Merge pull request #902 from StanfordVL/asset-conversion #381
147 passed, 6 failed and 9 skipped
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_controllers/test_controllers.xml
1 tests were completed in 1140s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1✅ | 1140s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_arm_control
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_curobo/test_curobo.xml
1 tests were completed in 1322s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1✅ | 1322s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_curobo
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_data_collection/test_data_collection.xml
1 tests were completed in 1715s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1✅ | 1715s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_data_collect_and_playback
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_dump_load_states/test_dump_load_states.xml
4 tests were completed in 1806s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 4✅ | 1806s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_dump_load
✅ test_dump_load_serialized
✅ test_save_restore_partial
✅ test_save_restore_full
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_envs/test_envs.xml
5 tests were completed in 1662s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 5✅ | 1662s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_dummy_task
✅ test_point_reaching_task
✅ test_point_navigation_task
✅ test_behavior_task
✅ test_rs_int_full_load
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_multiple_envs/test_multiple_envs.xml
10 tests were completed in 584s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 8✅ | 2⚪ | 584s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_multi_scene_dump_load_states
✅ test_multi_scene_get_local_position
✅ test_multi_scene_set_local_position
✅ test_multi_scene_scene_prim
✅ test_multi_scene_particle_source
✅ test_multi_scene_position_orientation_relative_to_scene
✅ test_tiago_getter
✅ test_tiago_setter
⚪ test_behavior_getter
⚪ test_behavior_setter
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_object_removal/test_object_removal.xml
2 tests were completed in 1789s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 2✅ | 1789s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_removal_and_readdition
✅ test_readdition
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_object_states/test_object_states.xml
33 tests were completed in 2424s with 33 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 33✅ | 2424s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_on_top
✅ test_inside
✅ test_under
✅ test_touching
✅ test_contact_bodies
✅ test_next_to
✅ test_overlaid
✅ test_pose
✅ test_joint
✅ test_aabb
✅ test_adjacency
✅ test_temperature
✅ test_max_temperature
✅ test_heat_source_or_sink
✅ test_cooked
✅ test_burnt
✅ test_frozen
✅ test_heated
✅ test_on_fire
✅ test_toggled_on
✅ test_attached_to
✅ test_particle_source
✅ test_particle_sink
✅ test_particle_applier
✅ test_particle_remover
✅ test_saturated
✅ test_open
✅ test_folded_unfolded
✅ test_draped
✅ test_filled
✅ test_contains
✅ test_covered
✅ test_clear_sim
❌ 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
10 tests were completed in 700s with 0 passed, 6 failed and 4 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 6❌ | 4⚪ | 700s |
❌ pytest
❌ test_navigate[Tiago]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b5bd0>
❌ test_navigate[Fetch]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b7190>
❌ test_grasp[Tiago]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d060>
❌ test_grasp[Fetch]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d390>
❌ test_place[Tiago]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d210>
❌ test_place[Fetch]
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8c8e0>
⚪ test_open_prismatic[Tiago]
⚪ test_open_prismatic[Fetch]
⚪ test_open_revolute[Tiago]
⚪ test_open_revolute[Fetch]
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_robot_states_flatcache/test_robot_states_flatcache.xml
3 tests were completed in 1566s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 3✅ | 1566s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_camera_pose_flatcache_on
✅ test_robot_load_drive
✅ test_grasping_mode
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_robot_states_no_flatcache/test_robot_states_no_flatcache.xml
3 tests were completed in 440s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 3✅ | 440s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_camera_pose_flatcache_off
✅ test_camera_semantic_segmentation
✅ test_object_in_FOV_of_robot
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_robot_teleoperation/test_robot_teleoperation.xml
1 tests were completed in 35ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1⚪ | 35ms |
✅ pytest
⚪ test_teleop
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_scene_graph/test_scene_graph.xml
1 tests were completed in 570s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1✅ | 570s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_scene_graph
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_sensors/test_sensors.xml
2 tests were completed in 2107s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 2✅ | 2107s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_segmentation_modalities
✅ test_bbox_modalities
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_symbolic_primitives/test_symbolic_primitives.xml
20 tests were completed in 2919s with 18 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 18✅ | 2⚪ | 2919s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_in_hand_state[Fetch]
✅ test_open[Fetch]
✅ test_close[Fetch]
✅ test_place_inside[Fetch]
✅ test_place_ontop[Fetch]
✅ test_toggle_on[Fetch]
✅ test_soak_under[Fetch]
✅ test_wipe[Fetch]
⚪ test_cut[Fetch]
✅ test_persistent_sticky_grasping[Fetch]
✅ test_in_hand_state[Tiago]
✅ test_open[Tiago]
✅ test_close[Tiago]
✅ test_place_inside[Tiago]
✅ test_place_ontop[Tiago]
✅ test_toggle_on[Tiago]
✅ test_soak_under[Tiago]
✅ test_wipe[Tiago]
⚪ test_cut[Tiago]
✅ test_persistent_sticky_grasping[Tiago]
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_systems/test_systems.xml
