Pytorch Implementation of Learning to score economic development from satellite imagery, which will be published in KDD2020.
- We propose a novel model to predict economic development in the absence of ground-truth data. The model only requires the generation of a POG. As we demonstrate in this paper, a POG can be constructed easily using either public online resources or simple human annotation.
- POGs provide an interpretable explanation of which human activity patterns in satellite imagery depict a more significant level of economic development.
- Our approach provides new experimental insights on how to combine human intelligence with machine intelligence.
This research collected satellite imagery data from ArcGIS, which provides a publicly available data repository on maps and geographic information. We provide a guide for downloading data utilized in our research. Please look at the ReadMe file in "data" directory. (data/, data/Data_collection_guide.ipynb)
Satellite images from the tiles of World Imagery
The code has been tested running under Python 3.5.2. with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):
- numpy == 1.15.4
- pandas == 0.23.4
- torch == 1.0.1.post2
- torchnet == 0.0.4
- torchvision == 0.2.2.post3
- scikit-learn == 0.19.1
- scipy == 1.3.0
- faiss-gpu == 1.5.3
- numpy == 1.16.4
- scikit-image == 0.15.0
- Pillow == 6.0.0
Training siCluster model with default values of hyper-parameter defined in utils/, siCluster_parser().
usage: [-h] [--lr LR] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch BATCH]
[--momentum MOMENTUM] [--seed SEED]
[--nmb_cluster NMB_CLUSTER] [--mode MODE]
[--pretrained-path PRETRAINED_PATH]
siCluster parser
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lr LR learning rate
--epochs EPOCHS number of total epochs to run
--batch BATCH mini-batch size
--momentum MOMENTUM momentum
--seed SEED random seed
--nmb_cluster NMB_CLUSTER, --k NMB_CLUSTER
number of cluster for k-means
--mode MODE ("city" or "rural")
--pretrained-path PRETRAINED_PATH
model path
$ python3 --nmb_cluster 10 --mode city (cluster for city)
$ python3 --nmb_cluster 10 --mode rural (cluster for rural)
Extracting cluster of trained siCluster model with default values of hyper-parameter defined in utils/, extract_cluster_parser().
usage: [-h] [--city_model CITY_MODEL]
[--rural_model RURAL_MODEL] [--city_cnum CITY_CNUM]
[--rural_cnum RURAL_CNUM]
[--cluster_dir CLUSTER_DIR] [--histogram HISTOGRAM]
[--grid GRID]
extract_cluster parser
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--city_model CITY_MODEL
city cluster model name
--rural_model RURAL_MODEL
rural cluster model name
--city_cnum CITY_CNUM
number of city clusters
--rural_cnum RURAL_CNUM
number of rural clusters
--cluster_dir CLUSTER_DIR
cluster directory name
--histogram HISTOGRAM
cluster histogram name
--grid GRID cluster grid info name
python3 --city_model ckpt_cluster_city.t7 --rural_model ckpt_cluster_rural.t7 --city_cnum 10 --rural_cnum 10
Learn to score economic development from POG with default values of hyper-parameter defined in utils/, siScore_parser().
usage: [-h] [--lr LR] [--batch-sz BATCH_SZ] [--epochs EPOCHS]
[--load] [--modelurl MODELURL]
[--pretrained-path PRETRAINED_PATH]
[--census-path CENSUS_PATH]
[--nightlight-path NIGHTLIGHT_PATH] [--seed SEED]
[--lamb LAMB] [--alpha ALPHA] [--mode MODE]
[--histogram-path HISTOGRAM_PATH] [--grid-path GRID_PATH]
[--dir_name DIR_NAME] [--cluster_num CLUSTER_NUM]
[--name NAME] [--graph-name GRAPH_NAME]
[--graph-config GRAPH_CONFIG]
siCluster parser
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lr LR, --learning-rate LR
learning rate
--batch-sz BATCH_SZ batch size
--epochs EPOCHS total epochs
--load load trained model
--modelurl MODELURL model path
--pretrained-path PRETRAINED_PATH
model path
--census-path CENSUS_PATH
district information path
--nightlight-path NIGHTLIGHT_PATH
nightlight information path
--seed SEED random seed
--lamb LAMB lambda parameter for differentiable ranking
--alpha ALPHA alpha parameter for differentiable ranking
--mode MODE graph inference mode ("census" or "nightlight")
--histogram-path HISTOGRAM_PATH
histogram information path
--grid-path GRID_PATH
grid cluster information path
--dir_name DIR_NAME directory name for cluster data
--cluster_num CLUSTER_NUM
number of clusters
--name NAME Model name
--graph-name GRAPH_NAME
Graph name
--graph-config GRAPH_CONFIG
graph config path
$ python3 --name model_name.ckpt --graph-config human_POG_name.txt --lamb 30 --alpha 4 --cluster_num 21 (for human POG)
$ python3 --name model_name.ckpt --mode census --graph-name graph_name.txt --dir_name cluster_kr --histogram-path histogram_kr.csv --lamb 30 --alpha 4 --cluster_num 21 (for census POG)
$ python3 --name model_name.ckpt --mode nightlight --graph-name graph_name.txt --dir_name cluster_kr --grid-path grid_kr.csv --lamb 30 --alpha 4 --cluster_num 21 (for nightlight POG)
Learn to score economic development from POG with default values of hyper-parameter defined in utils/, siScore_parser().
usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--test TEST]
extract_score parser
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model MODEL test model name
--test TEST test data name
python3 --model model_name.ckpt --test kr_GFA.csv
Currently, we support the pretrained model.