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created v2.1

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@SkillpTm SkillpTm released this 29 Oct 20:27
· 268 commits to master since this release

Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.1

changes to old commands:

  • there is now 'suggestion' boxes for several commands, where I deemed fitting, this may be expanded to other commands later (ex: of current commands /keyword delete, /reminder delete etc.)
  • The /help syntax is now more understandable (especially for sections with multiple commands)
  • the /help select box will disable after 5min of not being used
  • minor fixes regarding the Reddit and Spotify tokens expiring after a while

new commands:

  • The Bot will now react on to the :SomiBestGrill: emote
  • added /wolfram which allows you to ask queries to WolframAlpha
  • added LastFm support with the following commands: /lf set | reset | profile | np (now playing) | recent | topartists | topalbums | toptracks

Mod Patch Notes: Somi#6418 V2.1

changes to old commands:

  • there is now 'suggestion' boxes for several commands, where I deemed fitting, this may be expanded to other commands later (ex: of current commands /unban, /custom delete etc.)

new commands:

  • added /rules to post an embed of a rule

that's it for mods

Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1