This is the TurboRav full computer stack hobby project.
The end goal is a self-contained system consisting of a RISC-V processor core, assembler, compiler, and some graphical demo apps running on top. This can be considered an exercise in extreme Not Invented Here Syndrome.
Although third-party code-reuse is non-existant in this project, the use of external tools strives to be bleeding edge. Haskell is the chosen language for the compiler and Chisel as a Hardware Description Language.
As of november 2014 we are still building the hw infrastructure necessary to run a software stack on top of. So here we present only how to get started with hw-development.
Install Docker.
// Download a container with all the tools from Docker hub
docker pull sebomux/turborav
// Start the container with your local repository mounted from the container.
docker run -v /absolute/path/to/turborav/repo/on/your/machine:/mnt/turborav -it sebomux/turborav
// Run a RISC-V test for addition, and see build system usage.
scons build/test/riscv/add && scons --help
Peruse the issue-tracker to see if there is anything that interests you or create your own issue based on what you want to contribute with. But most importantly; have fun!
The tool flow is quite involved, luckily how to use the tools is encoded into the build system, and all the tools are found pre-installed in a docker container.
Verification is done using automated tests that generate junit.xml files for consumption by CI tools. The SaaS CI tool Travis runs all tests on every commit and the status can be seen here.
The SoC is verified at the unit and system level. Unit testing of HW modules is done with testbenches written in the very powerful scala language. These testbenches are located here.
System testing is done with C-code firmware running on the simulated SoC. When no external stimuli from outside the SoC is needed the test code consists solely of C-code. These are known as C-tests and can be found here. These firmwares can use printf's and assertions to report the test status. These firmware's will hopefully be portable to the FPGA platform once it is up and running.
When external stimuli is needed, e.g. a GPIO peripheral test, the test code consists of C-code running on the SoC and scala testbench code that wraps the SoC. These tests are known as hybrid tests because they are a hybrid of C-tests and Unit tests and can be found here.
The custom RISC-V CPU is verified using assembly tests from And also through the SoC system tests that run C-code programs.
Verification using the FPGA platform is not supported yet (currently [2016 easter] working on some clock frequency performance bugs). But automatic synthesis using only free and open source tools is supported through the scons build target build/synth/yosys/icoboard.
Development happens on the dev branch. When travis verifies that dev is green it will automatically update the master branch with the known good commits from dev.. Master is not updated directly by developers, but it can be branched off from if a developer wants a known good revision.
Topic branches are optional and will be tested by travis when pushed to github.
The below screenshot demonstrates what the development environment might look like when debugging TurboRav. On the top right hand side there is an assembly program that is assembled to the machine code seen below. This machine code is synthesized into the ROM and when simulated generates the waveform. The waveform is used to find out where things are going wrong and then the Chisel code is edited with the powerful IntelliJ IDE. Pretty neat huh?
Copyright (C) 2015 Sebastian Bøe, Joakim Andersson
License: BSD 2-Clause (see LICENSE for details)