Releases: SkillpTm/Somi-Bot
Created v3.1
Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V3.1
major changes:
- Somi's invites are now public, you can invite her with this link:
- Somi's code is now available for everyone to see on GitHub:
general changes:
- The bot now auto joins all new threads
- Most buttons can now only be pressed by the interaction user
- Updated to Python 3.12
changes to old regular commands:
- Added "All Options" button to /choose
- Removed visible users from /ping
- Removed the Reddit feed
- Removed the Reddit role
- Fixed all instances of the bot saying "username#0" :aSomiPray:
- Made lastfm commands' design more uniform
- Updated some info in /about
- Added details option to /spotify
- /weather now saves your last used location
- /lyrics has been fixed and should work again
new regular commands:
- Added /youtube which allows you to search for a YouTube video (shorthand: /yt)
- Added /lf track
- Added /lf album
- Added /invite
changes to old permission commands:
- /close and /open now pause/unpause invites
Created v3.0
Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V3.0
major changes:
- Somi now has a levelling system for activity
- Somi now has complete feature support across multiple servers
general changes:
- all success and error messages now have small colored embeds to make it easier to see what happened
- all buttons now disable, after they can't be used anymore and in sensible situations
changes to old regular commands:
- /help now has an input-field for commands that autocompletes
- /help now has information for ALL commands including mod-commands (which from here on out will be called Permission-Commands)
- /commandlist and /cl got removed, just use the build in commandlist from discord
- /customcommand is now /custom-command
- /cc got removed, there is now a shorthand search for /custom-command called "cc"
- /custom list is now /custom-list and has a search shorthand called "cl"
- removed /si and /ui and made them to be search shorthand to /serverinfo and /userinfo
- /keyword commands now have a search shorthand with "noti"
- keyword notifications now will only post a max of 1 image, to reduce pm spam
- /lf topalbum, /lf topartist, /lf toptrack now have the shorthands "tal", "tar", "tt" respectively
- /lf recent now has a search shorthand with "rc"
- /lf recent, /lf topalbums, /lf topartists, /lf toptracks now dispaly their pages on a button
- /lf profile now displays average plays/day
- /lyrics now has a search shorthand with "genius"
- removed /sf and gave /spotify a search shorthand with "sf"
- all /reminder commands now have a shorthand with "alarm"
- for the /reminder add time input you can now use years with "y" and weeks with "w"
- fixed an issue with /ping, where the visible users weren't displayed correctly
- fixed an issue where /weather wasn't displayed correctly on mobile
- all permission-commands are now hidden from users who can't use them to reduce suggestion spam
- the automatic link embed's timestamp is now the timestamp of the original message
new regular commands:
- added /lf artist
- added /levels info
- added /levels leaderboard (this has a shorthand has "top")
- added /levels rank
changes to old permission commands:
- /modcommandlist and /mcl got removed, just use the build in commandlist from discord
- made external logs more reliable and less filled with irrelevant information
- added an external mute/unmute log
- made it so that you can't ban/kick/mute someone with a higher role than you
- renamed /vcaccess to /vc-access
- added an action parameter to /vc-access to make it clearer what action you're taking
- for the /mute time input you can now use weeks with "w"
new permission commands:
- added /config audit-log-channel
- added /config default-role
- added /config hidden-channels
- added /config info
- added /config level-ignore-channels
- added /config level-roles
general info (mostly for Somicord mods):
- /reload, /restart, /shutdown and /rules are (currently) still available to you and exclusively to you
- modmail is still only for Somicord and kicking/banning someone will still make them not be able to use it
created v2.1
Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.1
changes to old commands:
- there is now 'suggestion' boxes for several commands, where I deemed fitting, this may be expanded to other commands later (ex: of current commands /keyword delete, /reminder delete etc.)
