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Ch 6 Restitution

LisaGiocondo edited this page Jan 13, 2023 · 16 revisions

SunoikisisDC Digital Approaches to Cultural Heritage, Spring 2023

Session 6: Physical, Digital and Intellectual Property Restitution

Thursday February 23, 2023, starting at 16:00 GMT = 17:00 CET (for 90 minutes)

Convenors: Saima Akhtar (Barnard College), Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter)

Youtube link: tba

Slides: tba


In this session we will look at the legal rights and issues relevant to restitution and how digitisation can both complicate and create new opportunities for heritage and intellectual property ownership. We will examine how physical property, digital property and intellectual property are considered (or not) by existing restitution initiatives at national and institutional levels. We will also explore how digitisation itself can result in new forms of data, knowledge, and wealth extraction, leading to digital colonialism.

Seminar readings

  • Mathilde Pavis and Andrea Wallace. 2022. "Recommendations on Digital Restitution and Intellectual Property Restitution." Submission to the Advisory Committee for Guidelines for Collections in Austrian Federal Museums from Colonial Contexts convened by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS). Available: 10.5281/zenodo.7305104

Further reading

  • tba

Other resources

  • tba


  • tba