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PerfLine is primarily a cortx Profiler. It has extended capabilities of running different benchmarks and microbenchmarks and other custom workloads in multi-user shared environment. It consists of three modules:

  • wrapper - Executables including report generator, statistic gather scripts
  • webui - Web server based PerfLine UI for interacting with PerfLine
  • ansible playbook - Ansible based PerfLine Installation


PerfLine can be installed from any machine. Below prerequisites must be satisfied to setup PerfLine or deploying PerfLine on a client:

  1. Please follow below link to deploy CORTX cluster using the services framework: service_framework

    Stable version of cortx-k8s repository has to be cloned into any directory (for example /root/deploy-scripts) of primary server node. It's recommended to use version v0.8.0 (commit d680cdacaf2e6b74745e913b38efcca354f3cc54) of cortx-k8s.

    NOTE: starting from cortx-k8s v0.1.0 the default s3 application is RGW. In case if you need to use s3server please use v0.0.22 (commit c4773d6fe7b6d1c2b76a69ea2ab0f9582fc660e0) of corxt-k8s and update S3_APP value of the perfline.conf file using command below:

    sed -i 's/S3_APP="rgw"/S3_APP="s3srv"/' ./roles/perfline_setup/files/perfline.conf
  2. Choose host machine, from which installation of PerfLine will be performed on remote machine. It can be any machine. Note: PerfLine won't be installed on the same host machine until unless you configured it on "hosts" file as mention in step 5.1

  3. Clone latest version of seagate-tools repo on your host machine.

  4. Ensure about Ansible package must be installed (ver. 2.9+) on host machine.

  5. Configure neccessary cluster details

    5.1. Update ./inventories/perfline_hosts/hosts file and set target cluster nodes dns-name/ip. Accordingly for nodes and client groups.

    Note: Here is no limit on adding cluster nodes. you can add as much you want.

    srvnode-1 ansible_host=<PRIMARY NODE-FQDN>
    srvnode-2 ansible_host=<SECONDARY NODE-FQDN>
    srvnode-3 ansible_host=<TERTIARY NODE-FQDN>
    client-1 ansible_host=<CLIENT NODE-FQDN>

    5.2 Update ./inventories/perfline_hosts/hosts file and set target ha_type.

    ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

    Note: For LR cluster below options would be required. But for LC setup, It should be ha_type=hare.

    • For Minimal(io-path components) configuration ha_type=hare.
    • For Complete cluster configuration ha_type=pcs.

    5.3 It will allow user to run perfline workload automatically like a cron jobs for a list of stable build. This workloads will run over the weekends( from friday mid night). If you do not want to enable daemon service then please mark it as "enable_daemon_service=no".


    5.4 It's mandatory to add root password for cortx cluster including client. Note : It's mandatory to use common password for all.


    5.5 Specify both cortx_k8s_repo and disk variables. Note : It's required only for LC setup.




  1. When prerequisites are satisfied you need to # cd to PerfLine directory and run: # ansible-playbook -i inventories/perfline_hosts/hosts run_perfline.yml -v

  2. Wait till ansible installiation finishes on provided nodes under location

    1. executables at /root/perfline
    2. results at /var/perfline
    3. log file at /var/log/perfline.log

Multiple Instance of PerfLine

  • If you want to install PerfLine into non-default directory you can specify PURPOSE.

  • Update value of the variable at PerfLine/roles/perfline_setup/vars/main.yml before playbook runs.

  • PURPOSE variable affects PerfLine directory, artifacts directory, log file location and systemd services names.

    For example: By default PURPOSE is an empty string. Setting the value of this variable to -dev will change: executables: /root/perfline-dev results: /var/perfline-dev log file: /var/log/perfline-dev.log systemd services names: perfline-dev, perfline-ui-dev

    Note : In case, if you want to install more than one version of PerfLine on the same cluster then you have to specify PURPOSE variable described above and change the value of perfline_ui_port variable which is specified in PerfLine/inventories/perfline_hosts/hosts file to guarantee that different instances of PerfLine use different ports for UI service.

Define own workload

As per need, Create a "<any name of your choice>.yaml" file inside /root/perfline/wrapper/workload directory. An example.yaml is already provided for user's reference.

'Build and deploy' feature

PerfLine allows to deploy a cluster using any prebuilt Cortx docker images (stable/custom). Also PerfLine is able to build custom Cortx images in case if user specifies list of commits and repos of the source code.

Deployment the cluster with prebuilt Cortx docker images

User may specify list of PODs and corresponding Cortx images to deploy. In that case PerfLine will update PODs and images in the solution.yaml file and redeploy the cluster.

Example of custom_build section in the workload.yaml file:


User may specify any Cortx images (stable/custom). But at the same time user is responsible for the correct choice of them. Cortx images have to be compatible with the current version of Cortx framework (cortx-k8s project). And they have to be compatible with the corresponding PODs as well. PerfLine doesn't take care about it. In case if specified images are not compatible with framework and/or PODs PerfLine task fails.

