Fourier-Transformation is a jupyter Notebook that allows
the vizualization
of the Fourier Transformation
This project demonstrates how to work with numpy and jupyter Notebook to create:
- an interactive jupyter Notebook showing the Fourier Transformation
If you have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact me.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have installed installed all requiered libaries (numpy, librosa, ipywidgets...)
To install Fourier-Transformation, follow these steps:
- Download this repository
- Unzip the downloaded file
To use Fourier-Transformation, follow these steps:
- Start jupyter lab in the downloaded and unziped folder
- Open the desired jupyter Notebook (english and german version)
- Execute the cells from the start to the end
- Your jupyter-lab should start in your default browser and the files included in "Fourier-Transformation" should be shown
If you want to contact me you can reach me at Linkedin.