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webMethods Microservices Runtime Helm Chart

This Helm Chart installs and configures a Microservices Runtime (MSR) container. It is starting with a simple example and provides more complex scenarios in the Examples for Use-cases section.


Image Pull Secret

If you want to pull image from Software AG Containers Registry, create secret with your Software AG Containers Registry credentials ...

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pwd> --docker-email=<your-email>

Service Monitor

A Service Monitor CRD can be created optional. Anywhere, the custom kind ServiceMonitor must be registered as Kubernetes object. If not, you can apply it with ...

kubectl apply -f

Create Image for Microservices Runtime

The default is to pull the image from Software AG Containers Registry

If you need to create an own image with additional webMethods product components, you can use the utility image-creator-using-Azure-DevOps. On starting the pipeline, you can define a list of product components. You should set in field List of product components ... the value MSC,PIEContainerExternalRDBMS (as minimum) to create an image with product Microservices Runtime and Database Drivers to connect external databases.


Microservices Runtime requires a license file. These license is supposed to be provided as configmap. If you want to omit the license key because you are using a trial image or an image with a baked-in license key, use:

--set microservicesruntime.licenseKeyProvided=false

If you do not set this flag to false, this helm charts expects a license key provided via configmap. Create the license key configmap as follows:

kubectl create configmap microservicesruntime-license-key --from-file=licensekey=<your path and filename to Microservices Runtime license file>

Optionally you can also provide the license directly when installing your release (see also below).

Examples for Use-cases

Sub-folder examples contains some values examples for more use-cases. To use the use-case, adapt and add the provided values.yaml to your values.

Use-case Description
external-postgresql-db Using MSR with external PostgresQL database
msr-defaults Recommended default application properties
Fluentd Sidecar Running with Fluentd Sidecar
msr-master-password Setting master password
msr-post-init Performs post-init actions after startup, e.g. deploy assets to Universal Messaging
msr-push-doc-types Pushing IS Document Types after startup
msr-statefulset-csq Deploy MSR with stateful set
msr-tsa-stateful-cluster Deploy MSR with Terracotta as distributed cache
msr-using-secrets Using secrets in application properties and set Administrator password
msr-with-extra-ports Define additional ports in MSR deployment
msr-with-tls Configure Ingress with TLS
process-engine Deploy MSR as Process Engine
service-auditing-monitor Deploy MSR as Service Auditing Monitor
Stakater Reloader Utility to restart MSR pod on configuration changes
Trading Networks Deploy Trading Networks in a container environment

Install Microservices Runtime Release

Install release with pulling image and setting secret (to pull image) ...

helm install wm-msr webmethods/microservicesruntime   \

... (optionally) provide the license key at installation time (can be ommitted for upgrade later) ...

--set-file=license=<your path and filename to Microservices Runtime license file> \

... set your own image pull secret if you didn't create the default regcred ...

--set "imagePullSecrets[0].name=your-registry-credentials" \

... Ingress is enabled per default. Define Ingress service host ...

  --set "ingress.hosts[0]"   \
  --set "ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path=/"            \
  --set "ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType=Prefix"   \
  --set "ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].port=5555"

... instead of using default image, use your own ...

  --set "image.repository=<Your-Docker-registry>/wm-msr-db" \
  --set "image.tag=10.15"

