This is a PHP wrapper for SynergiTech/chrome-pdf inspired by KnpLabs/snappy.
The chrome-pdf
binary should be present on your system and optionally available on your path.
composer require synergitech/chrome-pdf-php
Instantiate the class, passing the path to the chrome-pdf
binary if necessary, and apply options in the same way you would with Snappy.
Please Note You must remember to set displayHeaderFooter
if you want to set either a header or footer and apply margin to make it visible in the PDF.
The available options can be seen in the code. There is also functionality to handle a CSS-style declaring of margins to make input easier.
In order to run chrome-pdf inside a Docker container, you will have to disable the sandbox feature by setting the sandbox
option to false
use SynergiTech\ChromePDF\PDF;
// a controller function
$contents = view('enquiries.quote', array('enquiry' => $enquiry))->render();
$pdf = new PDF();
$contents = $pdf->getOutputFromHtml($contents);
return response($contents)->withHeaders(array(
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="enquiry.pdf"',
// a controller function
$pdf = new \SynergiTech\ChromePDF\SnappyPDF();
$pdf->setOption('displayHeaderFooter', 'true');
$pdf->setOption('header-html', \View::forge('manage/invoices/pdfheader'));
$pdf->setOption('footer-html', \View::forge('manage/invoices/pdffooter')->set(array(
'invoice' => $invoice
$pdf->setOption('margin', '100px 0');
$contents = $pdf->getOutputFromHtml(
'invoice' => $invoice,
return \Response::forge(
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="invoice.pdf"'