Because the robot is programmed in Java, a solid understanding of Java is required before starting to code the robot.
If you are new to code, don't worry! There are many ways to learn Java basics:
- CodeHS: This course is customized for Scarlett Robotics. Go through Units 2 and 3.
- Sololearn: Take the "Introduction to Java" course, omitting the "Arrays" section.
- Codecademy: Take the "Learn Java" course, omitting the "Arrays and ArrayLists" and "String Methods" sections.
- W3Schools: Go through "Java Tutorial" (everything except "Java Arrays") and "Java Methods".
- YouTube: Go through the video, skipping the "Arrays", "ArrayLists", and "HashMaps" sections.
While there are some concepts that aren't needed for Scarlett Robotics, you're free to learn extra information for your own benefit!