SlimIO Command Line Interface. This tool has been created to help Developer and Integrator to work, design and scale the product easily.
- Node.js version 12 or higher
- Administrative privilege for some commands.
This package is available in the Node Package Repository and can be easily installed with npm or yarn.
$ npm i @slimio/cli -g
Or if you want to link the project yourself
$ git clone
$ cd CLI
$ npm ci
$ npm link
To configure the project you have to register (set) environment variables on your system. These variables can be set in a .env file (that file must be created at the root of the project).
To known how to get a GIT_TOKEN or how to register environment variables follow our Governance Guide.
$ slimio --help
# or
$ slimio -h
A complete CLI API is available on the Governance.
Name | Refactoring | Security Risk | Usage |
@slimio/addon-factory | Minor | Low | Programmatically generate a SlimIO Addon |
@slimio/async-cli-spinner | Minor | Low | Elegant Asynchronous Terminal (CLI) Spinner for Node.js |
@slimio/bundler | Minor | High | Core & Addons Archives bundler |
@slimio/config | Minor | High | Reactive and safe JSON Configuration loaded |
@slimio/core | Minor | High | SlimIO Core |
@slimio/installer | Minor | High | TBC |
@slimio/is | Minor | Low | JavaScript Type checker |
@slimio/json-diff | Minor | High | TBC |
@slimio/lazy | Minor | Low | Lazy evaluation on JavaScript Objects |
@slimio/lock | Minor | High | Node.js Semaphore for async/await |
@slimio/manifest | Minor | Low | Manage SlimIO manifest files |
@slimio/pretty-json | Minor | Low | Stdout beautified JSON in your terminal with colors |
@slimio/pretty-stack | Minor | Low | prettify stack-trace to stdout in TTY |
@slimio/stdin | Minor | Low | Interactive input crafted for REPL with history & auto-completion |
@slimio/tcp-sdk | Minor | Low | Communicate to the Socket Addon with TCP/IP |
@slimio/utils | Minor | Low | Bunch of useful functions |
@slimio/validate-addon-name | Minor | Low | Validate/Sanitize SlimIO Addons names |
cacache | Minor | High | Managing local key and content address caches |
dotenv | Low | Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables | |
fast-levenshtein | Minor | Low | An efficient Javascript implementation of the Levenshtein algorithm |
json-diff | Minor | High | Structural diff for JSON files |
kleur | Low | The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! | |
lodash.clonedeep | Minor | Low | Clone deep Objects |
make-promises-safe | Medium | Force Node.js DEP00018 | |
ms | Minor | Low | Convert various time formats to milliseconds. |
qoa | Low | Interactive CLI prompt | |
sade | Minor | High | Sade is a small but powerful tool for building command-line interface (CLI) |
yn | Minor | Low | TBC |