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<title>Unum necessarium awakenings for the unregenerate. Or, The nature and necessity of regeneration. Handled in a discourse designed for the service of any that may be thereby assisted in the grand concern of conversion unto God; but especially the rising generation. : With an addition of some other sermons relating to that important subject. / By Cotton Mather. ; [Five lines from Ezekiel]</title>
<author>Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.</author>
<extent>Approx. 242 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 168 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.</extent>
<publisher>Text Creation Partnership,</publisher>
<pubPlace>Ann Arbor, MI :</pubPlace>
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<p>This keyboarded and encoded edition of the
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<title>Early American Imprints, 1639-1800 ; no. 654.</title>
<note>(Evans-TCP ; no. N00526)</note>
<note>Transcribed from: (Readex Archive of Americana ; Early American Imprints, series I ; image set 654)</note>
<note>Images scanned from Readex microprint and microform: (Early American imprints. First series ; no. 654)</note>
<title>Unum necessarium awakenings for the unregenerate. Or, The nature and necessity of regeneration. Handled in a discourse designed for the service of any that may be thereby assisted in the grand concern of conversion unto God; but especially the rising generation. : With an addition of some other sermons relating to that important subject. / By Cotton Mather. ; [Five lines from Ezekiel]</title>
<author>Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.</author>
<extent>[6], 154 [i.e. 162] p. ; 15 cm. (8vo) </extent>
<publisher>by B.H. [i.e., Benjamin Harris] for Duncan Campbell, bookseller at the dock head over-against the conduit.,</publisher>
<pubPlace>Boston printed, :</pubPlace>
<note>Running title: Awakenings for the unregenerate.</note>
<note>Numerous errors in paging.</note>
<note>Errata note, p. 154.</note>
<note>Good counsel in answer to the great question; what shall I do to be saved? -- Plain advice. In answer to that hard question, who are they that shall be saved? -- A warning for the unergenerate. Shewing, whence 'tis that many miss of conversion and salvation.</note>
<p>Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl,
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<p>EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.</p>
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<div type="title_page">
<pb facs="unknown:000654_0000_0FA99EB5AD3E2740"/>
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<p>Handled in a DISCOURSE designed for the Service of any that may be thereby assisted in the GRAND CONCERN of Conversion unto God; but especially the RISING GENERATION.</p>
<p>With an <hi rendition="simple:it">Addition</hi> of some other Sermons relating to that Important Subject.</p>
<p>By <hi>Cotton Mather.</hi>
<hi>Ezek XXXVII.3, 4.</hi>
<p>He said unto me, Son of Man, can these Bones Live? And <hi>I</hi> answered, O Lord God, thou knowest. Again He said unto me, Prophesy upon these Bones, and say unto them, O ye Dry Bones, Hear the Word of the Lord</p>
<hi>Boston</hi> Printed, by <hi>B. H.</hi> for <hi>Duncan Campbell, Bookseller</hi> at the <hi>Dock head</hi> over-against the Conduit. 1693.</p>
<div type="introduction">
<pb facs="unknown:000654_0002_0FA99EB72DAD11C8"/>
<p>THere are <hi>Three</hi> most undoing Mis<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>chiefs, which Threaten my Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trey with Grievous Confusions, yea, there are <hi>Four</hi> Evils that have a dire Aspect upon us, boding of something like Barbarism, and Extinction, unless the plentiful Effusions of the <hi>Good Spirit</hi> from on High, relieve the Inconveniencies of our <hi>Wilderness.</hi> The first is, The Neglect and Contempt of a well-form'd <hi>Education,</hi> appear<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing in a backwardness to Encourage Schools of Learning; and a Disposition unto a way of Living so scattered, as that it may be called, <hi>A Running wild into the Woods.</hi> The second is, The slothful, careless, quarrelsome Delay of <hi>Destitute Churches,</hi> to furnish them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>selves with Officers appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ, for their Edification; by which Omission, Plantations quickly become full, either of, <hi>Sinners pining away in their Iniqui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties,</hi> or of, <hi>Christians plagu'd with Leanness sent into their Soul.</hi> The Third is, the <hi>Crime</hi> of <hi>Ingratitude</hi> unto <hi>Publick Servants</hi>; and
<pb facs="unknown:000654_0003_0FA99EB7EBA8F0E0"/>
the making of Censure, Slander and Hatred, the <hi>Common P<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</hi> of such as with most <hi>In<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>olate Integrity,</hi> seek the <hi>Common Good</hi>: which <hi>Unthankfulness,</hi> will at last make our <hi>Times Perillous,</hi> because it will render us <hi>Friendless</hi> and <hi>Helpless.</hi> But the <hi>Fourth,</hi> and <hi>worst</hi> of all, is the lamentable want of REGENE<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>RATION in the <hi>Rising Generation.</hi> The God of Heaven is with no less Terrible than Evident Blows, from Heaven, Rebu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king of that <hi>Generation</hi>; but alas, how few of them do seriously consider on the Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dition of their own <hi>Souls</hi>! How few of them do suitably Re<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ect on the <hi>End</hi> for which God at first <hi>Made</hi> them, or for which He now <hi>Smites</hi> them! How few of them do become experimentally Acquainted with that <hi>Faith,</hi> and <hi>Repentance,</hi> and <hi>Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord</hi>! It is indeed a matter of Exceeding <hi>Joy,</hi> that there are, <hi>so many</hi> of our Young Ones, that have their Faces Zion ward; but it is of all <hi>Grie<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</hi> the mo<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>t bitter and pungent, that there are, <hi>No more.</hi> The obtaining of a Cure for <hi>this</hi> wre<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>chedness would be to Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dress all <hi>the rest,</hi> and it would contribute more than any <hi>One Thing</hi> whatever, to, <hi>All Things Going Well.</hi> Now there are Two Things, for which I take the Boldness, to Publish my <hi>Wishes,</hi> in order thereunto. The <hi>One</hi> is, That all our Congregations would <hi>oftner</hi>
<pb facs="unknown:000654_0004_0FA99EB8AFBB0E20"/>
do what <hi>some</hi> of them have <hi>sometimes</hi> done, in setting apart whole <hi>Dayes</hi> for Fasting and Prayer before the Lord, that his Pow<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>erful <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> may multiply sincere and tho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rough Conversions in the <hi>Rising Generation.</hi> The <hi>Other</hi> is, That the most Faithful, and Pious <hi>Ministers</hi> of the Gospel wherewith our God has blessed us, would, as He shall give them Opportunity, personally visit all the Families in their Flocks; and in those Visits, most affectionately Address the <hi>Rising Generation,</hi> upon the Nature and Necessity of that <hi>Conversion,</hi> which in their Publick Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nistry is press'd upon them.</p>
<p>'Tis in the pursuance of <hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>is</hi> Design, that I have here printed the Notes of two or three Sermons upon <hi>Regeneration,</hi> Preached almost <hi>seven</hi> years ago; accompany'd with two or three more since Delivered: hoping that the <hi>Young,</hi> may give a particular Attention to <hi>One</hi> who so belonged unto their <hi>Gene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration.</hi> I make not a large Impression to ask <hi>Readers,</hi> abroad in the World: I have already done <hi>enough,</hi> and it may be too much of that; but I was willing to be furnished at least with so many Copies, as might serve me, with Gods permission, to Leave one in <hi>every House</hi> of the Dear People, whom He has commanded me to treat about, <hi>The Things of their Eternal Peace.</hi> Briefly, The Book is <hi>Printed,</hi> but I can
<pb facs="unknown:000654_0005_0FA99EB9D8327928"/>
hardly say, 'tis <hi>published.</hi> Doubtless the World Rings, with the Noise of a strange Descent, which the <hi>Devils</hi> have lately made upon several parts of this Land, wherein those <hi>Evil Spirits,</hi> have horribly Tortured, Wounded, Scalded, and with a Thousand sensible and exquisite Cruelties, been trying to Dragoon our poor people, into their Services; which those <hi>Filthy Spectres</hi> pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pound, with laying before them the Shape of a BOOK to be by them Entertained. Now, among the Engines to oppose the <hi>Devils</hi> Interests, there is also no little use to be made of, BOOKS; first, that <hi>Book of Books,</hi> the BIBLE; and then such other <hi>Books,</hi> as are to Explain the <hi>Lively Oracles</hi> of <hi>That.</hi> Among those <hi>Books,</hi> I have here endeavoured ONE more; whereof I would only say thus much; <hi>Reader,</hi> if thou canst ever be concerned about a more Impor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tant Subject than what is here handled, I am content, that THIS BOOK should never come into thy Hand: But if it come into thy <hi>Hand,</hi> Let the Desires of an Awa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>kened Soul accompany it, that it may come <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>thy <hi>Heart</hi>; and that both our Names may be Written in the <hi>Lambs Book of Life.</hi>
<trailer>Lectoris de vita Animae<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> Salute Tractatur.</trailer>
<div type="sermon">
<pb n="1" facs="unknown:000654_0006_0FA99EBBF4B51290"/>
<p>TWere more charitable to <hi>Bewayl</hi> it, than it looks Uncharitably to <hi>Sus<g ref="char:EOLunhyphen"/>pect</hi> it, that our <hi>Countrey</hi> is become like that <hi>Valley,</hi> whereof we Read in <hi>Ezek.</hi> 37.1, 2. That it was, <hi>A Valley full of Bones, that were very dry.</hi> The <hi>Dry Bones</hi> there, are too like the <hi>Dead Souls</hi> here; the Subjects of the Blackest Calamities, the Objects of the greatest Compassions, because of their Estrangement from Him, <hi>Whom to know is Life Eternal.</hi> Our Land is in the Divine Dispensations dealt withal as if it were <hi>Unclean,</hi> & is it not the multitude of, <hi>The Dead,</hi> among us, that makes it so? Yea so generally and unhap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pily extended is the Number of them, who were never yet Converted unto God, that we may fear whether we are not under a plague beyond that of <hi>Egypt,</hi> when there was <hi>One
<pb n="2" facs="unknown:000654_0007_0FA99EBC7071D718"/>
Dead in every House,</hi> And now what shall be done for them? Truly, The way which the God of Heaven presc<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ibed, is now to be used on the beh<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>l<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> of These: <hi>Prophesie over them</hi>! Wherefore in the Name of the Almighty God, Let me now say, <hi>O ye Dry Bones<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> O ye Dead Soul<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> Hear the Word of the Lord.</hi> But the Word which now more particularly demands your Attention, is <hi>That</hi> in</p>
<hi>John III.3.</hi>
<p>Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a Man be Born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.</p>
<p>BEhold a <hi>Saying,</hi> than which there can be <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e mo<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e <hi>Faithful,</hi> none more <hi>Worthy of Acceptation</hi>! 'Tis a Saying which fell from the <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>im that is <hi>the Faithful and the True <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>itness,</hi> and of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ho as He would be t<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e <hi>Saviour,</hi> so will be the <hi>Disposer</hi> of your Immortal Souls for ever: <hi>He that spake so as never man spake,</hi> here utters a Saying which every man <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Hear; Man, <hi>Hear, that thy Soul may Live.</hi> 'Ti<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> a Saying thus occasion<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed. A Person of some Estate and Figure a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong the <hi>Jews,</hi> who, as if having some Inte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rest among the <hi>Greeks</hi> also, was named <hi>Nico<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>demus</hi> (by his own people pronounced <hi>Nac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dimon</hi>) gave a visit by Night unto our Lord Jesus Christ. Although his dread of a Dis<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reputation,
<pb n="3" facs="unknown:000654_0008_0FA99EBD3A04A940"/>
and perhaps an Excommunicati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, among the <hi>Builders</hi> which refused, <hi>That <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Corner <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>,</hi> caused him to Address our <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>, <hi>By Night</hi>; yet in that Address, he Acknowledged, <hi>We know that thou art a Teacher come from God.</hi> Our Lord hereupon gi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>es Hi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> a <hi>Lesson</hi> worthy of such a <hi>Teacher</hi>; w<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ich Lesson was the Sentence now before u<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>; and He does therein intimate that a <hi>New birth</hi> would have Enabled him to be sen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sible of our Lords being somewhat more than a meer <hi>Teacher,</hi> or Prophet a<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>isen to the Church: indeed of His being no less than the <hi>Only Begotten Son of God.</hi> The Jews were not Ignorant, that the <hi>Messiah</hi> would con<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>er upon His People, <hi>A Kingdom which was to be for ever and ever</hi>: Not only <hi>Daniel,</hi> but even <hi>All the Prophets</hi> as it were with one <hi>mouth,</hi> had given them Assurance of it; and there were especially two very common Maxims about that <hi>Kingdom</hi> among them, whereto our Lord seems to refer in his <hi>Answer</hi> to <hi>Nicodemus,</hi> who probably from some Discourse in the <hi>Sanhedrim</hi> the Day be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore, might bring to our Lord some Enquiries thereupon. It was an Oracle among them, <hi>Paenitentia est ad Messiae Receptionem Necessaria</hi>; that is, we must <hi>Repent</hi> of our Sins, if we would <hi>Receive</hi> our <hi>Messiah.</hi> This does our Lord seem to Approve; and he bids us, by the <hi>New birth of Repentance</hi> to prepare our
<pb n="4" facs="unknown:000654_0009_0FA99EBDECE13648"/>
selves, that so we may partake in, <hi>The Times of Refreshing by the presence of the Lord.</hi> It was likewise an Opinion among them, <hi>Uni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verso Israeli est portio in mundo futuro</hi>; that is, All the <hi>Children</hi> of <hi>Israel</hi> shall be Advanced in the Kingdom of the <hi>Messiah.</hi> This our Lord seems to Reprove, advising us, that it is not being the Children of any Earthly Pa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rent, but it is only a <hi>New birth,</hi> which will Entitle any of us to Happiness in the <hi>World to come.</hi>
<p>In the Text which thus falls into our Hands, there is first, An <hi>Affirmation</hi>; a most Solemn and Awful Assertion delivered by <hi>Him that cannot Ly.</hi> It is, <hi>Except a man be Born again.</hi>] Some Read it, <hi>Born from A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove.</hi> But for the <hi>Translation</hi> of this Clause, tho' not for the clear and full <hi>Signification</hi> of it, we may allow <hi>Nicodemus</hi> himself to be our Interpreter; to be, <hi>Born Again,</hi> is to be, <hi>Born a Second Time.</hi> The Name which the Jews did use to put upon a <hi>Proselyte,</hi> name<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly, <hi>Recens natus,</hi> or, <hi>A newly-Born Person,</hi> seems here transferred unto a further Intent and Purpose, by our Blessed Jesus. <hi>He cannot see the Kingdom of God.</hi>] The <hi>Vision</hi> here im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ports <hi>Enjoyment,</hi> also; as the like Phrase often occurri<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>, elsewhere makes it Evident; thus among the <hi>Latines</hi> too, <hi>Cernere Heredi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tatem,</hi> is to <hi>Enter upon</hi> an Inheritance. But mark seriously, the <hi>Universality</hi> of this thing, <hi>Except a Man</hi>] whatever <hi>Man</hi> he be, whe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther
<pb n="5" facs="unknown:000654_0010_0FA99EBEAD031DF8"/>
Jew or Gentile, whether Mean or No<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble, whether Simple or Learned; it is true, of <hi>any One,</hi> of <hi>every One,</hi> whoever that <hi>One</hi> shall be.</p>
<p>There is, Next, <hi>A Confirmation</hi>; and this is with a strong Asseveration. <hi>Verily, Verily.</hi>] The Original here fetches an Adverb, of <hi>As<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>suring,</hi> and of <hi>Promising,</hi> from the Hebrew Language: it is, as if it had been said, <hi>The Saying is Faithful & Certain, and shall be brought surely to pass</hi>! And the <hi>Verity</hi> of this position, like <hi>Pharaohs</hi> Dream of old, is Repeated; because the Thing indeed is <hi>No Dream</hi>; no, <hi>The Thing is Established by God.</hi> Hereunto our Lord adds, <hi>I say unto thee</hi>] Who is that <hi>I</hi>? To make a a just Paraphrase thereupon; 'Tis that <hi>I,</hi> who ever <hi>speaks in Righteousness</hi>; that <hi>I, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life</hi>: that <hi>I,</hi> who is the <hi>Judge of Quick and of Dead</hi>; and if such an One as <hi>He,</hi> say it, who dares to doubt it!</p>
<p>Wherefore the All-concerning DOC<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>TRINE, which now calls for our <hi>Earnest Heed,</hi> is this:
<hi>That without Regenerati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on men cannot Enjoy the Kingdom of God</hi>
<p>One of the Ancients wisely engraved that
<pb n="6" facs="unknown:000654_0011_0FA99EBF70996BE8"/>
Motto upon his Table, <hi>No Back-biter is to be Entertained here.</hi> But behold the Motto, which the Eternal God has Inscribed upon His King<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom, <hi>No <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>an shall enjoy this, but he that is Born Again!</hi> And now, may my God help me to <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> His Truth, with such <hi>Right Words,</hi> as thro<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> the Co<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>operations of His Grace, may be <hi>Forceable,</hi> upon all your souls; <hi>May the Lord God of my Master send me good speed this Day!</hi>
<p>That we may Think distinctly, let this be,</p>
<div n="1" type="proposition">
<head>The First PROPOSITION.</head>
<p>There is a REGENERATION, or <hi>New Birth,</hi> which the Elect of God, before their <hi>Death,</hi> must have Experience of. This is one of the Links, in that which has of old been called, <hi>The Golden Chain of Salvation; Rom.</hi> 8.30. <hi>Whom He did Predestinate, them He also Called</hi>; that is, he makes them Effectually to hear- that <hi>voice</hi> of his, whereby they are <hi>Born A<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>gain. Predestination</hi> and <hi>Regeneration</hi> are the things which <hi>God hath Joyned:</hi> it will be to the mans own Everlasting Ruine if any man go to <hi>Put them asunder.</hi> We may be sure that, <hi>As many as are Ordained to Eternal Life,</hi> will by a <hi>Spiritual Birth</hi> be made capable for the Fru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ition of it. But what means that? <hi>How can a man be Born when He is Old?</hi>
<p>I Confess that as in <hi>Glorification,</hi> so in <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation,</hi>
<pb n="7" facs="unknown:000654_0012_0FA99EC02B41F598"/>
there are, <hi>Unutterable Things</hi>: 'tis Consisting of, and Surrounded with <hi>Invisi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bles.</hi> That Unaccountable Thing which is in <hi>Regeneration</hi> bestow'd upon us, is called, in 1 <hi>Pet.</hi> 3.4. <hi>The Hidden Man of the Heart.</hi> What the Wise man says, about <hi>Generation,</hi> may be said about <hi>Regeneration</hi> too, <hi>We know not the way of the Spirit in us</hi>! Concerning <hi>both,</hi> it was the Language of the Psalmist, and it may be ours, <hi>We are fearfully and won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derfully made</hi>! Rude Pagans, 'tis true, have had their dark Notion, about, a, <hi>Renascentia,</hi> or a <hi>New-Birth,</hi> in their Philosophy: but how short were their Conceptions as to the <hi>Regeneration,</hi> and the <hi>New-Birth</hi> in Christiani<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty? That may be said of the <hi>New-Birth,</hi> which has been said of the <hi>New Name,</hi> in Rev. 2.17. <hi>No man knows it, except he that Receiveth it.</hi> And yet it is hard, even for such a man to <hi>Say,</hi> what he does <hi>Know</hi> about, such a <hi>marvellous work of God.</hi> However, Let this be offered as a small Description of it. REGENERATION, <hi>is a Real and Tho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rough Change, wrought by the Holy Spirit, in a Fallen Man, through the Infusion of a Gracious Principle into him, which Restores in him, the Lost Image of God, and therewithal Inclines him to comply with the Calls of the Gospel.</hi>
<p>Behold, what Conclusions we are to make.</p>
<p n="1">I. There is a <hi>Real</hi> & a <hi>Thorough</hi> CHANGE
<pb n="8" facs="unknown:000654_0013_0FA99EC0EE0612F0"/>
wrought in every <hi>Regenerate</hi> Man. Indeed the <hi>Substance</hi> of one Soul is not Removed or Dissolved in <hi>Regeneration,</hi> and the <hi>Substance</hi> of an other Introduced, as the Jews fondly fancy'd. The <hi>Being</hi> of our Soul is not scat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tered, but the <hi>Crookedness</hi> and <hi>Wickedness</hi> there<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>of is Rectify'd, in <hi>Regeneration</hi>; the Metal of the Soul re<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>ns <hi>Old</hi> for the <hi>Sort</hi> of it, but becomes <hi>New</hi> for the <hi>Stamp</hi> of it; nor is a <hi>New Faculty</hi> added unto the Soul, but a <hi>New Quality</hi> unto the Faculty. Thus in <hi>Ezek.</hi> 36.26. a <hi>New Heart,</hi> and a <hi>New Spirit,</hi> is as<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cribed unto the <hi>New-born</hi> Man; but how? As we Read of <hi>New Tongues,</hi> and <hi>New M<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ons,</hi> which mean only a <hi>New Speech,</hi> and a <hi>Ne<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Light</hi> ado<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ning of the old: But yet, a Mighty <hi>Cha<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ge</hi> is undergone by the <hi>Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rate</hi> Man; he is <hi>born again,</hi> that is, he is one come into another world, and has ano<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther way of Living in that world, than before; he is, as we find him called, in Eph. 4.23. <hi>A Renewed Man.</hi>
<p>First, It is a REAL <hi>Change,</hi> that the <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate Man</hi> has pass'd upon him. 'Tis not meerly a <hi>Relative</hi> Change; and so the Change in <hi>Regeneration</hi> differs from that in <hi>Justificati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on.</hi> In one there is a Change of <hi>Estate,</hi> in t'other a change of <hi>Temper.</hi> In <hi>that,</hi> the <hi>Guilt</hi> of Sin is Blotted out; in <hi>this,</hi> the the <hi>Filth</hi> of Sin is wash'd away. <hi>That</hi> is a <hi>Sentence</hi> on the Sinner; like that in 2 Sam.
