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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 34 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: ~ 45 mins

Moderator & Notes: Pooja Ranjan


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
34.1 Explore more for the selection of the email provider.
34.2 Wait for Angela to share what's next on Substack mailing.

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
34.1 Hudson will start paying out some of the older requests in the funding cat herders repository.
34.2 Edson will create another blog on the EIPIP survey to share the final results and learnings.
34.3 ECH may be involved for notes of EIP 1559 implementers meeting. Tim will let the group know about it.
34.3 Hudson will contact people on Moloch to unhold the account/post.


Thank you everyone for joining.

1. Email account for Cat Herders

Video 1:30

Pooja: A little background on this item. It is coming from discussion in the telegram channel in EIPIP group and ECH group about a generic email for Cat Herders. The suggestion is to create domain-specific email account such as "" or something via zoho or ProtonMail business account. Thoughts?

Brent: Could you clarify?

Pooja: For Zoho, they provide 5GB free for an email account and allows upto 3 email with a domain whereas ProtonMail charges around 5 USD per month per email.

William: For ProtonMail, there are two different plans - full year or month plan for one custom domain name. If we want it for more than one custom domain name, then, I think it is 6 euro per month but I've to double check it.

The real question is about the level of security we need to have on the email. I mean it has information coming across the email probably is worth it to pay. I just don't know if that's an email going to be seeing anything secure or not, I doubt. I also don't know much about security in zoho but generally if the email is free I'm a bit suspicious about it. What that means that whoever is controlling the server can see.

Hudson: Zoho, I'm seeing it is $1 a month, are you sure it's free cuz I'm not seeing a free plan.

Pooja: Yes, I use it.

William: For custom domain too?

Pooja: Yes.

Hudson: I'm looking at the security features of Zoho. and it seems sufficient to me based on my limited experience. Yeah it looks okay to me. I think Zoho is fine if it's cheaper, that's better and worst case we switch, if we realize we want to upgrade to something else.

Pooja: Okay, I would like to go back and double-check with that because I know I use it for free when I start and if they have started charging $1 or so, I can confirm that. But I think it'll be cheaper.

Hudson: For how many people do we actually email out stuff too ?

William: I think there's also a question of it becoming a portal though; like if we were looking for the cat herders. I mean I'm not sure it's just a question of what we send out probably also it comes in.

Hudson: Yeah, that’s a good point. I am good with either one.

Brent: Also if you have to send something secure you can use It will send secure encrypted email all for free. I have an account where we send our cryptographic keys around with our people that work with Canonizar, if you want to send some secure and you don't trust Zoho security, that's a possibility.

Hudson: It also says email sharing in Zoho. I don't know what that means. After exploring it more we can bring it up in the chat.

Pooja: Sounds good. This is just a proposal and we already have answered the first question that we need an email. We’ll explore more and bring it back.

William: Yeah or at least experiment with it cuz it might be another useful way for people to get in touch with us.

Pooja: I agree.


  • 34.1— Explore more for the selection of the email provider.
  • 34.2— Wait for Angela to share what's next on Substack mailing.

2. Upgrading Cat Herders multisig wallet

Video 8:07

Pooja: This item is under discussion for the past few meetings. A few meetings back, Hudson Jameson suggested upgrading the Cat Herders multisig wallet to the latest version of the Gnosis wallet. As per my recollection, most of the group members are in favor of this. Today, can we decide on some next steps and a target date?

Hudson: Oh yeah, there's a multisig chat and Telegram and I already talked to some of them. I've upgraded it, I posted in Zoom chat. I like the new interface more, it's cleaner and I've only put in 500 DAI and a 100 USDC and we're going to make sure that we can effectively transfer out tokens and then it's a clean process and everyone can use it before I put more coins in there but I do want to start paying out some of the older things in the funding cat herders repository. So I'll get with people today to do that.

Pooja: Thank you, Hudson!