- The /help syntax is now more understandable (especially for sections with multiple commands)
- the /help select box will disable after 5min of not being used
- minor fixes regarding the Reddit and Spotify tokens expiring after a while
new commands:
- The Bot will now react on to the :SomiBestGrill: emote
- added /wolfram which allows you to ask queries to WolframAlpha
- added LastFm support with the following commands: /lf set | reset | profile | np (now playing) | recent | topartists | topalbums | toptracks
Mod Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.1
changes to old commands:
- there is now 'suggestion' boxes for several commands, where I deemed fitting, this may be expanded to other commands later (ex: of current commands /unban, /custom delete etc.)
new commands:
- added /rules to post an embed of a rule
that's it for mods
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1
created v2.0
Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.0
major changes:
- the bot is now locally hosted meaning rate limit timeouts shouldn't happen anymore
- the entire bot got rewritten (like 2x or 3x), it should now be much faster, more responsive and stable, while doing more, better
- all commands are now better at checking for edge cases and super large messages shouldn't break anything anymore
- the bot now collects anonymous use data, meaning I can see how often a command was used, but not when, by whom or with what input
changes to old commands:
- /help now is a singular command that will post a select box, there is no 'ALL' option anymore
- /c [commandname] got replaced with /customcommand (alias /cc) and an input field (all custom command names can be found in the description)
- /customlist is now /custom list
- /coinflip now has a little animation
- /bugs and /suggestions got replaced with /feedback, which uses a discord form instead of an input field
- /userinfo (and /ui) now support not inputing a user to get your data
- /serverinfo (and /si) now shows the currently online members of the server
- /about got updated and gives you a lot more information about Somi
- /invite got removed (there is now an invite section in /about)
- /ping now gives you more meta data
- all mod command's descriptions now start with [MOD]
- when writing a momail you now will be asked to actually submit the modmail
- the order of buttons in #roles has been changed
- /keyword delete now supports the 'ALL' option to remove all your keywords
- when receiving a keyword notification all mentioned keyword will now be listed (in favour of just the first) and pictures are not send individually anymore (reducing pm spam)
new commands:
sending a singular 'F' or :SomiF: will result in the bot reacting on that message
the same is true for the :SomiONLY: emote
/reminder add // delete // list have been added allowing you to get reminded about something
/spotify (alias /sf) now allow you to display what you are listening to (IF your Spotify is connected to your Discord, on the other hand a sign up isn't required)
/lyrics let's you post the genius lyrics of a song, you can either input the artist & song or just use it without anything (IF your Spotify is connected to your Discord)
/banner let's you display your (or someone else's) banner similarly to /avatar
/choose let's the bot decide something for you between 2-10 options
/color will show you what a color looks like, if you input a hex value
/weather will give you the current weather in the specified place
Somi will now post the r/Somi reddit feed into #reddit-feed
#roles now has a reddit role to get pinged on new posts on r/Somi
Mod Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.0
changes to old commands:
/unclose is now /open
/purge now posts a CSV of all deleted messages into the audit log
/ban and /kick now notify the user who got kicked/banned with a pm about this fact and (if provided) the reason
/ban and /kick now have an option to delete someone's messages (this has been limited to max 7 days by discord) the default is a day, you can set it to 0 though
banning or kicking someone (same for leaving) will delete their reminders and keywords, so don't use it to meme
modmails now will appear as user based threads and not as a message anymore (these threads will auto archive after 3 days, please don't delete them)
all logs now cover all forms of attachments and up to the nitro character limit
logs will now log the usage of other bot's mod commands (this includes regular discord features, like right click kicking), say you purge using Miso, there'll still be an audit log message with a CSV, this is true for all logs except muting someone
new commands:
- added /unban
- added a nickname log
- added /vcaccess allowing you to permanently add/remove someone from the VCs regardless of level roles
- added /slowmode (yes all mods are immune to slowmodes)
- if someone abuses Somi in a way to spam modmails (or similar) ban/kick them, this makes Somi not accept pms from them anymore
created v1.2
really deactivated db from from being in git
created v1.0
created v1.0