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TMB-Icons: Icons for TMB-Barcelona



Original icons taken from from Wikimedia Commons in SVG format. Original URLs available at sources.txt. Some icons have been edited for homogeinity. Base size is 64x64 px.

The <svg> tag needs to include the following attributes:

  • viewBox, generally equalling "0 0 64 64"
  • width, generally equalling "64"
  • height, generally equalling "64"

Generate PNG icons

Using original size (as declared in SVG's width/height attributes):

npm run svg2png

Rescaling to a specific image height in pixels, for instance for 70 pix height:

npm run svg2png -- 70

Generate sprites for mapbox-gl styles

npm run mapbox

Generate React components and pack as module

npm run build-react

Generate index.html for gh-pages

npm run build-static

Publish on github pages

npm run gh-pages

How to release

To make a new version of library, we need to do it from master branch. For example, to do a v0.0.2 version:

npm version 0.0.2
npm run release
npm run gh-pages
npm run upload-to-s3

This will do:

  1. Update version on package.json
  2. Updates
  3. Git commit and tag with v0.0.2
  4. Push commit and tag to git
  5. Make a tmb-react-components.v0.0.1.tgz with transpiled code
  6. Make a github release v0.0.1 and upload tgz file and mapbox sprites as asset

After that, we have a new release on github.