We will create three External Functions: first one for training and bulk prediction, second for deploying the model and third for invoking the model.
external function:create or replace external function train_and_get_recommendations(input_table_name varchar, output_table_name varchar) returns variant api_integration = snf_recommender_api_integration as '<TRAIN_ENDPOINT_URL>';
Fill in the
from the serverless output as shown below: -
Similarly, create the
by filling in the corresponding endpoint URLs from the Serverless output:create or replace external function deploy_model(model_name varchar, model_url varchar) returns variant api_integration = snf_recommender_api_integration as '<DEPLOY_ENDPOINT_URL>';
create or replace external function invoke_model(model_name varchar, user_id varchar, item_id varchar) returns variant api_integration = snf_recommender_api_integration as '<INVOKE_ENDPOINT_URL>';
Grant usage on the newly created External Functions to
role:grant usage on function train_and_get_recommendations(varchar, varchar) to role sysadmin; grant usage on function deploy_model(varchar, varchar) to role sysadmin; grant usage on function invoke_model(varchar, varchar, varchar) to role sysadmin;
Now that our Snowflake External Functions are deployed and the right persmissions are in place, its time to test the functions and see how we can trigger training and deployment of models right from Snowflake.
In the Snowflake UI, switch over to using the
role:use role sysadmin;
Review the newly created External Functions:
show external functions;
Trigger SageMaker training and bulk predictions and get top 10 ratings for each user in our target table.
create or replace table MOVIELENS.PUBLIC.user_movie_recommendations like MOVIELENS.PUBLIC.user_movie_recommendations_local_test; select train_and_get_recommendations('MOVIELENS.PUBLIC.ratings_train_data','MOVIELENS.PUBLIC.user_movie_recommendations');
The first parameter is the input table name that contains the training data. Second parameter specifies the output table name where the top 10 predictions for each user are to be stored.
To check the status of the training, check the
Training Jobs
section of the SageMaker console:Note: the training will take about 5-10 mins to complete.
Our training code not only trained a new model using the SVD algorithm but also performed bulk prediciton and calculated the top 10 movie recommendations for each user. To the view the top 10 recommendations, run:
select * from user_movie_recommendations limit 10;
When a user pulls up details for a movie, how do we get the predicted rating for this user/movie pair? We will have to use a real-time prediction endpoint for that. We can create this endpoint by using the model artifact produced by the training step above.
Switch to the SageMaker console and click on the training job name to view details. Scroll downd to find and copy the value of the model artifact.
Copy the S3 model artifact path from the previous step into the SQL below and run it to deploy the model as an API.
select deploy_model('movielens-model-v1', '<S3_MODEL_ARTIFACT>');
Check the
tab within the SageMaker console to view the status of the endpoint.Note: deploying an endpoint might take 5-15 mins.
While the endpoint in deploying, lets create some dummy data to test out the inference API:
-- create a table to hold pairs of users and movies where we DO NOT have a rating create or replace table no_ratings (USERID float, MOVIEID float); insert into no_ratings (USERID, MOVIEID) values ('1', '610'), ('10', '313'), ('10', '297'), ('5', '18'), ('5', '19');
Wait for the endpoint to get into "In Service" status.
Now we can call the deployed model using our
External Functions right from any SQL query like this:--real-time prediction for an individual movie for a particular user select nr.USERID, nr.MOVIEID, m.title, invoke_model('movielens-model-v1', nr.USERID, nr.MOVIEID) as rating_prediction from no_ratings nr, movies m where nr.movieid = m.movieid;
We will leave it as an exercise to automate this ML workflow. As new users and movies are added, the ML training, bulk prediction and model deployment can be automated.
Hint: You can use Continuous Data Pipelines in Snowflake to automate Tasks
which can call the External Functions we created above.
Congratulations - you've built a lot of stuff in a short time! We started by ingesting data in lab 1 and then building a custom training and inference docker image for SageMaker in lab 2. In lab 3, we deployed a Serverless app to connect Snowflake and SageMaker using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Finally, we tested to see how we can trigger SageMaker training, deployment and do inference using Snowflake External Functions.