Version History

Version Changes and Description
1.0.1 Initial release
1.0.2 Added new option microservicesruntime.licenseKeyProvided to allow using images with trial or baked-in license key
1.0.3 Make Liveness and Readiness Probes as per current default. Both can now also be overwritten in a custom values file values.yaml.
1.0.4 Option in values.yaml to create a ServiceMonitor added. Some errors in Nginx external LB corrected
1.0.5 Value trustStorePasswordFromSecret added in values.yaml to support common 1.0.2
1.0.6 tpl function support in affinity value added. topologySpreadConstraints support added.
1.0.7 priorityClassName support added.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Set MSR and Nginx Pod (anti-) affinity. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering.
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
containerName string nil The name of the main container, by default this will be msr-<release_name>
externalLoadBalancer bool false Deploy Nginx as external LB
extraCommand string "" Extra command, which is executed before the startContainer entrypoint script of the Microservice Runtime
extraConfigMaps list [] Extra config maps for addtional configurations such as extra ports, etc.
extraContainers list [] Extra containers which should run in addtion to the main container as a sidecar - name: do-something image: busybox command: ['do', 'something']
extraEnvs list [] Exta environment properties to be passed on to the microservice runtime
extraInitContainers list [] Extra init containers that are executed before starting the main container - name: do-something image: busybox command: ['do', 'something']
extraLabels object {} Extra Labels
extraPorts list [] Extra Ports to be defined, note: these ports need to be created
extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts
extraVolumes list [] Exta volumes that should be mounted.
fullnameOverride string "" Overwrites full workload name. As default, the workload name is release name + '-' + Chart name.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull with policy
image.repository string "" Pull this image. Default is MSR from Software AG Container Registry
image.tag string "10.15" The default value pulls latest. In PROD it is recommended to use a specific fix level.
imagePullSecrets list [{"name":"regcred"}] Image pull secret reference. By default looks for regcred.
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.defaultHostname string ""
ingress.enabled bool true
ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":5555}]} Hostname of Ingress. By default the defaultHostname is used. For more complex rules or addtional hosts, you will need to overwrite this section.
ingress.hosts[0].paths list [{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":5555}] Address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":5555} Path to address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" Path type to address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].port int 5555 Port of service
ingress.tls list [] TLS of Ingress
license string "" Import the content as license key and create a ConfigMap named by licenseConfigMap value. You can copy/past the content of your provided license key file here.
lifecycle object {} lifecycle hooks to execute on preStop / postStart,...
livenessProbe object {"failureThreshold":3,"httpGet":{"path":"/health/liveness","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":0,"periodSeconds":15,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":30} Configure liveness probe
metering.accumulationPeriod string "1800" The period in seconds for which data is accumulated before a log record is produced.
metering.enabled bool true enable metering
metering.logLevel string nil The level of log messages that are logged on the console. Valid values are: *error - logs only ERROR messages. *warn (default) - logs ERROR and WARN messages. *info - logs ERROR, WARN, and INFO messages. *debug - logs ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG messages. Use as a Java system property or an environment variable to see the debug messages of the configuration initialization.
metering.proxyAddress string nil The proxy address in a : format that the metering client uses. Configure this property only if you use a metering proxy.
metering.proxyPass string nil The proxy password that the metering client uses. Configure this property only if you use a metering proxy with authentication. Depending on the method that you use to provide a password, ensure that you escape password characters that are specific for the selected method. Valid characters: *Letters: A-Z, a-z *Numbers: 0-9 Special characters: !@#$%^&()_+-=[]{}/?,.<>;
metering.proxyType string "DIRECT" The type of the proxy that the metering client uses. Valid values are: *DIRECT (default). *HTTP *SOCKS Indicates that the metering client does not use a proxy.
metering.reportPeriod string "3600"
metering.runtimeAlias string nil An alias of the webMethods product instance or a group of instances, for which usage data is measured.
metering.serverConnectTimeout string "60000" The time in milliseconds to establish the initial TCP connection when the metering client calls the server REST endpoint. This is also the time to start the request.
metering.serverReadTimeout string "300000" The maximum time in milliseconds without data transfer over the TCP connection to the server. This is also the time that it takes for the server to respond. When this time passes, the request fails.
metering.serverUrl string "" The URL of the metering aggregator server REST API.
