A collection of solved papers using The Quantum Optomechanics Toolbox.
paper link | paper name | qom system | qom scripts |
New J. Phys. 22, 013049 | Nonlinear Dynamics of Weakly Dissipative Optomechanical Systems | NewJPhys_22_013049 | newjphys_22_013049 |
New J. Phys. 22, 063041 | Stationary Quantum Entanglement between a Massive Mechanical Membrane and a Low Frequency LC Circuit | NewJPhys_22_063041 | newjphys_22_063041 |
Opt. Lett. 41, 2676 | Solitons in Optomechanical Arrays | OptLett_41_2676 | optlett_41_2676 |
Phys. Rev. A 100, 053814 | Stability and Variational Analysis of Cavity Solitons under Various Perturbations | PhysRevA_100_053814 | physreva_101_053814 |
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063846 | Delayed Sudden Death of Entanglement at Exceptional Points | PhysRevA_100_063846 | physreva_101_063846 |
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053836 | Strong Mechanical Squeezing in a Standard Optomechanical System by Pump Modulation | PhysRevA_101_053836 | physreva_101_053836 |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 213603 | Gently Modulating Optomechanical Systems | PhysRevLett_103_213603 | physrevlett_103_213603 |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103605 | Measures of Quantum Synchronization in Continuous Variable Systems | PhysRevLett_111_103605 | physrevlett_111_103605 |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 013601 | Route to Chaos in Optomechanics | PhysRevLett_114_013601 | physrevlett_114_013601 |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 153901 | Kuznetsov-Ma Soliton Dynamics based on the Mechanical Effect of Light | PhysRevLett_119_153901 | physrevlett_119_153901 |
│ ├───foobar_123/
│ │ ├───baz_xyz.npz
│ │ └───...
│ └───...
│ ├───foobar_123/
│ │ ├───baz.py
│ │ └───...
│ └───...
│ ├───__init__.py
│ ├───FooBar_123.py
│ └───...
All numerical data and plots are obtained using the Quantum Optomechanics Toolbox, an open-source Python framework to simulate optomechanical systems. Refer to the QOM toolbox documentation for the steps to install this libary.
To run the scripts, navigate inside the top-level directory, and execute:
python scripts/foobar_123/baz.py
Here, foobar_123
is the name of the folder (containing the paper information) inside scripts
and baz.py
is the name of the script (refer to the repository structure).