This repo contains the codes for our paper "Semi-supervised Few-shot Atomic Action Recognition". Please check our paper and project page for more details.
Our learning strategies are divided into two parts: 1) train an encoder with unsupervised learning; 2) train the action classification module with supervised learning. Regarding the encoder our model provides fine-grained spatial and temporal video processing with high length flexibility, which embeds the video feature and temporally combines the features with TCN. In terms of classification module, our models provides attention pooling and compares the multi-head relation. Finally, the CTC and MSE loss enables our model for time-invariant few shot classification training.
pytorch >= 1.5.0
torchvision >= 0.6.0
numpy >= 1.18.1
scipy >= 1.4.1
vidaug >= 0.1
- Clone the repo
- Install required packages
- Download trained models to
(Optional) - Download the datasets (Optional)
As mentioned in the intro, our model training has two parts.
Here we use MoCo. However, this part can be done by actually any unsupervised learning tool.
First clone MoCo. Then do the following copy & replace:
cp '<REPO_DIR>/moco/' '<MOCO_DIR>/moco/'
cp '<REPO_DIR>/moco/{,,,,,}' '<MOCO_DIR>/'
You are recommended to first read the instruction of MoCo to know more about how it works, then input the relevant paths to
and start your training. You will need to use
to split the trained model (a .tar file) to a c3d.pkl
and tcn.pkl
for the next step.
Load your pretrained C3D and TCN models and continue.
python3 -d='./splits/<YOUR_DATASET>.json' -n='<EXP_NAME>'
python3 -d='./splits/<YOUR_DATASET>.json' -c='<CHECKPOINT_DIR>'
We use three atomic action datasets.
Dataset splits and json files can be found under <REPO_DIR>/splits
, see example dataset jsons or use the scripts there to generate your own. If you want to use other datasets, make sure it has a <DATASET>/<SPLIT>/<CLASS>/<VIDEO>/<FRAME>
This repo makes use of some great works. Our appreciation for
Please refer this paper as
author = {Sizhe Song, Xiaoyuan Ni, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang},
title = {Semi-supervised Few-shot Atomic Action Recognition},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08410},
year = {2020},