<pb n="9" facs="unknown:000654_0014_0FA99EC32965DAC8"/>
12.13. <hi>The Lord hath put away thy sin, thou shalt not dy. This</hi> is a <hi>Filling</hi> of the Sinner; as we may read, Eph. 2.1. <hi>You hath he filled, who were Dead in Trespasses and Sins.</hi> Nor is it meerly a <hi>Nominal</hi> or a <hi>Notional</hi> Change: 'tis no Brain-sick Imagination. We have one picture of this Change drawn from <hi>Inanimate</hi> Things; in Isa. 55.13. <hi>Instead of the Thorn, shall come up the Fir tree, and instead of the Briar, shall come up the Myrtle-tree.</hi> We have another shadow of this Change, fetch'd from <hi>Animate</hi> Things; in Isa. 11.6. <hi>The Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard shall lye down with the Kid.</hi> In <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation</hi> thus it is; the man varies from what once he was, as much as a <hi>Fir</hi> from a <hi>Thorn,</hi> as much as a <hi>Lamb</hi> from a <hi>Wolf</hi>! Thus, One of the Primitive Christians, after his Conver<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sion, being met by an Idolater of his old Acquaintance, had that Salutation from him, <hi>Ego Sum,</hi> Sir, 'tis <hi>I</hi>? whereupon he Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ply'd, <hi>At Ego non sum Ego</hi>; But Sir, <hi>'Tis not I</hi>; I am not the man I was. We may therefore add,</p>
<p>Secondly, It is a THOROUGH <hi>Change</hi> that passes upon the <hi>Regenerate</hi> Man. <hi>Of</hi> and <hi>by</hi> such a man, 'tis said in 2 Cor. 5.17. <hi>Old things are past away, behold, all things are become New</hi>; as the <hi>Conflagration</hi> at th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Last Day, will bring a New Face upon the <hi>Great World</hi>; so does a <hi>Regeneration</hi> at this
<pb n="10" facs="unknown:000654_0015_0FA99EC34108B1B8"/>
Day upon the <hi>Small.</hi> As the <hi>Light</hi> fills all the Air, as the <hi>Leaven</hi> spreads all the Lump, or, in a word, as <hi>Original Sin</hi> reaches to the whole man; so <hi>Regeneration</hi> has its Influences upon every <hi>part</hi> of the m<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>n, that becomes the Subject of i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>; altho' the Influence wi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e but <hi>in part,</hi> until we do in Glo<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>y Arrive <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o, <hi>The Stature of a perfect man.</hi>
<p>Particularly; <hi>A Regenerate</hi> Man has <hi>New</hi> ABILITIES conferred on him. While he was <hi>Ungodly,</hi> he was, <hi>Without Strength</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> but now he may joyfully say, <hi>Lord, th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>u hast strengthened me with strength in my so<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>l <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</hi> thing that may be s<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>oken by a Regene<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>e man is that in <hi>Joh.</hi> 9.23. <hi>Whereas I w<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>s Blind, now</hi> I SEE. There is an <hi>Illumination</hi> in <hi>Regeneration.</hi> The man comes to see an Infinite Glory in GOD; though once he had <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ai<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>, <hi>Wh<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>s the Lord, that</hi> I <hi>should Serve Him?</hi> He <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> to see a singular Beauty in CHRI<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>; though once he had said, <hi>There is no <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> in Him, for wh<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ch</hi> I <hi>should De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sire Him.</hi> He comes to see a wonderful Evil in SIN; though once he had said, <hi>Sto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>n Waters are sweet.</hi> He now sees an Un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gainsayable Equity in RELIGION; tho' formerly he had said, I <hi>desire not the know<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ledge of the Ways of the Almighty</hi>! He sees now an unspeakable Honor in HELL, tho' heretofore he counted the <hi>Darts of God but Stubble.</hi> He see<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> now an inef<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ble pleasure
<pb n="17" facs="unknown:000654_0016_0FA99EC3ED061B98"/>
in HEAVEN, tho' heretofore he <hi>Despised that good land of promise.</hi> And he now sees Dreadful miseries upon HIMSELF; tho' here<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tofore he still said, <hi>I have need of Nothing</hi>! Another thing that may be spoken by a rege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerate man is that in <hi>Phil.</hi> 4.13. <hi>I Can</hi> DO <hi>all things through Christ who strengthens me.</hi> Tis by Regeneration that a man who look'd upon Exercises of <hi>Piety</hi> and <hi>Charity,</hi> as Intolerable, Insuperable, Impracticable, now comes to say, <hi>Lord, thy Commandments are not grievous</hi>! Altho' he be more sensible of his own <hi>weakness</hi> than ever he was; yet he more finds, <hi>The Grace of God sufficient for him.</hi> There are those which Once he Counted, <hi>Hard Sayings,</hi> in the Lawes of God; but now with Gods help he can Do the things required in Gods word. Has God commanded him, To <hi>Do JUSTICE</hi> and <hi>Love MERCY,</hi> and <hi>Walk HUMBLY</hi>? He Does it. Has God commanded him, to Live <hi>Soberly,</hi> and <hi>Righteously,</hi> and <hi>Godlily</hi>? he Does it. Yea, Has God bidden him, to pluck out a <hi>Right Eye,</hi> and cut off a <hi>Right Hand?</hi> He Does it, by the Assistance of him that has Bidden it; He that was once a creeple, now not only <hi>WALKS in the way that is called Holy,</hi> but even <hi>RUNS with patience the Race that is set before him,</hi>
<p>Again, A <hi>Regenerate</hi> man has <hi>New</hi> APPE<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>TITES breathing in him. Once indeed he <hi>Drank in Iniquity Like water</hi>; but there is now another sort of Rellish in the Soul of him.
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The WILL of a Regenerate man, comes to make that choice, in Psal. 73.25. <hi>Whom have I in Heaven, but thee, O Lord! and there is none upon Earth, that</hi> I <hi>desire besides thee.</hi> Formerly, it he had been asked, <hi>What will satisfie th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e</hi>? he would have itched upon a Long <hi>Life</hi> in this World, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> with all the <hi>Pleasures</hi> and <hi>Pr<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>its</hi> and <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> of it. But now he is no more so <hi>Selfish,</hi> so Idolatrous and Athe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>istical. The chief <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ND, which he now chooses, is, <hi>That the Eternal God may by and from him have Eternal Ac<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>n<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>wl<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>dgments.</hi> And the MEANS, which he chooses for this <hi>End,</hi> are, <hi>An Acquaintance with, and Obedience to, the Lord Jesus Christ, in all the Methods directed by the Scriptures of Truth.</hi> When the God of Heaven propounds unto this man, as he did unto <hi>Solomon, Ask, what I shall give thee</hi>: 'tis nothing short of Heaven, that will content him: and he cordially takes and likes that Appropriation of God upon him, <hi>This man have</hi> I <hi>formed for my self, he shall shew forth my praise.</hi> Those little <hi>Designs,</hi> and sorry <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lights,</hi> which the most of men do basely take up wi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>hal, become very contemptible to the Soul of such a man; and he heartily clo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ses with it as his main business in the world, <hi>By Repenting and Believing, to make sure of Ever<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lasting Happiness, and in the continual Exercise of Religion, to bear Testimonies unto the Truths and Ways of our Maker.</hi> We may add, That the
<pb n="13" facs="unknown:000654_0018_0FA99EC572A88568"/>
AFFECTIONS of a Regenerate Man are such as Enable him to comply with that Rule, in Rom. 12.9. <hi>Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good.</hi> His LOVE once was of those <hi>Abominable Things, which the Soul of the Lord Hateth.</hi> But now he says, <hi>I Love thee, O Lord my Strength</hi>! now he says, <hi>Oh! how</hi> I <hi>Love thy Law</hi>! now he says, <hi>I have Loved the Habitation of thy House,</hi> and unto this he joyns, <hi>The L<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>w of the Brethren</hi>! His HOPE, once was only of <hi>Goods laid up for many years</hi>; and all that while he was indeed, <hi>Without Hope.</hi> But now his <hi>Hope</hi> is, <hi>For thy Salvation, O Lord</hi>! And his <hi>Fear</hi> is, <hi>Lest</hi> I <hi>fall short of Entring into Rest.</hi> His JOY, was once only in the, <hi>Increase of Corn and Wine</hi>: but now 'tis, <hi>In the Light of Gods Counte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nance.</hi> And his <hi>Grief</hi> is broached, by that Reflection, <hi>My Iniquities have separated between me and my God</hi>; and that, <hi>My Trespasses have pierced my Saviour</hi>; and that, <hi>By my Sins I have wronged my own Soul.</hi> And what are his Desires now, but an, <hi>Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness</hi>?</p>
<p>Furthermore, a <hi>Regenerate</hi> man has <hi>New</hi> EMPLOYMENTS followed by him. It might indeed be said unto him. <hi>You were the Servant of Sin</hi>: but he is now vigo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rously Engag'd in the Service of another Lord: his Character is that in <hi>Psal.</hi> 119.38. Lord, <hi>Thy Servant, Devoted unto thy Fear.</hi>
<pb n="14" facs="unknown:000654_0019_0FA99EC62FA23AA8"/>
As to the SPIRIT of the Regenerate man, that is otherwise Employ'd than once it was. The <hi>Thoughts</hi> that formerly swarmed in him, were <hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>arthly, Sensual, Devillish</hi>; but now he can say, <hi>How precious are thy Thoughts unto me, O Lord</hi>! His <hi>Meditations</hi> upon God, and the Words and Works, of that Great God, are <hi>sweet</hi> unto him. And his <hi>Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trivances</hi> are, <hi>What shall I do to b<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Saved</hi>? and, <hi>How may I bring forth much of that Fruit, whereby my Heavenly Father may be Glorified</hi>? The BODY of a Regenerate man, <hi>that</hi> al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>so is Employ'd more Nobly, more Holily, more Divinely, than heretofore, when its Members were, <hi>The <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> of Unrighteous<g ref="char:EOLunhyphen"/>ness.</hi> May we a little <hi>Anatomize</hi> this <hi>New Living</hi> Man! His EYES, were once wan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dring after, <hi>The <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>us<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> of the Eye:</hi> but now he has made a, <hi>Covenant with his Eyes</hi>; now he has his <hi>Eyes unto the Lord</hi>; now, <hi>Rivers of Waters run down his Eyes,</hi> because the <hi>Law</hi> of God is violated. His EARS, were once open unto, <hi>Rotten Communication</hi>; but now those <hi>Ears</hi> have the <hi>Sayings of Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sus Christ s<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>aking down into them</hi>; now his <hi>Ears</hi> will <hi>Hear what God the Lord will speak</hi>; now he has his <hi>Ears bored unto the Service of God.</hi> His TONGUE once was a thing <hi>Set on Fire of Hell</hi>; but now it becomes like <hi>choice Silver</hi> for the <hi>Truth</hi> and <hi>Worth</hi> of the Words proceeding from it; now it
<pb n="15" facs="unknown:000654_0020_0FA99EC6ED1225A0"/>
will utter <hi>Psalms</hi> instead of Ballads, and <hi>Prayers</hi> instead of Swearing and Cursing and Frothy Foolish Ribaldry: Yea, 'tis as the <hi>Pen of a Ready Writer,</hi> when speaking about the King and Kingdom of the Saints. What are his HANDS? not <hi>The Fists of Wickedness</hi>; but <hi>Lifted up in the Name of God.</hi> What are his FEET? not, <hi>Swift to do Evil</hi>; but <hi>Turned unto the Testimonies of the Lord.</hi> In fine, the whole <hi>Body</hi> of this man, becomes a <hi>Temple</hi> to the Holy <hi>Spirit</hi> of God. And thus is the Regenerate man, all over <hi>New</hi>! But, O make a pause here, and let thy Heart smi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e thee, if thou art a stranger to such a <hi>Renovation.</hi> Wee'll then pass to, a Second Conclusion</p>
<p n="2">II. The <hi>Change</hi> wrought in a Regenerate man, proceeds from a Gracious PRINCI<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>PLE, infused from on high into him. Thus we are told, for so <hi>I</hi> would now Read it, in 2 Cor. 5.17. <hi>If any man be in Christ, there is a New Creature in him.</hi> Besides, and beyond all the <hi>External Alterations</hi> under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gone by a Regenerate man, there is, <hi>Ali<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quid intus Existens,</hi> a certain <hi>something within him,</hi> which once he was without; a certain <hi>Godly Principle,</hi> or, <hi>A Principle of Respect unto God,</hi> which the Scripture puts various Names upon. There is the NEW MAN, that is, a new posture of Spirit, in the
<pb n="16" facs="unknown:000654_0021_0FA99EC7AF2292F8"/>
Regenerate man, opposed unto the <hi>Old man,</hi> that is, the old Habit of Sin, and Vice, which he was Born withal. The Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rate man, has the <hi>Branches</hi> of good Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nions, and good Practices, to be observed in him: but he has in him also a <hi>gracious Principl<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> called by <hi>Job,</hi> in Chap. 19.28. <hi>The ROOT of the Matter,</hi> for them to grow upon. The Regenerate man has the <hi>Fruits,</hi> of which the Spirit of God is the Author; even the <hi>peaceable Fruits of Righteousness</hi>; but he hath also a <hi>gracious Principle,</hi> called by <hi>John,</hi> in 1 Ep. 3.9. <hi>The SEED of God,</hi> from whence they do proceed. The Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate man has the <hi>Streams</hi> of much Goodness in his Conversation, whereby is <hi>made Glad the City of God,</hi> which he be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>longs unto; but the Source of them is a <hi>gracious Principle,</hi> which our Lord calls in Joh. 4.14. <hi>A WELL of Water springing up to Everlasting Life.</hi> The Regenerate man has the <hi>Light</hi> of those <hi>Good Works,</hi> which do so shine before men, as that the <hi>Heavenly Father is thereby Glorify'd</hi>: but the continual supply thereof is from the <hi>gracious Principle</hi> which our Saviour calls, in Mat. 25.4. <hi>OYL in the Vessel.</hi> There is in the Regenerate man, that which is called, in 2 Pet. 1.4. THE DIVINE NATURE; that is, a principle which is <hi>Divine</hi> for the Original of it, and by means whereof all <hi>Godly O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>perations</hi>
<pb n="17" facs="unknown:000654_0022_0FA99EC87766EC20"/>
become <hi>Natural,</hi> or Free, Fre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quent, Fervent and constant with him that has it. It is not a <hi>Guilded</hi> but a <hi>Quick<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ned</hi> Soul, that is in the Regenerate man; his <hi>Motion</hi> and <hi>Action</hi> arises from a <hi>Life within</hi>; and that <hi>Life</hi> is the Result of his <hi>Union</hi> with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is <hi>our Life.</hi> Poor Soul, see now whether the <hi>Spirit of Life</hi> in the Lord Jesus Christ, have thus Animated thee. Yea, or No? But a Third Conclusion is then to take hold on the Heel of the foregoing.</p>
<p n="3">III. Thro' the <hi>gracious Principle</hi> Infused into the <hi>Regenerate</hi> man, the <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>t IMAGE of God is Restored in him. For this cause we are informed in Col. 3.10. <hi>The New Man is Renewed after the Image of Him which Created it.</hi> In this Lay the Primitive Happiness of man at his Creation; 'tis the Account, which, <hi>In the Head of Gods Book,</hi> is given of it, <hi>God Created Man in his own Image.</hi> But what was that <hi>Image</hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>f God? Briefly, An <hi>Universal</hi> RECTITUDE in the Soul, was the chief Thing, wherein that <hi>I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mage</hi> lay. Hence we are now told, in Eph. 4.24. <hi>The new man after God, is Cre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ated in Righteousness and true Holiness.</hi> A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>las, Man by Sin, has lost this glorious <hi>I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mage</hi>; yea, the <hi>Image</hi> of Satan, instead thereof hath possessed him, and pol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>luted
<pb n="18" facs="unknown:000654_0023_0FA99EC931D49F50"/>
him. As a man that is bitten by a <hi>Mad Dog,</hi> horribly <hi>Barks,</hi> and Howls, and Laps, just like the Creature which Enven<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>om'd him; so has the Infection convey'd unto us, by the Breath and Sting of our Tempter, <hi>The Great Red Old Dragon,</hi> fear<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fu<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ly assimilated us unto himself. But now <hi>Regeneration</hi> happily Recovers in us, the thus Impaired <hi>Image</hi> of God; by defacing the Impressions of Hell that had been made upon us. There is a marvellous <hi>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>greement</hi> now between God and Man; wherein though not the <hi>Essence,</hi> nor the <hi>Greatness</hi> of God, yet a Resemblance of His HOLINESS is in a blessed measure Communicated unto the man thus, <hi>Born again.</hi> It may be said of him, <hi>He is a man after Gods own Heart</hi>; he <hi>Likes,</hi> he <hi>Loves,</hi> he <hi>Lives</hi> after such a manner as to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>scribe unto all serious Beholders, a little of that <hi>Holiness,</hi> which is Infinite in the <hi>Holy One of Israel.</hi> Hence, a Regenerate man studies a most exact Conformity to the Example of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Attains very much of what he studies. As a Renowned Minister could say, <hi>When I am to Preach a Sermon,</hi> I <hi>set my self to think, How would Jesus Christ Preach, were He to Handle my Subject</hi>! So a Regenerate man sometimes thinks, <hi>How did the Blessed Jesus do such a Duty?</hi> or, <hi>How did the bles<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sed
<pb n="19" facs="unknown:000654_0024_0FA99EC9EFE04190"/>
Jesus bear such a Trial</hi>? and then he endeavours to go <hi>and do Likewise.</hi> A Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate man, is a CHRISTIAN in reality; that is, <hi>A Christ-like man</hi>; and it may be said of such ones, <hi>As thou art, so are they<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> each one Resembling the Children of a King.</hi> What shall I say? The view of the Imi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>table Vertue and Carriage in our Lord Jesus, even <hi>Transforms</hi> the Regenerate man, till he be, <hi>Changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory.</hi> Unto this we will annex but one Conclusion more: and O that you might <hi>Feel,</hi> what you are now to <hi>Hear.</hi>
<p n="4">IV. The Gracious <hi>Principle,</hi> which Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>stores the <hi>Image</hi> of God, in a <hi>Regenerate</hi> man, inclines him to comply with the CALLS of God, in the GOSPEL. Unto all the Evangelical Proposals, the Return of the Regenerate man is not that, <hi>As for the Word spoken in the Name of the Lord,</hi> I <hi>will not hearken thereunto</hi>; no, but it is that, <hi>Lo,</hi> I <hi>come,</hi> I <hi>delight to do thy Will, O my God.</hi> There are especially two things wherein the Calls of the Gospel are sum<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>med up unto us; namely, those two, in Acts 20.21. <hi>Repentance towards God, and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ</hi>: but the Regenerate have the <hi>Repentance,</hi> and the <hi>Faith,</hi> so called for. Such is the REPEN<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>TANCE
<pb n="20" facs="unknown:000654_0025_0FA99ECAAD633788"/>
of a Regenerate man; that he looks on his manifold sinfulness both by <hi>Nature</hi> and <hi>Practice,</hi> with a thorough <hi>Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>viction</hi> of it; and he cries out, <hi>Lord,</hi> I <hi>am vile</hi>: He then mourns for that exceeding sinfulness, and Loathes himself with the <hi>Contrition,</hi> of a <hi>Rent,</hi> a <hi>Pierc'd,</hi> a <hi>Broken Heart,</hi> within him. He therewithal comes to an Ingenuous <hi>Confession</hi> thereof; and Sin becomes as a <hi>Cup of Trembling,</hi> or Poison in his Bowels, which he does <hi>Cast up,</hi> with penitent Acknowledgments, before such as have seen <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>im <hi>take in</hi> the Deadly Poyson. Hereupon, with a just <hi>Recession</hi> from it, he cries out, I <hi>have do<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap> Iniqui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty, but</hi> I <hi>will do so no more</hi>! he sets him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>self to Mortify every <hi>Lust,</hi> and gives an Everlasting <hi>Divorce</hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> all his former Cour<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ses of Ungodliness. Instead thereof, he Devotes himself to God for ever: to the <hi>Flesh,</hi> he says, I <hi>will no more Humour thee</hi>! to the <hi>World,</hi> he says, <hi>I will no more fol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>low thee</hi>! to the <hi>Devil,</hi> he says, I <hi>will no longer gratifie thee, as formerly</hi>! but unto the most High God, he says, <hi>Lord,</hi> I <hi>will be for thee, and not for another.</hi> Such is the FAITH of a Regenerate man, that when the Lord Jesus Christ Invites him, <hi>Look unto me, and be Saved</hi>! and, <hi>Come unto me and</hi> I <hi>will give you Rest</hi>; with a Conquered Soul he answers, <hi>Lord,</hi> I <hi>Look, Lord,</hi> I <hi>come,
