description | cover | coverY |
This is the preparation schedule for the people preparing for SDE 2 or more. This will cover wide range of topics from Data Structures and algorithms, System design |
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Month 1: Foundations and Basics
Week 1-2: Data Structures and Algorithms (Basics)
Week 3-4: Algorithms (Intermediate)
Month 2: Intermediate Topics and System Design
Week 5-6: Data Structures and Algorithms (Intermediate)
Week 7-8: Advanced System Design and Final Preparation
Month 3: Advanced Topics and Mock Interviews
Week 9-10: Comprehensive Review and Mock Interviews
Day | Focus Area | Problems |
Day 1 | Arrays | Two Sum, Reverse String, Maximum Subarray, Merge Intervals |
Day 2 | Arrays | Contains Duplicate, Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock, Product of Array Except Self, Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
Day 3 | Strings | Valid Anagram, Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, Longest Palindromic Substring, Group Anagrams |
Day 4 | Linked Lists | Reverse Linked List, Merge Two Sorted Lists, Linked List Cycle, Remove Nth Node From End of List |
Day 5 | Linked Lists | Add Two Numbers, Swap Nodes in Pairs, Copy List with Random Pointer, LRU Cache |
Day 6 | Stacks & Queues | Valid Parentheses, Min Stack, Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation, Implement Queue using Stacks |
Day 7 | Stacks & Queues | Daily Temperatures, Sliding Window Maximum, Basic Calculator, Decode String |
Day 8 | Hash Tables | Two Sum with HashMap, Group Anagrams, Top K Frequent Elements, Longest Consecutive Sequence |
Day 9 | Hash Tables | Valid Sudoku, Word Pattern, Isomorphic Strings, Minimum Window Substring |
Day 10 | Hash Tables | Happy Number, Contiguous Array, Subarray Sum Equals K, Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals K |
Day 11 | Sorting & Searching | Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search, Search a 2D Matrix |
Day 12 | Sorting & Searching | Find Peak Element, First Bad Version, Median of Two Sorted Arrays, Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
Day 13 | Recursion & Backtracking | Subsets, Permutations, Combination Sum, Palindrome Partitioning |
Day 14 | Recursion & Backtracking | Word Search, N-Queens, Generate Parentheses, Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
Day 15 | Dynamic Programming (Intro) | Climbing Stairs, House Robber, Maximum Subarray, Longest Common Subsequence |
Day 16 | Dynamic Programming (Intro) | Coin Change, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Word Break, Partition Equal Subset Sum |
Day 17 | Graphs & Trees (Basics) | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal, Symmetric Tree, Maximum Depth of Binary Tree, Path Sum |
Day 18 | Graphs & Trees (Basics) | Validate Binary Search Tree, Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree, Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree, Invert Binary Tree |
Day 19 | Graphs & Trees (Basics) | Number of Islands, Clone Graph, Course Schedule, Pacific Atlantic Water Flow |
Day 20 | Review | Review all topics from Weeks 1-2, reattempt difficult problems, summary notes |
Day 21 | Review | Review all topics from Weeks 1-2, reattempt difficult problems, summary notes |
Day 22 | Advanced Linked Lists & Trees | Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List, Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal, Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal, Kth Smallest Element in a BST |
Day 23 | Advanced Linked Lists & Trees | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node, Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree, Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum, Binary Tree Right Side View |
Day 24 | Heaps & Priority Queues | Kth Largest Element in an Array, Merge k Sorted Lists, Find Median from Data Stream, Top K Frequent Words |
Day 25 | Heaps & Priority Queues | Sliding Window Median, Trapping Rain Water II, Employee Free Time, Task Scheduler |
Day 26 | Advanced Graph Algorithms | Course Schedule II, Network Delay Time, Alien Dictionary, Word Ladder II |
Day 27 | Advanced Graph Algorithms | Minimum Cost to Reach Destination in Time, Find Eventual Safe States, Redundant Connection II, Reconstruct Itinerary |
Day 28 | System Design Basics | Read System Design Primer on GitHub, watch introductory system design videos |
Day 29 | System Design Basics | Design URL Shortener, Design Twitter, justify design decisions, focus on scalability |
Day 30 | System Design Basics | High-level components, databases, APIs, load balancing |
Day 31 | System Design Basics | Design systems considering storage requirements, indexing, partitioning |
Day 32 | Distributed Systems | Understand microservices, distributed caching, consensus algorithms, read up on CAP theorem |
Day 33 | Distributed Systems | Design YouTube, Design Uber, focus on distributed data management, fault tolerance |
Day 34 | Distributed Systems | Practice designing distributed systems with high availability, low latency |
Day 35 | Behavioral Questions | Learn STAR method, prepare responses for common behavioral questions |
Day 36 | Behavioral Questions | Reflect on leadership and teamwork examples, write and refine STAR stories |
Day 37 | Behavioral Questions | Problem-solving and conflict resolution examples, articulate responses clearly |
