Compartelo is a Spanish word which means "Share it". It is a web-based, resource-sharing platform accessible only to the students of my university (PUCIT). The students of PUCIT can Upload and download books, slides, and notes by simply creating an account using their Official email IDs.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Java Servlets
To run this website locally, you need to have Apache & MYSQL server as a localhost installed on your system
Copy and paste the downloaded directory to webApps directory inside Apache folder.
Start MySQL services and run Apache.
Otherwise, Import this project in Intellij IDEA.
Go to Signup Page and after signing up, Login using those credentials
Now, you are good to go and explore the features and enjoy Learning!
If you want to contribute to this project and make it better with new ideas, your pull request is very welcomed. If you find any issue just put it in the repository issue section, Thank you.