<pb n="21" facs="unknown:000654_0026_0FA99ECB6F973270"/>
Lord, Let me by thy Mediation be Saved, and have Rest for ever</hi>! He has been so Awakened, as to see himself perishing in all Spiritual and Eternal Calamities; <hi>Wretch<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked</hi>; and he has been in most uneasy Agonies of Mind, until God hath directed His Thoughts unto the Lord Jesus Christ, as unto that <hi>Prince and Saviour, who gives Repentance and Remission of Sins.</hi> He cries out, <hi>In the Lord let me have Righteousness and Strength</hi>! because he finds himself mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>serably destitute of both. He brings no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing but <hi>Sins</hi> and <hi>Plagues</hi> to recommend him unto the Lord Jesus Christ; but at the Encouragement of the <hi>Free Grace</hi> which has made the proffers thereof unto him, he Relies upon the Lord Jesus Christ, for <hi>Wisdom, Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption.</hi> He does with a Distressed Soul behold all the <hi>Offices</hi> of the Lord Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sus Christ, whereupon he implores, <hi>Let me come to have Peace with God by the Atone<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of that Priest</hi>! and, <hi>Let me be under the Instruction of that Prophet</hi>! and, <hi>Let me be under the Government of that King</hi>! His prejudice against the <hi>Benefits</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ, has been taken away in the, <hi>Day of Power, when God made him willing</hi>! and his Comfortable Expectations from the no less Compassionate than All suffici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ent
<pb n="22" facs="unknown:000654_0027_0FA99ECC2C26C7B8"/>
Jesus, now are, <hi>To be forgiven all sin<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</hi> and, <hi>To be cleansed from all Unrighteovs<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ness.</hi>
<p>In Fine, 'Tis by <hi>Regeneration</hi> that a man comes to consent unto the COVENANT of GRACE, in all the parts, and in all the terms of it. When we are <hi>First-Born,</hi> we are under the <hi>First Covenant,</hi> and under the curse which the <hi>First Adam</hi> has accor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ding to that Covenant Entail'd upon us. But when we are <hi>Born again,</hi> we come under the Wings of the <hi>New-Covenant,</hi> by Resigning ourselves unto the <hi>Second Adam,</hi> as unto our Head, Our Lord, Our Mediator. I beseech you to mind what I am going to say: <hi>Set your hearts unto these things, for they are your Life</hi>; and if while I am speaking <hi>these things, your hearts</hi> become really <hi>Moulded</hi> thereinto, we shall together praise God forever, that ever he gave us this opportunity! Yea, I shall surely and shortly meet you with joy at the Right Hand of the Lord Jesus Christ.</p>
<p>I say then, we are now advised of a Co<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venant wherein, <hi>The Glorious JESUS is en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trusted for His people, not only with</hi> Life <hi>to be bestowed upon them at the Last; but also with</hi> Grace <hi>to enable them unto the Doing of all that must be done to prepare them for it.</hi> A Co<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venant wherein, <hi>The Blessed Jesus will</hi> Confer <hi>all saving mercies upon us, if we are but willing to</hi> Receive <hi>those mercies: and all the Qualifica<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion
<pb n="23" facs="unknown:000654_0028_0FA99ECF11CFE020"/>
that he demands in order to our being</hi> Ju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>stified, <hi>and so</hi> Sanctify'd <hi>and</hi> Glorified, <hi>is our Hearty</hi> Acceptance <hi>of all those Blessednesses.</hi> A Covenant wherein, <hi>Our having an Heart, even so much as to</hi> Will <hi>any good thing, must be ascribed unto the Supernatural and Undeserv<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed Assistences of a God Soveraign as well as Gracious.</hi> A Covenant wherein, <hi>All the</hi> Cal<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>led <hi>of the Lord Jesus, must be willing to Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>press their</hi> Gratitude <hi>unto Him for Delivering them from Spiritual and Eternal Miseries, by sincere Endeavours to walk before Him in</hi> Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liness <hi>and</hi> Righteousness <hi>all their Days.</hi> A Covenant, Lastly, wherein, <hi>The</hi> Imperfecti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on <hi>of all our Duties, is Compensated by the perfect</hi> Obedience <hi>of the Lord Jesus Christ; and our Inclination to</hi> Do as well as we can <hi>with Gods Help, does an Effect proves</hi> its Cause, <hi>prove our Participation in that Obedience.</hi> Well, when Almighty God makes this Demand of us, <hi>Art thou willing to Converse with me, and have and own me for</hi> thy God, <hi>in the way of such a Coveaant</hi>? the Regenerate Soul an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>swers, <hi>Lord, I am willing</hi>! And I add, that when once a man comes to <hi>Approve</hi> this way of Salvation by Jesus Christ, and <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pose</hi> and <hi>Venture</hi> all his Everlasting Interests upon it, there is a work of <hi>Regeneration</hi> in the Soul of such a man. <hi>Consent!</hi> O Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mortal Soul; <hi>Consent!</hi> before we pass any further: say <hi>Amen,</hi> to this <hi>Covenant</hi>; and
<pb n="24" facs="unknown:000654_0029_0FA99ECFC4853A00"/>
the God of Heaven will immediately pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nounce upon thee, <hi>This is a dear Son, this is a pleasant Child,</hi> I <hi>will surely have mercy upon him!</hi> To set an Edge upon these things let us now think on, what may be,</p>
<div n="2" type="proposition">
<head>The Second PROPOSITION.</head>
<p>The KINGDOM of God, cannot be Enjoy'd without the Experience of this REGENERATION. Behold, a flaming Sword in the <hi>Mouth</hi> of the Lord Jesus, guarding of <hi>Paradise</hi> from the Intrusions of all that are not <hi>Born again</hi>! Moreover, What are the <hi>Unregenerate,</hi> but the <hi>Unrigh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>teous</hi>? Now of them 'tis said, in 1 Cor. 6.9. <hi>Know ye not, that the Unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?</hi> Again, what are the <hi>Unregenerate,</hi> but the <hi>Unconverted?</hi> But of such 'tis said, in Mat. 18.3. <hi>Verily, I say unto you, except ye be Converted, ye shall not Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.</hi> I free<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly say to you, if I speak any thing without Book, believe me not, but now you see this <hi>Word established by the mouth of two or three Witnesses!</hi> It then only needs to be Enquired,</p>
<hi>What is that</hi> KINGDOME OF GOD, <hi>which without</hi> Regeneration, <hi>cannot be Enjoy'd</hi>?</p>
<pb n="25" facs="unknown:000654_0030_0FA99ECFF8AC9F08"/>Know therefore, that it means, <hi>The Blessed state, whereinto God brings his chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ.</hi>
<p>A state wherein God Himself is the <hi>King</hi> of His people, and wherein the People of God, will as <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>, have a Dominion over all their Interiour adversaries. The Lord said unto hi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<hi>Israel,</hi> in Exod. 19.6. <hi>Ye shall be unto me a Ki<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>gdome of Priests and an holy Nation.</hi> And alluding thereunto, it is said of all the <hi>Faithful</hi> in 1. Pet 2 9 <hi>Ye are a Royal Priest<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People.</hi> Now there are singular priviledges belonging to this <hi>Peculiar People</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> all of which no man without <hi>Regeneration</hi> can be admitted unto. In our <hi>Birth</hi> from si<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ul Parents, we are <hi>Born Slaves</hi>; Yea, the <hi>servants of servants.</hi> We are <hi>children</hi> indeed; but of what? <hi>Children of Wrath,</hi> and the Heirs of death. But by a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nother <hi>Birth,</hi> from the Spirit of God making New Creatures of us, we are <hi>Born Kings</hi>; there are many <hi>Crowns</hi> that belong unto us. Particularly.</p>
<p n="1">I. Without <hi>Regeneration</hi> a man cannot en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>joy a GOSPEL-ESTATE in this world. It is true, an Unregenerate man may get into a <hi>Visible Church-state,</hi> which is called, <hi>The Kingdome of God.</hi> There are <hi>Black Tares</hi> in that field, there are a <hi>Bad <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</hi> in that Net, there are <hi>Foolish Virgins</hi> at that Feast; but still, they are not proper <hi>Enjoyers</hi> of the
<pb n="28" facs="unknown:000654_0031_0FA99ED0B6C79710"/>
<hi>Good</hi> in the State. There may be Traitors in the Kingdome, and <hi>Ishmaels</hi> and <hi>Judases</hi> in the Families, of the Church; but unto what purpose? It cannot be said of them, <hi>They have seen the Kingdome of God come with power,</hi> all this while. Unregenerate Soul, Hear thy Circumstances, and be A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mazed!</p>
<p>First, <hi>Gospel Mysteries,</hi> cannot be Discern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed by an Ungenerate Man. He is, <hi>Born Blind,</hi> and so he continues, till the <hi>New-birth</hi> has once Enlightened him. There are <hi>Thick scales</hi> upon the Eyes, which <hi>Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration</hi> has not opened. The <hi>Methods</hi> and <hi>Rewards</hi> used by God, in Governing of the <hi>Unseen World,</hi> are most of all <hi>Unseen</hi> by the Unregenerate: It is said, in 1 Cor. 2.14. <hi>The Natural man cannot know them, because they are Spiritually Discerned.</hi> Without Rege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neration a man cannot come to understand, <hi>How man is to be Saved,</hi> or, <hi>How God is to be Served,</hi> or, <hi>How things depend upon one another, in the Great Mystery of Godliness.</hi> 'Tis with him, as in Luc. 14.34. <hi>The Eye is Evil, and the Body is full of Darkness!</hi> and his Conceptions about the Things of God, are like those which a Beggar in his Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vel, or an Indian his Wigwam, has about the Magnificence of a mighty Kingdom. Lamentable man! <hi>Sampson</hi> with his Eyes extinguished, grinding for the <hi>Philistines,</hi> was
<pb n="29" facs="unknown:000654_0032_0FA99ED16D1AA568"/>
not in a Condition so deplorable<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
<p>Secondly, <hi>Gospel Services</hi> cannot be at<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended by an Unregenerate Man. We are told, <hi>That the Kingdom of God, is Righteous<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ness, and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost</hi>; but without <hi>Regeneration</hi> there is no Attain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of them. There is a certain Homage which we are to pay unto our Great <hi>King</hi>; but the Unregenerate Man being of, <hi>The Bruitish among the People,</hi> does labour under an utter and a mortal Incapacit<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> to render that, <hi>Reasonable Service.</hi> Thus 'tis said, in <hi>Rom.</hi> 8.8. <hi>They that are in the Flesh cannot please God.</hi> The man is told, and warn'd, and charg'd from time to time about, <hi>The Thing that Good is</hi>; but he can Do nothing! He can yield unto God, no Worship that is Right for the <hi>Matter</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> the <hi>Manner,</hi> and the <hi>Motive</hi> of it. He cannot Serve God <hi>Spiritually</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> for he is all <hi>Flesh</hi>; and his very <hi>Soul</hi> within him, is as One of the Ancients has it, after a sort <hi>Incarnated:</hi> he may too truly say, <hi>The Law is Spiritual, but</hi> I <hi>am carnal, sold under Sin</hi>! When he pretends to wait upon God, it is with an Application of his whole Soul: every Sacrifice that he brings has the Ill Omen of being, <hi>without an Heart</hi>; he may say, <hi>I Lift up my Eyes, my Hands, my Voice!</hi> but he cannot say with the Psalmist, <hi>Lord, I Lift my Soul unto thee</hi>; nor, <hi>Serve the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me</hi>!
<pb n="30" facs="unknown:000654_0033_0FA99ED22F04D998"/>
Nor can he Serve God <hi>Sincerely</hi>; for he was conceived with what i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> contrary to, <hi>Tr<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>th in the Inward Parts</hi>; and it is nothing but <hi>Fear</hi> of some Temporal Inconvenience, or <hi>Pride</hi> of being Applauded among men, that makes him do what he does. 'Tis on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly <hi>Self,</hi> that Clay<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>ol, <hi>Self,</hi> which puts this <hi>Pharisee</hi> upon Shows of <hi>Piety</hi> or <hi>Charity</hi>; and <hi>God</hi> is not before him. It was said, in <hi>Joh.</hi> 4.24. <hi>They that Worship God must Worship him in Spirit and in Truth.</hi> But what a <hi>vain Worship</hi> then, is that of the Unrege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerate! Useless Wretch, what is he good for?</p>
<p>Thirdly, <hi>Gospel Priviledges</hi> may not be ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pected by a man that is Unregenerate. What the Psalmist said about the <hi>City,</hi> we may say about the <hi>Kingdom,</hi> of God, <hi>Glorious Things are spoken of thee</hi>! But until by Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation Men are Naturalized, in this <hi>Kingdom,</hi> they cannot lay claim to those <hi>Glo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rious Things. 'Tis Regeneration</hi> that helps us to that <hi>Wedding Garment,</hi> without which, if we come to the Gospel Table, the Great <hi>King</hi> will say unto us, <hi>How camest thou hither</hi>?</p>
<p>But particularly, The Unregenerate Man can have no <hi>Union</hi> with the Lord Jesus Christ: No, He is yet in the <hi>First Adam.</hi> A man cannot be United unto the <hi>Heavenly Adam,</hi> without the <hi>Heavenly Image.</hi> 'Tis in Regeneration, that we come to be Grafted
<pb n="31" facs="unknown:000654_0034_0FA99ED2F1763F28"/>
upon the only Living and Lifegiving <hi>Olive Tree.</hi> The Apostle counts it a filthy Ab<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>surdity, in 1 <hi>Cor.</hi> 6.15. <hi>Shall I take the Members of Christ, and make them the Members of an Harlot? God forbid.</hi> Even so, can a <hi>Mind</hi> be United unto the Lord Jesus Christ, while it is yet. <hi>Enmity against God?</hi> Can an <hi>Heart</hi> be United unto the Lord Jesus Christ, while it is yet, <hi>A Cage of Unclean Lusts<g ref="char:punc">▪</g>
</hi> Can the Lord Jesus take a <hi>Tongue</hi> into an Union with Himself, and Leave the <hi>Poison of Asps</hi> Lurking and wor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king under it? Shall the <hi>Mystical Body</hi> of our Lord be like <hi>Nebuchadnezzars</hi> Image, the Head <hi>Gold,</hi> and the Members <hi>Clay? God forbid?</hi>
<p>Again, The Unregenerate Man, can have no <hi>Title</hi> to the Saving <hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>enefits</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have now Three <hi>Wo-Trum<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pets,</hi> to Sound in the Ears of such a man; so that it may be very truly said, a <hi>Dread<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful Sound is in his Ears</hi>! Let the Sinner, <hi>first,</hi> hear that Account of his wretchedness, in <hi>Prov.</hi> 9.12. <hi>He shall be Holden with the Cords of his Sins.</hi> An Unregenerate Man, is an <hi>Unjustify'd</hi> man. Since it may be said of him, <hi>Thy Heart is not Right in the sight of God,</hi> it may be also said of him<g ref="char:punc">▪</g>
<hi>Thy Iniquities keep thee in a Condition more Bitter than any Gall, bound over to Suffer Eternal Punishments!</hi> O Dreadful Condition! If Unregenerate, then <hi>Unpardoned.</hi> The
<pb n="32" facs="unknown:000654_0035_0FA99ED3AF1446D0"/>
Sins of such a man are <hi>Follow'd</hi> by him, and so long they can't be <hi>Forgiven</hi> to him. All the many <hi>Thousands</hi> of Sins wherewith he has Rebell'd against the God that made him, are still fresh and full upon the score against him, as if they had been but this very morning perpetrated; and the Loud Cry of them, <hi>Heaven, Pay us our Wages! Pay us our Wages! Let the Death of the Sinner, which is our Wages, be pay'd immediately</hi>; this Cry is going up to Heaven against him eve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Day. <hi>Thy Iniquity is marked before Me, saith the Lord!</hi> Let the Sinner take a <hi>further</hi> Account of his Wretchedness, from <hi>Prov.</hi> 15.8. <hi>The Sacrifice of the Wicked, is an Abomi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nation to the Lord.</hi> The Unregenerate man is an <hi>Unaccepted</hi> man. The Delight of God is only in <hi>Himself,</hi> and in what of Himself is in the Creature; but here is One, <hi>With<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out God in the World.</hi> It is an Established Thing, <hi>Without Faith it is impossible to please God</hi>; but the Unregenerate is also an <hi>Unbe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liever.</hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> the poor man do never so many Religio<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>s, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Charitable and Serviceable Things, they are but so many <hi>Splendid Sins,</hi> in the Account of God. All the <hi>Obla<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tions</hi> of such a man, are no better than <hi>Swines Blood</hi>; and the Blessed God, says, <hi>I like them not</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> because they cannot be duly Qualify'd. His <hi>Good Works,</hi> are but so many Cyph<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>es<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> wanting that Figure that should give a value
<pb n="33" facs="unknown:000654_0036_0FA99ED46CE7F0F0"/>
to them all: He is one who, <hi>Turns away his Ear from hearing the Law,</hi> and therefore his very <hi>Prayers are an Abomination.</hi> But then Let it be entred as a <hi>Third</hi> Instance of the Sinners wretchedness, what we have, in <hi>Heb.</hi> 12.8. <hi>Ye are Bastards and not Sons.</hi> If with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out <hi>Castigation,</hi> much more without <hi>Regenera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion,</hi> a man has no pretence unto an <hi>Adoption</hi> by the Lord. The <hi>Honour</hi> and the <hi>Image</hi> of Gods Children must ever go together. 'Tis only the <hi>New-Born</hi> that have, <hi>The pow<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er to be called, the Sons of God</hi>: nor may any one else hope for, <hi>The Inheritance of the Saints in Light.</hi> As none but, <hi>They that are Led by the Spirit are the Sons of God,</hi> so, are none but they that are <hi>Born of that Spirit.</hi> Until persons <hi>come out from among</hi> the Unregenerate, the Almighty God says not unto them, <hi>I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my Sons and Daugh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters.</hi> No, 'tis another Family, that the Un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>regenerate belongs unto; what is the <hi>Name</hi> of him? only <hi>The seed of the Serpent</hi>; and, <hi>A Generation of Vipers,</hi> and, <hi>Ye are of your Father the Devil</hi>! That, there is all <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Style that belongs to Wretched Unrege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerates.</p>
<p>Once more, Thirdly, those <hi>Holy Things,</hi> the <hi>Sealing Ordinances</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ, belong not unto an unregenerate man. There is a <hi>Seal</hi> but unto a blank, if we ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>minister
<pb n="34" facs="unknown:000654_0037_0FA99ED531C18898"/>
those <hi>Seals</hi> unto such as have no <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation</hi> in them. A man must be visibly <hi>Regenerate</hi> before he may lawfully claim the <hi>Baptism</hi> of the Lord, for himself and his house. There is as well <hi>Purgation</hi> of Soul, as <hi>Remission</hi> of Sin, Sealed in that Ordinance: which who has but the <hi>Regenerate</hi>! It was of Old required, <hi>Repent and be Baptised:</hi> It was again required, <hi>If thou believest with all thine heart, then mayest be Baptised</hi>; Now who do's that, but the <hi>Regenerate</hi> of the Lord? Until a man be hopefully washed in, <hi>The Laver of Regeneration,</hi> he will but pollute, <hi>The Laver of Baptism,</hi> if he be brought unto it. A <hi>John,</hi> would not Baptise, such as did not <hi>Confess</hi> their sins, and give cause to think that they did <hi>Forsake,</hi> what they did <hi>Confess.</hi> Unto <hi>Baptism,</hi> there is requisite, as we read, in 1. Pet. 3.21. <hi>The answer of a good Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>science.</hi> The most High demands of us, <hi>Wilt thou be my servant & souldier according to my Co<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venant for ever</hi>? but an unregenerate man do's not with a <hi>good Conscience</hi> make that <hi>Answer</hi> thereunto, <hi>Lord I will</hi>! and therefore the <hi>Waters</hi> of Baptism<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> are but, <hi>stollen Waters,</hi> to such a man. Again, A man may not be received unto the <hi>Supper</hi> of the Lord, until he make a probable, and credible Profession of his being <hi>Regenerate.</hi> In that Ordinance is our Communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, and our Participation in all the good