Deployment the cluster with 'patched' prebuilt Cortx docker images

From time to time developers want to check how their changes affect the behaviour of the cluster. In that case developers may to build custom Cortx images from the source code (using Jenkins job) and then to specify these images as described above. But building Cortx from source code takes up to several hours. In order to reduce time for testing patches PerfLine provides 'patch the prebuilt image' feature. An idea of this feature is not to build Cortx images from scratch but replace binary files of Motr/Hare in a prebuilt image with the binary files built by developer itself. For example developer has sources of Motr/Hare in the /root directory. Developer builds Motr/Hare projects using make commands. It takes less time than building Cortx docker images (especially once Motr/Hare are already build for the first time). As a result of make Motr/Hare directories contains binary files. These files will be copied into specified prebuilt Cortx docker image (actually a new temporary image will be created). Then PerfLine will redeploy the cluster.

Example of custom_build section in the workload.yaml file:

      motr_patch: /root/cortx-motr
      hare_patch: /root/cortx-hare

There is only difference from the previous example. It is motr_patch/hare_patch fields in the cortxdata POD description. In this case PerfLine will generate a new temporary docker image based on PerfLine will replace all Motr/Hare binary files in the temporary image with files located in the /root/cortx-motr and /root/cortx-hare directories. Then PerfLine will copy the image to all nodes and redeploy the cluster.

Note: User is responsible for building Motr/Hare manually before scheduling a PerfLine task. Also user is responsible for providing compatibility between Motr/Hare and other components/files in the base Cortx docker image. PerfLine doesn't provide any guarantee.

Temporary Cortx docker images are being used for deployment the cluster. Once task is finished all temporary images will be removed by PerfLine automtically.

Building Cortx docker images from the source code

PerfLine is able to build custom Cortx images from the source code and use them for deployment the cluster. In order to build Cortx images user has to provide list of commits/repos for required Cortx components.

For example:

      repo: ""
      branch: 7d8c1957
      repo: ""
      branch: 107dce0a93f84722936f2dd10bb5273402d45772
      branch: 04b3de2df1b8ebf4711e5984dd9908b62fa579a1
      repo: ""
      branch: e405edf
      branch: 27067f11608ddd2a7b5b5b0a7e5266b9472323a6
      branch: 9c2b067d0621b65e83ba2216490039d8dfa3862c

List of projects in the sources section may include any set of Cortx submodules (cortx-motr/cortx-hare/cortx-rgw/etc). Full list of Cortx submodules can be found here. Each project description in the sources section has to include repo field and branch field. repo field can be either an URL for a remote git repo or path to local directory on the primary PerfLine node. For example:

      repo: "/root/cortx-motr"
      branch: "my_feature_branch"

In the above example Motr repo specified as a local path. This local repo (on the primary PerfLine node) will be used as source code for Motr building.

branch field can contain either commit hash or branch name. For example:

      repo: ""
      branch: 7d8c1957
      repo: ""
      branch: my_feature_branch

In the above example Motr commit is represented by commit hash and RGW commit is represented by branch name. PerfLine will checkout specified commits/branches during 'build' phase.

Note : User is responsible for compatibility all Cortx components with each other.

Session feature

PerfLine utility has been initially designed for automatic workload runs without any user manual actions required. Practice shows that whenever PerfLine is used for development or debugging purpose, user may want to have an access to bootstrapped or running cluster in order to perform manual actions or actions that cannot be or hard to automate.

Purpose of Session feature is to extend PerfLine functionality to support manual user interaction when user explicitly specifies it in PerfLine job description file.

Like within a typical PerfLine run, user is required to specify job description file with PerfLine options and workloads. Manual action request shall be indicated as separate step of PerfLine workloads. When workload is determined, it is submitted to PerfLine using one of standard interfaces (i.e., CLI or WebUI).

# cd ~/perfline/wrapper
# emacs workload/my/task.yaml
# ./ -a < workload/my/task.yaml
[{"task_id": "707215b7-8af9-4d5f-a113-5e3020a886e3"}, {"state": "ENQUEUED"}]

PerfLine runs all standard steps of workload description and when manual action request is being processed, PerfLine blocks and waits user input.

User may use set of auxiliary scripts to wait (i.e. block) until PerfLine returns control to user back:

# cd ~/perfline/wrapper
# ./ "707215b7-8af9-4d5f-a113-5e3020a886e3"

When control is returned, user can perform manual actions on Cortx cluster, and once done, notify PerfLine to continue its run:

# ./ "707215b7-8af9-4d5f-a113-5e3020a886e3"

Manual action request can be specified as a following type workload of perfline job description file:

  - s3bench:
      BucketName: mybucket
      NumClients: 10
      NumSample: 100
      ObjSize: 4Mb
      SkipCleanup: true
      SkipRead: false
      SkipWrite: false
  - user_action:
      cmd: wait

Note : Skip options added as a part of optional parameters. In s3benchbenchmark, these options like SkipCleanup, SkipRead and SkipWrite are not a mandatory params


Order of workload definition and multiple iteration of same workload are allowed for benchmarks and workloads sections.