Day 38 | Review | Review all topics from Weeks 3-4, reattempt difficult problems, summary notes |
Day 39 | Review | Review all topics from Weeks 3-4, reattempt difficult problems, summary notes |
Day 40 | Advanced Dynamic Programming | Longest Increasing Subsequence, Edit Distance, Interleaving String, Wildcard Matching |
Day 41 | Advanced Dynamic Programming | Decode Ways, Longest Palindromic Subsequence, Burst Balloons, Russian Doll Envelopes |
Day 42 | Advanced Graph Algorithms | Minimum Spanning Tree, All-Pairs Shortest Path, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall |
Day 43 | Advanced Graph Algorithms | Path with Maximum Probability, Network Delay Time, Word Ladder II, Redundant Connection II |
Day 44 | Miscellaneous Topics | Bit manipulation problems, combinatorics, interval problems |
Day 45 | Miscellaneous Topics | Review graph and dynamic programming problems, solve any missed or skipped problems |
Day 46 | System Design Complex | Design Facebook, Design Instagram, focus on database scaling, sharding |
Day 47 | System Design Complex | Design a Cache System, Design a Rate Limiter, focus on memory management, concurrency |
Day 48 | System Design Complex | Design an E-commerce Platform, Design Google Drive, focus on file storage, replication |
Day 49 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct mock interviews with peers, review feedback |
Day 50 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct mock interviews with peers, review feedback |
Day 51 | Coding Mock Interviews | Schedule coding mock interviews, review performance, iterate |
Day 52 | Coding Mock Interviews | Schedule coding mock interviews, review performance, iterate |
Day 53 | Coding Mock Interviews | Schedule coding mock interviews, review performance, iterate |
Day 54 | Review Core Concepts | Review data structures, algorithms, and system design, focus on weak areas |
Day 55 | Review Core Concepts | Review data structures, algorithms, and system design, focus on weak areas |
Day 56 | Review Core Concepts | Review data structures, algorithms, and system design, focus on weak areas |
Day 57 | Review Core Concepts | Review data structures, algorithms, and system design, focus on weak areas |
Day 58 | Advanced System Design | Design YouTube, Design Google Maps, focus on scalability, user load, real-time processing |
Day 59 | Advanced System Design | Design a Messaging System, Design a Search Engine, focus on indexing, query optimization |
Day 60 | Advanced System Design | Review all previously designed systems, address any gaps or weaknesses |
Day 61 | Advanced System Design | Deep dive into specific components like databases, caching mechanisms, load balancers |
Day 62 | Advanced System Design | Practice designing complex, large-scale systems, prepare detailed notes |
Day 63 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct final round of mock interviews, focus on presentation and articulation |
Day 64 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct final round of mock interviews, focus on presentation and articulation |
Day 65 | Behavioral Questions | Review and refine STAR stories, ensure readiness for behavioral questions |
Day 66 | Behavioral Questions | Reflect on past experiences, prepare additional examples for various scenarios |
Day 67 | Behavioral Questions | Conduct mock behavioral interviews with peers, iterate based on feedback |
Day 68 | Final Review | Review all core concepts, key problems, system designs, behavioral questions |
Day 69 | Final Review | Relax, light review, ensure all materials and notes are organized |
Day 70 | Final Review | Relax, light review, ensure all materials and notes are organized |
Day 71 | Final Review | Relax, light review, ensure all materials and notes are organized |
Day 72 | Coding Mock Interviews | Conduct coding mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 73 | Coding Mock Interviews | Conduct coding mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 74 | Coding Mock Interviews | Conduct coding mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 75 | Coding Mock Interviews | Conduct coding mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 76 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct system design mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 77 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct system design mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 78 | Mock System Design Interviews | Conduct system design mock interviews, review feedback, iterate |
Day 79 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 80 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 81 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 82 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 83 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 84 | Review Core Concepts | Revisit key topics, practice problems, focus on areas of improvement |
Day 85 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |
Day 86 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |
Day 87 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |
Day 88 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |
Day 89 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |
Day 90 | Relaxation and Light Review | Light review sessions, rest and stress management |