntax follows closely the syntax rules for `Edm.PropertyPath`, with the addition of `*` as the last path segment meaning all structural properties directly reached via the preceding path
+[TargetEntities](./Common.xml#L1172:~:text=Binding parameter type of the trigger action is the entity type annotated with `SideEffects`. The action does not have any additional parameters and does not return anything. It either succeeds with `204 No Content` or it fails with `4xx` or `5xx`.
+[Discretionary](./Common.xml#L1190:~:text=The value of this property typically a static boolean value. It can be used by clients (e.g. by asking the end user) to decide if the side effect should be triggered or not. This indicator is only allowed in case a trigger action is given as only then the execution control of the side effect is provided to the client.
-## [EffectType](./Common.xml#L1203:~:text=
-## [SortOrderType](./Common.xml#L1328:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
-[Descending](./Common.xml#L1356:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored. Allowed terms:
-## [RecursiveHierarchyType](./Common.xml#L1389:~:text=
-## [UserID](./Common.xml#L1440:~:text=The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure.
The minimum structure is
-- `code: Edm.String`
-- `message: Edm.String`
-- `target: Edm.String nullable`
-- `additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`
-- `transition: Edm.Boolean`
-- `numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`
-- `longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
+<ul><li>`code: Edm.String`</li>
+<li>`message: Edm.String`</li>
+<li>`target: Edm.String nullable`</li>
+<li>`additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`</li>
+<li>`transition: Edm.Boolean`</li>
+<li>`numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`</li>
+<li>`longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`</li></ul>
diff --git a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.json b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.json
index b7792c35..35651d52 100644
--- a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.json
+++ b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.json
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"CalculationFunction": {
"$Type": "Common.QualifiedName",
- "@Core.Description": "The operation calculating the side effects. While non-changing for the service, this technically is an action bound to the entity set so that the parameters can be sent in the POST request body. The action has the following non-binding parameters:\n\n- `Qualifier` of type [`Core.SimpleIdentifier`](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#SimpleIdentifier)\n or cast-compatible: the qualifier of the `SideEffects` annotation\n\n- `Trigger` of type `Edm.String`: the trigger of the side-effects determination, see `Triggers` property\n\n- `Data` of either the entity type of the annotated entity set or a complex type that is structure-compatible with it\n\nThe **return type** of the action also needs to be either the entity type of the annotated entity set or structure-compatible with it,\nit can be the same type as for `Data`.\n\nStructure-compatible means:\n\n- each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable, \n\n- each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property\n \n- it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type\n\n- it may omit properties of the entity type"
+ "@Core.Description": "The operation calculating the side effects. While non-changing for the service, this technically is an action bound to the entity set so that the parameters can be sent in the POST request body. The action has the following non-binding parameters:\n
`Qualifier` of type [`Core.SimpleIdentifier`](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#SimpleIdentifier)\n or cast-compatible: the qualifier of the `SideEffects` annotation
`Trigger` of type `Edm.String`: the trigger of the side-effects determination, see `Triggers` property
`Data` of either the entity type of the annotated entity set or a complex type that is structure-compatible with it
\n\nThe **return type** of the action also needs to be either the entity type of the annotated entity set or structure-compatible with it,\nit can be the same type as for `Data`.\n\nStructure-compatible means:\n
each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable
each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property
it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type
it may omit properties of the entity type
diff --git a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.md b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.md
index 54d99cd3..97326780 100644
--- a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.md
+++ b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.md
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ After a change to a property whose path is contained in `Triggers`, the client s
[Triggers](./DirectEdit.xml#L48:~:text=- `Qualifier` of type [`Core.SimpleIdentifier`](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#SimpleIdentifier) or cast-compatible: the qualifier of the `SideEffects` annotation - `Trigger` of type `Edm.String`: the trigger of the side-effects determination, see `Triggers` property - `Data` of either the entity type of the annotated entity set or a complex type that is structure-compatible with it The **return type** of the action also needs to be either the entity type of the annotated entity set or structure-compatible with it, it can be the same type as for `Data`. Structure-compatible means: - each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable, - each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property - it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type - it may omit properties of the entity type
`Qualifier` of type [`Core.SimpleIdentifier`](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#SimpleIdentifier) or cast-compatible: the qualifier of the `SideEffects` annotation
`Trigger` of type `Edm.String`: the trigger of the side-effects determination, see `Triggers` property
`Data` of either the entity type of the annotated entity set or a complex type that is structure-compatible with it
The **return type** of the action also needs to be either the entity type of the annotated entity set or structure-compatible with it, it can be the same type as for `Data`. Structure-compatible means:
each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable
each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property
it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type
it may omit properties of the entity type
diff --git a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.xml b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.xml
index 36a995d0..7cd3a3fd 100644
--- a/vocabularies/DirectEdit.xml
+++ b/vocabularies/DirectEdit.xml
@@ -50,27 +50,22 @@
+ The operation calculating the side effects. While non-changing for the service, this technically is an action bound to the entity set so that the parameters can be sent in the POST request body. The action has the following non-binding parameters:
+<ul><li>`Qualifier` of type [`Core.SimpleIdentifier`](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.md#SimpleIdentifier)
+ or cast-compatible: the qualifier of the `SideEffects` annotation</li>
+<li>`Trigger` of type `Edm.String`: the trigger of the side-effects determination, see `Triggers` property</li>
+<li>`Data` of either the entity type of the annotated entity set or a complex type that is structure-compatible with it</li></ul>
The **return type** of the action also needs to be either the entity type of the annotated entity set or structure-compatible with it,
it can be the same type as for `Data`.