Tim: Should the addresses from the previous multisig already work?

Hudson: yep if you were using the previous one you can do the exact same as using it for this one.

Tim: Is there a way I can check if it actually works? I'm on the URL right now.

Hudson: If you got a URL and then login with metamask or whatever you were using

Tim: Okay, got it. Thanks!

Action item

  • 34.1— Hudson start paying out some of the older requests in the funding cat herders repository.

3. ECH update

Video 10:11

3.1 Substack mailing

I do not see Angela or Sachin on the call to provide update on this. Overview - last week Angela shared content for Substack mailing with the group on the telegram. That was for one of the ACD meeting but unfortunately could not publish to avoid the confusion as we had another meeting in the meantime. Waiting on Angela to share what's next on this.

3.2 Medium Blogs

Pooja: Currently, I and Tim are writing the ECH biweekly update. I want to check if anyone from the group is interested to share the updates. Let us know here or outside the meeting.


  • 34.2— Wait for Angela to share what's next on Substack mailing.

4.Ethereum Cat Herders - Promotion and Positioning (in the Ethereum community) initiatives

Placing Community Promotion Ads at Ethereum Stack Exchange

Video 11:43

Pooja: Edson created some logo or image for the placement of the ads at Ethereum Stack Exchange. Edson to share the result of final selection.

Edson: Looks like the result was the one with the logo and with the white background. I put it in the chat.

Pooja: I can see William on the call too. May I request you to sync together and place the ads, if it isn't done already.

William: Sorry I was away for a bit. Is this about the Ethereum Stack exchange Community add thing?

Pooja: That’s correct.

William: Okay fine! yeah I've been just my head's been out of that for a bit so that's probably on me. What's the next step?

Pooja: Placing the ads.

William: Okay so then I mean any of us could do it. If anybody wants me to do it, I can do it. I just need to know which image?

Edson: I posted the image in chat in the telegram group.

William: Okay but I can also see it in the Gitter?

Pooja: Yes.

William: I’ll try and take care of that.

Pooja: Thank you William and Edson.

William: (Later in the meeting). It is up now!


Video 13:53
Pooja: We had a meeting last week. If I remember correctly, Edson is planning to share the final result.

Edson: I mean yeah I can do a post-mortem of the survey sharing the final results and what we could have done better at what we learned from the process during the survey.

Pooja: Would you be planning to come up with another blog?

Edson: Yeah, I was thinking of another Medium article.

Pooja: Sounds good! I have one more update. After this EIPIP meeting, I had another meeting with James H., the HF coordinator. For some reason, he is not able to join the ECH meeting on a regular basis but we agreed to connect maybe weekly or bi-weekly to share update what we're doing here (ECH) and what where we can be helpful for the upgrade process.

Two major things discussed are a) EIP repo clean up - I think it would be more relevant to bring it up in the next EIPIP meeting after the decision on the EIP process that we are currently discussing in that meeting. b) the Postmortem template that I have been working for a while. Sharing the link in the chat. It is a template and I would love to get some feedback on it. This is just a basic information we might want to convert into a kind of informational EIP that we agreed upon in one of the EIPIP meetings and may want to add it after the Berlin upgrade in the EIP Section.

Hudson: I will have to look it a little further after the meeting.

Pooja: That is fine, I just wanted to share the template.

Tim: Same as Hudson.

Pooja: Thank you Hudson & Tim for the feedback. Feel free to add comments.


  • 34.2— Edson will create another blog on the EIPIP survey to share the final results and learnings.
Video 17:45

Next meeting is planned on the coming Thursday. Two critical requirements with us are:

  1. Fund raising for the bounty
  2. Selection of the event.

Pooja: I contacted EthGlobal team and Trent said that this has to be a part of a major event. Currently, the ongoing hackathon (Money Hack) will be concluded in the first week of June and they do not have immediate visibility for the next event. We would be looking for other event organizers as well.

