Developed a cross-platform Web Application to integrate all clubs and societies under MnC, SnT, etc., and College fests in a modular format. A separate feed was created for each club and community.
The main features of the app are -
- Upcoming events and workshop section.
- All club activities and achievements are posted publicly.
- Students' works posting and reviewing.
- Contact with Secys and Coordinators.
- Forums section for interacting with clubs.
- Access levels with restrictions based on the position of individuals.
More details about the application can be found at -
Implemented Library Management System in C++ language on command line interface using Object-oriented programming concepts.
List of functionalities:
- Implement Login Logout
- Professor, Student and Librarian are child classes of User class.
– Professor Can see all the books. Can see list of books s/he has. Can check if book is available for issue or not. Can issue infinite number of books. Can issue a book for 60 days. Fine is 5 rupees/day after due date.
– Student Can see all the books. Can see list of books s/he has. Can check if book is available for issue or not. Can issue at max 5 books. Can issue a book for 30 days. Fine is 2 rupees/day after due date.
– Librarian Can add/update/delete user or book. Can list down all books/users. Can check which book is issued to which user. Can check list of books issue to user.
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-----------------------WELCOME TO IIT KANPUR LIBRARY-----------------------
Choose your role :
1.Professor (Press 1 to select this role)
2.Student (Press 2 to select this role)
3.Librarian (Press 3 to select to role)
Press any other key and Enter to exit the application...
The implementation can be found at -
Built a classifier to classify emails as spam or non-spam. We used the Kaggle dataset Spam or Not Spam Dataset for this task.
Steps performed :
- Used the Bag-of-Words representation to process the text.
- Visualized the frequency of word-occurence in all the emails.
- Used SVM and K-Nearest Neighbour to build the classifier.
#### KNN Classifier with n_neighbors = 3 ####
Train Accuracy : 0.9254166666666667
Test Accuracy : 0.775
Train AUC Score : 0.9350768160648399
Test AUC Score : 0.8069168734491315
#### KNN Classifier with n_neighbors = 4 ####
Train Accuracy : 0.92375
Test Accuracy : 0.8083333333333333
Train AUC Score : 0.9158425573096233
Test AUC Score : 0.8080800248138958
#### KNN Classifier with n_neighbors = 10 ####
Train Accuracy : 0.9658333333333333
Test Accuracy : 0.9416666666666667
Train AUC Score : 0.9136877759632251
Test AUC Score : 0.854528535980149