Structure-compatible means:
-- each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable,
-- each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property
-- it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type
-- it may omit properties of the entity type" />
+<ul><li>each primitive property that has the same name as a corresponding primitive property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is cast-compatible with the corresponding property and is nullable</li>
+<li>each complex property that has the same name as a corresponding complex or navigation property of the entity type of the annotated entity set is structure-compatible with the corresponding property</li>
+<li>it may contain properties without a corresponding property in the entity type</li>
+<li>it may omit properties of the entity type</li></ul>
diff --git a/vocabularies/PersonalData.json b/vocabularies/PersonalData.json
index e02d7a05..d2848d6b 100644
--- a/vocabularies/PersonalData.json
+++ b/vocabularies/PersonalData.json
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
"$DefaultValue": true,
"$AppliesTo": ["Property"],
"@Core.Description": "Property contains potentially sensitive personal data",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "Sensitive data is a colloquial term usually including the following data:\n\n- Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation\n\n- Personal data subject to professional secrecy\n\n- Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences\n\n- Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts\n\nSee also: [What personal data is considered sensitive?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en)"
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "Sensitive data is a colloquial term usually including the following data:\n
Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation
Personal data subject to professional secrecy
Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences
Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts
\n\nSee also: [What personal data is considered sensitive?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en)"
diff --git a/vocabularies/PersonalData.md b/vocabularies/PersonalData.md
index b70c9fd6..464c08fb 100644
--- a/vocabularies/PersonalData.md
+++ b/vocabularies/PersonalData.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Term|Type|Description
[DataSubjectRoleDescription](./PersonalData.xml#L68:~:text=Language-dependent description of the role of the data subjects in this set (e.g. employee, customer) Values are application-specific. Can be a static value or a `Path` expression If the role varies per entity
[FieldSemantics](./PersonalData.xml#L111:~:text=Primary meaning of the personal data contained in the annotated property Changes to values of annotated properties are tracked in the audit log. Use this annotation also on fields that are already marked as contact or address data.
[IsPotentiallyPersonal](./PersonalData.xml#L195:~:text=Property contains potentially personal data Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject). Note: properties annotated with [`FieldSemantics`](#FieldSemantics) need not be additionally annotated with this term. See also: [What is personal data?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/what-personal-data_en)
-[IsPotentiallySensitive](./PersonalData.xml#L206:~:text=Property contains potentially sensitive personal data Sensitive data is a colloquial term usually including the following data: - Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation - Personal data subject to professional secrecy - Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences - Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts See also: [What personal data is considered sensitive?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en)
+[IsPotentiallySensitive](./PersonalData.xml#L206:~:text=Property contains potentially sensitive personal data Sensitive data is a colloquial term usually including the following data:
Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation
Personal data subject to professional secrecy
Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences
Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts
See also: [What personal data is considered sensitive?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en)
## [EntitySemanticsType](./PersonalData.xml#L76:~:text=Sensitive data is a colloquial term usually including the following data:
-- Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation
-- Personal data subject to professional secrecy
-- Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences
-- Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts
+<ul><li>Special categories of personal data such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation</li>
+<li>Personal data subject to professional secrecy</li>
+<li>Personal data relating to criminal or administrative offences</li>
+<li>Personal data concerning bank or credit card accounts</li></ul>
See also: [What personal data is considered sensitive?](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en)
diff --git a/vocabularies/Session.json b/vocabularies/Session.json
index 61d5f12c..9be08ed8 100644
--- a/vocabularies/Session.json
+++ b/vocabularies/Session.json
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"NewAction": {
"$Type": "Common.QualifiedName",
"@Core.Description": "Bound action that initiates a sticky session for creating new entities in the targeted entity set or collection",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n\n- Binding parameter is collection of type of annotated entity set\n\n- No non-binding parameters\n\n- No return type \n\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. \n\nOtherwise:\n\n- On success this action initiates a sticky session.\n\n- On failure no sticky session is initiated."
