- Implement the board management (reading, writing) - TTG
- For this we will need to figure out a coordinates system. DONE
- Based on the coordinates system, make functions to:
- Generate the board. DONE
- Read and write DONE
- Check agacent cells (number of alive cells) DONE
- Implement the ruleset - BG
- Actualy write the basic rules
- Make a clear way to set and edit basic rules (number of alives needed to spawn, die). DONE
- Use variables or a settings file DONE
- Make the code easy to change to accomodate new, more complex, rules being added.
- Have a structure where you can just hook in new functions that are their own rules. DONE
- Actualy write the basic rules
- Get input from the user:
- In the futre: using the GUI, get coordinates that will be passed at the start
- Pass through the cells that will be alive to the Board manager
- Display the board! - Tommcn
- Keep rendering pipeline seperate from compute. - DONE
- Make platform specific rendering functions that can be quickly turned on and off.
- Basic Command line rendering (working in either unix command line or windows) DONE
- Numpy or equililant computer GUI rendering DONE
- Numworks calculator rendering! (If we still feel like it) TODO
- Write tests - Super - Abandoned
- Make a checking system that is integrated with github actions - TODO
- Actualy write all the checks: - TODO
- Make sure that the scripts have no syntax errors
- Check to make sure board generates, can read, can write, dosent crash when writing ouside of range
- Make sure there is a ruleset
- Make sure the simulation follows the ruleset