1 tests were completed in 1868s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1✅ | 1868s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_system_clear
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_transform_utils/test_transform_utils.xml
34 tests were completed in 126s with 34 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 34✅ | 126s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_quat2mat_special_cases
✅ test_quat_multiply
✅ test_quat_conjugate
✅ test_quat_inverse
✅ test_quat_distance
✅ test_normalize
✅ test_dot_product
✅ test_l2_distance
✅ test_rotation_matrix_properties
✅ test_rotation_matrix
✅ test_transformation_matrix
✅ test_transformation_matrix_no_point
✅ test_matrix_inverse
✅ test_cartesian_to_polar
✅ test_pose2mat_and_mat2pose
✅ test_pose_inv
✅ test_axisangle2quat_and_quat2axisangle
✅ test_vecs2axisangle
✅ test_vecs2quat
✅ test_euler2quat_and_quat2euler
✅ test_euler2mat_and_mat2euler
✅ test_quat_apply
✅ test_quat_slerp
✅ test_transform_points_2d
✅ test_transform_points_3d
✅ test_convert_quat
✅ test_random_quaternion
✅ test_random_axis_angle
✅ test_align_vector_sets
✅ test_copysign
✅ test_anorm
✅ test_check_quat_right_angle
✅ test_z_angle_from_quat
✅ test_integer_spiral_coordinates
✅ 12306823286-tests-test_transition_rules/test_transition_rules.xml
30 tests were completed in 2424s with 30 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 30✅ | 2424s |
✅ pytest
✅ test_dryer_rule
✅ test_washer_rule
✅ test_slicing_rule
✅ test_dicing_rule_cooked
✅ test_dicing_rule_uncooked
✅ test_melting_rule
✅ test_cooking_physical_particle_rule_failure_recipe_systems
✅ test_cooking_physical_particle_rule_success
✅ test_mixing_rule_failure_recipe_systems
✅ test_mixing_rule_failure_nonrecipe_systems
✅ test_mixing_rule_success
✅ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_recipe_systems
✅ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_nonrecipe_systems
✅ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_nonrecipe_objects
✅ test_cooking_system_rule_success
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_wrong_container
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_recipe_objects
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_unary_states
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_binary_system_states
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_binary_object_states
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_wrong_heat_source
✅ test_cooking_object_rule_success
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_wrong_container
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_recipe_systems
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_recipe_objects
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_nonrecipe_systems
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_nonrecipe_objects
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_success
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_object_failure_unary_states
✅ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_object_success
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_navigate[Tiago]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b5bd0>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b5bd0>
robot = 'Tiago'
def test_navigate(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.NAVIGATE_TO]
primitives_args = [(obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_to_obj
pose = self._sample_pose_near_object(obj, pose_on_obj=pose_on_obj, **kwargs)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _sample_pose_near_object
with PlanningContext(self.env, self.robot, self.robot_copy, "simplified") as context:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in __enter__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.PlanningContext object at 0x7f826b37dff0>
def _assemble_robot_copy(self):
fk_descriptor = "left_fixed"
fk_descriptor = (
> "combined" if "combined" in self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls else self.robot.default_arm
E AttributeError: 'Tiago' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_navigate[Fetch]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b7190>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3b7190>
robot = 'Fetch'
def test_navigate(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.NAVIGATE_TO]
primitives_args = [(obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_to_obj
pose = self._sample_pose_near_object(obj, pose_on_obj=pose_on_obj, **kwargs)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _sample_pose_near_object
with PlanningContext(self.env, self.robot, self.robot_copy, "simplified") as context:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in __enter__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.PlanningContext object at 0x7f826af1a290>
def _assemble_robot_copy(self):
fk_descriptor = "left_fixed"
fk_descriptor = (
> "combined" if "combined" in self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls else self.robot.default_arm
E AttributeError: 'Fetch' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_grasp[Tiago]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d060>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d060>
robot = 'Tiago'
def test_grasp(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls", "coffee_table"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.GRASP]
primitives_args = [(obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _grasp
yield from self._navigate_if_needed(obj, pose_on_obj=grasp_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_if_needed
if self._target_in_reach_of_robot(pose_on_obj):
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot
return self._target_in_reach_of_robot_relative(relative_target_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot_relative
return self._ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space(relative_target_pose) is not None
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.StarterSemanticActionPrimitives object at 0x7f826c3bc490>
def _manipulation_descriptor_path(self):
"""The appropriate manipulation descriptor for the current settings."""
