- Sound Pressur Level meter with RPI implemented with Python.
- Author: Seyoung Park
- Date: 2016 Feb. 23rd
- Raspberry Pi(1 or 2)
- Microphone (Webcam)
I made a Docker image for non-gui version.
# Run this command at the project dir
# Pull the image
docker pull shinyeyes/rpi-spl-meter:v0.1
# Enter the container
docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb shinyeyes/rpi-spl-meter:v0.1
# Run this command in the container
$HOME/miniconda/envs/spl-meter/bin/python spl_meter_text.py
- Python 2
- EasyProcess==0.2.2
- numpy==1.10.4
- PyAudio==0.2.9
- PyVirtualDisplay==0.1.5
- scipy==0.17.0
- selenium==2.52.0
- wheel==0.24.0
I applied A-weighting to filter to filter the stream. A-weighting results frequencies which average person can hear. For further information read: Frequency Weightings - A-Weighted, C-Weighted or Z-Weighted? For the actual programmatic implementation I borrowed the code from endolith and is saved as /spl_lib.py. A-weighting() is translated from [MATLAB script](: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69).