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In this folder are a selection of code samples

Cat is a program that outputs its input unchanged.

  • @: Take a character of input.
  • :: Duplicate the read character.
  • [: Consume the duplicated character, and start the main loop if non-EOF.
  • ;: Print the read character.
  • @: Take another character of input.
  • :: Duplicate the read character.
  • ]: Consume the duplicated character, and end the main loop if EOF reached.

An error quine is not a true quine, but one which uses interpreter/compiler messages to print its own source. error_quine.cel is such a program.

Error: Unknown instruction: 'E'

  • The first character of Error, E, isn't a valid instruction and so the program crashes.

Prints "Hello, world!"

!dlrow ,olleH":[;:]
  • "
    !dlrow ,olleH"
    Push the string "Hello, world!\n" onto the primary stack, in reverse.
  • : Duplicate the H so it isn't lost.
  • [ Consume the duplicated H and begin the print loop.
  • ; Print the next character.
  • : Duplicate the next character so it isn't lost.
  • ] Consume the duplicated character and return to the start of the print loop, or end.

Tac is a program that outputs its input in reverse.

  • @: Take a character of input.
  • :: Duplicate the read character.
  • [: Consume the duplicated character, and start the read loop if non-EOF.
  • @: Take another character of input.
  • :: Duplicate the read character.
  • ]: Consume the duplicated character, and end the read loop if EOF reached.
  • `: Discard the EOF.
  • :: Duplicate the next character so it isn't lost.
  • [: Consume the duplicated character, and start the print loop if non-EOF.
  • ;: Print the character.
  • :: Duplicate the next character so it isn't lost.
  • ]: Consume the duplicated character, and end the print loop if EOF reached.

Tac, but executes on one line only

  • (: Begin the input loop.
  • @: Read a character from the keyboard and pushes it onto the primary stack.
  • :: Duplicate the top inputted character to allow for comparison.
  • #0A: Pushe a newline (0x0A) onto the primary stack.
  • -: Subtract the top two values of the primary stack (it doesn't matter which way round, as the result is either zero or non-zero).
  • ): Return to the beginning of the loop, if the last character wasn't a newline..
  • `: Discard the newline at the end of the user's input.
  • :[;:]: Print the primary stack, as before. This will print the user's string, but in reverse.
  • #0A;.: Print the trailing newline, then stop.

As per the esolang page, this program accepts an input of 1 or 0, and then exhibits one of two behaviours:

  • If the input is 1, it prints 1 repeatedly, forever
  • If the input is 0, it prints 0 once, then exits
  • '0: Pushes an ASCII '0' to the primary stack.
  • @: Reads a character and pushes it onto the primary stack ('0' or '1').
  • -: Subtract the '0' we pushed before from the '0' or '1' we just read (this gives us a numeral result of 0 or 1, respectively).
  • :: Duplicate the top value of the primary stack (0 or 1) so that there is still a copy on the primary stack after the [.
  • [: Begin the loop, consuming the top value of the primary stack (0 or 1).
  • :: Duplicate the top value (1) of the primary stack, so that there is still a copy on the primary stack after transforming and printing it.
  • '0+: Add an ASCII '0' to the top value of the primary stack (1) to get the ASCII '1'.
  • ;:]: Print the top value of the primary stack ('1') and return to the beginning of the loop.
  • '0+;.: Transform the 0 back to '0' and print it, then stop.

A quine is a program which prints its own source.

  • "#22;:[{X}X:]X:[:{X}X;:]#22;X:[{X}X:]X:[;:]": Push the code of the quine onto the primary stack as data.
  • #22;: Print ".
  • :[{X}X:]X: Reverse the primary stack onto the secondary stack, then swap the primary and secondary stacks.
  • :[:{X}X;:]: Print the secondary stack, while also reversing it onto the first one.
  • #22;: Print ".
  • "X:[{X}X:]X: Swap to the secondary stack, then reverse the secondary stack onto the primary stack, and switch back.
  • :[;:]: Print the primary stack.

The quine family is a quine which prints its own source; moreover, its source contains a jump which can be any valid jump.

  • "[#22;:[{X}X:]X:[;:]#22;#3A;#5D;1": Push the program code onto the primary stack.
  • :]: Duplicate the '1 character, then jump back to the [ character at the start of the program code.
  • #22;: Print ".
  • :[{X}X:]X: Reverse the primary stack onto the secondary stack, then swap the primary and secondary stacks.
  • :[;:]: Print the contents of the primary stack.
  • #22;#3A;#5D;: Print ":].
  • 1": Skip the " character. This 1 can be changed to any valid jump (1 to 9, or ?) without changing the behaviour of the program.
  • :]: Duplicate a zero, and terminate the loop.