- #
- Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics FTC Wiki!
+ #
+ Welcome!
Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics FTC Wiki. We are a High School FIRST Tech Challenge Team based out of Calgary, Alberta. Our team numbers are 20718 and 22531.
The wiki is seperated into sections coresponding to different aspects of our FTC team. These sections corespond to our "sub-teams".
@@ -322,11 +324,11 @@
Work In Progress
This Wiki is still a work in progress. There may be issues with the current content, or may be missing important details.
This Wiki is still a work in progress. There may be issues with the current content, or may be missing important details.
+Please contact the team on Slack for suggestions/requests.
Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics Team wiki. Our group is made up of 4 sub-teams: Design, Build, Code and PR. In each sub-team you will learn various skills and methods to design, build, wire and code. Each sub-team has specific roles and tasks to complete.
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index 5b89624..911ca76 100644
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-[[{"i":"welcome-to-the-scarlett-robotics-ftc-wiki","l":"Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics FTC Wiki!","p":["This Wiki is still a work in progress. There may be issues with the current content, or may be missing important details.","Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics Team wiki. Our group is made up of 4 sub-teams: Design, Build, Code and PR. In each sub-team you will learn various skills and methods to design, build, wire and code. Each sub-team has specific roles and tasks to complete."]},{"i":"buildelectrical","l":"Build/Electrical","p":["Build team assumes the role of the constructors of the team. They build the robots frame and various subsystems. They are also responsible for wiring the robot. Often seen in their natural habitat surrounded by tools and metal. They communicate through a series of grunts and metal screeching sounds."]},{"l":"Code","p":["The Code sub-team are entrusted with making the robot have a brain. Often communicating through beeps and robotic screeching. Do not enter their workspace without energy drinks and sugar."]},{"l":"Design","p":["Design is our sub-team responsible for 3d modelling our parts, running the 3d printers and running simulations of the robot. They are a subgenus of the Code genus."]},{"l":"Public Relations","p":["The PR team is in charge of creating and maintaining connections within our school and local communities, as well as contacting sponsors and running fundraisers. Insert funny sentence here.[!button icon=\"arrow-right\" iconAlign=\"right\" text=\"Learn More\"](/public relations)"]}],[{"l":"Code","p":["The code team is an integral part to the team. As a member of code team, you will be required to:","Write code for the robot in Java","Help develop ideas for the robot","Communicate with Build, Electrical, Design, and Drive Team when making decisions","Test the code written to find bugs and issues","Implement fixes to any problems that occur along the way","The code used for the robot uses more advanced Java features (such as Object-Oriented Programming), which is not taught in CS until Computer Science 30.","Members on code team are expected to be able to bring in their own laptop to use for code. While the team does have two laptops available, they may be used by another sub-team (such as Design)."]}],[{"l":"Git","p":["Git is what is known as a version control system. It allows for multiple people to work together on a single project, syncronizing changes, and merging changes to a central copy of the code.","To get started with git:","Install git on your computer","Install git-scm","Launch the file and follow the graphical installation steps. There are a lot of options, but the defaults should be fine for you.","run git --version in your terminal. If you don't already have it installed, a prompt will appear to install it. SImply follow the on-screen instructions.","Install the git package using your package manager.","Debian (and derrivatives): sudo apt install git Arch Linux (and derrivatives): sudo pacman -S git Fedora (and derrivatives): sudo dnf install git-all LFS & Gentoo: You're on your own","Clone the git repository for the team code. This changes every year. If you are unsure as to the repo url, ask the code team head.","git clone url (location). Note that url is required, while (location) is optional","The code is now on your computer. You can now open the code in Intellij Idea"]}],[{"l":"Installing Intellij","p":["Intellij is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that we will be using to write code for the robot. The Download links and installtion steps can be found per platform below:","Download the installer from: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows( If you have a ultimate license, you can use the ulimate edition. If not, use the community edition.)","Launch the installer and follow the graphical installation steps.","Download the installer from: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=mac. Make sure you downlaod the correct DMG version depending whether you are using an Alple Silicon Mac or an intel Mac.( If you have a ultimate license, you can use the ulimate edition. If not, use the community edition.)","Open the DMG file and drag the icon to the applications folder.","If you are using one of the following distros, simply install the following packages using your package manager or AUR helper of choice:","Ubuntu Classic Snap: intellij-idea-community","Arch Linux (AUR): intellij-idea-ce","Other Distros:","Download the tarball at: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=linux(not wget or curl friendly)","Extract the tarball on your system tar -xzf idea-(version).tar.gz","Ensure idea.sh has execute permissions chmod +x idea.sh","Run idea.sh ./idea.sh"]}],[{"l":"Getting Started","p":["Start by installing the required software and cloning the code. Getting Started Getting Started"]}],[{"l":"Build","p":["The build team is an integral part to the team. As a member of build team, you will be required to:","Work with tools, materials, and other parts to build the robot","Help develop ideas for the robot","Communicate with Code and Design when making decisions","Wire the robot's electrical systems","Work closely with Design team to ensure any designs work on the physical robot.","Because power tools and other dangerous equipment is used while building the robot, safety is a top priority. Horseplay is strictly forbidden."]}],[{"l":"Design","p":["The design team is an integral part to the team. As a member of design team, you will be required to:","Use 3D-modeling software to design the robot.","Use 3D-modeling software to design parts for the robot.","Become familiar with the 3D printer.","Work closely with Build team and Electrical team to ensure any designs work on the physical robot.","The design team is crucial to the success of the team. Designs are used to test ideas before they are implemented, allowing for rapid prototyping."]}]]