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effects of his Death, seal'd unto us; but ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cept a man be <hi>Regenerate,</hi> how can he look for such things as these? It is only in Evang<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lical <hi>Churches</hi> that there is this Table to be spread; and these are to be, <hi>Churches of Saints,</hi> and, <hi>Holy Brethren,</hi> and such as are, <hi>Washed, Sanctify'd, Justify'd,</hi>; a main design of these <hi>Churches</hi> is to Represent unto the world, who they are, that shall <hi>Ascend onto the Hill of the Lord, and stand in His Holy Place for ever</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> but such as are not <hi>Regenerate,</hi> are not of those. <hi>Dead</hi> Souls are not fitt guests, for the <hi>Supper</hi> of our Living Lord; it belongs to none but <hi>Penitents</hi>; others are to be Rebuked; Censured, and <hi>Bound on Earth,</hi> from the liber<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties of such a Fellowship. A man taking the Sacramental <hi>Bread</hi> and <hi>Wine,</hi> therein says, <hi>I have chosen the Lord Jesus Christ, thus Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hibited, for my Lord Redeemer</hi>; but without <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation,</hi> a man utters but a great Lye in saying so. It is enjoined on a Communi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cant, in 1. <hi>Cor</hi> 11.28: <hi>let the man examine himself.</hi> Of what: One thing is, whe<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>e<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> be not an unregenerate man: or whether <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e have, <hi>the good Mind</hi> and, <hi>the pure Heart,</hi> and, <hi>the vertuous Life,</hi> after which the Primitive Churches enquired, in their Communicants: lest otherwise he may more fatally than ever the Emperour did, swallow his Poison in the <hi>Eucharist.</hi> Behold O Immortal Souls, what a dismal thing tis, to be unregenerate! But here
<pb n="36" facs="unknown:000654_0039_0FA99ED6B3C1BD98"/>
is nor all the <hi>Lamentation and Mourning and wo,</hi> which I am to fill my little <hi>Uolumn</hi> with. We must add.</p>
<p n="2">
<hi>II.</hi> Nor can a man enjoy a GLORIOUS ESTATE in an other world, without <hi>Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> We are told in 1. <hi>Pet.</hi> 1 24. <hi>God hath be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gotten us again, to a Lively hope; to an Inheri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tance Reserved in Heaven for us.</hi> Why, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out being <hi>Begotten again,</hi> we can have no <hi>Hope</hi> o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> ever coming to that <hi>Inheritance.</hi> The very Pillars of Heaven, and the foundations of the Earth, are not more Immoveble, than this purpose of our God, <hi>Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord</hi>; now tis by <hi>Regenera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion</hi> that we are partakers of that <hi>Holiness.</hi> There is a <hi>Kingdome</hi> which God has promi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sed; but only they that <hi>Love</hi> Him, are the <hi>Heirs</hi> of that <hi>Kingdome</hi>; now of an unrege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerate man it may be said, <hi>How dwells the Love of God in such a man</hi>! Wherefore</p>
<p>First, The unregenerate man, shall be exclu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded from the <hi>Glorious Kingdome</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ in the <hi>Lower World,</hi> at the day of judgment. The Day is at the Do<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>r, [<hi>Lord Hasten it</hi>!] When the Papal and the Turk<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ish Power being extinguished, and the Divel also having no further power to Deceive the Nations, is will be Proclaimed, <hi>The King<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>doms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>is Christ, and He shall Reign
<pb n="37" facs="unknown:000654_0040_0FA99ED773594F38"/>
for ever and ever.</hi> THEN comes, <hi>the Time of the Dead, that they should be Judged</hi>; THEN will our Lord assume His <hi>Davidical Kingdom,</hi> and <hi>Reign before His Ancient People Gloriously:</hi> THEN will be that <hi>Appearing and Kingdome</hi> of our Lord, wherein He <hi>Will Judg the Quick and Dead.</hi> Our Lord, speaking of that <hi>King<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dome,</hi> calls it, in <hi>Mat.</hi> 19 28. <hi>the</hi> REGENER<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ATION, <hi>When the Son of Man, shall Sitt on the Throne of His Glory.</hi> Well, and Without <hi>Regeneration</hi> a man shall then have no com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fortable share in the <hi>Glory</hi> of that Kingdome. Both the <hi>New-Heaven,</hi> when our Lord with His Raised ones, will occupy the Room now possessed by the <hi>Prince of the Power of the Air,</hi> and the <hi>New-Earth</hi> where will be the <hi>Nations</hi> of the saved from the conflagration; in both of these, there will, <hi>Dwell Righteousness</hi>; and surely then there must be <hi>Regeneration</hi> in them. None but the <hi>Regenerate</hi> may Sing that Song, in <hi>Rev.</hi> 5.10. <hi>We shall Reign over the Earth.</hi> None but <hi>Saints of the Most High,</hi> shall then have the <hi>Kingdome</hi> given unto them. None but <hi>Overcomers</hi> are then to have <hi>Power over the Nations.</hi> There wil be no <hi>Lots</hi> in the Hea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venly <hi>Canaan</hi> for any but the <hi>Daniels</hi> of the Lord. They are only the <hi>Holy</hi> ones, who now <hi>Rise</hi> from a <hi>Death of sin,</hi> that shall have a part in that <hi>First Resurrection</hi>; tis only the <hi>Upright,</hi> who shall then have the <hi>Dominion.</hi> Unless men be <hi>Regenerate,</hi> the Lord Jesus
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Christ will not at the great Day acknowledg them with a, <hi>Come ye blessed, Inherit the King<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dome:</hi> nor shall they then meet with any thing but, <hi>Shame and contempt.</hi> The <hi>New Jeru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>salem</hi> will not be <hi>Defiled</hi> with any <hi>Unregenerate</hi>; but they shall be hissed out of that <hi>Holy City,</hi> with a, <hi>Depart ye cursed into everlasting Fire, with the Devil and his Angels:</hi> and all their Wickedness will therewithal be <hi>shew'd before the whole Congregation.</hi>
<p>Secondly, The Unregenerate man shall be Banished from the <hi>Glorious Kingdom</hi> of the Lord Jesus, in the <hi>Upper World,</hi> through<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out the Days of Eternity. A <hi>Saul</hi> must have <hi>Another Heart,</hi> before he were fit for <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<hi>Kingdom</hi>; and so must a Sinner, before he can be fit for this <hi>Kingdom.</hi> Between <hi>Glorification</hi> and <hi>Regeneration,</hi> the Connexion is Inseparable. No <hi>Unclean</hi> man might En<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter into the Temple of old; nor shall any <hi>Unregenerate</hi> One Enter into the Heaven oft the Blessed. As the <hi>Serpent</hi> himself shall no more come into the Paradise of God, so the <hi>Seed</hi> of that Serpent shall be Exiled from thence, with what we have in <hi>Math.</hi> 7.22. <hi>Depart, I know you not, ye workers of Iniquity</hi>! We may as well suppose that a piece of Rot<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten <hi>Flesh</hi> may become a Glittering <hi>Star,</hi> in the Firmament of God, as that there should be one Unregenerate man, in that Retinue of many <hi>Thousands,</hi> which our Lord Jesus
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Christ, as a <hi>Standard Bearer</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> in the Head of them, will conduct into the Caelestial Regi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, when He shall <hi>Deliver up the Kingdom unto the Father.</hi> Yea, it may be said of the <hi>Unregenerate,</hi> not only that he SHALL NOT, but also, that he CANNOT have a part in that <hi>Kingdom.</hi> For, it is, first, impossible, that the <hi>Exercises</hi> of Heaven should be per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>formed by an Unregenerate man. As for the <hi>Love</hi> of God, which is to <hi>Remain,</hi> in Heaven; unless God <hi>Circumcise our Hearts</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> we cannot <hi>Love the Lord our God with all our Hearts?</hi> As for the <hi>Praise</hi> of God, which for ever Employs the <hi>Hallelujahs</hi> of the Glorify'd; how can the <hi>Blessing of God,</hi> come out of the <hi>bitter mouth,</hi> which is <hi>full of Deadly Poison?</hi> And, secondly, 'tis im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>possible that the <hi>Recompences</hi> of Heaven, should be Relished by such a man. <hi>They</hi> must be Inlaid into the very <hi>Frame</hi> of our Souls, if ever we have them; yea, <hi>Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration,</hi> is the <hi>Inchoation</hi> of them. Were an <hi>Unregenerate</hi> man, on the Mountain of Transfiguration, he could not say, <hi>'Tis good for to be here</hi>! O fearful Case! Th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> man that often said of a <hi>Sabbath</hi> here, <hi>What a Weariness is it?</hi> would also be, <hi>Weary of the Rest which Remains for the People of GOD</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> What Resentments can a <hi>Dead</hi> Carcase have of a <hi>Robe</hi> or <hi>Crown</hi> put upon it? That Heaven would be rather a <hi>Torment,</hi>
<pb n="40" facs="unknown:000654_0043_0FA99EDB341340C8"/>
than a <hi>Content</hi> unto an Unrenewed Soul. What can a <hi>Contemplation</hi> of God, signify to one that says unto the Almighty, <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>part?</hi> What can a <hi>Conformity</hi> to Christ, be with one, who <hi>Loaths</hi> the <hi>Hidden Manna?</hi> THIS, This 'tis to be Unregenerate.</p>
<p>AND now there is a most Importunate EXHORTATION & EXCITATION to be given unto those that are yet perishing in their <hi>Unregeneracy.</hi> 'Tis thus much; Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>serable Souls, make sure of <hi>Regeneration</hi> be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore it be too late: <hi>Give all Diligence to make your Vocation and Election sure.</hi> Or, take it in the words of the Prophet, <hi>Ezek.</hi> 18.31. <hi>Cast away from you all your Transgres<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sions, and make you a New Heart, and a New Spirit; for why will you Dy?</hi> Sinners, you ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver were Addressed, upon a Matter of more Importance for you: We must be in Earnest with you; and there are two things to be <hi>Ask'd</hi> of you<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> yea, to be <hi>Charg'd</hi> on you, in the Name of the God that made you.</p>
<p n="1">I. In the first place then, Be very sensible of your own <hi>Inability</hi> to accomplish your own <hi>Regeneration.</hi> Ly humbly under the Awe of that Assertion, in Phil. 2.13. <hi>It is God, who Works in you, both to Will and to Do, of His own Good Pleasure.</hi> It is God, who not only gives us the <hi>Power</hi> of Turn<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing
<pb n="41" facs="unknown:000654_0044_0FA99EDBEB862A88"/>
to Himself, but every <hi>Act</hi> of Turning also, must be of His production. Without such an <hi>Humiliation</hi> in your Souls, the <hi>Regene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration</hi> of your Souls, is utterly to be despair<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed. How apt will men be to put off all cares about their own <hi>Regeneration,</hi> if they imagine that they can always have within their own reach, <hi>The Things that accompany Salvation,</hi> or that they have a <hi>Key</hi> in their own Hands with which they can Unlock Heaven at their own Arbitrary Leisure? How unlikely will the Soveraign God also be, to bestow <hi>Regeneration</hi> upon those who do not own that <hi>Soveraignty,</hi> or do not feel that we are, <hi>Saved by Grace, thro' Faith; and this not of our selves, 'tis the Gift of God</hi>? Indeed, the Natural and Essential <hi>Freedome of our Will,</hi> remains unto us; it wills <hi>freely,</hi> wherever it <hi>Wills</hi> at all: but alas, 'tis no better than, <hi>Free among the Dead:</hi> only <hi>Dead Works</hi> are grateful to the Will of the Unregenerate: his <hi>Will,</hi> as well as the rest of his whole Soul, is corrupted in him. Tis very true, that God <hi>Commands</hi> us to Return unto Himself; yea, there is both Infinite <hi>Justice</hi> and Infinite <hi>Wis<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom,</hi> in his giving of that <hi>Command</hi>: there is <hi>Justice</hi> in it, because we Owe unto God our Maker all manner of Obedience, and tho' we in the Apostasy of our First Father, justly Imputed unto us, have sinned away our Ability to yield that Obedience, yet
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<hi>Gods Right</hi> is not impair'd by <hi>our Crime</hi>; there is <hi>Wisdom</hi> in it, because God Requires nothing of us, but what our Natural <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>acul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties were Originally suited unto; because <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> have new such an occasion to be convin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ced of our own Impotency, as may fitly engage us to acknowledge the Help of God; and because the Calls which God gives us to Do what we <hi>Can't,</hi> are made proper <hi>Vehicles</hi> for his Divine Assistances to be therein con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vey'd unto them whose <hi>Names are in the Book of Life.</hi> But still, 'tis as true that we are of our selves utterly <hi>Unable</hi> to Return unto our God: and that He will not Look in mercy upon us, till <hi>He</hi> make us to be <hi>Sensible</hi> of our being thus unable. In truth, while a man is Unregenerate, he can do nothing in <hi>Faith,</hi> and so nothing but <hi>Sin,</hi> in all that he does; it may be said of him, <hi>That e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>very Imagination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually</hi>; it may be said of him, <hi>He is Reprobate unto every Good Work</hi>: to miscarry in every thing, is tho' <hi>Voluntary</hi> yet <hi>Necessary,</hi> with him; and it becomes us to make our bitter moans accordingly. When God commands us to become <hi>Rege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerate,</hi> Own that you are justly Damned, if you do it not; and yet sadly mourn before the Lord, <hi>O I am Dead, in Trespasses and Sins</hi>; Complain, <hi>Lord, my obstinate will cannot be <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ee to a Spiritual Good, until Thou make
<pb n="43" facs="unknown:000654_0046_0FA99EDD70501290"/>
it free</hi>! Declare, <hi>Lord, I cannot come unto the Son of God, except the Father draw me</hi>! Look upon <hi>Regeneration,</hi> as an efficacious, & supernatural operation of God, wherein he does not only lay <hi>Moral Perswasions</hi> before men, but also infuse a new <hi>Frame</hi> into the Will, and Spiritually Heal, Quicken, and Reform, the formerly Rebellious <hi>Wills,</hi> of that Select number which he did from all e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ternity set apart for the <hi>Sheep</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ- Say, that you are far from a capacity of <hi>Regenerating</hi> yourselves, yea, that you cannot so far Dispose and Prepare yourselves for, your own <hi>Regeneration,</hi> that God should be obliged by your well<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>impro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving of his Common-Grace, to work it in you; Say, <hi>Tis not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cy.</hi> Tis an Article Asserted by the Church of <hi>England,</hi> (the Tenth of the famous Thir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty Nine) <hi>The Condition of man, is such after the Fall, that he cannot turn, nor prepare himself by his own natural strength, to Faith, and calling upon God; wherefore we have no power to do good works pleasant and acceptable to God, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out the Grace of God preventing us, that we may have a good Will, and working with us, wh<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap> we have that good Will.</hi> And it is an Ar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticle that calls for the hearty Assent and Consent of all that by <hi>Regeneration</hi> come into the Sheep fold of Our Lord Jesus Christ.</p>
<p n="2">
<pb n="44" facs="unknown:000654_0047_0FA99EDE329A77C0"/>II. And yet, in the Second place, O do what you <hi>can,</hi> and as much as Ever you <hi>can,</hi> about your own <hi>Regeneration.</hi> Though you have no promise, that if you do what you <hi>can,</hi> you shall certainly speed in what you do; yet you will be the more inexcusable, if you have not so done, in the Day of Gods pleading with you; and besides, in so doing there is an, <hi>It may be,</hi> there is an, <hi>Who can tell</hi>! tis not unlikely, that the most High may so touch your souls, that ere you are aware, you shall be, <hi>a willing People.</hi>
<p>First, Can you not avoid the <hi>Society</hi> of those, by whom your own <hi>Regeneration</hi> may be discouraged! O then avoid it. What should hinder you that you should not be able to say, as in Psal. 26.3. <hi>I have not sat with vain person<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</hi>! There are ungodly ones that would prejudice your hearts against the pow<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er of Godliness, and that would entangle you in the snares of sin and hell: concer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ning those let me vehemently cry unto you in words like those of <hi>Moses, Depart I pray you, from these wicked ones, Lest you pe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rish with them.</hi> O that you may be deter'd from the <hi>Fascinations</hi> of evil company, by that admonition of wisdome, in Prov. 13.20. <hi>A<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>co<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>panion of fools shall be destroyed.</hi> If you see a Person profane, vitious, extrava<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gant, I say, <hi>My Son if that sinner entice thee
<pb n="45" facs="unknown:000654_0048_0FA99EDEF2740400"/>
consent thou not</hi>; shun him, fly him, he may be the cut-throat of thy Soul. Tell him, you cannot walk with him; except hee'll take, <hi>The way that is called holy.</hi>
<p>Secondly, Can you not present some kind of <hi>Supplication</hi> before the Lord, for your own <hi>Regeneration</hi>? O then present it. There was a man, to whom, altho' it had been said, <hi>Thy Heart is not Right,</hi> yet there was that Advice given, in <hi>Acts</hi> 8.22. <hi>Pray to God</hi>! If the Life of your Bodies lay at stake, would you not be in Earnest for Delive<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rance? Behold, O Dying Sinner, Thy SOUL, Thy Soul is in the very <hi>Belly</hi> of <hi>Hell</hi>; and why then dost thou not like the Psalmist, <hi>Call upon the Name of the Lord, and say, I bese<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ch thee to Deliver my Soul</hi>! Fall down upon thy Knees before the God of Heaven, and pray, and say, as in <hi>Jer.</hi> 31.18. <hi>O Turn thou me, and I shall be Turned.</hi> Beg of Him, <hi>Lord, fulfil in me the good pleasure of thy Goodness, and the work of Faith with power!</hi> Plead with Him, <hi>Lord, thou hast said, that there are some to whom thou wilt give a New Heart and a New Spirit; and if thou wilt, thou canst make such a Wretch as I am, the partaker of such a Bles<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sedness</hi>! An <hi>Old Nature,</hi> is like an <hi>Old De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vil</hi>; it goes not out, without much <hi>Pray<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er</hi> to God. Cavil not, <hi>My Prayers are an Abomination:</hi> it will be a greater <hi>Abomina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion</hi>
<pb n="46" facs="unknown:000654_0049_0FA99EDFB02F4808"/>
to Neglect them, than to Perform them; at least, you may see whether He that re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gards the Cries of the Needy <hi>Ravens</hi> and <hi>Lions,</hi> may not have His <hi>Ear</hi> open unto thine; and if it may be said of thee, <hi>Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hold he Prays</hi>! 'tis hopeful, thou art upon such a <hi>Turn,</hi> that it may be further said, <hi>This poor man Cryed, and the Lord Heard and Saved!</hi>
<p>Thirdly, Can you not Attend the Mini<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>stry of that <hi>Word</hi> whereby <hi>Regeneration</hi> is Effected? O then Attend it. It is said, in 1 <hi>Pet.</hi> 1.23. We are, <hi>Born again by the Word of God, which Liveth and Abideth for ever.</hi> Wherefore, place your selves as much as you can, under the Dispensations of that New Creating <hi>Word!</hi> Were you daily con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>versing with the <hi>Word</hi> of God, you would therein <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ie at the <hi>Pool,</hi> in the <hi>House of Mercy</hi>: who knows, but God may there meet you, with a Cure of all your Ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ladies? Can you not Read a <hi>Bible,</hi> as well as a <hi>Gazet,</hi> or a <hi>Romance</hi>? Can you not as easily go to a <hi>Sermon,</hi> as a <hi>Tavern</hi>? O be continually waiting, upon Wisdoms <hi>Lively Oracles,</hi> that so you may, <hi>Hear and Live</hi>! Said the Apostle, in 1 Cor. 4.15. <hi>In Christ Jesus, I have Begotten you, thro' the Gospel:</hi> so then, if the <hi>Gospel</hi> were always in your Eyes or Ears, 'tis Likely that you might be, <hi>Begot<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten of Christ Jesus.</hi> The Breath of <hi>Satan</hi> was that which did corrupt you, and the
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Breath of <hi>Jesus</hi> may now Amend you. 'Tis said, <hi>Where the word of a King is, there is Power:</hi> If then, you seriously set your selves before and under the <hi>Word</hi> of the Eternal <hi>King,</hi> it may have such a <hi>power</hi> on you, as to bring you home unto God. When two or three <hi>Scriptures</hi> were Quo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted unto <hi>Peters</hi> Hearers, they were soon; <hi>Pierc'd in Heart</hi>; and by the use of the <hi>Scriptures</hi> may you come to be as well, <hi>Chang'd in Heart.</hi> When <hi>Austin</hi> was call'd upon, <hi>Take up and Read,</hi> then the close of the Thirteenth Chapter to the <hi>Romans</hi> whereto he was directed, proved the means of his Conversion. I say then, <hi>Take up and Read.</hi>
