Pack global ABAP classes in a single report - Simplifies distribution of complex codings. I am a spin off from the SAP2Moose project.
You may also check how the same problem is solved in abapGit.
Use me if you want to program with global classes and still be able to distribute only a single program. Unit Tests are not part of the generated program. TEST-SEAM statements are cut out.
The program documentation is currently not distributed with abapGit.
Short text:
Pack global ABAP classes in a single report - Simplifies distribution of complex codings.
Pack global ABAP classes in a single report - Simplifies distribution of complex codings.
See comments at start of report for further explanations.
Replace with cl_ (optional) - Can be empty. Enter a common prefix of classes that is to be replaced with cl_. This makes the coding easier to read.
The name of the template - The name of a report that is used as template.