Zhan.Shi @ 2016-2020
Random graph dataset generators.
-s <n>
: scale, generate 2^n vertices.-d <d>
: degree, generate 'd' edges per vertex in average.-r <s>
: seed, generate random edges using different pseudo-random sequence.-o <f>
: file, generate edge list as binary file.
Generated edges will output to console as strings if -o
is omitted.
ba [options]
-h: ask for help
-s: scale, default: 8
-d: degree, default: 8
-r: srand, default: current time
-o: output, default: console
er [options]
-h: ask for help
-s: scale, default: 8
-d: degree, default: 8
-r: srand, default: current time
-o: output, default: console
rmat [options]
-h: ask for help
-s: scale, default: 8
-d: degree, default: 8
-r: srand, default: current time
-o: output, default: console
sw [options]
-h: ask for help
-s: scale, default: 8
-d: degree, default: 8
-t: ratio, default: 0.01
-r: srand, default: current time
-o: output, default: console
Synthetic Graph based on Cloned Subgraphs connected by a Core Graph.
Assign consecutive vertex IDs to input graph, or permutate vertex IDs with a map file that holds pre-assigned IDs.
Remove duplicated, self-loop edges.
Generate adjacency matrix.