<p>Fourthly, You can CONSIDER; and Oh that you would! It is said, in Ezek. 18.28. <hi>Because he Considers, and he Turns, he shall surely Live.</hi> It seems that <hi>Conside<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration</hi> is the frequent Introduction of <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generation:</hi> A Prodigal will be likely to <hi>Come unto a Right Mind,</hi> if once he begin to <hi>Bethink himself.</hi> We have been told of a wicked young man, who being obliged by his Dying Father, to spend a quarter of an Hour every Day, only in <hi>Consider<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing,</hi> even on any thing, what he pleased; at length he began to <hi>Consider,</hi> what might be the Cause of his Fathers giving him such a Charge: <hi>This</hi> fill'd him with <hi>serious
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Thoughts,</hi> and his <hi>Considerations</hi> were so blest, as to issue in his being brought home to God. O that you would make this Experiment! Can you not ever now and then, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> from <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Nones, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> and Enchantments of the World, and <hi>Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sider</hi> with your selves, <hi>What is the present, and what is like to be the future condition of my Soul</hi>? 'Tis no Extraordinary Difficul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty, that is now Imposed upon you; I may urge, <hi>My Neighbour, If I had asked you to do some great thing for the Conversion and Salvation of your Soul; would you not have done it? A SOUL, certainly 'tis well worth all that can be done for it. How much more when you are only ask'd, that you would a lit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tle CONSIDER the things of your Everlasting Peace?</hi> I say then, CONSIDER; and hope, none of you will Reply, That an Eternal <hi>Kingdom,</hi> is not worth our taking so much pains, as that of a little <hi>Conside<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration</hi> for it.</p>
<p>But there are seven or eight matters o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> most Awful CONSIDERATION, that have now to lay before you: and because of a singular <hi>Efficacy</hi> not only in the <hi>As<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sertions,</hi> but in the very <hi>Expressions</hi> of the Scripture, I shall Arrest your Thoughts, with so many Sentences taken out from the Word of God; thus it is with a, <hi>Thus saith the Lord,</hi> That I require you to <hi>Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sider.</hi> And,</p>
<p n="1">
<pb n="49" facs="unknown:000654_0052_0FA99EE374220DD8"/>I. The first <hi>Consideration</hi> proper for you is that, in 2 Pet. 1.4. <hi>There are given to us, exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be made partakers of the Divine Nature.</hi> CONSIDER, That <hi>all the great and precious Promises of God, will be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>come your Portion, when once you are Born A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gain.</hi> As the Lord shew'd unto our Father <hi>Abraham,</hi> the Land of <hi>Promise,</hi> and said, <hi>Lift up now thine Eyes, and Look; for all the Land that thou seest, unto thee, will I give it</hi>; even so, Let us by <hi>Regeneration</hi> once become the <hi>Children of Abraham,</hi> and then, whatever good Things are contained in all the Promises of God, He will say, <hi>All that thou seest, and infinitely more than thou canst Think, will I give unto thee</hi>: Whatever <hi>Promise</hi> we can find in any part of the Bible, we may with an Appropri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ating Joy of Soul, say, Like one of the Ancients, thereupon, <hi>This word is mine! Here's a Promise that I am owner of!</hi> Let us become Regenerate, and from that Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment, the Almighty GOD, will by His <hi>Promise,</hi> give no Less than Himself unto us: we shall have an Interest in that <hi>Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mise,</hi> Jer. 31.33. <hi>I will be their God.</hi> The <hi>Essence</hi> of God will then be for us, and according to the <hi>Promise,</hi> Our <hi>Maker will be our Husband.</hi> The Great God now promises, <hi>My power shall be thine to supply
<pb n="50" facs="unknown:000654_0053_0FA99EE431DE01A8"/>
thee,</hi> and, <hi>My Wisdom shall be thine to Direct thee,</hi> and, <hi>My Goodness thine to Relieve thee.</hi> The <hi>Subsistence</hi> of God will then also be by <hi>Promise</hi> Engaged for us: God the <hi>Father</hi> now promises, I <hi>will be thy Father</hi>: God the <hi>Son</hi> says, <hi>I will be thy Saviour</hi>: and God the <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> says, <hi>I will be thy Strengthener.</hi> Behold, enough to satisfie the vast Cravings of the most Enlarged Soul! And yet, there is more for us; Let us become Regenerate, and there are Innumerable <hi>sure Mercies,</hi> which the <hi>Promise</hi> will make <hi>sure</hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> us, as the consequent hereupon. We shall have an Interest in that <hi>Promise,</hi> Psal. 84.11. <hi>The Lord God is a Sun and a Shield, the Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will he withold from them that walk uprightly:</hi> Yea, and Help to <hi>Walk uprightly</hi> too. We now have that <hi>Godliness,</hi> which has, <hi>The promise both of the Life which now is, and of that which is to come.</hi> We may now Lay hold of that Promise, <hi>They that seek the Lord shall not want any good Thing</hi>; that Promise, <hi>All things shall work together for Good unto them that Love God</hi>; and that Promise, <hi>Thou shalt Guide me with thy Counsel, and after<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards Receive me to Glory.</hi> All <hi>Temporal</hi> Blessings for which we may have occasion, will now be made over to us; but espe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciall<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> all <hi>Spiritual</hi> Ones; <hi>The chief Things of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> Ancient Mountains, and the precious <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> Everlasting Hills.</hi> Obdurate
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Sinner, Thy Heart is more Impenetrable than the Nether Milstone, if this Conside<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration do not move thee, melt thee, break thee! <hi>Abraham</hi> could readily forego a <hi>Son,</hi> for a <hi>Promise</hi>; and wilt not thou forego a <hi>Sin</hi> for all the <hi>Promises</hi>? What a profane <hi>Esau</hi> art thou, to <hi>Despise</hi> all of this Invalu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able Blessedness? But</p>
<p n="2">II. A second <hi>Consideration</hi> useful for you, may be that in Isa. 1.2. <hi>Hear, O Heavens, and Give ear, O Earth; for the Lord hath spo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ken; I have Nourished and brought up Children, and they have Rebelled against me.</hi> CONSI<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>DER, That <hi>until you are Born again, all the more than Fatherly Mercies of God are both Ill bestowed, and Ill Requited.</hi> The God of Heaven has dealt like a <hi>Father</hi> with you, all your Days hitherunto: and you speak but Reasonably, when you say unto Him, <hi>Our Father</hi>! It is <hi>He</hi> that has produced you from <hi>Nothing,</hi> into <hi>Being,</hi> and it is <hi>He</hi> that has preserved you in <hi>Being</hi> from Threatning and Invading <hi>Mischief.</hi> They are Gods <hi>Creatures</hi> which Comfort you, and Cherish you; 'tis His <hi>Air</hi> you breath, 'tis His <hi>Ground</hi> you tread, they are His <hi>Cloaths</hi> that Cover you. It is <hi>He</hi> that e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>very Hour defends you from a Million Deaths; and supplies you with multitudes of <hi>Conveniencies</hi> both for Inward and Out<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ward Man. And what is the Language of
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all this Kindness? 'Tis that in Rom. 2.4. <hi>The Goodness of God, Leads thee to Repen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tance.</hi> By <hi>Regeneration</hi> we should now come to behave ourselves like <hi>Children</hi> unto a <hi>Father</hi> so favourable, so compassionate! The voice of all the Divine Benignity unto us, is that, <hi>O live unto that God, from whom, and on whom it is that thou livest at all</hi>! The <hi>Israelites</hi> could say to such a Benefactor as <hi>Gideon,</hi> in Judg. 8.22. <hi>Rule thou o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>er us, both thou and thy son, for thou hast delivered us.</hi> How much more ought wee to become Regenerate, by resigning ourselves unto the Government of that God, who has been our <hi>Deliverer</hi> all this while, and who has <hi>Redeemed us from all Adversity</hi>? Be sure, till you are Born again, all the Bounties of God are utterly lost upon you; Gods <hi>Corn</hi> and Gods <hi>Wine</hi> is given unto <hi>Baal</hi>; and you are continually Fighting against God with Weapons of His own. As <hi>Da<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vid</hi> said of an <hi>Unthankful Nabal, In vain have</hi> I <hi>kept all that this Fellow hath</hi>; so may the Lord say of an <hi>Unholy Sinner; All my Mercies to this Wretch, are meerly thrown away: He makes me no suitable Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>turns for all my Benefits.</hi> Never was any <hi>Ingratitude</hi> so monstrous, as that of <hi>Unre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generacy</hi>! To continue in <hi>REBELLION</hi> a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gainst God, amongst His most wicked and cursed Enemies, after all that He has done
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for you! tis the Worst Instance, of, <hi>Requi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting evil for Good,</hi> that ever was afforded. Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter all the Goodness and Mercy wherewith God has <hi>follow'd</hi> you all your days<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> His de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mand is but <hi>that,</hi> in Deut. 10.12. <hi>And now what doth the Lord thy God Require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love Him?</hi> And O thou sinful Unre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate! What a Vile Disingenuity is it for thee to be, as thou art continually A<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fronting and Reproaching of God thy Savi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>our? It seems that he has, but as the Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verb speaks, <hi>Brought up the Whelps of Wolves,</hi> in all the Cost that He has laid out upon thee. And Oh! How will all thy past enjoyments come in, as confounding <hi>Witnesses</hi> against thee, in the day wherein, thou shalt find thy self to be <hi>Accountable.</hi> Particularly, Many a <hi>Life,</hi> has been spent & Lost in the Service of thy <hi>Life</hi>; & all the Creatures will with Loud Clamours plead against thee, saying, <hi>Lord, our Lives went, that so this Wretch might have lived unto Thy Glory! We were all abused inasmuch as he did it not!</hi>
<p>O Think on the kindnesses of the Ever-Gracious God: And let thy Heart relent, as did the heart of <hi>Saul,</hi> when he saw <hi>David</hi> spa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ring of him; say, <hi>Lord I cannot go on to wrong Thee any more</hi>!</p>
<p n="3">
<pb n="54" facs="unknown:000654_0057_0FA99EE72BFB9CF0"/>III. A Third <hi>Consideration,</hi> That may be needful for you, is that<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> in Psal 90.3. <hi>Thou turnest man to destruction, and saiest, Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>turn ye Children of Men.</hi> CONSIDER, That the <hi>Judgments of God, upon yourselves and o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thers, are vehement calls upon you to be Born a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gain.</hi> Have you not felt many <hi>Afflictions</hi> upon yourselves<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> Why, <hi>Hear the Rod</hi>; there is a <hi>Cry</hi> in that which makes <hi>you</hi> to <hi>Cry:</hi> it saies thus much, <hi>O that you were Born again.</hi> It is said, The <hi>Lord scourgeth every Son whom He Receiveth</hi>; but He <hi>Scourges</hi> you that so you may become willing to be <hi>Sons.</hi> The Cry of <hi>Sickness</hi> is, <hi>O that by Regeneration you may be Born twice, before you dy once thro Mor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tality: your outward Man is decaying, see then that your Inward may be renewed</hi>! The Cry of <hi>Reproach</hi> is, <hi>You that have a Bad Name, Look after a New Name; you that have your Names Trampled in the Mire of the Earth, see that your Names be Written in Heaven; and whatever else you may be called, make sure that you be called, The Children of God</hi>! The Cry of <hi>Bondage</hi> is, <hi>Look after the Redemption of your souls; Ask the Son of God that you may be free indeed; Get out of the Bond of Iniquity</hi>! The Cry of <hi>Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verty</hi> is, <hi>Lay up a Treasure in Heaven. Do you want food! Be concerned about the Meat which Endures to everlasting Life. Do you want Clothes? Be concerned about the Fine Linnen, which is the Righteousness of the Saints. Do you want a dwel<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ling!
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Be sollicitous for a Room in the Fathers House, where there are many Mansions</hi>! And if you have any <hi>Friends</hi> taken from you, That is the Cry of it, <hi>Close now with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is better than Ten Sons, Let God be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>come your God, who is an Alsufficient one</hi>! It is the Direction of Heaven in Job 34.31.32. <hi>Surely, it is meet to be said unto God, I have born chastisiment, I will not offend any more. That which I see not, Teach thou me; if I have done Iniquity, I will do no more.</hi> A Theef on a Cross, Blaspheming the Lord, was indeed a very rueful sight; but every afflicted person remaining <hi>Unregenerate,</hi> is indeed such a sight. Again, have you not seen many <hi>Miseries</hi> upon Others also? Why, there is a Lesson given us by all those calamities, like that which the Historian tells us, was upon the Statue of <hi>Se<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nacherib, Let the spectator become a Godly person</hi>; that is, One Born again. When you see o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thers made the Monuments of Gods Anger, it cries to <hi>you</hi>; and there is thus much in the <hi>Cry, O that by Regeneration, you would secure yourselves, from the like indignation</hi>! It is the Use that Our Lord has directed us to make of all Desolations, in Luc. 13.3, 5. I <hi>tell you Nay, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.</hi> And its by so <hi>Repenting,</hi> that you are to become <hi>Regenerate</hi>!</p>
<p n="4">IV. A Fou<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>th <hi>Consideration</hi> to Encourage
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you, may be that in Luc. 15.10 <hi>I say unto you, there is Joy in the presence of the Angels of God, over one sinner that Repenteth.</hi> CONSI<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>DER, That, <hi>by your being born again, you will fill not Earth only, but Heaven too, with Joy.</hi> All the Good men on <hi>Earth</hi> to whom the Notice of your <hi>Regeneration,</hi> shall arrive, will be Ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vished at the News of it. Perhaps there are some ungodly <hi>Fools,</hi> that may flout and scoff, at your turning unto God, and say, <hi>VVhat? you are turning a Saint; are you?</hi> But <hi>they</hi> not being <hi>Saints,</hi> are much worse than <hi>Bruits</hi>; and in the mean time for those that are truly wise, and that are best able to Judge what Wisdom is, <hi>Of them you shall be had in Honour.</hi> The <hi>Saints</hi> are, <hi>The Excellent in the Earth,</hi> and, <hi>More Excellent than their Neighbours</hi>; Their Good word is of Ten thousand times more account, than all the commenda<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion of them that are, <hi>The men of this world</hi>: and whenever you become <hi>Regenerate,</hi> all those your <hi>Excellent bretheren,</hi> will immediately Glorify God in you and for you: as when a <hi>Sa<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</hi> was becoming a <hi>Paul,</hi> tis reported, in Act. 9.21. <hi>All <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>at heard it, were amazed</hi>: so upon your Change among the people of God, <hi>All that see it, will be affected</hi>! However, you will set all Heaven on rejoicing, when-ever you shall be brought home to God.</p>
<p>Would you this day give up yourselves to God in Christ sincerely and entirely, the Ti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dings
<pb n="57" facs="unknown:000654_0060_0FA99EEA60555BE8"/>
would immediately be carried into Hea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ven it self, and the very <hi>Angels</hi> of the High<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>est, would in the Highest, <hi>Rejoyce with Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory</hi>! As at the <hi>First Creation</hi> of the World, so at a <hi>New Creation</hi> in thy Soul, <hi>The Morning-stars would sing toge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther, and the Sons of God shout for joy</hi>: O Deny not such a Satisfaction to those Charitable Spirits, by thy <hi>Holding fast</hi> of thy Unregene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>racy, and thy <hi>Refusing to Return</hi>! As poor and mean a Wretch as thou art, yet upon thy Regeneration, there would be unspeakable Triumphs among the <hi>Angels</hi> of God; the Gladsome Rumour would be spread thro' the Ethereal Regions, <hi>Behold, there is another Sinner Converted from the Errour of his way; and there is another Soul to be Saved from Death! Behold, there is come in another Heir of Salvation, for us, to Minister unto! Behold, there is another Branch of Humane Race, come in, to fill up the vacant Room, that the Apostate Legions have left among us! O Let us now praise God for such as are coming to praise God with us for ever.</hi> And if any of your <hi>Dead Relations</hi> may be now Lodg'd among those Glorious Angels, I know not why <hi>They</hi> also may not be admitted unto a Participation in that Caelestial <hi>Gladness</hi>: tho' our <hi>Prayers</hi> to Them would be a Detestable Idolatry, yet their <hi>Praises</hi> for us may be with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any Harm imagined? Why may not<g ref="char:punc">▪</g>
<hi>They</hi> Rejoyce and say, <hi>Blessed be God, that the Pray<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ers
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which we made for the Conversion of our Friends below, are now Answered; Blessed be God, that they are like to come hither after us!</hi> But it is very certain, That there is a most Ineffable Joy in the Heart of the Infinite God Himself, whenever you become Rege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerate, and begin to <hi>Choose the Things that please Him.</hi> You will be the Joy of the whole <hi>Trinity</hi>; God the Holy Ghost will Rejoyce and say, <hi>Behold, another Temple for me to have the possession of</hi>! God the Son, will Rejoyce and say, <hi>Behold, another Member, help<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing towards the Fulness of my Mystical Body!</hi> And the Eternal <hi>Father</hi> will now Rejoyce over the Returning Prodigal, as in Luc. 15.32. See, <hi>One that was Dead, and is alive again; One that was Lost, and is found!</hi> It was a sur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prizing passage that fell from the dying Lips of one in our Neighbourhood, who after fifty years of Impiety and Impenitence, becoming <hi>Regenerate,</hi> a few weeks before he Dy'd, after he had Lain for a while speech<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>less and senseless in his Death-pangs, he to the amazement of the Spectators, Recove<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>red so far, as to utter these Rapturous EX<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>PRESSIONS, <hi>O my Friends, Heaven Rings all over at this; They wonder at This; A Great and an Old Sinner coming to Heaven: O Glorifie Free Grace for evermore.</hi> And so he gave up the Ghost. Why, this is what I have said; Become Regenerate, and <hi>all
<pb n="59" facs="unknown:000654_0062_0FA99EEBB16026E8"/>
Heaven will Ring with it.</hi> Hard-hearted sin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner! How canst thou Resist Perswasives, thus full of Argument?</p>
<p n="5">V. A fifth <hi>Consideration</hi> to Alarum you, may be that in Luc. 10.42. <hi>One Thing is Needful.</hi> CONSIDER, That <hi>without being Born again, there is nothing that will, nothing that can, secure the Wellfare of your Immortal Souls. Regeneration</hi> is indeed a thing, which leaves no Room for <hi>Deliberation,</hi> inasmuch as it is most absolutely <hi>Necessary</hi> for us all. Never say, <hi>Shall I! Shall I!</hi> be Born again; for, <hi>Necessity is laid upon you, and Wo unto you, if you have it not</hi>! What provision have you made for your poor <hi>Souls,</hi> ye misera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble Unregenerates? After all the Riches, and all the Honours, and all the Learning which you can here attain unto, how mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>serably still are your poor <hi>Souls</hi> all this while provided for? O that you would <hi>once</hi> at least Think to purpose upon that Word of our Lord Jesus, which a Great King was advised <hi>every day</hi> to Think up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on; in Mat. 16.26. <hi>What is a man profited if be gain the whole World, and Loose his own Soul?</hi> But it may be that you have con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived some <hi>Hopes</hi> of your Everlasting Bles<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sedness, upon some other feeble Accounts; and yet these also, without <hi>Regeneration,</hi> will be found but so many <hi>Cobwebs,</hi> before the Fiery <hi>Besom of Destruction,</hi> at the last.