if isinstance(self.robot, Tiago) and m.TIAGO_TORSO_FIXED:
assert self.arm == "left", "Fixed torso mode only supports left arm!"
return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls["left_fixed"]
# Otherwise just return the default arm control idx
> return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls[self.arm]
E AttributeError: 'Tiago' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_grasp[Fetch]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d390>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d390>
robot = 'Fetch'
def test_grasp(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls", "coffee_table"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.GRASP]
primitives_args = [(obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _grasp
yield from self._navigate_if_needed(obj, pose_on_obj=grasp_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_if_needed
if self._target_in_reach_of_robot(pose_on_obj):
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot
return self._target_in_reach_of_robot_relative(relative_target_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot_relative
return self._ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space(relative_target_pose) is not None
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.StarterSemanticActionPrimitives object at 0x7f8233f87c10>
def _manipulation_descriptor_path(self):
"""The appropriate manipulation descriptor for the current settings."""
if isinstance(self.robot, Tiago) and m.TIAGO_TORSO_FIXED:
assert self.arm == "left", "Fixed torso mode only supports left arm!"
return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls["left_fixed"]
# Otherwise just return the default arm control idx
> return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls[self.arm]
E AttributeError: 'Fetch' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_place[Tiago]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d210>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8d210>
robot = 'Tiago'
def test_place(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls", "coffee_table"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="table", category="breakfast_table", model="rjgmmy", scale=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]),
"position": [-0.7, 0.5, 0.2],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
obj_2 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.GRASP, StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.PLACE_ON_TOP]
primitives_args = [(obj_2["object"],), (obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _grasp
yield from self._navigate_if_needed(obj, pose_on_obj=grasp_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_if_needed
if self._target_in_reach_of_robot(pose_on_obj):
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot
return self._target_in_reach_of_robot_relative(relative_target_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot_relative
return self._ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space(relative_target_pose) is not None
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.StarterSemanticActionPrimitives object at 0x7f822bb0a8c0>
def _manipulation_descriptor_path(self):
"""The appropriate manipulation descriptor for the current settings."""
if isinstance(self.robot, Tiago) and m.TIAGO_TORSO_FIXED:
assert self.arm == "left", "Fixed torso mode only supports left arm!"
return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls["left_fixed"]
# Otherwise just return the default arm control idx
> return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls[self.arm]
E AttributeError: 'Tiago' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError
Check failure on line 0 in 12306823286-tests-test_primitives/test_primitives.xml
github-actions / Test Results
pytest ► tests.test_primitives.TestPrimitives ► test_place[Fetch]
Failed test found in:
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8c8e0>
Raw output
self = <test_primitives.TestPrimitives object at 0x7f8269b8c8e0>
robot = 'Fetch'
def test_place(self, robot):
categories = ["floors", "ceilings", "walls", "coffee_table"]
env = setup_environment(categories, robot=robot)
objects = []
obj_1 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="table", category="breakfast_table", model="rjgmmy", scale=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]),
"position": [-0.7, 0.5, 0.2],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
obj_2 = {
"object": DatasetObject(name="cologne", category="bottle_of_cologne", model="lyipur"),
"position": [-0.3, -0.8, 0.5],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
primitives = [StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.GRASP, StarterSemanticActionPrimitiveSet.PLACE_ON_TOP]
primitives_args = [(obj_2["object"],), (obj_1["object"],)]
> primitive_tester(env, objects, primitives, primitives_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tests/ in primitive_tester
execute_controller(controller.apply_ref(primitive, *args, attempts=1), env)
tests/ in execute_controller
for action in ctrl_gen:
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in apply_ref
yield from ctrl(*args)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _grasp
yield from self._navigate_if_needed(obj, pose_on_obj=grasp_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _navigate_if_needed
if self._target_in_reach_of_robot(pose_on_obj):
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot
return self._target_in_reach_of_robot_relative(relative_target_pose)
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _target_in_reach_of_robot_relative
return self._ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space(relative_target_pose) is not None
omnigibson/action_primitives/ in _ik_solver_cartesian_to_joint_space
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <omnigibson.action_primitives.starter_semantic_action_primitives.StarterSemanticActionPrimitives object at 0x7f822abf5240>
def _manipulation_descriptor_path(self):
"""The appropriate manipulation descriptor for the current settings."""
if isinstance(self.robot, Tiago) and m.TIAGO_TORSO_FIXED:
assert self.arm == "left", "Fixed torso mode only supports left arm!"
return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls["left_fixed"]
# Otherwise just return the default arm control idx
> return self.robot.robot_arm_descriptor_yamls[self.arm]
E AttributeError: 'Fetch' object has no attribute 'robot_arm_descriptor_yamls'
omnigibson/action_primitives/ AttributeError