metering.trustStoreFile string nil The absolute path to the metering client truststore that is used for HTTPS connections. Add this value in any of the following cases: *If you use the Software AG Metering Server on premises (via HTTPS) and the certificates in the truststore do not match the certificates configured in Software AG Runtime (CTP). *If you use a metering proxy that terminates the SSL connection to the Metering Server in Software AG Cloud.
metering.trustStorePassword string nil The password for the metering client truststore. Configure this property only if you use a truststore.
metering.trustStorePasswordFromSecret object {"enabled":false,"secretKey":"","secretName":""} Configuration for secretKeyRef containing the password for the metering client truststore. Configure this property only if you use a truststore. Mutually exclusive with providing the password directly over metering.trustStorePassword.
metering.trustStorePasswordFromSecret.enabled bool false enable secretKeyRef instead of providing password directly
metering.trustStorePasswordFromSecret.secretKey string "" Key containing the truststore password in the referenced secret
metering.trustStorePasswordFromSecret.secretName string "" Name of the referenced secret
microservicesruntime.diagnosticPort int 9999 Defies diagnostic port
microservicesruntime.httpPort int 5555 Defines administration port
microservicesruntime.httpPortScheme string "HTTP" Defines scheme of administration port
microservicesruntime.httpsPort int 5556 Defines external runtime port
microservicesruntime.httpsPortScheme string "HTTPS" Defines scheme of runtime port
microservicesruntime.installDir string "/opt/softwareag/IntegrationServer" Defines installation folder which was using on image creation
microservicesruntime.javaCustomOpts string nil list of custom java opts e.g. "-Dmy.prop1=value1" "-Dmy.prop2=value2"
microservicesruntime.licenseConfigMap string "microservicesruntime-license-key" Name of config map which contains the license key. If you ommit this, it defaults to the release name + microservicesruntime-license.
microservicesruntime.licenseKeyProvided bool true Controls wether a license key is provided or not. Set this to false if you intent to use a trial MSR image or an Image with a baked-in license file.
microservicesruntime.memoryHeap.max string "512M" Maximum of heap memory
microservicesruntime.memoryHeap.min string "512M" object {} List of application properties which are added into config map in YAML format. See Integration Server Configuration Variables
microservicesruntime.propertiesFile object {"content":"# application properties file \n"} Use "flat" application properties file as generated by configuration variable templates. Note: "properties" takes precedence over the propertiesFile values. Template function, you can reference other values using template syntax (e.g. using curly braces) content:
nameOverride string "" Overwrites Chart name of release name in workload name. As default, the workload name is release name + '-' + Chart name. The workload name is at the end release name + '-' + value of nameOverride.
nodeSelector object {}
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"
persistence.accessModes list []
persistence.annotations object {}
persistence.configs bool true if persistence.enabled=true, use configuration settings from persistent volume
persistence.enabled bool false Use persistent volume for IS packages, configuration settings and logs. If persistence.existingClaim not set, a claim will be automatically created.
persistence.existingClaim string "" Use this existing and already created PVC.
persistence.logs bool true if persistence.enabled=true, write logs to persistent volume
persistence.packages bool true if persistence.enabled=true, externalize packages / use packages from persistent volume
persistence.size string "10M" Size of Persistent Volume Claim
persistence.storageClassName string ""
podAnnotations object {} pod annotations
podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1724
priorityClassName string "" Set MSR and Nginx Pods' Priority Class Name ref:
prometheus object {"interval":"10s","path":"/metrics","port":"5555","scheme":"http","scrape":"true","scrapeTimeout":"10s"} Define values for Prometheus Operator to scrap metrics via annotation or ServiceMonitor.
readinessProbe object {"failureThreshold":3,"httpGet":{"path":"/health/readiness","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":0,"periodSeconds":15,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":30} Configure readiness probe
replicaCount int 1 Number of replicates in Deployment
resources object {}
secretMounts list [] Secret mounts, A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod
secretVolumes list [] Secret volumes, A list of secrets
securityContext object {}
service.port int 5555
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor object {"enabled":false} Create and enable ServiceMonitor. The default is false.
startupProbe object {"failureThreshold":60,"periodSeconds":30,"tcpSocket":{"port":"http"}} startup probe for container
statefulSet bool false StatefulSet or Deployment. You should only change this if you require Client Side queuing (CSQ) or functionality in IS which requires stable hostnames and filesystems. Default is false => Deployment. Keep in mind, you must disable CSQ on each webMethods messaging and JMS connection if you don't use stateful-sets. See examples in Process Engine deployment for disableing CSQ.
tolerations list []
topologySpreadConstraints object {} Set MSR and Nginx Pod topology spread constraints. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering. ref:
volumeClaimTemplates list [] Volume Claim Templates, only to be used when running as a Statefulset (e.g. using client-side queuing)