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As now, 'tis not enough to say, <hi>I have many Spiritual Priviledges, which may stand my Soul in stead.</hi> What though you have been partakers of the Sacraments? The <hi>Is<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>raelites</hi> were so, and yet it is said, <hi>God was not well-pleased with them.</hi> What tho' you are Descended of <hi>Parents</hi> that were the Favourites of Heaven? The Jews bragg'd, <hi>We have Abraham for our Father</hi>! but our Lord could Reply upon them, <hi>You are of your Father the Devil.</hi> In a word, whate<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver External <hi>Prerogative</hi> thou hast, in the Church of God, thou mayst be a woful Citizen of <hi>Capernaum</hi> at the last.</p>
<p>Again, Tis not enough to say, <hi>My Gifts and Parts are considerable; the Furniture of my Mind is too rich to be <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> of Heaven.</hi> Drown<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing Soul! All the<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e things may be but as a Bag of Gold about thee, to sink thee so much the deeper in <hi>Perdition.</hi> I pray, what was the <hi>Death,</hi> what was the <hi>Last End</hi> that <hi>Balaam</hi> had? May not one, <hi>Speak with the Tongues of Men, and of Angels,</hi> and yet be destitute of a Saving <hi>Charity</hi>! Alas, a man, may be no less than an Able Minister of the Gospel<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> and yet fare no better than One of <hi>Noahs</hi> Carpenters after all.</p>
<p>Further, 'Tis not enough to say, <hi>I am Civil, Honest, Harmless; none of my Neigh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bours are the worse for me.</hi> Was there not a <hi>Pharisee,</hi> who could boast, <hi>I am not as
<pb n="61" facs="unknown:000654_0064_0FA99EED316A1DB0"/>
other men, Extortioners, Unjust, Adulterers</hi>: and yet he was not <hi>Justify'd</hi>? Was there not a Young Man, who could boast, <hi>All the Commandments of the second Table, I have kept from my Youth:</hi> and yet <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>, <hi>Lacked One Thing</hi>? What Signify'd it unto <hi>Paul,</hi> that he was, <hi>Touching the Righteousness which is in the Law blameless</hi>?</p>
<p>Moreover, 'Tis not enough to say, <hi>My Religious Exercises are not a few</hi>; I <hi>Pray, I Hear, I Fast, and use much Devotion</hi>
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> The Jews have a saying, If only two men in the World were to be Saved, the One of them would be a <hi>Scrib<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e,</hi> the other a <hi>Pharisee.</hi> 'Twas <hi>They,</hi> who could pretend, <hi>I fast twice a Week, and give Tithes of all that I possess.</hi>. And yet, what said <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> who is <hi>Truth</hi> it self! <hi>Except your Righ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>teous<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="4 letters">
</gap> shall exceed that of the Scribes and I <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> shall in no case enter into the kingdom of Heaven.</hi>
<p>Furthermore, 'tis not enough to say, I <hi>have had many good affections moving in me</hi>; I <hi>have had my heart mightily <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> in the Ordinances of God; and many a <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> have I <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> fall upon the matters of Eternity</hi> Many an <hi>Ahab</hi> has been Terrified by the Judgments, or Threatning, of God. Many an <hi>H<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>r<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> himself gladded under an Evangelical Ministry. Ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny a <hi>Balaam</hi> has had <hi>slothful desires,</hi> after the Felicity of the Righteous. But what of all that?</p>
<pb n="62" facs="unknown:000654_0065_0FA99EEDECCAB878"/>Once more, 'Tis not enough to say, <hi>Good men Judge nothing but good of me,</hi> I <hi>have a room in the heart of such as are eminent for God<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liness; yea,</hi> I <hi>am of their party, and have suffered with them.</hi> There was a time when <hi>David</hi> thought as well of <hi>Achitophel.</hi> And among all the Disciples, who suspected <hi>Judas</hi>? A <hi>Simon Magus</hi> may for a while be regarded by the most Eminent Apostles of Our Lord. An <hi>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nanias,</hi> and a <hi>Sapphira,</hi> may get into the Church. And impious <hi>Alexanders,</hi> have been fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mous Confessors, for the Cause of God.</p>
<p>Add hereunto; 'Tis not enough to say, <hi>God hath smiled many ways upon me; He hath answered my Prayers, prevented my Fears, and shown himself concerned for me.</hi> What if all your <hi>Preservations</hi> be but <hi>Reservations</hi>! Was there not an <hi>Ham</hi> spared, when Millions of people perished about him? What if your petitions are heard in the <hi>Court</hi> of Heaven, but in the course of Common Providence! Did not a <hi>Pharaoh</hi> receive what he as<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ked?</p>
<p>All these things will be but so many, <hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fuges of Lies,</hi> if you go to shelter yourselves without <hi>Regeneration</hi> in them. God will no more spare you for these things, than <hi>Samuel</hi> did <hi>Agag,</hi> for the Ornaments that were upon him.</p>
<p n="6">
<pb n="63" facs="unknown:000654_0066_0FA99EEEAB31E450"/>VI. A Sixth <hi>Consideration</hi> to awaken you, shall be that in Psal. 7.11· <hi>The mighty God is angry with the wicked every day.</hi> CONSI<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>DER, That <hi>The wrath and curse of the Great God abideth on you, till you are Born again.</hi> We read in Zech. 5.4. Concerning, <hi>A flying ROLL of Curses, Twenty Cubits Long, and Ten Broad.</hi> But indeed such a ROLL were too little to hold all the <hi>Curses</hi> which an Unre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate man lies open unto. Either become Regenerate, or else look for, all <hi>The Plagues written in Gods Book,</hi> ye souls desolate and for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>saken! That which was a Mistake in <hi>Job</hi> of old, may be too truly, but never too sadly, concluded by all that are yet in their Sins, <hi>God counts me for his enemy</hi>! And accordingly in all that He speaks to you, there are the <hi>Woes,</hi> in all that he does to you, there are the <hi>Wounds,</hi> of an <hi>Enemy.</hi> It is said in Prov. 3.33. <hi>The Curse of the Lord, is in the house of the Wicked.</hi> There are perhaps these and those fine enjoy<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments in thy <hi>House,</hi> but the <hi>Curse</hi> of God like a <hi>Leprosy,</hi> cleaves unto them all. Thy very <hi>Blessings</hi> themselves are <hi>Cursed,</hi> and thy <hi>Table</hi> becomes a <hi>Snare.</hi> The <hi>Curse</hi> of God is the Sauce in every Dish, the Spice in every Cup, with which thou meddlest; and that <hi>Curse</hi> is the Coverlid which thou still sleepest under. The <hi>Curse</hi> accompanies thee, like thy very shadow; every thing do's but help to poison thee, to undoe thee, to destroy thee: thou
<pb n="64" facs="unknown:000654_0067_0FA99EEF6C7030B0"/>
hast the <hi>wrath</hi> of God, with all thy <hi>Quails.</hi> The most <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>reful, Di<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>eful <hi>Plagues</hi> of God, are therewithal sent upon thy forlo<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Soul. That Soul, is given over, as <hi>a Captive to the Devils</hi> and a <hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>re<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> to the Terrible ones.</hi> Never is, <hi>The Light of Gods Countenance,</hi> uplifted u<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pon that w<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ful Soul; Tis a Soul altogether left in Ignorance, Confu<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ion, and Frozen-Midnights: a Soul abandoned by Grace, <hi>and Pi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ning away in its Iniquities.</hi> Soul to be Lamen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted! How canst thou be quiett in this Un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>regeneracy? Why, thou art in a <hi>Prison</hi>; which Prison is also on a Light Fire over thine head! If thou art contented that God should Abhor thee, Ban thee, Damn thee; what is thy heart but Adamant! What are thy Heart-Strings but Sinews of Iron?</p>
<p n="7">VII, A Seventh <hi>Consideration,</hi> to be as a <hi>Go<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</hi> unto you, must be that in Ezek. 18.31, 32. <hi>Why will you Dy? Turn yourselves, and Live ye.</hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>, <hi>That if you are not Born again, you are to Dy for evermore.</hi> You have no <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>ng to live in this world; but I must plainly <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> you, that if you are not <hi>New-Born</hi> before you <hi>Dy,</hi> it had been <hi>good</hi> for you, that you never had been <hi>Born</hi> at all. If you go <hi>Unregenerate</hi> out of this World, there will be <hi>No Remedy nor es<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ping,</hi> but you must be <hi>Miserable</hi> in another; you must unavoidably <hi>Go down</hi>! even, <hi>Go down</hi>! where, <hi>The Fire
<pb n="65" facs="unknown:000654_0068_0FA99EF034BDCCF0"/>
shall never be quenched.</hi> If you consult the <hi>Old-Testament,</hi> there you are told in, Psal. 9.17. <hi>The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the Nations that forget God.</hi> If you consult the <hi>New-Testament,</hi> there you are told, in Math. 25.46. <hi>The wicked shall go away into e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verlasting Punishment.</hi> So then, if your Depar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting Souls a little while hence, are found with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out the marks of <hi>Regeneration</hi> upon them, the <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>iends of Darkness will presently snat<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>h them, seiz them, and hold those Naked Sou<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> in Chains of Darkness, until the dreadful <hi>Day</hi> of God. At the Arrival of which Notable and Amazing <hi>Day,</hi> when the Son of God shall cause the Mountains to quake at the Sound of His Descending Chariots, and the Hills to melt at the presence of His Majesty, and your Souls again to animate these Conta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>minated Bodies, you must with fiery Thunders be sentenced unto, <hi>The Vengeance of Eternal Fire.</hi> When <hi>Corah</hi> and his company went down in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to the Pit, all the people, tis said, fled <hi>At the cry of them, saying, lest the earth swallow us up al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>so</hi>! Were the Hideous and Horrible <hi>Pit</hi> of Hell set open before your eyes, you might see Millions of <hi>Unregenerates</hi> there tortured by the rebukes, with which, as with Flashes of Hot Lightning, the Eternal Spirit of God, is for ever smiting of them: there they ly, they vex, they roar, <hi>I am tormented in this flame:</hi> and will not you now fly at this formidable cry,
<pb n="66" facs="unknown:000654_0069_0FA99EF0EC892750"/>
saying, <hi>Lest Hell swallow me up also, in my un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>regeneracy</hi>! Take that warning, O thou Soul in Peril; even that warning in Hebr. 10.32. <hi>Tis a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God.</hi> And know, that without Rege<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neration, there is no Avoiding of those terri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble <hi>Hands.</hi> But, Vain man, wilt thou make light of those Omnipotent <hi>Hands</hi>; the <hi>Hands</hi> that break the stoutest Rocks to pieces, and make the very Pillars of Heaven to Tremble! If thou hast not the Heart of the <hi>Leviathan,</hi> the Monster that is, made <hi>without Fear,</hi> surely thou canst not but be afraid of those Iron <hi>Hands</hi>! Methinks, thou shouldest with an a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king heart, hear the almighty God asking of thee, as in Evek. 22.14. <hi>Can thine heart en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dure, or can thy hands be strong, in the day that</hi> I <hi>shall deal with thee?</hi> Methinks, when thou be, beholdest the Thousands of Thousands that are Lingring in the Anguishes of the Vault below, thou shouldest cry out as <hi>Moses,</hi> when he behe'd the Careases falling in the Wilder<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ness, in Psal. 90, 11. <hi>Who knows the Power <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap> thine Anger</hi>! And one would think, thou shouldest now be willing to be <hi>Regenerate,</hi> be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing <hi>Warned</hi> thus to <hi>Flee from the Wrath to come:</hi> Even from a <hi>Wrath,</hi> so <hi>to come,</hi> that there will be still, <hi>more to come,</hi> after tis already <hi>come,</hi> and, <hi>more to come,</hi> after it has been in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>flicted for more than as many Millions of Ages, as the Sky hath <hi>Stars,</hi> or the Shoar
<pb n="67" facs="unknown:000654_0070_0FA99F38EFDBADB0"/>
hath <hi>Sands,</hi> or as the Ocean has <hi>Drops</hi> of VVater in it.</p>
<p n="8">VIII. And now there is one <hi>Consideration</hi> more to quicken you; 'tis that in 2 Cor. 6.2. <hi>Behold, Now is the Agreeable Time! Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hold, Now is the Day of Salvation</hi>! CONSI<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>DER, That NOW, NOW <hi>is your Time to be Born again.</hi> Let me lay my Hand upon you, as the Angel upon <hi>Lot,</hi> of old, that I may hasten and hurry you out from the <hi>Sodom,</hi> of your <hi>Unregeneracy.</hi> You are to be spur'd as <hi>Paul</hi> was, <hi>Arise, why Tarriest thou</hi>? You are to be Rowz'd like <hi>David, Save thy Self to night, for To morrow thou mayst be SLAIN.</hi> Regeneration is the <hi>Kings</hi> Business; and I may say thereof, <hi>It Requires Hast</hi>! You have <hi>Now</hi> a Time to be <hi>Born again</hi>; but O Think, what a Time it is.</p>
<p>You have a <hi>Time,</hi> and it is a <hi>Sure</hi> Time. After all your Iniquities, and all your Back. slidings, it is not yet after all, <hi>Too Late,</hi> for you to become Regenerate. Behold, <hi>After so Long a Time, To Day if you will Hear the voice of God!</hi> You are not onely still informed, <hi>It is Good for you to Draw near unto God,</hi> but also the GOLDEN <hi>Scep<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter</hi> is held out; you may <hi>Draw Near</hi>! Altho' you have wasted many and many a year, in the <hi>Tents of Wickedness,</hi> there is a Proclamation issued forth from the Lord, <hi>Yet Return unto me, and I will not cause my
<pb n="68" facs="unknown:000654_0071_0FA99F39ABF88BC8"/>
Anger to fall upon you.</hi> Hear this, ye Inve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>terate Unregenerates, and Let your Hearts Relent; <hi>The King of Heaven is a Merciful King.</hi>
<p>Again, You have a <hi>Time,</hi> and it is a <hi>Fit</hi> Time. I may say to you, <hi>Arise, the Master calleth thee</hi>; and then I am sure, 'tis very unfit, that you should refuse or defer to come in at His <hi>Call</hi>! Shall that Lord of Lords, whom all the Angels in Heaven attend upon, wait the Leisure of a Despicable, a Refractory, a sinful <hi>Worm</hi>! In your own Distress, you cry, O <hi>Lord Hear, Defer not</hi>! Why then do you <hi>Defer,</hi> when you <hi>Hear</hi> of your Duty? I am to tell you, <hi>Old Age,</hi> and <hi>Sickness,</hi> are no <hi>Convenient Season,</hi> for a Regeneration to be put off unto; tho' of <hi>That</hi> you Dream, when you pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>crastinate until, <hi>A more convenient Season.</hi>
<p>Yet again, You have a <hi>Time,</hi> and it is <hi>Short</hi> Time. Talk you of, <hi>To morrow?</hi> But Wisdom says, <hi>Boast not of To morrow, for thou knowest not, what a Day may bring forth.</hi> If you become not Regenerate in <hi>This Life,</hi> you will never be so at all; but what is <hi>This Life</hi>? 'Tis a <hi>Vapour</hi>; aye, and a <hi>Vapour</hi> is enough to carry it away. The <hi>Salvation work</hi> now pressed upon you, is that whereof it may be, and has been said, <hi>O Do it with thy Might, for there is none of this work to be done in the Grave, whither thou art Going. Going</hi> did we say?
