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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 49

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 5 January 2021 at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 45 minutes

[Video not available]

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Jim Bennett


DECISION 49.1: Create bounty to create an ECH website

DECISION 49.2: Increase payment for notes for ECH (30-60 mins) - $50, for EIPIP (60 mins) - $100, for ACD/Eth2/1559 (90 mins) - $150.

DECISION 49.3: Convert 5 ETH to pay for notes

DECISION 49.4: Create a separate EIP-1559 discussion channel in ECH Discord

Pooja Welcome to the Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 49. It is the first meeting in 2021. So, Happy New Year everyone! The first item on the agenda is

1. Review 2020: The Ethereum Cat Herders

Pooja We published a blog summarizing what we did in the past two years. It highlights our area of contribution - more than notes, including, upgrades support, documentation, EIPIP, outreach, etc. I’d like to thank the community & ECH members for continuous support.

2. New community participants Ethereum Cat Herders

Pooja We’ve received a few onboarding forms suggesting they are interested in supporting Ethereum Cat Herders. Some of them reached out following the latest blogs. Most of the interest is towards the EIP governance process. I welcome all the community members.

Is anyone new to the call would like to introduce?

Shane Hi! I am Shane and I am one of the participants to reach out to. I am mostly on Reddit and Twitter and interested in following EIPs. Found ECH as a good place for this information and want to help.

Pooja Thank you for joining Shane!

Hudson Welcome, Shane! We have the EIPIP meeting every other Wednesday, where we talk about EIP and other processes, feel free to join in.

Pooja I’ll share the information on the ECH Discord.

3. Progress on ECH website and contents at

Pooja: From the past two meetings, we’ve been discussing contributing to the website. The Cat Herders have some information related to developers’ meeting and network upgrades and we’d like to make it available for the community. From earlier meetings, Sam from the team suggested a few options where we can contribute. "History" page, which essentially is a "Network upgrades" page: One option might be to work off that & revamp it to meet their needs "Community" page: Maybe we build out a subpage (e.g. where they maintain a list of ECH resources for new devs to get involved with the client developer community (i.e. listing meeting schedules & notes) Developers docs section ( perhaps meeting links/pages could fit within there.

Hudson I think the first step would be to create the doc with separate contents.

Pooja I already have the doc, but will try to collect contents for separate sections. I will get it done sooner.

In the last meeting, most of the people leaned towards having and managing a separate ECH website along with contents at Now that we're planning in that direction, I'd like to focus on getting this remodeling sooner rather than later. Berlin upgrade is closing by, we'd like to make information available at the Cat Herders website, can we target to revamp the website in the next 4-6 weeks?

I was thinking to invite participation from other members or community to proceed with the ECH website on the current domain that we have and give it a new look. I may not be good with estimates. Can we have some estimates on efforts, funds that we should put out for bounty for this job? The good news is we've funds for this task, thanks to Moloch Grant. Now we can even put out a bounty to speed up.

William I know someone, maybe I can get back to you on the estimate offline? Disclosure, I work with that company. 4-6 weeks seems like a fair timeline, as the task doesn’t seem that complex atm.

Pooja I have a rough prototype, maybe something closer but better than this because I am not that good at designing. I’ll share that.

It is good to have people you can trust, but I am more towards opening it to the community as a bounty to finish it sooner. Thoughts?

William I am not sure if we can get the quality work done with new/unknown people.

Shane I am involved in web development, not for Ethereum specifically but in general. As I spend a good amount of time on Reddit and I can say that you’ll good respond to such bounty on Twitter and Reddit. Also, 4-6 weeks sounds good.

Pooja Okay, then will work on the estimate and try to put the bounty out soon. I’d appreciate reaching me if someone would like to add something to the website or improve the look.

4. Events coordination

Pooja Since last year, we’re trying to work with event organizers to get speakers for topics of active discussion. In this direction, we’re reached by EEA for monthly educational series to us to have a presentation on the EIP process.

I and Matt Garnett (Lightclient) will be talking about "The EIP Standardization & The Network Upgrade Process + The Top Five ERCs and EIPs to Pay Attention to in 2021". It would be a good opportunity to catch up on the latest changes in the process and learn about new EIPs to pay attention to. This online event is on Jan 13, will share more on this soon.

Brent At what time, I would like to join?

Pooja At noon ET on 13th, will share more on it soon.

Next is Eth CC 4. Dates are out April 6-8. Curious to know if someone is planning to attend and wants to represent Cat Herders?

In Eth CC 3, a workshop was conducted by ECH members Tim, William & Helena, followed by a blog by William "How Can We Onboard Newcomers to Ethereum Better?", it is a good summary of the workshop and feedback obtained. It is published with Ethereum Cat Herders Medium, so check it out.

Brent Had it not been Covid, I would have gone.

William I am still up in the air.

Hudson Same here. Not decided.

Pooja Well if anyone decides, the form for the speaker participation is out.

5. Meeting notes - payout revision

I propose to increase the payout for 90 minutes meeting - ACD, Eth2, 1559 from 100 DAI to 150 DAI in tomorrow's meeting. I think these are complicated notes and payment is the same as 60 mins meeting as EIPIP.

Recently, we received a few onboarding forms, which will be a good opportunity to engage new people. Also, would be fair.

William Can it be $125?

Pooja Any specific reason?

William Would be a good precedent to revise with $25.

Brent Sorry, once I hear 50 then 15?

Pooja Apologies, I meant 50, 150.

William I am fine then.

Brent Do not decrease it William:)

William Sorry, I am fine then, I misunderstood it.