\ No newline at end of file
+[[{"i":"welcome","l":"Welcome!","p":["Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics FTC Wiki. We are a High School FIRST Tech Challenge Team based out of Calgary, Alberta. Our team numbers are 20718 and 22531.","The wiki is seperated into sections coresponding to different aspects of our FTC team. These sections corespond to our \"sub-teams\".","This Wiki is still a work in progress. There may be issues with the current content, or may be missing important details. Please contact the team on Slack for suggestions/requests."]},{"i":"buildelectrical","l":"Build/Electrical","p":["Build team assumes the role of the constructors of the team. They build the robots frame and various subsystems. They are also responsible for wiring the robot. Often seen in their natural habitat surrounded by tools and metal. They communicate through a series of grunts and metal screeching sounds."]},{"l":"Code","p":["The Code sub-team are entrusted with making the robot have a brain. Often communicating through beeps and robotic screeching. Do not enter their workspace without energy drinks and sugar."]},{"l":"Design","p":["Design is our sub-team responsible for 3d modelling our parts, running the 3d printers and running simulations of the robot. They are a subgenus of the Code genus."]},{"l":"Public Relations","p":["The PR team is in charge of creating and maintaining connections within our school and local communities, as well as contacting sponsors and running fundraisers. Insert funny sentence here.[!button icon=\"arrow-right\" iconAlign=\"right\" text=\"Learn More\"](/public relations)"]}],[{"l":"Code","p":["The code team is an integral part to the team. As a member of code team, you will be required to:","Write code for the robot in Java","Help develop ideas for the robot","Communicate with Build, Electrical, Design, and Drive Team when making decisions","Test the code written to find bugs and issues","Implement fixes to any problems that occur along the way","The code used for the robot uses more advanced Java features (such as Object-Oriented Programming), which is not taught in CS until Computer Science 30.","Members on code team are expected to be able to bring in their own laptop to use for code. While the team does have two laptops available, they may be used by another sub-team (such as Design)."]}],[{"l":"Git","p":["Git is what is known as a version control system. It allows for multiple people to work together on a single project, syncronizing changes, and merging changes to a central copy of the code.","To get started with git:","Install git on your computer","Install git-scm","Launch the file and follow the graphical installation steps. There are a lot of options, but the defaults should be fine for you.","run git --version in your terminal. If you don't already have it installed, a prompt will appear to install it. SImply follow the on-screen instructions.","Install the git package using your package manager.","Debian (and derrivatives): sudo apt install git Arch Linux (and derrivatives): sudo pacman -S git Fedora (and derrivatives): sudo dnf install git-all LFS & Gentoo: You're on your own","Clone the git repository for the team code. This changes every year. If you are unsure as to the repo url, ask the code team head.","git clone url (location). Note that url is required, while (location) is optional","The code is now on your computer. You can now open the code in Intellij Idea"]}],[{"l":"Installing Intellij","p":["Intellij is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that we will be using to write code for the robot. The Download links and installtion steps can be found per platform below:","Download the installer from: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows( If you have a ultimate license, you can use the ulimate edition. If not, use the community edition.)","Launch the installer and follow the graphical installation steps.","Download the installer from: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=mac. Make sure you downlaod the correct DMG version depending whether you are using an Alple Silicon Mac or an intel Mac.( If you have a ultimate license, you can use the ulimate edition. If not, use the community edition.)","Open the DMG file and drag the icon to the applications folder.","If you are using one of the following distros, simply install the following packages using your package manager or AUR helper of choice:","Ubuntu Classic Snap: intellij-idea-community","Arch Linux (AUR): intellij-idea-ce","Other Distros:","Download the tarball at: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=linux(not wget or curl friendly)","Extract the tarball on your system tar -xzf idea-(version).tar.gz","Ensure idea.sh has execute permissions chmod +x idea.sh","Run idea.sh ./idea.sh"]}],[{"l":"Getting Started","p":["Start by installing the required software and cloning the code. Getting Started Getting Started"]}],[{"l":"Build","p":["The build team is an integral part to the team. As a member of build team, you will be required to:","Work with tools, materials, and other parts to build the robot","Help develop ideas for the robot","Communicate with Code and Design when making decisions","Wire the robot's electrical systems","Work closely with Design team to ensure any designs work on the physical robot.","Because power tools and other dangerous equipment is used while building the robot, safety is a top priority. Horseplay is strictly forbidden."]}],[{"l":"Design","p":["The design team is an integral part to the team. As a member of design team, you will be required to:","Use 3D-modeling software to design the robot.","Use 3D-modeling software to design parts for the robot.","Become familiar with the 3D printer.","Work closely with Build team and Electrical team to ensure any designs work on the physical robot.","The design team is crucial to the success of the team. Designs are used to test ideas before they are implemented, allowing for rapid prototyping."]}]]
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diff --git a/sitemap.xml.gz b/sitemap.xml.gz
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Binary files a/sitemap.xml.gz and b/sitemap.xml.gz differ