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n
Binding parameter is collection of type of annotated entity set
No non-binding parameters
No return type
\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. \n\nOtherwise:\n
On success this action initiates a sticky session.
On failure no sticky session is initiated.
"AdditionalNewActions": {
"$Collection": true,
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@
"EditAction": {
"$Type": "Common.QualifiedName",
"@Core.Description": "Bound action that initiates a sticky session for editing the targeted entity",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n\n- Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set\n\n- No non-binding parameters\n\n- Return type is same as binding parameter type \n\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. \n\nOtherwise:\n\n- On success this action returns the targeted entity and initiates a sticky session.\n\n- On failure no sticky session is initiated."
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n
Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set
No non-binding parameters
Return type is same as binding parameter type
\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. \n\nOtherwise:\n
On success this action returns the targeted entity and initiates a sticky session.
On failure no sticky session is initiated.
"SaveAction": {
"$Type": "Common.QualifiedName",
"@Core.Description": "Bound action that saves a new or edited entity",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n\n- Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set\n\n- No non-binding parameters\n\n- Return type is same as binding parameter type \n\nOn success this action returns the newly created or edited entity. The sticky session is terminated after all entities that were newly created or edited in it have been saved. \n\nOn failure the sticky session is kept alive."
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n
Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set
No non-binding parameters
Return type is same as binding parameter type
\nOn success this action returns the newly created or edited entity. The sticky session is terminated after all entities that were newly created or edited in it have been saved. \n\nOn failure the sticky session is kept alive."
"DiscardAction": {
"$Type": "Core.SimpleIdentifier",
"@Core.Description": "Action import for an unbound action that discards all changes and terminates the sticky session",
- "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n\n- No parameters\n\n- No return type \n\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session is terminated, irrespective of whether the action succeeds or fails. \n\nIf called outside of a sticky session the action fails and does not initiate a session."
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "Signature:\n
No parameters
No return type
\nIf called within a sticky session the sticky session is terminated, irrespective of whether the action succeeds or fails. \n\nIf called outside of a sticky session the action fails and does not initiate a session."
diff --git a/vocabularies/Session.md b/vocabularies/Session.md
index f265822e..cdf2525d 100644
--- a/vocabularies/Session.md
+++ b/vocabularies/Session.md
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ Actions for managing data modification within a sticky session
-[NewAction](./Session.xml#L88:~:text=Signature: - Binding parameter is collection of type of annotated entity set - No non-binding parameters - No return type If called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. Otherwise: - On success this action initiates a sticky session. - On failure no sticky session is initiated.
-[AdditionalNewActions](./Session.xml#L108:~:text=Actions have the same binding parameter as the `NewAction` and may have non-binding paramters
-[EditAction](./Session.xml#L113:~:text=Signature: - Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set - No non-binding parameters - Return type is same as binding parameter type If called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. Otherwise: - On success this action returns the targeted entity and initiates a sticky session. - On failure no sticky session is initiated.
-[SaveAction](./Session.xml#L133:~:text=Signature: - Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set - No non-binding parameters - Return type is same as binding parameter type On success this action returns the newly created or edited entity. The sticky session is terminated after all entities that were newly created or edited in it have been saved. On failure the sticky session is kept alive.
-[DiscardAction](./Session.xml#L149:~:text=Signature: - No parameters - No return type If called within a sticky session the sticky session is terminated, irrespective of whether the action succeeds or fails. If called outside of a sticky session the action fails and does not initiate a session.
Binding parameter is collection of type of annotated entity set
No non-binding parameters
No return type
If called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. Otherwise:
On success this action initiates a sticky session.