Pooja Sorry about the confusion, I meant for ECH (30-60 mins) - $50, for EIPIP (60 mins) - $100, for ACD/Eth2/1559 (90 mins) - $150.

Hudson Sounds good to me. As per the budget to cover the cost, I propose to use some ETH. As per my calculation, for a year, it would increase the budget for meeting notes by 3000. We can easily make room for this cost by converting (5 or a few) ETH at the present rate.

Hudson Didn’t you hear ETH is going to be 10K

Pooja Oh! I did :)

Brent I have no issue.

William If we plan to do so, we need to do it quickly.

Pooja Right, we will come to it again in the later part of this meeting. Before we move on, a reminder on the submission timeline for new people - please visit the calendar frequently to follow your schedule. If unavailable or would not be able to finish within the set timeline, please announce in the meeting notes discord channel. We'd like the resource to transcribe notes as far as possible, to be present in the meeting if possible to capture zoom chat conversation and participants. We'd like to be following the recommended timeline of submission within 3 days, (5 days in case of longer notes). After 5 days, it will be open for other members to finish it in the next 3 days. Feel free to reach me for questions & concerns.

6. Peep an EIP

Pooja In Dec, we had recorded an episode on "Potential direction on new EIPs" with Nick Johnson, the recording is available on ECH YouTube. It has a good conversation on EVM and thoughts on EIP process. Tomorrow Jan 06 at 1:30 pm ET for EIP-3102: Binary trie structure & EIP-2584: Trie format transition with overlay trees with Guillaume Ballet. Join us if you want to learn about the proposal and have questions.

7. Cat Herders funding

Pooja We received the 2nd tranch of 1559 outreach of 1500 DAI. William & Alita, I've seen you've added efforts but there is no funding request yet, so feel free to create one when you get a chance.

William I will have to check again. Will see if something can be requested.

Pooja Cool! About funding new notes payouts, we might need Hudson's help to convert some ETH to USDC or stable coin as soon as possible.

Currently, ETH is at a very high price, does it make sense to liquidate some to the stable currency. This would give us room to initiate some new activities. Also, we're going to have upgrade outreach soon. We can maybe fund other members (excluding me) of Cat Herders for being involved and participate in the outreach and other surveys that we may undertake in the future?

We've about 41 ETH. For notes, we are funded by Moloch. The last request was in July for a year. If we liquidated 3-5 ETH now, we should be covered till Dec. even with new payouts. Considering the ETH price when we got funding and today, I am thinking of liquidating 10 ETH so that we can make a good room for other initiatives. Thoughts?

Hudson Liquidating for notes till Dec, no brainer. But, I am not sure of the total numbers that should be liquidated now? Might want to reach other multisig holder on this.

Lane Who are the other multisig holder?

Hudson I, Charles, Tim, Pooja

Pooja I’ll take this as an action item and will mention it in the multisg channel.

Hudson Sounds good!

8. 1559 discussion channel on ECH Discord?

Pooja Recently, we received a request of having a separate EIP-1559 discussion channel in ECH discord. Personally, I think would be helpful to have the community discussion, for simple Q&A. Would be helpful in outreach, people can exchange thoughts and the best part would be it will save the technical channel with other not so technical discussions. Curious to know other thoughts?

Hudson Did we receive any such request?

Shane That’s me with my discord handle. I’ve seen a lot of misguiding discussions on the Reddit and questions that people might want to know from a semi-official channel. I think it would be helpful to have a separate channel.

William We’re not losing anything but will get traction.

Hudson Yeah, we can go ahead with that.

Pooja Happy to create a channel. I just wanted to not create a distraction from the main EIP-1559 channel that we have at the Eth R&D discord.

Will create a channel for EIP-1559 at ECH discord.

9. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

ethereum-cat-herders/PM Pooja I don’t see any new issues.

Hudson One I am working on.


Pooja For funding, I see one from Avishek. Avishek, the payout is 50 USD for ECH notes, I’ve created a transaction, need the approval of one more multisig signer and then it will be paid out.

Pooja Avishek is a new contributor to notes, Avishek would you like to introduce yourself?

Avishek I work with an IT company as PMO team member. Interested in contributing and reached out to Pooja for notes. I would like to continue contributing.

Pooja Thanks Avishek, for joining us.

10. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Meeting 48 DECISION 48.1: After Holidays, coming up with a google document where we list out data for and data for Ethereum Cat Herders website. - Pooja will work on it. DECISION 48.2: Pooja to create an issue on the Ethereum Cat Herders pm repo about the website update. - Pooja will update soon with bounty. DECISION 48.3: Hudson to convert wrapped ETH to ETH, USDC and DAI in equal proportion. - Completed DECISION 48.4: Pooja to publish EIP status blog on ECH Medium - Completed DECISION 48.5: Edson to submit blog on EIP editors - Will wait for Edson to update on this.

Pooja That is all from the agenda. Anyone would like to share or discuss anything else?

William I mentioned it a few weeks ago, I’d like to start reaching members who were active earlier and try to bring them to be active again.

Pooja That would be great, I know, you’ve been here since the beginning, yet if you need help with anything, let me know.

William Sure!

Pooja Anything else anyone would like to share?

Thank you all for joining, today. See you all in two weeks The date for the next meeting - Jan 19, 2021


  • Avishek
  • Brent Allsop
  • Jim Bennett
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Pooja Ranjan (Host)
  • Shane
  • William Schwab

Date for Next Meeting: January 19 at 1500 UTC