<pb n="69" facs="unknown:000654_0072_0FA99F3ADA0243A0"/>
Yea, <hi>Running,</hi> yea, <hi>Flying,</hi> every minute. ETERNITY, Eternity is just going to fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sten its Iron Teeth upon you; it won't, it can't be long, before all the Opportuni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties of <hi>Regeneration</hi> will be at an end.</p>
<p>And yet again; You have a <hi>Time,</hi> but it is an <hi>Only</hi> Time. God has not Entrust<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed you, with so much as one <hi>Moment</hi>; if you do not now this <hi>Moment</hi> become Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>generate, it is possible that you may not have another; it is less probable that you will in another. Stay but a little more, Delay a little more, Dally a little more, cry, <hi>A little more Slumber</hi>! and you'll be gone where, <hi>O Lord, They cannot Hope for thy Truth</hi>! But if once you are gone down, into the Floods of ardent Sulphur, then, ye <hi>Foolish</hi> Ones, 'twill avail nothing to cry, <hi>Lord, Lord, Open yet the Door of Regenerati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on for us</hi>! To cry, <hi>Lord, Lord, One Sermon more</hi>! To cry, <hi>Lord, Lord, One Sabbath more</hi>! To beg with Tears of Blood, <hi>Lord, One Season of Grace more</hi>! will be of no Avail at all.</p>
<p>Come then, Bring this matter to an Is<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sue; Do not any longer keep <hi>Wounding</hi> of your selves, among the Monuments of the <hi>Dead.</hi> 'Tis thus that the matter lies: Thou hast been horribly depraved by that <hi>Origi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nal Sin,</hi> which is derived unto thee from thy First Father; but thy Ti<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap> in this
<pb n="70" facs="unknown:000654_0073_0FA99F3CA6D859E8"/>
World is allow'd thee, that thou mayst obtain a Deliverance from that Image of the Devil, by such an <hi>Union,</hi> as will be attended with and productive of a <hi>Like<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ness,</hi> to the Lord Jesus Christ. If when thy State of <hi>probation</hi> here shall come un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to its end, thou art found utterly Uncured of those <hi>Disorders</hi> which thou wast Born withal, and utterly Destitute of a <hi>Principle</hi> which may Dispose thee to <hi>The Life of God</hi>; those Characters of <hi>Hell</hi> upon thy Soul, will become Eternally Indelible. And it is Naturally impossible, that these Ever<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lasting Impressions of <hi>Sin</hi> upon thy Soul, should be unaccompany'd with Intollerable <hi>Griefs,</hi> and <hi>Fears,</hi> and <hi>Horrors</hi>; and Infi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nite Regretts must become after a sort <hi>Essential</hi> to that lamentable Soul. But, if thy Soul might now have a <hi>New Frame,</hi> a <hi>Frame</hi> Gracious and Heavenly given there<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>unto, thou wilt shortly see that an Eter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nal Glory, is <hi>The self same thing for which Almighty God is working of thee.</hi> Sav then, Are you <hi>willing</hi> to be New-Born, or No? If you are now but made <hi>willing,</hi> I hope, that the God who has thus far <hi>perswaded</hi> you, will yet more powerfully and effe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctually <hi>perswade</hi> you to be more than <hi>Al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>most Regenerate:</hi> And O the <hi>Crown of Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>joycing,</hi> that we shall then be to each o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther, <hi>In the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ
<pb n="71" facs="unknown:000654_0074_0FA99F3CB241A578"/>
at His Coming</hi>! Well then, make a <hi>Trial.</hi> Reader, I shall set before thee an <hi>Instru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment,</hi> whereto if thou canst heartily, sin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cerely, resolvedly, Subscribe, thou hast felt a saving work of REGENERATION up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on thy Soul. Perhaps thou hast been like the man that had a <hi>Withered Hand</hi>; yet it being said unto thee, <hi>Stretch out thy Hand</hi>! Now <hi>Try,</hi> Whether that <hi>Withered Hand</hi> is not so quickned from above, that it can with a most cordial Approbation, set it self unto these Acknowledgments.</p>
<p>O Eternal God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!</p>
<p>Unto thy most Merciful Demands, <hi>Whether I am willing to Renounce the Cor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rupt Interests of the</hi> Flesh, <hi>the</hi> World, <hi>and the</hi> Devil, <hi>with Godly Sorrow for my sinful Regards thereunto; and Have THEE for MY GOD, so that for me to</hi> Know <hi>Thee,</hi> Serve <hi>Thee,</hi> Resemble <hi>Thee, Enjoy thy</hi> Good-will, <hi>and Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mote thy</hi> Honour, <hi>shall be my only Blessedness</hi>?</p>
<hi>Whether</hi> I <hi>am willing, that the Lord Jesus</hi> Christ, <hi>who is the God man, and the only</hi> Medi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ator <hi>between God and Man, should <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ustate me in thy</hi> Favour, <hi>by the vertue of his most Accep<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>table</hi> Obedience <hi>and</hi> Intercession; <hi>and that He should by His Gracious Influences Assist me, as one</hi> United <hi>unto Himself, to Glorifie my Ever
<pb n="72" facs="unknown:000654_0075_0FA99F3D786A7588"/>
Glorious God; and by His own Divine Methods both</hi> Instruct <hi>me in all my Duty, and</hi> Incline <hi>me to it all</hi>?</p>
<hi>And, whether</hi> I <hi>am willing to give back my whole self unto Thee in a way of</hi> Thankfulness <hi>to thee for all thy Benefits, and especially for those of my</hi> Redemption; <hi>Confessing my self under Everlasting Obligations to be for Thee and not for Another?</hi>
<hi>My SOUL Answers;</hi> Lord, I am willing! <hi>And it is thy</hi> Soveraign Grace <hi>that has made me so. May I now be kept by the Mighty Power of that Grace, through Faith unto Salvation!</hi>
<hi>Isa.</hi> 44.5.</bibl>
<p>One shall say, I am the Lords, and another shall Subscribe with the Hand unto the Lord.</p>
<hi>Ezek.</hi> 16.8.</bibl>
<p>I Entred into a Covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest Mine.</p>
<div type="sermon">
<pb n="73" facs="unknown:000654_0076_0FA99F3E32098648"/>
<head>GOOD COUNSEL In Answer to the GREAT QUESTION; What shall I do to be Saved?</head>
<hi>John VII.37.</hi>
<p>In the Last Day, that Great Day of the Feast<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> Jesus stood and cryed, saying, If any man Thirst, let him come unto me and Drink.</p>
<p>BEhold, the Gracious and Glorious <hi>Invi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tation</hi> of the Gospel here set before us: There are various and many <hi>Questions,</hi> about which the minds of men are most sollicitously agitated; but there is no <hi>Question</hi> of more Importance to be consi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dered by them, than that, <hi>What shall</hi> I <hi>do to be Saved</hi>? In Answer to that Inquiry, there is, <hi>The One Thing Needful,</hi> recommended unto us, in 1 Joh. 3.23. <hi>This is Gods Commandment, that we should Believe <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>n the Name of his Son Jesus Christ.</hi> Now to Encourage our Obedi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ence
<pb n="74" facs="unknown:000654_0077_0FA99F3EF4FDEEE8"/>
unto that <hi>Commandment</hi> of God, we have here a most compassionate <hi>Invitation</hi> of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself; where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>in, by, <hi>Coming to Him,</hi> He means nothing more nor less than, <hi>Believing on his Name.</hi> The <hi>Feast of Tabernacles</hi> held in <hi>September,</hi> with an Anniversary Observation among the ancient Jews, Typically Represented the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, probably at that very time of the Year, first came to <hi>Tabernacle in Flesh</hi> among us. Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the <hi>An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>titype</hi> of that Feast, we now find present at it; and inasmuch as the Day after the <hi>Seventh,</hi> darkly pointing at our Christian Sabbath, was the <hi>Last</hi> and <hi>Great</hi> Day of those Eight, wherein they Celebrated that <hi>Festivity,</hi> our Lord then made a most use<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful Sermon to a Thronged Auditory. Our Text informs us, <hi>First,</hi> What He <hi>Did.</hi> He <hi>Stood</hi>; that was that He might be <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> He <hi>Cry'd</hi>; that was that He might be <hi>Heard.</hi> And <hi>then,</hi> what He <hi>Said.</hi> That was, <hi>If any man Thirst, Let Him come to me, and Drink.</hi> It was an usual Rite, a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong the Jews at that Solemnity, to fetch Water from <hi>Siloam,</hi> and pour it out before the Lord, using the words of the Prophet, in Isa. 12.3. <hi>With Joy shall ye Draw Water out of the Wells of Salvation.</hi> Perhaps these Words of our Lord may be on Occasion
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thereof, and in Allusion thereto; and it may be as if our Lord had said, <hi>Would you know where the true Wells of Salvation are? 'Tis in me, that they are to be met withal: you must come to me for them.</hi> The Blessings which our Lord Jesus Christ has to bestow upon us, are here compared unto <hi>Water</hi>: and in his Inviting us there<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>unto, he seems to have some Eye unto the Form of Speaking, used by the Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phet of old, in <hi>Isa.</hi> 55.1. <hi>Ho every one that Thirsteth, come ye unto the Waters.</hi> But there is a most weighty <hi>Case</hi> which hence ari<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ses to be considered; and that is,</p>
<p>¶ After what manner ought we to enter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain the Invitations which the Lord Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sus Christ in the Gospel gives us to come unto Him?</p>
<p>I would now pray my Hearers, to <hi>Set their Hearts,</hi> unto the Things which I am going to speak; they are not <hi>Vain,</hi> or Light and Small Things; your <hi>Lives,</hi> yea, the <hi>Lives</hi> of your Never-Dying Souls, are as deeply concerned in these things, as in any that you were Ever Treated with.</p>
<p n="1">I. There is a <hi>Thirsty,</hi> that is, a Distrest Condition of Soul, whereinto the Children of Men are brought, before they will come
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unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We shall ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver Comply with the Invitations of the <hi>Gos<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pel</hi>; until our Hearts have by an Heart<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>breaking work of the Law upon them, first been prepared for it: now that work of the <hi>Law</hi> do's raise a Mighty, and a Scalding <hi>Thirst,</hi> in the Souls of them that feel it. When Our Lord was Dying for us, He Cry'd out, I <hi>Thirst</hi>! and that must be our Cry, when we are Coming to Our Lord for the Good Effects of His Death. Saies Our Lord, <hi>If any man Thirst, Let him Come un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to Me,</hi> not because any Praeparatory <hi>Thirst,</hi> may entitle us unto the use of a Saviour; but b<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>cause without such a <hi>Thirst,</hi> it is Ordi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>narily and Naturally impossible, that we should care for Our Saviour. All of us <hi>may</hi> come unto the Lord Jesus Christ; but we ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver <hi>shall,</hi> yea, we never <hi>can,</hi> come, till we have <hi>Thirsty</hi> Souls within us. The <hi>Waters of Life,</hi> will not be welcome to us, till we are like <hi>Sampson</hi> or <hi>Hagar,</hi> even Dying in <hi>Thirsty</hi> Anguishes. As the best <hi>Honey,</hi> so the best <hi>Water,</hi> is Loathed by the <hi>full Soul.</hi> Until we are <hi>Dry</hi> by the parchings of Guilt and Grief within us, we shall be <hi>Deaf</hi> to all the proposals of the Lord Jesus Christ. While men have not their Hearts Broken, Amazed, and Abased, by <hi>Convictions,</hi> from the <hi>Spirit</hi> of God becoming a <hi>Spirit of Bondage</hi> unto
<pb n="77" facs="unknown:000654_0080_0FA99F413345FA00"/>
them, our Lord says, as in <hi>Joh.</hi> 5.44. <hi>How can you Believe?</hi> When our Lord Invites us to <hi>Come</hi> unto Him, He supposes that the Wrath of God has given a dreadful Inflam<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mation unto our Souls; that we have seen the Eternal God Angry with us, and the E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verlasting <hi>Fire</hi> of His Indignation in the Fiery Vault below ready to fly up and break out upon us; that our Souls have been as it were set on a Light <hi>Fire,</hi> with hideous Apprehensions of the Sins which Ly upon us, and of the Wants and Woes which we are exposed unto. Except men are thus <hi>Awakened,</hi> they will for ever sleight all over<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tures about coming to the Lord Jesus Christ; they will say, <hi>There is no Beauty in him, for which he should be desired</hi>! Until we are thus disturbed in that <hi>Rest</hi> which we had in our corrupt estate under the first <hi>Adam,</hi> we shall never take one good step towards the Second. Well then,</p>
<p>'Tis requisite, <hi>First,</hi> that we become sensi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble of our <hi>Emptiness,</hi> as to our <hi>Happiness.</hi> We are to have an Exquisite and a Trou<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>blesome sense of this, that we are <hi>Ungodly and without Strength</hi>; that we are, <hi>Dead in trespasses and sins</hi>; that we are, <hi>Wretched and Poor, and Miserable, and Blind, and Naked.</hi> As he cryed out, in Rom. 7.17, <hi>In me there dwells no Good thing.</hi> So are we to complain, <hi>In me there is no Light</hi>!
<pb n="78" facs="unknown:000654_0081_0FA99F4243311BB0"/>
and, <hi>In me there is no Life</hi>! and, <hi>There is nothing in me but an<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Hell upon Earth</hi>! The Veins of our Souls<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> are to Suck and Pull and Prick within us, thro' the per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived Absence of all <hi>Spiritual Good</hi>; they are pungent and painful resentments, of our destitute circumstances, wherewith we should say, as in Psal. 119.81. <hi>Lord, my Soul fainteth for thy Salvation.</hi>
<p>'Tis requisite, <hi>Next,</hi> that we become Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>patient of our <hi>Misery</hi> by our <hi>Emptiness.</hi> We are to count that our being without the <hi>Know<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ledge,</hi> and without the <hi>Image,</hi> and without the <hi>Favour</hi> of God, <hi>is An intolerable thing.</hi> As the people could not bear it, when there happened unto them, that mischief, in Exod. 17.3. <hi>The People thirsted for water.</hi> So, when we think on the Calamities of our Souls, we should be able to say, <hi>Lord, I find my self not Able to Bear these Calami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties.</hi> We are to be <hi>Filled</hi> with Bitter and Grievous Anxieties, when we think how <hi>Empty</hi> we are, of all manner of Good; and we are with <hi>pierced Hearts,</hi> to make that Out<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cry in Act. 2.37. <hi>What shall we do?</hi>
<p>But then, <hi>Thirdly,</hi> 'Tis requisite that we become Desirous of a <hi>Remedy</hi> for our <hi>Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sery.</hi> And since 'tis the Lord Jesus Christ alone, who says unto us, <hi>In me is thy He<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>p,</hi> 'tis after our Lord Jesus Christ, that ou<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Souls are to cry, with Raging Agonies.
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The Christ-ward Inclinations of our Souls are to be those in Psal. 42.12. <hi>As the Hart panteth after the Water-brooks<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> so panteth my Soul after thee, O God. My Soul thirsteth for God, for the Living God.</hi> We must be willing to Attend any Thing, to Fore go any Thing, to <hi>Deny</hi> our selves of any thing, which in our Closure with the Lord Jesus Christ is called for. What the <hi>Martyr</hi> in the Flames cry'd out, <hi>None but Christ, None but Christ! That</hi> must the <hi>Enflamed</hi> Soul of the <hi>Sinner</hi> cry, tho' all the Pleasures, and all the Riches, and all the Honours of this World should be set before him; <hi>A Christ! A Christ! for an Un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>done Soul; or else I am Irrecoverably Undone!</hi> Never did the Drowning <hi>An<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ediluvians</hi> more wish for, <hi>An Ark</hi>! Never did a pursued Man-Slayer more wi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>h for, <hi>A Refuge City</hi>; Never did a poisoned Israelite more wish for, A <hi>Brazen Serpent</hi>; than we are to wish for the <hi>Sure Mercies</hi> of our Lord Jesus Christ. As <hi>David</hi> Longed, in 2 Sam. 23.15. <hi>Oh that one would give me to Drink of the Water of the Well of Bethlehem!</hi> So must we <hi>Long</hi> for all Union and a Fellowship, with that Messias, who was Born at <hi>Bethlehem</hi>; and say, <hi>O that I had a Christ, for the Satisfaction of a needy Soul.</hi>
<p>Until we have some such <hi>Preparations</hi> wrought in our Hearts, we shall certainly remain, <hi>Shut up in Unbelief</hi>; and our Lord
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Jesus Christ will say of us, <hi>as</hi> in <hi>Joh.</hi> 5.40. <hi>Ye will not come unto me, that ye may have Life!</hi>
<p n="2">II. In Coming to our Lord Jesus Christ, we must seek and ask for the <hi>Whole</hi> of that <hi>Salvation,</hi> which He has to bestow upon us. It is no sinful <hi>Selfishness</hi> for us, to propound our own <hi>Salvation,</hi> in our Coming unto the Lord Jesus Christ; nor should we be dis<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>couraged about the <hi>Sincerity</hi> of our Coming, because we therein acted for our own <hi>Sal<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vation.</hi> The <hi>Honour</hi> and <hi>Glory</hi> of God is en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wrap'd so in our <hi>Salvation,</hi> that we shall do amiss if we go to Separate them: I may say, <hi>What God has thus Joyned, Let no man put asunder!</hi> Yea, a man should not forbear Coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, altho' he can see nothing, but <hi>Self,</hi> stirring him thereunto; Let him come, tho' it be at first upon <hi>Meaner Ends; that</hi> will be the way for him to obtain an Impression of <hi>Nobler Ends</hi> upon him, when he shall come again. However, what is to be, <hi>The End of our Faith</hi>? 'tis to be, <hi>The Salvation of the Soul.</hi> Why then, Let us be sure therein to pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pound unto our selves, the Enjoyment of ALL that <hi>Salvation.</hi> As it was of old said, <hi>Is Christ Divided</hi>? so we must make no <hi>Di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vision</hi> of that <hi>Salvation,</hi> for which the Lord Jesus Christ is to be Sued unto. Even the <hi>Murderers</hi> of our Lord, were averse unto
<pb n="81" facs="unknown:000654_0084_0FA99F45AF1ED5F0"/>
<hi>Dividing</hi> of his <hi>Garments</hi>; and <hi>Believers</hi> on our Lord are as averse unto the <hi>Dividing</hi> of His <hi>Mercies,</hi> Well then, Let us ponder with our selves, what a <hi>Priest,</hi> what a <hi>Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phet,</hi> what a <hi>King,</hi> our Lord-Redeemer is, and let us beseech Him, to Be such an One, and to <hi>Do</hi> all that is to be done by such an One for our Souls.</p>
<p>Particularly, <hi>Atonement,</hi> is one of those things which we are to come unto the Lord Jesus for. We are to come unto Him, as He is represented in Psal. 110.4. <hi>Thou art a Priest for ever!</hi> He demands of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
<hi>Art thou willing that I should be a Priest for thy Soul</hi>! and we must heartily consent un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to his being so; therewithal, saying like the Psalmist, in Psal. 119. 122. <hi>O be surety for thy servant for good.</hi> We must come unto Him, as unto, <hi>The Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world</hi>: Come un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to Him, as unto <hi>Him, That Loves us, and washes us from our sins in His own Blood</hi>; Come unto Him, as unto that Jesus who having made <hi>Satisfaction</hi> for us on the Cross, here below, goes up, and goes on, to make <hi>Intercession</hi> for us, at the Right Hand of God<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> above. We must ask to enjoy such a JESUS in him! yea, and at the same time, we should be willing to pay the Dues of the <hi>High Priest</hi> unto him.</p>
<p>Again, <hi>Instruction</hi> is another of those things
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which we are to come unto the Lord Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sus for. We are to come unto Him, as He is exhibited in Acts 3.22. <hi>A Prophet shall the Lord Raise up unto you.</hi> He enquires of us, <hi>Art thou willing that I should be the Prophet of thy Soul</hi>! and we must sincere<g ref="char:EOLunhyphen"/>ly consent unto His being that; saying with the Psalmist, in Psal. 25.4. <hi>Shew me thy Ways, O Lord; Teach me thy Paths.</hi> We must come unto Him, for that <hi>Eye salve</hi> whereof He hath said, <hi>I counsel thee to buy it of me</hi>! Come unto Him, as of old that <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ind Son of <hi>Sorrow,</hi> crying, <hi>Lord! that I may recieve my sight!</hi> Come unto Him a<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> a Scholar unto a Tutor, that He may show us, <hi>The Path of Life.</hi> So are we to Resign ourselves unto the conduct of Our Lord, that by his unerring <hi>Scripture,</hi> and <hi>Spirit,</hi> He may lead us <hi>in the Paths of Righteousness.</hi>
<p>Once more, Tis for <hi>Government,</hi> and <hi>Protection,</hi> that our Lord Jesus Christ must be come unto. We are to come unto him, as he is described <hi>Psal.</hi> 2.6. <hi>The King upon the Holy hill of Zion.</hi> He puts that on us, <hi>Art thou willing that I should be a King unto thee?</hi> and we should immediately submit unto him, as the <hi>King,</hi> the <hi>Lord,</hi> the <hi>Law-giver,</hi> that is to <hi>save</hi> us; there withal spreading <hi>That,</hi> as the wish of our Souls before Him, in Psal. 119.5. <hi>O that
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my ways were directed to keep thy Statutes!</hi> We must come unto him, that He would <hi>Bless us, by Turning us every one from our Iniquities</hi>; Come unto Him, that he would <hi>Sanctify us throughout in Spirit and Soul and Body, and preserve us Blameless to his Hea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venly Kingdome:</hi> Come unto him, that we may be Ruled by the <hi>Scepter of his Righte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ousness</hi>; and made <hi>Conquerors and more than Conquerors, over our Spiritual Adversa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ries.</hi> And thus, we are to take an <hi>Oath of Fidelity</hi> unto our Lord, Vowing that we will <hi>Fight</hi> under his <hi>Banners,</hi> and Begging that he would make us <hi>Faithful to the Death.</hi>
<p n="3">
