By interacting with the project this document means pushing anything being it code or anything else to this project, opening an issuse or a pull request, commenting on anything trough human readable text or making a change to the project description, project name or settings
By interacting with the project you guarantuee to not work towards the opposite of the goals listed by this document and to comply act after the principles how we can achieve the goals. You take full responsibility for all the words you say!
This document aims at providing a ruleset for a harassment-free, inclusive, human-centered and friendly environment to develope and dicuss software together. It aims at giving anyone a chance to contribute to this project no matter the skill level, age, experience or handycap. This document was created in the hope of achieving this goal, but also in the awareness that this is hard to achieve and that this document isn't perfect by any means. It was created with the idea and hope of getting as near as possible to this goal.
This document isn't a perfect guideline of how to become the most inclusive community. It is quite imperfect like anything and if we don't accept imperfectance then the goal is far from ever being achieved. This document isn't the ultimate Bible for this project. It's just a document telling what the goals of this project are and how to get closer to achieve those. It should be not followed word by word and also be interpreted based on the context.
When anyone is interacting with this project they need to be:
- Friendly to the others
- Accept failure(even if you think the reason is stupid)
- Not intentionally annoying someone else
- Not aim to achieve the opposite of those goals
- Not excoriate aynone in any kind of way for whatever reason
- Not insult anyone intentionally in any kind of way(mistakes happen, but shouldn't be repeated)
- Not harm anyone intentionally in any kind of way
- Not give any comment to, discurage or promote any war, any country being part of a war, any political decision or any other thing happening not directly releated to the project
- Not talk about sexual things in any way(This makes the project less inclusive for young people and is going to discourage a lot of people)
- Not talk about anything else not releated to this project
Anyone trying to achieve the opposite of the goals set by this document or not complying with the principles how those goals can be achieve listed in the last section can be suspended from the project and any other sub project. The owner reserves himself the right to desite if and how someone is suspended from the project and it's sub-projects. Mistakes happen, but shouldn't be repeated so if someone behaved in a way which is not allowed deepending if he harmed or insulted someone or just was a little bit rough.
If you find anyone targeting towards the opposite of the goals of this document or not complying with the principles how to achieve those goals, you can contact the owner S-Master(4) over the E-Mail address If you find the owner himself targeting towards the opposite of the goals of this document or not complying with the principles of how to achieve those goals, please contact a trusted community member immedeatly and/or open an issue about it since this is a general issue.