Contributions are always appreciated.
How to:
In order to submit a change or a PR, please fork the project and follow instructions:
$ git clone<me>/ripsaw
$ cd ripsaw
$ git checkout -b <branch_name>
$ <make change>
$ git add <changes>
$ git commit -a
$ <insert good message>
$ git push
If there are mutliple commits, please rebase/squash multiple commits before creating the PR by following:
$ git checkout <my-working-branch>
$ git rebase -i HEAD~<num_of_commits_to_merge>
$ git rebase -i <commit_id_of_first_change_commit>
In the interactive rebase screen, set the first commit to pick
and all others to squash
(or whatever else you may need to do).
Push your rebased commits (you may need to force), then issue your PR.
Adding new workloads are always welcome, but before you submit PR: please make sure you follow:
Workloads are defined within Ansible roles. The roles are located under the roles/
directory. You can create a new role template as follows:
- Simply copy an existing role and edit as needed
Review the Ansible role documentation
Tasks in the roles/<role_name>/tasks/main.yml
playbook will be executed when the particular role is triggered in the operator from the Custom Resource (CR).
A new role should be included in the playbook with condition(s) that will trigger the role as follows:
Example playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- include_role:
name: "my-new-role"
when: my-new-role.condition
CRD holds the definition of the resource. The operator triggers roles based on the conditions defined in a CR (example which will influence which roles the playbook executes. Other vars may be defined that can modify the workload run conditions.
For the sake of the example CR, please default all workloads to disabled.
Example CR:
kind: Benchmark
name: example-benchmark
namespace: benchmark-operator
name: your_workload_name
workers: 0
my_key_1: my_value_1
my_key_2: my_value_2
my_key_3: my_value_3
Note: The Benchmark has to be created in the namespace benchmark-operator
- Please keep the workload status updated
- To help users understand how the workload can be run, please add a guide similar to uperf
- Add the link for your workload guide to installation guide
- Ensure all resources created are within the
namespace, this can be done by setting namespace to useoperator_namespace
var. This is to ensure that the resources aren't defaulted to current active namespace which is whatansible_operator_meta.namespace
would default to. - All resources created as part of your role should use
ansible var in their names and labels, so for example fio-client job template has the namefio-client
and labelapp: fiod-client
, instead we'll append the vartrunc_uuid
to both the name and label so it'll befio-client-{{ trunc_uuid }}
and label would beapp:fiod-client-{{ trunc_uuid }}
. The reason for this is that 2 parallel runs of some benchmark aren't going to interfere with each other if each resource and its label is unique for that run. We could've looked at using the full uuid but we hit an issue with character limit of 63 so using the truncated uuid which is the first 8 digits.
The following steps are suggested for your workload to be added:
- The new role destroys any additional resources it created as part of role in case of failure or when disabled. This ensures no interference with subsequent workloads.
- Please mention any additional cleanup required in your workload guide.
Any changes to the roles tree or to the playbook file will necessitate a new build of the operator container image. The benchmark-operator container can be built and pushed to a public repository, which could be quay, using the provided Makefile.
To test with your own operator image, you will need to delete the current deployment and then build, push, and redeploy using your operator container image as follows:
# kubectl delete deployment -n benchmark-operator benchmark-controller-manager
# make image-build image-push deploy<username>/benchmark-operator:testing
is simply a tag. You can define different tags to use with your image, like :latest
or :master
Currently we have a CI that runs against PRs. You can learn more about CI at [work_in_progress]
To ensure that adding new a workload will not break other workloads and its behavior can be predicted, we've mandated writing tests before PR can be merged.
If a new workload is added, please follow the instructions to add a testcase to
- copy an existing test like uperf test
- Add commands needed to setup the workload specific requirements if any
- Add a valid cr file to test_crs directory for your workload
- Apply the cr and run a simple functional test to ensure that the expected behavior is asserted
- NOTE: make sure that your test script name has only underscores and no
in the name