On failure no sticky session is initiated.
+[AdditionalNewActions](./Session.xml#L102:~:text=Actions have the same binding parameter as the `NewAction` and may have non-binding paramters
Binding parameter is type of annotated entity set
No non-binding parameters
Return type is same as binding parameter type
If called within a sticky session the sticky session continues. Otherwise:
On success this action returns the targeted entity and initiates a sticky session.
On success this action returns the newly created or edited entity. The sticky session is terminated after all entities that were newly created or edited in it have been saved. On failure the sticky session is kept alive.
\n "
+ "@Core.LongDescription": "The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure.\n\nThe minimum structure is\n\n- `code: Edm.String`\n\n- `message: Edm.String`\n\n- `target: Edm.String nullable`\n\n- `additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`\n\n- `transition: Edm.Boolean`\n\n- `numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`\n\n- `longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`\n "
"additionalTargets": {
"$Kind": "Term",
diff --git a/vocabularies/Common.md b/vocabularies/Common.md
index 8cdfa1dc..7501b9d5 100644
--- a/vocabularies/Common.md
+++ b/vocabularies/Common.md
@@ -46,71 +46,71 @@ Term|Type|Description
[ErrorResolution](./Common.xml#L467:~:text=Hints for resolving this error
-[Messages](./Common.xml#L485:~:text=Collection of end-user messages The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure. The minimum structure is
`code: Edm.String`
`message: Edm.String`
`target: Edm.String nullable`
`additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)`
`transition: Edm.Boolean`
`numericSeverity: Edm.Byte`
`longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
-[additionalTargets](./Common.xml#L501:~:text=Additional targets for the message This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[longtextUrl](./Common.xml#L507:~:text=Location of the message long text This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[numericSeverity](./Common.xml#L513:~:text=Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
-[MaximumNumericMessageSeverity](./Common.xml#L518:~:text=The maximum severity of all end-user messages attached to an entity, null if no messages are attached This metadata annotation can be applied to entity types that are also annotated with term [`Common.Messages`](#Messages)
-[IsActionCritical](./Common.xml#L547:~:text=Criticality of the function or action to enforce a warning or similar before it's executed
-[Attributes](./Common.xml#L551:~:text=Attributes related to this property, which may occur in denormalized entity types
-[RelatedRecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L555:~:text=A recursive hierarchy related to this property. The annotation path must end in Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy.
-[Interval](./Common.xml#L559:~:text=An interval with lower and upper boundaries described by two properties
-[ResultContext](./Common.xml#L582:~:text=The annotated entity type has one or more containment navigation properties. An instance of the annotated entity type provides the context required for determining the target entity sets reached by these containment navigation properties.
-[SAPObjectNodeType](./Common.xml#L590:~:text=The SAP Object Node Type represented by the annotated entity type SAP Object Node Types define the structure of SAP Object Types, which are a generalization of Business Object, Technical Object, Configuration Object, and Analytical Object.
-[Composition](./Common.xml#L606:~:text=The annotated navigation property represents a logical composition, even though it is non-containment The entities related via this navigation property have an existential dependency on their composition parent. The entity set of the composition parent MUST contain a NavigationPropertyBinding for this navigation property.
-[SAPObjectNodeTypeReference](./Common.xml#L615:~:text=The entity referenced by the annotated property has the [`SAPObjectNodeType`](#SAPObjectNodeType) with this name The entity containing the property and the entity referenced by it will in general have different SAP Object Node Types.
-[IsNaturalPerson](./Common.xml#L623:~:text=The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
-[ValueList](./Common.xml#L629:~:text=Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter The value list can be based on user input that is passed in the value list request. The value list can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists.
-[ValueListRelevantQualifiers](./Common.xml#L703:~:text=List of qualifiers of relevant ValueList annotations The value of this annotation is a dynamic expression for calculating the qualifiers of relevant value lists depending on the values of one or more other properties.
-[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L708:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with:
-[ValueListShowValuesImmediately](./Common.xml#L717:~:text=A value list with a very small number of fixed values, can decide to show all values immediately
-[ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L722:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier.
-[ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L727:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
-[ValueListMapping](./Common.xml#L732:~:text=Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties The value list can be filtered based on user input. It can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists. There may be many alternative mappings with different qualifiers.