For ex:

  version: 1
  description: Perf benchmark example
  priority: 1
  batch_id: null
  send_email: false

#Either of the option you to choose like URL or IO-PATH components
  url: ""
    repo: ""
    branch: b64b1bba
    repo: ""
    branch: c482a593
    repo: ""
    branch: daddc4a

  iostat: false
  dstat: false
  blktrace: false
  glances: false

# List of benchmarks and parameters. This section must include
# at least one benchmark (custom/fio/s3bench/m0crate).
  - custom:
      cmd: sleep 1
  - lnet:
      LNET_OPS: read,write,ping              # user can pass value operation separated by ',' Ex: read,write,ping
  - fio:
      Duration: 600
      BlockSize: 8M
      NumJobs: 32
      Template: seq_read_fio       #Template for fio like seq_read_fio, seq_write_fio, randmix_80-20_fio, randmix_20-80_fio and rand_fio
  - iperf:
      Interval: 1
      Duration: 60
      Parallel: 2

  - custom:
      cmd: sleep 1
  - s3bench:
      BucketName: mybucket
      NumClients: 10
      NumSample: 100
      ObjSize: 32Mb
      SkipCleanup: true
  - m0crate:
      NR_THREADS: 2
      BLOCK_SIZE: 2m
      IOSIZE: 4m

  mkfs: false
  collect_m0trace: false
  collect_addb: false
  addb_duration: all
  analyze_addb: false
  backup_result: false

Note : benchmarks section is not supported on LC setup.

  • New option addb_duration is added in execution_options secton which will be resposible for collecting addb data for last N minute/second/hr or all.

    Ex: addb_duration: 5min

Starting workload

Workload can be started only from client_node machine For starting workload on a cluster you need to run tasks, which describing amount/size of files you want to upload/download and how many clients will perform load.

You can find examples of such tasks at /root/perfline/wrapper/workload After you choose/wrote task description, you need to # cd /root/perfline/wrapper and than run task with:

# ./ -a < workload/<example>.yaml


# python3 -a < workload/<example>.yaml

Additional info


After successful completion of ansible playbook, you should be able to access webui page from browser at "http://<client_ip>:8005".

  • At the main page you will see 4 graphs, that display the results of performance loads for different IO/Session sizes. Garphs can be generated only when you have some history of data on your machine.
  • At Queue page you will find current running tasks and short info about them.
  • At Results page you will be able to see all completed tasks, read/write results will be displayed as short description on results tab for each task. Tasks status, links to their artifacts and report page. If you go to report page you could see detailed report for completed tasks, including hardware, network, block devices, statistic sctipts infos.

8005 is a default port. If you want to change it, you should do it before perfline installation with these steps

  • Update 'perfline_ui_port' variable in 'inventories/perfline_hosts/hosts' as per your choice.

Note : Ensure that same port will not being used by any services on client machine.

Below option is only applied for LR setup

  • If you have different PUBLIC_DATA_INTERFACE_NAME other than data0|enp179s0|enp175s0f0|eth0 interface, then you have to provide PUBLIC_DATA_INTERFACE_NAME in roles/perfline_setup/vars/main.yml. These interface name will be going to use by iperf workload only.

Daemon services

This feature will allow user to run nightly build, test and run perfline workload for subsequent build number till date. It would be required to specify the build number to /root/perfline/wrapper/.latest_stable_build on client server. It's a one time activity. It will take the list of build above it and including "BUILDNO" value.



PerfLine is a tool, not a service, which is available to users to install and use at their own setups/machines. For multi-user use, PerfLine provide all required infrastructure with task/run queues and optional email notifications. But, It is outside scope of PerfLine to ensure that nothing runs outside of PerfLine infrastructure on user machines, when PerfLine is executing tasks/runs. This islolation is necessary for accurate data measurements / artifacts collection and must be ensured by user. If not ensured, results might have data which is adulterated unintentionally and accuracy compromised due to user machines being shared and used in parallel to PerfLine.

Known Issues


  • Perfline installation process will generate it's own key-pair, and it will add new identity file on "/etc/sshd/ssh_config" then it will run reload sshd service on all cortx servers. But we had noticed, Cortx cluster automatically reverted back to previous version of "ssh_config" file, which is responsible for connection lost.

  • Solution: This issues occurred due to puppet service. To solve this issues, Please run below command on all cortx servers:

    systemctl stop puppet
    systemctl disable puppet