<hi>III.</hi> Coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, is a thing that calleth for the <hi>Whole Soul,</hi> and all proper motions of the Soul, to be engaged in it. As in Praising of God, it is the Rule, in <hi>Psal.</hi> 103.1. <hi>Bless the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me, Praise his Holy Name</hi>; so in coming to Christ, the same Rule is to be observed; <hi>It must be done with the whole Soul, and all that is within us.</hi> The mind, the will, the Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fections, and all the Powers of the Soul, are to be concerned in this <hi>Work of God.</hi> As now,</p>
<p>First, It is with a certain <hi>Perswasion</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we are to come unto him. When we come unto the Lord
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Jesus Christ, we must Firmly <hi>Believe</hi> all the Discoveries and Revelations, which God has given of him; and we should come to the Attainment of the Apostle, in 2. <hi>Tim</hi> 1 12. <hi>I know whom I have believed, and I am perswa<g ref="char:EOLunhyphen"/>ded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him.</hi> We are to be well perswaded of the Excellent Qualities i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> our Lord Jesus Christ, when we come <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>nto <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>im, and we are to be more than <hi>Al<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ost perswa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded,</hi> that <hi>In Him there does all Fulness dwell.</hi> There are especially four perswasions which we are to Entertain, about our Lord Jesus Christ: or else we shall be <hi>Lame</hi> in our Coming unto Him. One is, <hi>That He is Able to Save unto the uttermost, all that Come unto God, by Him.</hi> A Second is, <hi>That there is none other Name under Heaven, given a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong men, whereby we must be Saved.</hi> A Third is, <hi>That whosoever comes unto Him, He will in no wise Cast him out.</hi> A Fourth is, <hi>That he who Believeth, shall be Saved.</hi> All of these, must be Look'd upon as most <hi>Faithful Sayings</hi>; and we must be ready to venture all the Interests of our Immortal Souls upon them.</p>
<p>Secondly, It is with a fervent <hi>Petition</hi> to the Lord Jesus Christ, that we are to Come unto Him. The posture wherein we should come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, is upon our <hi>Knees:</hi> and we should present
<pb n="85" facs="unknown:000654_0088_0FA99F48ABC95DA8"/>
our prayers before him, as did the leper, in <hi>Marc.</hi> 1.40. <hi>He came to him, Beseeching Him, and kneeling down to him.</hi> Tis in the Qua<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lity of <hi>Petitioners</hi>; yea, and of <hi>Poor</hi> ones too, that we are to <hi>sue</hi> unto our Lord Jesus Christ, when we come unto him. As a <hi>Beggar</hi> Petitions for an <hi>Alms,</hi> or, as a <hi>Pri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>soner</hi> for his <hi>Life,</hi> so are we to Importune of our Lord Jesus Christ; that He would be concerned for our good. The Petiti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons with which the miserable besought the healing miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the days of His flesh, are to be imitated in the Requests which we should make unto Him for our Souls. We are to intreat of Him, <hi>Lord, I am so Blind, that I cannot see the things of my Peace; Help this Blindness</hi>! We are to Entreat of Him, <hi>Lord, I am so Lame, that I cannot Run the Way of thy Commandments; Help this Lameness</hi>! We are to intreat, <hi>Lord, I have a Soul grie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vously vexed with the Divel; O cast this evil Spirit out.</hi> Yea, we are to entreat, <hi>Lord, I am Dead in Trespasses and sins; O thou that canst Raise the Dead, Make my Soul to Live</hi>! This is fitt Language to visit a Jesus</p>
<p>Thirdly, We must come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, with a Lively <hi>Dependence</hi> on him. When we come unto our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to Rely upon him for the Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>munication of all that <hi>Blessedness,</hi> whereof
<pb n="86" facs="unknown:000654_0089_0FA99F4A30204830"/>
He has encouraged our expectation. When we have commited all our Soul-concerns in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> we are to make a conclusion like <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap>. 25.2. <hi>O my God, I trust in thee, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> be Ashamed.</hi> We must with a <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> and <hi>Chearfulness</hi> of Soul, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> upon the Lord Jesus Christ, that <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> certainly do for us, all the Thing <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> in the <hi>Word, whereon He has <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> to Hope.</hi> Having first Confessed, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> Lord <hi>can,</hi> and then Implored, <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
<hi>would,</hi> be our Sufficient Redee<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> should then Comfort our selves <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 span">
</gap> that He <hi>will</hi> be so. We should now with a sweet Acquiescence of Soul, wait upon him, for <hi>Grace,</hi> for <hi>Glory,</hi> for <hi>every Good Thing.</hi> There is a certain <hi>Rest</hi> of Soul to be Endeavoured, as well as to be Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pounded, in our Coming to the Lord Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sus Christ: the last <hi>Step</hi> of our <hi>Coming</hi> to Him, is accompanied with a <hi>Leaning</hi> on Him; and a saying, <hi>Why art thou disquieted within me, O my Soul! Hope in the Almigh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty and the Compassionate Jesus; for He will bring thee unto the Praises of God for ever.</hi> Like the ancient Psalmist, having first with bitter strivings pleaded before the Lord Jesus Christ, <hi>O Lord, I beseech thee to deliver my Soul</hi>! then conclude, <hi>Return to thy Rest, O my Soul, for the Lord will deal bountifully with thee.</hi>
<p n="4">
<pb n="87" facs="unknown:000654_0090_0FA99F4AEEAC41E8"/>IV. Being thoroughly Apprehensive, that we have no <hi>strength</hi> to <hi>come</hi> unto the Lord Jesus Christ, we should first <hi>Cry</hi> for that Strength, and then <hi>Try</hi> whether we cannot come. As for us, we <hi>cannot</hi> come unto the Lord Jesus Christ; altho' our Precious and Immortal Souls do justly lie at the Stake, if we <hi>Do not come.</hi> And we never shall <hi>Come</hi> unto the Lord Jesus Christ aright, until we do with much anguish of Soul, see that we cannot <hi>come</hi> or <hi>stir</hi> towards Him. Nothing renders men more Incapable of a due <hi>Coming</hi> to the Lord Jesus Christ, than a vain and a proud <hi>Opinion</hi> of a <hi>Free will</hi> in themselves, of it self able to Do this <hi>Good Work</hi>; Or than forgetting, <hi>That in all Salvation-work, it is God who works in us, both to Will and to Do, of His own good pleasure.</hi> 'Tis very unlikely, That God should give us the <hi>Faith</hi> to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, unless we sub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>scribe to that, in <hi>Eph.</hi> 2.8. <hi>Faith is not of your selves, 'tis the Gift of God.</hi> It is not likely that God should bestow upon us the <hi>Power</hi> to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, without making us to own that in <hi>Eph.</hi> 1.19. <hi>We Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lieve, according to the working of His mighty Power.</hi> It was hardly a stranger thing to see <hi>Peter</hi> walking on the Sea,, than to see a Sinner coming to the Lord Jesus Christ. O be sensible of this accursed <hi>Impotency</hi>! but at the same time see, that without the <hi>Grace</hi> of
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God we cannot so much as arrive to be thus far sensible. And yet there are two<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> Things from which we should not be here<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>by discouraged.</p>
<p>First, We are to <hi>Cry</hi> that God would help us to come. When we are advised of such a thing as that in <hi>John.</hi> 6.44. <hi>No man can come unto me, Except the Father which hath sent me, Draw Him</hi>: It becomes us then humbly and warmly, to make that moan unto him, in <hi>Cant.</hi> 5.4. <hi>O Draw me</hi>! We cannot <hi>come</hi> to the Lord Jesus Christ, until we <hi>Turn</hi>; but how should we do <hi>That</hi>? That we may <hi>Turn,</hi> the way is to <hi>Cry</hi>; make that <hi>Cry,</hi> in Jer. <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>1.18. <hi>Turn thou me, and I shall be Turned.</hi> O Ly before the Lord, and mourn before him, saying, <hi>Lord, I perish, and it is Just I should perish, if I do not come unto thee; but yet I cannot come; a Stone may as soon fly to Heaven, and become a Star in Heaven, as I of my self come to my Hea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venly Lord; O do thou then Help me to come, and so Grace, Grace, will have all the Glory.</hi>
<p>Secondly; Now <hi>Try</hi> whether God will not help us to come Attempt, I say; See, as the well-disposed man, at length got so far as in Marc. 9.27. <hi>To say with Tears, Lord, I Believe, Help mine Unbelief!</hi> So, see whether you cannot say, <hi>Lord, now at Last I come! Lord, now at Last, I can trust my
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Soul in thy Hands, for thee to make me Happy for ever.</hi> We find, that the man with a <hi>Withered Hand</hi> in Math. 12.13. when he <hi>Try'd,</hi> could <hi>Stretch</hi> it out; Even so, Let us <hi>Try,</hi> whether the <hi>Withered Foot</hi> of our Souls be not Cured by the <hi>Soveraign Grace</hi> of God; and whether we cannot come to what we never could of our selves come unto.</p>
<p n="5">V. They that will come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, must Answer and Conquer all the <hi>Objections</hi> of unbeleef, against coming to the Lord. You may be sure that when our Faces are once Christ-ward, many <hi>Obsta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cles</hi> will be cast before us, by <hi>An evil heart of unbeleef.</hi> But as the ways to the <hi>City of Refuge,</hi> were Exactly and carefully cleared, among the <hi>Israelites</hi> of old, so must we do what we can to clear out of the way those things that might hinder us, in <hi>Flying for Refuge to the Hope set before us.</hi> As now,</p>
<p>Tis one objection of unbeleef, <hi>Thy sins are so Extraordinarily Circumstanced, that if thou shouldest come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, it is Impossible thou shouldest be welcome unto that Holy Lord.</hi> Let our Answer to this objection, be, <hi>that</hi> in 1. <hi>Tim.</hi> 1.15. <hi>Jesus Christ came into the world to Save sinners, of whom I am Chief.</hi> 'Tis for <hi>Sinners,</hi> that our Lord is become a <hi>Saviour; They</hi> are the <hi>Si<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>k Ones,</hi> whom He is a <hi>Physician</hi> for<g ref="char:punc">▪</g>
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and the worse, the deeper, the older their <hi>Sickness</hi> is, the more will be His <hi>Glory</hi> in the Saving of them. Tho' we are <hi>Great Sinners,</hi> yet we may plead it with Him, that He is, <hi>A Great Saviour.</hi> 'Tis true, we have been <hi>Ready to sin</hi>; but it is said of God in Jesus Christ, <hi>Thou art Ready to Pardon.</hi> 'Tis true, we have <hi>sinned abundant<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly</hi>; but it is said of our Lord, <hi>He will a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bundantly pardon.</hi> It was of old thrown upon Him as his Disgrace, <hi>He Receiveth Sinners</hi>; but it is his Honour, His Renown. His <hi>Blood,</hi> is, <hi>A Fountain set open for sin and for uncleanness</hi>; the most polluted Crea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture among us all, may have Recourse to that <hi>Open Fountain.</hi> And, as long as we are not come to be such Apostates, Blas<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phemers, and Persecutors, as to Hate the <hi>Blood</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ, we may be sure that we are not fallen into the <hi>Unpardonable sin.</hi> Yea, if we are but <hi>Afraid</hi> of that Sin, 'tis a sign that we are not <hi>Fallen</hi> into it. He has already Received, not only to His <hi>Mercy,</hi> but also to His <hi>Kingdom,</hi> such as have been Guilty of the very same Sins, that now astonish our Consciences: He has Received a <hi>Menasseh</hi>; He has Received a <hi>Mary Magdalene.</hi> Is it the Sin of <hi>Uncleanness,</hi> that affrights us? Remember, By <hi>Faith</hi> Rahab <hi>the Harlot pe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rished not.</hi> Is it the Sin of <hi>Thievery,</hi> that
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affrights us; Remember, The <hi>Thief on the Cross.</hi> Yea, Murder, and the <hi>Murder</hi> of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, did not put some out of Reach to the <hi>Mercy</hi> of that Blessed Lord.</p>
<p>Tis Another objection of unbeleef, <hi>Thou art not so prepared for the Lord Jesus Christ, as that thou mayest without presumption dare to come unto him.</hi>
<p>To this objection let us give <hi>that</hi> An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>swer, in <hi>Rev.</hi> 22.17. <hi>Lest him that is athirst, come, & whosoever will, Let him take the water of Life Freely.</hi> What is the true <hi>End</hi> of all those <hi>Preparations</hi> that are undergone by the Elect of God, in their coming unto the Lord Jesus Christ? they are that we may be made <hi>willing</hi> to come. So then, if we do but find our selves <hi>willing</hi> to have the Lord Jesus Christ, we need not scruple our liberty to come unto him. Are we so affected with our <hi>Ignorance,</hi> as to be willing that the Lord Jesus Christ should be our <hi>Wisdom</hi>? Are we so concerned about our <hi>Guiltiness,</hi> as that we are willing to have <hi>Righteousness</hi> by our Lord Jesus Christ? Are we so troubled for our <hi>Pollutions,</hi> as to be willing that the Lord Jesus Christ, should be our <hi>Sanctification? Is</hi> our <hi>Captivity</hi> so Irksome to us, that we are willing to have <hi>Redemption</hi> by the Lord Jesus Christ? Then <hi>Come,</hi> in Gods Name; say not, <hi>Shall I?
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May</hi> I? but, <hi>Come,</hi> without any further Hesitation. We must not imagine to come unto our Lord Jesus Christ, with any Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>commendation but that of our being <hi>wretch<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed and miserable, and poor and blind and Naked.</hi> It is not under the Notion of <hi>prepared,</hi> but under the Notion of <hi>perishing</hi> Sinners, that we are to come unto Him. We would fain come unto Him <hi>with,</hi> such and such good Frames in our Souls; but we are to come unto Him <hi>for,</hi> what we cannot come unto Him <hi>with.</hi> Never stand pausing, whether you have under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gone such Degrees of <hi>Compunction</hi> and <hi>Contrition</hi>; beware lest you make a <hi>Christ</hi> of those things; but if you <hi>can</hi> come, <hi>Do</hi>; or however <hi>Do</hi> what you <hi>can</hi> to come. Do not say, <hi>Lord, Depart from me, for I am sinful man</hi>; but say, <hi>Lord, because</hi> I <hi>am a sinful man, therefore</hi> I <hi>will come unto thee.</hi> Or argue at such a rate as the Lepers did, <hi>Be sure, if</hi> I <hi>sit still,</hi> I <hi>dy</hi>; I <hi>may go forth and live: If</hi> I <hi>stay from the Lord Jesus Christ,</hi> I <hi>am ruined unavoidably; but</hi> I <hi>may come to Him, and have a good reception with Him: so this I'll do</hi>!</p>
<p n="6">VI. Because we have hearts most unac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>countably <hi>Lothe</hi> to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, we should lay before our selves all sit <hi>Incentives,</hi> to Provoke us, and Excite us thereunto. Tis <hi>Prodigious</hi>; but yet it is <hi>Notorious</hi>; There is nothing in the world
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whereto we are more Indisposed, than unto Believing unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Alas<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> How often do we put our Lord, upon making that Lamentation over us, in Mat. 23.37. <hi>Ye would not!</hi> But it becomes us therefore to stir and spur up our own Souls, with very pene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trating Thoughts upon this matter, till hav<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing no other way to betake our selves but un<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap> the Lord Jesus Christ, we are <hi>Shut up unto the Faith.</hi> May we then Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tire, and ponder upon this <hi>Path of Life</hi>! There,</p>
<p>Let our first Consideration be This: <hi>Who is it, that Invites thee, O my Soul, yea, who is it, that Requires thee to come unto Him!</hi> It is no Less an One than the <hi>King</hi> of Heaven, the <hi>Lord</hi> of Glory, and the <hi>Son</hi> of God. O Heart of Adamant, that can Refuse the Favours of such an Illustrious <hi>Monarch</hi>! 'Tis a greater than the Empe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ror of the World, that H<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>lds out His <hi>Golden Scepter</hi> unto us; and says, <hi>Come, Sinners, you may Come and Live!</hi> 'Tis He that is, <hi>Mighty to Save,</hi> who bids us to Draw near unto Him, that we may be <hi>Saved</hi> by Him; 'Tis He that is the <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>s<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>re of all Nations,</hi> who <hi>Desires</hi> us, that we would but be willing to be Saved. This Great Person, whom all the Angels in Heaven Worship, 'tis <hi>He</hi> that has called for our coming unto Him; and He has
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not only <hi>Invited,</hi> but also <hi>Required</hi> our doing so. If it be demanded of you, <hi>How dare you come unto the Lord Jesus Christ?</hi> You may with all Humility Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ply, <hi>Because I dare do no other?</hi> The <hi>Winds,</hi> the <hi>Seas,</hi> the very <hi>Devils,</hi> were Obedient unto our Humbled Jesus: and how dare we be Disobedient unto our Exalted <hi>Prince</hi> and <hi>Saviour,</hi> when He comman<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>, <hi>Come unto me, that you may have Repentance and Remission of Sins!</hi>
<p>Let our next Consideration be, <hi>Shall</hi> I <hi>be a Looser by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ? No, shall I not.</hi> The Wise Man said, <hi>Of Labour there is Profit</hi>; but there is no <hi>Profit</hi> like that of this <hi>Labour.</hi> Let us come to our Lord; we shall find no mistake in that of the Psalmist, <hi>It is good for me to Draw near unto God</hi>! This Co<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ming to the Lord Jesus Christ, is the most considerable Thing in that, <hi>Godliness which is profitable to all things.</hi> Come to the Lord Jesus Christ, and immediately, the God of Heaven will say to you, <hi>Be of Good Chear, thy sins are forgiven thee</hi>! Immediately the same God of Heaven, will say, <hi>This is a Dear Son, this is a plea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>sant Child, I will surely have mercy on him</hi>! You will immediately be Entituled unto all the <hi>Great and Precious Promises</hi> of God; whatever has been purchased by the In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>valuable
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Blood of the precious Jesus, you may now write upon it, <hi>It is all mine</hi>; the God of Heaven will show you all the Good Things of Heaven it self, and say unto you, as once unto <hi>Abraham, All of these things will</hi> I <hi>give unto thee</hi>! Ah, Rock indeed, that such a Motive will not break!</p>
<p>Let our Third Consideration be, <hi>What will become of me, if</hi> I <hi>do not come unto the Lord Jesus Christ</hi>! Or, <hi>How shall</hi> I <hi>Es<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cape, if</hi> I <hi>neglect so great Salvation</hi>? It is most Evident, That as there is more Glo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry given to God, by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, than in keeping all the <hi>Law</hi>; for God more Eminently manifested His Glory in the way of our being Saved by Jesus Christ, than in Giving of the <hi>Law</hi>; so, our Denying to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, is the most horrid Act of Enmity and Rebellion against the Glorious God. Men must sin in some Instance a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove the <hi>Devil,</hi> or else God would not Eternally punish them with the <hi>Devil</hi>; now this is done in Refusing to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ: And assuredly, and accordingly will it be Avenged! What is, <hi>A portion with Unbl<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>evers,</hi> but the most fi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ery, hideous <hi>Portion,</hi> in the Dismal Vault below? O <hi>come</hi> now unto the Lord Jesus Christ, or else look to hear Him say, <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>part,</hi>
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in the dreadful Day of God, with a voice more terrible than the most ast<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ish<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing Thunder? <hi>Come</hi> to Him, or else Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>solve to <hi>Ly</hi> for ever under that Formi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble <hi>wrath to come,</hi> from whence he would have <hi>delivered</hi> us: Resolve to we<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>r under the Fierce <hi>wrath of God abiding on us</hi>; World without End.</p>
<p>Finally, Let this one thing more be consi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dered with us. <hi>I have now a Time to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ; and I know not how long this time will be continued.</hi> Or, <hi>Behold now is my acceptable time, Behold now is my day of Salvation!</hi> Suppose we ourselves to be urged from Heaven as was <hi>Paul</hi> of old, <hi>Arise, why tarriest thou</hi>! As yet it is not altogether <hi>Too late</hi>; Blessed be God, for His long-suf<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fering; as yet we may come; it may yet be <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>, <hi>The Master calleth thee</hi>! But it will quickly, shortly, presently be <hi>too late.</hi> Eter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ni<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>y is just going to fasten its Iron Teeth upon our Soul<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>. Defer no more, Dally no more, Procras<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>inate no Longer. A <hi>Dilatory</hi> Dispo<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ition of Soul, is the most <hi>Dangerous</hi> that can befall us. Dream not of, <hi>A more convenient Season,</hi> for there is no <hi>Season</hi> so <hi>con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>v<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="3 letters">
</gap>ent</hi> as just <hi>now.</hi> Bring this then to the <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 word">
</gap>; <hi>I must save my self to Night, or to Mor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>row I may be slain</hi>! What said the Lord by the Apostle? <hi>To day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.</hi> Pray, take notice,
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we have <hi>This Day,</hi> the kind Messages of our Lord Jesus Christ, bespeaking and alluring of us, <hi>this day,</hi> to come unto him. Do it <hi>this day</hi>; it may be that some of us may never have another.</p>