This tag stores an entire content tree into a variable to be evaluated and rendered later (possibly multiple times).
This can be thought like defining a function or macro.
Name | Description |
Tag Name | macro |
End Tag | endmacro |
Rendering | None; content is stored unrendered in variable with block name |
Parameter | Description |
Block Name | The name of the block you want to define. |
... | A variable list of parameters (optional). |
Example: {% macro myBlock name %}Hello {{name}}!{% endmacro %}
This node only works together with the call
tag. The macro
tag on itself renders nothing as its output, it only stores it's unrendered template contents in a variable on the stack to be called later.
The parameters in the definition will be available as variables in the context during invocation. Do note that a macro
block's execution is scoped, thus any changes to the context inside of it will not be available once execution leaves the block's scope.
{% macro hi name %}
Hello, {{name}}! How are you?
{% endmacro %}
{% call hi Alice %}
{% call hi Bob %}
Hello, Alice! How are you?
Hello, Bob! How are you?
See the documentation for the call tag for a full and more complex usage example.