This work is the extension of "Light-VQA: A Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment Model for Low-Light Video Enhancement", which can be found at Light-VQA
The VEC-QA dataset used in this work can be downloaded at:
BaiduNetdisk (tqw0)
Our model trained on VEC-QA can be downloaded at:
BaiduNetdisk (ui9v).
To use our pretrained model, please follow the instructions below.
Python Version: 3.8
pip install openai-clip
pip install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2
pip install pandas
pip install scipy
pip install opencv-python
pip install pytorchvideo
Please run the code in your shell to build the environment for our model.
After downloading our VEC-QA dataset or building your own dataset under the same directory, run the following codes in your shell:
download the swin-transformer weights into the directory at here.
get the key_frames of all the videos.
You may need to reset the 'videos_dir' in codes first so as to match your own dataset. (line 52)
get the brightness and noise features and brightness consistency features.
You may need to reset the 'videos_dir' in codes first so as to match your own dataset. (line 32 for BNF and line 161 for BCF)
get the temporal features.
You may need to reset the 'videos_dir' and 'datainfo' in codes first so as to match your own dataset. (line 85-86)
The process in extracting these features is carried out on train-val-test splits separately, so you may need to prepare the csv file first. Just refer to the csv files in data.
start training.
python > final.txt
The parameters can be set at line 195-222. Remember to change the data path in line 61-64 first.
You should keep track of the output during the training process for it contains the attention weights information, which can be found at the final.txt output files.
Before starting testing, you need to set the attention weights in line 22 and the ckpts path in line 25.