-[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L844:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})
-[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L853:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2]
-[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L862:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
-[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L871:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2]
-[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L880:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
-[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L889:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31.
-[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L897:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366.
-[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L905:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2]
-[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L915:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4]
-[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L925:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])
-[IsCalendarYearWeek](./Common.xml#L936:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
-[IsCalendarDate](./Common.xml#L946:~:text=Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least eight digits, where the last four digits represent the months January to December (MM) and the day of the month (DD). The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])(0[1-9]\|[12][0-9]\|3[01]) The regex pattern does not reflect the additional constraint for "Day-of-month Values": The day value must be no more than 30 if month is one of 04, 06, 09, or 11, no more than 28 if month is 02 and year is not divisible by 4, or is divisible by 100 but not by 400, and no more than 29 if month is 02 and year is divisible by 400, or by 4 but not by 100.
-[IsFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L963:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}
-[IsFiscalPeriod](./Common.xml#L972:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits. The string matches the regex pattern [0-9]{3}
-[IsFiscalYearPeriod](./Common.xml#L981:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting of seven digits, where the last three digits represent the fiscal period in the year. The string matches the regex pattern ([1-9][0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})
-[IsFiscalQuarter](./Common.xml#L991:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
-[IsFiscalYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L999:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}[1-4]
-[IsFiscalWeek](./Common.xml#L1008:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
-[IsFiscalYearWeek](./Common.xml#L1016:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of six digits, where the last two digits represent the week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3])
-[IsDayOfFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L1025:~:text=Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371.
-[IsFiscalYearVariant](./Common.xml#L1032:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year variant
-[MutuallyExclusiveTerm](./Common.xml#L1040:~:text=Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied
-[DraftRoot](./Common.xml#L1046:~:text=Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern
-[DraftNode](./Common.xml#L1087:~:text=Entities in this set are parts of business documents that support the draft pattern
-[DraftActivationVia](./Common.xml#L1109:~:text=Draft entities in this set are indirectly activated via draft entities in the referenced entity sets
-[EditableFieldFor](./Common.xml#L1113:~:text=The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property
-[SemanticKey](./Common.xml#L1143:~:text=The listed properties form the semantic key, i.e. they are unique modulo IsActiveEntity
-[SideEffects](./Common.xml#L1147:~:text=Describes side-effects of modification operations
-[DefaultValuesFunction](./Common.xml#L1230:~:text=Function to calculate default values based on user input that is only known to the client and "context information" that is already available to the service The default values function must have a bound overload whose binding parameter type matches the annotation target - for an entity set: collection of entity type of entity set - for a navigation property: identical to the type of the navigation property (single- or collection-valued) - for a bound action/function: identical to the binding parameter type of the annotated action/function In addition the overload can have non-binding parameters for values that the user has already entered: - for an entity set or navigation property: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a property of the entity to be created - for an action or function: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a non-binding parameter of the action or function to be called The result type of the default values function is a complex type whose properties correspond in name and type to a subset of - the properties of the entity to create, or - the parameters of the action or function to call
-[DerivedDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1259:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
-[FilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1280:~:text=A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions.
-[FilterDefaultValueHigh](./Common.xml#L1284:~:text=A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions.
-[DerivedFilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1289:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions. Function import has two parameters of complex types: - `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property - `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property. Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined.
-[SortOrder](./Common.xml#L1313:~:text=List of sort criteria The items of the annotated entity set or the items of the collection of the annotated entity type are sorted by the first entry of the SortOrder collection. Items with same value for this first sort criteria are sorted by the second entry of the SortOrder collection, and so on.
-[RecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L1369:~:text=Use terms [Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#RecursiveHierarchy) and [Hierarchy.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/SAP/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Hierarchy.md#RecursiveHierarchy) instead
-[CreatedAt](./Common.xml#L1417:~:text=Creation timestamp
-[CreatedBy](./Common.xml#L1421:~:text=First editor
-[ChangedAt](./Common.xml#L1425:~:text=Last modification timestamp
-[ChangedBy](./Common.xml#L1429:~:text=Last editor
-[OriginalProtocolVersion](./Common.xml#L1441:~:text=Original protocol version of a converted (V4) CSDL document, allowed values `2.0` and `3.0`
-[ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering](./Common.xml#L1446:~:text=Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration TODO: add link to UX documentation on https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design/
-[mediaUploadLink](./Common.xml#L1452:~:text=URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service In contrast to the `@odata.mediaEditLink` this URL allows to upload new media content without directly changing a stream property or media resource. The upload request typically uses HTTP POST with `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` following RFC 7578. The upload request must contain one multipart representing the content of the file. The `name` parameter in the `Content-Disposition` header (as described in RFC 7578) is irrelevant, but the `filename` parameter is expected. If the request succeeds the response will contain a JSON body of `Content-Type: application/json` with a JSON property `readLink`. The newly uploaded media resource can be linked to the stream property by changing the `@odata.mediaReadLink` to the value of this `readLink` in a subsequent PATCH request to the OData entity.
