This project focuses on using several statistical and ML techniques to get insights and predict price of a laptop given it's specifications. The data is collected from the flipkart's laptop catalogue.
This file provides all the required modules for the streamlit app to run and the 'market-analysis-of-laptops-june-2022' notebook to run, the rest of the requirements for the 'laptop-price-prediction-and-eda' notebook are included in the 1st cell of it, which would install all the dependancies using pip.
There are 2 jupyter notebooks, each has some experimentation with data. The main statistical analysis was done in the 'laptop-price-prediction-and-eda' notebook.
The rest of the folders exist for the functionality of the streamlit app,.
To run the streamlit app locally , execute the follwing commands in the current directory:-
- pip install -r requiremnts.txt
- streamlit run
Streamlit app URL :- Link