Tim: I am keeping an eye out for events that it could be good fit for. I think it would be easier for people to pay for the bounty if we have a specific event.

Another thing related to this, we are going to have another 1559 implementers meeting this Thursday. I wonder what is general thought on the notes taking for this one?

Pooja: There is no problem in allocating a resources from ECH for this meeting. I am available for this week's as I am not planned for Eth2 meeting. If required, a schedule can be created for future meetings.

Tim: These are adhoc meetings, happens once a month maybe. I will let people know by today or tomorrow.

Pooja: Sure!


  • 34.3— ECH may be involved for notes of EIP 1559 implementers meeting. Tim will let the group know about it.

7. Cat Herders funding through Ecosystem Support Program & Moloch DAO

Video 21:27

Pooja: We are waiting to hear from the ESP. Meanwhile, I submitted a post at Moloch Discourse but unfortunately my account is put on hold. Reached a member of Moloch but he has to track the admin down. Unsure of other ways, any suggestions?

Hudson: Reach out to me after this call and I will try to connect with someone who might have the admin access.

Pooja: That is super helpful, thank you, Hudson!


  • 34.4— Hudson will contact people on Moloch to unhold the account/post.

8. Berlin upgrade

Video 22:54

Pooja: This EIP 2657 is created to track the YOLO ephnet which is proposed in the previous ACD meeting. It tracks the EIPs planned for this testnet. The client status is also being tracked in the Berlin Client Tracker. YOLO may have three stazes -

  1. Signal
  2. Spec
  3. Merge. So far, four clients have signaled participating in this testnet. Proposed date is May 26, 2020. However, unsure if it will actually deploy.

Pooja: The PR for Berlin meta is now accepted. Intend to keep it updated.

Hudson: I think, we should hold off providing more information on the YOLO testnet on ECH website.

Pooja: Agreed, currently the information is tracked in the EIP and the sheet mentioned earlier. People interested may track it. There is particular information about the ephnet is available on the Ethereum Cat Herders.

Hudson: Sounds good.

9. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Video 28:08

Pooja: We do not see any new item. Hudson would you want to close this item converting SAI to DAI?

Hudson: I added comment with latest information. I do not want to close this until the transfer is complete from the old to new wallet.

Pooja: I see there are some open items by James, planning to discuss it with James to close. I will try to provide async information of discussion at both meetings.

Pooja: Hudson earlier mentioned that he would be taking care of.

10. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Video 29:37

Pooja: A request to group to submit the notes within three to five days and give an advance notification of absence.

Brent: Jim and I aren't really good in doing technical notes like Eth 2.0 and ACD meetings and unable to meet this deadlines. We can meet the deadline for EIPIP meetings and the ECH meetings.

Pooja: That's fair and understandable. if you would like to take up notes for EIPIP and ECH only, we can schedule you accordingly.

Brent: Yeah, that would be great and when someone needs replacement or can't make it then we will jump in to do it occasionally. That could work for us.

Pooja: That sounds perfect. We re-schedule it accordingly.

Brent: That would be great, thank you!

11. Any Other Business

Hudson: Shout out to Edson who pointed me to Ethereum and EF related name on Twitch which weren't owned by anybody. I reached out to Twitch and they said that my trademark complaint was legitimate and they are giving me access to some Ethereum and Ethereum Foundation name there. That's kind of work in coordination of work that Cat Herders are doing for YouTube take down, it's been me and Edson. 21-25 YouTube channels are taken down for impersonating Ethereum.

All: Great work!

Edson: It's great to hear that we got Twitch name.

Hudson: It was easier than I thought.

Pooja: Another thing that I missed out earlier related to EIPIP meeting that I discussed with James was review schedule.

The date for the next meeting - June 09, 2020



  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Jim Bennet
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Tim Beiko
  • William Schwab

Next Meeting Date

June 09, 2020, 14:00 UTC.