-[PrimitivePropertyPath](./Common.xml#L1467:~:text=A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property
-[WebSocketBaseURL](./Common.xml#L1472:~:text=Base URL for WebSocket connections
+[Messages](./Common.xml#L485:~:text=Collection of end-user messages The name of the message type is service-specific, its structure components are identified by naming convention, following the names of the OData error response structure. The minimum structure is - `code: Edm.String` - `message: Edm.String` - `target: Edm.String nullable` - `additionalTargets: Collection(Edm.String)` - `transition: Edm.Boolean` - `numericSeverity: Edm.Byte` - `longtextUrl: Edm.String nullable`
+[additionalTargets](./Common.xml#L508:~:text=Additional targets for the message This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[longtextUrl](./Common.xml#L514:~:text=Location of the message long text This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[numericSeverity](./Common.xml#L520:~:text=Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error This instance annotation can be applied to the `error` object and the objects within the `details` array of an OData error response
+[MaximumNumericMessageSeverity](./Common.xml#L525:~:text=The maximum severity of all end-user messages attached to an entity, null if no messages are attached This metadata annotation can be applied to entity types that are also annotated with term [`Common.Messages`](#Messages)
+[IsActionCritical](./Common.xml#L554:~:text=Criticality of the function or action to enforce a warning or similar before it's executed
+[Attributes](./Common.xml#L558:~:text=Attributes related to this property, which may occur in denormalized entity types
+[RelatedRecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L562:~:text=A recursive hierarchy related to this property. The annotation path must end in Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy.
+[Interval](./Common.xml#L566:~:text=An interval with lower and upper boundaries described by two properties
+[ResultContext](./Common.xml#L589:~:text=The annotated entity type has one or more containment navigation properties. An instance of the annotated entity type provides the context required for determining the target entity sets reached by these containment navigation properties.
+[SAPObjectNodeType](./Common.xml#L597:~:text=The SAP Object Node Type represented by the annotated entity type SAP Object Node Types define the structure of SAP Object Types, which are a generalization of Business Object, Technical Object, Configuration Object, and Analytical Object.
+[Composition](./Common.xml#L613:~:text=The annotated navigation property represents a logical composition, even though it is non-containment The entities related via this navigation property have an existential dependency on their composition parent. The entity set of the composition parent MUST contain a NavigationPropertyBinding for this navigation property.
+[SAPObjectNodeTypeReference](./Common.xml#L622:~:text=The entity referenced by the annotated property has the [`SAPObjectNodeType`](#SAPObjectNodeType) with this name The entity containing the property and the entity referenced by it will in general have different SAP Object Node Types.
+[IsNaturalPerson](./Common.xml#L630:~:text=The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
+[ValueList](./Common.xml#L636:~:text=Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter The value list can be based on user input that is passed in the value list request. The value list can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists.
+[ValueListRelevantQualifiers](./Common.xml#L710:~:text=List of qualifiers of relevant ValueList annotations The value of this annotation is a dynamic expression for calculating the qualifiers of relevant value lists depending on the values of one or more other properties.
+[ValueListWithFixedValues](./Common.xml#L715:~:text=If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values Can be annotated with:
+[ValueListShowValuesImmediately](./Common.xml#L724:~:text=A value list with a very small number of fixed values, can decide to show all values immediately
+[ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L729:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier.
+[ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L734:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
+[ValueListMapping](./Common.xml#L739:~:text=Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties The value list can be filtered based on user input. It can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists. There may be many alternative mappings with different qualifiers.
+[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L851:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})
+[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L860:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2]
+[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L869:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4]
+[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L878:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2]
+[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L887:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]
+[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L896:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31.
+[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L904:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366.
+[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L912:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2]
+[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L922:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4]
+[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L932:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])